Biting bugs. How do home bed bugs bite a person? When and who do bedbugs bite more often

You can get infected with insects in the locker rooms of sports sections, swimming pools, when trying on hats, baseball caps, things, in a train car or hotel, and other places with a large crowd of people.

Varieties of lice

There are many varieties of lice that live on mammals. Their difference is like appearance, as well as habitat.

No matter how many types of lice there are in nature, they are specific in that they are adapted to only one host (animal or human) and habitat. That is, human lice cannot live on the bodies of other animals, and dog lice live only on dogs. Therefore, head lice can only be transmitted from person to person, not from dogs.

What are lice afraid of?

Lice, like many insects, do not tolerate strong odors, temperature changes, both rises and falls.

Fthirus (louse) is afraid of pungent odors, such as:

  1. tea tree;
  2. eucalyptus;
  3. menthol;
  4. rosemary;
  5. geranium;
  6. cypress;
  7. lavender.

Each of the above essential oils is highly concentrated and has a detrimental effect on nervous system insect, which leads to their weakening.

Also negative impact temperature exerts on the phthirius. All insects are afraid of the cold. The vital activity of lice occurs at a temperature of 23-30 degrees.

Therefore, when exposed to frost at - 8-15 degrees for 15-25 minutes, their viability decreases sharply. They rarely feed on human blood, as a result of which the ability to lay nits disappears.

But it is worth knowing that a temperature of 0 degrees will not bring any results. In this case, the lice will hibernate, in which they can survive for several days, after which they will continue their lives.

Unfortunately, using a simple shampoo and washing off the lice with water is impossible. These insects are not afraid of water. They know how to swim well and can survive, for example, in the pool for about 3 days. Therefore, after going swimming, you can become infected with pediculosis.

Causes of pediculosis

You need to know that they cannot fly and jump. Their movement is carried out with the help of a very fast run. Therefore, infection can occur through close contact with a patient with pediculosis.

Especially the disease is easily transmitted to owners of long hair, lice quickly move along them and reach the scalp.

Remarkable is the fact. Pediculosis can be purchased at a hairdresser, a bathhouse, in places that a person often visits. You can become infected with body lice by coming into close household contact with a sick person or after using dirty clothes or things repeatedly.

The pubic louse is transmitted through sexual contact. However, infection can occur after using someone else's towel, linen or clothing.

Symptoms of pediculosis

Itching is a symptom of pediculosis., which is caused by a substance secreted by lice. The person experiences mild or unbearable overthrow, which intensifies at night. A rash after a louse bite occurs after some time, first itchy dermatitis appears, small red papules.

With an increase in itching, combed areas appear on the skin, they form crusts, small sores and peeling. Due to the appearance of wounds, infection may occur, it provokes the occurrence of abscesses.


All of the above symptoms, of course, are a reason to consult a dermatologist and make a diagnosis of pediculosis. The combed places and spots are examined through a magnifying glass, which magnifies the image 5 times.

In the event that the doctor detects the presence of white nits that burst with a click and the lice themselves, then he makes a diagnosis of pediculosis. After the disease is diagnosed, special treatment is prescribed.

There are three types of treatment:

  1. chemical - use, tablets;
  2. mechanical - special combs, thick combs;
  3. folk remedies.

Self-medication is not worth it, improperly selected drugs or shampoos can harm the skin and health or aggravate the situation and lead to complications.

Inspection can be done at home. It is important to look carefully so as not to confuse nits with dandruff, because they have some similarities.

The lice themselves can be seen without a magnifying glass, they are especially noticeable when they drink blood and their body becomes darker than usual. Also, the bites are very itchy. After detecting insects, you need to consult a doctor so that he can prescribe treatment.

Pediculosis treatment at home

If going to the doctor is not possible, and pediculosis is observed, then it is worth buying a special therapeutic shampoo or lotions, solutions, emulsions at the pharmacy, essential oils, ointments, gels and aerosols. These funds should be used from 5 to 12 days (you need to look at the instructions).

