Making a light boat from plywood with your own hands. Homemade boats for fishing

Before you start building a wooden boat, you need to prepare the main part of such a structure - the sides. To do this, you need to take the most even, long, enough wide boards which are made of spruce or pine.

Look at the photos of homemade boats and you will see that there are no boards on its sides that have knots - this is very important. The boards for this part of the boat should be in a dry place under slight pressure for at least one year.

Choice of boards for work

Before you start production, you need to make sure once again that the boards are absolutely suitable for the job. Next, for each board, you need to measure the desired length and carefully cut them off at an angle of 45 degrees. These boards will go to the bow of the boat.

After that, it is necessary to plan them and check that the boards connected to each other have no gaps. Then treat the ends with an antiseptic.

The next step is to prepare the bow of the boat, and a triangular bar serves them. It should be one and a half times longer than the width of the sides. The beam is also planed and covered with a layer of antiseptic.

Further instructions for making a boat with your own hands is to choose a suitable board for the stern of the boat. Do not neglect the stock, because it is better to cut off the excess later than to look for and start all over again.

Boat assembly

When the elements of the wooden boat are assembled, you need to start assembling the product. You should start with the bow. Both sides and a triangular bar must be connected to each other using self-tapping screws. It is advisable to immediately cut off the protrusions from above and below so that they do not interfere in the future.

The next step is very important and responsible, as it is necessary to give the future boat a shape. It is necessary to determine the width of the boat and put a spacer in the middle. Choose a spacer board the size of the height of the boat, so your sides will not burst.

When the strut is properly installed, you can begin to shape the boat, call a few people for help or stock up on ropes to hold the structure.

Use the drawings and adjust the dimensions of the stern for the manufacture of the boat in such a way that there are no gaps and cracks when connecting the back wall and sides.

When the backdrop is installed, cut off the excess part from the bottom, and on top you can make an element in the form of a triangle. Next, we deal with the struts that will constantly maintain the shape of the boat, as well as the seats that are installed on top of the struts. You can determine the number, as well as the location of these elements yourself, so it can be one, two or more places.

Align on the bottom of everything in one plane and process protective layer the entire surface. When the glue dries, start making the bottom of the boat.

The best option for the bottom will be a galvanized sheet of metal. Try to find one that matches the size of the boat.

How to make the bottom of the boat with your own hands

Put the future boat on a sheet of metal and circle its borders with a marker, do not forget to grab a margin of a few centimeters just in case, you can always trim the excess.

The next step is to cover the connection of the boat with its bottom with a special silicone sealant along the entire length in one line. On top of the sealant, until it dries, a cord is laid in several rows - all this is necessary so that the bottom of the boat is airtight and does not let water in.

When this process is completed, we proceed to the connection of the bottom with the frame. Carefully place the bottom of the boat on top of it. lower part. Use nails or screws to connect.

Start connecting from the middle and move to the edges of the boat. Do the work as slowly and carefully as possible, as this part is very important.

We cut off excess metal that sticks out more than 5 mm from the edge of the boat, and bend the rest with a hammer. It is also important to protect the nose of the boat from external factors with the help of the same metal. Cut out a rectangle of tin according to the size of the boat.

Everywhere where wood and metal are connected, it is necessary to walk with sealant and lace. By this time, before you start "wrapping" the nose with metal, you need to treat the entire boat with an antiseptic.

Be sure to make a mount on the bow for the chain. This will help if someone wants to steal a brand new boat, as on the pond it will attract special attention due to its novelty.

Before you build a boat, think through and review all the ideas of what you can make a boat out of. Perhaps you will choose for yourself a special material with which it will be more convenient for you to work, or maybe you need special protection or massiveness.

Do not forget to cover the bottom with a special paint on the reverse side, since galvanized metal collapses over time upon contact with water. And the wooden parts of the boat must be covered with several layers of special impregnation and, as a result, the boat should be left to dry in the shade.

For convenience, a wooden flooring can be laid out inside the boat at its bottom. So the bottom will not rattle when you move along it.

This will complete the boat. Read more articles on how to make the best homemade boats with descriptions to find out some other nuances that may be useful to you in future buildings.

DIY boat photo

The fiberglass boat has gained popularity for its durability and reliability. Fiberglass has a number of significant advantages over other materials. You can assemble the ship quickly and without special costs. A do-it-yourself fiberglass boat is a budget and worthy option for fishing trips.

The plastic small size vessel is intended mainly for fishing. It can also be used for water tourism, sports activities. Operating conditions of the boat on the water: wave no more than 60 cm high, wind force - up to 4 points on a ten-point scale. A fiberglass boat is a great alternative to inflatable boats.

In the first place among the pluses is strength, which exceeds this indicator of an aluminum boat of the same class. Such a vessel will last a long time, with proper care - up to 20 years.
The body made of fiberglass has excellent hydrodynamics and shape, has high physical and chemical properties. Repair is quite do-it-yourself. One of the most important advantages of a plastic boat is the ability to make it according to your desires.

Fiberglass is the only material that allows you to create a shape of any complexity yourself. Independent design of the bottom makes it possible to equip it with redans of any configuration. You can achieve maximum efficiency of the ship's driving performance by placing the redans in the most suitable places. In addition, the design of a homemade boat will be a reflection of the character of its owner.

There is a method of making a homemade boat from plywood and fiberglass, when plastic is used only for the outer covering of the boat. But this technology does not justify itself. The layer of plywood lying under the plastic quickly gains moisture, which increases the weight of the vessel. There is a rapid destruction of plywood due to the action of microorganisms and the process of delamination, because in terms of strength, plywood is much inferior to plastic.

How to make a boat By carefully following all the rules, even a beginner will be able to complete this task. Technological process simple and budget. The hull of the vessel is created by means of a reinforcing filler impregnated with a polymer composition.

Materials and drawing

Raw materials used as a reinforcing filler in the manufacture of the frame:

  • hull base, sides - roving fiberglass TP-07, TP-03, TP-056;
  • local strengthening of individual sections - structural fiberglass T-11, T-13.

