Shade-loving plants for the garden: perennials. Shade-tolerant plants for the garden with photos and names Low-growing shade-loving flowers for flower beds

In this article you will find plants that grow well in the shade, partial shade. This will make it easier for you to find the right plants to brighten up the shady spots in your yard! Photos can be enlarged by clicking on the thumbnail. Short description, characteristics of plants:

Cladium Biocolor (Cladium Bi - Color) - originally from Thailand. It has dark leaves with bright pink spots and blue veins, such a decorative effect distinguishes it from other plants. He loves full shade, and reaches a height of 75 - 95 cm. Since this is a tropical plant, it should be dug up for the winter and the roots stored in a dry place.

Geranium (Geranium Rozanne) - has beautiful blue - blue flowers with a white center, the leaves are dark green. Grows in both shade and partial shade. After the first flowering, it can be cut off, then re-flowering will come. It reaches a height of 50 cm.

Balsam, Impatiens (Impatiens - Super Sonic Magenta) - a beautiful plant, has bright, large purple flowers, foliage is dark green. Reaches a height of 45 cm. Perennial. Likes both full shade and partial shade.

Arizema (Jack The Pulpit - Candidissimum) - has a fragrant aroma and decorative striped perianths. Pairs well with hostas and ferns. Likes well-drained soil with rotten leaves. It reaches a height of about 90 cm. It grows in full shade or partial lighting.

Hellebore (Lenten Rose - Golden Sunrise) - has beautiful golden flowers, reaching a diameter of 5 - 7.5 cm. The leaves are shiny, the roots are thick and deep. Unpretentious, resistant to moisture and heat.

Lilies of the valley are well-known, delicate, fabulous flowers that grow well in shade and partial shade. Bloom from May to June. The flowers have a delicate, subtle fragrance.

Tiarella (Tiarella - Pinc Skyrocket) - interesting for its decorative flowers, reminiscent of small rockets. It can be used as a ground cover or mixed with other low growing plants. In height reaches 15 - 30 cm.

Astilbe (Astilbe) is a favorite plant for many for its exquisite, soft flowers of different colors. The leaves are green, lacy. The flowers are so bright that they reflect light well and create a beautiful effect in a shady corner. Reaches a height of 50 - 75 cm.

Trillium (Trillium) - has bright, decorative flowers, reaching a diameter of 5 - 7.5 cm. Flowers have a citrus aroma. Reaches a height of 45 cm, grows well in both shade and partial shade.

Lungwort (Pulmonaria - Raspberry Splash) is a beautiful plant, especially the coral flowers that create the effect of a light in a shady garden. It reaches a height of 30 cm, and grows in full shade.

Adonis, Adonis (Adonis) - varieties - spring, Amur, Siberian - perennials, and summer adonis - annual. Adonis are undersized; most attractive in the flowering phase, which in many species occurs in May-June. Used in groups, borders, suitable for rock gardens or as padding shrub plantings.

Acanthus (Acantus) - varieties - soft, long-leaved, prickly, Balkan. Tall perennials. Plants, growing, form dense groups; used for tamping tree or shrub groups, in mixborders or as focal plants in flowerbeds or simply on lawns.

Alstroemeria (Alstroemeria) - a hybrid. Perennials with tuberous rhizomes; highly decorative during flowering. Grown mainly in group plantings.

Aronnik (Arum) - varieties - spotted, Cretan, elongated, Italian. Perennials with a tuberous rhizome; in many respects similar to the closely related Arizems. Used mainly in shaded rockeries.

Badan (Bergenia) - thick-leaved, heart-leaved, Strechi varieties. Beautifully flowering perennials, but are valued not only during flowering - the plants form a very decorative rosette of leaves; in some species, it becomes brightly colored in autumn. They are used in groups near shrubs, mixborders, in rock gardens, as a flower bed plant. There are creeping forms grown as ground covers.

Periwinkle (Vinca) - varieties - large, small. Low perennials with attractive flowers; there are ornamental leaf forms with variegated leaf color. They are used in gardens mainly as ground covers under the canopy of trees, as well as in rock gardens, borders, framing flower beds.

Begonia (Begonia) - varieties always flowering, tuberous. Varieties and hybrids of ever-flowering begonias are perennials cultivated as annuals. One of the most popular flower bed plants; It is used in landscaping on an industrial scale due to its ease of cultivation, long and colorful flowering and resistance to urban conditions. Varieties and hybrids of tuberous begonias are less common, but are also popular. garden plants. Used in gardens as flower bed plants, as well as for growing in containers; hanging forms - for hanging baskets and flowerpots.

White flower (Leucojum) - varieties - spring, summer. Small bulbous perennials resembling related snowdrops; decorative during flowering. B. spring refers to primroses and is most common in floriculture. Used to create blooming spring lawns in the shade of trees along with other primroses; B. summer is usually grown near water bodies.

