What to do if there is mold in the underground. Ways to combat fungus and mold in cellars and basements

Since wood is a natural material, it is subject to a kind of "disease": rot, mold and fungus are among them. Therefore, homeowners often wonder how to destroy the fungus underground - as efficiently as possible and for a long time.

Causes of fungus

You are absolutely satisfied with the microclimate in the house, you do not feel discomfort, and everything seems to be fine. But then green spots began to appear on the walls, and the smell of rot appeared in the basement. What happened?

High humidity is one of the main causes of mold growth. First of all, carefully examine the condition of the drain and sewer pipes. If everything is in order with communications, but the fungus has not disappeared, you need to “dig” deeper. In particular, the cause of high humidity can be poor waterproofing of the basement and insufficient ventilation.

The fungus will never start in a warm, dry and regularly ventilated area. Hence the answer to the main question - most of all, mold is afraid of good ventilation.

The second factor that plays an important role in getting rid of the fungus is waterproofing. Waterproofing prevents the appearance of moisture, and, consequently, the development of mold in the underground. Old houses, in which the primary waterproofing layer is broken, require special attention in this matter.

After you have found and eliminated the cause of the appearance of the fungus, you can begin to fight the consequences - moldy spots on the walls and ceiling.

Fungus in the underground of a wooden house

To get rid of mold in the entire house, you need to overcome the source of its occurrence. As mentioned above, most likely, this underground is the most wet room with poor ventilation.

The underground is the most humid and poorly ventilated part of the house, and therefore perfect place for fungal growth.

The modern market offers many chemicals to fight fungi. Instructions for use are attached to each tool. An antiseptic will quickly and effectively help get rid of the fungus, however, the effect will not last long. Even the most modern drugs are not able to completely eliminate the mold, if the source of its occurrence is not neutralized. You will probably see green and black spots again a couple of weeks after treatment.

To remove mold once and for all, you must:

  • Get rid of the top layer of soil in the subfield. Mold spores spread very quickly, and even if you thoroughly disinfect the walls, these spores will remain in the ground, which means that after a while the fungus will spread again.
  • After the upper part of the soil is removed, we fill the floor with clay, lime and gravel. Then, we tamp well.
  • After that, we lay logs on this pillow, and we lay wooden boards on them.

In this way, you will ensure that the space under the floor of the house is well ventilated and you can get rid of mold.

Mold control products

Here are a few options you can use to eliminate indoor fungus.

sulfur checker

This is one of the most effective ways mold control. Sulfur checkers are freely available on the market or in hardware stores. Before using sulfur checkers, take care of the tightness of the room. Close all the cracks and ventilation so that the air does not “walk”, otherwise all the work will be in vain. Prepare an iron bowl, put a checker in it and light the wick. After that, you must immediately leave the room and tightly close the door behind you.

The smoke from a sulfur checker is extremely dangerous for people and pets, so it must be used with extreme caution.

It will be possible to open the premises after the use of sulfur checkers no earlier than after 12 hours. Then thoroughly ventilate the basement and dry it. To do this, you can put a box with quicklime in the basement, which perfectly absorbs moisture.

Substances containing chlorine

This method of struggle has the same effectiveness as a checker. To do this, you need to stock up on "Whiteness" or another product that contains chlorine. Then prepare a concentrated solution from it and treat all surfaces in the room. When working with such a product, use a respirator to avoid burning the respiratory tract, and wear protective clothing, including rubber gloves on your hands. Do not forget to process the shelves and racks. Thoroughly clean all surfaces, as the most small plot, affected by spores of the fungus, can provoke the reappearance of mold. After treatment, thoroughly ventilate the room.

Copper or iron sulphate

To combat mold, you will need a solution of copper and iron sulfate. To prepare it, you will need hot water, clay, and vitriol itself. Dilute the above ingredients in 1 liter of hot water and treat the mold-affected areas with the resulting mixture. The procedure needs to be repeated in a month.

Copper sulfate crystals.


Also, a special burner will help get rid of the fungus - the affected areas are treated with it. The result is noticeable immediately, however, this method, like all of the above, is ineffective if the source of mold is not destroyed.

Solutions for wood processing

For wooden house mold is a particular hazard. It can develop rapidly, damaging the tree and causing it to rot. To get rid of mold in a wooden house, all structures should be treated with a solution of sodium fluoride, zinc chloride, sodium silicate fluoride or ammonium. To do this, dissolve 30 grams of the chemical in hot water and spray all wood surfaces.

In addition, you can treat already affected areas with a special paste of your own preparation. To do this, you need 150 g of sodium fluoride, 135 g of fatty clay and 200 ml of water. Stir the chemical in boiling water and add the sifted clay. This amount of paste is designed to process 1 m². Carefully mixed paste is applied to the damaged areas and left to dry.

Impact of spores on human health

Mold is one of the oldest organisms living on the planet. It arose long before the advent of mankind. Despite such a long period of existence, man has not been able to destroy it. Now the appearance of a black-yellow-green spot on the wall will not surprise anyone. Many do not even pay attention to it, however, it is worth considering whether it poses a health hazard.

Som recently, biologists have begun to treat mold as a serious problem. They found that daily pastime in the "company" of mold shortens a person's life. For people, it is not the mold itself that is dangerous, but its spores that enter the body through the respiratory tract and pores. They destroy the immune system and affect the internal microflora. As a result, chronic ailments begin to develop: asthma, bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, various allergies and other respiratory diseases.

You can find mold in absolutely all rooms. The fungus can be on walls, floors, or in closets, as well as in food. However, most often it can be found in the cellar. Why is this happening and how to get rid of the fungus? We will try to deal with such questions in this article.

The appearance of mold in the cellar is a common problem, and it no longer surprises anyone. The occurrence of fungus in the cellar is due to several reasons that need to be identified and removed. Without eliminating the root causes, it will not be possible to destroy the fungus, but only to remove the mold for a short period of time using various antifungal agents.

How to get rid of fungus in the cellar

Having established the cause of the appearance of the fungus and its variety, it is worth knowing how to deal with it. Today there are 3 effective methods, with which you can successfully remove mold from all infected rooms. However, in addition to folk remedies and methods, there are special chemicals for complete elimination.

Note: Most of the well-known methods are based on a major overhaul of the premises and are needed in case of a neglected situation. However, in case of partial contamination of the premises, disinfectants can be used for preventive purposes.

A solution consisting of 10 liters of water and 250 ml of 40% formalin is very popular. The solution must be treated with a surface, and after complete drying, plaster and whitewash the walls and ceiling. The success of preventive treatment is based on the good functioning of the ventilation system.

sulfur checker

A sulfur checker is one of the old and proven ways to get rid of fungus in the house under the floor. However, it is worth clarifying about this method that during its action you need to leave the living quarters for several days. The implementation of this procedure is not considered difficult.

Note: You need to start by calculating the volume of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe underground or cellar, since the parameters for use in rooms of different sizes are indicated on packs with a sulfur checker.

After establishing the required proportion of the sulfur checker, it is lit and left in a smoking state at the bottom of a metal container or glass jar (Figure 1). For several hours, the checker should smoke and during this time the whole room will be in smoke, but the smell then quickly disappears.

Figure 1. Processing the storage with a sulfur block

The result of the action of the sulfur checker is the temporary or complete removal of the fungus. You can buy a sulfur checker at any gardening store.


The use of disinfection in the basement or cellar will help get rid of the fungus and prepare for further work that will be aimed at improving ventilation and waterproofing.