Fiberglass happens different types according to the type of weaving, the size of the threads. Basically choose "oblique" or satin weave. The threads must be twisted. The material is sold in the form of sheets, rolls, tapes.

Fiberglass is sold impregnated with a greasy composition. In order for the fabric to be better impregnated with a binder, the lubricant should be removed with gasoline, white spirit or acetone. The fat-free fabric is dried for about 2-4 hours in air.

Resin is needed to glue the reinforcing material. There are three types of resins used in the shipbuilding industry: epoxy, vinyl ester, and polyester. The most important characteristics of resins in the construction of a fiberglass boat from any type of fiber are adhesion and impregnation.

A cheap option is to use polyester resin, which allows you to create a solid fiberglass element in one operation. TM Ashland resin may be used. To create a decorative, with protective properties of the coating of the body, you will need a gelcoat. You will also need plywood with a thickness of at least 1.2 cm, which has moisture resistance.

Making a boat is impossible without a competent drawing. The design of the future watercraft can be carried out using the AutoCAD program. First, a 3D model is created, then frame diagrams, patterns. Ready drawings are taken on specialized sites, on the Internet. Now you can start making a fiberglass boat with your own hands.


The direct production process of making a fiberglass boat with your own hands begins with the construction of a matrix. First, a frame is made on which the frames are attached. Next, they should be upholstered with twelve-millimeter plywood, trying to achieve as much as possible flat surface. The edges of the boat are made more rigid, a double layer of plywood is used for the sides.

Now it is necessary to align the boards for a long time and carefully using polyester putty. It is necessary to eliminate all errors so that the design of the boat is stable. You can work with special spatulas-patterns.

At the stage of matrix alignment, it is possible to provide for such an important part of the boat as the keel. It ensures smooth movement of a rowing or motor boat, excluding agility. A homemade keel made of wood is poured with polyester resin.

By marking, all the errors of the constructed matrix are revealed. Sandpaper align and clean the edges, giving the future vessel symmetry. The finished form cleaned of dirt is degreased, an anti-adhesive composition is applied to it in 4 layers. It is needed as a separator to prevent the resin from sticking to the mold surface.

Gelcoat coating

After the wax layer dries, a gelcoat is applied, which is the outer surface of the boat. This is a crucial moment on which the appearance of the vessel depends. Gelcoat provides protection against scratches, UV, scuffs. You need to apply it, achieving a uniform coating, avoiding bubbles and streaks. Now you can start laying the cut parts on a completely dry layer of gelcoat.

Case manufacturing

The cutting of the fabric is carried out by cutting the cloths corresponding to the length of the body. Cloths for laying along the waterline and keel should not have joints. If an impact occurs on an obstacle, then the material in this place is able to lift up and then peel off. Allowances should be left when cutting along the edges for laying overlay. To sew pieces of fiberglass to the desired length, you can use glass threads, pulled out from the edge of the material, or linen impregnated with drying oil.

The glass fiber layer is evenly coated with a binder polymer resin. For this, it is recommended to use a rolling roller. Air bubbles must be avoided, as voids remaining in some places weaken the structure. Next, the next layer of fiberglass is laid in a similar pattern. Up to five layers of fiberglass can be applied. To obtain a more beautiful top layer, it is recommended to use a special "top" fiberglass.

Power frame and floor

To reinforce the body, it is necessary to lay three wooden bars along the mold, which are then covered with two layers of fiberglass. The frames are mounted every 30 cm, also applying fiberglass to them.

It is necessary to create a double sealed bottom, making the boat unsinkable even in case of capsizing. The floor is sheathed with plywood sheets with moisture resistant properties. The finished floor is covered with a couple of layers of reinforcing fabric, with mandatory impregnation with polymer resin. The composition is allowed to dry completely.

Final stage

It remains to remove the finished boat from the mold, cut off the allowances, sand the surface, mount the roof and timber to protect the sides. You can also make additional elements: seats, oar mounts, drawers. Using fiberglass, you can make any necessary accessories for the ship with your own hands. After that, start painting.

By a similar method, do-it-yourself fiberglass boats are made. Of course, the drawing and construction of a boat is more complicated than boats, and more effort will be required. But the cost of homemade will cost half as much as the same finished vessel.


It is required to repair a fiberglass boat or a boat in the event of typical damage:

  • decorative layer defects;
  • cracks in the body;
  • holes and half-holes;
  • divergence of angles;
  • shells.

Basic materials for repair: fiberglass, epoxy resins. Starting repairs, it is recommended to place the damaged area closer to the horizontal level. Surface must be clean, dry and free of grease. A hair dryer, technical or household, may be required. Before starting to repair defects, the fiberglass must be degreased by rinsing in a solvent and dried well.

For emergency repairs, do not dry it over a fire, as soot will form. Before laying on damage, fiberglass is impregnated in a diluted compound (polyester or epoxy resin), after which it is squeezed out by pulling between two sticks. The repair site must be cleaned with a large sandpaper to the fiberglass layer, making it slightly terry.


Minor damage in the form of scratches are sealed with epoxy without filler or primer. A through-type scratch is removed by puttying with a filler compound, after which the treated area remains to be sanded and painted over.

It is enough to cover small cracks with epoxy resin. If the body is cracked, then a decorative layer is removed from both sides of the damage to the fiberglass. After drying, it is filled with epoxy resin. To do this, press on each side of the crack, allowing it to open, and coat it. After that, the edges are combined, fixed. From above, on both sides, a strip of fiberglass impregnated with a compound is applied. After hardening, the repair site is sanded, covered with a layer of resin, sanded again and painted.

A half-hole is characterized by a break with a remaining piece of plastic. If the break is small, then you need to set the protruding piece. To do this, it is necessary to process all surfaces with a compound. With the help of a stop and a mallet, the piece is put in place, while a bulge forms on one side, and a dent on the other. Fiberglass with impregnation is laid on a convex place, fixed with a load. After polymerization, the half-hole is puttied with resin with filler. Further actions, grinding - laying the impregnated sheet, are repeated twice. Then sanding and painting is carried out.