Wrestler, Aconite (Aconitum) - varieties - klobuchkovy, Fisher, Karmikhel. Tall perennials with spectacular flowering; grown mainly in group and mixed plantings in flower beds and borders. Curly species are used for landscaping arbors and pergolas. Decorative not only during flowering: plants have openwork, strongly dissected leaves.

Buzulnik (Ligularia) - varieties - Przhevalsky, serrated, Siberian, narrow-leaved. Most species are tall plants with showy inflorescences. Decorative not only by flowering, but also by beautiful foliage (in some species - with a jagged edge or pinnately dissected). They are planted in gardens mainly near water bodies (hygrophilous). They are also used in mixborders and group plantings.

Milkweed (Asclepias) - varieties - Syrian, tuberose, Kurasava, meat - red. Tall perennials with spectacular blooms. Used in group plantings. V. kyurasava is cultivated as an annual.

Loosestrife (Lusimachia) - varieties - monetized, ephemeral, dark purple, dotted. Perennials grown for lush and long flowering (most species). In some species, variegated varieties have been bred. Plants are used in group plantings for framing reservoirs (moisture-loving), mixborders in shaded areas of the garden. V. Monetary is a creeping plant, it is used as a ground cover, in rock gardens, as an ampelous plant for growing in flowerpots.

Vesennik (Eranthis) - varieties - Tubergena, Cilician, winter. Beautifully flowering spring plants. Often used in joint plantings with other spring ephemeroids to create bright flowering lawns. They are also used in group plantings between shrubs, in compositions on alpine slides.

Anemone (Anemone) - varieties - columnar, felt, buttercup, oak. Graceful perennial plants with spectacular flowering. Most spring-flowering anemones are ephemeroids; by summer, their growing season is over. separate group fall-flowering species and hybrids. They are mainly used as flower bed plants and for rock gardens.

Catchment, Aquilegia (Aquilegia) - Perennials, sometimes cultivated as annuals or biennials. Decorative during the period of long flowering. Low-growing varieties are used mainly in rock gardens; tall - to create mixed compositions of herbaceous plants on borders and in mixborders, to create flowering groups in shady places near water bodies.

Volzhanka, Aruncus (Aruncus) - varieties - etuzilistnaya, dioecious, Amur. Perennial, forming a beautiful sprawling bush with paniculate inflorescences. It is used mainly in group plantings; tall species - in single plantings under trees, to form the background of the borders.

Gubastic (Mimulus) - Annuals or perennials, cultivated as annuals; have brightly colored flowers and showy blooms. used primarily as flower bed plants; can serve to decorate the shores of reservoirs. Compact varieties are used as ground cover and in alpine slide compositions.

Dicentra (Dicentra) - variety - magnificent. Perennials forming a sprawling bush with spectacular drooping inflorescences. Highly decorative in the flowering stage; used mainly in single plantings.

Goldenrod (Solidago) - varieties - Canadian, ordinary. Perennial plants, characterized by lush flowering at the end of summer and autumn. Natural species are quite tall, but low-growing varieties have been bred, which provides a variety of uses in landscaping. Goldenrods are suitable as background plants for background mixborders, are grown in group plantings, in flower beds (compact varieties) and for cutting.

Saxifrage (Saxifraga) - Variety introduced into horticultural culture perennial species due to the unpretentiousness and breadth of the possible use of saxifrage. First of all, they are known as the most common plants for rock gardens, but are also often grown as ground cover (short and creeping species), flower beds and border plants (tall). In some species, flowering is valued, but in most - the form of rosettes or the ability to form decorative cushion-like growths. Not all cultivated species are shade-tolerant.

As well as sour, bellflower, lily of the valley, daylily, lily, liriope, lobelia, moonflower, buttercup, cuff, foxglove, narcissus, nomocharis, sedge, paisander, primrose, liverwort, peony, snowdrop, blueberry, stakhis, violet, fuchsia, hosta , corydalis, cyclamen, lamb, comfrey, peppermint, tarragon, lemon balm, pink radiola, spring umbilical, fragrant woodruff, round-leaved woodruff, actinidia kolomikta, ivy, iriododictium, ornithogallum, tulips, hoof, kupena, doronicum, tenacity, iris, jeffersonia, heart-leaved tiarka, telekia, mountain soldanella, thyroid darmer, spiked corow, thyroid podophyllum, lady's slipper. From the bushes we offer you plant in the shade: privet, elderberry, weigella, vineyard, gualteria, wisteria, hydrangea, parthenocissus, deutsia, viburnum, kalmia, dogwood, buckthorn, leukote, hazel, juniper, rhododendron, boxwood, lilac, snowberry, spirea, stewartia, mock orange, enkyanthus. And the trees are more shade-loving: beech, hornbeam, davidia, spruce, irga, cedar, cypress, maple, liquidambar, metasequoia, nissa, fir, mountain ash, yew, hemlock, hop hornbeam.

