The balcony plastic door does not open: what to do? Is it possible to open a plastic balcony door from the outside, locked from the inside of the house? Is it possible to open the balcony door from the outside.

Jamming of a plastic balcony door is one of the most unpleasant breakdowns that can occur with this fairly reliable design. It is doubly unpleasant if the door jammed when you went out onto the balcony in a light bathrobe and slippers on your bare feet to bring some food from the balcony or just smoke. Most designs of plastic doors are not equipped with a balcony handle on the street side that closes the lock. Therefore, it is quite problematic to close the door tightly behind you. This serves as some kind of guarantee against getting stuck on the balcony.

Causes of jamming

Some "reactive" owners try to slam the door behind them with a sharp jerk on themselves, having managed to pull their hand out at the last moment. With a certain amount of perseverance, it succeeds. But the trouble is that it is quite difficult to calculate the force with which it is necessary to sharply pull the door towards itself in order for the latch to work. From hitting the box, a loose or worn handle may fall and the door lock may work. Here is the "jamming" for you.

If the door jammed not because it was mishandled, not from a blow or a sharp slam, then the reasons should be sought in the malfunction of the locking elements or the canopy of the doors.

There are few of them. It could be:

  • actuation of the blocking of the lock mechanism when the door is opened for "ventilation";
  • breakage of the door handle;
  • structural distortion;
  • door freezing in winter period due to condensate accumulated between the box and the seal.

None of these causes are fatal. Simply, if the balcony door does not close or does not open, you must try to find out the reason, and in no case try to force it back to a vertical position or open it with a jerk.

The design, though reliable, but with excessive force can break. Still plastic.


Let's start by looking at the unpleasant option. The door jammed when you were on the balcony or loggia. It doesn't open and you can't get into the room. In this case, the main thing is not to panic, but to quickly find a thin metal or plastic tool(knife, spatula, hacksaw blade, chisel). In a word, everything with which it will be possible to pick up a glazing bead, which is attached to a double-glazed window in the door. After that, trying not to scratch or leave deep burrs, pick up the glazing bead from the long side in the middle and carefully, with both hands, detach it from the center to the edges. Do the same on the other side, and then top and bottom.

Having freed the double-glazed window from the retaining bead, it can be easily removed by pulling the upper edge towards you. It should only be remembered that the weight of 1 sq. m. triple glazing more than 30 kg. Therefore, be careful, especially if you have a solid double-glazed window installed in the entire height of the balcony door. It can be very heavy. By removing the double-glazed window and carefully setting it aside, you will have access to door handle and the ability to open the lock from the inside, and if it doesn’t work, just climb into the room through a free opening.

Under no circumstances should you try to break the glass pane. It is strong enough, in addition, the outer glass can be 4 mm thick. And only a heavy metal object can break such glass. In this case, fragments are inevitable, which can seriously injure. And double-glazed windows are not cheap.

If the door is jammed when you are indoors, everything is much simpler. You can use the tool that is in your household, or call the master. But in most cases, the master is not needed, all the reasons are easily eliminated with your own hands.

If the balcony door, open for ventilation, does not want to return to a vertical position, it is enough to set the handle to a horizontal position and, having felt at the end of the door where the lock is located, just below the handle, return the metal tongue to its original position (vertically). Or press the spring-loaded plate blocking door lock and just aligning the door vertically, press it against the door frame and turn the handle all the way down, closing the lock. After that, open again. The error should disappear.

A broken door handle is not actually the cause of the jammed door. This is the result of either the wear of the material from which it is made, or the excessive force with which it was opened or closed. Replacing it will take no more than 10 minutes, with a spare. It is enough to pull the decorative plug at the base of the handle towards you, turn it 90 ° and unscrew the freed self-tapping screws that fix the handle.

Gently pull out the broken handle with the rod and insert a new one in its place, tighten the screws, and return the decorative trim to its place.

Jamming, as a result of sagging balcony doors, does not occur at once. This is certainly preceded by difficult opening of the lock, clinging to the edge of the door frame, creaking. Therefore, if you did not fix these problems in time, the jammed door is your punishment for negligence and laziness.

To eliminate this reason, it is necessary to remove the decorative trims from the hinges, try to open the door by lifting it by the lower edge with your hands or remove the double-glazed window to facilitate the construction and eliminate critical sagging. After that, using hex L-shaped keys, adjust the position of the door in the vertical, horizontal and frontal planes.

Do not forget to lubricate the decorative trims before installing door hinges for prevention purposes.

The freezing of a plastic door to the door frame is very unpleasant. This happens in severe frosts, when the door was ajar for ventilation, condensation accumulated on the seal. After closing, it freezes and tightly "grabs" the door.

In this case, think carefully about whether you have an urgent need to immediately open it and be on the balcony. Or with a piece of meat stored in the cold or dumplings, you can wait until warmer days.

In most cases, the cost of a piece of meat not eaten is not comparable to the cost of a broken door. But if you really can’t wait, or your beloved dog freezes on the balcony, then there is only one way out. Again, dismantle the double-glazed window, rescue the unfortunate animal, and armed with an ordinary hair dryer and dressed warmer, walk with a jet of hot air around the entire perimeter of the door, slightly pulling on the door handle.