The hole is sealed with a foam punch, preferably along the outer contours. Several patches are made from thick fiberglass with tolerances from 3 to 5 mm, so that the thickness of the package matches the thickness of the hull. After installing the punch, patches are glued. Algorithm further action the same as in the previous cases.

The divergence of the corners is eliminated in the same way as the sealing of cracks, but fiberglass is taken in the form of a tape. The sink is the most unpleasant type of damage. Sometimes it's a manufacturing defect. It can form between the layers due to the ingress of water, which bursts the layers into winter time. To repair, you will need to open the sink by drilling a hole until it enters the cavity.

Then a wide incision (up to 5 mm) is made in the place of its largest size. The opened cavity is dried with a hair dryer, filled with a compound using a syringe. The processed shell is clamped into the press. Then the usual algorithm of puttying, grinding and painting is performed.

Fiberglass is an excellent material for the manufacture of boats and boats, available in use. Do-it-yourself fiberglass boats are durable and strong, easy to repair. It should be borne in mind that the components of the materials used in the work are not safe for health. It is necessary to work in rubber gloves, protective masks, goggles, in a well-ventilated place.

Specialized stores offer a fairly large number of boats designed for fishing or tourism. On sale you can find products various forms and dimensions, but the drawings of motor boats made of plywood, which are in the public domain, allow you to make such a vessel with your own hands literally from scratch.

So why don't you try your hand and build a boat with your own hands from plywood, you will find drawings and all recommendations for construction in this article.

If you are still in doubt about the feasibility of using a material such as plywood for building a boat, check out its main advantages.

Advantages of plywood sheets:

  1. A boat made of plywood, the drawings and patterns of which are made correctly, will have a very light, but at the same time quite strong construction, because glued veneer has much less weight than solid wood.
  2. The design will have excellent stability, since plywood sheets have clear geometric proportions, which allow for impeccable installation quality.
  3. Small purchase costs necessary materials, namely: plywood boards, specialized adhesive composition, boards, compositions for performing a primer.

Note! Any person with at least basic carpentry skills will need no more than one or one and a half days to make a boat out of plywood with their own hands, a drawing with patterns can be purchased at a store or compiled independently using our recommendations.

Selection of tools and materials

The modern market provides buyers huge selection specialized varnish and adhesive compositions, all kinds of impregnations designed to work with plywood products. To make a boat from this material, you do not need to look for special tools and fixtures.

The list of required includes:

  1. Plywood boards. For the construction, birch plywood is suitable, the thickness of which is 0.5 cm, for the manufacture of the keel and frames you will need thick plates of about 1.2-1.5 cm.
  2. Wood used to install inboard struts and work with sides as well as boat seats. It is best if you buy edged boards made from light woods such as pine or spruce. However, each of these materials has its own characteristics. For example, spruce has more high rate water resistance than pine and its wood looks whiter, so it is most often used for cladding. But spruce boards have their drawbacks, they can crack as a result of driving nails.
  3. Material for seam fastening individual parts of the skin. As such a material, flexible thin wire, plastic clamps, thick nylon fishing line, etc. are used.
  4. Adhesive composition used for sealing seams. Experts recommend using formulations based on polymer resins.
  5. Specialized impregnating and varnish compositions for wood protection.
  6. Fiberglass used as a protective material for seams.
  7. Dye on a waterproof basis.

Note! To make a boat with your own hands, purchase only high-quality materials. Plywood should not have any damage or defects on its surface that may affect the reliability of your product. The cost of purchasing quality material is much higher, but safety is much more important.


  • a saw designed to work with wooden surfaces;
  • electric jigsaw and a set of blades for it;
  • Sander;
  • a hammer;
  • fixing clamps for fixing plywood during installation;
  • varnishing and coloring compositions, as well as brushes for their application.

Initial stage of work: drawing up drawings

If you have not yet decided how to make a plywood boat, the drawings play an important role in this matter, so you need to start the manufacturing process of your product from them.

The first thing that your drawing of a plywood boat should take into account is the features of the future vessel. Do not forget to indicate for yourself for what purposes your vessel will be used. For example, do you want to make a boat with a flat bottom for fishing, or are you planning a motor boat for tourism.

Note! In this article you can find ready-made drawings of boats for self-building from plywood with different design features. You can use these options so as not to make mistakes in your calculations.

If you did not find the option you need among the presented samples, then you can try to design the vessel according to your own scheme. So that as a result of your labors you do not get decorative option ship, which is simply impossible to fully operate, place the main emphasis in your calculations on carrying capacity.

The study of existing projects that have been successfully implemented will help you navigate at the first stage.

You can use the drawings and videos presented here to make plywood boats with your own hands. This video review examines manufacturing technology the simplest design which even a beginner can handle.

After you have selected the appropriate version of the boat, you need to transfer the contours of its main details to paper. To make it more convenient for you to work with plywood after that, you can make a paper template.

All the most important parameters of the boat should be applied to the drawing:

  • product size;
  • width;
  • construction height;
  • the shape of the main parts.

The scheme for the execution of the boat hull at first glance may seem complicated, but if you follow all the recommendations, the result will not be long in coming.

Execution technology:

  • Using a saw or jigsaw, complete all the details of the structure according to the drawing you have drawn up. The allowable error in dimensions is 1 mm, otherwise you will end up with a mismatch in the details during assembly.
  • Details of the tailgate and frames are glued together to provide the structure with the required level of strength and thickness. Despite the fact that these elements after gluing will have big weight, this fact will not affect the quality of the construction you perform.

  • To make the connections that hold the transoms and frames very strong, you can use fastening elements, such as self-tapping screws. It is very important to calculate their length at the same time: the fastener must fully connect the parts, but at the same time not pass through them. The surface of the screws must be galvanized or tinned. The parameters of the screws required in the work are 3x25 mm and 2x18 mm, for the seats, stern and sides, self-tapping screws 5x60 mm and 4x60 mm are used.
  • To facilitate your work, make goats from 5x5 cm bars. During the installation process, the transom will be more convenient to place on them.
  • The sides and bottom of the structure are attached to the transom so that they meet each other at the bow.