All manipulations in the room should begin with its release from racks, cans and other things. Using a wire brush, clean all walls, paying special attention to areas where mold has developed. The racks must be dried in the fresh air and treated with disinfectants (Figure 2).

If there is a dirt floor in the cellar, you need to remove the top layer of the earth and disinfect it with a sulfur bomb.

Figure 2. Use of lime for underground storage treatment

The main feature of sulfuric gas is the ability to penetrate into the most inaccessible places. However, before using the sulfur checker, it is worthwhile to close all the ventilation openings so that the gas does not leave the premises. Upon completion of the procedure, it is necessary to ventilate the room for 10 hours, after which the ceiling and walls can be treated with slaked lime in the cellar.


Today, chlorine is included in the composition of a large number of detergents, disinfectants and bleaches. One of the common products that contain chlorine is "Whiteness", but at the same time, you can use any other detergent product with the active component of bleach.

The preparation of a highly concentrated chlorine solution is based on one bucket, but when working with this kind of chemical, it is imperative to follow safety precautions and wear gloves. The treatment of walls with chlorine solution must be done very carefully, paying special attention to the ceiling and other places where the fungus appears.

Boric acid

In the fight against mold, you can use some folk methods to effectively and quickly destroy the fungus. We mix water, copper sulfate and acetic acid in a ratio of 20: 1: 4, then mix thoroughly and begin surface treatment.

Boric acid is a good helper in the fight against mold. We mix it with borax and table vinegar in a ratio of 20: 4: 1. The given examples of folk solutions quickly penetrate the walls and effectively remove spores.


One of the folk remedies that help get rid of the fungus is the use of vodka. You do not need to prepare a special solution from vodka, but just pour it into a spray bottle and spray it in places where mold accumulates, which were previously cleaned with a metal brush.

What causes fungus to form

Since ancient times, the cellar and cellar have been places intended for storing food supplies. Cold and moisture contribute to a long shelf life of stocks, but at the same time they are excellent conditions for the rapid development and growth of fungi.

The main reasons for the appearance of mold in the cellar are the following factors:

  • High level temperature regime(more than +20);
  • Constant humidity above 90%;
  • Poor seam insulation;
  • High level of residual moisture of materials used in construction;
  • Lack or poor waterproofing.

Preventive measures and the fight against fungus should be directed to the installation of a high-quality ventilation and waterproofing system for the room.

Poorly insulated walls

Mold is an organism that can live on all surfaces. Its spores are incredibly small and surround a person everywhere, because they are not visible to the human eye. When the spores find a suitable place for their growth, they settle there and begin to actively develop. During the settling of spores in a favorable place, the formation of mycelium occurs, which penetrates deep into the materials and begins to form new spores.

Figure 3. Scheme of external insulation of the underground storage
  • The room is poorly supplied with air and there is no oxygen circulation.
  • A high level of humidity contributes to the formation of condensation on the walls, which cannot evaporate.
  • In cellars there are always many sources for the nutrition of fungi (food, wood, concrete), which contribute to the further spread of mold throughout the room.

Figure 3 shows how to properly insulate so that mold does not appear in the underground storage.

Violation of the temperature and humidity regime

The main causes of mold in the cellar are poor ventilation and waterproofing, condensation and prolonged storage of spoiled products, as well as the use of mold-infected wood shelves.

However, it is customary to single out the following main causes of mold:

  • Moisture enters the cellar by capillary action through the walls.
  • Leakage of water through cracks in walls (structures).
  • The presence of poor ventilation, which contributes to the formation of condensate on the walls of the room.

The first signs of mold can be observed when water drops appear on the walls and structures in the room, stale and stale air. In measures to combat mold that has arisen, a ventilation system should be established and all sources of water entering the cellar or basement should be eliminated. By such actions, you can establish an air exchange system in the room and the humidity level will return to normal. After bringing the ventilation system back to normal, it remains only to remove the resulting fungus from the walls.

Insufficiently insulated floors

It is possible to get rid of mold in the cellar forever, but for this it is necessary to eliminate not only visible accumulations, but also create conditions in which mold reproduction and its existence will be impossible.

Important points:

  • Ensuring stable air circulation consists in regular airing (15-20 minutes a day) and the installation of an integrated ventilation system. To ensure air circulation, you can make a hole in the door and leave free space under the door. You can also remove two pipes from the cellar (from the ceiling and from the floor), which will allow oxygen to flow throughout the day and will prevent mold from growing.
  • Arrange cellar waterproofing: the complex of waterproofing works includes sealing cracks that can contribute to the ingress of moisture into the cellar. However, it is impossible to do without covering the walls and floors with moisture-proof materials.
  • Reducing the level of air humidity in the cellar. In the fight against air humidity, you can use heaters or periodically place heated ceramic bricks around the perimeter of the cellar. Reduce air humidity white moss or containers with slaked lime.

Types of fungus and how to detect it

The fungus is one of the most ancient organisms on the planet and its main feature is the ability to absorb the substances it needs from environment(Figure 4). During the processing of absorbed substances, it releases toxins, carbon dioxide and ethers, which are responsible for the peculiar and unique smell of mold.


The appearance of mold organisms usually occurs on stone or concrete, as well as on all surfaces treated with poor quality paint. This type of mold has spots of black, blue, green or brown color. Mold fungus is able to destroy materials and it can completely destroy the finish, which leads to a complete repair of the room.


Blue fungus is the biggest danger to wooden houses. When a tree is damaged, spores penetrate the structure of the tree, after which it changes color to a blue tint.

However, in addition to external changes on the tree, there is an increase in its level of humidity. With the constant penetration of moisture, new types of fungus will appear in the wood.

rot fungus

Only wooden surfaces are affected by decay fungi, and the microorganisms themselves are of several types. When a tree is damaged by bacterial rot, a color change to a gray tint occurs and the strength of the material is lost.

Figure 4. The main types of fungus (from left to right): moldy, blue, decay

Brown rot can cause the strongest wood to split in a short amount of time. However, do not forget about the most dangerous white mold for wood, which is known for the rapid defeat of the material and its deterioration. Also, white fungus tends to spread to neighboring rooms.

Get rid of the fungus in the cellar with your own hands

The fight against fungus in the cellar or basement should be complex and consist of several stages.

Preparing the premises should include the following steps:

  1. At the time of the operation to eliminate mold, the cellar must be vacated. In an empty room, it is easier to get to any surface and possible habitats of microorganisms. Emptying the cellar completely will help protect the food stored in it from mold.
  2. Shelving, furniture and other items must be taken out to Fresh air as they will need to be inspected and cleaned.
  3. Carrying out general cleaning in the cellar allows you to remove all accumulations of the fungus. Also, when infected wooden structures then they need to be replaced with new ones.
  4. If there is an earthen floor in the cellar, it is necessary to remove the top layer (10-20 cm), as it may be affected by mold.
  5. Upon completion of the cleaning, the room should dry out and it will be possible to proceed to further struggle.

Removing mold from the cellar is not easy, as it must be destroyed and exterminated. In domestic hardware stores, you can buy special antiseptics that have an antifungal and antibacterial effect. The use of such specialized tools should be carried out strictly according to the instructions indicated in them.

