What is better in the kitchen tile or laminate. What is better in the kitchen - laminate or tile: advantages and disadvantages of solutions

The kitchen is undoubtedly the most frequently visited place in the apartment. A high degree of soiling, high humidity, as well as possible mechanical impacts with sharp and heavy objects place increased demands on the quality of the floor covering.


Not so long ago, linoleum was the only acceptable flooring option. However, progress does not stand still and now many people use materials such as ceramic tiles and laminate to cover the kitchen floor. These two varieties will be discussed.

Which do you prefer: tile or laminate?

In order not to be mistaken with the choice of flooring for the kitchen, it is necessary to take into account the features of each of them. So, if you choose floor tiles, remember that:

  • One of its advantages is high wear resistance and strength.
  • With proper installation, a waterproof coating is formed that will not allow a leaky faucet to ruin the repairs to the neighbors below.
  • The tile is very easy to clean from dirt and does not absorb them.
  • Thanks to a huge range of sizes and colors, you can lay out on the floor in the kitchen any ornament that suits your taste and overall style decision premises.
  • Its disadvantages are: cold surface, often rather slippery; lack of sound insulation; if installed incorrectly, the tile can break if something is dropped on it.

If your choice is a laminate, consider the following nuances:

  • It's very wear and tear resistant material, but it is necessary to choose a coating with a strength class of 33 and higher - although such a laminate is more expensive, however, in a kitchen it will last much longer than cheap options.
  • On the floor, laid out with laminate, you can walk with bare feet - it is pleasant to the touch and not cold.
  • There are a huge variety of laminate colors on the modern market, the so-called “natural” colors are very popular: in the form of wooden plates, stone, brick, glass, leather, metal, soil, etc. Thanks to such a large selection, the laminate will fit into any interior - from classic to high-tech.
  • Of the disadvantages of the laminate, the following can be noted: even the highest quality laminate deteriorates from prolonged exposure to water (more than 6 hours).
  • To remove contaminants, in some cases it is necessary to dismantle the elements.

Combined variant

The most successful and practical solution when choosing flooring for the kitchen will be a combination of laminate and tiles. Using this combination, you can show the visual zoning of the kitchen space - the workspace is usually laid out with tiles, and the dining area with laminate, as well as facilitate the maintenance of the flooring.

Laminate and tile joining methods

Without a sill. There are several ways to do this:

  1. using a cork compensator. A strip of cork is glued at the junction of the coatings. Laminate along the edge must be treated with a moisture protection agent;
  2. using a fugue (grout for joints) or putty. The seam between the coatings is laid with a slightly larger layer of putty or grout, it is desirable to cover it with a protective varnish on top;
  3. with a liquid stopper. Liquid cork is a mixture of cork chips and glue. It is very resistant to temperature extremes and mechanical damage, so this method of connection floor coverings is very reliable. As in the previous version, it is laid between the seam.

A joint hidden under the threshold. This method of docking is easier. There are several types of sills:

  1. straight threshold. It is used when the laminate and tile are at the same level in height;
  2. corner threshold. Required when joining materials with a difference in height of 5 mm, for a smoother transition;
  3. bending threshold. With its help, the coatings are connected along a curved line.

Pros and cons

According to statistics, the most popular kitchen flooring is linoleum, in second place is laminate, and in third place is tile. Let's spend comparative analysis of all three coatings, we will consider all their pros and cons, and after that we will already draw conclusions about what is still better to cover the floor in the kitchen.

So, for starters, let's talk about linoleum. What do we know about him? Linoleum is a canvas made of polyvinyl chloride. There are three types of linoleums:

  1. domestic. As a rule, it is used only in residential premises, it is rather fragile, unstable to heavy loads and mechanical damage. At the same time, it is cheaper than other types, has a variety of colors, which makes it very popular in the flooring market;
  2. semi-commercial. More durable and, accordingly, more wear-resistant type of linoleum. It is used not only in residential, but also in office premises. It is also very diverse in colors and textures;
  3. commercial. The most durable of all. He is laid in industrial premises, in public places with a large flow of people.