Usually, after 5-10 minutes of such intensive treatment with warm air, the door thaws and opens. After that, carefully wipe the door frame and seal with a dry, lint-free cloth and lubricate rubber compressor silicone grease to prevent future freezing. Put the glass back in place.

IN warm time years, a similar situation can happen if the seal or door frame is densely littered with traces of the hands of a drunken company (protein cream cakes, sweet champagne or jelly). In this case, not a hair dryer will help, but a steam generator, or abundant water procedures with warm water.

If none of these remedies help, do not try to break down the balcony door. If burst plastic profile or the lock breaks - they cannot be repaired. Call the master. Perhaps the cause is a breakdown of the rods that actuate the closing mechanism. You can't repair them.

Summing up

A jammed balcony door is not uncommon. This is due to the imperfection of the design of balcony doors, which for the most part are nothing more than enlarged windows. In their manufacture, negligent manufacturers can use accessories that are not designed for the solid weight of the structure - 70-90 kg. Hence all the reasons for jamming.

Plastic door on the balcony n has a large number of advantages: it protects well from street noise, does not need additional insulation in winter, it does not need to be painted. This design is undemanding to care and functionally convenient, but sometimes it can cause trouble. Any product wears out over time and can break at the most inopportune moment. If the problems were not noticed in time, this is fraught with the fact that the door will stop opening or, on the contrary, it will be impossible to close it. What to do if the plastic door is jammed? Let's look at the causes of the problem, how to fix it and prevent it.

The first, most important condition that must be observed if the balcony door does not open is not to try to redouble your efforts. Excessive pressure on the handle or door leaf can damage the fittings or lead to deformation of the canvas, and then repair or replacement will cost a decent amount. Of course, there is little pleasant in such a situation, especially if you are outside. Trying to break the glass is ineffective, because the double-glazed windows in the doors are very strong. Glazing beads run from the side of the glass. They need to be carefully picked up with something sharp and carefully removed. After that, it will be easy to dismantle the double-glazed window from the frame. If the door jammed when you were inside the apartment, there are much fewer problems, but before proceeding with any drastic actions, you need to find out the cause of the breakdown.

Stuck handle

If you ignore the rules for caring for the fittings of a plastic balcony door, then this problem will definitely appear. The mechanism needs regular lubrication, otherwise it stops opening. To restore mobility to a jammed handle, it is necessary to process the elements of the handle mechanism and locks. Any lubricant is suitable for this, including automotive.

If the handle could not withstand intensive use and broke, it will need to be replaced. Accessories for plastic doors and windows can be purchased at any specialized store. Remove the handle when it is in the "open" position. Fasteners are located under the decorative plate. To get close to them, it must be slightly pulled towards you and turned to a horizontal position. Then it remains to unscrew the screws, remove the broken fittings and install a new handle.

Skewed or deformed door leaf

jam the door can even if the canvas is skewed or deformed. As a rule, such a problem does not appear immediately, and an attentive owner will definitely notice the first signs: a deformed seal, a creaking handle, the need to make more efforts to close the door. Skew often occurs when the hinges cannot cope with the load from a heavy sash.

Adjustment should be made immediately. First you need to find out in which direction the displacement occurred. closed door outline the perimeter with a pencil, then open the sash and find out the side of the displacement. To eliminate the vertical skew of the structure, tighten the hex screw, which is located at the top or bottom of the hinge. Turning clockwise lowers the sash, turning it in the opposite direction raises it. To align the horizontal plane, it is necessary to slightly remove the plugs from the hinges, tighten the hinge screw and use the hex key to rotate the screw. These actions help to resolve the issue with skew door leaf. If deformation has occurred, it is unlikely that it will be possible to fix the problem on your own, you will have to call specialists.

Locked handle when turning

This happens if you sharply turn the handle and at the same time move the sash. opening the mechanism freezes, the handle is blocked, and the door leaf remains with a single point of support in the lower corner. The procedure for troubleshooting this problem will depend on the brand of hardware that is indicated on the mounting plate of the handle. If the product is labeled Roto, GU or Winkhaus, you first need to find the metal tongue of the mechanism, which is located at the end of the frame, just below the handle itself. It must be deployed vertically, while turning the handle to the "open" position. Press the door firmly against the frame and close with the handle.

For fittings marked AUBI, the tongue design is replaced by a metal plate and a spring. The repair process goes like this:

  • the door leaf is aligned to the correct vertical position;
  • the plate is pressed tightly against the seal;
  • cover the sash and press it against the frame;
  • turn the handle to the "closed" position.

After these events, the door will function as usual.

Door stuck to frame

Ventilation in severe frost can cause condensation to appear on the seal due to the contrast between indoor and outdoor temperatures. After the door is closed, the liquid freezes and blocks the sash. If there is no urgent need to go out onto the balcony, you can wait for the natural thawing of ice. Or you will have to use a hairdryer and blow hot air around the entire perimeter of the door leaf. In order to slightly improve air access, the door during the heating process must be slightly pulled in the direction in which it opens. When the sash was opened, the seal should be thoroughly wiped from moisture and treated with silicone grease.

