How to make a high-quality summer shower in the country. How to make a summer shower in the country: options and do-it-yourself construction

It is hot and stuffy in summer, so the most valuable source that will help give you strength and restore vigor is water.Summer shower you can arrange it yourself, and there are several options for arranging an outdoor shower, which differ in design, principle of operation and, of course, the cost of installation.

The advantages of a summer shower are that it does not require any costs. Yes, in the very simple soul water is heated by the sun. If you are on the wave of “unity with nature”, then the water in your summer shower must certainly be rain. Although, if there is a drought,you will need a device with which you will get your own water for the shower.

Making an outdoor shower

So, the most common way to equip a site with a summer shower is as follows.

A cabin is constructed separately from wood or plastic panels on a metal case, or maybe from brick. A water tank is installed on the roof of the cabin. Accordingly, as we said above, water can flow into the tank naturally and also heat up (rain and heat from the sun), or it can be pumped using a separate hose from the general water supply system at home.A watering can is carried out from the tank into the shower cabin. If you want the used water to leave the site, then during the construction phase of the cabin you will have to lay a drain through which the water will leave. To do this, it is just enough to build a floor at a slight slope or make a drain grate in it in the center. The outflow of water is simply necessary if the shower is used more than twice a day. If you rarely use an outdoor shower, then the outflow of water can be attributed to the natural process of absorption of moisture by the earth. The approximate cost of such a summer shower will be from two to six thousand rubles.

An even simpler option is an outdoor shower that works on the principle of a pump. This option is the most economical and convenient. Such a summer showereasy to carry, which is especially beneficial for summer residents. So, a shower that works on the principle of a pump is also called a car shower. Its entire structure is simple. It consists of a pump, two hoses and a watering can. One end of the hose is lowered into any container with water, be it a bucket, a canister, etc. The pump in such designs is foot-operated, so you will have both hands free to wash yourself wholeheartedly. At the end of the other hose is a watering can or a simple water dispenser through which water flows. Actually, this is the whole summer shower, which you can also build yourself. And if you have an automatic pump, then,perhaps such a shower will be even more profitable than a summer shower cabin. The cost of a finished summer shower of this type with a foot pump costs about 500-700 rubles. The model with automatic "drive" is equivalent toprice range from $40 to $120.

If we consider that an outdoor shower is not a full-fledged shower, but a means with which you can freshen up, wash off the main dirt, then from this point of view there are many more options for arranging a “pseudo shower”. But they are all built according to the same principle, in which the source of water is above your head.

Summer shower - photo

Water treatments in the open air are very useful, so many adherents of relaxation and hardening decide to make a summer shower for a shower in the country with their own hands, or at least install a finished booth on the site. This article will help you understand the design features, choose the right size and installation location, draw up a preliminary diagram and complete all stages of construction without errors.

Types of autonomous toilets. Choosing a place for building a toilet in a summer cottage

If it is planned to build a capital shower for a do-it-yourself brick cottage, it is advisable to use a strip type of foundation. A trench is formed along the perimeter of the future building. The optimal depth is 0.5 m. Next, the formwork is installed. At the bottom of the trench, it is necessary to form a sand-gravel cushion with a thickness of 0.1 m. After that, reinforcement is laid and concrete is poured. This must be done so that in finished form the foundation rises above ground level by about 0.1 m.

When the base is completely hardened and dry, it will be possible to begin the construction of the sewer system.

How to organize a drain system in the shower in the country with your own hands

There are several ways to organize a waste system in a shower stall. The choice of construction technology depends on several factors:

  • type of soil on the site;
  • type of foundation;
  • the number of people living in the house.

If as a foundation for a summer shower in the country house is used monolithic slab, then before filling it is necessary to lay the system plastic pipes with knee. The plate is formed in such a way that on all sides there is a slope towards the drain hole. The sewer pipe is brought out of the shower room and connected to the general sewage system. You can bring the drainage to the drainage well.

Useful advice! For the construction of a similar sewer for a booth installed on a different type of foundation, it is not necessary to fill the floors with concrete. It is enough to buy a summer shower for giving with a pallet made of acrylic. This element will serve as the floor.

With connection to the sewer system - best option for big family, since the pit will not be able to accommodate the volume of wastewater that will be formed during operation. If the design is designed for 1-2 people, it will be enough to drain directly under the booth. But this type of system is suitable for areas with a loose type of soil, when the shower is installed on a columnar or pile foundation. This option can also be used on a tape base.

First you need to remove a layer of soil with a depth of 0.5 m. The formed depression is filled with gravel or stone to half its height. The rest is covered with crushed stone with a fine fraction. After the cabin structure is assembled, a pallet made in the form of a wooden lattice is installed on a layer of rubble. The system is designed in such a way that wastewater passes through the drainage layers and gradually soaks into the soil.

