How to lift a sagging plastic door. How to independently adjust a plastic balcony door: point adjustment

Beautiful flower beds are created not only with the help of flowers. Different moments can play the main role: interesting fences of the flower garden, its shape, location in the landscape, additional decor.

The most beautiful flower beds - the geometry of color and the elegance of forms

Triangular flower bed adjacent to the path in the recreation area. Flowers are planted in several parallel lines. The blue plastic used in the composition creates the illusion of a water surface. The effectiveness of flower beds of this type can be increased by placing them on both sides of the path opposite each other.
A high corner flower bed is good at the entrance to the site Several flowerbeds in the form of perfect circles - and the lawn looks especially stylish. For the flower beds of a small lawn, we choose low flowers and a simple border - for example, a border tape.
Checkerboard lawn with green squares alternating in a certain order ( lawn grass) and square-shaped flowerbeds with low, possibly ground cover plants.
Concave border lined with decorative stone or brick, organizes a flower garden with different plants, visually expands the site. In the foreground of the flower bed framing the lawn, we plant low plants, in the background - medium-tall or tall. This flower garden can also be called a framing flower bed or flower border. A strict platform made of slabs or stone and bright flowers are a good combination.
The stone fence of the site, along which the flower bed is arranged, supports a low border of the same material.
When paving the site, provide areas free from tiles or stone - for small flower beds. It can be mono-flower beds from plants of the same species and color.
Plants along the path - one type, different colors
Large elongated flower bed with different plants
Flowerbeds around the area, paved with paving stones. original flower border
An interesting three-tiered flower structure was created using a prefabricated plastic border.
A flower garden in the form of an elongated drop is built into the paving slabs.
The original design is a complex of flower beds. Allows you to create flower beds of any shape, including multi-level ones.
Outdoor containers for plants, from which you can make flower beds of any size and shape with your own hands.
For multi-level flower beds, we use bark from cuts of large trees. Impressive compound beds without the cost of planting containers.

Beautiful flower beds with decor - photo

Natural view of the flower bed. Simple garden plants. Decor - a large clay pot.
In the flower garden there are various containers that attract attention. As a result, random plants are combined into a single group.
Ceramics wins a lot in flower beds with simple garden flowers.
exotic animals from clay pots on the poles interesting decor flower beds
Thanks to the funny men from the pots, the flower bed came to life
Flower bed with mood. The main decor here, although the plants may be different. The small ones will not distract, but support the composition, and because of the tall ones, these wonderful potted “people” can peek out.

Flower beds around trees

Magnificent flower bed around a tree. We use flowers that can withstand shading.
Raised flower bed around a tree trunk. the border can be stone, brick, wooden, etc. If you make the edge of the border wide, you get a bench. The flower garden is clearly visible, it can be supplemented various decor, garden lights.
Circular flower bed with a tree in the center. A clear geometric pattern of planting flowers, Contrasting colors of flowering plants.

Beautiful flower beds with background decorative mulch

decorative pebbles white color- a wonderful background for all colors. Pebbles can also be used decorative.
With this decor, one or two plants can look like a flower bed.
Monochrome small flower bed against the background of gray and white small decorative pebbles. Stylish.
Two types of flower beds - ordinary and stone - are separated by a curb with a bend, and are united by a sprawling plant. An interesting effect.
Flowerbed against the background of decorative wood chips
Double border - stone and flower

Exotic flower beds in an ordinary garden

When the task is to create a flower bed with a touch of exoticism, garden succulents are planted - crassula, stonecrop, aichrizon, agave, Kalanchoe, eonum, young, Cameroonian aloe, as well as ornamental cereals and herbs - pampas grass, fescue, sedge, bearded man, miscanthus, etc. There is another option: to make an exotic flower bed in the spring from potted plants, and bring them into the house with the autumn cold. We hide the pots among the stones, fall asleep with decorative wood chips or bury them in the ground.

A flower bed of garden succulents looks exotic
Flowerpots of cacti are hidden under the stone cover of the flower bed
Succulents and cacti combined into one flower bed Almost a desert in a flowerbed
Spiral flower bed of ornamental grasses around a tree
The inhabitants of this bright exotic flower bed are indoor plants

Flower beds in containers

Barrels and barrels - wonderful containers for decorative flower beds
Mesh container for a portable garden bed
The mobile garden is convenient - the flower beds can be rearranged by changing the composition
High flower beds - flower and vegetable - a garden of strict lines
The most convenient bowl on legs for arranging flower beds on the lawn and in any other corner of the garden
Capacity for the device of a miniature flower garden in any corner of the site

Flowerbeds-wheelbarrows - flowers have arrived

With a small garden wheelbarrow, it is easy to decorate the garden
A wheelbarrow for flowers can be homemade
Faded plants in a wheelbarrow are easy to replace

Flowerbeds near the house

Low coniferous plants and bright flowers with leaves similar to needles Potted flowers are cozy in this corner
Recessed flower beds on the lawn are illuminated in the evening

You can create the most beautiful flower beds in the country if you take care of your favorite plants with love.

We make our own flower garden in a country house

How nice it is in the summer at the dacha, and it’s good not only to work. The cottage is a great place to relax. pledge have a nice rest, undoubtedly, are magnificent views of the creations of nature. And if you arrange a flower bed of your own free will, and even using different colors and decorative elements, you can create an incredibly cozy atmosphere.

Flowers are the decoration of any site, but, like all other plants, they need to be looked after. Most likely, flowers that have simply grown by chance, scattered throughout the site, will not bring true aesthetic satisfaction, but a flower bed or composition is a win-win option.

Creating a composition of flowers on your site is quite simple, the main thing is to know which plants to choose for this. All of them have different growth and flowering season, this factor must be taken into account when arranging.

Also watch the video: beautiful ideas flower garden for a gardener

Using the tips from this article, you can independently and without any problems create a magnificent flower garden at your dacha. Even if you are a beginner amateur gardener, you can still cope with this task.

Compositions of perennial flowers, photo

When choosing between which plants to make a flower garden, then perennial flowers, of course, have a little more advantages than annuals. The first of these is the ability to grow in one place for several years. The main thing is to choose the right plants and create a composition from them. Below are the arrangement options for perennial flowers.

Spring flowers, photo

The first thing to say is the flowering period. The very first flowers in spring bloom, plants with bulbs. They bloom for a relatively short time and lose their beauty in early summer. But believe me, not a single flower can make such beauty that these flowers will give during their spring flowering. Snowdrops or blueberries bloom first, followed by crocus and hyacinth, and then tulips and daffodils begin to bloom.

As a possible option for creating a composition, you can plant a hyacinth along the edge line of the flower bed, and place them behind them. different colors tulips.