A foreign object has entered the lock mechanism

If lock mechanism blocked by a foreign object, the handle will not move to its full range. You can clean the lock as follows:

  • remove the decorative trim from the base of the handle and unscrew the screws;
  • remove the handle;
  • vacuum the hole well, changing the position of the handle several times;
  • spray into the hole from a can of WD-40, twist the handle.

If nothing helps

If the balcony does not open plastic door What else can you do when all the methods have already been tried? If it is impossible to understand why the door has become seize You will most likely need to call in the experts. If the door does not want to open after all the events, it will have to be removed from the hinges in order to gain access to the locking mechanism and figure out the cause of the breakdown. If you have no experience in such work, let the master do it.

Prevention measures

It is much easier to prevent a malfunction than to get into a difficult situation and urgently try to fix it. Preventive measures do not take much time:

  • All moving structural elements must be lubricated twice a year.
  • Clean the accessories from dust and dirt so that foreign objects do not get into the mechanism.
  • Turn the door handle smoothly, without jerking.
  • Do not open the sash until the handle has been fully rotated to the desired position.
  • Do not hang bags on the doorknob, do not lean on.
  • Check the position of the door from time to time and make adjustments if necessary.

Subject to the rules of operation and appropriate care, the plastic balcony door will serve without causing problems.

Be closed with side of the street when you have no idea how to open a plastic balcony door from the outside, it is unpleasant and even dangerous if the balcony is not insulated, and the weather does not favor walking in home clothes. Owners of old-style plastic windows and doors that are not equipped with a handle for outside use are not immune from such incidents.

The absence of additional fittings is a feature of the most simple models PVC windows and balcony doors. What to do in such cases and what are the effective ways to get home without compromising the design of windows and doors? There are options, and everyone who does not have a balcony door equipped with a double-sided handle should take note of them.

Why the door jams: the main reasons

To begin with, let's figure out why the balcony door of the balcony or loggia does not open, which had served properly before. There may be several reasons. One of them is careless handling. Sudden movements in relation to the plastic balcony door can lead to the opposite effect - the latch mechanism will not work properly and the exit will be blocked.

Malfunctions of the components can also affect the malfunction of the door. So, for example, the reason is:

  • in malfunctions of the lock mechanism during the opening of the canvas in the “ventilation” mode;
  • in the breakage of the handle;
  • in the skew of the structure;
  • in the freezing of the system due to the condensate formed between the box and the seal.

The listed faults are not critical. As soon as it is possible to determine the cause of the blade jamming, it is worth trying in a delicate way to return it to the “open” position. It is important at such moments to remain patient, not panicking, trying to break the product. A broken balcony door will add to the hassle and cost of repairs and replacements.

Options for "liberation" from a balcony blocked from the inside

If the plastic door to the balcony is jammed, where there is at least a minimal set of tools (it does not hurt to keep it there just in case), then the situation can be considered controlled. A simple screwdriver is enough to gently press the latch of the lock, slightly pressing the fittings. If everything is done correctly, the sash of the canvas will open a little and it will turn out to put your hand in for the final opening.

Instead of a screwdriver, a spatula, hacksaw or knife is suitable for these purposes. The main thing is to try using a sharp object to lift the glazing bead, which is attached to the door with a double-glazed window on each side, disconnecting it from the central part to the edges. The same manipulations must be done from above and below, and then try to remove the glazing bead by pulling it in your direction, thus freeing the double-glazed window.

An important point: the weight of a double-glazed window in the design of a balcony door can exceed 30 kg, so you should be extremely careful holding it after all the manipulations.

After the double-glazed window is removed, unhindered access to the door handle from the inside will open. Even if the lock does not work and the door does not open, you can get inside through the window opening, continuing to repair the door in a warm room.

Attention! Don't try to break the glass pane. The outer glass is quite thick and is likely to withstand the onslaught. Only a heavy metal object can cope with glass with a thickness of 4 mm or more. Glass shards can cause injury, and replacing double-glazed windows will require investment.

Ruler for unlocking the balcony door - how to use?

If there was no set of tools, a knife or a hacksaw when the balcony door was jammed on the loggia or balcony, but there is an opportunity to use a metal ruler, you should try to get out with it.

Just as in the case of the sharp objects listed above, you can pick up and pull down the latch of the canvas with a ruler. Actions must be careful, without haste, with respect for the material of construction. The plastic is flexible enough that the ruler will be able to reach the target.

If it didn’t work to open the latch with a ruler, for example, when the cause of the jamming is not in the lock, you should try an effective and delicate way to unscrew the door hinges. It will be easier to cope with the task if you know their device. Usually a balcony door hinge is a metal tab with fasteners, a frame part and a spacer.

By adjusting the composite hinges, even when the door is stuck, you can move the canvas a little in the right direction.

Important: most often the door leaf screws are masked with decorative overlays.

Jammed door: what to do indoors

It is not so unpleasant to face the fact of a jammed door inside the room, having at hand everything you need to solve the problem on your own, as well as the ability to call a master who knows what to do if the door to the balcony is jammed and how to set it up for normal operation without replacement.

