Eco-veneer doors. Types of eco-veneer, pros and cons of coatings What is better pvc or eco-veneer interior doors

If you choose between modern coatings, eco-veneered doors are a great solution for any home. Doors consist of several layers and in most cases it is the outer coating that plays the decisive role in choosing this product. Usually, if we are not talking about a solid wooden door, consider these types of materials: veneer, eco-veneer and PVC film. Artificial surfaces are gaining more and more popularity. Doors lined with PVC or eco-veneer: which is better? This question interests a lot of people today.

Eco-veneered doors are a great alternative to natural wood

What is eco-veneer

Relatively new material in the market of door and furniture coatings is eco-veneer. Despite its name, it has little to do with veneer, it is an artificial material that is made on the basis of a polypropylene film, it imitates the structure of a tree, its relief can be determined by touch.

Doors covered with eco-veneer - what is it? in most cases, it is a wooden or MDF frame, hollow inside, in order for it to have an aesthetic appearance and fit into the interior, it is applied with a thin layer of coating, in this case, eco-veneer.

The modern consumer has the opportunity to choose the desired model of eco-veneered doors due to the huge range

Eco-veneer advantages:

  • aesthetics;
  • imitates natural wood;
  • less expensive alternative to natural veneer;
  • increased moisture resistance;
  • strength;
  • does not contain chloride.

It is thanks to the latter feature that this material has earned the prefix "eco" in the name, since, unlike other artificial coatings, eco-veneer is absolutely safe and environmentally friendly.

PVC film coating

According to their characteristics, PVC doors have the greatest similarity with eco-veneer, but which one is better? In terms of environmental friendliness, polyvinyl chloride, of course, is inferior to the previous version, otherwise the difference is small. Due to the fact that the door leaf is covered with PVC film, the color palette of such doors is much wider than that of other materials. This is a great option for furnishing modern interior, because you can pick up almost any shade, apply a unique pattern, make photo printing or combine several films on one canvas. In addition, the film is not afraid of changes in humidity, but it is better to protect it from direct sunlight in order to appearance did not fade.

PVC film can be selected in almost any shade

Advantages of doors with PVC film:

  • strength;
  • low cost;
  • a variety of colors and the possibility of combining them;
  • moisture resistance.


  • contains chloride;
  • fades over time;
  • may delaminate;
  • looks less respectable.

That is, if we compare eco-veneer and PVC for door cladding, the film wins in terms of cost. This option is ideal if in the next 5-7 years it is planned to re-replace the canvas. In terms of durability and appearance, most buyers prefer eco-veneer, it remotely resembles natural material, which in itself looks more expensive.

Comparison with veneer

To better understand the essence of the presented coatings, one should also mention such material as natural veneer. If we compare doors lined with veneer and eco-veneer, some similarity of the latter with PVC film becomes obvious, but there is only some visual similarity between these materials, otherwise veneer has many differences. Firstly, the wood structure is more clearly visible, and secondly, the veneer is a thin layer of natural wood coated with varnish, so it is less moisture resistant than artificial materials.

Compared to natural veneer, eco-veneer looks very attractive.

Which doors are better - veneered or eco-veneer? Both materials look very attractive and can last for many years. If you prefer natural material, then veneer is what you need. If you plan to install doors in a room where the humidity regime is not respected, it is better to give preference to artificial veneer. At the same time, PVC will be the cheapest of the presented options, so you need to make the final decision based on the available budget.

Subject to the production technology and normal operating conditions, doors with any coating will last a very long time.

There is a huge competition in the interior door market. There are both well-known and little-known manufacturers. Everyone is trying to talk about their advantages. How to choose doors, if at first glance, everything seems the same?

The ranking, including the top ten manufacturers, will ignore dubious manufacturers. The list is not taken from the ceiling - in fact, it was compiled by the consumers themselves. According to the latter, and served as the basis for printing.
Objectively, if you look at which manufacturer compares favorably, it is always useful to understand which material option is best: eco-veneer or PVC. Let's look at each of the options.

What is eco-veneer

Eco-veneer is a material that well replaces heavy and expensive materials. Although this material was invented not so long ago, eco-veneer is classified as a new generation material.

You also need to say about the properties, namely: high strength and excellent aesthetic qualities, this is achieved due to the fact that this material visually very much resembles expensive wood species, such as rosewood, cherry or oak. It is possible to distinguish eco-veneer from natural breeds only tactilely.

What is PVC

We are all familiar with the term "PVC" and understand that it can be applied to a wide range of products.
PVC stands for polyvinyl chloride. If you are familiar with this material, then you know that this is a special type of material that is very strong, has excellent insulating properties and normal conditions does not emit harmful chemical fumes.