However, it also has disadvantages:

  • Some types of linoleum do not have a sufficient margin of safety - for example, when moving heavy pieces of furniture, you can easily leave scratches and dents on the coating;
  • The quality of linoleum directly depends on its price - cheap varieties are subject to deformation during temperature changes, as well as fading from exposure to sunlight;
  • May swell when exposed to large amounts of water for a long time (for example, when the room is flooded).

Second on our list of popularity is laminate. It is known that its composition includes both synthetic and natural materials. On top of the laminate tiles applied protective layer. Depending on the strength of the coating, the following types of laminate are distinguished:

  • laminate with strength class 21-23. It is placed in residential areas with low traffic;
  • laminate with strength class 31-33. Laying in offices, industrial premises and public places is possible;
  • water repellent laminate. It is placed in places with a high level of humidity.

Advantages of laminate flooring:

  • A huge selection of colors, including natural materials: wood, stone, etc.;
  • Laminate panels have fasteners, so their installation is quite simple and does not require additional adhesives;
  • Warm, pleasant to the touch.


  • The service life of a laminate that does not have a moisture-resistant coating will be no more than 5 years;
  • He does not like frequent wet cleaning too much, moisture and dirt can seep into the grooves between the panels, which will lead to deformation of the coating;
  • When moving on the laminate flooring of heavy furniture, scratches can occur, and it can also be damaged by dropping a sharp object;
  • Laminate does not absorb sound, so walking on it is quite noisy.

If we compare linoleum and laminate in terms of cost, then it will entirely depend on the quality of the selected material. Therefore, they are approximately on equal positions.

Which is better in the kitchen - laminate or tile? Why are both solutions good and bad, and are there reasonable alternatives to them? Does it make sense, for example, to lay linoleum in the kitchen? In this material, we will consider all the pros and cons of each option and make our verdict.

To choose the perfect flooring for your kitchen, you need to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of different floor materials.

Premises Features and Evaluation Criteria

To decide what is best for the kitchen - laminate or linoleum, laminate or tile, plank flooring or painted plywood - you must first clearly articulate two things:

  1. Under what conditions will the flooring be used?
  2. What are our wishes for him.

The floor covering must meet several criteria, including its durability, resistance to moisture, ease of installation, etc.

So, what is required from the flooring in the kitchen?

  • Moisture resistance. The floor covering should calmly endure contact with water. First of all, this applies to the cooking area, where liquids on the floor are the first to appear. However, if there are or are planning small children and pets at home, a moisture-resistant coating will not interfere for obvious reasons throughout the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment.
  • Ease of cleaning. The coating should be as easy as possible to wash off any contaminants. You don’t want to spend the whole cleaning process in the kitchen trying to wipe the floors?

A slightly rough floor will prevent unpleasant falls

  • Acceptable coefficient of friction. Linoleum, tiles and laminate in the kitchen in any case should not be slippery.
  • wear resistance. Changing flooring every year is costly and costly. So you should choose a material that is highly wear-resistant and will last more than one year.
  • Price. Price square meter coverage should be kept to a minimum. Yes, with a small kitchen, this indicator is not in the first place; however, cost reductions are welcome.

Wear resistance of the coating will allow you to use it for more than one year

Finally, the subjective feel of the coating will vary when used. different materials. It is better that the floor is warm to the touch.

Let's move on to the comparison

To begin with, we will immediately reject the options for plank floors, painted plywood or chipboard. These materials are hygroscopic, which means that with any fluctuations in humidity they will change linear dimensions, swell and swell.

Only three real contenders remain on our list. Linoleum, laminate or tile in the kitchen - what would be the best choice?

moisture resistance

Will tile or laminate in the kitchen be better by this criterion?