There are such folk remedies for pediculosis:

Features of pediculosis in children

After the appearance of insects in a child, a number of symptoms are observed, such as:

  • frequent scratching of the head and neck;
  • the appearance of red bite marks;
  • combed places appear;
  • the presence of lice and nits themselves;
  • an increase in the lymph nodes behind the ears (with complications).

A much more problematic situation is when a future mother becomes infected with pediculosis. As you know, many drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women because of their chemical compositions. Therefore, it is worth immediately trying to get rid of lice mechanically.

A great way to get rid of head lice during pregnancy is a haircut. If the expectant mother is not superstitious and all of the above methods did not give any results, then cutting her hair is the best option.


Pediculosis can cause complications if the necessary measures are not taken in time.

Complications caused by lice bites are as follows:

  • the appearance of abscesses on combed areas of the body;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • worsening sleep;
  • severe headaches and in the back;
  • the appearance of a rash on the body;
  • there is irritability, nervousness.

Also, after the appearance of lice and bites, a person may develop an allergy. This reaction may be accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes, rashes throughout the body, fever, swelling of the skin in places where the wounds are. Therefore, when detecting pediculosis, you need to monitor the general condition of the body and in case of complications, seek help from the hospital.


To avoid infestation with lice, you need to do the following:

  1. Avoid close physical contact with people who lead a lifestyle in unsanitary conditions.
  2. It is necessary to use only your own things, because the use of other people's combs, hairpins, elastic bands can lead to infection.
  3. It is important to follow all the rules of hygiene and wash linen and clothes regularly.
  4. You can use anti-lice shampoos and lotions for prevention.
  5. It is important, at the first signs of pediculosis, to consult a doctor or immediately purchase anti-lice products in order to avoid their further reproduction.
  6. You can use the above folk remedies which are also effective.

- a popular disease accompanied by parasitic insects that settle on hairline and feed on human blood.

It is very difficult to notice lice, usually with pediculosis itching appears in the head area, sometimes purulent formations form from scratching.

At the first symptoms, you should immediately examine the hair, if there is small insects gray color and balls white color, then you need to immediately contact a specialist or start acting independently.

NOTE to the environment. Well, if the disease has overtaken only one family member, in this case, the spread of lice is almost impossible. If all members of the family suffer, then when one recovers, others can infect him again.

The last thing that determines the duration of treatment - preventive measures after detecting lice.

Houses must be thoroughly cleaned by special means personal hygiene items were processed, the bed was washed and ironed.

Before you take action, you must understand that pediculosis requires a close and comprehensive impact. Only in this case, the disease can be defeated.

Is it possible to remove lice and nits in 1 day with folk remedies? Despite the fact that the disease requires close attention, with sufficient desire and effort you can get rid of lice in one day. Of course have special preparations, which are sold in pharmacies, they guarantee instant recovery. Recipes can also compete with them. traditional medicine passed down from generation to generation.

How to get rid of lice at home quickly: folk remedies

If you notice signs of infection in yourself, then you can turn to "grandmother's" recipes for help. Very popular for treatment are herbal and, including pharmaceutical products in the form of alcohol, or hydrogen peroxide, and, of course, all kinds of herbal infusions, such as lotions. So, how to remove lice at home with folk remedies quickly? Let's take a closer look at each of the recipes.

IMPORTANT! Pediculosis requires an integrated approach.


  • traditional recipe- for its manufacture you will need ivy - a handful in the palm of your hand, vinegar - 90 ml, they need to be mixed and crushed until a slurry is formed.
  • decoctions- very effective for prevention and maintenance of the effect. For they will be ineffective or require prolonged exposure. What is needed for this?

    Take a few burdock leaves, pour boiling water over it and leave to infuse in a dark place. After cooling, rinse your hair with this decoction for several days after treatment and once a month as a. Also, fragrant rue, calendula or wormwood are perfect for a decoction;

IMPORTANT! For best results, use the freshest ingredients. In the best case - immediately from the garden.

  • vegetable mask. Take half a glass of ordinary vegetable oil and apply to the entire head, cover with a plastic bag on top and keep for several hours. Then wash your hair large quantity water and shampoo according to hair type. Keep in mind that the oil has the ability to protect itself from water, so you will have to try a little when washing off. After that, you can start combing out the lice and nits with a comb. Usually, one or two treatments help;
  • odorous mixture- consists of tar soap and oil. mix liquid soap and a little oil, apply this mixture on your hair and wash off after 25 minutes. The method is very efficient, but bad smell, which is difficult to derive.