Sometimes the owners of summer cottages bring the sewer into the garden, which cannot be called a good solution. If you still resort to a similar method, it is desirable that the place where the water drains is well warmed by the sun. Otherwise, the liquid will accumulate, and a swamp full of mosquitoes will form around the shower.

Making a cabin for a summer shower: photo and construction technology

For the construction of a cabin for a homemade shower, any available materials can be used.

Suitable for these purposes:

  • wood;
  • polycarbonate;
  • corrugated board;
  • brick.

Each type of material has its own advantages, features and properties.

How to build a shower in the country with your own hands: economy cabin

There is a little trick that will help you achieve savings in the process of building a shower house. To reduce costs, it is enough to use one of the blank walls of the building as a side for a booth.

Before you build a budget-type summer shower, you need to fix a small water tank equipped with a watering can on the wall. Here you can also install elements related to comfort, for example, hooks for clothes, shelves, etc. At the top of the future structure is a partition. It is fixed on the wall of the building. As front door a tarpaulin or film (necessarily opaque) can be used. The curtain is suspended with rings.

The floor is arranged so that the drains are diverted as far as possible from the foundation part of the house. To do this, a platform is concreted or you can get by with installing a pallet made of acrylic.

Useful advice! If you use the inner corner of the building, which has an L-shape, you can generally avoid the construction of the sides of the booth. Their function will be performed by the walls of the building.

Building a wooden cabin for a country shower with your own hands

The most common option country shower- cabin, made in the form wooden house. This type of building is considered one of the most affordable. Wood is easy to process. At the same time, it perfectly retains heat, which is a definite advantage if the shower is to be used in cold weather.

To build a summer shower in a private house with your own hands, it is advisable to use wooden beam. For the manufacture of corner posts of the booth, a material with a section size of 10x10 cm is required. A tank for 200 liters of water is installed in the upper part of the shower, so the beam must be thick enough to withstand such a weight load.

To hang the door, you will need to install two additional racks in front of the booth. These elements are placed between the corner posts. For their manufacture, you can take a bar with a section size of 5x5 cm.

To form a small slope angle for pitched roof booths, it is recommended to install the front corner posts 0.2 m higher than the rear ones. This is not required if a square-shaped tank is used as a container. In this case, the racks are mounted on the same level.

All supports are attached to the wooden frame of the lower trim. For fixing it is necessary to use hardware and metal corners. At the top of the structure, strapping is done in a similar way. You can use spacers to secure the racks more firmly. On the upper trim of the frame part of the booth, a basis for mounting the container is formed. In this case, you need to read not only the size, but also the shape of the tank.

For sheathing the frame part of the building, you can use a board 2 cm thick. This material is also suitable for making a door. It is necessary to lay the boards in one row and knock them together with the help of two jumpers. To prevent the door from skewing, the structure can be strengthened obliquely using a long rail. The door frame for a country summer shower is made of boards, the thickness of which is 4 cm. It is recommended to use self-tapping screws as fasteners.

When the booth is completely ready, it can be opened with a colored varnish composition. FROM inside the entrance is curtained with a film, otherwise the doors will swell from moisture.

Useful advice! Often, a large barrel for a shower in the country is used for construction. By installing a watering can over the structure, you can get a budget option wooden cabin.

Polycarbonate garden shower technology

Since wood is subject to deformation changes under the influence of moisture, many site owners are thinking about how to make a shower in the country with their own hands from more practical and resistant materials such as polycarbonate. The frame part of the cabin is made in the same way as in the case of a wooden shower, however, a metal profile must be used as the material. Optimal size section - 4x6 cm.

The frame part of the cabin is formed with the help of racks and jumpers between them. In this case, metal elements are used, so a welding machine is required to fasten them. Moreover, the assembly order can be performed in several ways. In the first case, the frame part is welded separately, after which it is installed on the base and fastened with anchor bolts. The second method involves concreting racks during the pouring of the foundation. Then the strapping is formed, spacers are attached.

It is desirable to use as a covering for a shower made of polycarbonate sheet material 1 cm thick. It is fixed on a metal frame with the help of hardware, which must necessarily have sealing gaskets.

Installation of the tank and features of the construction of a shower in a country house with heating by one's own hands

At the last stage of the construction of the shower, a tank is installed. The container can be made independently using any container made of stainless steel or plastic. To do this, it is necessary to form a hole in the bottom, the diameter of which is 1.5 cm. A pipe segment with a thread on both sides is attached to it with the help of nuts. The length of this element should be 30 cm.

In the roof of the booth in the center, you need to make a hole where the pipe will be inserted. After installing the tank, a tap and a watering can made of plastic are screwed onto the free end. Then the container is firmly fixed on the frame of the frame part of the booth, filled with water and covered with a lid.