Often the balcony door jams from the inside in the ventilation mode. To solve the problem, it may be enough to set the handle in a horizontal position, and then try to feel to find the metal tab at the end of the web in the lock area, setting it in a vertical position.

Alternatively, it is also worth trying to press the spring-loaded plate responsible for blocking the lock, or else align the canvas in a vertical position, attaching it to the box while turning the handle down to the end. These actions help open the balcony door from the inside without drastic interference with the operation of the system.

In conclusion, we note that no one is immune from the troubles associated with the operation of balcony door systems, and it is not so important whether the structures are equipped with an additional handle on the outside or not. The main thing is to be prepared for any force majeure situations, having a simple set of tools on the balcony or loggia that allows you to open the jammed door. Prevention of breakage will be regular care of the door, with lubrication and adjustment of the hinges, timely repair of fittings.

Hello regular visitors and newcomers! This year, the closing day of the mushroom season coincided with my wife and me on the day of breaking windows.

They came to relatives in the village for the weekend, and when they went to the forest for a mushroom harvest, they accidentally left the keys in an empty house.

We found out this already upon arrival from the forest. The doors of relatives are massive, and it was a pity to spoil them, so we decided to try to open the window.

There are situations when it is necessary to open plastic window outside. For example, the keys were left in the apartment or a child closed you from the inside, and there is no way to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Sometimes the owner of the house himself thinks, but how to open the window from the outside in order to get inside?

Now I know how to open a plastic window from the street, and I share useful tips next with you. In this article, we will look at different ways, how to open pvc window outside without damaging it.

Modern PVC windows are the dream of all burglars. Such windows are much inferior to the old wooden structures, which could be locked from the inside with a latch. Although today there are all sorts of protective devices against thieves.

  • If a screwdriver is at hand, it is necessary to press the window sash in the place where the latch is located, and then open the sash by pressing the fittings.
  • With a ruler or plate, a slightly different scheme. It is necessary to insert it between the frame and the double-glazed window, reach for the latch, pick it up and pull it down.

Since the plastic is quite flexible, this will not be difficult. The window should open. But all these methods are possible if there is no handle with a lock on the window. Then it is unlikely that you will be able to open the window from the outside on your own.

But professional thieves do a good job with this task. Therefore, in order to secure your home, it is better to order and install anti-burglary fittings for standard fittings, which can protect your premises from thieves and robbers.

If professionals are engaged in hacking, they can easily enter the house by opening the protective function in fittings with standard equipment, leaving no traces.

Therefore, many manufacturers of plastic windows have developed additional protection. This is especially true for those who live on the first and last floors.

As a protection, they put a mechanism called the "mushroom pin". "Mushroom trunnion" is a metal plate that can withstand a tensile load of up to 1.5 tons.

There are also other methods of protecting the window from penetration from the outside, which, in combination with the “pins”, will make the window almost invulnerable.

When you leave the house, do not leave the sash open. In this case, all anti-burglary bells and whistles will be useless. Leaving the house, you can put the so-called "slot ventilation".

From the outside, the window looks tightly closed, and again, “pins” fastened with anti-burglary hooks will not let you open it even in the open state. And at the same time, fresh air enters the window.

If there are children in the apartment, take care of the handles. Otherwise, you can end up on the balcony with the window closed. The handle can be locked with a removable key, or the handle itself can be removable, which is inserted into the socket hole. This will protect you from closing from the inside.


When installing a window, first of all think about protecting your apartment, and not about the fact that perhaps someday you will forget the keys or a child will close you on the balcony.

Try not to forget the keys, and put maximum protection on the window. It is better to think it over in advance, and not after installing plastic windows.


Ways to open a window from the outside

A lot happens in life. Sometimes we find ourselves in situations that we never thought existed before. Moreover, we could not even imagine that we would have to take part in them.

When deciding how to open a plastic window from the outside, it is worth noting that in order not to harm the object, it is important to use a special tool.

method number 1

How to open a plastic window from the street . Armed with a thin metal plate or iron ruler, this element must be carefully placed between the frame and the double-glazed window.

Your next step is to get to the plastic window latch. Succeeded? Then we hook it with a tool and slowly pull it down.

There is absolutely no difficulty here, because plastic is a rather flexible material that cannot withstand the pressure of metal. The only negative of this method is the possible appearance of minor scratches, and even dents.

method number 2

How to open a plastic window from the outside with a screwdriver and without damage . Determine where the latch is. In that place, with this tool, try to press the window sash.

It will be possible to open it by clicking on the fittings. Further, if everything is done correctly, the sash will open slightly. The next and last step is to turn the lock knob.

method number 3

Is it possible to open a plastic window from the outside by drilling. It turns out that it is possible, but in most cases only burglars resort to this method. If in the previous methods the damage to the window is minor scratches, then in this case everything is bigger.

So, by drilling a hole with a pen or the same screwdriver, a window is opened. Of course, this way you will still get into the house, but your window structure will be damaged.