Beautiful views have round-shaped flower beds, which are planted with tulips in the center.
Yellow and white narcissus will perfectly fit into the company with tulips. If you love lilies, they are best planted with those flowers that have a flowering season that falls in the summer.

For the correct formation of the flower and the root system, plants need to be seated at a free distance. With proper watering and care, such a flower garden will delight the eye for a long time.

Primula - this flower is not only perennial, but also the earliest of summer plants. These flowers look great in a flower bed. Planting plants is best done in the form of curbs parallel to each other. The perfect combination would be various varieties violets. Can be combined with daisies or pansies.

Summer is the time when the royal flower, the rose, blooms. These plants are best complemented with phlox.

An important point in creating a flower garden is the design decision in the design of the flower bed. Whatever your flower bed, you need to know how to properly care for the flowers growing in it. To familiarize yourself with the rules of care, you can use special literature or the Internet. The soil for flowers that grow for several years must be fed.

Based on the name, it can be understood that when decorating such a flower garden, flowers will be used with their own hands, the flowering period of which lasts one season. The next year, the flower bed will have to be re-decorated with annual flowers. A feature of flower beds that use annual plants is their brightness and colorfulness. Design is limited only by the depth of imagination.

Compositions of annual flowers are very good for those people who spend little time in the country and simply forget to water the flowers. These plants do not require special care, they can be planted and forgotten. Flower beds from annual plants can be filled with flowers such as: begonia, petunia, dahlia, balsam, marigolds and others.

Flower beds look great, in which cellosia are planted in the middle, they can also be placed on the sides and back.

The first rule of a beginner is presentation end result. You should not go to the store, purchase and plant plants if you do not know what you want to get in the end. In order to choose the right number of flowers, it is necessary to take into account the size of the flower bed, the desired colors and other factors.

Using the tips, it will be much easier for beginners:

1. First you need to determine the location of the flower garden. It should be under good sunlight and always with good soil. If the soil is not suitable, it can and should be fertilized.

2. Plants for the first samples are better to take those that are not demanding to care for.

3. The flower garden should have three tiers. The selection of plants is carried out in such a way that each tier is filled.

4. Pay attention to what period of flowering the plants have.

5. Harmony is the basic rule of a successful flower garden. No need to try to plant everything in one flower bed at once.

Given all the nuances, even those who have never done this can cope with the task of decorating a simple flower garden. The main thing is to try, everything new is learned by trial and error.

Do-it-yourself fencing for a flower bed

Every person who lives in a private house has small flower beds. Having Vacation home or a plot, everyone strives to give them as many colors as possible and decorate them with various flower arrangements. Even residents of multi-storey buildings annually plant various flowers in the local area. All flower beds are not similar to each other and this is their charm.

Some approach the matter very responsibly and create a real DIY flower garden, and some just plant it to make it beautiful. One way or another, the question arises, what is the best way to protect the flower bed, thereby giving it completeness. The easiest option, but quite expensive, is to purchase fences in a flower shop, but real masters do not look for easy ways. And what is sold from the factory cannot be original. And this is where fantasy and your own skill come to the rescue. As a result, it turns out that it is quite simple to make a fence for a flower bed. with my own hands from materials that have long been lying somewhere in the corner and are not needed.

Any fence that is made around the perimeter of a flower garden or flower bed performs a decorative function. The absence of even the slightest fence leaves a feeling of incompleteness. You can make a fence for a flower bed from both soft and hard materials. For this can be used: wood, plastic, metal, glass and stones. The only rule that must not be violated is that the material must not be toxic, otherwise complete freedom of imagination.

Such material is probably the most natural. Its use gives the flower garden naturalness. Convenience lies in the fact that fences of any desired height can be made from the material. In addition, if the flower bed has a wooden fence, during the winter frosts, the ground in it will freeze much less.

Using stone as a fence. You can make not just a fence, but a work of art, up to laying out a pattern different colors stones. Such a fence will serve to the delight of the owners for a long period of time. With the help of stones of any size, you can decorate a flower garden of both large and small perimeters.

Photo: Brick and stone fence

If somewhere in the barn old glass or plastic bottles you shouldn't throw them away. They can serve as an excellent fence for a flower garden. In order to make such a fence, you need to fill the bottle with sand and dig it around the perimeter of the flower garden.

Bottle fence flower garden

Plastic fences. This method of fencing is considered the most practical. The service life is quite long, and you can buy it at any store that specializes in goods for summer cottages and gardens.

How pleasant it is to relax surrounded by beautiful flowers and plants on your suburban area. To carry out this with the help of flower garden equipment. Flowers will decorate any area and give a feeling of joy.

Why a flower garden? The answer is simple, so the flowers will be more compact and correctly placed in the right place for you. When plants are scattered around the site, attention is scattered, and the opportunity to enjoy each flower is lost. To make a flower bed in your country house, there is no need to purchase special barriers in the store, everything can be made from materials that every gardener will certainly find.

The idea of ​​​​a round flower bed with your own hands

Question about how to make beautiful flower garden in the country, always popular. Everyone wants their flowerbed to be the brightest and most original, so that the guests who come to the yard admire this beauty every time. With the help of a flower bed, you can arrange your favorite flowers in one place and protect them with an original fence.

Do not think that designers or decorators will be required to create a flower bed. Only those who are too lazy to do it think so. After reading the article, you will see that making a chic flower garden on your own is just a matter of technique, attention and an irresistible desire to enjoy the beauty of your own creation every day.

Smoothly moving on to the question of what to make a flower bed from, the first thing that comes to mind is old tires from a car. To create a flower bed, you just need to cut the tire in half and fill it with earth. After that, you can plant flowers.

The first option is the easiest. Then you can, using the same tires, make carved form at the flower bed from one part, and use the second as a step. The end result is very original. The tire can be painted in the desired color.

You can go in a more original way and make a flower bed that resembles a cup in shape.
Tires can be used to create flower beds in several levels.
Pyramid-shaped flower beds are also made using tires. To do this, you need to use different tire sizes.

But some tires are not limited to ways to create flower beds.
Is there an old bed or dresser in the house? Perfect! You can decorate the flower garden in an original way with their help.

As a flower bed, you can use the stump that remains from the old tree.

After the flower bed is made, it still needs to be given an aesthetic appearance. To do this, you can use the pots that are left over from indoor plants. You can add a composition with pebbles of large and small sizes. The result can be a flower garden with several tiers.

Logs can be used to decorate the flower bed. It is better if they differ in length and volume.

Old glass and plastic bottles should not be thrown away either, they are suitable for fencing a flower garden.