To create a summer shower with heating for a summer residence, it is enough to install a heating element in the tank. Of course, the natural energy of the sun can be used to heat water. In this case, there will be no electricity costs. However, the sun's rays are not able to heat a large volume of liquid. In addition, not every region has the necessary climatic conditions.

On the network you can find many schemes necessary for connecting a summer shower for a heated cottage to electricity. The advantage of these devices is that the water warms up in the tank quickly enough, regardless of the time of day and the weather outside. At the same time, a person can adjust temperature regime. If you attach a piece of foam to the hose, the warmest water will flow into the watering can. For the same reason, liquid is taken from the upper zone of the tank.

Useful advice! To speed up the process of heating the liquid, you can add a coil to the circuit.

Is it possible to buy a summer shower for a summer residence inexpensively: prices for finished structures

To simplify the construction technology, you can buy a ready-made summer shower and install it on a prepared base. The cost of cabins is varied and depends on various factors.

The following points affect the price of products:

  • material of manufacture;
  • modification (presence of a locker room);
  • the shape of the water tank (in the form of a barrel, a square tank);
  • complete set (availability heating element, tank, temperature sensor etc.);
  • tank capacity;

  • the material from which the water tank is made.

Average prices for finished structures

Name price, rub.

Metal frame and PVC fabric

garden shower

Garden shower with water heater

Garden shower with water heater and dressing room

Polycarbonate construction

Cabin with 130 l tank

Cabin with 200 l tank

Cabin with 130 l tank with heating

A wide variety of materials suitable for construction, as well as manufacturing technologies, allows any summer resident to acquire a comfortable and convenient shower in the country. Moreover, you can make a booth yourself from improvised means or purchase it ready-made in a specialized store.

It’s a hot day, you are in the country, something needs to be done, but you don’t feel like it at all. Familiar? I would like to freshen up, but there is no river nearby, and so far it has not been possible to equip the pool either. A simple summer shower for a summer residence with your own hands - perfect solution heat and fatigue problems. Even a small stream of water literally in a minute will refresh and make you more cheerful.

This building has another practical purpose - taking care of our health. It is very important to periodically wash off the accumulated dust, which may contain, for example, particles of fertilizers. Doctors note that summer residents, who put off all hygiene procedures until a comfortable home bathroom, very often then go to doctors with skin diseases and gastrointestinal problems.

This building has many options. How in technical terms as well as aesthetically. The principles of the device of any country shower are the same: you will need a frame, a fence, a tank and a floor (pallet). But the implementation can be very different.

The easiest option is to take a bucket, punch a dozen holes in its bottom and hang it in a convenient place. The advantage of this option is its absolute accessibility. Still, ten liters of water may not be enough. And from the point of view of aesthetics, such a shower will pull a maximum of one point. But you don't need to build anything.

If you are not looking simple solutions, then a garden shower for a summer residence can be made of wood, various plastics, metal profiles. Each option has its own tricks and pros and cons. For example, a do-it-yourself wooden outdoor shower can be built using a large number of design options, but plastic and metal do not require special protective treatment.

Country summer shower can be made of wood or corrugated board

It is very important to consider from the very beginning how many people will use the shower and how often. Two key points depend on this: tank size and availability of a special drain.

The comfort of using the shower can also be at different levels. If possible, it is better to equip not just a shower, but with a dressing room. Then your things will definitely stay dry. And simply the highest chic is a whole house in which there is both a shower and a toilet, plus a dressing room. Of course, this is the most expensive and time-consuming option.

Little trick: The water will heat up faster if you choose a black shower tank.

Where to put?

The place for a summer shower should be sunny and away from trees and any buildings. This is important because the sun works as a water heater. The second point - do not put the shower where the ground drops noticeably, otherwise the water flow will be difficult. You need to take special care of the drain itself.

For example, with infrequent use and a small amount of water, a small drainage layer under the pan is sufficient. And if a shower is being built for a family of several people who plan to wash often, then it is better to provide a septic tank. Moreover, it is undesirable to arrange it right under the base of the shower, otherwise unpleasant odors may come. It will be enough to retreat 2-3 meters from the building.

Another trick: You can plant moisture-loving crops near the country shower - they will provide natural drainage and decorate the place.

We are working!

After you have decided on the place, design and material, it's time to build a shower for a summer residence, step-by-step instruction help you.

  1. Prepare the base for the future shower: choose the direction of the drain and make an appropriate slope.
  2. If a drainage hole is provided, dig it at a pre-selected location. Depth - 2-3 meters, diameter - to place old tires or a barrel without a bottom. At the bottom of the pit there should be a small layer of sand or gravel.