By the way, if your window is the brainchild of a newly developed system with a metal lining from the inside, then it is better not to try to open the structure yourself, because it does not open outward. In this case the best option– call a service or a wizard.

method number 4

We open the window quickly and efficiently, but with damage. If special anti-burglary fittings were not previously installed on the window and all the methods described above were unsuccessful, then you can try to uproot the sash with a chisel or crowbar


With proper skill, you can open such a window from the outside almost as quickly as from the inside.

It is much easier to open a plastic window, as a famous character said, “without noise and dust” than a wooden one, forensic experts say.

Downside" convenience

Open outside normal wooden window without breaking glass is not so easy, forensic experts say.

Another thing is elastic plastic, which a professional can “squeeze out” quickly and almost without leaving any traces, using an ordinary screwdriver.

Outside, only a few scratches will remain on the frame, and then not always. The entire hacking operation usually takes a maximum of one or two minutes, but some craftsmen can keep within five seconds.

A more complicated way to open such a window is to drill a hole from the outside in order to open it through it with the same screwdriver or another handle. They are used less frequently. On average, this method takes half a minute.

Reports of burglary by breaking plastic windows regularly appear in crime reports across the country. In accordance with the statistics of the last year, 21% of all thefts penetrate into the apartment in this way.

The capital is no exception. In June of this year, a group of thieves actively “cleaned” apartments in Northern Tushino in this way. According to the press service of the Department of Internal Affairs of the SZAO, the district police department received seven applications from the affected residents.

In early June, a similar story happened in Troitsk. Similarly, jewelry worth 150 thousand rubles was stolen from an apartment in one of the houses on Oktyabrsky Prospekt.

Protection methods

  • Most cheap way- install additional locking devices. For example, two latches, by analogy with ordinary windows.
  • The more expensive and more reliable method is to install additional anti-burglary fittings on the window, as well as special handles that are blocked when you try to open them from the opposite side.

Of course, if the thief gets to the window, he can break the glass. But it's too noisy and noticeable. Not all crackers decide on this. And if you protect the glass by sticking a special film, then it will only be possible to break it from about the eighth blow.

Useful advice!

Such equipment generally increases the cost of the window by about 20%, but in a matter of minutes thieves will definitely not be able to enter the apartment (unless they dare to break the glass).

However, according to skeptics, having “broken off” on anti-burglary window fittings, thieves can give more experienced colleagues a tip. And those will already be able to enter the apartment, for example, by opening the door lock, which requires more qualifications.

Therefore, if you are worried about your property, it is better not to manage only with additional window protection, but it is most correct to immediately put the apartment on a burglar alarm.


In some situations, it is necessary to resolve the issue of how to open a PVC window from the outside.

And in such a way that it does not happen that the plastic window opens incorrectly. Opening a plastic window yourself is not as difficult as it seems.

Similar cases occur when the child closed the inside of an adult or forgot the keys in the apartment (or house).

In this situation, one way to open a PVC window from the outside would be to use a special item.

There are several ways to open a plastic window from the outside. This can be done with a thin metal plate or an iron ruler. You can also use a regular screwdriver.


If you have a window with classic fittings. then it will not be difficult to open it from the street, you only need to study this standard mechanism.


The sash opens outwards with a screwdriver. If you decide to use a screwdriver to open the window from the outside, then you need to do this in the place where the latch is located.

That is to wring out a casement of a plastic window. And then - open the sash, by pressing on the fittings (see the article "Fittings for plastic windows"). Now the sash opens a little - you can turn the handle locking mechanism.


In the event that you have a ruler or a plate, the outward-opening window scheme will be completely different. So, any of these tools must be placed between the frame and the double-glazed window, getting to the latch. And then - hook the latch with this object and pull it down.

It will not be difficult to open the window in this way, since plastic is a flexible material. As a result of these efforts, the plastic window should open correctly.


Another, but much more difficult method, how to open a pvc window from the outside, is drilling a hole. This is necessary to open the window through the drilled hole with a screwdriver or pen.

However, thieves open windows with this method, since the structure is damaged. Opening a window through a drilled hole is not the best way.

And the most optimal method to open a PVC window from the side of the street is to call the emergency service. And in order to prevent outsiders from opening it, use anti-burglary special fittings, for example, the so-called. "mushroom tang".

Outward opening windows

There are designs of plastic windows, in which the sashes open both outward and inward. There are plenty of benefits. It is not necessary to clean the flowers every time you air the room.

And there is no need to worry about annoying insects. You can protect yourself from them with mosquito net, although this is not always possible.

Useful advice!

It must be understood that the mosquito can only be installed with inside rooms and most likely the window handle will rest against this grid. Therefore, when you close the window, the grid must be removed or collapsed.

Plus, it's a significant savings in your room's space. With a similar window design, you can put furniture close to the window opening.

To protect such windows from strong gusts of wind, various additional fittings are attached to them, which allow the sashes to be rigidly installed in one position or another.

In terms of their functionality, plastic windows, in which the double-glazed window opens outwards, do not differ from traditional window structures:

  • sashes can have micro-ventilation,
  • be shtulpovye (without a partition in the middle),
  • lean outward
  • have double-sided locking handles, etc.

Outward-opening plastic windows, like double-glazed structures, have their own limitations. So, if installation is carried out in a window opening with a quarter, then such a window should be reduced by this quarter.