In the flower bed, the main thing is not only the fence, but also the correct layout of the plants. The range of colors is so wide that you can get confused.

First you need to figure out how many seasons are planned for flowering. If the flower garden is designed for several years, then you need to take perennial plants, if for one season - annuals.

Seed flowers are annuals, and the flowering period occurs after 2-4 months. For flower beds, you can take marigolds, they are both tall and low, aster, petunia and others.

Phloxes, dahlias and zinnias, aster and calendula make a great combination. Planting time is best left for the month of May, then by the middle or end of summer the flower garden will beautifully play with colors.

In addition to planting seeds directly into the soil, some use a seedling method of growing. If you use this method, then flowering will begin much earlier. To do this, you need to plant seedlings in a flower garden and wait until it is accepted and blooms. Asters and zinnias are best planted in early April.

Remember that when planting plants, tall ones should be in the back, and those that are lower should be in the foreground.

You can use this option: plant lavater and cosmea at the back color pink, place white zinnias in front and pink flowers, and decorate the side parts with cornflowers.

The combination of red and orange colors looks great.

There are a few unspoken rules, following which your flower garden will be better than those of your neighbors.

1. All flowers love sunlight and during their growth they are directed precisely to the rays of the sun. If your flower bed is located in the northern part, then it is better to use marigolds, zinnias, iris and delphinium. Otherwise, the flowers will turn towards the sun and turn away from the hosts.

2. Distance between flowers. Do not plant plants too close to each other. Initially, it will seem that the flowers are planted too rarely, but then you will realize that this is not the case.

3. The height of the flowers. You need to plant from the highest to the lowest. Growth information is indicated on the packaging. If the flowers are planted too close to each other, then it is better to thread them.

4. Remove flowers that have already become obsolete, otherwise they will spoil the whole look. In addition, this method can achieve another flowering of plants.

5. Plant different varieties of flowers in the same flower bed so that they do not fade at the same time.

6. Pay attention to flowering time, arrange plants that bloom during the day and in the evening.

7. The flower bed must be planned. You need to know exactly what the final result will be. That is easier to choose and plant plants.

The most successful flower bed design

There are several rules for successful arrangement of plants. Using them, your flower bed will be magnificent.
1. Flowers in the flower bed must be annual and perennial. In this version, your flower garden will begin to bloom early and will delight in flowering until frost.
2. A perennial flower only becomes more attractive every year. They can be purchased as seeds or seedlings.
3. An ideal flower bed should contain bearded iris and carnation.
4. The peak of flowering of all plants, both perennial and annual, falls on the month of July, do not miss this moment, the flower bed will be simply gorgeous.
5. Buy bulbous flowers, they are among the very first to bloom.

Also watch the video: The most successful flower garden design

Photos of flower beds

How to arrange a flower garden in the country with your own hands

Original do-it-yourself flower garden

When making your own, pay more attention to the flowers, not the fence. In order to modernize and improve the flower bed every year, it is necessary to photograph them, and then make corrections for the next year.

Initially, flower beds were created not for aesthetic pleasure, but for medicinal purposes. At pharmacies and hospitals, flower beds were grown with medicinal plants as well as vegetables. And only in the 50s of the XX century, carpet beds became fashionable, which required great effort to maintain their own beauty.

Today, beautiful flower beds are made not only from annual plants, but also from perennials. How to grow such a flower bed with your own hands so that it pleases with its beauty for more than one year?


A flower garden of perennials is often called a flower bed of continuous flowering, because from early spring to the very snow it pleases with its colors. And for professional gardeners, the flower bed blooms in winter. And this is a clear advantage compared to annual flower plants.

There are other positive characteristics and features:

  • The main thing is durability. In a few years, each plant will grow in such a way that old bushes can be completely painlessly removed and a new shoot will grow in their place next year.
  • Ease of care: before planting, the soil is well fertilized and baking powder (expanded clay, sand) is applied, after planting the plants are watered in a timely manner and weeds are removed.
  • Financial costs - about 1 thousand rubles per flower bed for several years to come. While seeds or seedlings of annual plants have to be bought annually.
  • Perennials are considered gentle - they do not deplete the earth and do not require regular feeding.
  • Such plants are unpretentious - some of them will grow in the sun, another is suitable for partial shade, the third is for shade, and the fourth will quietly grow with any amount of sun.
  • To create such a flower bed, there is no need to invite a landscape designer every year.

Even if the flower garden was originally created with its help, then next year the flower bed only needs to be slightly updated. And this can be done with your own hands.

How to do?

To break a flower bed that will delight for several years, you need to think about the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba flower garden before the start of the season. To bring it to life, do not be shy to ask for help from experts or neighbors. The next step in implementing the idea is to create a plan.

It may consist of several items:

  • Come up with a name according to the idea.
  • Choose a place for a flower garden.
  • Consider its shape.
  • Present a figurative layout.
  • Create a planting scheme (it is better if it is colored, voluminous, very detailed, drawn from several angles, indicating the time of flowering plants), taking into account light and shadow.

  • Select plants in such a way that the flower bed blooms continuously and includes undersized plants and flowers with a long stem.
  • Pay attention to the soil: apply fertilizer and baking powder.
  • Make a frame for a flower garden: live or artificial.
  • Carry out pre-planting work: loosening and watering.
  • Plant flowers, not forgetting that they will grow over time (which means that now they need to be planted at a considerable distance from each other).
  • Regularly take pictures of your flower garden to avoid mistakes when decorating other flower beds, as well as to preserve this beauty in memory.

When choosing plants, you need to remember that for one square meter use:

  • about 10 ground cover flowers;
  • no more than 7 undersized;
  • plants of medium height - 5;
  • plants on a high leg - no more than 7.


According to the planting density, several types of flower beds are distinguished:

  • Tapeworms- a lonely planted plant (flower or bush) with large flowers, large leaves; they must be clearly visible; more often it is roses, mallow, amorphous.
  • Rabatki- narrow flower strips stretching along the fence, house walls, paths; to give beauty, 2-3 types of plants of different heights and colors are planted.
  • borders- this is a kind of flower edging of a flower bed; borders are always undersized and one-color, while the color is selected contrasting with respect to the flower bed; in addition, you can choose plants with a strong aroma that will be fragrant on summer evenings in the garden.
  • Partners- flower beds that need space, as they include several elements: a lawn, a discount, a border.

  • Mixborders popular with non-professional gardeners, as plants of various flowering periods and colors are planted in them; such a flower bed blooms from early spring until frost.
  • Arrays because they are called that because they occupy a large area; this includes plants that do not require close attention to themselves, and this attracts amateur gardeners.
  • Groups- flower beds of any, usually smooth shape; their main difference is the bright spots in the middle of the lawn or playground.
  • Arabesque are made with the help of colored stones and pebbles, the location is horizontal and inclined.
  • Vases, for example, gabion - a mesh used as a metal frame-basket for stones.
  • Rockery or rock garden- imitation of mountainous relief.