  • Tile. Any type of kitchen tile is not afraid of water in principle, featuring extremely low liquid absorption. It is not even necessary to choose a frost-resistant tile, since we are still talking about a living room: all types of fired clay are absolutely resistant to humidity and temperature, and even to spilled liquids of all types.

The tile is absolutely resistant to moisture

  • Linoleum. Another "resistant" material. Neither temperature nor humidity are terrible for all varieties and types of linoleum.

Linoleum is well tolerated by water and high temperatures.

  • Laminate. With him, we have a diametrically opposite picture (see whether it is possible to lay a laminate in the kitchen). Even those coating classes that are positioned as moisture resistant, with prolonged contact with water (especially hot) and simply high humidity, they inevitably swell.

Even moisture-resistant laminate can swell from constant exposure to hot water.

Ability to resist pollution

It is better to put tiles, laminate or linoleum in the kitchen in terms of the level of surface contamination.

  • Tile. Tiles with a glazed surface do not get dirty in principle. On the other hand, porcelain stoneware and rough tiles in general can pick up various types of pollution in irregularities. However, they are easily washed using any detergents.

Tile cleaning is easy

  • Linoleum. If suddenly this material gets dirty, then washing it will not be absolutely no problem. The only thing to refrain from is abrasive detergents.

When cleaning linoleum, abrasive detergents should be avoided.

  • Laminate. And here he loses to his opponents. For example, jam or syrup that has fallen into the seams between the boards cannot be completely removed without dismantling the floor.

Pollution caught in the seams between the boards is incredibly difficult to remove.

wear resistance

What do linoleum, laminate and tile look like in the kitchen in terms of durability and wear resistance?

  • Tile. The wear resistance of any tile can be considered absolute. Porcelain stoneware for the kitchen without polishing and glaze will look exactly the same in a couple of centuries as it did at the time of purchase.

Both porcelain stoneware and small tiles have long term exploitation

  • Linoleum. This option is highly performance dependent. If a household one will have to be changed in ten years, then a semi-commercial one will allow you to forget about problems with the floor for at least half a century.

In order for the coating to serve you for a long time, you should choose semi-commercial models.

  • Laminate. Approximately the same picture as with the previous version: class 32 and above are very durable.

Laminate is one of the materials that can last for many years.

Note, however, that dropping a heavy, angular object will cause the least damage to semi-commercial linoleum. Of course, if there is no thick soft substrate under it: then it will break through.


Slipping is always annoying. And it is not difficult at all on a freshly washed floor. If we want the safest kitchen possible, can tiles and laminate flooring give us peace of mind? Or maybe linoleum?

It is very important that the material on the floor does not become slippery even after getting wet.

There is no clear favorite here. It all depends on the structure of the surface.

And unpolished porcelain stoneware, and linoleum with imitation of wood texture, and the embossed surface of a solid laminate can be absolutely non-slip. You can also pick up glossy finishes that will make you feel like… um, one pet on the skating rink.

Perhaps parity.


Are linoleum and laminate with tiles in the kitchen able to save the life of your favorite cup that slipped out of your hands?

  • Tile. A fall on any tile is a guaranteed death for glass or ceramic dishes. The surface does not spring. Generally.

If the dishes fall on the tile, they are guaranteed to break.

  • Linoleum. Plasticized polyvinyl chloride, from which the coating is made, is elastic without any reservations. A foam or felt backing enhances this quality.

Many people decide to make repairs on their own, and when choosing a floor covering, they have a question, which is better - tile or laminate. There can be no unequivocal answer to this question; both laminate and tile have their advantages and disadvantages. It will help in choosing and taking into account the individual characteristics of the premises.

Both tiles and laminate have their advantages and disadvantages, and their choice for use in flooring depends only on taking into account the individual characteristics of the room.

Replacing the floor covering is a rather laborious task in itself, but sometimes it is even more difficult to decide on the material (laminate or tile) that will be used for this.

