Sauerkraut for the winter in jars. Sauerkraut - classic recipes for instant sauerkraut for the winter in a jar

Sauerkraut is one of the most useful and delicious preparations for the winter. It is a complete source of vitamins and minerals. It can be eaten on its own, added to soups, used as a filling for pies. Several recipes have been developed on how to ferment cabbage so that it is crispy. It is enough to choose the method that suits you and strictly adhere to it.

To deliciously ferment cabbage, you need to take into account many aspects. Even the quality of salt can sometimes affect the result. When preparing, follow these guidelines:

Adhering to such simple rules how to ferment cabbage correctly, you will be able to get an excellent snack. It will decorate not only everyday, but also a festive table.

Classic recipe

The most common way to ferment cabbage so that it is crispy is to use the classic recipe. You will need a minimum set of components:

  • head of cabbage weighing 4 kg;
  • five pieces of carrots;
  • salt and sugar 4 tablespoons each.

The whole cooking process can be divided into several stages:

You can store cabbage for storage after the end of the fermentation process. Close the jar with a plastic lid and place in a cool place. This cabbage sourdough recipe takes about 4-5 days to make.

Recipe with garlic

One of the ways to make sauerkraut tasty is a recipe with the addition of garlic. The finished snack acquires an original taste and aroma. You will need the following components:

  • cabbage forks weighing about three kilograms;
  • three - four carrots;
  • half a liter of pure water;
  • 100 ml vegetable oil;
  • 100 ml of vinegar;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • a couple of laurel leaves;
  • one and a half tablespoons of coarse salt;
  • 4 spoons of sugar.

The method of fermenting cabbage so that it is crispy is extremely simple. The whole process consists of the following steps:

Such an appetizer can be served at the table a few hours after preparation. This recipe is rightfully considered the best way how to quickly ferment cabbage.

Cabbage in honey brine

To prepare a delicious savory snack, a cabbage sourdough recipe in a jar with honey is suitable. You will need very few ingredients:

  • cabbage forks weighing three kilograms;
  • one large carrot;
  • a tablespoon of salt;
  • 700 ml of water;
  • a tablespoon of honey.

The cooking process takes place in several key stages:

Such an appetizer should ferment during the day. After that, it can be stored in a cool place.

spicy cabbage

If you love spicy savory snacks, then this recipe is just what you need. Cabbage turns out unusually crispy and juicy. For cooking, you need a minimum of ingredients:

  • a pair of cabbage forks weighing no more than 2 kg each;
  • two capsicums;
  • kilogram of carrots;
  • 4 liters of water;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • half a glass of salt.

The cooking process is simple. It consists of the following steps:

Choose the way that suits you best, how to ferment cabbage deliciously and you can surprise your guests with an interesting snack. She will be in demand at any feast.

Video recipe for fermenting cabbage in old Russian

Crispy sauerkraut for the winter in jars in brine is a popular tasty snack loved by many. Crispy and juicy cabbage with fragrant vegetable oil and green onion rings - what could be tastier? I like to add it to vinaigrette, cook cabbage soup, hodgepodge with it, use it as a filling for closed pies, dumplings, and pies.

Therefore, I always have very tasty sauerkraut in jars in the refrigerator for the winter. This is our family recipe, according to which my grandmother used to pickle cabbage. Sauerkraut for the winter is so perfect that I don’t even try other recipes.

Sauerkraut recipe: for a 3 liter jar


  • 3 kg white cabbage
  • 1 carrot


  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt
  • 1 st. l. Sahara
  • 5 allspice peas

How to ferment cabbage for the winter in jars:

Remove the top contaminated and damaged leaves from white cabbage. Cut it into pieces, cut out the stalk. Thinly chop the cabbage with a knife or a special shredder.

Wash the carrots, peel the peel with a vegetable peeler. Grind the carrots on a coarse grater.

Mix chopped cabbage with carrots.

We carefully remember the vegetables with our hands so that they start up the juice. So sauerkraut recipe for a 3 liter jar will turn out juicy and crispy.

Now put the cabbage in a dry jar, tamping it tightly. I use liter jars to make them more convenient to store on the shelf of the refrigerator, the recipe is for 1 three-liter jar.

Let's prepare the brine. Mix in a deep bowl cold water, salt, sugar and black sweet peas. Mix thoroughly to dissolve dry ingredients.

Pour the resulting mixture of cabbage in a jar to the top.