Otherwise, the window sash will rest against a quarter and, thus, will not open. And if the window opening does not have a quarter, there are no restrictions.

In addition, it is worth considering the moment that in order to close such a window, it will be necessary to lean into the street through the opening.

If you live above the 1st floor, then this trick is quite dangerous, because windows where the double-glazed window opens outwards are best used only in rooms at a low height.


Closing mechanism

The sash in a modern double-glazed window closes on the most common latch, similar to those that are installed on interior doors. It does not serve as a security element.


Open window with outside if necessary, literally anyone who can hold a screwdriver in their hands can. The edge of the screwdriver is inserted into the gap between the frame and the sash in the area where the fittings are placed.

Then the sash is pressed, and it is enough to press on the latch to open it. A little more time is taken by “hacking” with a metal ruler or plate. It is also inserted into the slot and brought to the latch.

Since the plate is thin, this is easy to do. Then the fixture is picked up with a ruler and pulled down. For a window, this method is less traumatic.

Metal-plastic window, easier to open than the old one wooden structure. But if anti-burglar fittings are installed, the question of how to open plastic windows from the outside becomes much more difficult.

Protection methods

The inhabitants of the first and second floors can secure their homes only by installing grilles. Otherwise, the following devices are used:

  1. Handles with locks - the mechanism blocks the latch from moving from the outside. In this case, the sash cannot be opened even if the glass is broken.
  2. The locking pin is a mushroom-shaped metal plate. Its maximum breaking load is up to 1.5 tons.
  3. Armored glass - thieves try to break windows so as not to attract attention. But if this Vacation home, which stands at the end of the street, the noise from broken glass is not a problem.

Protection classes

At plastic window There are 5 levels of protection:

A 1– opens with a screwdriver or ruler. This is a standard design without special fittings.

A 2- for opening, a crowbar and a set of screwdrivers are used. Hacking time is on average 3 minutes.

A 3- You will need a crowbar or mount. Opening takes at least 5 minutes.

A 4- here you need to use a saw or a drill to drill out the locking mechanisms or the frame. Such noisy actions will inevitably attract attention.

A 5- it is opened with the same tools, but within 15 minutes.


How to strengthen the doors and not provoke criminals?

The most reliable metal doors

The frame of a metal door must be welded around the perimeter to metal pins embedded in the wall, the distance between which is no more than 700 mm.

The door must open outwards

Install on the door two locks of various designs (consignment note and mortise), and at a distance of at least 150 mm from each other, as well as an individual internal lock-valve and an anti-burglary anchor system.

Mortise lock thickness

The thickness of the mortise lock should not exceed half the thickness of the door, otherwise additional ways to strengthen the door leaf are required. Installing an overhead lock has less effect on the strength of the door, but in this case it is advisable to use metal lining.

The more complex the key, the better the lock. The use of locks with multi-row secrecy mechanisms is preferable, since their secrecy is much higher than that of single-row ones.

When the door hinges are located outside, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of knocking out the axial rods of the hinges. Door hinges must be strong, made of steel. They must be fastened with screws.

If you're away for a long time, ask your neighbors to pick up your mail regularly, or sign up for a special box at the post office. Keep your valuables in a safe deposit box.

In order to imitate the presence in the apartment, leave the broadcast receiver turned on or purchase a special device that periodically turns the light on and off, imitates a conversation, or a dog barking.

If possible, share doorbells with your neighbors. If you open the door and there are strangers in the apartment, quickly close the door with a key, leave it in the lock, call the police and notify the neighbors. Don't try to stop them yourself!


Question: Hello! Ever wondered what precautions law enforcement officers themselves use when they have to leave their homes?

Answer: Of course, my wife and I put the apartment on centralized security. Also installed on the door of our apartment new system, which fixes the burglary, as soon as the thief inserted the master key into the lock.

The system sends a signal to the security console. In addition, an intercom and videophone are installed in our entrance. There is a video camera in the entrance. Therefore, my neighbors and I can always keep track of who came and went.

Question: I read that crooks often "calculate" rich apartments by plastic windows and expensive doors. So what, stay with the rotten wood?

Answer: Indeed, double-glazed windows and expensive doors are the first signal for criminals that you can profit here. However, I would advise not to give up the benefits of civilization, but to strengthen your home to the maximum.

Useful advice!

According to statistics, out of 4.5 thousand thefts committed last year in the Nizhny Novgorod region, more than 90% were committed through a forced entry. Therefore, first of all, pay attention to the door, install a lock with a high degree of protection. Now about the windows.

Did you know that ordinary double-glazed windows are a burglar's dream? In terms of security, plastic windows are significantly inferior to old wooden ones. They are opened simply with a screwdriver or a metal ruler.

As a rule, buyers want to save money, so double-glazed windows are not equipped with even an elementary latch from the inside.

Most of all, of course, the inhabitants of the extreme floors are at risk, however, there were cases when thieves - "top climbers" also climbed into apartments located in the middle, using climbing equipment.

There is only one way out: install latches on the windows that close from the inside. Then the burglars will have to knock out or cut out the glass, and this is already quite a long time, and it will attract attention.