We hope this list of shade-loving and shade-tolerant plants will help you decorate your shady corner!

Geranium (Geranium Rozanne)

This plant is native to Thailand, and its blue veins and hot pink spots accentuate and really make it stand out against the dark leaves. Grows in full shade, reaches a height of 75 - 95cm. In cool climatic zones before frost, the plant must be dug up and stored in a dry, cool place.

Caladium Bicolor (Caladium Bi-Color).

Caladium Bicolor (Caladium Bi-Color).

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On any personal or suburban area there will certainly be shady places. And you want to decorate them no worse than the central flower beds and front alleys. With an illiterate approach to this issue, we often create unviable “beautiful pictures”, which subsequently turn into a headache for the owners, a source of their constant concern for the fading life of plants weakening from lack of sun. Desperate, we lay these areas with tiles or bashfully cover the view of these territories. In the meantime, there is a large enough selection of perennial shade-loving garden flowers that will enliven these difficult areas and make them attractive, interesting and, most importantly, viable.

Shade-tolerant and shade-loving - theoretically there is a difference!

Any plants need sunlight - this is the principle of their vital activity, their biochemistry. However, they all need it differently. One needs it bright and open, for others soft, diffused is preferable. Plants that have learned to get by with reflected light, tolerate shading, are called shade-tolerant. And there are those for whom open sunlight is destructive, they feel much better in the shade. They are classified as shade-loving. It is these crops that are recommended to be planted in secluded corners of the garden, on the north side of houses and along high blank fences that block the sun.

But in fact, even experienced gardeners do not always see the difference between them (or do not always do it) and consider these two concepts to be synonymous. All flowering and simply ornamental perennials that are undemanding to the sun fall under this category. Therefore, we will talk in general about plants that do not require a lot of light and are excellent candidates for landscaping shaded areas.

Zone separation

By and large, three categories of zones can be distinguished according to the degree of decorativeness, location and significance. This classification will depend right choice shade-loving perennials:

  1. Classic compositions of herbaceous flowering crops planted for the purpose decorative design.
  2. natural areas. The purpose of planting them is to fill the voids on the periphery of the site and prevent the growth of weeds.
  3. Accent flowers. They are located in the central zone, where you have to be content with a small amount of sunlight. Accent perennials stand out in this group, which are distinguished by especially beautiful flowering or original decorative foliage.

Soil Requirements

Plants that are a little whimsical to lighting are usually very demanding on the soil. The earth should be moist, but without stagnant water, well-drained. In composition, it should be light and nutritious. Such as the soil of deciduous forests usually is. If the type of soil in a given place does not meet the requirements of shade-loving crops, you will have to take care of this by preparing special planting pits filled with an optimally composed substrate.

Shade-loving perennial flowers for densely shaded areas of the garden

Such zones should include all places that are illuminated by the sun during the day for no more than 3 hours. Such a shadow is given by buildings, wooded parts of the garden, and even single-standing pine trees. A special microclimate is created here, characterized by high humidity of both air and soil.

It looks impressive among stones and conifers, winters well even in the northern regions, but does not tolerate drought and open sun at all. Requires watering and good drainage, prone to self-seeding. Can serve as a substitute for moss in imitation of Japanese compositions. Although it is a perennial, however, it is not durable.

A rather rare perennial in classical domestic gardens, which is rather original than beautiful, but invariably attracts attention. In Britain, it was called "lily-cobra", reflecting it well appearance. Refers to evergreen herbs with a pronounced dormant period.

Blooms profusely and for a long time in slightly sparse shade. Forms a spreading bush with beautiful panicles that can be a wide variety of pink, purple, white and red hues. It looks especially impressive during the flowering period, but is decorative throughout the garden season.

Especially appreciated for early flowering. Its inflorescences, which at the same time look like roses and lanterns, adorn the thawed patches of the garden already in March. It tolerates not only a lack of lighting, but also frost and drought.

Carefully! The hellebore belongs to the buttercups and, like all of them, is poisonous!

This is the real queen of the shadow, which has a huge number of varieties. It will compete with its flowering neighbors in the garden with its decorative effect. The host also blooms, but its color is quite modest, but the main advantage of this impressive group is the leaves. All shades of green, spotted, striped, speckled, white-yellow, golden, bluish - their diversity is really impressive.

Choosing plants for semi-shaded areas

A lacy shadow forms under some fruit trees, such as cherry, plum, some types of apple trees. On the one hand, less hardy perennials can be planted here, on the other hand, trees greatly dry out the soil in a significant radius around them. And most of the shade-tolerant plants are moisture-loving. This should certainly be taken into account when choosing compositions on such plots. Cereals, periwinkle, Goryanka, comfrey, forest anemone, bergenia, broad-leaved kupena will take root here.

planting shade-loving plants under fruit trees, keep in mind that they take away some of the nutrients needed to form a crop!