No matter how wonderful the flowers themselves are, they need to be beautifully decorated. After all, flower beds can be very diverse. And if professionals use special devices and structures, then amateurs use improvised material for this: pieces of brick, tires, old basins and watering cans, old shoes, boxes, dishes, cobblestones, pieces of metal, canvas.

Roofing material, polyethylene, cement mortar. The main thing is soil, sand, expanded clay.


Before choosing a place for a flower garden, you need to consider the following points:

  • whether he will interfere with the passage;
  • whether it will be well seen;
  • Will he have enough sunlight?
  • what form is most suitable for the selected plants;
  • what function should the flower garden perform;
  • when the peak of flowering will be observed.

Based on this, and also, depending on the available space, the following places for flower beds are chosen:

  • along the track or at the end of it;
  • along the fence
  • in front of the house against the backdrop of buildings;
  • on the border of two functional areas, for example, a recreation area and a garden;
  • on an artificial or natural slope;
  • on the stairs;
  • on lawns;
  • in the case of vertical or raised beds, the places can be very different.


The flower arrangement in its size should be strictly proportional to the area of ​​​​the site: a small area - a small flower bed, a large area - a large flower garden or several flower beds.

Flowerbeds can be of completely different sizes: from 0.75 m (soliters) to 20 m in diameter for arrays. But usually round flower beds have a diameter of 4-6 m. Works can be several hundred meters long. According to technology, the soil is always made convex, the slope is 5-10 degrees. This is done to drain water and better view colors.

The height of plants is 50-80 cm. But this is the case if shrubs are not used. When using, for example, an evergreen thuja as the main plant of a flower garden, the height will be much greater. Border flowers rise 8-10 cm above the lawn.


At the idea stage, you need to think carefully about the color scheme that you would like to see in the flower bed. Color combination may be the most varied.

The principle of creation is the following:

  • Monochrome flower bed - one shade, but different plant heights; a white flower bed enjoys special chic - it looks very gentle, both vertical and tapeworm.
  • Contrasting allows a color explosion.
  • From plants of similar shades - a smooth transition, for example, from red to yellow or from lilac to pink.
  • Neutral colors are soothing to the eye, such as green rose bushes with white flowers.

Flower beds are planted for visual relaxation or emotional outburst.

Psychologists, together with florists, offer tips on placing and combining flowers in a flower bed:

  • for peace of mind, you need to choose either warm or cold colors; for an emotional explosion - contrasting colors;
  • smooth plant leaves reflect color, matte absorb;
  • for visual enlargement, flower beds minimize the number of colors and their contrast;
  • in order to visually enlarge the flower garden located along the fence or building, tall ones are planted in the background blue flowers, on the front - undersized yellow;

  • bright colors in the foreground, which means that in the background they are calm;
  • several flower beds combined into one flower garden should be formed as follows: the background is calm, bright colors - in small groups;
  • in a large area, it is allowed to create one flower bed with bright plants;
  • if there is a bright alpha plant in the flower bed, then the rest of the flowers should be its pale shadow;
  • before planting, it is better to draw in color the area that this or that color will occupy: a small red spot among blue flowers- appropriate, large - annoying;
  • a rural resident prefers bright colors, an urban one prefers pastel shades: you need to take into account the location of the flower garden, not only its urbanization, but also the climatic zone.

The form

Since perennials will grow in the same place for several years, it is necessary to carefully consider the shape of the flower garden. At the same time, it should be in harmony with nearby structures: a house, a gazebo, a path, a fence.

Modern design is increasingly moving away from the usual forms, however, everything is based on them:

  • a round or oval flower bed can accommodate tree species or shrubs in the center, and herbaceous plants around the circumference; flowers are planted in such a way as to create continuous flowering from the edge of the circle to the center;
  • a rectangular flower bed is decorated with a pattern and ornament from the plants themselves;
  • a square or rhombus is suitable for bright portrait paintings, animal drawings, etc .;
  • the use of triangular flower beds requires certain skills: individual triangles look harmoniously on a clear geometry site, in other cases, a triangular flower bed should become part of a polygonal flower garden;
  • long flower beds - rabatki may or may not be symmetrical, but they are located along the paths or parallel to them.

Flowerbed design

There are many options design solutions flower arrangements. You can always come up with your own version. But first, we offer to get acquainted with the existing flowerbed designs.

So, according to the design idea, a flower bed happens:

  • Regular- this is a flower garden, which is a clear geometric figures or ornament. Such a flower bed is very similar to the carpet, but it differs precisely in the geometric pattern.

When creating such a flower garden, the following conditions must be considered:

  1. plants should not be in the shade at all;
  2. they need to be planted not singly, but rather densely;
  3. for such a flower bed, not an orderly, but a group method of planting is better suited;
  4. flowers must be of the same height, time and period of flowering;
  5. after planting, several plants should remain in case of replacement of wilted flowers;
  6. such flower beds consist of perennials and annuals; if desired, they can be decorated with perennial roses, peonies, hostas, as well as bulbous tulips, crocuses, lilies, daffodils, gladioli;
  7. a regular flower bed is not the easiest to care for, it is better for beginners to use other types of flower beds.

  • Irregular- an easier-to-create flower garden, consisting of annual and perennials, as well as ornamental shrubs, conifers and lianas. Perennial flowers or shrubs can be the main element. And every year annuals can be planted around them. With proper organization, you can create a continuous flowering bed when the plants bloom alternately.

For this, perennial peonies, delphinium, phlox, rose bushes, drought-resistant allium are suitable. You can supplement them with snapdragons, asters, balsams. beautiful frame will come from marigolds.

  • Carpet is the most labor intensive. In addition to significant material costs, it will require artistic taste and knowledge of floristry. Flowers for such a flower bed are selected with good tillering, one-level height, but different colors. The carpet flower garden is a drawing, and not necessarily the usual carpet: it can be a cartoon character, animalistic, portrait. This is what distinguishes it from a regular flower bed.
  • uplifted most common in cities. But amateur gardeners also decorate such flower beds from improvised material and even old carts and cars. The earth in such structures warms up faster, but it also needs to be watered more often. But alpines and dwarf trees look good here.

  • vertical- This is a flower bed or several mini-flower beds located at a height from the ground. When creating such a flower garden, a drain for water should be provided.
  • Multidimensional- a more complex version of a vertical flower bed. This is a three-dimensional flower garden in the form of a specific animated image or piece of furniture. But it can also be a whole landscape composition with mountains, hills and ponds. The main thing is to think over the watering of such a "curvy" horse or gnome.