If you have some building skills, then you can easily cope with the process of installing laminate and tiles yourself, otherwise it is better to resort to the services of a finishing specialist.

Ceramic tile

Very often, a material such as ceramic tiles is chosen as a floor covering. The advantage of this material is the presence of a wide colors. It can be used not only in the kitchen, but also in the hallway, bathroom, living room and any other room.

Ceramic tiles have high wear resistance, so they are often used in offices, warehouses and shops, where there is always a large flow of visitors. The tile perfectly protects the floor surface from moisture, tolerates temperature changes well, and is resistant to aggressive substances and fumes. Another feature that ceramic tiles have is that they do not accumulate harmful substances and are made from environmentally friendly raw materials.

Ceramic tiles are ideal option for flooring in toilets, bathrooms or outdoor terraces. It has been used for more than one century and time has shown that with proper operation, the service life of tiles is 50-70 years.

Tiles are practically non-conductive electricity and does not burn. In terms of its properties, this material is close to natural stone Therefore, tiles are recommended for use in rooms where there is high humidity and frequent temperature changes.

One of the disadvantages of this flooring is that it is cold. Installing a "warm floor" will help solve the problem. It is far from always possible to provide full-fledged heating of the room due to the "warm floor", so it is better not to use tiles in the children's room or install additional heating there.

Another disadvantage is the high price of the material, as well as the complexity of its installation. For the installation of tiles, you will have to invite specialists, since, without special skills, it will be very difficult to lay it correctly yourself. The tile has big weight and therefore the foundation on which it will be laid must be very strong and reliable. When wet, the tile becomes slippery, which leads to cases of injury.

But do not forget that ceramic tile is a very durable material, so all your expenses will not be in vain.

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Characteristics of PVC tiles

The material is an analogue of the well-known linoleum. This tile is designed for laying on the floor in the kitchen or hallway. Its advantages are sufficient strength, low weight, high soundproofing qualities, it does not slip and does not swell, it is presented in a wide range of colors.

In order to create an original and unique pattern, you can use tiles different colors. Another advantage of PVC tiles is its low price.

The disadvantage of the material is that it is less durable compared to ceramic tiles, and it is made from artificial components.

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Advantages and disadvantages of laminate

One of the popular modern coatings is laminate. The main advantages of laminate are ease of installation, relatively low price, durability and beautiful appearance.

Due to the fact that the laminate is based on a fibreboard, it has a sufficiently high strength and rigidity. The top layer allows you to imitate very high quality various materials and it will be very difficult for an inexperienced person to distinguish it from natural stone or parquet.

The printed picture is not an outer layer, acrylic or melamine resin is applied on top of it, and expensive brands are additionally coated with corundum, which provides them with high strength. This coating makes the laminate resistant to sunlight, chemical elements and mechanical wear.

This material is easy to clean by wiping it with a damp cloth. It is resistant to mechanical stress from women's heels, furniture legs, cigarette butts. It is great for covering the floor in the children's room.

If we talk about the shortcomings of the laminate, then these are weak edges. This is especially noticeable if the installation technology of this material is violated. It is not necessary to hope that the boards fit snugly against each other, it is necessary to carry out their processing with a special moisture-resistant coating.

In order to carry out the laying of the laminate, it is necessary to carry out high-quality preparation of the base, and these are always additional funds. This material is connected using locks, which, after improper installation, can loosen over time, and then the laminate begins to creak.

To clean the specified coating, it is necessary to use special tools, only in this case it will serve for a long time. The service life, in comparison with tiles, is small - only 15-20 years. It is recommended to install this flooring in rooms such as a bedroom, nursery or hallway, but it is not recommended to lay it in a bathroom or toilet.

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Features of choosing flooring for the kitchen

Laminate tiles are almost in no way inferior - both of these coatings can be used in the kitchen, everything will depend only on your budget and wishes. If you are low on funds, then it is better to opt for laminate, as it is cheaper, but at the same time less durable. The tile is not afraid of dampness, for example, during flooding, while the laminate in this case may be damaged.