You can use the following folk methods of struggle:

  • Treat the affected surfaces with whiteness (it contains components that destroy mold);
  • Use ammonia;
  • Citric acid is an effective remedy, but it must be used concentrated. Citric acid (100 grams) is added to one liter of water and mixed thoroughly;
  • For 30-40 liters of water, you need to add 2 kg of quicklime and about 300 grams of copper sulfate. The resulting solution must be treated with all surfaces in the cellar or basement (walls, ceiling and floor);
  • The use of sulfur checkers is a time-tested tool that helps get rid of various pests;
  • For 5 liters of boiling water, you need to dissolve about 1 kilogram of salt and 100 ml of boric acid;
  • Dissolve 50-100 grams of bleach and slaked lime in one liter of water;
  • The fungus does not tolerate elevated temperatures and it can simply be burned with a burner, while treating all surfaces. However, it is not recommended to process a tree in this way;
  • You can prepare a solution of formalin and bleach by dissolving 50 grams of each component in 2 liters of water.

Figure 5. Effective methods for combating mold

After treating the surfaces in the cellar with one of the listed compositions, you need to leave the room and, upon completion of the action of the product, ventilate the room (Figure 5). However, the fight against the fungus does not end there and it is worth creating conditions in which the mold cannot multiply and exist.

Important points:

  • Ensuring air circulation. Try to ventilate the cellar as often as possible and it is worth at least once a day for 15-20 minutes to carry out such a procedure. It is also necessary to equip the ventilation system. In the simplest version, it is to make several holes in the door and provide free space under the door, and you can also install two pipes (one from the floor, the other from the ceiling) in the ceiling and take them out of the room, which guarantees constant air circulation and will prevent the growth of the fungus . Also in the cellar, it is necessary to move all objects away from the walls, which will stop the formation of condensate.
  • Providing waterproofing. In the system for eliminating problems with the ingress of water into the cellar, the first place is to seal all the cracks. After that, a waterproofing layer is installed using a coating with a moisture-proof material (floor, ceiling and walls).
  • Reducing the level of humidity in the air. To reduce humidity in the cellar, you can use a heater or periodically place heated ceramic bricks around the perimeter of the room, which absorb moisture well.

It also perfectly absorbs liquid white moss or quicklime containers placed in the corners of the room. However, in order to avoid an increase in the level of air humidity, it is necessary to tightly close all open containers with a liquid composition.

Harm to human health

The fungus tends to spread rapidly and the fact that indoor surfaces are contaminated is a minor problem when compared to a threat to human health. Mold spores can enter the human body through the respiratory tract and settle in the lungs, and can also be ingested through the skin, hygiene items and food. For this reason, mold control is an important hygiene measure. Some types of fungus cause asthma, headaches, dry cough and skin rashes.

In the course of its life in the basement, the fungus actively releases harmful toxins in the form of numerous spores that are dangerous to humans.

Doctors have linked prolonged exposure to such substances to the occurrence of such diseases:

  • Migraine;
  • Chronic respiratory diseases;
  • Increased irritability;
  • Allergies.

It is believed that mold is dangerous for young children because their respiratory organs are not fully formed. Children exposed to fungi may develop chronic respiratory diseases and allergies. The danger of mold spores is explained by their invisibility to the human eye. In the early stages, mold development does not look intimidating. However, the change in the color of the walls in the cellar, the black formations on the ceiling and the peeling of the walls require emergency intervention.

Basement fungus prevention

In measures to maintain the cellar in proper condition, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures every year to prevent the development of the fungus. To do this, the cellar must be completely removed (general cleaning), and then dry the room well. Drying time depends on the condition of the room and lasts from several days to several weeks.

Note: Racks and crossbars should be treated with soapy water and laid out in the sun. Upon completion of the drying of the boards, they must be treated with an antifungal solution.

The dried cellar should be treated with an antifungal solution and antibacterial agents, after which additional drying of the room is carried out.

If there is an earthen floor in the cellar, then you need to pour a solution of copper sulfate on it and let it soak into the soil. And in the places where vegetables are stored, it is necessary to pour a mixture of sand and lime.

Video: how to deal with fungus in the cellar

Since mold removal in the basement includes a whole range of activities, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video, which shows the details of this process in detail.

Any basements and cellars are favorable places for the formation of mold. Often, pests appear due to high humidity, poor ventilation, poor waterproofing. In order to avoid it is recommended to periodically carry out prophylaxis. But what to do if mold and fungus have already got into the basement and are actively multiplying there? There are many effective ways to combat these bacteria that are harmful to humans. Let's see how to remove the fungus in the cellar or basement.

Fungus colonies are nothing but mold. Initially, the fungus is a spore. Spores are always present in the air, however, under conditions of high humidity and temperature, these organisms “wake up” and are able to multiply intensively.

Mold can grow on concrete surfaces, painted walls and floors, wood and other materials. There are many types of these fungi - you can see black, white, green, brown spots. These formations outwardly resemble cotton wool. Also in nature there are luminous fungal colonies.

It is possible to distinguish black, white and brown fungal colonies. Color can tell not only about a specific class of organisms, but also about the degree of their development. Often the colors of the formations depend on the surfaces on which the colonies live.

Why do fungi and mold form?

Mold in the basement never develops without a reason. Here are some typical reasons:

  • Missing or clogged ventilation systems. If there is not enough fresh air in the basement, mold can form.
  • High humidity, condensation. This factor is a consequence of the first reason.
  • Weak air circulation in the cellar.
  • Rotten vegetables, fruits and other foods. Spoiled foods are the source of this scourge. Spores quickly spread in the basement along the walls, floors and ceilings.
  • The presence of wooden products infected with a fungus.

Conditions for breeding flexible

Why does one owner have a fungus in the basement, while the other does not? In order for such a “life” to appear, several conditions must be met. It:

  • Spores in the air that can get on people, animals, various products.
  • The presence of a nutrient organic environment.
  • Mold develops if the humidity level is high in the room, the air temperature is 20 degrees and above.

Various types of mold can lose their ability to reproduce and develop at low air temperatures - from 0 ° and below. Separately, it must be said about ventilation. Ventilation systems are designed to ensure normal air circulation. When there is movement of air currents, this prevents the spores from attaching to the surface.

In the corners of the premises, air currents often move weakly - it is in the corners that these colonies accumulate.

Also ventilation system removes excess moisture from the air, which is formed due to increased humidity outside the cellar or due to a large temperature difference between the outside of the house and inside the basement. If there are traces of a fungal colony on the wall, but there are no conditions for reproduction, then there will be no germination. From this it turns out that the reason for everything is poor ventilation.

On the video: the causes of the appearance of fungus on the walls.

Fungal colonies and human health

The fungus can not only significantly spoil the appearance of the room, even if it is a basement. It is very dangerous for humans. In addition, food stored underground in most households can also spoil. Mold can move to different types surfaces and objects. It tends to spread very quickly due to reproduction, which can greatly reduce the shelf life and usefulness of products.

If white mold is found in the basement, it must be removed immediately. Let's figure out how to destroy the fungus.

Effective ways to fight

Before processing the basement, the causes of the appearance of "life" should be removed. A comprehensive campaign is needed - this way you can not only get rid of fungus and mold at home, but also prevent the re-proliferation of spores in the basements. It is necessary to get rid of adversity in several stages. We will see how to remove the fungus in the cellar, what means are best suited for this.

Room preparation

For the entire time of disinfection, the cellar must be freed from all items and food. So you can provide full access to all places of localization of settlements. This will help protect the products. All furniture is removed from the cellar - it should also be processed to avoid re-settlement of colonies. Conduct general cleaning. Clean off all formations on walls, floors, ceilings and other surfaces.

If the fungi managed to penetrate into finishing material deep enough, it is better to replace the damaged structure with a new one.

Wood rots especially quickly under the influence of these bacteria. If the basement floor is made of soil, then it is necessary to remove about 20 cm of soil - the entire top layer is infected. Next, the room should be thoroughly dried. And only after that you can start a real war with the use of special drugs. So let's get the mold out of the basement.