  • Ring a flower bed is created to frame a tree, a monument, a raised flower bed. The rule of planting plants in such a flower garden: from the high center to the low edge. In this case, you can create several multi-colored rings. If you plant an unpretentious purslane here, then it will withstand the hot sun, partial shade, and light frost.
  • Island the composition may consist of a large stone and several perennial bushes. A distinctive feature is a small flower bed in a large flowerless space. The main care is to timely mow the grass around the flower bed so that it does not fill the flower garden.

  • Panel flowerbeds require a fairly large space and therefore not suitable for every garden plot. In addition, this is a complex composition that requires the skills of floristry. But if you manage to create such a panel from perennial (together with annual) flowers, then this will be a real decoration of the backyard.

  • Modular a flower bed is being built instead of several paving slabs. This option can be provided before the installation of the coating. The flower garden is unusually beautiful and original. On a small plot of land, the “checkered” module will expand the space and correct its shape. If it is impossible to remove the tile from the paving, a false module is made: several containers with earth and plants are installed in the right places and framed with stone or vibrocasting tiles.

  • Monolumba- the simplest design solution, there can be two options:
  1. plants are different in appearance, but the same in color;
  2. plants of the same species, but of different colors and flowering times (a rose garden is a typical monoflower).

Required Tools

Depending on the type of flower bed, you may need different tools for its manufacture. The main ones will be:

  • a hammer;
  • axe;
  • hacksaw;
  • Master OK;
  • construction scissors;
  • plastic borders;
  • level.

To work on creating and caring for a flower bed, you should always have at hand:

  • shovel;
  • spatula (scoop) for planting plants;
  • rake;
  • rakes for garbage collection between perennials;
  • hoe or weeder;
  • watering can;
  • cultivator for preparing and loosening the soil;
  • gloves.

For beginner flower growers, professional florists and experienced gardeners have prepared some tips:

  • do not start with complex design solutions, but do not be afraid to invent your own forms for flower beds;
  • for starters, it is better to place multi-level perennials in long rows;
  • proper selection of plants will ensure wave flowering for the whole season;
  • in addition to flowers, be sure to include plants with beautiful multicolor foliage;
  • low and medium-sized plants should be planted at least two, giving them the opportunity to grow;
  • if there are concerns about the wrong selection of plants, it is better to make 2-3 flower beds with different color options;
  • if you do not like the result, you can remove the plant and plant another next year.

Options for arranging flower beds with your own hands from improvised means.

Flowerbed in the country, in the garden with their own hands for beginners from tires: design, photo

Flower beds take pride of place in summer cottages, garden plots. Beautiful flowers delight the eye and improve the mood of not only the hosts, but also passers-by who see such beauty.

Agree, the framing of the flower bed is no less important. Flowers planted in a beautiful fence make the flower beds neat and much more attractive.

You can buy ready-made fences various shapes: plastic, metal, wooden. As well as a variety of bizarre containers: vases, pots, barrels, etc. Unfortunately, such devices can hit the pocket well. Therefore, people with a good imagination found a way out - to make fences from improvised materials. This is not only a way to save money, but also an opportunity to have fun.

Many families in their summer cottage have things that it's time to throw away. Do not rush to part with old things, give them new life. For example, old car tires.

Flower beds from old things

Before you start turning the tire into a "house for flowers", it should be prepared:

  • Thoroughly wash off traces of dirt
  • Degrease the tire with acetone or white spirit
  • Apply paint in one layer or draw patterns

Important: Worn tires are well suited for decorating flower beds, they are easier to apply paint on.

In such a simple way, you can get, albeit so modern, but quite a worthy alternative to expensive fencing.

Tires can be placed around the perimeter of the flower bed, arranged in a checkerboard pattern, put one on top of the other or hung on a tree. Any of the options, if beaten with taste, will look beautiful.

Car tires will serve as a fence for a beautiful flower bed Tire hanging flower bed

Also with the help sharp knife and soap solution can be cut out of the tires curly fences.

Tire flowerpot

Beautiful flowerpots from improvised materials

Video: Flower beds from car tires

How to make a flower bed with your own hands from stones?

Wonderful stylish flower beds are obtained from stones. With proper laying of the stone, the flower bed will last a long time.

To make a multi-tiered or high flower bed of stone, you must have certain skills and knowledge.

  • First of all, you should make a foundation of sufficient depth.
  • When laying stones, use cement mortar to fill gaps.
  • Also make drainage holes in the fence.
  • After the cement has hardened, apply sealant to the seams between the stones so that cracks do not form.

Important: Fix the stones with cement only from the inside of the flower bed to outer side looked like a neat dry masonry.

Flower beds made of stone

Beautiful flower bed made of stone

There is also an easy way to protect the flower bed. It is enough to dig a shallow trench, fill it halfway with rubble, and then overlay it with decorative stones.

Modern flower bed decorated with stone

simple flower bed

landscape design

For the construction of the flower bed, the following stones are used:

  • River and sea pebbles
  • Slate
  • Dolomite
  • Basalt
  • Marble chips

high flower bed

How to make a flower bed with your own hands from brick?

Brick is another suitable material for flower beds.

Brick can be used to make not only a beautiful decorative fence, but also to prevent the growth of weeds throughout the site.

Important: When choosing the color of the brick, the color scheme of the site should be taken into account. It is desirable that the colors are combined with each other, then the brick flower bed will harmoniously fit into the overall picture.

Brick flower beds can be made of different heights:

  1. High
  2. Low
  3. Multi-tiered
  4. Border

The configuration is also not limited to one or two options. If space allows, you can make a polygonal flower bed, rounded or any shape.

Often brick flower beds are adjacent to the wall.

Flowerbed near the house

The process of building a flower bed from a brick like this:

  1. First, outline the flower bed.
  2. Then dig a trench along the contour.
  3. After that, lay the bricks in one row.
  4. The next day, tamp the bricks by walking over them.
  5. Now you need to fix the brick with mortar: pour a mixture of cement and dry sand into the cracks, spread the mixture evenly with a brush, then moisten the top layer of the brick with a hose and a water spray nozzle.
  6. Using a brush, carefully remove the remaining mortar from the brick.
  7. Give the solution time to dry.

Brick flower bed fencing

If you want to make a high fence, do it like this:

  1. Dig a trench first
  2. Fill it incompletely with drainage: sand, gravel, crumbs
  3. Then lay brick with cement mortar.
  4. Lay a brick wall a little inside.

Brick corner flower bed

Unusual fence for a flower bed

High round flower bed

How to make a flower bed out of concrete?

