Adjustment of door hinges of plastic doors. Adjusting metal-plastic doors yourself: video

A plastic or metal-plastic door is designed in such a way that it needs to be adjusted from time to time. This statement is especially true for front doors. temperature difference environment changes the linear dimensions of the aluminum profile by a few millimeters, and this leads to distortion well-coordinated work door block. Troubleshooting takes a few minutes twice a year. And to every owner of plastic front door useful to know how it's done.

What you need to adjust the entrance plastic door

Competently and qualitatively mounted plastic doors will not disturb the owners for a long time. However, some experts argue that at least twice a year, during the off-season, it is necessary to adjust the pressure of the door leaf to the frame according to the ambient temperature. There are good reasons for this. Strengthening the pressure increases the tightness and, accordingly, the energy-saving function. But this is not a door repair, but rather an optimization of its operation. We will talk about breakdowns and how to fix them.

The imbalance in the operation of the front plastic door is expressed in various "symptoms", which we will get to know in detail below. Diagnosis is not very difficult, it is important to respond in a timely manner to the appearance of a particular defect. Since a running problem is solved many times more expensive.

For execution repair work You will need the following tools and supplies.

If the listed inventory is always at hand, you can quickly respond to a breakdown.

How to adjust the front plastic door

Most door ailments are completely "curable" on early stages diseases. The main task is to recognize the cause of the disorder and eliminate it in time.

Signs of malfunctioning doors

Here are the most obvious signs that indicate the need for repair and adjustment.

  1. Uneven wear door seal. In good condition, the door leaf is pressed against the frame by the entire perimeter at the same time. If there are suspicions of any violations, the first step is to inspect the rubber seal. The presence of gaps or excessive wear indicates that the door leaf is skewed. This may be due to loose or unbalanced hinges.

    If cracks and breaks appear, the seal must be replaced

  2. Sagging door leaf under its own weight. It is expressed in the fact that when closing, the threshold is overwritten. Bottom part the sash beats against the threshold and closes badly at the same time. It is very easy to check the suspicion. You need to take the canvas by the handles and lift it up. If at the same time play is felt, and a knock or a metallic clang is heard in the hinges, then adjustment is needed. One of the loops needs tightening.
  3. Insufficient web pressure. According to the rules, closed doors, the seal should compress by 50% of its volume. In this position, the sealing of the door is maximum. If the plane of the door leaf is pressed to a lesser extent and unevenly, air will freely pass through the gap between the leaf and the frame. This is especially noticeable in winter period when around the front door with inside icing zones are formed. Under the action of drafts, the room cools down, and abundant condensate appears on the door. The problem is solved by changing the position of the pressure roller.
  4. The sash is skewed in the middle part, in the area of ​​the lock and the handle. This happens during the transitions from the summer season to the winter. Temperature changes in the air environment lead to small changes in the dimensions of the door. This is expressed in the beating of the canvas and the difficult work of the castle. Before disassembling the lock, you need to make adjustments. Perhaps this will be enough.

    When the door leaf is skewed, technological gaps change along the perimeter of the door frame

Experienced craftsmen evaluate faults at a glance. A beginner, not weighed down by a lot of experience, needs more time and ways to recognize the problem.

Here are some practical tests for diagnosing the condition of a door.

  • The sash opens slightly at 30 - 45 ° and is released. A properly adjusted blade will remain stationary. If something is wrong with the hinges, the sash will spontaneously open or close.
  • Graphic way. You need to arm yourself with a simple pencil and a damp cloth. Having closed the door leaf from the inside, the contour of the leaf is outlined along the entire perimeter of the frame. If the lines are parallel after opening, the door is correctly adjusted. If the result is a trapezoid, adjustment is needed, the canvas is littered. A tape measure will help you check the parallelism - the distance between the vertical lines at the top and bottom should be the same. After the test with a damp cloth, the lines are erased.
  • Checking the pressure with a piece of paper. A strip measuring 10 by 30 cm is cut out. The long side is located on the door frame and the canvas is closed. After that, the sheet must be carefully pulled out, remembering the effort that is necessary for this. Further, this operation is repeated on all four sides of the sash. If the force does not change along the entire perimeter, the clamp is uniform. If, in some place, the paper is difficult to remove, it means that the seal is pinched in this area. Too slight slippage of the sheet indicates a weak fit of the sash to the box.

Instructions for adjusting the entrance plastic door

So, let's proceed directly to the adjustments. I would like to note right away that in the technical passport, each door is attached detailed instructions to align the position of the canvas. Depending on the model range and applied loops, the order of work may vary slightly. Therefore, the registration certificate must be kept and, if necessary, carefully studied. But if the accompanying documents are not preserved, you should not despair. All internal hinges of plastic doors are arranged in approximately the same way. The principles of their regulation are general.

The door leaf is adjusted in three directions

How to adjust the plastic entrance door vertically

If the plastic front door clings to the threshold, and not on one side, but on the entire plane of the lower bar, this means that there is no skew, but the canvas has slid down. Need vertical adjustment - lift the sash up. The control screw is in a vertical position, the head is located on the upper end of the loop. If you turn the screw clockwise - tighten - the canvas rises. If released by turning it counterclockwise, the sash lowers.

Vertical deviations of the doors are adjusted from the upper end of the hinges

First, the protective plastic cap is removed from the top hinge and the vertical adjustment screw is tightened. It is enough to make 1.5-2 turns. After that, the door is closed and it is determined whether a positive effect has occurred. Most often, improvements are already noticeable at this stage. But if the threshold is still overwritten, go to the bottom loop. Having removed the plastic protection, we find the adjusting screw and tighten it by the same 1.5–2 turns. After that, the sash will rise above the threshold and the sagging problem will be eliminated.

The number of revolutions given is indicative. You need to determine exactly how much you need to wrap the screw yourself, using the “scientific poke” method.

Video: vertical door adjustment

How to adjust plastic entrance doors on hinges in width

Another common phenomenon is the rubbing of the door leaf on the sides. This is a clear sign of deformation of the position of the sash in width. To fix this problem, we find the adjusting screw, which is located in the horizontal plane. As a rule, the control head is located in the side end of the hinge (on the inside). The operation procedure is similar to the vertical adjustment.

  1. The decorative plastic cap is removed. It is not fixed in any way, you just need to pull it off the hinge.

    Fastening of a plastic plug is carried out by latches

  2. A hex wrench is inserted into the end of the lower adjusting screw and rotated 1.5–2 turns clockwise. After that, the position of the door leaf is checked. If the operation of the door has returned to normal, put the plug in place. If not, move on to the next item.

    By turning the adjusting screw, the canvas is brought to its original position in width

  3. We get access to the top adjusting screw. We twist it a few turns. Check the position of the sash. When a positive result is achieved, we collect the loop in the reverse order.

Video: adjusting the front plastic door

Adjustment of a clip of a door cloth to a frame

With the help of a properly adjusted clamp, unwanted drafts and blowing in winter are eliminated. In summer, on the contrary, it is recommended to loosen the pressure of the door to the frame - this prolongs the life of the seal and contributes to better ventilation in the building.