Walking barefoot on tiles is not very pleasant, and if in winter this can be corrected by using a “warm floor”, then in summer you will not turn it on. Temperature fluctuations often occur in the kitchen, fat may get on the floor, almost always high humidity, so using tiles as flooring is the most preferred option. It is easy to clean, has a long service life and goes well with the tiles that are often used on kitchen walls.

If we talk about laminate, then it is easier and cheaper to install, has a fairly high strength and is durable. When choosing a material for flooring in the kitchen, consider not only your preferences, but also the characteristics of the material and its cost, as well as your financial capabilities.

Recently, a combined version (laminate and tile) has often been used, when tiles are laid in the working area of ​​the kitchen, and laminate is laid in the eating and relaxing area. Difficulties may arise during the joining of these coatings. The correct joint ensures the evenness of the floor, an imperceptible transition, and the durability of the coating.

There are many ways to join laminate and tile, but the main thing is that the joint provides a combination of colors, answers design decision and taste of the owner. To make a quality transition, transition platforms are often used, which are also called moldings or floor sills.

Moldings can be different: rubber, cork wood, plastic, metal. by the most the best option cork moldings are considered because they are easy to mount, they serve as a shock absorber during laminate spillage, so the floor always remains flat.

Cork molding allows you to hide the joint well. Metal sills are more durable, but they are more difficult to install and cannot be made invisible. Wood moldings are the most expensive and will need to be upgraded over time. The cheapest are plastic sills - they are convenient to use if you need to hide curved joints, but they are short-lived.

In order to get started, it is necessary that the floors are even, and the laminate and tiles are on the same level. If there is a drop, you need to select the appropriate molding. Be sure to leave a gap of 5 mm, since the materials have different expansion rates. To prevent moisture from penetrating under the laminate, a cork barrier is installed.

Everyone who has ever made repairs in the kitchen, sooner or later the question arose of which flooring is best to use. The choice of material is very important, since it is in the kitchen that the floor is subjected to a lot of abrasion, high humidity and temperature changes. The most popular coatings are ceramic tiles, linoleum and laminate. And in order to choose the most suitable option, it is necessary to thoroughly study their advantages and disadvantages.

It has a lot of positive features:

  1. This material has a very reasonable price. Unless, of course, we are talking about.
  2. Safe for children and the elderly due to its non-slip surface.
  3. If the linoleum is covered with felt material with inside, then you can do without additional thermal insulation. The ability of linoleum to retain heat well creates comfort in the room and helps to maintain the health of the owner of the house.
  4. It has excellent sound insulation. If a heavy object falls on the floor, then there will be no strong roar. And if the item is fragile, it is likely that it will not break due to the softness of the coating.
  5. Linoleum has a high degree of moisture resistance. But it is very important to ensure that water does not get under the coating.
  6. not difficult. Any House master without special training and skills can do it.
  7. There are no difficulties during care. It can be cleaned and washed with water.
  8. Very pleasant to the touch due to the soft surface. Many people enjoy walking barefoot on linoleum.

Despite the numerous advantages, linoleum has its negative sides:

  • Linoleum can melt when exposed to temperature. It has no flame retardant properties.
  • Easily damaged, so contact with sharp objects should be avoided.
  • Low resistance to chemicals.
  • Burns out when exposed to direct sunlight.
  • If water gets under the linoleum, bubbles can form.
  • Not an eco-friendly material.

Laminate in your kitchen - pros and cons

It is better to refuse flooring, despite the fact that:

  1. The laminate is easy to assemble (presence of locks). The installation process is very fast.
  2. Warmer and more pleasant to the touch than ceramic tiles.