  3. From the future shower stall to the pit, make a drain: dig a groove, put it in it waterproofing layer. You can use roofing material, hydrostekloizol or film, pour concrete with reinforcement. It is not recommended to use clay for this, it tends to erode over time, which will lead to contamination of the drainage ditch.
  4. When the drain and pit are equipped, they need to be closed. Grids or spreaders can be used. This is especially important if there are children and / or animals on the site.
  5. Now you can install the supports for the frame. The standard option for building a summer shower in the country is to make four supports with a diameter of 10 cm, installed in one and a half meter recesses and poured with concrete as a foundation (of course, if the shower is not planned to be moved anywhere). Supports should be 20-30 cm above the surface.
  6. As a frame, a bar 10 by 10 cm or metal pipes is used. Be sure to check the vertical with a level or plumb! This foundation should be allowed to settle for 2-3 days. If the design of the soul does not imply such complex work, then all the same, the installation begins with the verticals of the frame. The height of the building should be 2.5-3 m, and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shower compartment should be at least 1x1 m.
  7. The next step is the top and bottom trim.
  8. If the building has a roof, then this is the next stage. In some cases, it serves as a roof itself.
  9. A water tank is usually a plastic or metal barrel or tank (100 or 200 liters). Before installation on the roof of the cabin, it is necessary to make a branch in it and fix the shower head. If it is impossible to bring to the barrel water filling hose, then later you will have to install a ladder nearby to raise water with buckets. This version of a summer shower for a summer residence is easier to build, but more difficult to maintain. It is also not worth putting an open container and relying on rain filling - rains can fail. In addition, dust, dry leaves and insects will get into an open dish.
  10. Now you can move on to the walls. They can be solid, from floor to ceiling, or literally cover only the "most interesting". Can be used wooden planks, corrugated board, slate sheets, moisture-resistant plywood or lining, and even polycarbonate. The main thing is to do everything evenly and fix it well.
  11. The floor is done last. He can be continuous with a drain for water or grating. This option is suitable if the shower is not planned to be mercilessly exploited every day.
  12. The final gesture is the installation of a door or a curtain, depending on the conceived shower model. After that, you can conduct tests and celebrate the appearance of a new building.

A separate article presents popular ones, according to which you can build a structure yourself.

So far, we have been talking about the soul as a separate building. But you can simplify your task a little. For example, attach a shower to one of the walls country house . Of course, if you have a wall at your disposal, which is illuminated by the sun almost all day. In this case, only two supports, a tank base, a floor and a drain are required. If the tank can be installed on the roof, this option also deserves attention.

Prefabricated polycarbonate shower

At the word "polycarbonate" most of us imagine a greenhouse. The question immediately arises - how to use such a shower, is it transparent? However, especially for showers, a material is produced that perfectly hides everything. Polycarbonate is attached to a metal frame, and the entire structure is attached to a base, preferably concrete. In this case, anchor fasteners are used.

If you still don’t want to think about how to make a summer shower yourself, then there are a lot of models of ready-made polycarbonate showers. They can be single or double and even triple - the same combination of shower + toilet + dressing room, which has already been mentioned. The equipment can also be different and is selected according to the financial capabilities of buyers. For example, a cheaper option is a shower stall with a curtain instead of a door.

No matter how great a polycarbonate shower cabin for a summer residence is, you still have to equip a drain and a drainage pit (with a large number of active users). But these efforts are redeemed by simplicity further action. Installation of ready-made polycarbonate booths is a relatively simple matter. And yes, it won't take much time.

Depending on the design and color of the plastic, such buildings can look very attractive. Of course, you should not show off a polycarbonate booth and put it in the most visible place. But the owners themselves and guests at the dacha will be very pleased to look at such a shower and wash in it. In addition, polycarbonate does not require special care.

What is better to choose, or a barrel? Learn about the pros and cons of containers, as well as the materials from which they are made.

Various types of toilet bowls for country toilets described on .

There is information about plastic storage tanks for arranging country sewerage at this link

Enjoy the results

Now you know how to make a shower in the country yourself. And if you are sure that you need a country shower, then boldly act. Best result obtained by careful preliminary calculations. And at the end of all the work, you can return to everyday country concerns - in which case, you will have somewhere to freshen up.

November 7, 2016
Specialization: master in construction drywall constructions, finishing work and styling floor coverings. Installation of door and window blocks, facade finishing, installation of electrics, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

If you decide to build a summer shower on your site, then the question arises before you - how best to finish it and what materials should be used when working? In this review, I will talk about the simplest, in my opinion, solutions that have proven themselves among developers. All options are easy to implement, even an inexperienced master can handle them, the main thing is to have a desire to understand the technology and follow all the recommendations below.