  • If you are using not very thick plywood, then all sheathing parts can be fixed with suture material or adhesive. In the event that you use glue, the edge part of the parts, where the joint area will be located, must be cut at an angle.
  • Make sure that all the details of the boat converge with each other in size. If you need to reduce the gap, you will have to re-disassemble the structure and cut the ribs in some places.
  • In those designs where the presence of a motor is provided, the transom is necessarily glued with fiberglass and strengthened by fixing boards made of hardwood.

At the end of the rough assembly, all parts are glued and fixed. When the adhesive composition is completely dry, the surface of the boat should be degreased, impregnated with a composition intended for processing boats, putty on unevenness, apply hot drying oil and cover with a coloring composition.

Building a boat is a project that is interesting for every angler.

Despite the fact that this is a long and difficult process, the result usually brings a lot of joy from the goal achieved.

You can make it yourself from different material and if you are on fire with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating a swimming facility, think about what it will be made of.

The material for the manufacture of the boat can serve:

  • plywood;
  • metal;
  • Styrofoam;
  • rubber;
  • fiberglass;
  • plastic;
  • plastic bottles;
  • tree, etc.

Brief overview of boat types

Consider different types boats and give a comparison of the materials from which they are made.

wooden boats

Wooden boats are the oldest floating craft. Their design has not changed much over time. Folk craftsmen used plywood or planed wooden boards to make boats. Such structures have served for decades, both then and today.

In each region of the country, boats are made according to their own technology. Anglers are trying to adapt their boat to local conditions. That is why so many models are known.

The disadvantages of wooden boats include a change in the linear dimensions of wood in cross section at the slightest change in humidity. As a result, the width of the boat on the water will increase, and after drying - decrease. This threatens to cause cracks. Moreover, the impregnation of wood with a water-repellent composition will not always help.

Advantage wooden planks- They are cheap and easy to use.

Plywood boats

Homemade plywood boats have their advantages. These include: low manufacturing cost, mobility, simple design, lighter weight compared to wooden boats made of wood, easy repair, high strength.

Unfortunately, there are also disadvantages. Among them are such as: the impossibility of obtaining smooth forms of the boat. The design turns out to be angular, and this harms the maneuverability and movement of the boat. You can't bend plywood. You will have to assemble the structure from pieces.

metal boat

The undoubted advantage of this type of material over others is its very high strength. But the heavy weight and difficulty of moving the boat across the pond are among the disadvantages.

plastic boats

At proper storage and operation, boats made of such material will last a long time. But the plastic is brittle. Therefore, its breaks are a frequent problem.

Rubber inflatable boats

Unfortunately, they are very unstable on the water. In case of improper storage - especially when folded in the cold, they can crack. When traveling on such boats, you need to take glue and patches with you in order to return them to a combat state.

The advantages include: ease of operation and low weight.

Styrofoam boats

Styrofoam is light, retains heat well, just sticks together. But it also breaks and cuts easily. Therefore, it is desirable to put a foam boat in an additional hull.

Boat made of plastic bottles

This type of boat is designed very simply and practically does not require any cash costs for its implementation. The only obstacle is that you need a large number of bottles. Where to find them is a matter for personal consideration.

The design is quite strong, despite the fact that the bottles are easily crumpled.

Boat building can be turned into own business, or a hobby. The main thing is not to rush, because the process takes a lot of time. Then the result will be what you need.

Making a wooden boat

Materials and tools

You will need:
  • Oak panels measuring 1*25 cm;
  • Saw or hacksaw;
  • Pine, size 1*25;
  • Bolts (5 centimeters);
  • self-tapping screws;
  • Drill;
  • A hammer;
  • Oak (diameter 3/4);
  • "Pistol" and high-quality sealant;
  • The primer is waterproof;
  • Paint brush.

First stage

Take 40 cm pieces of oak, and make slots in them on both sides to insert the side boards there. Position the boat diagonally. On both sides of the tree, make incisions, 1.5 cm deep. This part will become the bow of the boat.

Second phase

From oak, 1x25 centimeters in size, make a stern. Cut out the lower part of it so that the width in the end is 56 centimeters at the bottom and 70 centimeters at the top. The feed itself should be the same width - 76 centimeters, both from below and from above.

Third stage

Cut off a piece of pine, measuring 1x25 cm. This will be used as a cross brace that will connect the bottom and top of the stern. The length of the cut piece of pine must be at least 76 centimeters so that it reaches the lower and upper parts of the stern and is at the same level with them. Now a piece of pine, with the help of five-centimeter bolts, attach to the stern.

Fourth stage

Cut an even piece of pine, without any defects, 1x4 in size and make a base out of it. The side panels must be at least 1.5 meters long to reach the back and front. Cut three cross ribs from 1x10 cm pine and attach with bolts to the side panels so that a bottom is formed.

Fifth stage

Saw off 6 pieces of pine. The size of each is 1x10 cm., Length - 76 centimeters. Fix them with self-tapping screws or other screws on the bottom to the ends of the cross beams. Be careful. Try to make sure that the end of a piece of pine, 76 centimeters long, is flush with the end of the transverse piece on the bottom, and is also securely fastened with screws diagonally through the vertical piece to the transverse one. As a result, the side boards will receive "support".

Sixth stage

Attach the front end of the transverse ribs on the bottom to the bow of the boat from the front. The board should be slightly curved, for your safety. Use 1.5" wood screws to secure the boat's lower transverse rib to the 'beak'.

seventh stage

Turn the frame over carefully. Attach oak panels to the bottom, 1x25 centimeters in size. Use five-centimeter bolts to secure the sides to the frames on the bottom. Attach the edges of the boards to each other. Measure the length of the sides and cut off unnecessary pieces so that the vessel tapers towards the “beak”.