For example, kerosene, which has an unpleasant pungent odor and is very toxic. However, it copes well with lice and nits in one application.

Mix kerosene with vegetable oil and apply to the entire head, put on a plastic cap and leave for several hours. If there is no burning sensation, then you can endure all night.

Then comb your hair with a comb. Kerosene has minor consequences in the form of skin redness, itching and burns. It's also hard to get rid of bad odors. Another fast and aggressive remedy is vodka compress.

Cotton swabs are abundantly moistened and applied to the scalp, then a plastic cap is put on for 20 minutes, then everything is washed off with plenty of water. A very simple and affordable tool.

IMPORTANT! If you feel a strong burning sensation during the procedure, you should immediately stop and wash off with more and more water.

Nits are small eggs that lice lay close to the scalp. To completely get rid of pediculosis, it is not enough to kill adults, you need to get rid of nits. Proper disposal of nits not only helps to get rid of lice, but also prevents them from spreading to family members, friends, and pets. After reading this article, you will learn how to properly get rid of nits.


Getting rid of lice

    Get rid of adult lice first. Removing nits alone will not save the patient from pediculosis. First you need to remove the lice, as they continue to lay eggs while on the hair. These eggs then develop into adult lice. This cycle will continue indefinitely unless it is stopped and the adult louse is killed first.

    Use a prescription shampoo. You can try Feverfew shampoo. This shampoo is made on the basis of pyrethrins. Pyrethrins are natural extracts from chrysanthemum flowers. Pyrethrins are very quickly absorbed into the body of lice and affect the nervous system, disrupting the transmission of nerve impulses. However, this group of natural insecticides is not always effective.

    • Apply shampoo to dry hair. Then wait ten minutes. After that, lather the shampoo well by adding more water. Rinse your hair. Now you need to remove the nits. After 7-10 days, repeat the whole process to kill any lice that may have hatched after treatment.
  1. Try to suffocate live lice. Although there are few clinical studies on the effectiveness of this method, some people believe that lice die from suffocation. They claim that certain foods enter the respiratory system and clog the lice's airways. Lice can still live for a few hours, but after a while they die.

    Get ready for the nit removal procedure. Choose a location with enough natural or artificial lighting. Good lighting will help you better see the nits stuck to your hair. Also, put a towel over your shoulders to keep nits or hair from falling to the floor.

    Removing Nits with Vinegar

    Wash your hair with vinegar water. The nits are covered with a sticky substance that holds them firmly to the hair. Vinegar dissolves this substance, thereby making it easier to separate the nits from the hair.

    • Kneel over the tub and turn on the faucet. Wet your hair with warm water. Then close the faucet. Still on your knees, pour the vinegar over your head. Make sure that all strands are covered with vinegar. Then rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water.
    • Alternatively, you can mix vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio and soak your hair in the solution.
    • Apply leave-in hair conditioner with a comb. All strands should be covered with conditioner. Thanks to this, you can comb out the nits painlessly and easily.
  2. Start combing out the nits. You will need a metal comb with fine, hard teeth. Do not use a regular plastic comb. The necessary comb can be purchased at most pharmacies. Use a magnifying glass to make it easier for you to see the nits.

    • Chances are you removed most of the nits when you used the vinegar. However, there is a chance that you have not removed all the nits. Take a small strand in your hand. The width of the selected strand should be equal to the length of the comb. Comb all hair thoroughly.
  3. After combing through the strand, rinse the comb in soapy water. To do this, you will need a small bowl of soapy water. Then dry the comb on a tissue or paper towel to get rid of nits and lice that have caught on the teeth.

    Repeat the process until you have combed out the nits from all the strands. Secure each treated strand to the side to minimize the chance of re-infestation.

    Wash your hair. After you comb out the nits, wash your hair again. Thanks to this, you will have the feeling that your hair is clean. Use the anti-lice shampoo again to ensure complete elimination of the lice.