Flowerbeds with a concrete fence look rather bulky, but at the same time they are concise. Concrete beds have a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Let's start with virtues:

  • Concrete is durable, the flower bed will not collapse under the influence of precipitation.
  • The material retains its aesthetic appearance for a long time.
  • A concrete flower bed will not be damaged by vandals and will not be stolen. Unfortunately, this also happens.

A little bit about shortcomings:

  • Concrete beds are bulky and take up a lot of space. This is not suitable for small areas.
  • You will not be able to move such a flower bed if you suddenly need to change the design of the site. It will have to be completely demolished.
  • Concrete flower beds in their style are not suitable for every site. Sometimes they only increase the dullness and facelessness of the territory.

Concrete railings and flowerpots can look great if placed correctly and planted with the right flowers.

Important: The practicality of a concrete flower bed depends entirely on the quality of the solution. For a good solution, you need to take 1 bucket of cement, water and gravel, as well as 3 buckets of sand.

To make a concrete fence, you first need to make a formwork - a frame, which is subsequently filled with mortar.

Level the poured solution with a spatula and wait until it dries. Drill holes in the finished fence for drainage. Concrete flower beds can be painted with facade paint, laid out with mosaics or beautiful stones.

Concrete fences for flower beds

Concrete fence

Flowerbed in concrete

Fancy flowerpots can be made from concrete. To do this, the solution is poured between two containers, unequal in diameter.

Creating flowerpots from concrete

Concrete flowerpot

How to make a flower bed from plastic bottles?

Plastic bottles are affordable raw materials. Of course, a flower bed made of plastic bottles does not look as expensive and sound as a brick or concrete one, but it has its own advantages.

Such a fence is easy to repair, it is enough to replace the necessary elements.
If necessary, the flower bed can be easily removed, replaced with a new one.

Important: Before laying or burying, the bottles must be filled with earth. So they will hold on tighter.

See what flower beds can be made from plastic bottles.

Fencing flower beds with plastic bottles

bright flower bed

Flowerbeds from plastic bottles

How to make a wooden flower bed?

Wooden fences are in good harmony with the green lawns on the site. Wooden flower beds can be of various shapes.

Neat wooden deck

Flowers in a wooden wheel

You can plant flowers in an old dried tree. Get the original flower bed.

Flowerbed in an old log

Wooden fence in the form of a train

How to make a flower bed vertical?

Vertical flower beds decorate the territory, besides they save space.

Vertical flower beds are divided into:

  • Suspended
  • wall
  • Ground

Varieties of vertical flower beds

Any vertical flower bed can be made in the same way:

  1. Prepare a solid foundation;
  2. Take care of the irrigation system;
  3. Fill the base with soil;
  4. Anchor the net to hold the ground and plants, if necessary;
  5. Plant the plants.

Ideas for vertical flower beds in the photo below.

flower garden in plastic pipe

Vertical flower bed in an old pallet

vertical flower bed

How to make a round flower bed?

Important: When choosing the shape of a flower bed, the availability of free space, the design of the surrounding area and personal wishes are taken into account. It is desirable that the shape of the flower bed is combined with nearby buildings.

When planting a round flower bed, consider fundamental rules:

  1. Plant tall flowers in the center
  2. Then plants of medium height
  3. Dwarf flowers along the edges

In this case, the flower bed will look right, beautiful and relevant. Or all the flowers should be the same height, but you can play with the colors.

Landscaping flower beds

Flowerbed round

Succulents in an old bowl

Flowerbed by the tree

How to make a rectangular flower bed?

A rectangular flower bed is also called a rabatka. Usually flowers of the same height are planted in such a flower bed. But the colors here can be very diverse.

Rectangular railing

Rectangular flower beds are often vertical.

DIY flowerbed

You can make a decorative rectangular flower bed from an old bed. The main thing is that it should be located to the place.

Flower bed from an old bed

How to make a multi-tiered flower bed?

The main advantage of a multi-tiered flower bed is space saving. Such a flower bed takes up little space, and you can plant a lot of flowers.

Multi-tiered flower beds are made from various materials:

  • Brick
  • Concrete
  • Wood

Multi-tiered flower bed near the house

Flower garden in several tiers

Fencing for flower beds

Flowerbed for giving

You can build a multi-tiered flower bed quite original way. For example, from an old chest of drawers.

DIY flowerbed

Beautiful fences and fences for flower beds and flower beds: designs, photos

According to the condition of the flower beds on the site, one can judge the owner's love for his territory, for his home. A beautiful fence can make a flower bed elegant, well-groomed. Below are a few options for beautiful fences that you can implement on your site.

Simple and beautiful flower bed

Stone fence for street flowers

landscape design

Important: A popular trend in landscape design is the design of a flower bed using old improvised items.

In the hands of a person with a well-developed imagination, those things that it is high time to part with will acquire a new life.

Unusual mobile flower bed Unusual design flower garden

Beautiful flower beds and flower beds in the country, in the garden, in the courtyard of a private house, in front of the house, along the fence, at the entrance of an apartment building, in do-it-yourself landscape design: design examples, design, photos

A few more ideas for the formation of beautiful flower beds in various areas: near high-rise buildings, in the garden, along the fence.

Plants along the fence

Landscaping at the entrance

A small flower bed in the garden, in the country, in the yard

Flower garden in the yard

What to plant perennial, unpretentious flowers for a flower bed, blooming all summer?

Even the most beautiful fence can become unnoticed or even a hindrance if you do not take care of planting in time. Still, flowers are the main thing in a flower bed.

A few tips on how to break a flower bed:

  1. Before you break a flower bed from scratch, sketch out a diagram on paper. Consider all lighted and shaded places, this will affect the choice of plants in the future.
  2. The flower bed should be clearly visible from the front side and / or from the windows.
  3. Plan the planting of flowers so that it is possible to water each flower without damaging the others.
  4. If the soil is clay or sandy, before planting it is worth enriching it with compost, organic matter.
  5. The flowerbed should be good drainage system so that the water does not stagnate.

If your goal is to plant beautiful, but unpretentious flowers in care, you should pay attention to the following types:

  • Lupine
  • Cornflower perennial
  • bathing suit
  • petty-petal
  • Echinacea
  • Day-lily
  • gypsophila
  • Primrose
  • Delphinium
  • english rose
  • Pansies
  • Phloxes

Vibrant flowering in the yard

Video: Flowers that bloom all summer

Flower bed of continuous flowering: planting scheme

A flowerbed of continuous flowering is a dream for many summer residents. Making this dream a reality is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. To do this, you need to know the method of planting flowers, the conditions for watering and feeding each species, the compatibility of species, lighting requirements, as well as the timing of flowering.