Thanks to its unique structure, the PVC door provides better insulation and therefore better energy efficiency than traditional wooden door. It also requires virtually no Maintenance never needs to be removed or repainted. While a wooden door frame will warp, shrink and expand over time, a PVC door frame remains absolutely stable as it is 100% waterproof.

Common elements

These materials have common points. These materials are characterized as wear-resistant, and coatings reliably protect doors from moisture penetration, so eco-veneer and PVC are not dangerous for detergents, shallow mechanical damage, and are also easy to clean. They can also be painted in any color palette, and also perfectly repeat the texture.


But also the selected materials differ from each other. In order to better understand what is better, the service needs to understand the characteristics of these materials.

Let's start to consider the first material - eco-veneer. It is made from natural materials, this fact already says that the material is safe and environmentally friendly. Also, eco-veneer is affordable, but there is a small snag, the price is affordable (but in some cases still more expensive than doors made of PVC) due to artificial materials, this leads to the fact that these products do not pass air well and thereby violate the microclimate of the room .

PVC doors are a covering consisting of a frame made of wood. It has an internal honeycomb filling and cladding with MDF boards. From above, such doors are covered with PVC film.

Comparative characteristics:

  1. Life time. Both materials perfectly withstand changes in temperature and humidity. But it should be noted that PVC does not burn, which is an important criterion when choosing doors. Also, these materials are not afraid of minor scratches, bumps, chips, and when exposed to direct sunlight, retain their original appearance.
  2. Door Care. When caring for doors in both versions, dirt can be easily washed off with both water and detergents. But at the same time, doors made of eco-veneer can withstand more aggressive detergents.
  3. Design. PVC and eco-veneer can imitate any "natural" surface, and you can also choose any color palette.
  4. Lightweight design. And here the differences begin, since at least both structures are light, but here you need to take into account that the eco-veneer construction is lighter than PVC, and thus you cannot be sure that the door will not break through with strong blows or shocks. Although the installation of such doors is faster and you can be sure that the door will not sag over time, due to the fact that the load on the hinges and the door frame is reduced several times.
  5. Soundproofing. Basically this problem of both materials. Due to the fact that the filling of these structures is empty, they transmit sounds well. Although in PVC doors it all depends on the content.
  6. Price. It's all envy from the manufacturer, the quality of materials and decoration, namely: glass, volumetric decor and elements. But still, eco-veneer has the cheapest offers.

Which design is better and where it can be applied

From this we can conclude that both options are very good with their pluses and minuses. But, when explicating, you need to think for what purposes the door will be used. So, eco-veneer is better for a bathroom, as they are more budgetary than PVC, and for other rooms like a kitchen, living room or bedroom, a PVC door will look more beautiful.

Also, if the buyer wants to save money, then the look will definitely stop at the eco-veneer, since it contains a huge amount design solutions and can fit into any interior due to its simplicity. If, nevertheless, the budget allows you to buy a more expensive solution, then PVC doors will great solution. In these door models, additional decorative elements are often used, which emphasizes the special design of the room.

Today, when choosing interior doors, you have to evaluate a fair amount of characteristics at once. Moreover, overall dimensions and fittings are far from in the first place.

Buying interior doors in bulk is not difficult via the Internet. This practice has become very widespread in recent times. There is nothing surprising. However, it is still recommended to visit a wholesale warehouse before buying in bulk.

If we talk about pricing policy, then PVC doors are the most affordable on the market. At the same time, their appearance is very attractive. There is no doubt that it will be possible to fit them into almost any interior.

However, there are several very tangible disadvantages of PVC doors:

  • often the door surface is vulnerable to various household chemicals;
  • if sunlight hits the door, it can change the color of the texture;
  • damage (scratches) is not repaired.

Eco-veneer, as such, has been used exclusively recently. Of course, the main advantage of the above material is considered to be a high degree of environmental friendliness.

In production, a film based on polypropylene film is used. It simulates the surface very realistically. natural wood. You should also pay special attention to the structure of doors made using eco-veneer technology.

It is hardly worth explaining what exotic wood veneer is. Indeed, the above options for interior doors are considered one of the most expensive on the market.

Eco-veneer, by and large, is the same, only a combination of materials is used as veneer - cheap wood (often we are talking about pine) and polypropylene film that imitates the surface of an expensive tree.

The door leaf itself is not made of solid wood. It is made from MDF boards. In view of this, the canvas itself turns out to be quite heavy. For this reason, it is recommended to choose exclusively reliable fittings for eco-veneer doors.

In addition, the majority opts for eco-veneer also because the door frame has additional seals. There is nothing like it in pvc doors(from the factory).