    • Dry your hair and carefully inspect your head for lice or nits. If you notice nits or lice, then you will have to repeat the whole process again.
  4. Wash the accessories you have used. Put the bowl in which you rinsed the comb in the dishwasher or pour boiling water into it and leave it for 10 minutes with the lid closed. You can also place all combs, hairpins, and other accessories in a bowl of boiling water. However, first try to remove nits and lice from these accessories.

    • Heat the water in a bowl to about 54 degrees Celsius for 5-10 minutes. All lice and nits will die.
    • Alternatively, you can mix two cups of boiling water with one ammonia. Soak the comb you used to comb out the nits in the ammonia solution for 15 minutes, and then clean it with an old toothbrush.
    • If necessary, you can use this comb to treat the hair of another family member.

    Removing Nits with Listerine

    1. Apply Listerine to your hair. Listerine contains a high percentage of alcohol, which makes it possible to kill lice and nits. Although some sites that offer natural treatments advise the use of Listerine, many medical sites do not recommend the use of this remedy. Please note that listerine contains alcohol, so be careful not to get the product in your eyes. Also, if you have open sores on your scalp, you may feel a burning sensation when you apply Listerine. Also, make sure that listerine does not get into the hands of a child.

      • If you choose to use Listerine, apply it to your hair and wear a shower cap for 30 minutes or more. This will kill the lice. Repeat if necessary.
      • You can apply Listerine before bed. Place a towel over the pillow to avoid staining the bedding. In the morning you will continue the cleaning process.
    2. Wash your hair with warm water and vinegar. To get Listerine out of your hair, wash your hair with warm water and vinegar. Pour plenty of vinegar on your hair to get rid of nits.

      • Once you've done all of the above, apply a leave-in conditioner to your hair, comb it through, and then use a nit comb to comb the nits out of each strand.
    3. Wash the area where you removed the nits, as well as all the accessories that you used. Wash the nit comb in soapy water or dishwasher. Also pour listerine into a spray bottle. This step will not only get rid of lice, but also prevent re-infestation.

      • Wash bed linen and towels in hot water. Heat treatment will kill lice and nits.

    Prevention of reinfection

    1. Avoid contact with other people's hair. Fortunately, lice are not very mobile. They cannot jump and cannot live outside of a person's head. The most common way of transmitting lice to another person is through direct contact with their hair. Such contact is common in schools, while playing or playing sports, and during sleep when it comes to infecting a child. As for adults, infection can occur when your hair comes into contact with the hair of a loved one.

      Avoid contact with contaminated personal items, bedding, detergents. The louse dies in the absence of food within one or two days. However, be careful. Avoid infested items that may contain eggs or lice.

      • Such items include hats, elastic bands, hairpins, scarves, coats and school uniforms. Never share your hat, comb, or towel with other people.
      • Soak comb, combs, towels in hot water (54°C) for 10 minutes to disinfect.
    2. Wash linen, towels, bedding in hot water. Bedding, pillows, soft toys and towels should be washed in hot water and tumble dried to kill any remaining insects. Please note that the temperature of the water must be at least 54°C. If you cannot wash or dry your clothes properly, dry clean them or put them in a plastic bag and leave them for two weeks.

    3. Vacuum the floor and other surfaces. Lice or nits may have been on the floor or other surfaces if you or your loved one had them. If possible, use vacuum bags with a HEPA filter so that you can remove lice and nits during the cleaning process.

      • Of course, lice or nits on such surfaces usually do not remain viable for long. However, it is best to treat furniture and similar surfaces to prevent re-infestation.

Head lice. Many people think that only the moving ones are the most dangerous: larvae and adult lice. But that's not the case at all! While larvae and lice can be effectively killed with various pediculicides, all of these techniques have little to no effect on eggs. Why eggs have such protection against chemicals and how to get rid of lice eggs for sure, whether it is possible to kill them with electric current, freeze or drown in water, we will tell in this material.

We have selected the best combs for you: a metal comb and an advanced alternative - an electronic comb. But be warned about products that don't work. Some unscrupulous manufacturers, taking advantage of the gullibility of people and their desire to get rid of lice as soon as possible, simply deceive them! We will tell you about a product that has been on sale for a long time, but is completely useless. And in the end, we will share with you 7 valuable tips for combing your hair and 5 secrets on how to protect yourself from infection.