The screws with which the degree of pressure is adjusted are located on the end surface of the door leaf. From the side of the castle there are usually three of them - at the top, in the middle and at the bottom. They have the form of elliptical eccentrics. Closing depth is controlled by turning the eccentric around the axis of rotation. Moreover, you need to turn all three in sequence, trying to give them the same position.

Eccentrics are installed in the same position

The final result is achieved by experiment. The main guideline is the uniformity and degree of compression of the seal. A secondary landmark is the absence of air currents.

But that is not all. The rotation of the eccentrics on the side of the lock regulates only one side of the blade. In order for the entire plane to become airtight, it is necessary to adjust from the side of the hinges. Here the screws are located on the lower and upper canopy.

It is important to control the quality of the fit throughout the year, adjusting the closing depth to the desired heat transfer mode.

Some concealed door hinges have a tightening nut. In this case, before starting the adjustment, you need to release the locking nut by half a turn. And at the end - tighten to its original position.

Sometimes the door handle fails. This may be due to skewed web, but also occurs for independent reasons.

The main task is not to let the handle get loose. To do this, you need to turn 90 about the decorative plastic plate covering the lever mount. Having gained access to the fixing screws, it is necessary to tighten the fastening with a Phillips screwdriver.

By moving the decorative cover, we get access to the door handle mount

Lock striker adjustment

Plastic entrance doors are arranged as a single well-coordinated mechanism. If an imbalance occurs, the consequences can affect all parts. So, for example, when changing the position of the door leaf, the lock begins to “mope”. The tongue of the locking device does not fit into the hole in the frame. Closing the door, you have to frantically pull the sash up and down.

It's easy to fix. It is necessary to correct the position of the striker. Adjustment is made with a 2.5 mm hex wrench or a small flat-blade screwdriver. The tool turns the screw located at the bottom of the striker, to the right or left, achieving the desired position.

To adjust the lock striker, use a Phillips screwdriver

“During adjustment work, when access to hinges and other rubbing mechanisms is open, it is advisable to lubricate the fittings. This will prevent squeaks and other unpleasant sounds coming from the doors, and make it easier to open and close the canvas.

Prevention and prevention of malfunctions of entrance plastic doors

When ordering for the manufacture of doors, every economical owner tries to reduce costs. And, perhaps, when the estimate was made, the manager from the manufacturer offered various options configuration. Options such as a microlift, a closer and a door opening limiter do not play a decisive role in the operation of the door. That is why they are often rejected. But in vain. After all, it depends on them how much time will pass from installation to the first repair of the door.

  1. Microlift. An indispensable device for entrance plastic doors with a heavy frame and double glazing. The purpose of the microlift is to prevent the door leaf from sagging while the door is closed. Technically it is solved different ways, but most often the microlift is a metal movable plate with a roller at the bottom. The device is located at the end of the door leaf and, in fact, is an additional point of support for the massive canvas. When the doors are closed, the load on the hinges is reduced. Accordingly, their service life increases.
  2. Closer. A device that controls and controls the movement of the door leaf. According to many experts, the closer prolongs the life of doors by 5-6 times, and doubles the intervals between preventive maintenance. It's no secret that the lion's share of damage door mechanism comes from mechanical loads - shocks, pops, etc. The closer compensates for all these troubles, forcing the sash to move smoothly, without sharp pops on the door frame. The closer mechanism is not complicated, and consists of a powerful steel spring, a body and a pair of levers. When selecting and installing, you need to take into account the mass of the door and the width of the door leaf. Additional adjustments allow you to control the course of the door in the optimal mode.

    Adjustment of the closer allows you to change the speed of closing the door

  3. Door opening limiter. An additional device that protects the doors from excessive opening and hitting the wall. The hinges are arranged in such a way that the course of the door leaf is not limited in any way. If you push the sash with force, it will move until it hits a wall or slope. To prevent such a scenario, a stop rail is installed on the floor (or ceiling), covered with thick rubber or silicone on top.

    The limiter can be attached both to the floor and to the wall near the door leaf

No matter how high-quality the door itself and fittings are, you should not neglect additional protection. Perhaps it is better to argue otherwise - than more expensive door block, the more reasonable it is to protect it from premature failure.

Having mastered the simple methods of adjusting the entrance plastic door, everyone will be able to independently correct the operation of the door unit without resorting to paid services from the outside.

Often during installation PVC balcony doors there are technical problems associated with the operation of opening mechanisms and other structural elements. This is due to many factors: violation of the installation technology, shrinkage of the building, improper operation of the door. To fix minor problems, you can do on their own- it is enough to correctly adjust the plastic door, following the step-by-step instructions.

Common causes of failures of PVC doors

Adjustment of plastic doors is carried out immediately if visual design defects are detected in the following situations:

Violation of the tightness of the door structure

You can recognize the error in this way. Open the door, and insert a piece of paper into the space between the frame and the canvas. Then close the canvas and try to pull the sheet towards you. The paper is pulled out effortlessly when there is insufficient pressure on the closing mechanism. Similar actions are performed around the entire perimeter of the structure. Violation of the tightness of the door leads to the appearance of condensate on the glass surfaces.

Sagging and skewed doors

Determining the subsidence of the canvas is quite simple - a closed sash is stroked with a pencil. If in the open position the control line runs parallel to the frame, this indicates that there are no distortions. In some cases, the sagging of the door can be determined by the formation of a through corner gap at the top of the structure or by the friction of the lower part of the leaf against the threshold.

Friction against the door frame

Difficulties in opening and closing the canvas appear as a result of friction on the box. This is due to the wear of the upper protective layer of the door, which can lead to damage to the metal-plastic profile and incorrect operation of the fittings.

Looseness or tight turning of the handle

The door handle may become loose due to insufficient fixation in the seat. The reason for this may be incorrect or careless operation of the fittings.

Another problem is the tight turning of the handle, which occurs as a result of damage or contamination of the lock core or the handle itself.

Incorrect operation of the locking mechanism

This is due to contamination, wear or breakage of the mechanism.

Such malfunctions indicate that the PVC door to the balcony is in poor condition. technical condition and needs immediate adjustment.

The process of setting up a plastic door

Adjustment of plastic doors provides for the identification and elimination of all existing faults. It is possible that the fittings or individual structural elements are very worn out, so the problem can only be solved by their complete replacement.

Let's consider the most probable breakdowns of the entrance balcony door, which can be fixed on your own.

Working tools for customization

Depending on the size of the regulating and fixing structural elements, as well as the manufacturer's company, the following working tools will be required to adjust the locking mechanisms:

  • a set of hexagons of various diameters;
  • a set of star keys;
  • screwdrivers with a flat and cross tip;
  • pliers;
  • plastic lining;
  • means for lubricating sealing tapes;
  • clean rag.

Adjustment of door hinges and awnings

Metal-plastic doors are equipped with hidden overhead hinges, the number of which depends on the functional and technical features of the model. The hinges are adjustable horizontally and vertically.

You can adjust the hinges horizontally as follows:

  1. Open the door leaf and unscrew the screws from the hinges located at the top. To unscrew the screws, you can use a hex wrench of a suitable diameter.
  2. Then close the door, remove the decorative strips that are designed to hide the adjusting screws.
  3. To prevent possible warping of the blade, the elongated screw at the top must be tightened more than at the bottom.
  4. To evenly move the canvas to the hinges or in the opposite direction, it is necessary to remove the lower decorative strip, tighten the hinge and loosen the screws located horizontally.