Unfortunately, there are many more disadvantages:

  • Even the highest quality laminate with high water resistance is low. Good laminate can retain moisture for some time, but it does not compare in this quality with linoleum and tile. In direct contact with water, after 8 hours the floor will begin to break down.
  • There are joints in which moisture and dust often get.
  • Low wear resistance - quickly erased.
  • Small selection of drawings. Almost all laminate imitates the texture of wood.
  • Even the smallest speck of dust will be noticeable. Therefore, it is better to refrain from laminate in the kitchen, since it is here that an active fight against dirt is going on.
  • The coating is not fixed at 100%, but simply lies on a soft substrate. For this reason, the laminate moves a little. BUT household appliances it is better not to install on such a surface.
  • The surface of the laminate is quite vulnerable. Even dropping a knife can cause chips and cracks to appear, which will allow moisture to enter. And the water that got inside the laminate will definitely begin to destroy it.

Tiles in the kitchen - advantages and disadvantages

Considered the most suitable option for the kitchen for several reasons:

  1. Absolutely not afraid of water. Can keep it for several days.
  2. Has high strength. Withstands a fall various items, even cast iron pans. But there are times when cracks appear on the tile.
  3. Excellent wear resistance. It is almost impossible to remove tiles.
  4. Tiles can be of any color, texture, etc. Highly interesting option- tiles imitating laminate or parquet.
  5. Dirt is not visible on a light tile, especially if the pattern resembles cracks. Therefore, you do not have to walk on the floor with a rag every hour.
  6. Due to the absence of any soft substrates, the surface is very well fixed, any equipment can be installed on it.
  7. It is the floor tiles that are a bit rough. Its matte surface prevents slipping, which is very important, especially if there are children in the house. The special floor texture, as it were, restrains sharp and sliding movements.

The tile is ideal for laying the floor in the kitchen. She has practically no negative sides. Only two downsides:

  • Cold surface. Walking barefoot causes discomfort, especially in winter time of the year. But now this drawback is easily eliminated thanks to which can be electric or water. And during the period when it is already cold outside, and the heating has not yet been turned on, such a floor is the only source of heat. And underfloor heating consumes very little electricity.
  • The complexity of the process.

Tiles or laminate in the kitchen in one coating - this is a combined floor, the most practical and interesting solution

As a result, everyone chooses exactly the coating to which the soul lies. Studying the pros and cons of materials, we can conclude that tiles are best suited for flooring in the kitchen. But some prefer only linoleum and nothing else. Now very often they resort to a combined option: they put durable and practical tiles in the working area, and a beautiful laminate can be used in the dining area. On the this moment is the best solution.

Replacing the flooring is a rather time-consuming task, requiring an integrated approach in the selection of materials and their subsequent installation. And if you can still cope with the laying process, having certain skills and abilities, then choosing the only suitable one among the many different floor coverings is quite difficult. Today, floor tiles and laminate are especially popular. Each of these floor coverings has its own advantages and disadvantages, and in order to determine which is better - tile or laminate, you need to know where it is best to install one or another floor covering.

Tiles and laminate have different properties and characteristics, therefore they fit into different types premises

Laminate Features

This flooring appeared in the last century and quickly conquered the market. Today, laminate is one of the leaders among floor coverings, thanks to its unique qualities. Despite the artificial origin, the basis of the laminate is natural raw materials, which determines its characteristics.

Laminate will be a good flooring in the bedroom, nursery, hall and other areas with low loads on the floor surface.

Benefits of laminate are:

  • Ease of installation. All laminate panels are fastened together with a locking connection, thanks to which the laying of the laminate takes a minimum of time, and it can be done by yourself alone.
  • Good noise and heat insulation qualities. The laminate floor owes these positive characteristics to the substrate, for which cork, polyethylene foam or polypropylene foam is used.
  • Imitation for any natural material. The laminate work surface can be made to look like almost any natural material, which opens up an unlimited choice. But in practice, they use imitation under various breeds tree.
  • Resistance to wear and household chemicals. The working surface of the laminate allows you to withstand varying degrees of load, which is reflected in the marking of the flooring and its characteristics. More detailed information is presented in the table:

Table 1. Laminate marking depending on wear resistance

  • Low weight laminate. This feature allows you to lay the laminate on different types grounds, which is very useful, especially when it is necessary to reduce the load on the structure.
  • Eco-friendly laminate. Despite the fact that plastic is used to create the work surface, the laminate panels themselves are made from pressed wood.
  • Low price. The ease of production of laminate, affordable and cheap raw materials are also reflected in the low price of this flooring.