Now the real fight against mold in the basement begins. There are several effective means to clean the cellar from mold. Let's see how to treat the cellar from mold and fungus.

The destruction of the fungus is effective with sulfur dioxide vapors. This tool is highly recommended by experts. It should be applied at the beginning. Using a sulfur checker is simple - after the access of air to the basement is blocked, the checker is placed in a tin basin and set on fire.

Next, you should quickly leave the basement and close the door tightly. Sulfur smoke also poses a danger to humans and pets. After about 12 hours, the cellar is thoroughly ventilated and dried with slaked lime. One of its properties is excellent moisture absorption.


You can get rid of the fungus in the basement inexpensively and quickly with the help of lime. Lime is very effective in the war against fungus colonies. It is often used for prevention. Before starting work, the cellar is pre-treated with deactin. The material is dissolved in water, and then the mixture is applied to all painted surfaces. This procedure is best done outdoors.

There are many ways to clean basements with lime. There are two folk recipes:

  • mixture with formalin. So, for one bucket of water, take 500 g of bleach and 200 g of formalin. With this composition, it is necessary to coat all surfaces in the cellar. Then the room is dried and ventilated.

  • lime mixture with blue vitriol. Here, 1 kg of slaked lime is taken for two buckets of water, 100 g of vitriol are added. This solution is distributed using a spray bottle.


For those who do not know how to get rid of mold in the cellar with improvised means, there is one more effective recipe. In this case, we will clean the basement with bleach. It will quickly and easily clear any colonies. In terms of effectiveness, chlorine is in no way inferior to sulfuric checker. You can use "Whiteness" from the store, but there are other drugs.

The surface is thoroughly cleaned with a metal brush. Then a solution is prepared - so, one part of "Whiteness" is dissolved in ten parts of water. To maximize the effect, you can add two tablespoons of salt to the solution. To destroy the fungus in the cellar, the agent is applied to all walls, ceiling and floors. For best result the solution is applied to cotton wool and left in places where spores are heated up massively.

All metal and wooden shelving. So we get rid of mold completely and forever. These organisms do not live on treated surfaces.

These are not all recipes. You can still remove this attack with vodka, but not everyone will go for it. You can use boric acid. The main thing is that the fight against mold at home is possible. Knowing how to get rid of the fungus in the cellars, you can save food and your own health.

Mold is formed during the vital activity of the smallest fungus, the spores of which are free to float in the air and settle on all objects and surfaces. In order for the mold to begin to grow intensively, several conditions are necessary: ​​heat, humidity, lack of ventilation. Damp, musty basements and undergrounds of houses often become desirable objects of "residence" for microorganisms. How to get rid of mold in the basement of a private and apartment building?

The fight against the fungus should begin at the first sign of its appearance.. Small plaque or mild mold stains can be removed independently using various fungicidal (antifungal) agents. They are sold at any hardware or hardware store. Suitable for mold control folk remedies .

Before sanitation can begin, the basement should be cleared of all edible supplies and fresh air should be provided to the storage. Remember to wear rubber gloves and protect your airways from flying spores and poisonous fumes with a respirator.

Large mold spots and visible plaque needs to be cleaned mechanically with a spatula, knife or damp cloth, and after that carry out further processing.

blue vitriol

An effective tool that will help remove fungus and mold from all basement surfaces. For cooking you need dissolve 100-150 gr. powder per liter of water. The resulting solution with a brush should be applied to the affected areas (ceiling, metal structures, boards), let it soak and dry.

If the basement has an earthen base, then part of the solution must be poured directly onto the floor.

How to get rid of with citric acid

An excellent disinfectant that is available in every home. It is not difficult to remove mold and fungus with citric acid: for this you need to prepare a concentrated solution (2-3 tablespoons of powder per liter of water) and treat with this solution all surfaces affected by the fungus. Also, citric acid does an excellent job with, inside, etc.

Chlorine bleaches and chlorine disinfectants

Chlorine-containing products quickly and reliably help get rid of fungus and moldy smell in the basement. "Whiteness", "Domestos", "Ace" and other similar means can be used in its pure form without prior dilution with water. With a sponge or rag soaked in chlorine bleach, go over visible mold spots, trying to wipe them off. Rinse with clean water after 1-2 hours.

combustible checkers

Time-tested remedy to get rid of mold in basements of any type. Sulfur smoke bombs can be purchased at hardware stores. For an accurate calculation of the required number of checkers read the attached instructions. Usually 1 checker per 5-10 cubic meters of area is required. Disinfection should be carried out only in a sealed room.: close the doors tightly and plug all the cracks.

The checker must be placed on a refractory stand, set fire to the wick and immediately leave the store. Be sure to close the cellar door or hatch tightly. After processing, keep the door or hatch of the basement closed for at least a day. Then the storage should be very well ventilated for 2 days and wet cleaned in it.

Please note that sulfur dioxide is a poisonous compound, therefore, the use of sulfur checkers requires compliance with certain rules:

  • When processing basements with the help of smoke bomb vapors the use of a respirator, goggles and rubber gloves is mandatory.
  • Sulfur smoke bombs cannot be applied in apartment buildings , since gas vapors have a high penetrating power and can easily reach even upper floors building.
  • The basement or underground of a private house must be freed from all products before processing, and it must also be ensured that people and animals leave the living space. All openings through which toxic gas can enter must be tightly sealed.

Video: How to treat a basement with a sulfuric smoke bomb.

How to properly treat with iodine solution

Get Rid of Mold in Your Underground or Basement ordinary iodine will help. To prepare a disinfectant solution, dissolve 10 ml. iodine in 1.5 liters of water. Spray the resulting product with a spray bottle on the affected areas. Surfaces must dry thoroughly and then it is recommended to ventilate the room.


An old and well-established folk remedy to fight fungus and the smell of rot. Vinegar can be used in its pure form, but vinegar essence must be diluted in the recommended proportions, which the manufacturer usually indicates on the label.

It is best to treat surfaces with a spray gun, and after 1-2 hours remove all visible dirt with a damp cloth. After processing, the storage should be well ventilated.

Slaked lime

You can buy slaked lime in large hardware stores or markets. Most often you can find packaging of 2 kg. How to get rid of mold with this tool? Lime apply in a dry form, generously powdering all the affected areas with it(walls, ceiling, floor, damp corners) with a dustpan.

During processing, be sure to wear a respirator, goggles, rubber gloves and a change of clothes.

After the procedure, you need to wash your hands and face. Herself lime does not have toxic effects, but is able to eat into the skin and irritate the mucous membranes.

Guide: how to remove mold in the basement and underground of a private house

Folk remedies and industrial fungicidal preparations do well with mold only on initial stage its growthwhen the area affected by the fungus is small. What to do if black mold and rot attacked a large storage area?

Mold stains, plaque and dirty stains on basement surfaces - only the visible part of the problem. The mold has a mycelium that penetrates deep under the finishing materials and gradually destroys all storage structures: walls, foundation, floor, ceiling.

If the fungus began to spoil the wooden and brick elements, it will not work to get rid of the mold in the underground with the help of disinfectants alone. Need a thorough treatment of the premises with the replacement of materials and new finishes.

It makes sense to take care of high-quality insulation of the basement from the penetration of ground and melt water.

After the work done it is necessary to take care of proper air exchange in a vegetable store.

A well-established ventilation system in the basement is a guarantee of excellent food safety and the absence of bacteria, fungus and mold in the room.