Flower bed of continuous flowering: scheme 1

Flower bed of continuous flowering: scheme 2 Flower bed of continuous flowering: scheme 3

Flower bed of continuous flowering: scheme 4

As you can see, there are a lot of ideas for creating flower beds and fences for them with your own hands. Arm yourself with patience and inspiration, and make your site a blooming paradise.

Video: How to break a beautiful flower garden?

To make the garden plot not only a place for harvesting, many gardeners ennoble the dacha area with flower beds. They will not only delight the eyes of the owners and guests, but also divide the garden into separate zones, thereby organizing the space of the site, and creating its own and original design.

What it is?

Behind the concept of a flower garden is a territory that has a visible or conceptual fence, on which ornamental plants grow. Usually in a flower bed you can find all sorts of variations of flowering plants, but sometimes flowering shrubs or decorative types trees. The arrangement of plants in the flower garden is represented by a geometric symmetrical pattern, sometimes you can find asymmetric compositions.

A good place for arranging a flower meadow, a simple pattern and respect for proportions will make the flower garden a real decoration. With the help of a decorative area, you can highlight a certain area and place accents.


For the competent design of a flowering corner, landscape design skills are necessary, because the decorative element must harmoniously fit into the general appearance of the site. In the flower garden, plants that harmonize well with each other should be connected. They usually need similar soil compositions, maintenance procedures, and watering frequency.

All design options for flower beds are conditionally divided into two large groups: classic or regular style flower beds and landscape style flower arrangements. The first group is characterized by the presence of clear shapes and geometry, which are often emphasized by the lawn. The second group does not have strict boundaries and forms, which creates the impression that a person is not involved in their creation.

What are the types?

Modern designers often prefer varieties of flower beds, in the preparation of which there are no strict canons. These include a naturalistic flower bed. It is characterized by the use of more than one dozen species of perennial plants. All presented species are divided into 2-3 groups, which combine related plants. The third part of the plants forms the basis of the composition, and the rest complement it.

Among other types, the following options can be distinguished:

  • Flower bed in the classic style is most popular not only in the summer cottage, but also in city squares. The classic flowerbed has a geometric shape, bordered by a border. For such a flower bed, annual flowers with low stems are good, sometimes perennials are found. Plants that hold their shape well will make the pattern in the flower bed more distinct.
  • Mixborder blooms beautifully all season. This is a complex mixed composition, in which some flowering plants are replaced by others. This species is characterized by multi-tiered and the use of species with different flowering periods, as well as ornamental shrubs and trees.

  • Rabatka is called a flower garden, which has an elongated shape and is located along other objects in the summer cottage - the walls of the house, paths or fences. Rabatka is located both asymmetrically on one side of the path, and on both sides to outline its contour. Usually the width of such a flower bed does not exceed one and a half meters, and in length it is divided into separate sections for the convenience of caring for plants.
  • For clearance flower arrangement as a group one or more varieties of flora can be used, which are planted so that it looks natural. Large groups are planted further away, and near you can admire the low bulbous ever-flowering plants.

Such a group is often decorated with trees on the site. There are both small and rather impressive group sizes.

  • Summer residents, whose areas are deprived of the sun, the organization of a shady flower garden is suitable. It is characterized by planting shade-tolerant plants. The beauty of the shady flower garden is not in the riot of colors, but in the unusual foliage. The background of a shady flower bed is usually decorated with tall flowers with large leaves, perennials of medium height are located in the middle, and creeping species of shade-loving plants can be planted in front.

The variety of flowers and plants that prefer twilight allows you to tastefully decorate a shady flowering corner.

  • Solitaire is considered a special type of flower bed, which fits perfectly both into the regular type of design of the garden plot, and into the natural composition. The first variety of landscape is characterized by the presence of a single plant on a lawn or a flower that stands out noticeably in its height. For a natural flowering corner, the tapeworm is presented as a single plant or shrub that harmoniously fits into the natural environment.

  • Modular flower garden got its name due to the use of modules in its planning. The module can be round, square or rectangular. On the preliminary plan, the entire site is divided into these modules, the size of which is 1 m². This approach to the design of flower beds and the entire landscape allows you to maintain harmonious proportions in the improvement of the site.

  • Arabesque usually represents the most elegant place in the garden, located in the front part. The pattern of such a flower garden is quite complex and consists of stones and other minerals in alliance with plants. In order for the drawing to be well read, plants with a small stem are used for arabesques. These flower beds look especially fascinating next to the lawn, but they require a lot of attention and care.


In the process of creating and erecting a flower garden, an important role is played by the fence of the flower bed. Much depends on the correct choice of material: how strong the fence will be, how it will be in harmony with the plants in the flower bed and its shape. Since the primary task of the fence is to contain the ground soil, and the secondary one is its decorative function, it is logical that the forms of the flower bed and the fence match perfectly.

Many options are suitable as a material for fencing, you just have to turn on your imagination:

  • To arrange a flower garden from annuals, you can build fence made of plant-safe wooden pegs or rods. Classic low wooden fences will emphasize the beauty of any kind of flower garden.

If necessary, a wooden fence can be easily dismantled or moved to another location. In addition, the ease of working with the material makes it easy to change the shape of the wedges to your liking.

  • Looks presentable and reliable flower garden fences built of stone. In addition to natural and artificial stones, you can also use a brick or paving slabs. Such fences can be built both without the use of a binder mixture, and with the use of a solution. Such a fence will serve the gardener for decades, but the material is not cheap.

  • With help metal fencing structures on the garden plot you can create a wide variety of flower arrangements - from classic to modern. Often, forged or welded, as well as monolithic structures made of iron or cast iron are used to delineate the boundaries of a landscape art object. Such products are made to order, but you will have to pay a lot for the exclusive.
  • Lightweight and affordable modern plastic also often involved in the construction of fences. Due to its unique properties, a plastic fence is able to serve the gardener for more than one season. Plastic fences are usually presented in sections, curbs in the form of a flexible tape, which often imitates masonry or imitation wood.

  • concrete structures with high sides are the best suited for high-filled flower beds. They are not afraid of moisture and temperature changes, will last for many years. Connoisseurs of beauty will like finished products in the form of sectional fences or high curbs. Practical gardeners can try to make a fence on their own.
  • Often hosts land plots looking for budget options arrangement of flower beds and use improvised means. There is no limit to the fantasies of gardeners - plastic bottles are used, flower beds are built from tires and tires, old wooden wheelbarrows or bicycles.


The scale of the arrangement of the flower arrangement has no restrictions. But the decorative part should be proportional to the rest of the site - do not overload it and not get lost, but it is easier to take care of compact compositions.