Instead of a grille, it is also allowed to use a special protective film glued to the glass of the door from the side of the room.

Question: Grandmother has the key to the door - there is only one laugh: thin, with a beard. And the castle is already a hundred years old at lunchtime. I convince her that the lock needs to be changed. And she assures that the old castle is good, they say, thieves have not had such master keys in their arsenal for a long time. Which one of us is right?

Answer: Thieves have master keys for any locks. You can tell your grandmother that. So the lock needs to be changed. And I am very worried about her, even when she is at home. A man of the old school, often opens the door to strangers.

I can advise: install a device in the grandmother's apartment for an emergency call to the police squad. They are stationary (“panic button”) or in the form of a radio keychain that you can carry with you, even moving away from home by 100-200 meters.

The group of detention of private security will arrive at the signal "alarm" within a few minutes.

Question: At a general house meeting, we decided that we would chip in and hire a security guard. Let him sit on weekdays in the entrance, keeping track of strangers. But the question immediately arose: if suddenly someone is nevertheless robbed, will he bear financial responsibility?

Answer: There are two options here. You enter into an agreement with a licensed private security company that provides you with an employee to be on duty at the entrance.


In the contract, you clearly state not only the rights and obligations of the parties, the procedure for compensating for damage, if any, but also the essence of the service provided - “property protection”.

This is very important point. Because many private security companies have recently preferred to conclude an agreement with citizens "for the protection public order". In this case, the company will not bear any liability.

The second option - you find a person, as they say, from the outside. But there can be no talk of any agreement with him - only a legal entity has the right to conclude an agreement.

And in this case, if a theft occurs, your "guardian" will easily evade responsibility, because his powers are not fixed anywhere.

Question: Neighbors want to install code lock to the public door. And I say that this is not a hindrance to criminals. Is there any comparative statistics on the number of thefts in houses with and without an intercom?

Answer: We do not have such statistics. However, we can say with confidence that complex protection is the most effective in organizing the protection of apartments.

It includes not only an intercom or a combination lock on the entrance door, but also the installation of technical security equipment directly in the apartment.

Question: What are motion sensors? How do they transmit a signal to a mobile phone? How much does it cost to install them and is it reliable?

Answer: A motion sensor is a device that monitors the entire volume of air that is in your apartment. If there is movement, vibration in this volume, the device fixes them. - And if there is a cat?

The technology allows you to set a minimum weight limit, for example, up to 15 kilograms. Then the device will not respond to the movement of objects that weigh less than the established limit.

Of course, problems will arise if large dogs weighing more than 40 - 45 kilograms live in the house - “windowers”, as a rule, weigh about the same. If the device detects the movement of a larger object, an alarm is triggered on the centralized security console.

Question: Hello, my name is Maria, I am 27 years old. Everyone already knows about the “panic button”. Very convenient: I pressed a button - the police arrived. But this device is stationary. Is there a similar device that could be carried with you? I would take advantage - often you have to return home late, and now there is little hope for outsiders.

Answer: Unfortunately, in this moment There is no such service on the Nizhny Novgorod market. Non-departmental security can now ensure that the signal is sent from the convoy escorted by us.

In this case, we can instantly locate the object using the satellite. However, for private individuals, this technology is not yet practiced.

Question: How much do security systems cost? A panic button costs about 5,000 rubles. Autonomous sound alarm - from 3000 rubles. Small-capacity concentrator (remote control in the entrance), depending on the number of apartments - from 7854 rubles (without installation).

A lock with an anti-burglary system (with installation) - 3,700 - 5,800 rubles. Ordinary window grilles - from 5,500 rubles per 1 m2, forged - from 9,500 rubles per 1 m2.


How to open a plastic window, especially from the side of the street , not only a thief can think: sometimes the owners of the apartment also have such a problem. So, the front door can jam. This may happen by different reasons: for example, you went out to the landing, leaving the keys in the apartment, and the door slammed shut or locked from the inside Small child. Homeowners often lose their keys front door then the only way to get home is through the window. Also knowing how to open a plastic window , may be required if it is jammed.

In fact, products are rarely equipped with additional protection against burglary, and it is easy to open them with a screwdriver or any flat metal object, such as a ruler.

Opening plastic windows: ways and methods

Let's say the window is closed, you're outside, and all you have is a flathead screwdriver. First you need to find where the latch is located. You will need to gently squeeze the window sash by pressing on the fittings. If you manage to do everything right, the sash will open slightly, you can stick your hand in and turn the handle, opening the window completely.

How to open a plastic window from the street with a ruler?

If there is no screwdriver at hand, but a metal ruler is found, you can use the following scheme: the ruler is placed between the window frame and . Then you need to find the latch, try to hook it and pull it down. Be careful not to damage the window plastic. This material is quite flexible and will easily allow you to squeeze the ruler where you want it. If you do everything right, the window will open.

However, it should be borne in mind that they have a variety of designs, and you need to act in accordance with which design you have installed. The above methods illustrate how to open a plastic window with standard handles. If you have a different construct in front of you, these methods may not work.

How to open a plastic window without a handle?

