World Chocolate Day 11. World Chocolate Day: what you should know about your favorite treats (video)

Delicious CHOCOLATE Day!
Don't be lazy to mark it!
Sweet, delicate scent
So excited about chocolate!

Bitter, dark or milky...
Just joy! That's for sure!
It melts in your mouth... Bliss!
And the taste is perfection!

Though with a stuffing, though with a nut,
Though with coffee greetings in it,
Even with a piece of marmalade
With a waffle crumb... Joy!

Mood soars up
And fatigue is gone!
Let everything be in chocolate!
And in what? Decide for yourself!
____________ Natalia USHENINA

On July 11, the holiday of the most important sweet in the world - chocolate is celebrated. The idea to arrange a day of chocolate originated in France in the mid-90s. XX century. At first it was a purely national holiday, but over time it spread across the planet in the form of an international grand event.
The July World Chocolate Day is not the only one of its kind - exactly the same holiday is also celebrated on September 4th.
It is believed that the Aztecs were the first to learn how to make chocolate. They called it "food of the gods". The Spanish conquistadors, who first brought it to Europe, dubbed the delicacy "black gold" and used it to strengthen physical strength and endurance.

The Republic of Côte d'Ivoire (fr. République de Côte d'Ivoire) is a state in West Africa; borders Liberia and Guinea. Today, Côte d'Ivoire is considered the world's leading producer of cocoa beans; about 37% of all cocoa reserves come from there.
The first factory-made chocolate was produced in Barcelona in 1780.
The first chocolate bar for general consumption was made at the FREY chocolate factory in Bristol in 1847.
The largest and oldest chocolate factory in the United States - "HERSHEY's" - was founded by Milton HERSHEY in 1894 and produces more than a billion kilograms of chocolate annually.
Technically, "white chocolate" is not chocolate: it does not contain cocoa, but cocoa butter.

As established by modern science, there are elements in chocolate that promote relaxation and psychological recovery. Dark varieties of chocolate stimulate the release of endorphins - happiness hormones that affect the pleasure center, improve mood and maintain body tone. There is also a hypothesis according to which chocolate can slow down the aging process.

CHOCOLATE Day in Russia has become no less popular than abroad. In Russia, an adult consumes an average of 4 kg of chocolate per year. Ahead of us - Switzerland - 19 kg and the United States - 13 kg of chocolate per capita per year.

The most significant event on Chocolate Day in Russia can be considered a holiday in the city of Pokrov in the Vladimir region, where the monument "CHOCOLATE FAIRY" is located, 3 meters high and weighing 600 kg.

The bronze statue was made in 2009 and, according to the press, is the world's first monument to chocolate. The monument is as if created from a bar of chocolate and represents the image of a fabulous Fairy with a chocolate bar in her hand. The monument was opened on July 1, 2009 and is located a few steps from the Pokrovsky Chocolate Museum.

The opening of the monument took place within the framework of the 15th anniversary of Kraft Foods Inc. in Russia, which initiated an amazing gift to the city. The company's confectionery factory, which produces chocolate of the Alpen Gold, Milka and Vozdushny brands, is the city-forming enterprise of Pokrov.

The competition for the best project of the statue was held among Vladimir and St. Petersburg craftsmen. As a result, the creator of the first monument to chocolate was Ilya SHANIN, a Vladimir sculptor, winner of the European competition for sand figures, whose works are presented in the cities of Germany, Austria, and Belgium.

© Copyright: Natalia Ushenina, 2012
Publication Certificate No. 112071102921

Chocolate is a favorite treat for those with a sweet tooth. I really love dark chocolate. Granddaughter prefers dairy.

On July 11, humanity celebrates World Chocolate Day. The sweetest, most delicious and favorite holiday of many people. Today we will talk about the history of the holiday. Where did he come to us, when and why.

World Chocolate Day: the history of the holiday

The holiday is relatively young. For the first time, the French were the initiators of the chocolate day. The first day of chocolate was celebrated in 1995 on July 11th. Why this date was chosen is unknown.

The Americans also liked the idea of ​​the holiday. They began to celebrate chocolate day on October 28 and July 7.