In the video, the consultant will clearly demonstrate what an eco-veneer is and what its technical advantages are:

House renovation. You need to be able to pick up all the furniture, fittings and other details so that they are not only profitable in price, but also of high quality. This is especially true for doors, which are now on the market there is such a great variety that the first time it will be difficult not only to make a choice, but simply to understand something.

Before choosing a door, you should understand what properties they should have. Despite the fact that the requirements for interior doors are still less than for entrance doors, this issue still needs to be approached very seriously.

What points to consider when choosing interior doors?

  1. Environmental friendliness of the material.
  2. Her appearance.
  3. Strength.
  4. Resistance to temperature changes, moisture, UV rays, etc.

Interior doors made of materials such as eco-veneer and PVC are very popular. Each of the options has its own characteristics, including both pros and cons.

To understand what interior doors exist and what is better to choose, PVC or veneer, you should familiarize yourself with each of the options in more detail.

Eco-veneer interior doors

Veneer is a thin layer of wood (sheet from 0.5 to 10 mm) that is glued on top of the door structure.

Veneered doors are made in three stages:

  1. The first step is to make a frame (most often conifers are used for this design). Before you start making veneered doors, the timber must be dried so that during operation it does not deform, does not succumb to decay, etc.
  2. To make the structure more durable and not succumb to warping, the frame is finished with a panel (wood-fibre film - fiberboard or MDF). According to its technological characteristics, this material is similar to wood. Environmentally friendly, practically undeformable, light and at the same time quite hard.
  3. The third, top layer of the door is veneer. It is glued in two ways: cold and hot pressing. For the manufacture of interior doors, cold pressing is most often used, gluing the veneer with PVA glue.

Veneered doors: main advantages:

  • profitable in terms of money (despite the fact that the door looks like it is completely made of wood, it costs an order of magnitude less than an array);
  • beautiful, uniform structure of the canvas. The veneer on the doors can be easily distinguished by its smooth, uniform structure, which is quite difficult to achieve in the case of natural solid wood;
  • a large selection of colors, textures and other features that allow you to choose perfect option eco-veneer for the interior of your premises;
  • durability (a veneer door can serve 5-10 years, completely retaining its attractive appearance);
  • due to their structure, veneered doors are distinguished by increased strength and reliability;
  • in case of damage, eco-veneer can be easily restored. If the integrity of the surface has suffered a little, this can be easily restored without spending a lot of money;
  • eco-veneer has good tolerance to humidity (up to 60%) and resistance to temperature extremes (from 10 to 30 ° C);
  • in comparison with other doors, eco-veneer models have a relatively small weight (you can find options weighing from 17 to 30 kg).

Despite numerous advantages, veneer also has negative sides:

  • in order for the veneer to retain its attractiveness, it must be properly looked after (it is better not to wash it with plain water, use polishes, etc.);
  • in case you need to make veneered doors with curved parts, some difficulties may arise;

PVC interior doors

PVC (vinyl chloride) is a material that is made from natural raw materials. This thermoplastic is an ordinary powder to which stabilizers, pigments and modifiers are added, thus making a special film.

Production of PVC doors

  1. First of all, it creates wooden frame(most often from pine trees).
  2. After that, all the gaps are filled with honeycombs.
  3. Based on the resin, a special glue is made, which is applied completely to the entire surface of the doors.
  4. At the last stage, a PVC film is taken and glued onto a wooden sheet (vacuum pressing technology is used). The heated film is pressed tightly against the door, and the previously applied adhesive helps it to hold better.

Advantages of interior PVC doors:

  • completely ecological material that is not able to harm the inhabitants of the house. Such doors can be installed even in the nursery;
  • such a solution is much more profitable than in the case of an array, etc.;
  • high level of fire safety, as the material is difficult to ignite and self-extinguishing;
  • the door is not destroyed by acid, lime and alkali;
  • thanks to the film, it is very easy to take care of the doors, you do not need to use any special products, you can wash it with plain water with the addition of any detergents;
  • atmospheric influences and frequent temperature changes are not able to destroy the coating. Doors do not rot, warp or delaminate;
  • PVC doors are strong enough, so they are not afraid of various technical damages in the form of scratches, cracks, chips, etc.;
  • this design is very light, which is especially important in a house with small children;
  • the film is not afraid of UV radiation, so its color does not fade and does not fade even after several years of operation;
  • due to the fact that the film can be processed, in addition to dyeing, it is also possible to apply different patterns to it using embossing, as well as change the texture, giving it desired view. This solution allows you to give your doors a more original look.

Cons of PVC doors:

  • the door has insufficiently good heat and sound insulation;
  • to the touch, this door is cold and not as pleasant as a wooden one, which can reduce the level of comfort and coziness in the house;

It is quite difficult to determine which of these two options is better: eco-veneer or PVC, since both are good and each has both pluses and minuses. To understand which door is better to install in your home, you need to think carefully and find out which of the points are most important to you.