If the openwork shadow is formed by the crowns of non-fruiting trees, and the sun illuminates the flower bed from 3 to 5 hours during the day, lupins, daylilies and many others will feel comfortable in such flower beds. medicinal herbs: lungwort, rhodiola rosea, lemon balm, spring umbilicus, woodruff.

Shade-loving perennial garden shrubs

Mainly used to create natural areas, but many of them look great in accent compositions. Available both in groups and solo.

For decorativeness in autumn and even winter time years this bush has few equals. When everything that was pleasing to the eye in summer turns into a faded and dull gray background, the chic euonymus foliage becomes a real highlight of your garden.

Will make a pair of autumn euonymus with its decorative foliage. One of the most unpretentious shrubs, which has a clear advantage over others - in the shade, its leaves do not lose their variegated color. Their contrasting pattern creates the illusion of light highlights in the shady corners of the garden, refreshing them and making them visually brighter.

It has become increasingly popular in recent years. Volumetric foliage, spectacular flowers and seed boxes - all this against the background of enviable unpretentiousness is deservedly appreciated by gardeners and landscape designers.

Seasonal classification

A typical mistake in landscaping shady areas is not taking into account the seasonality of flowering of various crops. As a result, the attractiveness of the decorated corner of the garden is short-lived. Meanwhile, if this moment is taken into account in advance, it is possible to create sites on which flowering will be continuous throughout the summer season.


Early spring is the time of primroses, which should not be neglected. After the dull winter monotony, the look at them will rest almost more than in the summer on roses. They will please with their early modest beauty for about a month. Buds open first different kinds snowdrops, hellebore, corydalis, European kandyk, blueberries. It will take quite a bit of time, and the oak anemone, jeffersonia, and liverwort will bloom.

Primroses, as a rule, are prone to active self-seeding, therefore, they require control over reproduction. It is best to identify new foci in early spring, when they just open their buds.

By the end of spring, primroses are ready to be replaced by soldanella, common lumbago, Goryanka and uvularia, which will look especially advantageous against the background of undersized shade-loving shrubs. If it is necessary to cover a significant area, it is recommended to alternate round-leaved saxifrage with phlox and hybrid primroses. They will create a fairly dense leafy-floral rug in places where the sun rarely looks.


Among the shade-loving perennials that bloom in summer, there is something to choose from, given the location of the composition, conditions and general landscape design. We advise you to pay attention to martagon (curly lily), which from year to year will bloom more and more luxuriously. However, it should be noted that this is a tall plant (some varieties grow more than 1.5 m in height) and under trees with low crowns it will look ugly. But it will be very advantageous to be placed along the fence or on the shady side of the garden building. Paired with lilies, the sinuous corydalis and the bell look great, also calmly enduring the lack of lighting.


The cold season is not so generous for flowering shade-loving perennials, but at this time many ornamental shrubs delight with their lush foliage. Conifers with ferns also help out in such places. It is recommended to supplement compositions with them so that with the onset of the first cold days the garden does not lose its attractiveness. This is a warty euonymus and white turf, as well as mahonia, forsythia and others. should not be ignored and berry bushes such as barberry or hawthorn. Of the late-flowering shade-loving plants, the palm-shaped kirengeshoma can be distinguished. Its voluminous decorative leaves are advantageously complemented by bell inflorescences.

A rational approach to the selection of perennial flowers and shrubs to decorate shady places makes it easier to care for personal plot, eliminating its "poorly performing" features. Mistakes in this matter will require constant maintenance and regular financial investments, which, with the right choice of compositions, can be completely avoided.

In a shady garden area or country house the most suitable for planting are shade-loving garden flowers. In extreme heat, being in a shady corner, you can enjoy bright flowering flower beds. Various plants are chosen to create a beautiful flower arrangement.

It is necessary to select a plant depending on the degree of illumination. garden plot. It is also important to ensure that they meet all the principles of decoration and landscaping.

shade-loving flowers

Illumination is determined by taking into account the duration and intensity of sunlight. Shade area may vary depending on the season.

Factors affecting the degree of illumination of the site:

  • sun height
  • day length
  • Leaves on the trees
  • The flowering of some plants depends on the length of daylight hours.

If the site is in partial shade, then it is illuminated by direct sunlight for no more than 3 hours in the morning or evening. At the same time, a shadow is observed during the daytime. Penumbra will also be indicated by uniform illumination throughout the day.

If the site receives 3 hours of daylight in the middle of the day, and the rest of the time the illumination is limited, then this is a shadow.

Determining a rarefied shadow is also simple: the sun's rays penetrate the site through the foliage throughout the day.

There are such concepts as dry and wet shade. Dry shade is observed under deciduous trees.