Chocolate Day is an open door festival for many confectionery factories in the world. Guests can not only see how cocoa powder, milk and various additives make a delicious treat - a chocolate bar, but also taste and take part in its production.

There are museums of chocolate in Russia, and in Pokrov there is even a monument to a sweet chocolate bar.

In these cities, the holiday is celebrated on a large scale, fun. Competitions, fairs, master classes for children and adults are held.

Interestingly, adult Russians eat up to 5 kg of chocolate per year. A lot of? In America, even more - up to 13 kg.

History of chocolate

Why did chocolate become so popular and even a holiday dedicated to it - Chocolate Day?

Cocoa plantations appeared in the 6th century in what is now Mexico. The Mayans considered chocolate to be the food of the gods. A drink made from a sacred plant was considered medicinal. The Aztecs, who conquered these lands, also transferred faith in the miraculous power of the divine drink. The legendary Montezuma, their leader, could drink up to fifty cups of bitter delicacy in a day.

He appreciated the drink of Cortes, who landed on the shores of Mexico in the 16th century.

The Spaniards came up with the idea of ​​adding sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg to the drink, thereby giving an interesting taste to the drink and it turned out not so bitter.

The drink began to be called "Black Gold". Only noble people could afford such a delicacy. For a long time, the recipe for making chocolate was kept a secret. But still, the smugglers managed to transfer the recipe to Italy. From there he went to Austria, Switzerland and Germany.

Anna of Austria made a certain contribution to the spread of chocolate. Arriving in France as the wife of Louis VIII, she brought several boxes of cocoa beans. Noble chocolatiers managed to prepare a divine drink that the king and courtiers liked. And chocolate became very popular in France.

More than 500 chocolate cafes have opened in France. Chocolatiers came up with their own original recipes for making chocolate.

In the 18th century, the British were the first to add milk to chocolate. It was a real taste revolution!

In Belgium, pharmacists began to brew chocolate as a medicine, adding essential oils, medicinal herbs and flower petals to it.

The British produced the first hard chocolate bar in the mid-19th century.

In 1875, milk chocolate was made in Switzerland. And in 1930, white chocolate appeared.

For a long time chocolate was inaccessible to the common people, it was considered a delicacy of the bourgeoisie.

The domestic production of chocolate in the USSR was established by the merchant Abrikosov. At his factory, sweets were produced in the form of funny animal figures, Santa Clauses.

In 1965, everyone's favorite "Alenka" appeared. Now this chocolate is produced by more than 15 confectionery factories.

Various ingredients are used to make chocolate: nuts, raisins, milk powder, cream, waffles.

July 11 World Chocolate Day: Traditions

How is Chocolate Day celebrated?

On this day, confectionery factories arrange an open day, where guests can see how a chocolate bar is made and what chocolate is made from. You can taste chocolate, as well as take part in the preparation of delicious desserts.

Fairs, master classes for kids are organized.

Congratulate your friends and family on this delicious sweet holiday. Prepare or present a bar of your favorite chocolate to children.

If you have the opportunity, you can go to the chocolate museum.

Cartoon about chocolate from fixies

I congratulate all the readers of my blog on this delicious and sweet chocolate day. Let everything be in chocolate!

Sincerely, Olga.

World Chocolate Day was invented by the French - the holiday was first celebrated 24 years ago.

World Chocolate Day is a young holiday, but its popularity is growing every year. It is celebrated in many countries around the world, including Switzerland, Germany, Italy and Russia.

The birthplace of chocolate, according to legend, is South America - a delicacy called "black gold" was first brought to Europe by the Spanish conquerors.

History of the discovery of chocolate

The first to prepare chocolate were the Olmec Indians, who lived about three thousand years ago in what is now Mexico. In those days, a drink was prepared from cocoa beans and consumed hot.

Subsequently, the tradition of making chocolate became part of the Mayan culture, who called the drink divine. They crushed roasted beans and mixed them with water. Special spices, such as pepper, were added to the drink, which was consumed cold.

In Mayan times, chocolate, which was considered sacred, was drunk only by the elite - they prayed to the cocoa god Ek Chuah and made sacrifices to him.