As you can see, sauerkraut in brine for the winter in jars does not take much time, especially if you use a shredder to chop vegetables.

Then we cover the jar with a nylon lid, put it in a deep plate or bowl so that the brine does not spill out.

Place the jar of cabbage in a dark, cool place. It can be a cellar or a shelf in a closet. Every 12 hours we will stir the cabbage with a wooden spatula or spoon, reaching the bottom with it, so that the air comes out. If necessary, we will add brine to the jar so that the vegetables are completely covered with it.

After 3-4 days, crispy sauerkraut for the winter in jars will be ready. Cover it with a lid and store it in the refrigerator.

Sauerkraut is an amazing product. With a minimum calorie content (only 19 kcal), 100 grams contain half daily allowance ascorbic acid, a large number of other vitamins and minerals necessary for a person. Regular inclusion of it in the diet improves digestion, optimizes metabolism, and also helps to get rid of excess weight and activates the body's defenses. Properly cooked sauerkraut has a pleasant sour taste. This is an excellent base for salads, an excellent side dish for meat dishes (according to nutritionists, the product facilitates protein digestion).

Sauerkraut - with a minimum calorie content - in 100 grams contains half the daily norm of ascorbic acid and others necessary for a person minerals

Sauerkraut is often called salty, but this is wrong. Fermentation is fundamentally different from simply saturating the product with salt. In this case, the crushed leaves undergo natural fermentation, which is provided by lactic acid fermentation, provoked by microorganisms. Our distant ancestors knew how to make sauerkraut for the winter long before salt became a commonly available cheap seasoning. The product that they put in storage was not without reason called “sour cabbage”: when fermented without salt, nothing restrained the vital activity of lactic acid bacteria, and by spring the uneaten remains of the workpiece were quite thoroughly peroxidized. Modern housewives prefer to sauerkraut with no large quantity salt. This helps the raw material to quickly release the required amount of juice and significantly improves taste qualities finished product.

Our article is addressed to those who want to learn how to make sauerkraut at home.

Sauerkraut is often called salty, but this is wrong. Fermentation is fundamentally different from simply saturating the product with salt.

Preparing vegetables

Preparation of cabbage for sauerkraut consists in the fact that the heads of cabbage are washed, cleaned of the upper green leaves, existing defects are removed, and then cut into thin strips using sharp knife or a special tool (shredder, vegetable cutter, food processor, etc.). Some housewives grind only a part of each head, and cut the rest of the raw materials into large pieces and even take them apart into separate leaves. In their opinion, with joint fermentation, each type of cut does its “work”: a small shredder releases juice, and more solid pieces slow down the fermentation process a little. The cabbage is crispy and keeps well.

As a rule, cabbage is fermented with the addition of carrots, grated on a coarse grater. Sometimes other vegetables, fruits or berries are supposed to be included

As a rule, cabbage is fermented with the addition of carrots, grated on a coarse grater. Other vegetables or fruits are sometimes intended to be included; they also need to be washed, cleaned and cut. In addition, you need to prepare spices and herbs (if they are in the recipe) and coarse salt that does not contain iodine additives.

Fermentation is the fermentation of vegetable raw materials as a result of the fermentation of the natural sugars contained in it. In this case, lactic acid is released, which gives the finished product a characteristic taste and subsequently acts as a preservative. The process must take place without access to air, so it is necessary to ensure that during fermentation the raw materials are under a layer of liquid. It is this moment that determines the main differences between the two main approaches to fermentation.

For sauerkraut, use coarse salt without iodine

Methods for fermenting cabbage

Sauerkraut "the old fashioned way"

This means that the fermentation of cabbage will occur in pure vegetable juice. Chopped vegetables are simply ground with a small amount of salt (no more than 25 g per 1 kg of cabbage), and placed in a suitable (glass, enamel or wooden) container, tamping well. It is believed that cabbage fermented in oak barrel or a tub, it turns out to be of the highest quality due to the transition to the brine of a certain amount of tannins that the wood releases. However, this pleasure is not available to everyone. In most cases, housewives use an enameled bucket or pan. The contents of the container are covered with a clean cloth and pressed with oppression.

If the cabbage is prepared and stacked correctly, it quickly begins to secrete juice, which completely covers the raw material within a few hours. The container is kept at room temperature until active fermentation stops, which usually takes 3 to 5 days. Every day, the oppression is removed and the cabbage mass is pierced to the bottom with a wooden stick to release the gases formed during fermentation. The attenuation of the process can be judged by a decrease in the amount of foam that will collect on the surface of the juice, and by a change in the color of the juice (ideally, it should become transparent).

At this point, it is time to transfer the cabbage to glass jars that need to be put in the refrigerator. The product is not yet considered ready. The fermentation process will continue with less intensity for another two to three weeks. Therefore, jars are usually filled tightly, but not to the top, and make sure that the contents are constantly covered with liquid.

Fermentation in a "fast" way

Mistresses who prefer to ferment cabbage in a “historical” way sometimes manage to achieve very impressive results. A separate "bonus" can be considered the receipt of natural brine, which, having reached readiness, acquires exceptional taste and is so saturated with biologically active substances that, according to doctors, it can be used as an additional therapeutic agent in the treatment of a number of diseases. The disadvantage of the method is considered to be a rather long preparation.

Therefore, many people try to ferment cabbage in a “quick” way: prepared vegetables are placed in a container, poured with brine (hot or cold) and left under oppression. Fermentation also occurs, but in a very small volume, without active gas evolution and foam formation. The fact is that in this case, the liquid covering the raw materials contains quite a lot of salt, which inhibits the vital activity of lactic acid bacteria. The product is considered ready in 3-5 days; it can be transferred to jars along with the brine. Cabbage prepared in this way has a less sour but more salty taste. It can be stored longer, and it is easier to prepare it.

Sauerkraut in jars

You can also ferment cabbage in jars. Many housewives prefer this option, as the most easy. The problem in this case is to set the oppression during fermentation, but it is solved quite simply: it is enough to knead the chopped vegetables with salt a little more so that they immediately release more juice, and pack them very tightly in the container so that the load is not needed at all. Banks are placed on a pallet and left at room temperature until the end of active fermentation, and then put in the refrigerator.

Many housewives prefer to sour cabbage in jars, considering this option the easiest

Classic variant

For each kilogram of cabbage, take two medium carrots, one bay leaf, 5 black peppercorns, 20 g of coarse salt and half a tablespoon of sugar (can be replaced with a tablespoon of honey). Sauerkraut (without brine).

Cabbage with fruit

In this case, the previous recipe is supplemented with sour apples (4 pieces per kilogram of cabbage), plums (8-10 pieces), lingonberries or cranberries (2-3 handfuls). Large apples are peeled and cut into slices, small ones are left whole. Bones must be removed from plums. A mixture of cabbage and carrots, crushed with salt and sugar, is laid out in a container in layers, interspersed with fruits. Kvass on . finished product has a milder taste and appetizing aroma.

Cabbage "quick" sauerkraut with beets

Take 100 g of beets, 10 g of horseradish root and 3-4 cloves of garlic per kilogram of cabbage. Horseradish is chopped on a coarse grater, beets are cut into small cubes, garlic is passed through a press. Everything is mixed with cabbage, cut into large pieces. Vegetables are poured with boiling brine (for 500 ml of water: 40 g of salt, 25 g of sugar, one bay leaf, 3-4 peppercorns and a clove bud) and put under oppression for two days. Kvasyat.

"Sharp" variant

Per kilogram of cabbage: one small carrot and beetroot, 3-4 cloves of garlic, half a pod of hot pepper, one root of celery and parsley and a small bunch of cilantro. Remove the top sheets from each fork. Cabbage is divided into large pieces (small heads are simply cut into 4 parts, removing the stalk). Beets, carrots and garlic are cut across into thin slices, roots - into several strips along, pepper - into small pieces (seeds must be removed). The cilantro is chopped. Boil 1 liter of water with the addition of 50-55 g of salt, bay leaf, a few peppercorns and a piece of cinnamon. Whole cabbage leaves are placed at the bottom of the container, and then chopped cabbage mixed with other vegetables and herbs. The mixture is poured with cooled brine, covered with the rest of the leaves and left under oppression for 5 days at room temperature.

Sometimes cabbage is fermented with ripe tomatoes or sweet peppers, seasoned with cherry and currant leaves, dill and other herbs.

The most various modifications these recipes. You can ferment cabbage with apples or plums, including garlic or roots in the mixture. With "fast" fermentation, it is possible to add any spices and herbs to the brine. Sometimes cabbage is fermented with ripe or brown tomatoes or sweet peppers, seasoned with cherry and currant leaves, dill and other herbs. However, connoisseurs advise fermenting cabbage without getting too carried away with fragrant additives so that “exotic” aromas do not drown out the natural smell and taste of the product.

Tricks and Storage

For sauerkraut, winter varieties of cabbage are chosen, which have dense, smooth heads of white color.

At the preparatory stage, it is better to rub the mixture of vegetables with salt in a wide enameled bowl (for example, in a basin) and place in a container for fermentation in small portions, carefully tamping them. The containers should not be filled to the very top, so that the brine does not flow out during rapid fermentation.

The jars in which the finished product is packed must first be sterilized: this way the cabbage is better preserved.

Sauerkraut is used for cooking first and second courses, as well as a side dish, but it is best to use it in its “natural” form, with the addition of a small amount of good vegetable oil. It is not only tasty, but also healthy: this is how the body extracts the maximum amount of biologically active substances from the product.

Cabbage, fermented in the "traditional" way, in ancient times was intended to supply people with vitamins from the moment of preparation, which usually fell on October-November, until the onset of warm spring days and the appearance of the first wild greens. In ancient times, sauerkraut was kept in cold cellars or outdoors. This means that the product was stored all winter either in the cold or at a temperature just above 0 ℃, which, together with a large amount of lactic acid, protected it from mold fungi and other harmful microorganisms.

Many modern housewives have the opportunity to store the cooked product on the balcony or cold loggia. It is best to do this: put the cabbage in small containers (plastic containers and even plastic bags will do), and place them in one large container standing on the balcony. AT cold winter the blanks will freeze, but the containers can be brought into the heat one at a time, and each time the portion intended for immediate use can be defrosted. Those who do not have a balcony will have to store the blanks in the refrigerator. If you ferment cabbage in compliance with all technological standards and package it in sterilized glass jars, then under plastic lids it will remain tasty and safe for 3-4 months.

For more information on how to store sauerkraut, read this article.

Sauerkraut is used for cooking first and second courses, as well as a side dish, but it is best to use it in its “natural” form, with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil

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Text: Emma Murga

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Are you still having difficulty with how to ferment cabbage deliciously and quickly in a jar? We will tell you how to do it simply and without much time.

Cabbage is a healthy vegetable rich in useful trace elements. During fermentation, lactic acid bacteria participate in its fermentation, which give the finished product a sour taste.

Ingredients needed for sourdough cabbage:

  • cabbage - 3 kg
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • sugar.

If a raw vegetable has a bitter taste, then it will be bitter when pickled.


  1. Cabbage is finely chopped with a regular or special shredding knife.
  2. Carrots are peeled and cut into small strips.
  3. One tablespoon of table salt is mixed with 2 tablespoons of sugar. This mixture is then added to carrots and cabbage.
  4. Everything is thoroughly mixed.
  5. Cabbage should be mashed with force, so after pickling it will become more tasty and crispy.
  6. The workpiece is placed in cans and tamped with a wooden gurney. After a day, the fermentation process will begin, in which the juice will begin to pour out of the jar.
  7. Cabbage should be indoors for 3 days while fermentation takes place.
  8. After that, it is placed in the refrigerator. If it is bitter, then the jar should be taken out of the refrigerator for a day.

This tasty product is able to keep its beneficial features within 60 days.

How to ferment cabbage in brine?

Brine preparation

  1. Sugar and salt are mixed, then bay leaf is added. You can use allspice if you like.
  2. 1.5 liters of water is boiled, then a mixture of salt, sugar, bay leaf and pepper is added to it. Russell is ready.

What vegetables do you need?

  • cabbage - 2 kg
  • carrots - 1 pc.

Cooking sauerkraut

  1. Shred the cabbage, grate the carrots.
  2. Mix everything thoroughly, but do not crush.
  3. Place the cabbage in a jar, but do not press it, as it will be filled with brine.
  4. Wait until the brine has cooled completely, and pour it over the cabbage.
  5. Place the jar in warm room for 3 days.
  6. At times, you need to release the air from the jar with a wooden spoon.

After 3 days, sauerkraut will be ready to eat.

How to ferment cabbage with apples?


  • cabbage - 2.5 kg
  • carrots - 100 g
  • sour apples - 150 g
  • salt.


  1. Peel cabbage, carrots and chop them.
  2. Remove the core from the apples, cut them into slices.
  3. For the formation of juice, an important condition is a strong crushing of vegetables.
  4. Add apples to vegetables.
  5. Place the workpiece in the jar, pressing on top with a heavy object.
  6. Leave the jar in the room for a day, then put it in the refrigerator for a week.

After 7 days, the cabbage will be ready to eat. Apples will give the workpiece a kind of sourness.

How to ferment cabbage with beets?

Do you want sauerkraut to have a red color and an unusual taste? Add beets to it.


  • cabbage - 3 kg
  • beets - 1 kg
  • water - 1 l
  • glass of sugar
  • glass of vinegar
  • allspice
  • Bay leaf.


  1. Cut the cabbage in half. Cut each half into 4 more pieces lengthwise and across to make squares.
  2. Cut the beets into thin strips. Mix with cabbage.
  3. To create a brine, you need to boil water, add seasonings, salt and sugar to it. After 10 minutes, add vinegar, boil for another 1 minute.
  4. Place the vegetables in a jar and pour over the brine.
  5. Leave the container in a warm place for 4 days.

The dish is served to the table seasoned with refined oil.

How to ferment cabbage with cranberries?

Pickling such cabbage will take from 7 to 11 days. The finished product can be stored in a cold place for several months.


  • cabbage - 5 kg
  • carrots - 2 kg
  • sugar
  • cranberries - 400 g.


  1. Grate carrots on a medium grater.
  2. Remove large leaves from cabbage, chop it. Wash the leaves, dry.
  3. Wash the cranberries, wait until the excess liquid drains.
  4. Mix sugar with salt, add cabbage to this mixture. Knead everything with your hands to form the juice.
  5. Place large cabbage leaves in a dry jar, then add carrots and berries.
  6. Move the container to a cold place. After a week, the dish will be ready to eat.

Sauerkraut enriches the body with vitamins in the spring and gives strength in the winter.


Winter is coming soon, and we need to have time to prepare as many different blanks as possible. Now people are canning a lot of things. Starting with tomatoes and cucumbers, and ending with watermelons and lemons. And we will talk about a very healthy vegetable - cabbage. How to prepare sauerkraut in jars for the winter? Probably the most important question addressed in the article. Essentially there are various ways. It can be used both without sterilization and in brine.

In the article:

Sauerkraut recipe for the winter: very tasty, simple and without sterilization

Let's start with a very simple recipe. Now I'll tell you how to salt white cabbage quickly and without difficulty. And we will salt in the classical way. And it turns out delicious and crispy.

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar:

  • Cabbage - about 2-2.3 kilograms
  • Medium carrots - 2 pieces
  • Salt - 2 full tablespoons
  • Sugar - 2 heaping tablespoons
  • Plain raw water - 1.5 liters

In this recipe, we use homemade cabbage. I do not vouch for the store. Because the quality of salting depends on the variety, on the origin of the vegetable, etc.

Let's start cooking:

1. We begin to chop the cabbage. It is convenient to do with a special knife for chopping. If not, you can use the regular one.

2. Rub the carrots on a coarse grater. Add to cabbage. And just mix so as to evenly distribute the carrots.

No need to stir vigorously so that the vegetables do not give juice.

3. Now a well-washed jar. It doesn't need to be sterilized. Put the vegetable mixture in a jar. There is no need to tamp, just lightly crush with your hand.

We fill the neck not to the end.

The main thing is that the water is not chlorinated. Pass it through a filter. You can use a regular cassette filter.

5. So that the water is evenly distributed throughout the jar, you can pierce the cabbage with a wooden stick. For example from sushi. Pour straight to the edge of the neck so that the brine covers the cabbage. It must not come into contact with air.

6. Then close the lid with the reverse side. You can use gauze or a bandage. We put the jar in a bowl or a large dish. In the process of salting, juice will form and flow out over the edge of the jar.

Make sure that the brine always breaks the cabbage. If you see that the top is sticking out or a bit dry, then just lower it with a spoon.

Set aside for 2-3 days at room temperature. We constantly monitor the level of brine. If the water is absorbed, then you can add. And be sure to leak with a stick so that the gas comes out.

You can also use the spilled brine. If the level of brine in the jar has decreased, then pour in the leaked juice. And before closing, the cabbage should be completely covered.

Ready! Such cabbage is suitable for cooking borscht, cabbage soup, hodgepodge.

And before moving on to the second recipe, I bring to your attention preparations for the winter from and. The article describes the entire cooking process step by step with a photo. Agree, it will be nice to see not only canned cabbage on your table in winter.

Sauerkraut in a jar with iron lids

Harvesting cabbage is actually a simple matter. There is nothing difficult. This is a proven recipe. We will use a hot ambassador. Belarusian cabbage variety.

Calculation of ingredients for a 3-liter jar:

  • Cabbage - 2-3 kilograms
  • Carrot
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. spoons without a slide
  • Sugar - 3 heaping tablespoons
  • Dill seeds - optional
  • Vinegar 70% - 1 teaspoon
  • Aspirin - 2 tablets


1. First of all, rub the carrots on a coarse grater.

2. Shred cabbage and mix with carrots. And now the main point. It is necessary to correctly lay cabbage in jars. It depends on what it will turn out to be.

Putting cabbage in a jar

Put in sterilized jars. And be sure to leave a place from the edges of the banks.

The first part is half a can we tamp very well. Thus, we add layers of cabbage with carrots and carefully tamp. Until we get half a jar. Got about a little over half.

And the rest to the shoulders we tamp lightly. So that there is a void between the pieces of cabbage. It was like sloppy. We can say that it is not rammed.

Cabbage needs to be salted in a good mood and with good music. At the very least, she says she loves it.

4. And with a knife or a large fork, we begin to pierce well. Due to this, air bubbles come out.

This method of salting is good not only because the cabbage is very tasty. But also the fact that it does not need to be constantly killed.

5. After that, pour boiling water to the brim. And immediately roll up with sterilized lids. That, in principle, is the whole secret of making sauerkraut for the winter under iron lids.

Delicious cabbage with beets: a simple recipe

Let's cook in pieces. Therefore, cabbage will be a wonderful and tasty snack in the winter. It turns out crispy pickled cabbage with beets and carrots.


  • Cabbage - 1.5-2 kilograms
  • Medium sized beets - 1 piece
  • Garlic - 1 head
  • Bay leaf - 10-15 pieces
  • peppercorns

For the marinade

  • Water - 1 liter
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons
  • Sugar, vinegar - 150 grams each
  • Sunflower oil - 1/2 tablespoon


1. We start with cabbage. We cut the cabbage with petals, after cutting out the head of cabbage.

2. Now prepare the garlic and beets. Beets can be cut into half rings or strips.

3. Cooking the marinade. Pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan. Add salt, sugar, vinegar and vegetable oil. We mix. Put on fire and bring to a boil. As our syrup boils, we will pour our cabbage.

4. In the meantime, take the dishes. In our example, a plastic bucket.

You can use any saucepan or a 3-liter bottle.

Lay out in layers. First cabbage on the side. Top with beets, garlic, peppercorns and bay leaf.

5. Our marinade boiled. Now we pour our cabbage.

If you pour cold marinade, then the cabbage will need to stand for 2-3 days. And so hot and you can eat the next day.

6. Cover with a plate, and put a load on top. It is important that the cabbage is completely covered with marinade.

7. As the cabbage cools down, it will need to be put in a cold place.

This is such a delicious and beautiful pickled cabbage. Bon appetit!

In addition to cabbage, you can prepare for the winter. A great accompaniment to appetizers that will go well on any table. Cook with pleasure!

Pickled cabbage in Georgian: very simple and tasty (video)

Crispy and juicy instant sauerkraut

Learn to cook quickly. But nevertheless it turns out very tasty. The advantage of this recipe is that we will not use vinegar. Recipe fast food in a 3 liter jar.



1. Pour 1.5 liters of cool boiled water into a saucepan and dissolve salt and sugar in it.

2. Shred the cabbage. To it we add grated carrots on a coarse grater. Mix well.

3. Put the vegetable mixture in a jar. Between the layers we put pepper and bay leaf.

4. Then pour the brine. And cover the jar with gauze. Leave for 2-3 days at room temperature.

5. Sauerkraut is ready. Remember, we use sterilized jars. You can roll up and in a cool place.

Here are the ways to cook sauerkraut at home. We learned how to harvest in a jar and under iron lids. You have seen for yourself that this is easy to do. And most importantly, it turns out very tasty. We also dismantled the method of harvesting in brine. Tried to bring you best recipes sauerkraut for the winter.

If you liked the recipes, then put the class and Like. Share information. And leave your comments. Good luck and health!