Vertical adjustment of the hinges is carried out to raise or lower the door. To do this, you need to find the adjusting screw, which is located at the end of the loop from below along the axis. In some product models, such an element may be hidden under a decorative overlay.

To adjust the door leaf vertically, a hexagon with a diameter of 5 mm is used. By turning the key clockwise, slightly lift the canvas and set it in the desired position. Then tighten the screw in the opposite direction and install the decorative strip.

Door handle setting

Often a problem with a handle for a plastic door is associated with its loosening in the seat and a tight turn when opening / closing the canvas.

Adjustment of the handle when it is loosened is carried out as follows:

  1. The plastic cap at the base of the pen rotates 90 degrees.
  2. The hidden screws are tightened with a Phillips screwdriver so as not to damage the handle housing.
  3. The functionality of the hardware is checked.

The tight movement of the handle may be associated with a skewed door leaf or breakage locking mechanism. After troubleshooting the door position, the lock mechanism will work properly, otherwise it will need to be replaced.

If necessary, a faulty handle can also be replaced. To do this, it is installed in the "open" position, the screws are unscrewed from the seats, the entire lock is dismantled. The new handle is installed on the seat and fixed with screws.

Replacing the sealing tape

If the door structure is used for a long time with sagging or warping, this may lead to deformation or damage to the sealing tape.

A high-quality seal has been in operation for 5-7 years, however, as a result of mechanical damage or door malfunctions, its wear can occur much earlier.

To replace the sealing tape for a plastic door, you will need: scissors, a new tape, silicone glue. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Careful dismantling of the old seal with improvised means and the acquisition of a new product. It is better to choose sealing tape from one manufacturer to ensure maximum sealing of the structure.
  2. After dismantling, the grooves are thoroughly cleaned to remove adhesive residues and dirt.
  3. To avoid displacement of the seal, a thin layer of silicone adhesive is applied to the corners.
  4. The prepared sealant is evenly placed in the cleaned groove, starting from the place where the old tape was fixed. In this case, sagging, tension or assembly of the material should be excluded.
  5. The joints are fixed closely, sometimes a cut is made at 45 degrees.
  6. A properly installed seal should completely prevent the penetration of cold from the balcony.

Leveling and pulling up

To tighten the door structure in height and eliminate its friction on the threshold, it is necessary to tighten the screw for vertical adjustment.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. For the adjusting screw, a hexagon or a wrench with an asterisk nozzle is used. Decorative trims are dismantled from the hinges.
  2. The door leaf opens to gain access to the adjusting elements.
  3. The upper screw in the hinge is tightened with a hexagon clockwise, observing the strictly vertical position of the sash.
  4. With a significant shift, the lower screw is adjusted. It is important to remember that in order to raise the door, the screws are tightened clockwise, in order to lower it - against it.

You can align the plastic door horizontally so that it stops looping with adjustment screws that are hidden under the technological holes in the hinges. To ensure free access to them, the door leaf must be kept open.

When the door is shifted to the right, the adjusting element is tightened counterclockwise, when shifted to the left, it is tightened clockwise. Thus, it is possible to adjust the position of the door in the horizontal plane in the range from 2 to 4 mm.

In some cases, the door adjustment is carried out as follows: a special tongue is pressed on the end of the open door leaf to transfer the structure to the micro-ventilation mode. This allows easy access to the adjustment screws on the top hinge. After adjustment, the door leaf returns to its original position.

Other door problems

If the door has seriously sagged and other troubleshooting methods have not given the desired result, then it is necessary to carry out a small repair using a double-glazed window:

  1. The glazing beads holding the double-glazed window are dismantled.
  2. With a special spatula made of plastic or wood, the double-glazed window is shifted to the side in order to eliminate the sagging of the door leaf.
  3. Plastic gaskets are installed in the resulting gap.
  4. Next, the location of the door is checked and the glazing beads are installed.

In some cases, a plastic door malfunction is associated with a broken lock. If a separate part of the mechanism fails, it is enough to replace it with a new element purchased at a specialized outlet. If the entire lock breaks down, a complete replacement of the device will be required.

Prevention of malfunctions of plastic doors

To avoid costly repairs of PVC doors, it is necessary to provide timely maintenance of fittings and locking mechanisms of the structure.

High-quality door fittings from European manufacturers are able to withstand maximum loads of up to 130 kg, while the tensile strength of Chinese brand products does not exceed 90 kg.

To ensure the smooth operation of plastic doors, two elements allow - an opening limiter and a microlift, which are not included in the standard package of the product. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase them separately before installation. door structure.

Limiter - a special comb that is designed to limit the opening of the door leaf. This prevents possible sagging or warping of the web.

Microlift - a device in the form of a movable plate or roller, which is provided for overall and voluminous plastic doors equipped with heavy double-glazed windows. The microlift eliminates the sagging of the door leaf when it is closed, taking on part of the weight of the door.

Any home master should be able to solve problems with the elimination of minor malfunctions of a plastic door. Similar designs are used for balconies, loggias, winter greenhouses and summer kitchens. Self-adjustment will allow you to correctly set the operating modes "winter" and "summer", save money on maintenance and repair of the door.

I wish you well.

Many of us sometimes hear several times a day in public transport the phrase “carefully, the doors are opening”, but few people pay attention to the specific word – “carefully”. Meanwhile, the main emphasis in the phrase is on this word.

Every person passing through doorway into some unfamiliar room, they have the right to assume that the door will suddenly show its character and really play the role of the element that it should be - an element of the building envelope.

Sometimes, of course, the door does not allow you to enter the room, because it is simply closed. But there are times when the door leaf comes into conflict with the door frame, or, simply put, the door “sticks”. To fix this defect, in some cases it is even necessary to change damaged doors, and in some cases it is enough just to adjust them.

Today we will talk about how to adjust a plastic door.

Why Adjust PVC Door

Some time ago, answering your questions, I talked about how to adjust the opening sashes in plastic windows. Apparently, you have completely figured out the windows, and new questions have already begun to come in about how misaligned plastic doors can be brought into working condition.

The discussion of the topic of adjusting PVC profile doors will take a little longer than window adjustment, because the door hinged systems have a greater variety than window sash fastenings. In addition, the door structure is additionally equipped with complex locking fittings and a lock with a latch embedded in the profile.

It is easier than ever to adjust the hinged and locking system of plastic doors if the warranty period indicated by the manufacturer or the installer of the door structure is still valid. Calling the master, complaining to him about the malfunction that has arisen and waiting until he brings everything into perfect condition is a completely simple task.

We will look at another frequently encountered plot in which two actors play the main roles - you and a misaligned PVC door.

Types of plastic doors

Attentive consumers, of course, noticed that All doors are divided into two types: entrance and interior.

But this is not the only difference between door structures.

Additionally, entrance door blocks are also divided according to the type of opening - automatic and mechanical.

Automatic entrance doors can be:

  • sliding single-leaf or double-leaf, with opening to the left, right, behind the wall or behind the fixed sash;
  • carousel, with three or four leaves with different types drive;
  • hinged with one or two wings.