Thrifty buyers who care about what to buy in their homes, offices, apartments often ask this question. After all, everyone wants to buy only good doors, but at the same time affordable price. Therefore, the choice for eco-veneer and PVC does not fall by chance. But which option is better and which one should be preferred without a doubt? To understand this, you need to consider the advantages and disadvantages of both types of doors. and only then draw appropriate conclusions.

Doors with eco-veneer: the main advantages

Key benefits of these doors include:

  • Wear resistance. Ecoveneer is made from natural wood fibers, which are dyed in desired color and glued together with a polymer composition. Thanks to this, it is able to withstand heavy loads for a long time without being covered with scratches and other damage.
  • Large variety of colors. Eco-veneer is painted with artificial paints, while natural wood is not. This provides the first type of door with a chic color palette, which often contains very unusual shades.
  • Ease. Artificial veneer weighs very little, and the doors finished with it are also light. No wonder experts recommend installing them in rooms with thin interior partitions, for which massive doors are contraindicated.
  • UV resistant. Wood burns out quickly in the sun and requires special protection, while eco-veneer doors can be installed in the sunniest rooms. This material does not tarnish or delaminate under the influence of UV rays.
  • Beautiful texture. Eco-veneer has a more pronounced surface than ordinary wood. It is pleasant to touch it and feel under the fingers thin veins of wood, skillfully painted in production.
  • Low price. In conditions of constant savings, people are forced to choose those doors that are cheaper. Options with eco-veneer also fit into this group, but with their beauty and quality they cover cheapness and artificiality.
  • Maintaining quality in dry and wet environments. Door leafs made of pure solid wood in a dry room with elevated temperature quickly crack, and in a humid microclimate - swell. Because of this, they are not recommended for installation in bathrooms, bathrooms, kitchens. However, this is not a problem, since they can be easily replaced with eco-veneer doors.
  • Absolute security. Artificial veneer does not contain formaldehydes, chlorides and other toxic compounds. Studies have shown that during combustion, it emits almost the same substances as wood. And this means that with a slight heating, a specific toxic smell will not come from such doors.
  • Ease of maintenance. Interior doors with eco-veneer can often be wiped with a damp sponge without fear of consequences. They do not absorb dirt, so any stains are easily removed from the surface.

Cons of interior doors with eco-veneer

In the list of cheap doors, these products are among the most durable, but at the same time they are much inferior to canvases made from natural wood. If the eco-veneer is hit with a sharp object, the coating will be seriously damaged, which cannot be repaired. Also this facing material well transmits noise and does not provide doors with good sound insulation. The last but no less important disadvantage of such door panels their poor air permeability is due to the polymeric binder that connects the fibers. However, this problem can be solved by opening the window more often to ventilate the room.

If we weigh all the pros and cons of interior doors with eco-veneer, we will get a pretty good product that deserves the attention of buyers.

PVC interior doors: advantages

This type of door leaf is also popular among buyers, and they are chosen due to such advantages as:

  1. Strength. The PVC coating resists loads well and, if treated with care, is capable of long years keep a perfect look.
  2. Ease. We can say that PVC doors are the lightest. They open and close without difficulty, unlike powerful solid wood door panels.
  3. Variety of color finishes. Such doors are covered with various films that imitate wood of different species and others. Decoration Materials. Thanks to this, you can easily choose a PVC door to the most non-standard interior design.
  4. Unpretentiousness in care. The film protects the door leaf well from dirt, dust, mold, it can be easily cleaned with aggressive detergents. The main thing is that they should not have abrasive particles that make the film rough.
  5. Affordable cost. And in this case, PVC interior doors have an advantage over solid wood and many other materials. They are willingly bought up by people with average incomes and often outperform more respectable competitors in sales.
  6. The need for additional care. Some wooden doors it is necessary to periodically cover with special protective compounds, paint, and PVC models do not need this at all. Thus, their owners well save their time and money.
  7. Low sensitivity to moisture and heat. In this regard, PVC doors are on the same level as eco-veneer products, since they are also not afraid of moisture and heat (they do not crack or swell).

Disadvantages of PVC doors

The first and main disadvantage of such door panels is that they contain chloride. This substance is hazardous to the health of humans, animals and environment. Also, plastic is not able to withstand shock loads and quickly becomes unusable. It also makes no sense to repair it, like an eco-veneer, therefore, in terms of restoration, they are not inferior to each other. Another nuisance is the rapid fading in the sun, which makes PVC interior doors unsuitable for sunny rooms. It is better to install such doors in bathrooms, bathrooms, warehouses, basements and everywhere where direct sunlight does not fall.