Unfortunately, laminate, like any other flooring, has a number of shortcomings:

  • Poor moisture resistance. Laminate manufacturers are constantly improving the production process, panel design, and using various special materials to increase moisture resistance. But the laminate can still be conditionally called moisture resistant. It is not recommended to be placed in rooms where the level of moisture is constantly high.
  • Bad soundproofing. Thanks to its plastic panel Laminate perfectly reflects sound, so the sound of a solid object falling on its surface can be heard in another room with the doors closed.
  • High requirements for the base. The lock connection of laminate panels and its base are very fragile. Therefore, before laying the laminate, it is necessary to carry out a number of works to prepare the base.
  • Fragile locking connection. Laminate locks can loosen over time and begin to creak. Especially often this happens when the laying technology is violated.
  • Cleaning equipment. The plastic surface of the laminate has a number of limitations regarding its cleaning. Therefore, if you want the laminate to last for a long time, you will have to use certain cleaning products for cleaning indoors.
  • Short service life. In spite of modern technologies, the laminate has a rather short service life of 10 - 15 years, which is very short compared to ceramic tiles.

You can lay laminate in the bedroom, nursery or hallway. In these rooms, it will be very useful. But for the bathroom, kitchen and toilet, it is better to choose floor tiles.

Features of floor tiles

Tile flooring - perfect solution for bathroom, toilet, kitchen and corridor, as well as outdoor terraces

Floor tiles have been used for centuries finishing works. Its popularity is hard to dispute. Benefits ceramic tiles are:

  • Durability and wear resistance. The service life of tile flooring can reach up to 50 years, which, combined with a very high level durability makes it indispensable in rooms with a high level of stress.
  • Durability and unpretentiousness. Caring for tile flooring does not require the use of special detergents, and the surface itself is not afraid to be scratched. In addition, the tile is able to withstand a large load on the surface.
  • Huge selection of colors, textures and patterns. Tile manufacturers strive to satisfy a wide variety of consumer requirements, which, in conjunction with new technologies, has made it possible to obtain an impressive number of diverse ceramic tiles.
  • Ecologically pure material. Tiles are one of the few materials that can boast of absolute environmental friendliness and the use of natural raw materials.
  • Moisture resistant material. The surface of the floor tiles is covered with a special glaze that does not let water through.

The tile is not ideal and has a number of shortcomings:

  • Cold material. Ceramic tile is inherently a stone that has a high thermal conductivity. Therefore, if you want the tile floor to be warm, you will have to equip special system for its heating.
  • The complexity of the laying work. Despite the development of technology and the unification building materials, laying tiles is a rather complicated and time-consuming process.
  • Big weight. Ceramic tile flooring has a very impressive mass. Because of this, it is necessary to create a reliable and solid foundation, which is reflected in the total cost of the work.
  • Fragile coating. On poorly prepared substrates or due to a slight violation of laying technology, tile flooring can crack or split.
  • Slippery surface. It is very easy to slip on a wet tile surface, but today you can also find tiles with an anti-slip surface.

Ceramic tiles are installed in various rooms. But the most suitable are the bathroom, toilet, kitchen, corridor and outdoor terraces. When planning the laying of tiles, it is necessary to remember its high thermal conductivity and the need to arrange a heating system.

It is impossible to unambiguously answer which of these two floor coverings is better. Each has its strengths and their admirers. The main thing is to remember the advisability of laying tiles or laminate in a particular room, based on their performance characteristics.