Cleaning (preparation of the premises)

To start need to vacate the room from vegetables and home canned food, remove racks and remove all unnecessary.

  • Using a metal scraper and a metal brush, clean visible growths of fungus from all surfaces. The plaster from the walls and ceiling must be completely removed.
  • Wooden elements are better to replace. If this cannot be done, then you need to chop, cut down or cut down rotten places, trying to capture entire areas.
  • Garbage must be collected in bags, taken out and burned.
  • If the floor is earthen, then 10-15 cm of the base should be removed and removed along with the garbage.
Do not take the earth out of the basement garden plot! Fungal spores can spread to vegetable crops and fruit trees, then you have to.

Treatment, waterproofing and wall covering

High-quality waterproofing will help protect the room from the penetration of dampness and moisture from the outside.

  • Walls should be well cleaned of small particles and dust.
  • Visible the cracks need to be widened, cleaned of debris and covered with putty or cement plaster (depending on their size).
  • Next, apply an antifungal primer to the walls and allow the surfaces to dry well.
  • waterproofing coating(usually bituminous waterproofing mastic is used) is applied over a protective primer.
  • At the end of the work, the walls should be covered with two layers of plaster: a coarse-grained cement plaster and a finer cement-sand mixture.


In order for the products not to rot, and dampness does not stagnate in the room, it is necessary to equip supply and exhaust ventilation . It is better to equip it even at the stage of basement construction.

The simplest ventilation system consists of only two pipes: one is responsible for the supply of fresh air into the room, the other for the exhaust air.

  • To create a stable draft will help the output of the exhaust pipe above the roof ridge. That part of the pipe, which is located within the basement, is best placed under the ceiling of the vault. Part of the pipe located in the attic area, should be insulated.
  • The supply pipe can also be brought to the roof, but its inner part should be located no higher than one meter from the floor.
  • Metal meshes and shutters, mounted in the inlet and outlet of the supply pipe, will help regulate heat transfer and humidity levels in the storage, as well as protect the room from the penetration of rodents.
  • To improve air exchange in the exhaust duct you can install a fan, which will blow out the exhaust air.

In a limited space (small subfield), it is difficult to equip a supply and exhaust ventilation system, and it does not make much sense.

For air exchange in a small room, you need to build at least two vents (small windows in the underground wall or foundation) with a diameter of 8 cm, located in different parts storage.

In conditions of high ground water well-equipped external basement waterproofing is indispensable. It's good when it is equipped at the stage of storage construction.

  • For the construction of a drainage system along the entire perimeter of the storage, it is necessary to dig grooves (trenches) with a depth of 30-40 cm.
  • The ditch follows fill with rubble and install a special drainage pipe. Close the design waterproofing material and top with soil.
  • It is necessary to equip a place for collecting water ( drainage well). With difficult natural outflow, drainage pumps are used, which are installed at the bottom of the well.
  • A prerequisite for a properly equipped drainage system is slope towards the drainage well.

Video: How to equip the drainage system of the site with your own hands.

What to do with a small underground in a wooden house and the ground under it

The underground of a wooden house usually has very limited space, so global repairs will not work here. You can get rid of mold in the basement of a wooden house in the following way:

  • All wooden elements (beams, ceiling, shelves) must be cleaned as much as possible from the fungus(cut, cut down, cut down) and disinfect with an antiseptic. You can also use folk remedies to remove the fungus. Surfaces should be well dried and covered with a bituminous protective mastic for wood.
  • If the mold "settled" in the underground on the ground, then for starters it will be necessary to remove the top layer of soil to a depth of 10-20 cm. Next, fill the floor with clay, lime and gravel. Good to tamp. Lay logs on the resulting pillow, and boards on top. The distance from the floor boards to the ground must be at least 30 cm.
  • Provide ventilation of the room with the help of small windows (air) in the wall or foundation of the building.

How to Kill Mold and Mildew in a Basement Garage

Mold and dampness in the basement of the garage appears as a result of mistakes made at the construction stage of the structure. Sometimes it happens that everything the necessary conditions construction are observed (a dry place is chosen, waterproofing is equipped, the level of groundwater occurrence is taken into account), but the fungus still appears.

Global repair work it is difficult to carry out in the basement of the garage due to the limited space of the room. Therefore, to get rid of mold in the basement of the garage, usually simple drying is used.

  • For starters, you should vacate the basement from all items in it: boxes, cans, inventory, racks.
  • Then, mechanically, you need to clean all available places from fungus and mold stains. Garbage should be carefully swept and burned.
  • All surfaces must be treated with a disinfectant solution(industrial or own production).
  • The basement should be left open to dry naturally for a few days. It is better to dry storage in sunny clear weather.

Drying with a brazier

For this elementary type of drying, you will need an old metal bucket, which must be firmly installed in the center of the basement. A fire is made in a bucket and maintained for a long time.

The heated air will displace the damp from the basement, and the smoke generated during combustion will destroy the fungus and mold.

Drying with a candle

For this method, you will need to build a ventilation pipe that reaches almost to the floor. The candle must be fixed on a stable metal base and placed under the pipe. Right in the pipe, you need to set fire to a sheet of paper to form the initial thrust. After some time, the thrust will be kept due to the burning of the candle.

The process must be maintained until the room is completely dry, replacing the burned-out candle with a new one in time.

Instead of a candle, you can use dry fuel tablets. Dry fuel will burn no worse.

Drying with an iron stove

This method is suitable for those garage owners who own portable stove stove. The stove should be heated until the basement is completely dry.

If possible, and the area of ​​​​the basement allows, it is possible to equip the simplest supply and exhaust ventilation, which will ensure air circulation inside the room. More information about the arrangement of such a system can be found in the "Ventilation" section.

How to get out in the basement of an apartment building

Dampness, fungus and the smell of mold in the basements of high-rise buildings are a common occurrence. Often it happens that the ventilation of the basement is either absent at all, or it works with violations. Condensation forms on the walls, floor and ceiling, and basements are often flooded with groundwater and meltwater.

The basements of apartment buildings are usually located plumbing and sewer pipes which also adds dampness.

If you feel that the apartment smells of dampness, sewerage and mold and suspect that the smell is coming from the basement, contact the management company or utilities.

The organization involved in the maintenance of apartment buildings must ensure a normal temperature and humidity regime in the basement, and utilities must establish a ventilation system.

Mold on the foundation - what to do and how to fight

Fungus on the foundation is a fairly common occurrence for buildings built in low-lying places or in conditions of high groundwater. All disinfection measures applied to remove the fungus will only be temporary.

  • It is possible to clean the surface of the foundation from “vegetation” to pure concrete and treat it with hydrophobic impregnation (based on silicone or acrylic). Such impregnation will protect the foundation from moisture penetration and from freezing.
  • In conditions of high groundwater a drainage system should be installed(how to equip it is described in the section “What to do if groundwater passes close”).
In the case when the fungus severely damaged the foundation, it is recommended to contact the disinfection services for help. Companies specializing in the elimination of fungus and mold will thoroughly dry the foundation with the help of professional equipment.

The microwave method is one of the most effective ways to get rid of mold on the foundation of a house. With the help of a microwave emitter, section by section is heated to a temperature of 65˚ C. This is quite enough to completely remove not only the mold on the foundation, but also the mycelium itself settled deep within the structure.

Basement fungus and mold prevention

The main reason for the appearance of fungus in the basement or underground is excessive humidity and lack of normal air circulation. In a dry store with a properly functioning ventilation system, the risk of mold growth is minimal.