On a site with a lot of paths and no extra space, it would be appropriate to plant a long flower border. A narrow strip of flowers around the perimeter is also able to enliven a boring country house.

If it is planned to plant one flower garden at the dacha, then let it be of medium size and located in the area near the entrance or the central part of the site. For lovers of symmetry and beauty in detail, the idea is to arrange mini-compositions of flowers throughout the site. This trick is suitable for giving with a large number of trees, the trunks of which can be decorated with flowers.


The choice of flowers is one of the most difficult stages of organizing a flower bed. Gather together unpretentious and suitable for each other beautiful flowers without getting lost in the variety of names is not an easy task.

Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the favorites of gardeners in advance:

  • For lovers of experiments, annual flowers are suitable, which will allow you to change the composition every year. Annual flowers can decorate mixborders or modular flower beds, they also look good in pots. Popular plants in this group include marigolds with a rich warm colors, heat-resistant zinnia, sweet pea and petunia.

  • Often, experienced gardeners arrange a flower garden of perennials on their site. These bulbous plants begin to bloom with the first spring sun. The first to look through the snow are low snowdrops and scillas who do not like the sun and are unpretentious to the soil. Early flowers give way to popular ones in the garden crocuses and hyacinths with flowers of cold shades. After them, moisture-loving daffodils and tulips early bloomers that need fertilized soil and light.

Graceful and refined irises and peonies of royal beauty bloom together with tulips. A plot decorated with peonies will not only look spectacular, but also exude a delicate aroma.

  • In the summer months, perennial flower beds can decorate non-flowering plants - feather grass, hostas, stonecrops or herbs. However, some gardeners want flowers to please the eye all summer, and they plant a flower garden of roses.

Such compositions are called rosaries. To break down the rose garden, you need warmth, and in the middle latitudes, a combined rose garden is appropriate, in which roses are successfully combined with conifers and others. deciduous shrubs with beautiful foliage, sometimes various cereals and wormwood.

  • Instances of continuous flowering are perfect for those who like to enjoy flowers throughout the summer season. These types include rich variety of asters, whose star-shaped inflorescences fade and are replaced by new ones. This type also includes dahlias, which will be the perfect decoration for any mixborder. BUT climbing clematis with large and bright flowers that stand out against the backdrop of foliage, refresh the fence or gazebo in the country.

The form

The choice of the form of a garden flower bed directly depends on personal preferences and harmony with other objects on the site. Adherents of the classics tend to choose geometric shapes, and creative personalities- fantasy.

When creating a geometric flower garden, you can choose any shape. It can be rectangular or square, round or oval and even triangular. This group of flower beds is distinguished by ease of execution without the involvement of a designer and versatility. Most clearly, the straight lines of the geometric flower bed are visible in contrast with the lawn. Before installing a flower garden, it is necessary to mark its borders so as not to break the symmetry.

In addition, you need to consider how tightly the flowers will be located to each other. For monoklumba is characterized by the most dense planting of flowers. In the case of several species, it is necessary to place taller flowers in the center, and emphasize the outline with the brightest specimens.

If you plan to create a multi-tiered flower bed like a pyramid, then you should place the highest flowers in the center and smoothly move from them to the lowest specimens. The flowers of each level in this case should be the same length.

The abstract form of the flower garden looks no less impressive, and allows you to create an exclusive on the site. landscape design. Such flower beds are usually devoid of geometric proportions, but also require preliminary layout and plan. For a simple form, you can choose one type of flowers, but a flower bed of complex abstraction should have an appropriate content.

Vertical flower beds look quite interesting on the site.. The wire used to create the figure allows landscape designers to embody the most daring ideas. For the decoration of the floral contour, the plants are carefully selected for height and splendor.

Another good example vertical flower garden - a screen or wall of climbing plants or flowers with a long stem.

Style and design

The choice of style direction for decorating a decorative corner with flowers depends on the overall design of the garden. Consider the most popular styles of flower beds design.

Country style is one of the most suitable for garden decoration. Rustic flower beds can be placed on the border between landing sites or decorate the entrance with them.

For rustic country style, the following items are characteristic:

  • Various wooden attributes. It may be the stumps of old trees, wooden barrels or yokes, baskets or fences woven from wooden rods.
  • Household and familiar things for rural residents - a cart and its individual parts, clay pots, garden scarecrows.
  • An imitation of a well or a cellar, an abandoned gazebo are excellent attributes for creating some kind of country-style site legend.
  • As for the choice of flowers and plants, one must rely on the tastes of the villagers of the last century. Then in the garden or in the front garden under the window one could meet bright sunflowers, romantic daisies, sunny calendula and marigolds, bluebells, mallow and other flowers.

Do not forget about the traditional village trees - apple, cherry, gooseberry, currant.

  • Geometric flower beds, modular flower beds and flower beds belong to classic regular style. It is often used to decorate the territory near the wall of the house or the main entrance to the site. Along the fence or path, as well as to give the shape of a flower bed or a wide discount, bordering the lawn, you can plant the so-called flower border. It is a strip no wider than half a meter, the color scheme of the border should contrast with the flowers in the main flower beds.

Excellent borders are obtained from low and well-shaped varieties of annuals - daisies and marigolds, pansies or balsams. Emphasize the beauty of the site and share its ornamental shrubs that turn green all year round.

  • If there is a reservoir on the site, this makes it possible to issue Art Nouveau garden. Smooth lines, unusual contrasts, solo shrubs and climbing plants allow you to create a unique design. Art Nouveau is characterized by a combination of landscape with the design of the house, the garden, as it were, is its continuation. Evergreen sheared plants, flowers with an expressive appearance will fit perfectly, and paths and flower beds can be arranged in the form of an ornament.

Any object is suitable as a reservoir, but not too pretentious. good decision will become a small fountain, pond or pool. Around the fountain, you can break a flower garden and arrange a place to relax.

Required accessories

For gardeners who want to do the arrangement of the flower garden on their own, you need to stock up on inventory:

  • At the stage of choosing a place and marking, you will need pegs with twine to mark the boundaries of the flower bed, but you can draw a line on the ground.
  • Then, with a shovel, you need to remove a layer of earth of 20-30 cm, fill the bottom of the flower bed with gravel, stones or brick fragments and tamp well. Sometimes the bottom is pre-lined with a film or roofing felt to protect against groundwater.
  • The next step is to install the fence. Usually it is either buried a little in the ground, or fixed with cement mortar.
  • After that, it remains only to fill the flower garden with black soil, and after a couple of weeks, if necessary, fill it up. Then you can proceed directly to planting flowers.

So for independent device flowerbeds do not need any special supplies or skills.