Self-opening of such a structure from the side of the street is extremely difficult. You can try to use any narrow object if the window is not locked. This method will help protect the structure from damage, and it will continue to function. As a result of the opening, it may be damaged. Almost always, mechanically applied scratches remain on it, less often chips.

Another way to open a plastic window from the outside is to drill. It will harm the frame, as a through hole will appear in it, through which it will be possible to insert a narrow object, such as a wire or a handle, and open the sashes with it.

How to open a double glazing , without harming him - an important issue for the owner of the window. Not everyone will want to change or repair after they need to get into the room. These methods are the safest for the design and allow you to save its functionality.

Features of outward opening windows

How to open from outside , if the sash opens in the same direction? This question is quite interesting, because before trying to open such a window, you need to study its features.

Typically, such designs have double-sided lock-type handles, which allows them to open in the other direction. There may also be additional fittings, opening the sash, for example, in the ventilation mode. If there is such a function, this is good: you can try to switch the window to this position with the ruler, squeeze your hand inside and open it.

Quite often this method does not work with this type of windows. You can try to pry them off with a crowbar or chisel, but as a result, the window will be broken and it will need repair, since the locking mechanism will be disabled.

How to open a window without a handle?

If you are outside, you can try to open the double-glazed window with a screwdriver or a ruler in the manner described above. But it happens that such a problem catches the owner indoors. There is no handle at the window, it is jammed, and it is impossible to open the sash. In this case, you still need to purchase a pen or use pliers instead.

If you still can’t perform the action, the reason should be looked for in an element called scissors. Sometimes it comes out of the grooves and prevents the window sash from moving in the right direction.

Before opening a double glazing , you will need to find a tool to remove the sash from the frame. It is more convenient to remove the loops located at the top of the structure. When they are unscrewed, you will see a metal lining; remove it, remove the hinge pin, lift the bottom hinge and find the slots of the scissors. After the element falls into place, the window should work.

Tip: before you disassemble the window, try to get to the scissors from above. Sometimes the slopes do not interfere with this.

How to open a plastic balcony door from the outside?

A more common problem is a closed balcony door. For example, you went out to smoke, and they locked you on the balcony and they don’t hear you. There is a way out of the situation: if there is any tool on the balcony, you can try to open the door with a screwdriver. This is done according to the same principle as in the case of a plastic window.

Another way: unscrew, lift the door and open it from the other side. Or stick your hand into the hole and turn the handle to the desired position. But this may not always help, since many doors are equipped with additional protection. If you have such a door, then you will have to use the help of a door repair specialist.

Output. Opening a plastic window from the outside is not as easy as it might seem. Without knowledge of the design, the presence of at least some tool at hand and a little experience, it may not be possible to open a window or a plastic door without damaging the structure. If you do not want to risk, call a window repairman: he will help solve the problem.

Ways to open a window from the outside

Many people believe that PVC windows protect housing from penetration more reliably than old Soviet windows. However, in reality, things are exactly the opposite.

The fact is that sashes made of plastic are much more flexible and soft than wooden ones, as a result of which they are easily bent. In a normal situation, this, of course, is a reason for frustration, but not in ours, when you need to get into a locked house.

When deciding how to open a plastic window from the outside, it is worth noting that in order not to harm the object, it is important to use a special tool.

method number 1

How to open a plastic window from the street. Armed with a thin metal plate or iron ruler, this element must be carefully placed between the frame and the double-glazed window.

Your next step is to get to the plastic window latch. Succeeded? Then we hook it with a tool and slowly pull it down.

There is absolutely no difficulty here, because plastic is a rather flexible material that cannot withstand the pressure of metal. The only negative of this method is the possible appearance of minor scratches, and even dents.

As a result of these actions, the cylinder of the locking mechanism should pop out of the hook;
if constipation is located in several parts of the valves, which most often happens, the procedure must be repeated by inserting a screwdriver in front of each of them. The moment the trunnion pops out of the hook is accompanied by a loud click.

Hacking scheme for standard fittings

This method of opening is quite simple, and, most importantly, after such a break-in, the fittings remain intact. The only thing is, if you do the work sloppily, you can scratch the plastic.

method number 2

How to open a plastic window from the outside with a screwdriver and without damage. Determine where the latch is. In that place, with this tool, try to press the window sash.

A more complicated option is when there are several trunnions in the opening mechanism. In this case, it is necessary to proceed in stages. Opposite each of the trunnions, you need to tear off the sash, pushing the trunnion over the bar, and proceed to the next one only after the previous trunnion is fixed on the other side of the bar.

It will be possible to open it by clicking on the fittings. Further, if everything is done correctly, the sash will open slightly. The next and last step is to turn the lock knob.

It should be noted that all these methods are effective only if the window is equipped with standard fittings. But if the attackers are professionals, then windows with anti-burglary fittings Roko and Mako can also break.

Anti-burglary fittings

method number 3

Is it possible to open a plastic window from the outside by drilling. It turns out that it is possible, but in most cases only burglars resort to this method. If in the previous methods the damage to the window is minor scratches, then in this case everything is bigger.

So, by drilling a hole with a pen or the same screwdriver, a window is opened. Of course, this way you will still get into the house, but your window structure will be damaged.