  • To maintain a normal microclimate in the basement it is recommended not only to equip the hood, but also to regularly ventilate the room.
  • It is desirable to cover all wooden surfaces and structures with antiseptic impregnation or ordinary paint.
  • Vegetables and canned food on which mold has appeared should be thrown away immediately.
  • Once or twice a year for preventive purposes it is recommended to treat the basement disinfectant solutions or fumigate with a pair of sulfur bombs.
  • From time to time you can dry storage with an electric fireplace. The old old-fashioned way is also suitable: place a metal bucket with embers in the basement at night. When the coals go out, they should be replaced with new ones. This measure will not only help dry the air, but also disinfect the room.

Mold damage

Mold is not only a dirty plaque on various surfaces and objects, but source of serious human disease. Prolonged stay in rooms infected with a fungus is dangerous to health, and sometimes to life.

In cellars, basements and undergrounds, where food products, the presence of the fungus is highly undesirable, it should be destroyed immediately.

From damp basements, mold can spread deep into the dwelling, "devouring" everything in its path. That is why the fight against mold should be started as soon as it appears.

For a person

Mold spores that enter the human body through inhalation or ingestion, can cause a range of diseases: from allergic reactions and skin diseases to tuberculosis and cancer.

  • Aspergillosis- one of the diseases caused by fungi, which is characterized by a severe course and is difficult to treat. Cases of death among patients with aspergillosis are quite common.
  • Mold is especially dangerous for babies and the elderly, as well as people with reduced immunity.

Video: Harm to mold for the human body.

Products contaminated with mold should be thrown away without regret. Why is it necessary to do this? A small layer of mold on the surface of fruit, bread or jam is only the visible part of the mycelium, which has penetrated deep into the edibles. A moldy product is poisonous in any degree of damage..

Mold spores can penetrate even under the skin, so all work on cleaning the fungus and mold should be done with rubber gloves.

For building materials and structures

White house mushroom (a kind of mold) - terrible enemy of wood, because it is able to turn even the strongest tree into dust in a short time. In old times wooden house, affected by this type of fungus, was burned to protect neighboring buildings from infection.

With prolonged exposure mold and fungus corrode all kinds building materials : paint, plaster, brick and even concrete. Mold can destroy building material almost to the ground, which may require overhaul, and sometimes even the restructuring of a building or structure.

Mold in the cellar, similar to cotton wool, is very common. This is due to poor ventilation, high humidity. Many have ceased to pay attention to the mold in the cellar. Malicious stains on the ceiling not only spoil appearance, but can also cause significant damage to human health.

In addition, products stored in the cellar will suffer. Mold has the ability to spread to other objects, actively multiply, which significantly reduces the shelf life and usefulness of products. If you find a fungus in the cellar, be sure to take care of the destruction of the mold. The following material will help to do it right, to prevent the reappearance of the fungus.

  • What is mold
  • Reasons for the appearance
  • The danger of a fungus to humans
  • Effective methods of struggle
  • Destruction of colonies of fungi
  • Precautionary measures
  • Preventive advice

What is mold

Fungal colonies that develop from spores are called molds. Spores are constantly in the air, only under the influence of adverse factors (high humidity, heat) they begin to “wake up” and actively multiply. Molds can grow on concrete, paint, wood. There are many types of mold fungus, depending on this, you can see spots that look like black, brown, green cotton wool, white color. There are also luminous fungi, but they are not dangerous for the walls, ceiling of the cellar.

Mold is capable of destroying building and finishing material, sometimes it comes to the base. Therefore, the owners of mold in the cellar should think about getting rid of mushroom colonies as soon as possible, otherwise they will have to make repairs or even rebuild. Allocate black, white, brown mold. The specific color depends not only on the type of fungus, but also on the stage of development, the color of the surface on which the uninvited "guest" settled.

Reasons for the appearance

Mold never appears just like that, this event is preceded by other unfavorable circumstances:

  • absence or clogging of ventilation shafts. The lack of fresh air contributes to the growth of fungal colonies;
  • increased level of air humidity, accumulation of condensate. This aspect often depends on the first factor;
  • insufficient air circulation in the cellar;
  • storage of rotten fruits and vegetables. Spoiled products become sources of mold, spores actively spread throughout the room, settling on walls, floors and ceilings;
  • the use of wooden products that are infected with fungal spores.

Note! Depending on the growth of colonies of mushrooms similar to cotton wool, the methods of dealing with uninvited "residents" of the cellar also differ. Without eliminating the adverse factor, it is difficult to protect the health and integrity of the premises.

Favorable conditions for reproduction

Why does mold grow in some cellars and not in others? For the emergence of "life" certain conditions are necessary:

  • the presence of spores in the air. They are transported and settle in the cellar on people, food, animals;
  • nutrient organic medium (paper, wood, soil, peat pots);
  • favorable microclimate (high humidity, temperature about 20 degrees). Poorly working or non-working ventilation also negatively affects.

Some types of fungus have the ability to reproduce at a temperature of 0 degrees.

Pay special attention to the ventilation system. After all, it is designed for normal air circulation in the room. Air movement prevents mold spores from attaching to any surface. In the corners, the movement of air is difficult, it is there that colonies of mushrooms often accumulate.

Ventilation helps to remove excess moisture from the room, which occurs against the background of high humidity outside or a large difference in temperature. If there are fungal spores on the walls, but there are no favorable conditions for reproduction, then they will not germinate. Based on this, we can conclude that poor ventilation is the main reason for the appearance of mushroom colonies in the cellar.

Read about how and how to remove mold from the wall in the apartment at this address.

The danger of a fungus to humans

Many do not suspect that mold poses a huge danger to human health and even human life, not only for building materials. The affected ceiling, floor (especially wood) can cause serious injury. In most cases, mold affects human health in the following ways:

  • through direct skin contact;
  • human respiratory and circulatory system;
  • consumption of food contaminated with fungi.

Spores of many types of mold are toxic, multiply very quickly (1 square meter of mold is capable of throwing over a billion spores into the air). In view of this, when it enters the human body, many ailments can develop.

The unpleasant consequences of contact with mold fungi are such pathologies:

  • dermatological diseases occurring against the background of allergic reactions (mycosis);
  • pathologies of the upper respiratory tract (nosebleeds, sinusitis, a severe runny nose, many patients note shortness of breath);
  • dizziness, headaches;
  • indigestion, digestive problems, bouts of nausea, vomiting;
  • exhaustion of the body, anemia.

The long-term influence of mold on the human body leads to malfunctions in the functioning of the kidneys, liver, even internal bleeding occurs, sometimes emphysema. The risk group includes elderly patients, children, people with a weakened immune system, patients who have survived fungal infections are especially susceptible to lesions.

Note! Mold allergy can be diagnosed in many laboratories. If you find such a problem, urgently get rid of the causative agent of trouble.

Effective methods of struggle

How to treat the cellar from mold and fungus? Destroying mold is hard work that requires a lot of effort and time. It is necessary to take into account the causes of the trouble. An integrated approach will help get rid of mold, similar to cotton wool, and prevent the re-growth of fungal spores in the cellar. The fight against fungal colonies is carried out in several stages, each of which is described in detail below.

Preparing to Eliminate Dangerous Microorganisms

Helpful Hints:

  • at the time of processing the premises, be sure to free it from all objects, fixtures and food. Thus, you will provide excellent access to possible mold localization sites, protect the products that are in the cellar;
  • remove all furniture, large items from the room. They also need to be treated to avoid re-infection of the cellar with mold;
  • carry out general cleaning in the room. Clean off all the mold, if the spores of the fungus have penetrated deep into the finishing material, be sure to replace the damaged structures with new ones;
  • the tree rots very quickly, if the floor is earthen, then about 20 centimeters of the soil layer must be removed (it is probably infected);
  • after careful processing of the cellar, proceed to dry the room. Only then is it allowed to proceed to the direct fight against mold.