Overview of the main options

I will say right away - when decorating a summer shower, I consider reliability and durability to be the main aspect, decorative attractiveness fades into the background, although if everything is done carefully, then appearance will be good too.

First of all, I advise you to decide what material the frame of the structure will be made of. There are two options here: wood and a metal profile, the first of them is affordable and cheap, and the second - strength and durability.

I will not talk about the choice of a specific solution and the assembly of the supporting structure, this is a topic for a separate review, but keep in mind that you should already have a soul core with all the necessary communications.

Option number 1 - wood trim

This is a traditional design option for country shower structures, it was previously used exclusively, since it was problematic to get something else. The advantages of wood are known to everyone, so I will touch on the main disadvantage, this is low resistance to moisture.

For this reason, be prepared to apply protective compounds at least twice a year and change the finish every 4-5 years.

To avoid rapid damage to the structure, you can use moisture-resistant woods, the most affordable of which is larch. It looks attractive and has excellent resistance to moisture, if you use it for decoration, the design will serve you for decades.

For finishing, we need a certain set of materials, everything you need must be collected in advance so that the work does not stop at the most inopportune moment.

Material Description
Board or lining The amount of material is determined based on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe surfaces to be sheathed. I recommend using edged board, since it looks the same on both sides, and you will not have a problem how to finish a summer shower inside, it will be enough to finish it on the outside. Choose dry material with a thickness of 20 mm or more so that the design is not only beautiful, but also durable
fasteners I advise using self-tapping screws, their length depends on how thick the board is, and the type is determined based on the material from which the frame is made. FROM wooden structure everything is clear, but as for the metal, you will need to pre-drill holes and screw self-tapping screws with a fine thread into them
Protective composition Paint wood trim I do not recommend a soul, it is much more reasonable to use special protective impregnations, they do not hide the structure of the material, and make the surface resistant to moisture. There are many options, the most reputable brands are Tikkurilla, Alpina and Pinotex

From the tools we need the following:

  • A hacksaw for cutting wood, you can also use a power tool if you have it at hand;
  • Screwdriver for tightening self-tapping screws, if you need to drill holes in a metal frame, you will need several drills of the required diameter (3.0 mm option is used for standard fasteners). If the screwdriver has little power, then it is better to use a drill for drilling;

  • The protective composition is applied with a brush or roller, choose what is more convenient for you.

Now let's deal with the process of work, it is quite simple:

  • Before finishing the shower from a metal profile or wood, it is worth treating the frame with a protective compound. For metal, it is better to use anti-corrosion, and for wood, a special protective impregnation. It is better to do this in advance in order to process the structure from all sides;

  • Then you need to treat the board with a protective compound, here you can do it differently: someone works with a brush, someone uses an airbrush, and some simply pour the impregnation into a container and dip the entire elements. It is important to process the material from all sides and dry it thoroughly before starting work;

  • Then measurements are made, marking and cutting of elements for sheathing, you can cut all the material at once, so as not to be distracted later. The main thing is not to confuse anything and not to spoil the board, lining or other wood material that you use;

  • Next, fastening is carried out, in the case of a wooden frame, you just need to screw in the screws, if the frame is made of metal, you will have to pre-drill holes through wood and metal. Everything is simple here, you just need to correctly position each element so that the finish looks neat;

  • An interesting solution is to fasten the board on both sides in such a way that a continuous flooring is formed, but there are gaps between the elements. This gives the structure a very original appearance and allows for good evaporation of moisture, the board will dry out, which will ensure its durability;

  • Lastly, the wood is treated with a protective compound, pay special attention to the cut ends, since they are not protected at all.

If you need a budget option for one year with minimal costs, then you can simply bind wooden frame twigs left over from pruning trees. You can cut or collect them and so, there is no shortage in this material. As a result, you will get an authentic summer shower of the same kind as in the photo below.

Option number 2 - finishing with a profiled sheet

A very good option, characterized by simplicity and reliability. If you are thinking about how to decorate the walls in a summer shower so that you do not have to paint them every year, then a metal sheet will become best solution. It comes in a variety of colors, allowing you to choose the best option for any environment.

Let's figure out what you need to work:

  • Decking of the color we require, it is best to order elements right size, then you do not have to cut them on the spot;

  • Fastening is carried out using special roofing screws with M8 hexagonal heads and rubber gaskets on washers for the tightest possible fit. They are selected in a profiled sheet.

From the tool you only need a screwdriver with an M8 nozzle and metal scissors for trimming individual elements. Of course, you can’t do without a tape measure with a pencil in order to mark up if necessary.