According to legend, chocolate made from the fruits of the cocoa tree was very fond of Montezuma, the leader of the Aztecs, whose state existed in the 12th-14th centuries on the territory of modern Mexico.

The ancient Indians called a drink made from the fruits of the cocoa tree - chocolatl (from choco - "foam" and latl - "water"). Perhaps the modern name of chocolate came from there.

In Europe, chocolate appeared in the 16th century thanks to the Spaniards - appreciating it first, they believed that this drink not only strengthened strength, but also contributed to the rapid healing of wounds.

The Spaniards changed the chocolate recipe by adding sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg. So they made it even more delicious. In those distant times, only the rich could afford chocolate, as it was an expensive pleasure.

France recognized the taste of chocolate only after the marriage of Louis XIII with the Spanish Infanta Anna of Austria in 1615. Gradually, chocolate conquered all of Europe - a fashionable drink was drunk in all aristocratic houses and in expensive coffee houses.

Until the beginning of the 19th century, chocolate was consumed exclusively in liquid form - the world's first bar of solid chocolate was created in 1819 by the Swiss Francois Louis Caille.

Chocolate became available to the general population only at the beginning of the 20th century, when it began to be produced in large volumes. Currently, many inhabitants of our planet cannot imagine their life without chocolate.

world chocolate day

This holiday is celebrated by confectioners, artists who develop candy wrappers, sweet tooth and just all chocolate lovers.

Each country celebrates World Chocolate Day in its own way: various competitions, exhibitions, fairs, master classes, tastings and so on are held on the holiday.

Mass events on the chocolate holiday are also held by large supermarkets and confectionery factories. On World Chocolate Day, visitors are shown how masterpieces from everyone's favorite treat are born.

Restaurants and cafes offer a chic chocolate menu on the holiday - chocolate surprises await visitors on this day.

On this day in Switzerland you can ride in the "chocolate train", and in Belgium you can visit real chocolate museums. In Germany, they built a "chocolate", where visitors are waiting for a show of the most delicious treats in the world.

© photo: Sputnik / Ivan Rudnev

"Fights of the Amazons" in chocolate in Minsk

Sweet-toothed Americans celebrate Chocolate Day twice a year.

Russians celebrate World Chocolate Day on a truly Russian scale - the world's only monument to the favorite delicacy of children and adults flaunts in Pokrov. A three-meter-high bronze Fairy is installed next to the Chocolate Museum - on holidays it is always full of tourists.

The traditional activity on World Chocolate Day is eating "black gold". But chocolate body art is considered the main entertainment - with the help of a brush and liquid chocolate, real masterpieces are created on the face and body.

© photo: Sputnik / Ruslan Krivobok

Chocolate baths are also popular, as chocolate has great cosmetic properties.

Chocolate festivals are held in many cities around the world, including Paris, Bruges, Turin, Dublin, London and Amsterdam, although their date does not always coincide with World Chocolate Day.

Visitors during the festivals can taste all kinds of chocolate, relax in a chocolate spa, stay in a chocolate hotel or just stroll through the chocolate park.

The benefits of chocolate

Chocolate is very helpful. Science has established that it contains elements that promote psychological recovery and relaxation.

Studies have proven that dark chocolate is much healthier than milk and other varieties. In particular, dark chocolate stimulates the release of hormones of happiness - endorphins, which, by acting on the pleasure center, maintain the tone of the body and improve mood.

Scientists believe that dark chocolate improves eyesight and lowers blood pressure. It also improves memory, attention span, reaction time, and problem-solving skills by increasing blood flow to the brain.

© Fotolia / Kiboka

Such sweets

In people who regularly consume chocolate, the risk of heart disease is reduced by 37%, and the risk of heart attacks in men is reduced by 17%. Chocolate lovers in old age are less likely to suffer from dementia.

Chocolate is believed to have an "anti-cancer" effect and slow down the aging process. By regularly eating chocolate, we add a year to our life, so enjoy the yummy and live long!

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

Chocolate Day is celebrated every year around the world. And everyone loves this holiday, because on this day we delight each other with chocolate gifts and eat the most delicious treat in the world.