The most common questions about the initial stage of lice - nits

What do lice eggs (nits) look like?

These are white oval cylinders a little over 1 mm in size, which are laid by female lice. They glue the eggs to the base of the hair, very close to the scalp - ~6mm from the root. In appearance, they look like small white grains, but most often they are noticed by touch: nits are like small debris in the hair that cannot be removed with your fingers. The strong glue secreted by females is to blame for everything - it is needed so that the eggs do not fall from the hair and, thanks to the heat from the skin, develop further. Most often they are noticed in the area behind the ears and in the occipital zone.

When do eggs become larvae?

The eggs become larvae 7-10 days after being laid by the female and attached to the hair. Toward the end of this period, the previously white nits turn brown: this means that future larvae are already sitting inside, who are eager to get out of the shell and drink human blood. It is because of the dark color on dark hair that they are sometimes more difficult to notice.

NO: You won't pick them up in the pool itself. Although nits can live for several hours underwater, they cannot be transmitted by swimming in the same pool as an infected person. Lice hold on to the hair too tightly (at any stage of growth) and do not let go of the hair when immersed in water.

BUT: Rarely, but eggs can rarely be transmitted through shared household items and headgear: pillowcases, combs, towels, hats, hats, helmets. Therefore, never use other people's towels and combs in the pool!

How to get rid of lice eggs for sure? Effective and ineffective methods and products

The most important thing in getting rid of lice is to kill the larvae and adults so that they stop breeding. This is usually easier than having to dispose of the eggs later, which will continue to hatch and populate your head with new lice. Over the long centuries of mankind's struggle with lice, thousands of ways to eliminate nits have appeared - both effective and completely useless. See our table where we will debunk all the myths and tell the truth about what really works.

As you can see, it’s not that there is no choice, but only one way is guaranteed to get rid of nits - combing your hair with a special comb. Below we will talk about the best models and give helpful tips how to properly comb out without harm to those who carry out the procedure.

The comb is the key to 100% getting rid of lice eggs

Combing out nits is a long, painstaking, but the most effective way, which also helps to understand whether the shampoo killed all adults and larvae. The main thing in this matter is to be careful and be sure to comb out all the eggs, otherwise the lice will multiply again and torment you at night. But do not rush to search for a comb at home: anything will not work.

Lice comb: plastic or metal?

Only metal with long teeth. To comb lice out of the head, ordinary plastic combs will not work. They are useless because they bend well and their teeth are held separately from each other. Therefore, larvae and adult lice simply will not be captured by such a comb. Also, any combs with short teeth will not work. You may like not only ordinary metal combs, but also modern electronic combs that combine the functions of a comb and a vacuum cleaner. With such a device, the found nits will not need to be removed manually, they will be in a container inside the device

How to choose a metal comb?

All metal combs are very similar: long steel teeth, tightly pressed against each other and a comfortable handle. But there is one bestseller comb that has long and firmly won the respect of thousands of buyers.

Nit Free Terminator Lice Comb

It costs 600 rub and is made of stainless steel. Its handle is corrugated to make it more comfortable to hold in your hand and to prevent the comb from slipping out of your hands when combing very thick hair. The comb is great even for thin and brittle hair. The manufacturer is so confident in his product that he gives a lifetime warranty on it. We couldn't find any complaints about the broken device, but we did find a few tips. For example, users recommend combing nits from wet hair, and not dry.

Unlike other combs, it is also possible to purchase sets of 2, 6, 10, 12, 24 and even 100 pieces - for the treatment of mass head lice. Starting from packs of 6 - very profitable price 400 rubles apiece and below.

Lice spray + comb Full Marx

Children's shampoo for the prevention of head lice Fairy Tales

Comparison table of the best lice remedies

The best electronic lice comb

Electronic combs are controversial gadgets. On the one hand, they are more convenient in the process of removing nits and protect other people from infection, because. “Finds” do not need to be touched by hands and shaken onto a cloth. This is because some models of such devices work like vacuum cleaners - all lice eggs are collected in a container inside the device, which can then be easily cleaned into the toilet. But on the other hand, they may seem to some people a little expensive and much more demanding to use than ordinary combs. Anyway, the choice is yours, and we will only talk about one of the most popular models.