They suck out all the available moisture from the soil. This is due to their developed root system. The leaves of such trees block access to precipitation. Not all flowers can exist in such an environment.

In dry shade conditions, Anemone, Geranium, Dicentra, Digitalis, Periwinkle, etc. can grow well.

For wet shady areas where there are no obstacles for water ingress. A flower garden located in such a zone retains moisture even in the case of a dry period. However, fungal infections actively multiply in such a site and slugs, snails, which are pests, appear. This is the only drawback of wet shady areas. Here it is recommended to plant Astilba, Liverwort, Honeysuckle, Fern, Primrose, etc.

In order for the flowers to grow well and delight with their beautiful and lush flowering, it is necessary to determine the degree of illumination suburban area and based on this, select suitable instances.

Shade-loving perennials: types and description

Perennial garden plants are called flowers that grow for a long time in one place without a transplant.

It is perennials that gardeners prefer, as they have a number of advantages compared to annuals:

  • Flowering does not finish even after the first frost
  • Do not need care in the winter
  • Do not lose their attractiveness during the season

Among the large number of shade-loving perennials, the most popular are the following types:

Creeping Ayuga. Another name for the flower is Zhyvuchka. The stem length reaches about 25 cm. This is a ground cover plant that produces many bright inflorescences. Flowers can be blue, blue, purple and pink. Prefers to grow on loamy soils.

Astrantia is big. The plant reaches a height of one meter. The flower diameter is about 5 cm, the petals are pink or white-pink. Leaves are long-petiolate, small. In appearance, the plant resembles a starfish. Flowering begins at the end of June. The plant is resistant to many diseases.

Anemone. Belongs to the genus of perennial plants of the Ranunculaceae family. It can reach a height of 45 cm. The flowers are solitary in diameter about 8 cm. Depending on the variety, they can be white, pink, purple or blue.

Corydalis. Frost-resistant ornamental plant. It has an upright stem, at the top of which is an inflorescence. Height is about 40 cm. The flowers are yellow or pale yellow. Begins to bloom in early spring.

Hosts. Refers to ornamental rhizomatous plants. Attracts a flower with its large beautiful leaves. It is a cold-resistant and drought-resistant plant that does not require special care. This flower is an excellent background for other plants.

Dicentra. Herbaceous perennial. The plant can reach up to 1 meter in height. The stem is thick, fleshy, erect. It has two sepals that fall off after blooming. The shape of the flower is slightly flattened, about 2 cm in diameter. They are red or pink.

Saxifrage. A low growing perennial plant. The flowers are collected in paniculate or racemose inflorescences. Depending on the variety, the petals can be white, red, light yellow, etc. It begins to bloom in early summer.

Liverwort. Herbaceous perennial plant with three-lobed and pubescent leaves below. At first they are red-violet in color, and then turn green. In height, the liverwort can reach up to 20 cm. The diameter of the flowers is 2-3 cm. Flowering begins in early spring and lasts for 20 days. It grows well on fertile and loose soils.

Large-leaved plants will look great next to shrubs and trees: spring umbilical, oak anemone, noble liverwort. They are early-flowering and have attracted attention with their own since April.

Shade-loving annuals: characteristics of plants

Annual flowers delight with their beautiful buds for just one season. They are good because each time you can form different compositions.

How to care for shade plants

In shaded areas, the soil is slightly different from sunny areas. Usually in the shade, the soil does not dry well, so it can be wet. There is also dry soil in a shaded area. This is due to the fact that the dense crown does not allow moisture to pass through.

Perennial plants grow after some time. In this case, thinning is performed. This procedure is recommended to be carried out in the fall.

Perennials should be planted in warm time of the year. Water moderately. Water for irrigation should not be very cold. Leave a bucket of water in the sun for several hours beforehand.

When the plants began to wake up in the spring, you can fertilize with nitrogen. For example, saltpeter, which looks like small white peas. Before flowering, we recommend adding phosphorus and potassium. Can buy ready-made funds in the store, or use the ashes. We advise you to dilute it in warm water, let it stand for about three days, and then water the plants with the resulting mixture. Of course, you can apply it in dry form, but then it will be absorbed by plants more slowly.

Dried leaves should be removed in a timely manner. If seeds appear, then they need to be cut off. Plants spend a lot of energy on their formation.

Tall plants can bend due to strong winds or the heaviness of flowers. For this purpose, it is necessary to put props. It is better to choose inconspicuous bayonets so that they do not spoil the beautiful view of flowering plants.

Subject to these rules, the flower garden will always be well-groomed.

Creating a flower bed of shade-loving flowers

Compositions of shade-loving plants are decorative throughout the season. Some attract attention with their leaves, while others - with flowering.

Perennials are usually chosen for the shady garden. When creating a flower garden, use different flowers in my own way color scheme, size. For a flower bed measuring 2 × 3 meters, tall plants are first planted: Astilba, Hosta, Hydrangea, etc.