Eighth stage

Connect the 1x25" wide x 182cm long oak panels to the boards. Press the edges firmly together. Turn the boards towards the "nose" and attach with screws. Attach the rest of the boards to the side ribs with 5 cm bolts. Do this until both parts of the boat are firmly connected.

Ninth stage

Place the finished stern on the back, open part of the boat. Apply sealant along the edge of the back panels. It will seal the seams. For best effect, attach the stern with bolts.

Tenth stage

Attach a piece of oak to the top edge of the boat outside of the bow, and around the top outer edge until the edge is fully attached.

The final step is waterproofing. All joints must be sealed with a waterproof primer. You can use paint that contains lead. Make sure that the primer penetrates as deep as possible between the boards. Use it several times to form a thick layer. Wait a week until it dries, then you can launch the boat into the water.

Homemade boats for fishing, almost every master can build. You just need to choose the right material and connect it according to the scheme. You can use such a device not only for catching fish, but also for walking along the reservoir. You can also buy a product in a store, but it is not sold everywhere, and the cost is not at all encouraging. During the manufacture of the product, it is necessary to fix all the details reliably and firmly. Not a single joint should let water through. You should also calculate the maximum weight of people who will be transported by a boat for fishing.

Most often, users are interested in how to make a boat yourself from classic wood materials. To do this, you first need to select the appropriate drawing. You will also need plywood sheets 0.5 cm thick.

You can make a boat with your own hands using the following technology:

  1. First you need to draw paper templates according to the selected drawing, apply the contours to the plywood.
  2. You can cut out fragments using an electric jigsaw or saw with fine teeth. In this case, special attention should be paid to the corners with which the parts will be joined at the ends.
  3. Fastening of frames and transoms. To do this, you can use glue or galvanized screws.
  4. Fixing sides, bottoms. Here, too, you will need a special strong waterproof glue. Additionally, the bottom from the inside of the boat is reinforced with a deck of slats. Absolutely all parts must fit each other in size. The chamfers of those parts that will be in contact must be removed so that there is no gap between the surfaces.
  5. Gluing seams, reinforcing corners. In order for the joints not to let moisture through, they must be well sealed. Here you need aerosil, epoxy resin.
  6. Mounting oarlocks and seats.
  7. Grinding outer surface. This is done as soon as the product is completely dry.
  8. Impregnation of homemade products for fishing with a protective compound, its painting. It is better to use a special paint that is intended for a wooden vessel.

To increase the strength of the product, it is necessary to make the tailgate and frames from several layers of material. If the boat is equipped with a motor, then the side on which it will be installed must be reinforced with hardwood plates, and additionally glued with fiberglass.

How to make a device from plastic bottles

To build a home "boat", it is not necessary to use wood or plywood. You can even build a device from plastic bottles. At the same time, the made apparatus will stay on the water no worse and is quite suitable for fishing (in addition, the master will spend less time and money on it).

To work, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • bottles (a small container will not work here, it is better to take products designed for 2 liters);
  • glue and adhesive tape (they must be resistant to moisture);
  • wire;
  • stationery knife or scissors;
  • plywood;
  • wooden or metal crossbars.

The container is pre-cleaned of labels. Next, it needs to be made more rigid. To do this, the bottles are placed in the freezer, tightly twisted, and then placed in heat. The lids must be additionally fixed with water-resistant glue.

From the container you need to form "logs". You can connect the elements with an impromptu coupling, which is cut from the center of an empty bottle. The elements are fixed at the bottom. In this case, the protrusions of the other should enter the recesses of one container. Next, the workpiece is fixed with glue and tape. Now you need to cut off the upper parts from two bottles and put them on the necks of an already finished design. The rest of the logs are made in this way.

From these products, assembled in 8 pieces, floats are made. You can connect the fragments with a strong wire. Between themselves, the floats are fixed with wooden bars. After the transverse parts are ready, you can attach the plywood bottom to them.

To give a beautiful appearance the product can be sheathed with plywood or metal sheets.

Features of the construction of a boat made of duralumin

Among all fishing equipment, a boat is the most cherished dream of a fisherman. Moreover, the ship can be quite small. For example, folding models can be taken with you on a fishing trip with the least chance of not fitting them into a car. Most often, such structures are made of duralumin.

Additionally, you will need rubberized fabric, lining and rivets, wood, primer, wood, paint.

Installation of such products involves several stages:

  1. Material selection. You need 4 fragments for the sides and 2 for the bottom. You will also need 3 crossbars: 2 struts to ensure the reliability of the structure, and 1 seat.
  2. Cutting fragments, their fitting and bending.
  3. Making holes for rivets. The distance between them should not exceed 2 cm. All places where rivets were installed must be thickly coated with paint to seal them.
  4. The seat is fastened with galvanized fasteners.
  5. Priming and painting fixtures.

It is better to fish from this type of boat. It is hardly suitable for a romantic walk. In order not to spoil the duralumin, it is better to first make cardboard fragments and fit them.

When equipping the device with outboard motors, you can build a real boat. But it is not always needed.

Homemade boats for fishing from different materials.

Classic fishing on the river bank is, without a doubt, very convenient and in some way even romantic. However, what to do if all the treasured fish is found far from the coast or in a place where you can’t get there except by water?

Boat - the best solution this task. But their cost in stores makes fishermen and tourists sometimes show initiative and ingenuity, creating boats literally from nothing. From what materials can you make a boat with your own hands?

Boat made of plastic bottles

An unusual but effective material for creating a boat can be banal plastic bottles. Since the most the common volume of such containers is 2 liters, the most difficult stage in the design will be the collection of material.

In order to create a "bottle" boat, you will need the following materials:

  • bottles;
  • Waterproof tape and glue;
  • Knife or scissors;
  • Wire;
  • Plywood and cross-beams made of wood or metal.

First of all, you need to carefully clean the bottles of stickers and labels. However, the most important thing to do at this stage is give plastic container density and hardness. The laws of physics will help with this. The bottles are placed in the refrigerator, tightly twisted with lids, and then moved to heat. Thus, the air inside the bottles is heated and gives them an elastic shape. For greater reliability, it is advisable to fix the covers with waterproof glue.