V-Comb - Head Lice Comb - FDA Registered - Pesticide and Chemical Free - Natural Lice Treatment for Head Lice - Out Performs other Head Lice Combs and Lice Shampoo - Removes Lice and Eggs

This is a combination comb and mini vacuum cleaner for ~$60 - and for this price you will get the most delicate and safe combing! During this process, all eggs found will not need to be removed by hand, thanks to a vacuum cleaner, they will go into special disposable bags.

Attention! Not all electronic combs are equally good. Manufacturer LiceGuard RobiComb Electronic Lice Comb behind ~$21 promises that his product will electrocute lice and their eggs! But do not believe empty promises - scientists from the USA tested this comb and found out that it is useless - lice cannot be killed at any stage with a current! So do not waste money on such experiments!

Now let's get back to the procedure itself. We have outlined the main tips for combing nits:

  1. After washing your hair with medicated shampoo and before combing out, dry your hair a little, it should not drip from them. If using an electronic comb, dry your hair completely.
  2. Apply a little oil (olive/tea tree oil) to the hair roots to ease the process or hair gel/conditioner. You can use regular gels or conditioners, or special ones, for example, with rosemary extract, which not only make the comb easier to glide, but also repel lice.
  3. Prepare all the conditions: make sure the room is well lit, pour water into a bowl to clean the comb, or prepare a tight transparent bag. nits and grey-white adults.
  4. You need to comb all the hair, starting from the top of the head and down to the tips as close to the scalp as possible and in all directions. You may find it more convenient if the hair is first divided into small flagella all over the head. Carefully inspect the comb for eggs and live lice, wash it in a bowl of water, or clean the comb in a bag. The procedure can take an hour or more, especially if the hair is very thick, long and blond.
  5. If individual nits sit too tightly on individual hairs, cut those hairs small manicure scissors.
  6. Periodically drain the water from the bowl into the toilet and draw a new one.
  7. After combing out the entire head, wash your hair with regular shampoo to wash off the oil. Clean the comb - or rather, boil it if it is a simple metal one for 15 minutes .. After that, it can be used for another sick person.
  1. During the procedure, do not touch your head with your hands, otherwise you yourself can become infected. Pull your hair back into a ponytail, braid, or other hairstyle. You can tie a scarf over your head.
  2. During the procedure, remove all jewelry from your hands: bracelets, rings.
  3. Wear short gloves to avoid touching the lice with your hands.
  4. To protect your clothes, put on a trash bag so that it does not hinder movement, but covers the front of the body. After-take it off (naturally, through the legs, not the head).
  5. When finished, put the gloves, bag in a plastic bag and take it to the trash. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

Human lice are divided into three types:, and. The latter live on human clothes, feed on his blood and lay their eggs in the folds of linen, at the seams of fabrics. It is not difficult to deal with living on things. A banal hygienic procedure and processing of clothes is enough.

Much more trouble is caused by lice on a person's head. Insects are not characterized by long, but very long. Adults are small and barely reach 3-4 mm. The color of the nondescript body is grayish, after saturation it becomes red. They feed up to 3-4 times a day, young larvae are more voracious - they make up to 8 meals per day. A photo of lice in the hair is presented below.

The life span of a louse is 35-45 days. During this time, the female manages to lay up to 200 eggs. The daily rate is 5-8 pieces, which she attaches with an adhesive to the base of the hair. The nit resembles a tiny transparent capsule with a lid only 1 mm in size. - the spectacle is quite unpleasant. Under optimal conditions, a larva crawls out of the nit after 7-10 days, which differs from adults only in size. After three molts, she turns into a sexually mature insect, for this she needs 6-10 days.

The minimum period of development from egg to adult is 13 days.

On a note!

The situation cannot be left to chance. Head lice are blood-sucking insects, therefore: the likelihood of infection infectious diseases, decreased concentration, the appearance of all kinds of phobias and others Negative consequences.