The next row is Anemone, Dicentra, Geranium, Goryanka, etc. For edging the flower garden, Periwinkle, Gubastic, Saxifrage, etc. are planted. These plants can be used to fill gaps.

Tall flowers are planted separately. Medium-sized plants are recommended to be planted in groups. To prevent weeds from growing, flowers should be placed closer.

For creating beautiful flowerbed you should prepare the soil for the flower garden. First you need to remove the old sod and remove all weeds.

Using a pitchfork, it is good to loosen the earth, mixing compost, clay and sand.

If the size of the flower bed is about 1 sq. m., then it is recommended to plant according to the following scheme: 10 ground cover plants, 5 medium-sized, about 7 undersized flowers and 2-3 tall ones.

Most often, asymmetric and island flower beds are equipped on a suburban area.

Multi-level plantings are also popular.

Which shade-loving plants are right for you depends on the shape and size of the flower bed. If it is located near the walls of the house or near the fence, then the tallest flowers are planted farther from the edge, and at the very end, those that creep along the ground.

If the shape is round or any other that allows you to create a symmetrical pattern, then the tallest plants can be placed in the center of the composition.

Of course, empty spaces will look ugly and provoke the appearance of weeds, but flowers should not be allowed to overwhelm each other and compete for light and nutrients. Therefore, provide each pet with enough space, and empty areas can be filled with decorative elements.

This is what stones are for. original form, garden figurines, spikelets, ferns, or even just gravel paths. In addition, too dense landings provoke fungal diseases, especially in the shade, and the appearance of pests such as slugs.

The love of shadow is not the only quality that should unify the elements of your composition. Therefore, when choosing flowers, pay attention to what kind of care they require in advance. Of course you can't

On a suburban area in places with insufficient light, it is best to start seedlings of shade-loving plants for a perennial garden. Landscape designers claim that the shadow formed as trees grow has a different character. It can be scattered, thick, or change depending on the season and time of day. But all darkened corners require special care. There is an opinion that plants need a large amount solar heat and light, but in reality everything is completely different. Nature adapts, and today you can find shrubs, ornamental grasses that prefer darkened areas to open sunny spaces. All of them have their own characteristics and are remarkable for their unusual, non-standard beauty of shape and shade.

Perennial shade-loving plants are great for areas with a lot of trees and a lack of sunlight.

Shadow lovers: who is it?

There is a huge variety of shade-loving crops that are used to decorate the countryside. They can be classified by type as follows:

By development and growth period:

  • annuals - those that reach the peak of development during one season;
  • perennial - those that will decorate the space in front of the house for more than one season.

By variety:

  • herbs - this is a large group that is used to decorate the general background;
  • flowers: they are distinguished by brightness and contrast, the peak of development is the formation of an inflorescence, they are used for decoration, they do not exceed 15-30 cm in height;
  • Shrubs: can reach heights of several meters, are used to create hedges or as an accent.

Aquilegia has wonderful aroma and does not require extensive maintenance.

Shade-loving perennials are distinguished by the fact that:

  • perfectly tolerate low temperatures;
  • when the first cold weather sets in, the upper part dies off or simply dries up;
  • as soon as the first rays of the sun warm the earth, the top will come to life again.

Attention! All cereals, flowers and shrubs, which are classified as shade-loving, are distinguished by violent formations (although they are mostly dull and discreet) and a lush leafy hat.

To keep attractive suburban area it is necessary to use such plants that will replace each other when the season changes. Experts say that there is nothing better than grouping different varieties that differ in development time. So the landscape will constantly play with new colors.

Before planting, you need to select and prepare a place. After all, it is the location that will affect the quality of the foliage. Moreover, it is necessary to understand that the plant will occupy the allotted territory for at least 5-10 next years.

Among other preparatory measures, there are four main ones:

  • removal of weeds;
  • removal of the root system of weeds;
  • creating a nutrient layer with fertilizers and minerals;
  • loosening and digging the soil.

These manipulations will be quite enough to make the new inhabitants of the garden feel comfortable.

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Shade tolerant grasses and ornamental grasses

From different types astilba you can grow a chic flower bed.

In the garden, decorative cereals are used for decoration. With their help, they line the general background and form the basis for the implementation of any design solution. All cereals are characterized by the following features:

  • require minimal maintenance;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • resistance;
  • minimal feeding with mineral fertilizers is required;
  • lay the "carpet" for at least a few years.

A garden that uses herbs and cereals for decoration will be beautiful in late autumn and even in the winter season.

Today there are over 10,000 different ornamental grasses. Under this name it is customary to understand the families of cereals, rushes, aroids and cattails. If speak about decorative species, then it should be understood that they are perceived by a person differently from ordinary ones. First of all, the emphasis here is not on brightness, but on abundant flowering and elegance of form.