Let's deal with the workflow, the instructions for its implementation are as follows:

  • First you need to treat the frame with paint or a protective compound, this stage is the same for all options and never forget about it;
  • Then measurements are taken to determine whether the profiled sheet needs to be cut. If necessary, individual elements are cut, it is very easy to do this with ordinary metal scissors;

  • Then the sheets are put in place and screwed with a screwdriver. Do not press them too hard into the surface, this can deform both the profiled sheet itself and the rubber gasket on the washer. Self-tapping screws are arranged in increments of approximately 15-20 cm;

  • As for the corners, they can be done in different ways. Some just bend the sheet, but it doesn't look very good. A much more attractive option with corners, you can buy ready-made elements, or you can bend them yourself from galvanized sheet and fix them with self-tapping screws with a press washer.

Option number 3 - polycarbonate finish

Considering how to finish a garden shower, one cannot fail to mention such material as polycarbonate. Despite the fact that it appeared on the market relatively recently, its popularity is growing rapidly. From myself, I will say that I consider this option to be optimal due to the following reasons: low price, low weight and excellent resistance to moisture.

Let's see what we need:

  • Polycarbonate, it can be of different colors, it is better to take the color options, because behind them you can not see what is happening in the shower. As for the thickness optimal solution I consider options of 6-8 mm, they cost reasonable and have good reliability;
  • To make the corners attractive, you can use a special docking corner;

  • Fastening is carried out using all the same roofing screws.

Now let's figure out how to fix this option with your own hands:

  • Finishing with polycarbonate begins with the same application of a protective coating on;
  • Next, you need to cut the material into pieces of the required size, the work is done using a conventional construction knife. They need to lead along the ruler so as to cut through the top layer, then the element is broken along the notch and the reverse side is cut. When slitting, you just need to lead along the line you choose, it's even easier;

  • It is necessary to fix the material on the frame, for this the sheet is set as it should be, after which it is fixed with the help of roofing screws. It is important to screw them in correctly so as not to damage the material, below is a diagram so that you understand how the fasteners should be located in order to ensure maximum reliability without damaging the polycarbonate;

  • Corners are placed on the corners if they are available, but you can do without them. After completion of work, you can immediately use the structure, since this species finishing is not afraid of moisture at all.


I talked about the most available materials for garden shower finishes that can withstand difficult conditions of use. An additional plus can be considered the fact that any type of work on finishing the structure can be carried out independently. The video in this article will help you understand the topic even better, and if you have questions, then write them in the comments below the review.

November 7, 2016

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In hot weather, quite often in the country you want to freshen up, but there are situations when there is no clean reservoir nearby, and arranging a pool is a rather complicated and expensive task. To get out of this situation, it is recommended to independently build a summer garden shower for a summer residence, it will save you in the summer heat and refresh you perfectly. It will be especially pleasant to receive it after a hard day at work. A shower will help you relieve tension, refresh, invigorate, calm and distract from negativity.

This building performs another equally important practical function - it is health care. It is recommended to periodically rinse in order to wash off the dust that has settled on you, which may contain fertilizer particles. Doctors have noticed that people who neglect summer showers and prefer to postpone hygiene procedures until taking a bath are more likely to turn to specialists with such problems as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and skin diseases.

But what if there is no shower in the country house? If you don’t want to splash around in a trough or basin, you need to arrange comfort in the field and build a summer shower with your own hands, using ready-made drawings and photos, having studied the description step by step.

The choice of material and location are the most important parameters

This building has a huge variety of construction options, both technically and aesthetically. But the general details are the same for any option, these are the frame, fencing, tank and pallet (floor). But the options for their assembly are very diverse.

as the simplest and affordable option, is to take a bucket to punch more small holes in it and hang it in a convenient place. The main advantage of such a device is its absolute accessibility, but sometimes ten liters may not be enough to wash normally. And from the side of aesthetics, such a design is not very attractive. Another plus of this option is that you do not need to build anything.

If you do not follow simple paths, then an outdoor shower can be constructed from wood, metal profiles and various plastics. The choice of material depends on what tool you are using. If you do not have a grinder at your disposal and welding machine, then the structure will have to be built from planed bars. Can be used as cladding plastic lining, a board, or simply attach the waterproof film to the racks.

Each option has its own subtleties. For example, during the assembly of a wooden summer shower, you can use a huge number of design options, but plastic and metal structures do not need special processing.

Highly important point at the beginning of the assembly, how many people and how often will use the shower. Based on this, the volume of the tank is calculated, as well as the presence of a special drain.

The comfort of using the shower can be different. If possible, equip the do-it-yourself shower in the country with a locker room. In this case, you will avoid such an unpleasant moment as wet things. The highest degree of comfort is a structure that contains a shower, dressing room and toilet. Of course, the creation of such a structure will require investment and money and effort. If the tank is painted black, the water will heat up faster.