Interroom doors, in turn, are divided into deaf and transparent (French window). Separate place among the interior doors, they are occupied by doors installed on the way out of the room to the balcony or loggia.

This type of door structure differs from the others in that it is not installed on its own, but together with part of the window block, and one of its sides is not fixed in doorway but in the window frame.

Another significant difference between plastic balcony doors and other door structures is that their curtains are similar to those used to fasten window sashes.

Previously, all balcony doors (first wooden, and then plastic) were made according to one pattern: the lower half was blank, the upper half was filled with glass.

Recently, when people increasingly began to use balconies and loggias not as pantries, but as a cozy, well-renovated place to relax, they began to make balcony doors according to the type french windows i.e. fully glazed.

The door, in which the entire canvas is glazed with a solid double-glazed window, weighs no less than its metal prototype., and at the same time is framed by a PVC profile. And this means that similar design should have special reinforced fittings.

Immediately after installing the balcony door, it must meet the following requirements:

  • the canvas around the entire perimeter should be tightly pressed against the door frame;
  • in the half-open position, the door leaf must be in a static state, that is, it must not open or close arbitrarily;
  • the canvas should not sag and cling to the profile or fittings for the strikers installed on the box;
  • the locking handle should move freely around its axis, without visible resistance.

If the installers did their best and did everything according to the established rules, then access to the balcony will not soon cause you certain difficulties, the cause of which may be a skewed door leaf.

But if the slightest signs of a malfunction appear in the operation of the balcony door, then the “disease” should not be started, since its consequences will only worsen.

You should seek help from a specialist in a timely manner or correct the defect that has appeared on your own.

Plastic door adjustment technology in the video:

Balcony door hardware adjustment

If you carefully read my articles, then you have already met with recommendations for adjusting window sashes. The principle of their adjustment does not differ from the same process in relation to the door to the balcony, since the mounting fittings in both cases are exactly the same.

There is only one small addition to the design of the balcony door. It is a hook on the end of the door leaf on the side where the load-bearing curtains are fixed. The technical purpose of this element is to help the rather long side profile not to bend when the sash is closed, but to press firmly against the frame with the whole plane.

This hook, as well as all other points of the locking mechanism, consists of a striker fixed on the frame and a movable pin mounted on the ends of the sash.

The clamping force on the additional hook is adjusted in the same way as on other points: by turning the pin around its axis using a hexagon or a special ring spanner(tool choice depends on design feature pin itself).

In order to adjust the position of the sash, it is necessary, after removing the plastic plug from the lower pin curtain, with a hex key inserted into the cylinder fixed on the sash, turn the adjusting screw. Clockwise rotation will raise the door leaf. Turning the hexagon counterclockwise will lower the sash.

You can move the bottom of the sash to the right or left by turning the adjustment located in the lower part of the air curtain, fixed on the door frame, with a hexagon.

To change the position of the upper part of the sash to the left and right, you need to tighten the fittings that form part of the frame attachment to the upper curtain. The adjustment point is located in the horizontal plane of the upper end of the sash, next to the upper curtain.

Pay attention to one detail: the adjusting screw, which is responsible for the movement of the bottom of the sash to the right and left, has access from two sides. If the slope does not come close to the curtain in which the adjustment is located, then the hexagon can be inserted into the screw from the side of the slope and try to lift the door when it is in the closed position.

I strongly recommend not to do this, because the door can be pressed too tightly against the frame, and if you turn the screw using excessive force, you can easily strip the threads on it, which will lead to the complete failure of the lower support curtain.

How to find defects

Fans of various kinds of test events when checking the conducted construction works there is one trick that is aimed at checking the quality of the door frame rebate to the door leaf in a PVC profile structure. It consists in the fact that when the sash is ajar, a piece of paper must be placed on the frame under it, and then the sash should be tightly closed by moving the locking handle to the “closed” position.

A similar operation should be carried out by applying a sheet along the entire contour of the clamp.

If the effort with which the sheet is pulled out in different places turns out to be different, then the door begins to slowly lose ground as a well-adjusted product. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for the fact that in the near future it will be necessary to carry out a number of measures to return it to a properly working state.

Another way to detect pre-failure operation of the door leaf is to draw the leaf along the perimeter with a simple pencil with the door closed. If, upon opening the door, you see that the pattern does not geometrically match the doorway exactly, this will also indicate that there are some deviations in the adjustment.

A similar operation should be carried out even when the door has already begun to touch the box. The figure will show how much the door has changed its standard position, and in which direction the adjusting screws should be turned to return it to its original position.

What tools regulate plastic doors

Before you start adjusting the mechanism that holds and presses the door leaf to the door frame, you need to prepare a simple set of construction tools:

  • screwdrivers (a pair of different sizes) of two types - cross-shaped and flat;
  • set of hexagons.

In addition to these items, knowledge is needed, which I will now share with you.

I earnestly ask you: without reading and viewing the necessary information, do not proceed to adjust the door leaf.

The trial and error method in this case is not suitable, because, as a rule, it leads to breakage of the fittings. Replacing a damaged element is not a quick and difficult task, because only a complete analogue of a broken part can be suitable for this replacement.

How to adjust a pvc door

PVC profile doors are an indispensable attribute of most public and commercial establishments. In many country houses, their owners, with the help of plastic glazed doors, fence off hallways and exits from the premises to the terrace or winter garden.

In private houses, there is usually no increased load on the entrance plastic doors (unless Small child sometimes rides on them, holding on to the handles of the sash).

But in those places where crowds of people are constantly moving, and even some of them, leaving the room, slam the door in displeasure, any door structures installed on this busy path have a hard time.

Exactly because of this reason entrance plastic doors are structurally different from interior and balcony doors from PVC. They are more durable and have better heat and sound insulation.

Entrance doors made of PVC serve not only as a building envelope, designed to provide entry and exit from the premises.

Their additional purpose is to prevent the spread of fire.

To do this, the surface of the plastic is covered with a special non-flammable PVC film. providing an increased class of fire safety.

Of course, a film that provides protection in case of fire is very good, but it is even better if, during the same fire, the door leaf does not jam, it does not sag and allows everyone to leave the room quickly and without hindrance. And this is possible only if the door curtains and the locking mechanism are correctly adjusted and operate normally.

The process of adjusting the pressure of the Alutex overhead loops, see the video:

Adjustment of overhead curtains

The required number of door curtains connecting the frame with the leaf is calculated for each design individually and depends mainly on the weight of the door leaf.

If there is no double-glazed window in the design of the sash, and its leaf is closed only with a light sandwich panel, then two curtains are enough to fasten such a sash.

But, usually, on the entrance plastic door, which has glazing, there can be from three to four curtains, each of which has three types of adjustment.

It is important to know that if you try to change the position of the door leaf by twisting the adjustments of only one curtain, this can cause a point curvature of the profile (that is, it will bend only in the area where the adjustable curtain is attached).

It is precisely such an illiterate adjustment that subsequently causes squeaks that appear at the place where the curtains are attached.

Some "specialists" advise, in the event of squeaks, to lubricate the hinges by pouring machine oil into them. Yes, maybe for a while the lubricant will be able to reduce extraneous noise when the door is opened, but over time they will still appear again.

I can responsibly declare that a properly adjusted door without any lubrication when slamming should not make any sounds, except, perhaps, a soft slap.