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shade-loving flowers

Shade tolerant perennials are the best way for cottages or estates, which have a large number of zones immersed in the shade. It is best to decorate these spaces with perennials that are not whimsical to external environmental conditions and care. The following varieties are considered the most popular:

Forest hyacinth grows well in the root system of trees.

  1. Aquilegia. A very unusual flower with a fabulous aroma and attractive appearance.
  2. Astilbe. It is often used to decorate gardens and flower beds, but few people know that this species suitable for growing in shaded areas and corners.
  3. Brunner. It develops over a long period of time. It will please the eye with creamy inflorescences and small blue flowers. Leaves painted in a silvery-bluish color will look very attractive against the general background.
  4. Forest hyacinth. It has an elegant appearance and a sweetish aroma. In its natural habitat, it grows near the root system of trees.
  5. Rogersia. It absolutely does not tolerate drought. Grows tall large arrows. Requires additional watering from the gardener.
  6. Lily of the valley forest. Feels great in the shade of trees. Blooms for a short period.
  7. Zhivuchka. It is notable for the fact that it can bloom from the beginning of March and continues to bloom until the end of November.
  8. The host has the widest color palette.

All of the varieties listed above are among the most persistent and hardy. They can be grown both indoors and outdoors.


In places with an increased level of shading, all varieties of primroses will bloom for a long period.

Moreover, they can be planted directly under shrubs and trees.

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shade-loving shrubs

The tenacious can bloom for a long period from March to October.

The garden is another opportunity to feel like an artist. Each gardener can feel like a designer and create an unrealistic picture from a combination of flower groups and shrubs. When choosing the latter, it is necessary to take into account not only their decorative features, but also the nature of the development of the root system. This is necessary in order not to harm the development of young trees in the future.

Shade-tolerant plants are considered the best option for the design of areas located near residential buildings, and for the formation of hedges. The most popular options are yellow acacia, silver sucker, exochord and euonymus. In order to organize the garden plane as efficiently as possible, it is worth planting shrubs in shaded spaces that will bear fruit in the future. These include viburnum, cultivated currant, hazel, barberry and hawthorn.

Conifers will look very effective in the garden. They are unpretentious and easy to care for. They are also much easier to transplant than any other types of shrubs. An ideal option for decorating the site is juniper and thuja.

Attention! Hybrid varieties and watersheds tolerate the lack of sunlight well. They differ in incredible shape and color. The foliage of some shrubs can be colored in the manner of a zebra or leopard.

For some reason, there is an opinion that flower beds should be located in well-lit places. But it does not always work out, and this is not at all bad, because there are a huge number of ornamental plants that grow well in the shade. Blooming shade-loving perennials often escape the attention of summer residents, they are remembered only when necessary when it is necessary to organize a flower garden in a shaded corner of the garden.

Perennial ornamental plants, blooming or pleasing to the eye only with their foliage, are the basis of most garden flower beds. The main purpose of the dacha and the garden is to grow fruits, and most of the owners do this, there is little space and time left for flowers or ornamental shrubs. Therefore, it is better to plant plants that grow more and more from year to year, and they need to be planted once every three or five years.

Once planting them in a flower bed, you can not worry about the annual design of the flower bed, planting new plants. If there is time and desire, you can always revive the flower garden with annuals, but if there was no time, it will still look beautiful thanks to overwintered perennials. And they winter most often without problems, without effort on the part of the owners.

To decorate the dacha, unpretentious herbs are most often used, climbing plants, flowers, shrubs. Everything flowering plants can be divided into large groups according to flowering time. There are early bloomers that start the garden flowering season as early as May. Plants that bloom in June-July pick up the baton, others continue, which delight the eye from August until the very cold. But the most beloved among summer residents are those that bloom throughout the warm season. Phloxes, which grow in almost every garden, should be mentioned among them.

There is an opinion that even if all the flowers suddenly disappear, and only phloxes remain, they will be able to provide the garden with bright colors and a wonderful aroma from June to September. Phlox love sunny areas, but can grow in partial shade. In shaded flower beds, they bloom longer, but not as luxuriantly as in the sun.

They are undemanding to the soil, but prefer light, loose, nutritious. They love moisture, but do not tolerate stagnant water at the level of their roots, and this is a depth of up to 15 cm. Perennial phloxes are propagated by seeds, cuttings, autumn (summer too) shoots, dividing the bush. Most often they are seated, dividing the bush, in early spring or autumn, after the autumn planting, the stems are shortened by a third. The bushes hibernate well under the snow cover, if there is no snow, then you need to cover it, otherwise the roots may freeze out.