When choosing a location for the shower, try to keep it sunny, and buildings and trees as far away as possible. This is important, since the sun is the source of water heating in the tank. Another point, the shower does not need to be installed on a noticeably lowering ground, as this will make it difficult for water to drain. You need to take special care of the drain itself.

With infrequent use and a small amount of water, a small drainage layer under the pan will be enough. And if the shower is used by a family of several people who will use it quite often, it will be necessary to equip a septic tank. It should be located 2-3 meters from the structure itself, this is done so that the shower does not go out of it bad smell. Moisture-loving plants can be planted near the summer shower - they will decorate the place and provide natural drainage.

After the site is chosen, the design and material are determined, you can proceed to the construction of the building. To do this, learn 5 simple options for how to make an outdoor shower yourself.

Homemade shower cabin made of wood

Before you build a summer shower in the country, you need to prepare everything necessary materials and tools for the job. To create an outdoor shower structure, you will need the following materials:

  • timber;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • rubber hose;
  • shower kit, which includes a bracket, a curved pipe, an adapter, a faucet and a nozzle.

Assembly steps for a wooden garden summer shower:

  1. A shower pit is dug 40 cm deep and 1 × 1 m in size, a layer of rubble is poured into the bottom of the pit, it will contribute to the rapid absorption of soapy water by the soil. After that, cinder blocks need to be laid in the corners. They must be leveled.
  2. After that, we begin to make a frame. To do this, you need boards 15 cm wide and 30 mm thick. Of these, a base is made with a size of 1 × 1 m, 4 beams with a section of 70 × 100 mm are attached to it. With the help of side and two transverse jumpers inserted into the grooves, the frame is ligated. They also serve as roof reinforcements, where a hundred-liter tank will be installed.
  3. Frame sheathing. To do this, you can use lining, blockhouse or false timber. The gaps between the grooves should be about 2-3 millimeters. This is necessary so that when wet, the timber can easily expand. We used a material that imitates logs for shower cladding.
  4. Finishing. Before painting, you need to prime the wood. For this, a bioprotective antifungal impregnation is suitable, after it dries, the surface is painted with facade acrylic water-borne varnish in 3 layers.
  5. Then you need to hang a tank, the minimum volume of which is one hundred liters, a curtain, install shelves and attach hooks.

To independently create such a shower in the country, it will take 1-2 days. But the do-it-yourself shower cabin in the country will delight throughout summer season.

Country shower made of polycarbonate

At the mention of polycarbonate, a greenhouse comes to mind for many. Most immediately wonder - how to use such a shower, it is also transparent. But for showers there is a special material that hides everything.

A summer shower made of polycarbonate on a metal profile is more durable than a wooden one and is not more difficult to assemble. This will require a profile pipe with a cross section of 40 × 20 mm with a wall thickness of 2 mm and a steel corner of 50 × 50 mm. The number of profiles is determined based on the dimensions of the shower: length and width - 1 meter, height - 2.1 meters.

The dimensions of the cabin are not critical, since its length and width depend on the dimensions of the tank. Racks should be 10 cm more than the height of the frame, this is necessary for concreting.

For convenience, it is better to assemble sidewalls on a flat concrete or asphalt site, using welder's magnets to fix the profiles.

Step by step instructions on how to make a shower from profile pipe and polycarbonate looks like this:

  1. On the site, two racks and two crossbars are laid in pairs, after which they are overlapped.
  2. After installing the side frames, two transverse profiles are attached vertically to them by welding, the corners are checked and the joints are fixed with a working seam.
  3. As soon as they filled concrete screed under the booth, a finished frame is placed on it so that the legs of the racks sink into the concrete. The installation is checked for verticality (if necessary, the depth of immersion in the screed racks is adjusted).
  4. It remains only to weld the frame for the door and fix the hinges on it. final touch there will be cutting of cellular polycarbonate and its fastening with self-tapping screws to the frame itself. To collect water, you can use a steel pallet or, at the time of concreting, make a special drain channel.
  5. For the tank, it is recommended to use plastic flat tanks. They are easier to install and play the role of a roof completely covering the booth.

An outdoor shower made of polycarbonate can look very attractive thanks to color scheme. Of course not worth it similar design put at the forefront. But for the owners themselves and their guests it will be very pleasant to use such a shower. In addition, polycarbonate does not require any special care.

Brick shower

The creation of a brick structure requires the construction of a foundation. To do this, it will be necessary to dig a trench 400 deep and 200 mm wide along the perimeter of the future structure. The trench is backfilled broken brick and is poured with liquid concrete so that it seeps between it. After a week has passed after the concrete has hardened, begin laying bricks on the cement mortar.