The algorithm for adjusting the upper hinge of a plastic balcony door, see the video:

How to raise a door leaf

I just want to make a point - there are several constructive different models door curtains. How to regulate each specific model must be considered separately, using an individual approach. To be honest, I used to come across such samples that, even with some experience, it was not immediately possible to guess which of the adjusting screws was installed in which place.

But for the past five years now, as there have been no new samples - apparently, the designers who create more and more new details for attaching the sash to the frame have run out of imagination, or, nevertheless, they finally found the best option door curtain designs.

Below we will look at how to adjust the most common type of door curtain.

If it becomes necessary to change the position of the door leaf by lifting it a few millimeters up, you must perform the following steps:

  • find the place where the adjusting screws are installed on all curtains. As a rule, this place is located at the lower end of the cylindrical part of the curtain;
  • from a set of hexagons, select a key of the required size;
  • move the sash from the “closed” position to the “half-open” position;
  • insert the key into the upper curtain and turn it half a turn or a full turn if necessary;
  • it is necessary to turn the adjusting screws of the rest of the curtains by exactly the same turning radius, which was turned by the hexagon when adjusting the first air curtain;
  • check the quality of the adjustment by closing the door;
  • if the defect has not disappeared, and the door needs to be additionally lifted, then it is necessary to repeat all the adjustment steps in sequence.

With a large weight of the door leaf, the load on the first adjusting screw can be lightened., to which, in fact, the weight of the entire raised sash passes.

To do this, you can build a kind of lever under the sash and, by slightly pressing on it, help the adjusting screw lift the heavy sash.

You can also gradually raise the sash, making small movements with a hexagon, adjusting each curtain in turn.

How to press the sash of a plastic door to the door frame

In contrast to the balcony door, where the pressure to the frame occurs due to the rotation of the eccentrics installed at the ends of the frame, a different principle of adjustment is laid in the entrance plastic door.

Both methods of closing differ in that in the front door the door leaf is fixed due to the latch located in the body of the lock or separately installed at the end of the door. Whereas in the balcony door, the clamping mechanism is fixed and fine-tuned by turning the locking handle, which pushes the trunnions located at the ends of the sash into the hook with the strikers mounted on the frame.

I remind you that we are considering one of several, the most common version of the design of the door curtain.

Adjustment of the pressure of the leaf of the entrance plastic door from the side where the air curtains are installed should be carried out according to the following scheme:

  • remove the decorative caps from the upper cylindrical part of all curtains. Please note: sometimes the manufacturer indicates a hint on the plug itself - in which direction you need to turn the screw so that the sash comes closer or moves further away from the box;
  • select a hex wrench of the required diameter;
  • insert it from above into the lower or upper (no fundamental difference) adjusting screw;
  • gradually, little by little (no more than 10 0) twisting the key, achieve the desired pressure. You can check the strength of the prim with a paper sheet (see above).

Many "homemade", not understanding the principle of this adjustment, begin to turn the hexagon like a ship's steering wheel, hoping to find the ideal point by trial and error. Sometimes this leads to the fact that then it will be difficult even for a real specialist to fix the wrapping and return the door to the right track of operation.

Therefore, before adjusting this node, you should first familiarize yourself with its device.

An oval-shaped adjusting screw protruding upwards is fixed on the lower curtain, on which, when the leaf is connected to the frame, a part of the curtain fixed on the sash is put on.

In the upper cylindrical part of each air curtain there is an oval-shaped hole, into which an adjusting screw enters. Their connection is a conventional eccentric, which, when rotated by 90 0, changes the position of the sash clamp.

After adjusting the pressure of the side of the door leaf on which the air curtains are located, you should start adjusting the leaf from the side of the door handle.

Entrance plastic doors are equipped with a conventional latch or a latch built into the lock. The latch striker mounted on the frame is usually equipped with a sliding insert.

To increase the pressure on the door leaf, unscrew the two screws that fix the sliding insert and move it closer to the seal installed on the frame.

Having firmly fixed the insert in a new place, you should check the quality of the junction between the sash and the frame by conducting a test using a paper sheet (see above).

Various options for adjusting the doors to the balcony in the video:

How to change the slope of the door leaf

Adjustment of the inclination of the door leaf relative to the plane of the door frame in different versions of the air curtains is carried out using various methods.

Let me remind you that we are considering the most popular version of the design of door curtains. In this case, the most difficult moment is to remove the curtain cover located on the door leaf - it is under it that the adjusting screw is located.

To gain access to the screw, fully open the sash and find the locking bolt holding the curtain cover in the inside of the air curtain. Having picked up the required diameter of the hexagon, you should completely unscrew the stopper and remove the cover by sliding it along the slide towards the door handle.

After the cover is removed, you will immediately see the adjusting screw, tightening which you will visually notice how the canvas changes its position relative to the frame.

I remind you again that turn only one screw for several turns at once - it is impossible in any case. This may cause the screw to shear off the threads.

The inclination of the sash should be carried out by gradually tightening each screw by the required number of turns.

What to do to make plastic doors less likely to need adjustment

The long-term operation of the fittings holding the plastic door depends, first of all, on the measurer, who performed all the necessary dimensions and calculated the geometric parameters of the new door.

If a mistake was made at this stage, and the tolerance between the doorway and the finished product exceeded the allowable norm of 10-20mm, then the installers, of course, will install the door, but its fastening to the wall will not be strong enough.

This defect cannot be corrected by installing an additional number of anchors, since the anchor simply fixes the position of the door frame, and the mounting foam, which plays the role of the main sealant, loses this quality at a rate directly proportional to the increase in the thickness of the layer between the opening and the door frame.

Therefore, in the event that the door turns out to be more than a couple of centimeters smaller than the opening, when the door leaf slams, the dynamic load will be transferred to the box each time, which, due to its unstable position, will loosen the fittings.

The next cause of premature failure door hardware can create constructors that calculate the number of curtains for a particular sample.

According to technology, the number of curtains depends on the weight of the door leaf. In the event of an error in the calculations, for example, after installing three attachment points instead of the prescribed four, and when the door is operating under conditions of increased load, for example, at the entrance to a store, one should expect an early failure of not only adjustment, but also the fastening of the air curtains themselves.

The next reason for the frequent adjustment of the door leaf may be the intensive work of the door structure. In this case, it is possible and even necessary to provide the door leaf with a closer.

Of course, these parts sticking out above the sash do not add additional aesthetic appeal to the door structure, but the fact that they are very convenient and allow you to extend the trouble-free operation of the door is beyond doubt.

Quite often, we ourselves are the cause of a loose door system. For example, when in a double-leaf swing door we forget to close one of the latches, fixing the non-working part of the door leaf from below and above.

Features of plastic entrance doors

For the production of a PVC front door, a particularly strong profile and special steel reinforcement are used. Therefore, of the three types of plastic doors (balcony, interior and entrance), the last one is the heaviest., and for her normal functioning reinforced fittings and special, more reliable types are used door handles and special finishers.

In order for the front door to serve as a reliable barrier to noise and cold, a double sealing circuit is used in its design, which ensures that such a door unit performs all functional duties.

All entrance doors have one common feature - the absence of the lower part of the protruding frame, like, for example, a window unit.