Bloom all summer and garden roses. Usually people love roses, but those who already grow them know that they take time and trouble. Young roses can freeze in winter, they are prone to disease, capricious. There are few shade-tolerant varieties among them. But you can choose zoned varieties that will grow in your area without much difficulty. Park roses are often planted near fences or buildings; modern Dutch varieties are unpretentious and winter well.

Those who want to see flowering plants in spring grow tulips, daffodils, primroses, crocuses, irises in their garden. Tulips grow well on neutral or slightly alkaline sandy loam soil, it is better to prepare heavy soil by adding sawdust or river sand. It should be planted in autumn, when the temperature at a depth of 10 - 12 cm drops to + 10, this will be approximately in the middle of September. In 3 to 4 weeks, the plant will take root, after which frosts will no longer be able to affect its growth next spring. Most varieties are photophilous, but can grow in the shade.

But crocuses are quite shade-tolerant, they grow well in the shade of trees and shrubs. White, blue, yellow, lilac - they can bloom as early as April. These bulbous perennials are not capricious, tolerate winter well, and do not cause concern to gardeners.

Primroses do not like direct sunlight, bloom in early spring, prefer temperatures no higher than + 12, when the temperature rises, they drop flowers. Many varieties bloom again when temperatures drop again. They love moisture.

Irises are considered sun-loving plants, but they bloom wonderfully in the shade. Unpretentious, hardy, tolerate cold and drought well - ideal for busy summer residents. There are low and tall ones with large or graceful flowers; after spring flowering, a lush green bush remains all summer. The most common are blue, purple, yellow, white terry, brick and two-tone are less common.

Video " Shade tolerant garden flowers»

Video selection of names of decorative shade-tolerant flowers for growing in the garden.

June - July delight us with the greatest variety of colors in the garden, when most flowers bloom. Daisies, cornflowers, calendula, multi-colored delphiniums - eyes run wide. Majestic delphiniums are able to decorate any flower bed, they grow well in the sun and in partial shade. Propagated by cuttings, buds, root division. Best time for planting in garden beds - August - September, so that the plants can take root before frost. The bush is thinned out, breaking out weak or just extra shoots so that the remaining 3-4 give a luxurious flowering.

It is difficult to surprise someone with peonies. This convenient combination of a luxurious flower and a completely unpretentious plant is loved by all summer residents. Red, pink, white flowers with a heady sweet aroma, peonies do not tolerate shade and lowlands flooded with water, they do not like peat. Everything else does not affect their viability.

Bluebells also do not like stagnant water, they need to be planted in elevated areas, well lit or slightly shaded, and they will delight with their flowering from June to August. Lilies bloom in July, some varieties later. This perennial belongs to shade-tolerant plants, it is not capricious, does not require special care. They like a lot of water during flowering, they do not like overheating of the soil around their roots. If there is little snow in winter, it is better to cover the lilies.

The last month of summer brings the flowering of dahlias and gladioli. Gladiolus love lots of sun and long daylight hours. They need moisture and air temperature from 10 to 25 degrees. Dahlias also love the sun, they are planted in bright flower beds sheltered from the wind with humus-rich soils with good drainage. A tall plant (up to 2.5 m) with an unimaginably diverse palette of flowering and odorless can become a decoration of the garden if grown in light or slightly shaded areas.

Exquisite chrysanthemums also love lighted places. They bloom no earlier than September, housewives often transplant flowering chrysanthemums indoors to let them bloom. In the garden, they withstand temperatures down to -7 degrees, they winter well even in Siberia (there, roots with shortened stems are covered with peat and spruce branches).

Ideas for a shady flower garden

Shade-tolerant plants are considered to be plants that easily adapt to a lack of sunlight. It is they, along with the shade-loving ones, who should make flower beds in the shady corners of the garden plot. Among them, a special place is occupied by hosts. They look great from spring and develop with little sunlight, and bloom until mid-autumn. But they are valued not even for flowers, but for the decorativeness of the bush.

Bright astilba, blooming almost all summer and autumn, will perfectly enliven any flower garden in a shaded corner of the garden. Ferns, of which there are a huge number of species, will become an indispensable main background, shading the bright flowers of periwinkle, begonias, frost-resistant petunias that can bloom in the shade. Shade-tolerant plants do not give long luxurious flowering, but they look great all season, decorating the garden with their foliage and embossed bushes.

The more valuable they seem beautiful flowers lily of the valley, bergenia thick-leaved, saxifrage, lungwort, foxglove and liverwort noble, violet and podophyllum thyroid. Doronicum (Yellow Chamomile) blooms even longer in the shade, iris and daylily will bloom long and luxuriously in partial shade, replacing each other. Creating a flower bed in a shaded place, you can plant snowdrops, hyacinths, primroses. They will bloom before the trees that shade them have leafed out. Ivy and wild grapes, if there is room to grow nearby, will give lush greenery in summer and incredible brightness in autumn.


Video for flower growers with a selection of photos of perennial garden flowers that do not require special care.