Do not forget about the installation of the door frame. The door itself can be made of wood, or you can weld a frame from a profile and sew a sheet of corrugated board into it. When you lay the last layer of bricks, wall up transverse wooden blocks into the masonry, preferably brick thickness. A tank will be attached to them, and the roof will be laid.

The roof will require a rigid material. Corrugated board or slate is well suited for this role. After the roofing material is fixed, a hole is drilled in it in the middle of the roof. A tank is installed on the roof so that the supply tube passes into the hole. A tap and a watering can are screwed onto the tube.

The optimal volume of the tank for such a shower is 200 liters. In the store you can buy a plastic or galvanized tank or make your own from stainless steel. Any container that has a neck for pouring water can be used as a tank.

To create a heated brick shower, a heating element with a power of 2 kW must be mounted in a metal tank. The reconciliation container must be painted black. This color attracts the sun's rays more strongly, which allows the water to heat up faster. If wood-burning titanium is additionally installed in the cabin, then in addition to heating the water, it is also possible to heat the cabin itself. In this case, you will need to install another tank with cold water.

There are two methods for creating a floor and drainage for a country shower:

  • dig a hole equal to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe booth and 300 mm deep, fill it with rubble on top of which install a wooden slatted pallet. Such drainage copes well with a small amount of water;
  • if it is planned to build a shower for a heated cottage, which will be used by a large number of people, then it is necessary to make a drain. To do this, lay 50 mm sewer pipe from a dug hole to a drainage well. Fill the hole with gravel and fill it with concrete so that the drain is flush with the floor. Lay on top of concrete wooden pallet.

Do-it-yourself summer shower for a brick cottage is not built for one season, but for long years, so it is quite possible to equip it with heating.

Summer shower from corrugated board

A good solution can be considered the construction of a country shower from corrugated board. This material is light weight and durable. For sheathing with such material, both wooden and metal carcass, but it must necessarily have additional transverse bars.

An additional emphasis will not hurt due to the fact that this material is quite soft. For a metal profile, the frame is built similarly to the above options.

The door frame is recommended to be welded from a metal profile. The metal profile is fastened using galvanized self-tapping screws with a sealing washer through one wave. First, corrugated sheets are attached to the side walls, then attached to the door.

If it becomes necessary to cut the material, use scissors or a special disc with teeth for the grinder, this is done so that the special polymer coating of the corrugated board does not burn out during cutting.

The frame of this shower is made of metal pipes. The wall cladding is made of brown corrugated board. The roof is also made of corrugated board. An opening between the roof and the wall allows light to enter the shower room.

A simple option for building a summer shower

Often, many people think about how to build a summer shower with their own hands using a minimum of funds for this. This shower will be able to provide a minimum of people and will allow you to save as much as possible.

Most simple design the shower is installed near the blank wall of the main building. A water tank with an attached shower head is also attached to this wall. The floor of such a shower is a wooden pallet or a concrete platform for convenience, which is covered with a rubber mat. As walls, a cellophane curtain or tarpaulin wrapped around a wooden frame is used.

In the role of shelves for shampoos and soaps, you can use any improvised means. For this purpose, you can even use plastic bottle cut in half and nailed to the wall. Bottom part bottles can serve as a stand for shampoos, and the top for soap or washcloths, which will allow water to drain freely and not stagnate.

From the aesthetic side, such a structure noticeably loses, unlike the capital one, but nevertheless it has the right to exist.

5 ideas for organizing a shower in the country

A fairly inexpensive and fairly simple country shower is a frame made of wooden bars sheathed with a planed board.

If you have a grinder and a welding machine at your disposal, you can make a summer shower yourself from a metal profile and cover its walls with a tarpaulin. In the absence of a welding machine, the frame can be assembled using threaded connections, reinforcing the corners with steel “kerchief” plates. The sides can also be closed with a film screen put on the rings and cord.

The frame for the shower does not need to be built if you attach it to the wall of the house. To do this, you will need to line it with a waterproof material and bring the mixer with a hose to the surface. Having covered the floor with large pebbles, performing simple drainage, you will get a fairly cozy and bright corner for taking water procedures. If you don't like open version wall shower, you can put a light screen against the wall.

Considering further the options for a summer shower, it is worth noting that it can be made not only from purchased, but also inexpensive improvised materials. Look at the photo below. The frame of this design is made of wooden blocks. The fence is woven from willow vines, which can be found next to summer cottages.

A shower can also be made from a corrugated metal sheet bent in a semicircle. For this option, you do not need to install a tank for heating water. You just need to connect to the water supply.

Now you know enough how to make a country shower yourself. If you are full of confidence in the need for a country shower, then go for it. Most the best option obtained after preliminary calculations. And after the end of this work, you can return to everyday country chores, in which case you have a place where you can freshen up.