If this lower section remained at the door frame, then it would protrude above the floor surface and would certainly interfere with passing people. Therefore, the lower threshold of the front door is made flat, not rising above the floor surface.

In order not to leave this section of the door structure unprotected from the passage of cold air and sound waves, some door panels are equipped with magnetic thresholds.

This system is designed in such a way that two magnetic bars recessed into the level with the threshold are magnetized to a metal strip fixed on the bottom end of the door leaf when the door is in the closed state. When the door is opened, the magnets fall inside the threshold, without interfering with the passage.

It must be borne in mind that this important part for heat and sound insulation can only work if the door leaf is precisely adjusted, when it is exactly above the magnets and at a height necessary for their operation.

One of the main functions of the front door (no matter if it is made of plastic or other material) is good protection premises from unwanted entry. Reliable execution of this function implies the use of a door lock in the design.

Excellent burglary resistance of a plastic entrance door is achieved by fixing load-bearing elements, locking devices in the steel reinforcement of the profile.

Existing locks for installation in plastic doors are divided into:

  • single lock, which have one locking point located approximately at the middle of the height of the door structure;
  • multi-lock, they are used for two- or three-point contact of the sash locking mechanism with the door frame. Several points of contact along the entire height of the frame provide increased reliability and high-quality clamping of the sash to the frame.

Even a slight change in the position of the sash may not allow the multi-locking mechanism to perform its functions, which is why it is so important that all the supporting fittings mounted on the door structure are in a working, adjusted state.

Closer - a mandatory element of fittings

Strong blows of the leaf on the frame and sharp jerks on the door handle seriously affect the operation of the door structure and have a significant impact on reducing the frequency of actions to adjust the door fittings.

Installing a door closer will help to avoid the premature onset of the consequences of too active operation of a plastic front door.

Smoothly close the door leaf and not allow the sash to be pulled too sharply - the main function of this mechanical device. In addition to combating premature wear of fittings, one of the functions of the door closer is to maintain the microclimate in the room.

Adjustment of the smoothness of the force of pressing the sash to the frame is carried out both immediately upon installation of the device, and periodically - during its operation.

The frequency of maintenance depends on the season - when cold weather sets in, the oil in the closer becomes more viscous, and work will deteriorate significantly if it is not adjusted in time.

IN technical specifications each closer model must be indicated the lower temperature threshold at which the device is subject to additional adjustment.

If there is no need for unscheduled repairs, then the frequency of adjustment of the plastic door - once a year while installed on this door the door closer should be adjusted at least twice a year. The frequency of adjustment also depends on the weight of the door leaf and how often it is used.

Additional functions appear in those closers that are equipped with additional internal valves. Such devices can fix the door at a certain point when it is in the open position, and can also “slam” the sash to the box for better adjacency or actuation of the latch.

There are universal models of closers that can be installed both on the side of the door into which the sash opens, and on the opposite side of it. It is undesirable to install the device from the side of the street, because there it will be most affected by temperature extremes negatively affecting it.

On the possibilities of a door closer for a plastic door, see the video:

Closer adjustment

Before setting up the door closer, you should check if the hardware of the door structure itself needs to be adjusted. To do this, you need to disconnect the lever of the device from the sash and check if there is any sagging or damage to the air curtains.

In the mechanism of a standard closer there are two valves that are subject to adjustment.

The first is responsible for changing the speed of self-closing of the door leaf. To increase or decrease the speed, turn the screw mounted on the side of the device. If you turn it counterclockwise, the closing speed of the sash increases, if you turn it in the direction, it decreases.

The adjusting screw should be turned very carefully and no more than one or two turns, otherwise the tightness of the housing may be broken, which will lead to leakage of the oil filler.

The second adjusting screw is installed in the valve, which is responsible for the movement of the leaf just before the moment of slamming.

This valve should be adjusted when the leaf is perpendicular to the door frame. Turning the screw clockwise increases the time interval until the door leaf is quickly brought to the frame.

In the joint of the lever mechanism there is a special nut, which, when rotated clockwise, increases the opening angle of the door leaf.

If it becomes necessary to leave the doorway open, then you do not need to put it under the angle of the sash various items fixing its position - such actions will inevitably lead to breakage of door fittings.

Some models of closers are equipped with a special function that locks the open sash in the desired position. To do this, just tighten the locking element installed on the device itself.

The sash hold function can be set to operate automatically. Then, when opening to the point set in the closer setting, the door will close according to all the rules, and after passing the mark, the door will automatically lock in the desired position.

It is important to keep in mind that when installing a closer on a plastic door, you should scroll fixing screws not only through PVC coating, but also through a steel profile reinforcing the entire structure installed under it. Only in this case, the closer will be securely fixed and withstand all loads during operation.

In order for the device to last as long as possible, you should not help it by exerting force when closing the door. If there is no special device that fixes the open position of the sash, then the lever mechanism should be disconnected in cases where it is necessary to leave the sash open for a long time.

The partially limiting function of the door closer can be duplicated by installing a conventional fender on the floor.

But you should know that this operation also occurs subject to certain conditions.

The chipper must be installed in such a way that the place of its contact with the door leaf is closer to the outer edge of the opening leaf. If the striker is installed close to the door curtains, then the load on them will be higher than the permissible one, because in this case the principle of the lever will begin to operate, breaking the curtains out of the fasteners.

When to Adjust Hardware

You will turn to specialists for help or try on your own (in accordance with the recommendations of the same specialists) to adjust the fittings of the door structure when:

  • became visually noticeable, or a strong draft appeared in the junction- this indicates that the sash does not fit snugly against the door frame. You can verify the correctness of your suspicions with the help of a paper sheet, which should be alternately placed along the entire contour of the junction and taken out with the door closed, determining the difference in pressure between the sash and frame in different places;
  • sagging appeared. The first symptoms of this malfunction: when opening or closing, the canvas clings to the box, the door latch does not fall into the striker of the lock, or the lock itself does not close well;
  • the functioning of the door closer has changed. In this case, it is not necessary that this problem occurred due to door fittings; perhaps the misaligned closer itself is to blame for everything. But to find out the real reason should be mandatory.

Once a year, even with trouble-free operation of the door leaf, for preventive purposes, test measures should be carried out to prevent serious malfunctions in the operation of the door structure.

Tips for adjusting the balcony door in the video:

The master who installs the plastic balcony door must immediately carry out the initial adjustment. When taking the door leaf into operation, you need to check how evenly it is installed, whether it is easy to open and close. With the doors closed, there should be no drafts.

Over time, the door wears out, the mechanism loses its elasticity or weakens, which affects the performance of the doors. You can solve the problem by calling a special master or adjusting the plastic balcony door yourself. How to do this, we will consider in our article.