Destruction of colonies of fungi

It is not enough just to remove visible mold, it is necessary to completely destroy dangerous microorganisms. In specialized stores, you can easily find antiseptics that show an antibacterial, disinfectant effect. Preparations must be used strictly for their intended purpose, adhering to the instructions.

How to deal with mold in the cellar? An excellent result is shown by folk remedies that quickly destroy dangerous microorganisms. Their use is very simple, rarely causes allergic reactions.

How and how to get rid of moths in an apartment at home? We have an answer!

What do they look like bed bugs And how to treat the bites of blood-sucking insects? Read the answer on this page.

Go to the address and read the information on how you can treat an apartment from fleas.

Precautionary measures

Avoid allergic reactions, damage to skin You can use these precautions:

  • put on a protective suit, goggles and gloves before starting the destruction of mold;
  • it is strictly forbidden to smell, touch dangerous microorganisms;
  • after processing the premises, leave it;
  • products affected by mold are strictly prohibited to eat.

Only by clearing the cellar of pathogenic microorganisms, you will feel completely safe, eating fresh and healthy products.

Spend regularly preventive actions to combat dangerous microorganisms in the cellar. Keep the room clean, clean regularly, be sure to thoroughly dry the room:

  • drying of the cellar takes up to fourteen days. Carry out manipulations on cloudless days, take the shelves outside, pre-treat them with water and liquid soap;
  • after a week, the boards are completely dry, then treat them with an antifungal agent;
  • dry cellar, also after thorough drying, treat with a similar agent;
  • if the cellar includes an earthen floor, then pour a solution of copper sulfate into it. Place sand or lime under the vegetables.

After such prevention, no mold will settle in the cellar, all products will be stored for a very long time. stick useful tips, if microorganisms nevertheless multiplied, then use the tips for destroying mold.

Another interesting method of fighting mold in the cellar and garage can be found in the following video:

Attention! Only today!

Mold can grow literally everywhere.

It appears on walls, floors, in closets and on food.

But especially often it appears in cellars and underground.

Underground and cellar - ideal for the appearance of fungus.

Mold is a fungus that lives on almost any surface. The size of mold spores is tiny, and in the world around us they are literally everywhere, invisible to us. When they get to the place with good conditions, then begin to develop forming a colony.

The cellar is the perfect place for mold. Due to the lack of fresh air, high humidity and the presence of multiple food sources (wood, concrete, food), mold is found in almost every cellar.

How to get rid of mold

Ways to get rid of should consist of a set of measures and is carried out in several stages.

Room preparation

Before the procedure, the cellar is completely freed. All furniture is removed and food is taken out. Everything on the surface is inspected and cleaned. In the cellar, everything is also cleaned, the fungus is removed. If wooden structures are damaged by a fungus, the latter must be replaced.

If the cellar is not concreted, it is necessary to remove the top layer of soil 10 centimeters. Next, you need to dry everything thoroughly.

Even after it seems to you that you have removed all the mold, there are still particles that are not visible to the eye that also need to be removed.

To do this, use specialized antifungal agents, which are purchased in hardware stores. Such products must be used strictly according to the instructions for use.

Before processing the premises, in order to avoid poisoning, put on goggles, gloves, a respirator.

  • It is forbidden to touch the mold with your hands and smell it;
  • It is forbidden to enter the premises after processing;
  • It is forbidden to eat moldy foods.

Folk remedies are also popular. Let's list some of them.

To treat affected surfaces, you can use ordinary whiteness or ammonia. They are both quite effective.

You can also use citric acid . To do this, one hundred grams of acid must be diluted in a liter of water.

Also used to fight fungus. lime. 1 kilogram of lime and 150 grams of copper sulfate are dissolved in 15-20 liters of water. Surfaces are treated with this composition.

Particularly popular are sulfur checkers. The sulfur checker is placed in a metal container, set on fire and left for 12 hours. After that, the cellar is ventilated and cleaned.

After cleaning the cellar from mold, in order to prevent the appearance of a new one, it is necessary to create conditions in which mold and fungus cannot appear and multiply. To do this, it is necessary that the air in the cellar is dry and no condensation appears. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure air circulation in the cellar. This can be achieved in several ways.

  1. Install natural ventilation. To do this, I install two ventilation pipes, one supply, the other exhaust. The supply air is lowered to the floor, the exhaust is mounted near the ceiling.
  2. Forced ventilation. A fan is mounted on the exhaust pipe, this creates an artificial vacuum of air, which contributes to the active flow of air.

It is also very important to provide waterproofing.

External waterproofing includes equipment for the drainage system. In most cases, the cause of dampness in the cellar is the lack of a drainage system and a blind area. This needs to be corrected.

After the external waterproofing is completed, proceed to the internal. We dry the room, then with a metal brush we clean the cracks. Then they are smeared with putty or cement mortar. After the plaster has dried, we begin processing the walls. We apply an antifungal agent to the surface. Further, all walls and ceiling are covered with waterproofing material.

If the measures listed above are not possible for some reason, you can do the following: use a heater.

Perfectly absorbs moisture white moss.


To prevent the appearance of the fungus, it is imperative to carry out preventive measures annually. To do this, you need to remove everything from the cellar, clean it and dry it thoroughly.

The cellar is dried from several days to a month. Drying is carried out in the summer in dry weather. Shelves and racks are washed with soapy water and dried.

After drying is completed, treatment with antifungal agents begins. They process both the racks and the cellar itself. Then dry again.

The earthen floor is treated with a solution of copper sulfate.

After all the procedures carried out, you can bring the shelves and put jars of pickles.

Precautionary measures

The treatment of the cellar must be carried out using a mask of rubber gloves and in a protective suit, since most solutions are chemical substances ingestion of which is dangerous for burns and poisoning.

Applying the above measures to eliminate mold will help you get rid of the fungus, and prevention will not allow the problem to recur.

Any basements and cellars are favorable places for the formation of mold. Often, pests appear due to high humidity, poor ventilation, poor waterproofing. In order to avoid it is recommended to periodically carry out prophylaxis. But what to do if mold and fungus have already got into the basement and are actively multiplying there? There are many effective ways to combat these bacteria that are harmful to humans. Let's see how to remove the fungus in the cellar or basement.

What is mold and fungus?

Fungus colonies are nothing but mold. Initially, the fungus is a spore. Spores are always present in the air, however, under conditions of high humidity and temperature, these organisms “wake up” and are able to multiply intensively.

Mold can grow on concrete surfaces, painted walls and floors, wood and other materials. There are many types of these fungi - you can see black, white, green, brown spots. These formations outwardly resemble cotton wool. Also in nature there are luminous fungal colonies.

It is possible to distinguish black, white and brown fungal colonies. Color can tell not only about a specific class of organisms, but also about the degree of their development. Often the colors of the formations depend on the surfaces on which the colonies live.

Why do fungi and mold form?

Mold in the basement never develops without a reason. Here are some typical reasons:

  • Missing or clogged ventilation systems. If there is not enough fresh air in the basement, mold can form.
  • High humidity, condensation. This factor is a consequence of the first reason.
  • Weak air circulation in the cellar.
  • Rotten vegetables, fruits and other foods. Spoiled foods are the source of this scourge. Spores quickly spread in the basement along the walls, floors and ceilings.
  • The presence of wooden products infected with a fungus.

Conditions for breeding flexible

Why does one owner have a fungus in the basement, while the other does not? In order for such a “life” to appear, several conditions must be met. It:

  • Spores in the air that can get on people, animals, various products.
  • The presence of a nutrient organic environment.
  • Mold develops if the humidity level is high in the room, the air temperature is 20 degrees and above.

Various types of mold can lose their ability to reproduce and develop at low air temperatures - from 0 ° and below. Separately, it must be said about ventilation. Ventilation systems are designed to ensure normal air circulation. When there is movement of air currents, this prevents the spores from attaching to the surface.

In the corners of the premises, air currents often move weakly - it is in the corners that these colonies accumulate.

Also, the ventilation system removes excess moisture from the air, which is formed due to increased humidity outside the cellar or due to a large temperature difference between the outside of the house and inside the basement. If there are traces of a fungal colony on the wall, but there are no conditions for reproduction, then there will be no germination. From this it turns out that the reason for everything is poor ventilation.

On the video: the causes of the appearance of fungus on the walls.

Fungal colonies and human health

The fungus can not only significantly spoil the appearance of the room, even if it is a basement. It is very dangerous for humans. In addition, food stored underground in most households can also spoil. Mold can spread to various types of surfaces and objects. It tends to spread very quickly due to reproduction, which can greatly reduce the shelf life and usefulness of products.

If white mold is found in the basement, it must be removed immediately. Let's figure out how to destroy the fungus.

Effective ways to fight

Before processing the basement, the causes of the appearance of "life" should be removed. A comprehensive campaign is needed - this way you can not only get rid of fungus and mold at home, but also prevent the re-proliferation of spores in the basements. It is necessary to get rid of adversity in several stages. We will see how to remove the fungus in the cellar, what means are best suited for this.

Room preparation

For the entire time of disinfection, the cellar must be freed from all items and food. So you can provide full access to all places of localization of settlements. This will help protect the products. All furniture is removed from the cellar - it should also be processed to avoid re-settlement of colonies. Conduct general cleaning. Clean off all formations on walls, floors, ceilings and other surfaces.

If the fungi managed to penetrate deep enough into the finishing material, it is better to replace the damaged structure with a new one.

Wood rots especially quickly under the influence of these bacteria. If the basement floor is made of soil, then it is necessary to remove about 20 cm of soil - the entire top layer is infected. Next, the room should be thoroughly dried. And only after that you can start a real war with the use of special drugs. So let's get the mold out of the basement.


Now the real fight against mold in the basement begins. There are several effective ways to clean the cellar from mold. Let's see how to treat the cellar from mold and fungus.

sulfur checker

The destruction of the fungus is effective with sulfur dioxide vapors. This tool is highly recommended by experts. It should be applied at the beginning. Using a sulfur checker is simple - after the access of air to the basement is blocked, the checker is placed in a tin basin and set on fire.

Next, you should quickly leave the basement and close the door tightly. Sulfur smoke also poses a danger to humans and pets. After about 12 hours, the cellar is thoroughly ventilated and dried with slaked lime. One of its properties is excellent moisture absorption.


You can get rid of the fungus in the basement inexpensively and quickly with the help of lime. Lime is very effective in the war against fungus colonies. It is often used for prevention. Before starting work, the cellar is pre-treated with deactin. The material is dissolved in water, and then the mixture is applied to all painted surfaces. This procedure is best done outdoors.

There are many ways to clean basements with lime. There are two folk recipes:

  • mixture with formalin. So, for one bucket of water, take 500 g of bleach and 200 g of formalin. With this composition, it is necessary to coat all surfaces in the cellar. Then the room is dried and ventilated.
  • Lime mixture with copper sulphate. Here, 1 kg of slaked lime is taken for two buckets of water, 100 g of vitriol are added. This solution is distributed using a spray bottle.


For those who do not know how to get rid of mold in the cellar with improvised means, there is another effective recipe. In this case, we will clean the basement with bleach. It will quickly and easily clear any colonies. In terms of effectiveness, chlorine is in no way inferior to sulfuric checker. You can use "Whiteness" from the store, but there are other drugs.

The surface is thoroughly cleaned with a metal brush. Then a solution is prepared - so, one part of "Whiteness" is dissolved in ten parts of water. To maximize the effect, you can add two tablespoons of salt to the solution. To destroy the fungus in the cellar, the agent is applied to all walls, ceiling and floors. For the best result, the solution is applied to cotton wool and left in places where spores are heated up massively.

All metal and wooden shelving should also be processed. So we get rid of mold completely and forever. These organisms do not live on treated surfaces.

These are not all recipes. You can still remove this attack with vodka, but not everyone will go for it. You can use boric acid. The main thing is that the fight against mold at home is possible. Knowing how to get rid of the fungus in the cellars, you can save food and your own health.

Antifungal agents (34 photos)

It is unfortunate, but in most basements and cellars of new buildings, a fungus suddenly appears. The nature of its origin is different. The main reason for this is high humidity in the cellar (or basement). From the article we will learn how to get rid of the fungus in the cellar.

When it begins its active spread, the entire structure of the house is exposed to its harmful effects. Over time, this simply destroys the house ... The fungus infects not only the walls of cellars and basements, but also the soil of the premises. Before we find out how to get rid of the fungus in the cellar, let's look at the reasons why it actually occurs.

Reasons for the appearance of fungus in the cellar

To begin with, remember that the fungus that has appeared on the walls and ceiling of your cellar is not some out of the ordinary phenomenon! This is a pretty common problem! There are several reasons why this unpleasant and harmful phenomenon occurs. That is why, before choosing one or another remedy for the fungus in the cellar, you need to understand why it appeared and eliminate this factor. So what are the reasons.

  1. Close proximity to groundwater.
  2. Melting snow forms moisture that enters the cellar.
  3. Poor ventilation in the cellar, constant rain.
  4. The most Bottom part houses are constantly exposed to spring waters or autumn showers.

In general, all of the above reasons, combined with darkness, create the very comfortable conditions for the reproduction of the fungus.

How to get rid of fungus in the cellar?

Here are some factors that will help eliminate this problem:

  1. Availability of ventilation. Remember that neither fungus nor mold can tolerate warm and dry air! And we must not forget that such air must circulate in the cellar (i.e., be in constant motion) and not stagnate!
  2. Waterproofing. Take care of the maximum waterproofing of the foundation of the house. This will prevent moisture from entering the cellar or basement space. This item is very relevant when it comes to fairly old houses that are already in need of repair.
  3. Treatment of the premises with special means. How to treat the cellar from the fungus? There are quite a few resources available to help you deal with this problem. For example, you can get rid of the fungus with ordinary bleach. Dilute the well-known remedy "Whiteness" with water. Keep equal proportions. Then just treat it with all the places affected by the fungus. Don't forget to protect your hands with rubber gloves!

How to get rid of the fungus in the cellar with the help of folk remedies?

  1. Lime will help you. Thoroughly dilute the slaked lime and bleach in a small amount of water. Keep equal proportions. You will get a mixture to fight the fungus! Treat walls with traces of defeat with it.
  2. You can treat all the affected areas (walls, wooden ceilings) with a mixture of boric acid and table salt. It is necessary to make a solution by adding 1 kg of salt to 5 liters of water. Pour 50 g of dry powder of boric acid.
  3. You can use vodka. Spray the floor of your cellar and its walls with it. Then wipe all the racks with vodka. I would like to note that this method is not for the "faint-hearted".