Installation of a boat from plastic bottles

Original logs are formed from pre-prepared bottles.

First step― connection of two bottles bottoms. To secure, pull on a plastic ring cut from the middle of an empty bottle. The whole structure is smeared with glue and tightly wrapped with tape in several layers.

The tops of the next two bottles are cut off, after which the headless plastic is placed on the edges of the workpiece, again using glue and tape. Thus, a reliable and sealed fragment of the future boat is obtained.

The further process consists of repeating the above steps and ends with the manufacture of a log of the optimal size.

One float consists of eight logs, which are connected with strong wire, polyethylene and adhesive tape. Depending on preferences, the number of logs can vary up or down. The most important thing is to maintain balance and make a reliable means of transportation out of the boat.

The floats are mounted using crossbars made of wood or metal. The bottom of the boat can again be created from different material. It can be plywood, plastic or metal sheet.

The final touch in the manufacture of the boat can be waterproof fabric upholstery or finishing with strong plywood with subsequent painting. So the boat will add in reliability and aesthetics.

Plywood boat

In addition to plywood as the main material, to create such a boat you will need:

  • Electric jigsaw;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Saw;
  • A hammer;
  • grinding device;
  • Clamps and brushes;
  • Wood;

Glue, resins, varnishes, varnishes, etc.

Mounting a plywood boat

The most acceptable option is large-sized plywood without defects in the form of delamination and cracks.

With the help of drawings, an extremely careful markup of the material is made. If the slightest errors and discrepancies are made, making a boat without gaps will become impossible. For tracing plywood, you can use special patterns.

Next, each fragment is cut with a saw and a jigsaw. Particular attention is paid to the joining angles at the ends. The tailgate and frames will require plywood to be installed in several layers to increase strength. If the design of the boat assumes the presence of a motor, then the tailgate supplemented with hardwood and glued with fiberglass.

Frames and transoms are fixed with tin-plated or galvanized screws. The bottom and sides are attached to the transoms with special glue and other materials for seams. It is advisable to strengthen the bottom of the boat with a slatted flooring.

After drying the entire structure, the frames, flooring on the bottom, seats and other planned elements are installed.

Before painting, all surfaces are degreased and polished, then carefully treated with impregnation for wood. If after all these actions the surface remains uneven and has cracks, a special putty comes to the rescue, and after drying, a primer.

Usually used for painting ship enamel, hard brush or spray gun.

Folding boat made of duralumin

To create a folding boat you will need:

  • Sheets of duralumin;
  • rubberized fabric;
  • Rivets and overlays;
  • Wood;
  • Scissors for metal;
  • Primer and paint.

Installation of a folding boat made of dualuminum

Duralumin is the most profitable material for creating a folding boat. It is light and very durable, while only six elements are needed to create a watercraft: two for the bottom and four for the sides.

There are only three transverse struts in such a boat: one of them is a seat, the other two are struts made of wood with aluminum tubes at the ends. They are inserted into holes in inner sides boards, which ensures the rigidity and reliability of the structure.

All six parts of a folding boat are cut out with metal scissors, then they are fitted and hem. Holes for rivets are drilled in the joints-seams every 2 centimeters. After that, the fragments of the boat are fastened with rivets, which are sealed with paint. Also, the installation of duralumin can be carried out with rubberized elastic fabric.

The gunwale and seats are made from any available wood and mounted with galvanized nails. In the final, the finished boat is primed and painted.


Homemade boats for hunting and fishing

Despite the amazing abundance of small boat designs available for sale, made from a wide variety of modern materials, many hunters and amateur fishermen still live in the country, preferring home-made boats of their own construction.

wooden boats

The most popular material for building homemade boats is still wood, or rather, thinly planed boards from certain types of wood. In almost every locality of our vast country, there are their own, time-tested designs of wooden boats, on the model of which more and more new ships are still being built. In any village standing on the shore of a lake, river or other body of water, today you can find simple wooden boats, long years serving their owners both for fishing and for numerous household chores.

And yet, in recent years, the number of amateur boat builders using old-fashioned technologies has noticeably declined.

Entered into our life modern technologies allow you to create more reliable, durable, strong and lightweight boat designs.

Using, for example, specially processed plywood, best baked, as well as modern polymeric and protective materials, local craftsmen were quite capable of boats that, in terms of their performance, largely exceed the products presented by the industry. Such boats, as a rule, are in no way inferior in strength to metal boats made of aluminum and its alloys, in terms of weight - even especially light plastic boats, in terms of reliability - boats made of PVC fabric.

The technology of building a modern wooden boat is quite simple and at the same time original. If we take into account only the general stages of construction, then the construction of your own boat will look like this. On sheets of moisture-resistant plywood, the hull of the future boat is marked out, structural elements are cut out, frames, the bow and stern of the boat, as well as the transom, if the boat moves under the motor, are made.

The boat is assembled, its inner part is treated with antiseptics, foam sheets are installed on it to create the effect of unsinkability, and then the entire structure is treated with epoxy resin, on which several layers of fiberglass are glued. Everything, the boat is ready!

A home-made plywood-plastic boat with the most elementary care for it will serve its owner for many years. If necessary, the places of such a boat damaged by something are very easy to repair with a piece of fiberglass and epoxy resin. Such a vessel is very easy to transport on the trunk of a car, not to be afraid of stones and sharp objects when fishing, it does not need to be dried after each fishing trip, and preparing it for winter storage is not difficult even for a teenager: two or three buckets of water are poured into the boat, the bottom is washed with a rag , and water is poured out by simply turning the boat over. Simple, cheap and convenient!

Other boat designs for fishing

Homemade boats

  • January 15, 2017
  • 15 931

catamaran from plastic cans . One summer I decided to make a catamaran, found canisters for free, bought boards in the garage, found spare parts for a bike and started designing.

boat anchor

  • uazvileyka
  • November 10, 2015
  • 8 095

Homemade aluminum boats

  • andrdrozd
  • June 13, 2013
  • 58 756

My hobby is building homemade aluminum boats. the last project I built was a swamp boat, 4.5 meters long. and weighing about 180 kg.

flat-bottomed catamaran

  • kulibin
  • March 15, 2013
  • 49 285

Homemade flat-bottomed catamaran made of polystyrene and fiberglass.

The simplest homemade boat

  • cowboy
  • May 26, 2011
  • 36 979

The simplest homemade boat can be made from a board, 2 tubes from car or motorcycle tires and a piece of canvas.

Korean Underwater Photography Window

  • cowboy
  • May 26, 2011
  • 27 699

You can look into the underwater kingdom, even take a picture of it without plunging into the water. You can make a "Korean window" - a simple adaptation of fishermen and pearl hunters from the Asian Pacific coast.

Homemade boat with pedals

  • cowboy
  • May 26, 2011
  • 61 918

A homemade boat with pedals is simple in design, does not require scarce materials, so even schoolchildren can build it.
The small weight of the boat (no more than 20 kg) allows you to transport it to the reservoir on a handcart or on a makeshift "bicycle trailer" - a bicycle trailer.

Homemade mini boat

  • cowboy
  • May 4, 2011
  • 49 068

The design of this mini boat is designed for fishing in quiet place, The boat has small overall dimensions, and is easily transported without the help of a trailer (on the roof of the car).

How to make a boat out of plastic bottles

  • cowboy
  • February 12, 2011
  • 103 122

A homemade raft or dinghy can be built from ordinary plastic bottles from fruit and mineral waters with a capacity of 1.5 to 2 liters. It is good to learn how to manage and row in calm water, go down the river, and sail.

Homemade boat suitcase

  • cowboy
  • February 11, 2011
  • 41 204

The design of a homemade folding boat. When folded, the boat looks like a flat suitcase with dimensions of 1.0 × 0.6 m and weighs 14 kg.

Clamshell catamaran

  • cowboy
  • January 9, 2011
  • 28 259

Clamshell catamaran. Instead of floats, he has a canvas or oilcloth boat, and instead of paddle wheels, a propeller. But this is not the point. Its design uses two things that "can't swim": a folding bed and a hand drill.

Apparatus for rowing a swimmer with their feet

  • cowboy
  • December 2, 2010
  • 22 290

The design of a simple apparatus for a swimmer, for rowing with oars with the help of legs, while the speed will increase dramatically.

Do-it-yourself water skiing

  • cowboy
  • December 2, 2010
  • 27 340

The design of home-made water skis made of wood and duralumin strips, as well as special poles for them and wings (sails) like bat. If you dissolve it in a light breeze, you can swim without pushing off the water with sticks. Everything is extremely simple and you can do it yourself.

Do-it-yourself foam catamaran

  • cowboy
  • November 27, 2010
  • 142 065

A self-made foam catamaran is unsinkable, easy to use, durable and easy to manufacture.
The figure shows the design of a homemade foam catamaran.

Homemade wooden boat

  • cowboy
  • June 20, 2010
  • 51 272

A homemade wooden trunk boat is made from a sheet of plywood, a few pine planks, a pound of epoxy or casein glue. Here's everything you need to make it. The carrying capacity of the "baby" is such that it allows the two of you to take short walks, fish and hunt. The boat is freely placed on the trunk of a car, and for its manual transportation, a miniature trolley on one wheel from a children's scooter is provided.

Homemade boat made of paper and cardboard

  • cowboy
  • April 7, 2010
  • 60 819

How to make real boats from ordinary cardboard and paper. Yes, real boats that you can sail on the water, not paper boats, as you probably already thought.

Do-it-yourself dinghy

  • cowboy
  • April 1, 2010
  • 46 428

If you live not too far from a body of water, make a dinghy according to our drawings and you will experience all the delights of sailing. And if this ancient mover does not attract you too much, the hull of the dinghy can be used as the basis of a small motorboat or rowing dinghy. Of the materials, it will require only two sheets of plywood and pine slats.

Homemade wooden boat

  • cowboy
  • March 29, 2010
  • 68 258

Self-made three-seater boat with a carrying capacity of 320 kg, consists of 5 sections. On the shore, it can be turned into a fairly spacious shelter from the rain, especially if you throw a piece of plastic wrap on top. The boat is so simple that even a person who is unfamiliar with shipbuilding and has only the most basic woodworking skills can make it. For manufacturing, special equipment and premises are not required, the whole boat is assembled in a room in a city apartment. It is made from very available materials, which can be purchased at building and household goods stores.

Making a catamaran from an old bike

  • cowboy
  • December 22, 2009
  • 43 145

Craft lovers who want to make such a prefix will need several meters of duralumin pipes and steel cable for the frame and 6-7 m2 of waterproof fabric for floats. If you live close to a body of water, you can also make a purely water transport - a “waterped”, based on a bicycle frame without wheels.

Homemade plywood boats: materials and tools, drawings and layout, hull assembly, glue work and painting

Despite the abundance of fishing and tourist boats in specialized stores, the most different forms and sizes, many are still interested in how to make a homemade plywood boat. main reason such interest lies, perhaps, in the indestructible craving of our compatriots for creative work.

Let you buy anything today, but in a home-made boat or dinghy, made according to drawings almost from the Fisherman magazine, there is some kind of indescribable charm.

Making a boat is not easy, but it is quite possible

In the article we will give some tips, using which you can quickly learn how to make boats - homemade plywood.

Materials and tools


Not so long ago, homemade plywood mini boats were very popular. This made it possible to work out methods for their manufacture, as well as to determine the most suitable materials.

Of course, today the list of available varnishes, impregnations and adhesives for plywood is much wider than it was even ten years ago - but for the manufacture of small-sized boats with our own hands, we do not need anything complicated:

  • Plywood is the most important component. For the manufacture of boats, sheets of glued natural birch veneer with a thickness of about 5 mm are most often used. Separate parts, such as frames or keels, are cut from a thicker (10 - 15 mm) material.