It is necessary to adjust the plastic balcony door in several cases:

  • When the canvas sags under its own weight. This is the most popular problem with PVC doors. But this can happen for another reason, if there is a subsidence of the building in which it is installed. This phenomenon is manifested in the touching of the lower part of the canvas over the edge of the threshold of the door frame, as well as the appearance of a gap in the upper corner of the canvas. The sag is due to heavy weight double-glazed window, which occupies most of the canvas. And if a double-glazed window is also installed, then the hinges of such a canvas fail much faster, while displacing the sash.
  • The displacement of the door leaf also occurs due to temperature changes, which significantly affect the quality of the plastic. A sign of door displacement is the sash clings to the frame in its middle part, or it is too tight.
  • Loose pressing of the door leaf to the frame is accompanied by drafts or simply the passage of cold into the room. This phenomenon can occur for two reasons, this is the failure of the sealing gum or the weakening of the locking elements that need constant adjustment.
  • The loose location of the handle in the socket is also a reason for adjustment. This is due to prolonged use of the door leaf or poor-quality adjustment during its installation. This phenomenon can be caused by hardware failure due to improper operation or poor-quality material.
  • The latch system does not work, which performs the function of temporarily fixing the door leaf in the closed state. There may be several reasons for this: incorrect installation of the latch, displacement of the door leaf, sagging of the leaf under its own weight or due to the settlement of the building.

Important! If the sagging of the door leaf is not removed in time, cracking of the double-glazed window may occur, which will entail large financial costs.

How to adjust the balcony door before the winter period

A plastic balcony door may lose its original settings over time, which will lead to certain problems. So, preparing for winter, it is necessary to adjust the door so that its opening and closing is easy and without interference. This will prevent cold air from blowing into the apartment.

Steps to set up a door before winter:

Check the door for the quality of sealing rubber bands. If defects are found, they must be replaced. For this you need:

  • Purchase a sealing gum similar to the previous one.
  • Using improvised tools, remove the old seal.
  • Clean up the surface.
  • Insert a new seal into the special groove. When laying a new elastic band, pay attention that it should not stretch, otherwise the web clamp will be loose.
  • Cut the seal in the corners of the frame, additionally fixing it with special glue.
  • It remains to check the new seal for fit to the door frame. If the installation was carried out correctly, the door will close easily, without clinging to anything anywhere. A good indicator is also the absence of drafts.

The next step in preparing the door is to check for tightness of its fit to the frame. To do this, just take a sheet of paper and put it between the door frame and the door. Having closed it with a latch, you need to pull the sheet and try to pull it out. If the sheet comes out easily, the door pressure is low, when the sheet is pulled out with force, it means that the fit is normal.

If the sash does not fit snugly, it is necessary to adjust the locking elements.

  • Next, the door block is checked for sash skew. Basically, this can be determined by the difficult closing and opening of the web. If there is a mechanical latch, if the door is skewed, the tongue will hardly fall into the groove on the fixing panel. If deviations are found, they must be corrected immediately.

How to adjust the pressure of a plastic balcony door

Before adjusting the pressure of the sash to the frame, you need to make sure that the reason for the weak fit lies precisely in the locking elements, and not in the deformation of the sealing gum. Sometimes the cause of weak pressure is the shift of the sash or the breakage of the fittings.

The technology for setting the clamp depends on the brand of hardware used. But since in most cases the doors are equipped with elements such as eccentrics, the setup technology consists of the following steps:

  • Adjustment is carried out using a small hex key, 3-4 mm. After inserting it into the hole located in the center of the eccentric, you need to turn the key clockwise. The turn of the key should not exceed a few millimeters. If the adjustment is made to loosen the clamp, the rotation is counterclockwise.
  • When equipping the door structure with trunnions, instead of eccentrics, they can be rotated using ordinary pliers. A guideline for correct adjustment is the following location of the trunnions:
  • with a parallel arrangement of the element to the profile, the pressure will be minimal;
  • with a perpendicular arrangement, the pressure will be maximum.

After completing the adjustment, it is necessary to check the door leaf for fit, using paper or newspaper for this. The check is carried out in three places, top, middle and bottom.

It is also necessary to take into account the moment that when adjusting for the first time, you do not need to set the door to the maximum mode, since the rubber bands dry out quickly. As a result, by making an indulgence on summer season, when switching back to the winter period, there will no longer be a normal fit and the seal itself will have to be changed.

Important! When adjusting the clamping elements, make sure that they are all in the same position.

How to adjust the door if it sank

Sagging of the door leaf is one of the most common problems, since in the summer, in most cases, the door is in the open state and, under its own weight, it gradually begins to sag.

How to determine that a sagging door has occurred:

  • Standing on the back of the door and closing it, you need to outline it around the perimeter, using the loot as a ruler. After opening the sash, study the resulting distance from the line to its edge. If it is the same on all sides, there is no need to adjust, in case of deviations, adjustment is required.
  • The door in the open position, in the normal position of the leaf, should not open or close arbitrarily. But you need to take into account the moment that when performing this test, there should be no drafts or wind.

Steps for adjusting the loops when the fabric sags

  • The protective covers are removed from the hinges. To do this, opening the door to the maximum distance, the fixing screw is unscrewed. Basically, a 3 mm hexagon is used for this. Then you need to carefully remove the covers.
  • Eliminating the problem with sagging of the sash begins with a hinge located at the very bottom, using the same hexagon in the work. Inserting it into the key hole located in the upper end of the hinge, the bolt is tightened by 2-3 turns, clockwise.
  • The upper hinge bolt is tightened in the same way.
  • At the end of the adjustment, the doors are checked for uniform and easy closing. If it still clings, it is necessary to tighten the bolts located on the side of the hinge.
  • Pulling up is carried out according to the same principle, first the upper, then the lower loop.
  • Next, decorative elements are installed that hide the loops.

Advice! Before putting decorative overlays, hinges, as a preventive measure, it is advisable to lubricate with inorganic grease.

How to adjust the latch on plastic doors

The latch adjustment process is carried out in several cases:

  • When the action of the mechanism is relaxed.
  • If the device does not match the fixing plate.
  • Adjustment methods:
  • In the event of a mismatch between the ball mechanism and the groove, the fixing bar is rearranged after marking.
  • If the tongue does not fit into the groove, the fixing bar can also be moved by loosening the hardware. Thanks to the elongated mounting holes, the bar can move freely. Now you need to install it in the desired position, tighten the screws.
  • To strengthen the mechanism, it is necessary to perform the following actions:
  • remove the mechanism from the door leaf;
  • on the reverse side of the mechanism, unscrew the spring fastening nut;
  • pulling out the spring, you need to stretch it a little. If necessary, you can put a small washer under it.
  • screw on the fastener.
  • In the case of using a non-separable mechanism, with holes on the sides, it is necessary to compress the spring a little with a thin screwdriver and insert a small washer under its base.
  • When using magnetic latches, the main reason for their failure is demagnetization, but in this case, adjustment will not help, a complete replacement of the mechanism is necessary.
  • If the latch is loosened, or vice versa, it becomes tight, it is recommended to debug the mechanism using a 4 mm hexagon. At the end of the locking mechanism there is a special screw for it, and they need to tighten or loosen the latches.

How is a plastic door handle adjusted?

Adjustment of door handles is carried out if they are out of order or simply loose, interfering with the normal operation of the door structure. To adjust it, you need to do the following:

  • Find a plastic plug at its base that needs to be rotated 90 degrees.
  • The screws under the plug should be well tightened using a screwdriver.
  • If this does not help, then the cause of the loosening of the handle is most likely its deformation. To eliminate the damage, the handle is recommended to be replaced with a new one.