On the birthday of chocolate, there are festivities, feasts and festivals around the world. And in many countries, the chocolate festival is celebrated not just one day, but several times a year.

The celebration of this day is due to the love for chocolate for its special taste and attractive aroma.

What date is Chocolate Day celebrated in different countries?

July 11th was chosen to celebrate the day of the most delicious sweets. The holiday was chosen in 1995 as the public holiday of chocolate day in France. But chocolate lovers from all over the world have decided that this holiday is to their liking and have also begun to celebrate it every year. This is how International Chocolate Day was born.

On this day, in different countries of the world, where factories produce the best and most delicious chocolate, open their doors to visitors. And anyone on this day can look at the recipe for making chocolate, learn the main secrets and try pieces of the most delicate delicacy.

For example, in Switzerland, a special railway route has been opened, which offers the transportation of everyone to different chocolate factories.

Chocolate Day traditions around the world

World Chocolate Day is celebrated differently in different countries.

So, in Germany and Switzerland there are so-called "chocolate" routes, everyone can visit chocolate factories and try chocolate.

In Germanythere is even a country of chocolate, Chocolateland. On chocolate day, all sweet lovers come here to try chocolate desserts and enjoy the festive atmosphere.

in Icelandon the day of chocolate people burn bonfires, have fun and eat a lot of chocolate.

In Belgium, in the homeland of the most delicious chocolate, holidays and festivals are held. The country has 16 permanent chocolate museums and a huge number of factories. They all open their doors to celebrate this day.

IN THE USAThe holiday is celebrated not even once, but three times a year. The first day of chocolate is celebrated on July 7, the second on July 11, and the third on October 28. All of these days have been chosen by Americans to honor Chocolate Day.

in Italy, almost like in Germany, the country of chocolate is located. Only here it is called the Valley of Chocolate. Chocolate factories are located in this valley, which open on the day of the celebration and organize festivals and conduct master classes. On Chocolate Day, the Valley is especially popular not only among tourists, but also among local residents. Such traditions make chocolate day a special holiday loved by many.

In RussiaThe birthday of chocolate is not celebrated on a large scale, but in some cities special attention is paid to this holiday. For example, in Pokrov, where the Bronze Fairy candy monument is located, the holiday is celebrated annually with a lot of sweets. The city has a chocolate museum, which invites tourists and locals to visit. On this day, everyone who visits the museum can taste chocolates, look at old chocolate packaging and listen to the history of chocolate creation in Russia.

According to historical information about the history of the appearance of chocolate in Russia, this delicacy appeared in our state during the reign of Catherine II. And chocolate was not used in the usual form of tiles, but was only a drink. And only high-ranking officials and persons close to the queen drank chocolate.

Much later, the drink began to be prepared in a different way, borrowed from foreign masters. And already during the reign of Nicholas I, chocolate acquired the form familiar to us in the form of sweets and chocolate bars.

And Russian chocolate was invented by Alexei Abrikosov, he opened the first chocolate factory in Russia and made sweets for those close to the emperor and the entire imperial court. The sweets he invented have become a favorite for many generations.

Chocolate day for your employees

You can celebrate the annual day of chocolate by giving your employees small presents made of chocolate. It can be:

· chocolates with your company logo

· chocolates with company logo

· chocolate sets with logo.

These will help you feel the atmosphere of the Chocolate Day holiday and make it special for you and your employees.

A person experiences indescribable happiness and bliss after biting off a piece of delicious chocolate. Endorphins, splashed out thanks to a sweet bar, give us these moments of euphoria. Well, how can you not worship chocolate? This is a real miracle, a gift of nature to man. The intricate, romantic French first celebrated Chocolate Day in 1995. This wonderful tradition was picked up by other countries. Russia is no exception. July 11 is now World Chocolate Day!

Sweet tooth holiday

Where chocolate came from is not really known. The most common version says that the Aztecs created this recipe, and the enterprising Spaniards brought sweetness to Europe. At first, only aristocrats could enjoy such a delicacy. Some ladies considered chocolate an aphrodisiac and stuffed it into themselves in kilograms. A few decades later, the production of chocolate was put on stream, and then any hard worker could already enjoy this wonderful taste.

Data from scientists

A lot of controversy and research concerns chocolate. Scientists have proven that it contributes to raising the mood and acquiring psychological calmness. But its nutritional properties leave much to be desired. Chocolate lovers gain weight very quickly! There are hypotheses that chocolate is a cure for cancer. Although they have not yet been substantiated.

Have fun soul and body

World Chocolate Day is a favorite holiday for children and adults. It is on this beautiful day that you can heartily sip your favorite treat. Fairs, festivities, concerts are held in all cities. The people are having fun! Cheerful music sounds everywhere, producers hold tastings of sweet new products! No one will miss this holiday. It is not easy for the organizers. Every year you need to come up with something new for World Chocolate Day. The scenario is thought out for a whole year, because the holiday should be unique.

Plants and factories

Such a grandiose holiday is a whole event for chocolate producers. Plants and factories arrange an open day, invite everyone to look at the process of creating chocolate goodies. It does not do without tasting products, so the tour groups are simply overcrowded. July 11 - World Chocolate Day. Even kids remember this date!

Chocolatier - this is the name of professionals in their field. To master the art of creating chocolate, you need to know a lot and constantly improve your skills. Initially, chocolate was a drink, and only after centuries it turned into smooth tiles. But liquid chocolate is back at the peak of popularity. Confectioners make beautiful fountains of chocolate, prepare hot drinks with fruits and spices. Confectioners demonstrate their masterpieces on World Chocolate Day and arrange master classes.


On this wonderful holiday, people congratulate each other, give small gifts, postcards, compose poems. You can present surprises on this day not only to confectioners and people somehow connected with chocolate, but also to all your loved ones. Show attention to the elderly - the holiday is never superfluous! You can give anything you like: sets of sweets, clothes with the image of chocolate, a photo frame imitating a chocolate bar, delicious tiles, postcards. World Chocolate Day is a great occasion to confess your love, make a marriage proposal. After all, it exudes romance and tenderness from him.

Children are especially happy with chocolate gifts. For them, you can come up with delicious compositions. Any child will love the original box filled with chocolate eggs with a surprise inside. You can give the kids chocolate figurines of their favorite characters. If you started celebrating World Chocolate Day at home, the script is a must. Pick up interesting contests for children, a win-win lottery for adults, quizzes with tricky questions about the history of chocolate. The prizes, of course, are delicious sweets!

Delicious Variety

Originally made chocolate possessed bitterness. Therefore, not everyone liked it. But now your attention is offered a sweet, wonderful product with a variety of additives. Everything is used: cookies, nuts, dried fruits, even salted crackers. Diet chocolate has not yet been invented, but science has everything ahead. You should not get carried away with this delicacy, only if on this wonderful holiday!

Beauty with taste

World Chocolate Day is now celebrated with pleasure in beauty salons. After all, they use it there completely for other purposes! Chocolate wraps quickly burst into our lives and won the hearts of beauties. The skin after such a procedure becomes unrecognizable: silky, smooth, sweet, with a pleasant aroma! Visitors to the salons simply storm wrapping specialists, there is no end to clients. Be sure to give yourself these moments of bliss.

On this wonderful holiday - World Chocolate Day - congratulations should be special. The first thing everyone wishes for each other is that life be as sweet as the hero of the occasion!

Who doesn't love chocolate?

Everyone is happy with such a miracle!

Brains work faster

And you are prettier in front of your eyes.

Sweet tooth, take care of your teeth,

And take care of your figure!

Happy holiday to you all, sweeties!

Such a congratulation can be written in a beautiful postcard and attached to a chocolate bar.


On July 11, you should not sit at home - go to the holiday, you can see a lot of interesting things there. Festivals, fairs, master classes, concerts - all this is dedicated to chocolate. At fairs, you can buy excellent quality chocolate directly from manufacturers at very attractive prices! In some cities there are parades of baby carriages, competitions for the best chocolate costume!

World Chocolate Day is a great holiday that everyone will enjoy. In the cities there are entertainments for every taste! Be sure to pamper yourself and your loved ones with desserts, cakes, chic cakes with chocolate! Indeed, in moderation, it is very useful!