In order to ensure sufficient reliability for the sides, only high-quality plywood should be used for sheathing, without cracks, delaminations, knots, etc.
Of course, the price of material of the first or second grade will be higher, but then you will be sure of the safety of your boat.

The larger the sheets, the easier it is to work with them.

  • Wood is used to install internal struts, decorate the sides, seats, etc. It is advisable to use an edged planed board made of light wood species.
  • The suture material is used to connect the individual parts of the skin into a single whole. Seams can be made using a fairly thin and flexible wire, plastic clamps, thick nylon fishing line, etc.
  • Glue is needed to ensure the seams are properly sealed. To date, masters have practically abandoned natural compositions based on casein, and prefer modern polymer resins.

In addition, we will need special varnishes and impregnations that protect the wood from swelling and decay. It is also worth stocking up with fiberglass or similar material for gluing all seams. As an alternative to fiberglass, fiberglass can be used - then the entire bottom and sides will be pasted over with it.

Well, do not forget about the paint - after all, we want our ship to be beautiful!

As for the tools, the set will be almost standard:

  • Saw on wood.
  • Electric jigsaw with a set of blades of different lengths.
  • Sander.
  • Hand tools (hammer, pliers, chisels, etc.)
  • Clamps for clamping plywood when gluing.
  • Brushes for impregnating, varnishing and painting plywood.

Making a boat

Drawings and layout

Before starting work, we determine what kind of vessel we need. Today, on the net you can find a variety of drawings of home-made plywood boats, so nothing is impossible either in building a punt for fishing or in assembling a tourist kayak.

Plywood boat drawing

If none of the found drawings suits us, you can do the design yourself.

True, in this case, you will need certain skills to calculate the carrying capacity, otherwise the boat can turn out to be extremely decorative.

  • Having studied the available projects of home-made plywood boats, or having made our own, we transfer the contours of the main details to paper.
  • Using paper templates, we draw lines on plywood sheets along which frames and sheets for sheathing will be cut.
  • If the factory length of plywood sheets does not suit you (and this happens in 99% of cases), then it is necessary to splice them. To do this, we cut off the ends of the plywood at an acute angle so that the length of the resulting bevel is 7-10 thicknesses of the sheet itself.

Splicing "on the mustache"

  • Having attached the beveled parts to each other, we coat them with glue and clamp them with clamps. This technique is called the connection "on the mustache."
  • In parallel, we prepare wooden bars from which the frame of our future boat will be made.

To facilitate the work on the project, you can assemble special goats from bars with a section of 50x50 mm.
It will be much more convenient to place all the details on these goats during the connection process, especially if you work without helpers.

Homemade plywood folding boat: drawing of the main components

Case assembly

When everything is ready, we begin work:

  • Using a saw for wood or an electric jigsaw, we cut blanks according to patterns from boards, beams and plywood. The indentation from the design size should not be more than 1 mm, otherwise the sides will not “converge” during stitching.
  • We glue the transom parts (tailgate) and frames to obtain the desired thickness and strength. Glued parts will be somewhat heavy, but it's not scary!
  • If you plan to install an outboard motor, then the transom should be additionally glued with fiberglass and reinforced with a hardwood board.

Photo of the transom, details of the bottom and sides

To increase the strength of the connection, the frames and transoms can be additionally fixed with self-tapping screws.
In this case, the length of the self-tapping screws should be such that the point does not pierce the part through and through.

  • We install the transom on pre-made goats and begin to attach the bottom and sides to it, bringing them together on the bow.
  • We fasten the sheathing parts either with the help of suture material (if not very thick plywood is used), or exclusively with glue, cutting off the edge of the plywood at an angle.

  • On the this stage it is very important that all elements converge in size, since in order to reduce the gap, it will be necessary to disassemble the entire structure and partially cut the frames.

After the "rough assembly" you can start gluing.

Adhesive work

Gluing seams with fiberglass

The instructions for gluing and sealing our vessel are as follows:

  • We prepare a mixture of epoxy resin and aerosil (silicon dioxide). We mix the components in a 1:1 promotion using a nozzle on a drill. The optimal consistency of the mixture is like thick sour cream.
  • We strengthen the corners between the bottom, sides and transom with the help of wooden fillets - small corners that ensure the rigidity of the connection.
  • Strips of fiberglass and fiberglass are glued to all seams from the inside, carefully lubricating the joints with an epoxy-aerosol compound.

Since most adhesives contain volatile toxins, all paint work must be done with respiratory protection!

  • After the glue has dried, we install the frames in the selected places.
  • To fix the frames, we use the same glue. If the dimensions of the vessel are large enough, then in order to strengthen the structure, the frames should be additionally fixed on the bottom and sides with overlapping strips of fiberglass.

  • We lay the flooring on the bottom, fasten the oarlocks, seats and other parts provided for by the design.
  • If it is planned to equip the boat with a cockpit (an enclosed space in the bow), we install a cover, fixing it on the sides and frames.

After waiting until the whole structure dries, we remove the boat from the goats, turn it over and grind the outer surface. Then we process the seams with an epoxy mixture and glue the bottom with fiberglass.

Installation of cockpit and seats


At the final stage, we need to provide our boat with protection from moisture and give it an attractive outer appearance:

  • First, carefully degrease all the details.
  • Then we process the wood with impregnation. Here, the composition for sea or river vessels from Tikkurila is quite suitable.
  • We putty all planes, masking cracks and irregularities, and then we process it with a special primer.
  • Paint homemade plywood boats you can use almost any paint, but if you want to ensure the durability of the ship, then it is better to use special pigment mixtures designed for processing wooden ships.

Watercraft paint

  • The average paint consumption is 1 - 1.5 l / m 2. It is best to apply it with a brush, but the use of an airbrush is also allowed.


A craft created with your own hands, in addition to benefits, will bring some satisfaction from the work done

A homemade plywood boat made using this technology will be quite suitable for fishing trips, family walks, etc. Of course, it is not worth going out into the open sea in it, but as practice shows, for large rivers and lakes in our country, such a design is quite reliable. In the presented video in this article you will find Additional information on this topic.