What to do so that door adjustment is required as little as possible

The need to adjust plastic structures arises for several reasons, so eliminating them can avoid the debugging process. To do this, you should follow our recommendations:

  • When choosing a plastic door structure, you need to pay attention to the weight characteristics of the door leaves. Basically, the fittings are designed for a weight of up to 130 kg, which is quite enough for most door structures.
  • Fittings must be from trusted manufacturers and best quality. Only she can guarantee long-term operation without breaking it down.
  • After installing the door plastic block, the master must adjust all the necessary parameters.
  • To prevent sagging of the sash, under its own weight, it is recommended to immediately install special compensators. Such a device is especially necessary when installing double-glazed windows with large dimensions and weight.
  • Door jamming will help prevent a special tire. This device acts as an additional support for the sash.

Summing up, we can say that the adjustment of plastic balcony doors is required to prevent serious damage to the door structure, as well as to exclude cold air blowing. The plastic door should fit snugly against the frame, open and close without much effort, and at the same time without clinging to anything. You can set up the door yourself, spending a little time and effort on it.

The majority of the population in apartments or houses have plastic windows and doors. Over time, during operation, almost every owner of a plastic door has a question of how to adjust the balcony door mechanism.

Of course, you can call specialists who will quickly fix the problem and adjust the mechanism, but it is not always possible to come to the call right away. Most often you have to wait a few days. Therefore, it is advisable to independently master these skills and, if necessary, having a minimum set of tools, adjust the hinges of plastic doors with your own hands.

About the plastic door

When work is being done to install a new plastic door, specialists must immediately perform adjustment work on site. For some time, the operation of the door will not cause any complaints, but over time, given that the door is heavy, it can “sit down” a little and will not close well.

Despite all the issues taken into account when buying a door, its excellent quality and a proven company that will install the door, it is advisable to be present at commissioning work and make sure that you actually received such a service.

After the adjustment of the hinges of the plastic door is completed, you need to pay attention to the following:

  1. The door frame must be tightly pressed to the frame around the entire perimeter.
  2. Check the door mechanism: the door should open and close easily. If it opens or closes with effort, a creak, then this means that the adjustment has not been completed to the end.
  3. To check the verticality of the door, you need to use the building level.
  4. Open the door, but not completely, but halfway, and see if it opens (closes) arbitrarily or not. This testing must be carried out under the condition of complete absence of wind and draft. If the door is adjusted according to the rules, then it should remain motionless.

How to determine the tightness of the door clamp

This knowledge will help not only to check the work of specialists, but also to determine possible deviations in the operation of the mechanism.

If the door closes tightly, or when you approach it, you feel a strong flow of air, then this indicates that it is time to make adjustments.

To check if the door is well pressed against the box, you need to perform the following test:

  1. Take a sheet of paper (do not fold!).
  2. Lay the sheet between the door frame and the frame.
  3. Close the door tightly.
  4. Pull the edge of the sheet towards you, pull it out, paying attention to the force with which the paper is pulled out.
  5. Perform the action around the entire perimeter of the door.

If the paper comes off easily in several areas, then the door seal is good. If somewhere you make efforts, then this means that the fit is broken.

The sagging of the door can be seen like this: take an ordinary pencil and outline the open sash around the entire perimeter. The lines should be parallel to the edge of the door frame, if a deviation occurs, adjustment is necessary.

Troubleshooting Other Problems

One of the common problems with an entrance plastic door is:

  • the lower shutter (part of it) catches the edge of the door frame (part of the threshold). This indicates the sagging of the sash, which bends under its own weight. This is due to the fact that a double-glazed window takes on a large mass of the door leaf, and if a double-glazed window with a glass thickness of more than 4 millimeters is installed, the hinges will weaken over time under weight, and the door leaf will begin to move;

  • the sash catches the frame in the middle. The reason is the displacement of the side of the sash due to weather conditions (temperature changes) or other factors. In most cases, such a shift is eliminated by adjusting the hinges of the entrance plastic doors;
  • the sash is not pressed tightly against the frame, and air flows from under the seal. It is necessary to adjust the door clamp;
  • wobbly handle.

Door adjustment

Before you start work, and adjust the hinges of the plastic door, you need to purchase the following tools:

  • screwdriver: regular, flat and Phillips;
  • hex keys of different diameters;
  • gasket set.

Adjust the door sag. To remove this malfunction, you need to point the door leaf up and slightly shift it to the hinge located above. This is done as follows:

  1. It is necessary to open the sash by turning the handle (but not for ventilation!). Using a hexagon wrench (adjustable by 4 mm), turn the screw in the end of the sash near the top hinge.
  2. To tighten the sash, you need to perform one or two turns clockwise.
  3. Close the sash.

  1. Remove the protective cap from the loop at the bottom. This is necessary in order to adjust the top screw.
  2. Turn the screw on the upper end of the hinge, slightly lifting the sash. You need to turn it clockwise.
  3. Check if the door leaf “walks” freely. If tight, turn the loops again.

Attention! The fittings of plastic doors can be made for hex keys or for special ones, in the form of a "star". This nuance must be taken into account when working and, if possible, purchase such a key in advance.

Adjustment of grazing in the middle part. If the leaf clings to the frame in the middle of the door, then it is necessary to move it to the hinges. First you need to "take" the sash down to the hinge, insert the key into the screw located on the side and pull the sash.

If the steps taken do not solve the problem, then it is necessary to adjust the upper hinge of the plastic door again. This will be enough to eliminate frame clinging.

How to adjust clamp. The force of pressing the door to the frame is carried out with the help of locking elements. They are located inside the sash and have an eccentric shape. The pins must be adjusted using a special key and pliers.

It is enough to adjust the door pressure in winter and summer. Moreover, for the winter period it is necessary to establish a strong clamp, and for the summer - weaker. Press the sash against the frame from the hinge side with the adjusting screws of the upper and lower door hinges.

Horizontal hinge adjustment

Hinges for plastic doors are adjusted both horizontally and vertically. Consider horizontal adjustment:

  1. It is necessary to open the door and unscrew the screws from the upper hinges (there are two of them). You need to unscrew the screws with a hex screwdriver (3 mm).
  2. Then close the door and remove the lining - there are adjusting screws under them.
  3. To avoid warping the door, a long screw is tightened in the upper hinge a little more than in the lower one.
  4. To ensure a uniform shift of the door to the hinges or in the opposite direction, you need to remove the trim from the hinge located below, tighten it and slightly loosen all the horizontal screws in the door hinges.

In this photo you can see the location of the hinge with a decorative trim and hinges for plastic doors without a trim.

Vertical hinge adjustment

Vertical adjustment is made when the door needs to be raised or lowered. To figure out how to adjust the plastic door vertically, you need to find a screw for adjustment from below at the end of the hinge. It is located along the axis of the loop. By the way, some models of plastic doors, including entrance ones, are equipped with a closed screw system. Such a screw can be hidden under a plug, which must first be removed.

In order to adjust the door, you must use a 5 mm hex screwdriver. By turning the screwdriver clockwise, the door needs to be slightly raised, and when the screwdriver is rotated counterclockwise, the door should be lowered.

This photo shows a vertical adjustment screw for a plastic door.

You can see the adjustment of the hinges of plastic doors on this video: