Is it possible to make an opening in the bearing wall. Doorway in load-bearing wall

Repeatedly in our lives we are faced with the reconstruction of apartments or houses. And often this process is accompanied by the construction of new entrances. But what to do when, behind the layout, this passage is located in bearing wall? This task is by no means an easy one. Having made a mistake, the design of the room as a whole may suffer. The situation is complicated if a person decides to do all the work with his own hands, but in no case should you despair. You just need to take into account some of the subtleties of working with a load-bearing wall.

Coordination of redevelopment

Before starting work, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the relevant authorities. The following factors influence their response:

  • housing construction (so that the room is not completely destroyed due to the opening);
  • deterioration of walls (walls, like people, have the ability to age and lose their former strength and durability);
  • wall type and thickness;
  • placement of the opening (it should not coincide with the junction of the ceilings and the wall);
  • the size of the opening in relation to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall;
  • the gap between the opening and adjacent walls;
  • the gap between the highest edge of the opening and the ceiling;
  • opening width;
  • the number of floors above the opening.

Only after receiving a positive response from the relevant authorities, we proceed to direct work.

Tool selection

First of all, in any construction works ah is the training equipment. Professional builders use a concrete cutter, a do-it-yourself tool for working with load-bearing walls - a jackhammer, a puncher will also work. In addition, you will need:

  • sledgehammer;
  • marking equipment;
  • welding;
  • studs or bolts (depending on the profile);
  • nuts;
  • washers;
  • channels;
  • cement mortar.

Preparatory work

1. Make sure that there are no electrical communications behind the wall or turn them off.

2. Mark the outline of the opening. Due to the fact that the load-bearing walls are thick, they have to be disassembled from 2 sides.

3. Drill through holes with a 12mm bit in the corners of the outline. They will help you navigate while marking the opening on the other side.

4. Cut out the channels of the required length.

Installing the jumper

The jumper is the most important component in the whole process. The load on the load-bearing walls will be transferred to this part, so the safety of the whole house depends on the correct installation of it.

For installation, first of all we knock down the plaster and knock out a recess along the upper line of the opening, we will lay the channel into it. The length of the recess is: the width of the opening plus one meter. The profile should fit snugly into the place prepared for it. We clean the remains of the brick with a wire brush and rinse with water.

For tightening fasteners, we drill holes in the profile in increments of approximately 3 cm (no more). When everything is ready, we wet the surface and apply a cement mortar into which we immerse the channel. We drill through the wall, focusing on the prepared holes. On the reverse side, thanks to the previous stage of work, we easily outline and knock out the same niche. We insert the second profile into it (with holes drilled, as in the first one) and tighten both channels with studs (bolts), at the ends of which we put washers and tighten the nuts. We fill the voids in the profiles with concrete or brick.

Another way to set the jumper:

In addition to the above method of installing a jumper, there is a second one. For him, we need two beams with an L-shaped profile. This design is called a precast concrete lintel. Such profiles do not need to be tightened with studs (bolts). After the grooves have been cleaned in the places where the jumper is supported, we put a thick layer on both sides cement mortar. Next, we proceed to the installation of reinforced concrete beams. When the solution dries, we can start cutting the opening.

Cutting an opening depending on the material

Many people are worried about how to make an opening in brick wall. In fact, among all materials, with a brick, this process will be the easiest. Removing one row, all the rest will go without problems. The situation is quite different with concrete. It will take a long and difficult time to work with a puncher.

  • We knock out a concrete wall:

We make an opening in a concrete load-bearing wall, to facilitate our work, we will proceed as follows:

1. Divide the wall area into several small squares.

2. According to the applied contours, we cut the concrete with a grinder or drill it with a puncher (this will take more time).

3. Separate elements of the wall are knocked out with a sledgehammer quite simply, while in others it will be necessary to disassemble the reinforcement.

For whom it is more convenient to see how to properly break through a load-bearing wall, the video is at the end of the article.

  • Finishing work:

After the opening is ready, it is necessary to further strengthen it. Between two channels we weld a continuous strip of steel, approximately 6 mm thick. Another option: we weld the plates in 2 cm increments. We install corners on both sides of the opening, or, in their absence, channels are also suitable, but they will require niches. We weld them to the upper crossbar of the opening. Also, we connect each pair of corners with steel plates and tighten them with studs (for them, on the corners or channels, it is necessary to drill holes in advance). If this reinforcement seems not enough to you, then to make the load-bearing wall more durable, install the lower horizontal jumper, weld it to the racks.

door from window

Often there are cases when the door is planned to be made in place of the window. This operation does not require much effort.

In order to make a door from the window of a load-bearing wall with our own hands, we need:

  • steel corners (necessarily at an angle of 90 degrees);
  • channels;
  • reinforced concrete beams;
  • powerful perforator;
  • ruler;
  • Bulgarian;
  • sledgehammer;
  • Sander.

First of all, remove the window. There may be remains of plaster and paint in its old place, we remove them grinder. After we get rid of the lower partition, if it is made of brick, then we simply pierce it with a sledgehammer, if it is concrete, then we cut it out as with a normal opening. If metal fragments were present in the partition, we get rid of them with the help of a grinder. Plasterboard partition disassemble in parts (first of all, we eliminate the self-tapping screws).

We get rid of the debris and begin to install the jumper. The jumper is installed using the same technology as when creating a doorway from scratch.

Considering that we are making an opening in a load-bearing wall, it is advisable to fix the overlapping structures using long vertical posts along the entire height of the housing.

Arch in load-bearing wall

Sometimes, instead of a doorway, the owners put an arch. It looks much prettier. But there are many nuances in working with the arch. For example, make it in brick house only a professional can do it, since a relationship with the location of the masonry joints is required. With a panel house, things are different. This option can be done independently.

  • We make an arch in the load-bearing wall of a panel house:

First of all, we cut out a U-shaped opening, which we strengthen with profiles, we will fit the arch into it. The next step is to measure the doorway.

After measuring, we proceed to create the frame:

1. We make a frame, on which in the future we will mount a curved strip, for it we use a profile 27 by 28.

2. We select scissors for metal, it will be most convenient to work with those that have spring mechanism(for this type, the handles themselves recline after compression).

3. We cut the profile, 2 sides out of three, it is necessary that it acquire an arcuate shape (the steeper you plan the bend, the more often we make cuts).

4. We turn the profile clockwise to the side, thereby placing it inside the fixed right front part of the arch (the second one should be on the opposite side).

5. We make cuts on the upper and middle parts every 50 mm.

6. The frame is ready, but it should be strengthened. We install crossbars made of profile 60 by 27, fixing them with short self-tapping screws.

7. We install the frame in the opening.

Next, we need to make the front parts of the arch. To do this, you can choose any material, but in self-manufacturing the best option becomes drywall. The front parts are in the shape of a semicircle. To get the perfect shape, we will make a “compass” from improvised things. Take the thread and fix it in the center of the semicircle, measure the radius (the width of the opening divided by two) and fix the second end on the pencil. We draw, cut and attach to the frame. Our arch is ready, we can safely plaster or paint it.

Connecting a room to a balcony

A balcony is always made in a load-bearing wall, this is the main problem. Getting permission to connect it to a room is very difficult. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the balcony is a settling area in case of fire. It is easiest to take a person out of it. Therefore, before you decide to take such a step, think carefully.

If the decision has not changed, and you have received permission, then begin the following work. The first step is to glaze the balcony. Next, we dismantle the wall, but since it is a carrier, we must install a jumper that will take on the entire load. Also, during the work it will be necessary to raise the floor on the balcony. The last step will be the insulation of the balcony.

It is worth adding that this process is very laborious and for safety it is better to consult a professional.

Closing the old hole

Very often, after creating a new entrance, the need for the previous one disappears and it must be repaired. In the case of an internal partition, it is possible to lay a drywall sheet, then with an external one, in addition to the capital bookmark, there are no other options. For embedding, we use materials such as brick or foam block.

First, let's prepare the hole. We remove the plaster (and if present, then the paint) to the very base. We do this process along the entire wall, and not just in places of slopes. In the opening of the brick we make recesses that will be needed for binding with fresh masonry. We remove half the brick in every fourth row. We drill one-sided holes in the ends of the concrete wall and drive metal rods into them, 7-9 mm thick. A prerequisite is that the holes are in places between the rows of future masonry. We cover the threshold of the opening with waterproofing, it will serve as a roofing material.

Before laying each subsequent brick row, it is necessary to pull the thread in a horizontal position between two opposite walls of the opening. This will be required to avoid errors during masonry. To be completely sure, it also costs a building level. We knit the rods that look out between the rows with reinforcement (masonry mesh is suitable instead).

After we have laid the opening with bricks, we wait a day and begin to plaster. The areas that were freed from plaster and the masonry itself are primed. We attach a steel mesh to the primer (for greater strength) and plaster again. The amount of plaster solution to be applied depends on the unevenness of the walls.

The openings on the inside are much easier to seal. First, we install the crate (using a profile) on one side of the old passage. Having plastered the first side, you can proceed to the installation of the crate on the opposite side. We lay a sound insulator (a prerequisite) and sheathe it with panels. Finishing work will be final.

Making a new doorway in a load-bearing wall is hard enough, but when you look at your updated room, you'll realize it was worth the effort. This process is possible even with your own hands, without the help of professionals. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations for working with load-bearing structures, and you will not have problems. And always remember, safety comes first.

Arranging a doorway in a load-bearing wall is not an easy task if you decide to do the work from scratch. It is far from always possible to break through a new passage, because the design of the house as a whole may suffer from this. Let's look at what needs to be considered in this case and how to cope with this task in certain conditions.

The doorway in the load-bearing wall requires mandatory reinforcement

Important Aspects

Quite a few people are concerned about the question - is it possible to make a doorway in the load-bearing wall of a brick or panel house. In general, such a decision is allowed subject to necessary conditions, but any redevelopment of such a plan is undesirable. Bearing walls are subjected to enormous loads, and therefore a violation of the technology for performing work can lead to the destruction of floors and the house as a whole.

The transfer of the doorway must be coordinated with a special service. It can take several months to complete this process, so you should think through such options in advance.

To avoid mistakes, the following important aspects must be considered:

  • material that was used in the construction of the house;
  • housing layout;
  • the ratio of the size of the opening and the load-bearing wall itself;
  • the condition of the house and, in particular, the ceilings;
  • the load that is placed on the wall from above;
  • wall thickness and condition.

The thickness and condition of the wall is one of the important aspects when organizing an opening in a load-bearing wall.

opening project

If you are thinking of moving a doorway into a load-bearing wall, first of all, you need to decide on the project. This will directly affect the order of the work and its complexity.

The following options are possible:

  • A simple doorway in the plane of a load-bearing wall. This is an opening standard sizes, which is executed from scratch in a new location. In this case, the existing passage may be closed or remain intact, which will also affect the distribution of the load.
  • archway. A more difficult option, since the shape of the bends must be taken into account. For brick walls, only a professional can do this work, since a relationship with the location of the masonry joints is required.
  • Minor aisle shift. This is the easiest and most secure option. In this case, the lintel is shifted to the side, part of the existing passage is sewn up or bricked, and a fragment of the wall of the required size is cut out on the side.

Varieties doorways in a load-bearing wall

Used tools and materials

Punching a hole in a load-bearing wall requires a special tool. The use of an impact hammer is not recommended, as rough handling and vibration can lead to cracks and chips.

For cutting walls are used:

  • Wire cutting. A special installation, which is based on wire cutting elements with artificial diamonds on the bushings.
  • Diamond drilling. For work, durable drill bits with a diamond coating of a cone shape or with a square section are used.
  • Diamond cutting saw. In this case, it is recommended to use a wet diamond cutting disc and a water tank. This will cool the tool and prevent excessive dust generation.

Tools used for sawing walls

Moving a doorway is a painstaking process. Be prepared for the fact that a lot of dust and debris is generated in the room. It is recommended to completely remove furniture and appliances during the renovation.

Panel house

An urgent question for apartment owners is how to make an opening in the load-bearing wall of a standard panel house? In this case, it is supposed to cut out a part of the concrete slab that holds the upper tiers. In order to redirect the load from this section, steel jumpers should be used.

First you need to mark the wall according to the developed project. Then holes are drilled along these marks, indicating the base points. The main ones are the upper corner ones, focusing on them, you can remove part of the concrete and lay a jumper. If you are doing it in two parts, first you need to install each half in the opening with a certain distance beyond its borders. Then drill holes for the screed with bolts, tighten them as tightly as possible and concrete.

Until the solution dries, work cannot be continued, this may violate the integrity of the structure.

After the concrete has hardened, you can proceed directly to sawing the opening itself. For these purposes, diamond cutters are used. You need to work in stages:

  1. To begin with, cut the general contour to a shallow depth on both sides, focusing on the drilled marks.
  2. Then divide the entire interior area into small sections.
  3. Saw the wall into these pieces and knock them out of the opening one by one.

The lintel is the main element in creating a doorway in a panel house

If you decide to create an arched vault, you need to use a bent channel to strengthen the opening. Additionally, a strapping is installed on the sides. In this case, all elements of the supports must follow the contours of the future opening.

Brick house

In order to equip an opening in the bearing wall of an apartment building brick house, it is necessary to slightly change the methodology of the work. The first stage as a whole remains unchanged. It is necessary to outline the approximate location of the opening and its shape. Then remove the top layer of plaster in order to free the brickwork. So, you will see all the seams and details of the wall, which will allow you to easily adjust the project to specific conditions.

All contours and details need to be corrected taking into account the location of the brick seam. In order for the jumper to perform its functions to the full, it is necessary to place it directly in the inter-seam space. To transfer the contours, a drill is also used and a through hole is made.

Since it is somewhat more difficult to make an opening in a bearing brick wall, you need to take care of the presence of auxiliary supports and lintels in advance. Until you fix the channels, you need to provide support to the upper masonry. Care must be taken to cut the opening, for this it is best to use diamond drills to minimize damage.

An important step in creating an opening in a bearing brick wall is fixing the channel

In order to strengthen the opening for a brick house, it is recommended to additionally use a metal structure made of corner profiles and plates, installed directly along the perimeter of the passage made. All parts are fastened together with bolts, as well as by welding. After that, you can proceed to the decoration and installation of the box.

Before proceeding with the redevelopment of such a scale, be sure to consult with specialists and obtain the appropriate permission. You may miss important details that will later affect the stability of the house as a whole. Don't risk safety for bold design ideas.

Install door block on a load-bearing wall, if it is not provided for in the project, it is very difficult. The problems are related to obtaining permission. It is impossible to arbitrarily cut openings in load-bearing walls. In addition to the fine issued, the passage will be forced to lay. There will be more problems if the construction of a multi-storey building suffers during amateur performances.

Bearing walls take the load from floor slabs and roofs. Partial dismantling without arranging the supporting structure will cause cracks. Timely action not taken will lead to the collapse of the building.

You can independently determine where the load-bearing walls and partitions are located according to the plan. In the registration certificate for housing they are indicated bold lines. In the absence of documentation, the main walls are determined visually by the increased thickness. Usually they are located at the junction of apartments with each other and with a flight of stairs.

Is it possible to make an opening in a load-bearing wall?

To move or cut through a new doorway on a load-bearing wall, you must submit an application to the head of the housing inspection. Based on the decision made, further work is carried out.

If the issue is not agreed with the authorities, the opening will be forced to wall up and a fine will be issued.

About cutting or moving doorway in a non-load-bearing wall refuse:

  • If the life of an apartment building over 20 years and never once overhaul. A dilapidated building can collapse.
  • When there is already a door on the wall one floor above. Refusal to obtain permission to make an opening is justified by the impossibility of their location on top of each other.
  • When the apartment is on the first and second floor. In multi-storey buildings, the entire load falls on the walls.
  • If there are obvious building defects. If the walls of the house are already cracked, permission will be categorically denied.
  • When it comes to panel and monolithic high-rise buildings, it is easier to get approval for the transfer of a doorway to residents of a brick house.
  • Completely demolish the entire main wall of the building will not be allowed under any conditions. With this option, a collapse of the floor slabs will definitely occur.

In order to obtain a technical opinion on the admissibility, there are instances for issuing permits:

  1. The homeowner submits an application to the head of the housing office. In addition, the plan of the apartment is attached and detailed description future changes to the main wall.
  2. The obtained permission gives the right to apply to the BTI employees, where specialists will develop a project and draw up new documentation. Further coordination of changes to the main wall takes place with the inspector of the gas and fire service.
  3. The last conclusion is made by the controlling organization.

After completing all the documents, you can start redevelopment.

How to make a hole in a load bearing wall?

Making a doorway in a load-bearing wall begins with cleaning the surface. Delete everything Decoration Materials up to brick or concrete. On the cleaned wall, draw the outline of the future opening. On all turns and straight sections, through holes are drilled with a small interval. On the reverse side of the partition, they also draw the outline of the opening. Marks are previously made holes that help create an accurate projection.

Before starting to cut the passage, temporary supports for the ceiling are installed. Supports will reduce the load on the walls and support the floor slabs. Cutting along the markup starts from the bottom up. It is undesirable to use percussion instruments, especially for panel houses.

Used tools and materials

To cut an opening in the main wall, you will need a cutting tool. The easiest option is a grinder with a diamond disc. Professionals use a wire saw or a diamond-coated circular saw. Make holes with a powerful electric drill. Drills are used with diamond tips in the shape of a cone or square.

Additionally, you will need a hammer, mount, sledgehammer, level, marking tool.

A channel, a corner and steel strips are prepared from the materials. Metal will be needed to strengthen the new opening.

Panel house

Cutting an opening in the load-bearing wall of a panel house begins with the arrangement of the lintel. A through cut is made along the horizontal marking line. Its length should be greater than the width of the passage in the wall. The ledge is needed so that the jumper has a reliable support outside the boundaries of the opening. A metal corner is inserted inside the slot on both sides of the wall. So that the two halves of the jumper do not move apart, through holes are drilled through the wall and tightened with long bolts. The finished metal structure is immured with concrete.

Further work is continued after the solution has solidified. Cutting is carried out with a grinder with a diamond disc. First, they go along the entire marking on one side of the wall, then they move to the other side. The cut section is sawn into squares to make it easier to dismantle them. Each segment is carefully knocked out with a sledgehammer. Flaws at the ends of the opening are leveled with a grinder.

Brick house

To make a passage in a bearing brick wall, perform similar steps. The difference is the markup. It is desirable to place the lines at the seams of the masonry. The upper jumper from the corner is inserted into the space between the seams. Wall cutting can be done with diamond-coated drills. First, the mortar is drilled at the seams, and then the masonry is disassembled with the help of a mount.


The recessed lintel is only a safety support. To strengthen the opening in the bearing wall of bricks, a channel is embedded. The workpiece is taken 60 cm more than the width of the opening. At the ends of the walls for a new lintel, windows 30 cm deep are cut out. If the masonry is thick, then two channels are placed on both sides of the partition. All voids are filled with concrete.

To strengthen the opening in the load-bearing wall of a panel house, a lintel from a channel or an I-beam is cut in a similar way. Installed on both sides of the aisle vertical racks. It turns out an opening framed by a U-shaped structure from a channel. Racks to the jumper are welded by electric welding.

If a project is being developed to strengthen the opening in the load-bearing wall, where an arch cut is provided, a mandatory strapping is built on the sides. Supports are placed regardless of the material of the wall. The upper jumper is made from a bent channel. The metal elements of the arched vault are welded together.

A change in size, location, or a new cut of an opening in the main wall of a building is considered a redevelopment. You cannot start work without obtaining permits.

The walls are different. Therefore, when redevelopment, it is necessary to know in advance what can be done with them and what is not. What is a load-bearing wall, brick, concrete, etc. More on this in the article below.

The topic of openings during the redevelopment of apartments is relevant for capital or current repairs. Improve living conditions or adjust the apartment space - the understandable desire of each owner. For example, studio apartments are directly related to the organization of new doorways and the dismantling of partitions.

Bearing wall: definition

In order to understand which walls are allowed to be dismantled, and which are only suitable for punching new door or window openings, you need to know the definition - what is a "bearing wall". If you ask such a question to a professional builder, he will explain this complex concept in two words, that these are walls that support floor slabs and or attic flooring. The word "bearing" literally reflects the main function - to carry the load from the higher wall and slab elements. In some cases, this role is partially performed by beams and free-standing columns.

The main function of load-bearing walls is to create and maintain the integrity of the building structure.

If it is wrong to redevelop and break through the arch in the bearing wall without carrying out work to ensure the uniform integrity of the building, this is fraught with big problems - deformation cracks in the supporting structures begin to open, or the ceilings collapse.

To properly rebuild an apartment you need to know:

The device of the bearing brick and concrete wall

Before deciding to arrange an opening in load-bearing walls, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the technology for erecting the main types of load-bearing walls,

Brick load-bearing

A popular building material - brick is strong and durable, it is considered the most popular type of materials in the construction of buildings and structures. When erecting load-bearing brick walls, their features, which are taken into account when punching new openings:

  1. Brickwork of exterior and internal walls, designed to absorb the load of higher elements and structures, is made only of solid bricks. More often, ceramic or silicate bricks are used for these purposes: single 250 x 120 x 65 mm or one and a half 250 x120 x 88 mm.
  2. The thickness of the outer walls is a multiple of the size of the brick and is 1.5, 2, 2.5 of the length of the brick element, which corresponds to a thickness of 380 mm, 510 or 680 mm. The thickness of the internal - can not be less than 250 mm.
  3. It is laid in rows with obligatory dressing of seams. As a binder, a cement-sand mortar of a grade of at least 25 is used.
  4. Each fifth row of brickwork is reinforced with a reinforced masonry mesh made of cold-drawn wire Vr -1 with a diameter of * 5 mm.
  5. There are several schemes for laying load-bearing external walls.

Openings in the brickwork of walls under load from above are framed by a bearing reinforced concrete concrete lintel, which perceives the load from the weight of the overlying brickwork.

Size and section reinforced concrete structure jumpers are selected as a result of the calculation at the stage of drawing up the construction project.


A building with monolithic concrete walls belongs to the category of the most durable structures that can withstand small amplitude ground vibrations.

A few decades ago, monolithic construction was used for the construction of serious industrial facilities and for multi-story construction.

With the development of monolithic housing construction technology and the use of affordable prefabricated panel formwork, concrete walls began to be used for private suburban construction.

  1. First, a special removable formwork is installed, which is necessary to give the wall contour a clear geometric shape. In the role of formwork, metal sheets 2-5 mm thick, wooden boards made of boards and beams are used. Recently, moisture-resistant plywood has been used to pour concrete, OSB boards or rigid polystyrene boards.
  2. A steel core is placed in the installed formwork, in the form of a spatial reinforcing cage. In the steel "skeleton" of a concrete wall, the load-bearing working reinforcement is responsible for receiving the main forces. For these purposes, reinforcing steel bars with a diameter of 10-16 mm with a corrugated surface are used.
  3. For the rigidity of the reinforcing cage and the distribution of additional forces, reinforcing bars with a diameter of 6-8 mm are used. The reinforcing cage is a flat mesh with a cell of 100-200 mm, connected with the help of distributive reinforcement, into a rigid spatial structure.
  4. After the reinforcing cage is installed and fixed in a removable formwork, it is the turn of filling with a concrete mixture consisting of cement, sand and crushed granite or gravel. For pouring load-bearing walls, concrete grade not lower than class 200 is used.

After the concrete mixture hardens, the formwork is carefully dismantled and transferred to a further section of the wall construction. The thickness of the concrete walls depends on the calculated temperature indicators of the outside air.

External load-bearing walls are made with a thickness of 350-450 mm, and internal ones are allowed to be made with a thickness of 250 mm.

Is it possible to make an opening in a load-bearing wall

The problem of arranging a new opening in load-bearing walls worries the owners of apartments and private households. It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question without taking into account the totality of factors influencing the solution of this problem:

  1. Need to know the type building material used for the construction of load-bearing walls.
  2. House planning project.
  3. The ratio of the desired dimensions of the new opening and the dimensions of the bearing wall.
  4. The technical condition of the building and the floor or attic floor.
  5. Perform a technical assessment of the loads on the load-bearing wall.
  6. The condition of the load-bearing wall and its thickness.

Permission or prohibition to make an opening in load-bearing structures is taken by special housing services on the basis of engineering technical calculations that take into account all of the above factors.

Permission and redevelopment: the nuances

In order to technically correctly and competently carry out redevelopment of housing or to punch an opening in load-bearing walls, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the intricacies and nuances of the process:

  1. Contact the BTI with a written statement about the desired structural change in the project of an apartment or house.
  2. Employees of this service on site assess the technical feasibility of adjusting the apartment space or residential building.
  3. The result of the assessment will be the permission or prohibition to carry out redevelopment or arrangement of an opening in the bearing walls.
  4. After receiving permits, then design organization, which has a license to develop design solutions for redevelopment. Architects will develop a solution suitable for each specific case, in full accordance with technical standards and rules.

Unfortunately, the process of agreeing and drawing up a design solution can take 2-3 months. Therefore, it is recommended to submit documents in advance in order to obtain permission to carry out work on punching the opening.

How to make a hole in a load bearing wall

The design documentation contains a detailed description of the technology for punching an opening in load-bearing walls:

  1. Recommendations are given on organizing and carrying out work on punching the opening itself.
  2. Technological sequence of work. In a multi-storey residential building, the use of impact tools such as a puncher or a jackhammer is limited, so laser cutting of supporting structures is considered the fastest and least safe type of work.
  3. After cutting the opening, and sometimes at the same time, the wall is reinforced with metal structures or clips.

How to cut in a panel house

Hole punching in panel house, in which almost all walls are load-bearing, leads to a decrease in the design indicators of structures.

Therefore, it is mandatory to carry out technical measures aimed at compensating for the lost bearing capacity. For this, additional unloading or fixing metal elements are included in the design:

  1. Welded frames made of rolled steel, fixed with metal studs made of reinforcing steel.
  2. Box-type frame, consisting of channels welded together and framing the newly formed opening.
  3. For large openings, steel clips and metal ties.

In all cases, it is important to remember that in order to properly distribute the load on the floor slab in the floor area, it is necessary to weld rectangular or square metal sheets from sheet metal to the support frame or channels.

Doorway in the load-bearing wall of a brick house

The requirements for opening in brick load-bearing wall structures are not as strict as for panel houses. To absorb the load forces of the upper floors or floor slabs, a prefabricated metal jumper is used, consisting of two metal channels, tied together with studs and nuts.

Work sequence:

  1. At the desired height of the future opening, a strobe is cut out equal to the length of the metal jumper. The minimum length of the lintel support on the wall is at least 150–200 mm. This indicator must be taken into account when preparing the support element.
  2. The cross section and size of the channels is determined by calculation. For these purposes, rolled steel No. 10.16 and less often 18 are used.
  3. After installing the channel in the groove of the brick wall, on the one hand, the resulting voids are filled cement-sand mortar. After complete drying, they start punching a furrow on the other side and installing a second channel.
  4. Installed channels are pulled together with studs and nuts.

In order to protect the metal structures of the lintel from corrosion, it is recommended to paint the steel surface with a primer and paint for metal.

How to make in a concrete wall of a private house

With the development of monolithic construction technologies, concrete mixture is often used for the construction of private houses and country houses. Sometimes situations arise when an opening is needed in the load-bearing wall of a private house. To reorganize the house space or to organize a new entrance to the attached part of the house. In a private house, punching an opening in concrete load-bearing walls is carried out like in a multi-storey building. The only difference is that load-bearing walls do not experience such loads as multi-storey buildings. Therefore, to strengthen concrete walls, which have partially lost some of their strength, after punching openings in them, small-section metal is used.

For example, for the device of an arched opening in the body of a bearing concrete wall, a channel No. 10 or a corner 100 is used. This is where the design differences end. Rolled metal is interconnected with studs or reinforcing bars.

How to make in a monolithic house

The main feature of monolithic reinforced concrete slabs consists in the presence of a steel reinforcing cage in them. This nuance is important to consider when arranging openings in a monolithic house. And in addition to cutting the wall concrete mass, you will have to face the problem of cutting reinforcing bars. Work is carried out in the following order:

  1. In order not to damage expensive diamond-coated cutting blades, it is recommended to determine the location reinforcing mesh"hidden" in the body of a concrete wall. To do this, use a metal detector and mark the location of the reinforcement with a marker.
  2. Through holes are drilled at a distance of 200-300 mm from the reinforcement location line marked with a marker.
  3. Via circular saw"Bulgarians" cut through a part of the concrete located between the drilled holes in the upper part of the opening.
  4. At the next stage, a puncher or jackhammer is used and the upper part of the opening is knocked out.
  5. The visible part of the reinforcement is cut off and moved to the next section.

After punching the opening, the concrete wall is reinforced with an all-welded or prefabricated metal frame, installed directly into the new opening.

Who can perform work on cutting an opening in load-bearing walls

Work on the organization of new openings in load-bearing walls is considered technically complex. Therefore, it is better to entrust this task to specialists with experience in this field. Indeed, in addition to dismantling, it is necessary to reinforce the wall with metal structures, and only experienced welders will perform this important part of the work. In addition, the popular diamond cutting of openings is done only by specially trained workers.

We should not forget about the problem of removing dismantled bricks or concrete from apartments located on upper floors multi-storey buildings.

Responsibility for inconsistent openings in load-bearing walls

Independent installation of openings in load-bearing walls without obtaining permits can lead to unpleasant consequences:

  1. Loss of the bearing capacity of walls and ceilings, which can cause irreversible deformation of the entire building, up to collapse.
  2. AT apartment building an attempt to break an opening in a load-bearing wall will be noticed by neighbors who will contact the housing management company or the housing office about the safety and legality of such work. And if it turns out that there is no permission to punch openings, a fine will be imposed on the owner of the housing, and they will be obliged to restore the integrity of the bearing wall.
  3. To restore the bearing capacity, it is not enough to lay the knocked-out opening with brick or other material. These methods cannot restore the load-bearing wall. You will have to seek help from a design organization to obtain a technical solution for restoring the bearing capacity of the walls.

If the owner refuses to pay the fine and lay the broken opening, the case is referred to the court, where they can make a decision up to eviction from the occupied apartment.

When deciding on the construction of a new opening in existing load-bearing walls, it is imperative to contact specialists and obtain permits for these works. The epitome of risky design solutions affecting bearing capacity of the entire building without accurate engineering calculation can lead to sad and devastating consequences.

Useful video

Is it possible to make an opening in a load-bearing wall and how to do it correctly, we will consider in detail. 'Cause it's not that easy this species walls carry a heavy load and making an opening is not so safe.

How to make an opening in a load-bearing wall is detailed below. Also on the video in this article and the photo you can get additional information you need.

Thinking about how to make an opening in a bearing brick wall, you must immediately take into account the documentation. After all, this is an important point.

According to the current legislation, redevelopment with a change in load-bearing structures is prohibited. This will need to be approved.


  • The application shall be accompanied by a detailed plan of planned changes in the building plan.
  • The issued permit will allow you to apply to the design bureau for the development of technical documentation for the planned project. Finished project is coordinated in a number of permitting commissions - fire, gas, housing and communal services.
  • The agreed project is finally approved by the controlling organization. Only after the last resolution, it is possible to proceed with the planned construction work on redevelopment - cutting through an opening in the bearing wall of the building.

Examples of openings and their finishes

This may be an opening in a panel house, or a brick one, it does not matter. It should fit into the overall interior of the room. First of all, you need to choose the desired option, and only then you can get to work.

Let's look at what they are doing and it is likely that this option will suit you:

Redevelopment safety factors

Any work with the supporting structures of buildings must be thoroughly verified and calculated. The walls of buildings experience enormous loads, so the design of the opening must be approached thoroughly. Poor-quality redevelopment in violation of technology can lead to partial or complete collapse of the house.

The calculation takes into account the most important factors affecting the final result:

  • Materials used in the construction of the building
  • The technical condition of the house, especially the floors
  • wall thickness
  • The load on the section of the structure in which it is planned to make a passage
  • Internal layout of the premises
  • Dimensions of the planned opening and its correspondence with the dimensions of the wall.

A calculated project, taking into account all the necessary factors, is agreed in the supervisory service. Work on the transfer of doorways is started only after the approval of the project.

opening options

The complexity of calculations when designing the transfer of a doorway in a load-bearing wall depends on the configuration of the planned opening. The complexity of construction work and the order of their implementation directly depend on the option chosen.

Standard straight opening

Cut through the wall from a clean slate. The calculation takes into account the existing doorway, which takes part of the load of the supporting structure. According to the project, such an opening is left untouched or bricked
Arch opening

They are more difficult to perform - the bending trajectory is taken into account in the calculation. Of particular difficulty are the calculations of an arched opening in a brick wall, taking into account the placement of masonry joints
Partial passage transfer

Assumes the offset of the jumper of the existing passage in the desired direction.
  • A new fragment of the passage of the required size is cut.
  • The unnecessary part of the opening is laid with bricks.

Hole cutting equipment

Cutting openings in the bearing wall is carried out with a special tool. Ordinary impact sledgehammers, perforators and grinders are not suitable for such a complex procedure - they create too much dust, replaceable parts wear out and break quickly, excessive vibration leads to cracks and chips on the walls.

Cutting openings in load-bearing walls is performed:

Wire cutting machine

A special rope is used as a cutting tool, on which diamond-coated bushings are put on. The rope is designed for huge tensile loads. The installation practically pulls the rope through the structure being cut. Dry and wet cutting is used. The second option helps to avoid strong dustiness.
Hand saw with diamond cutting blade

Water is supplied to the cutting area to cool the tool and prevent excessive dust generation
wall saw machine

Operating on the same principle as a hand saw, but designed to work with thick walls. Uses running water for cooling
Diamond drill tool

The cutting tool is a special cone-shaped drill with a diamond coating. This tool is also used for drilling holes in the walls for laying various communications.

Making an opening

Preparatory stage: strengthening the future opening

Construction work on changing the design of load-bearing walls is carried out strictly according to an approved project, taking into account design features building. The main objective of the project is to maintain the integrity of the building after moving or punching a new passage.

Before starting work, an early strengthening of the structure of the planned opening is carried out. To do this, strobes are cut out along the perimeter of the passage with a wall chaser, into which reinforcement (channels) is laid.

The strobes are not through - these are recesses for the reinforcing element. The cross section of the channel is calculated taking into account the various structural characteristics of the building.

Attention: The channels are laid in the recesses made by the wall chaser on both sides of the partition. In order for the laying site to match exactly, markings of the planned passage are made on the wall. According to the marking, through holes are drilled and the pattern is transferred to the other side of the wall.

  • The channels used to reinforce the structure are pre-cut to the desired length, taking into account the height and width of the planned opening. You will need two pairs for the sides of the opening and two pairs for the top and bottom. On each pair, holes are made in advance through which the channels will be fastened with studs or self-anchors. The distance between the holes is calculated by calculation.

  • Side pairs are alternately installed in strobes. Through the holes made in the channel pairs, a partition is drilled for mounting hardware. Pairs are pulled together with fasteners. Important: Fasteners must be tightened well using a special power tool or improvised materials.

After installing vertical channels, the operation is repeated with horizontal pairs. The joints of horizontal and vertical channels are fastened by welding on both sides of the future opening. The preliminary reinforcement of the opening is ready.

Main stage: cutting the load-bearing wall

After completing the preparatory stage to strengthen the load-bearing wall, they begin to break through a new doorway. The complexity of the work depends on the material of the walls. brickwork it is easiest to dismantle - it is removed row by row. With concrete wall there will be more problems during dismantling due to the presence of reinforcement in the structure.

  • To cut the opening in the wall, a hand saw with a diamond blade is more often used. At the site of the future opening, markings are applied that divide the passage into small blocks. According to the marking tool, cuts are made on both sides of the wall. The depth of the slot can be up to 15 cm on each side. Next, the blocks are alternately removed from the opening layer by layer. When dismantling, additional use of a puncher is often required.

  • When cutting through the opening with a wall saw, the depth of the cut reaches 60 cm, but during operation, access to running water is required to cool the tool and wash out concrete chips and dust.
  • Sometimes the thickness of the wall of the building turns out to be quite large, especially if the opening needs to be cut through in the foundation or facade part. In this case, a rope installation is used that can quickly cut through concrete or monolithic blocks of any thickness.
  • You can make an opening in the wall in a third way. To do this, holes are drilled according to the markings on the wall with a diamond drill. Next, you only need to saw the cut fragment into pieces and remove the pieces of the wall from the opening.
  • Modern tools for cutting openings in load-bearing structures allow you to complete work in a short time with minimal noise and dust.

The final stage: strengthening the structure

The opening cut in the load-bearing wall requires final strengthening with the use of welding and general construction works.

The work is carried out in several stages:

  • Those parts of the channels along the perimeter of the opening that were inaccessible before the dismantling of the wall are welded on. Important: the legs of the seams during welding must be at least 6 mm, in accordance with established standards.
  • Pairs of channels from different sides of the wall are connected by transverse steel plates, not more than 50 mm wide and not less than 4 mm thick. The plates are welded to the channels along the perimeter of the structure with a step of approximately 30-40 cm from each other.
  • A metal mesh is welded onto the channel, along which plaster is applied (see How to do plastering with your own hands). The integrity of the broken plaster coating of the wall is restored - all potholes and depressions are sealed, the channels are additionally strengthened with cement mortar.

Attention: Working with special tools for cutting openings in load-bearing walls requires special professional skills. When operating the equipment, you must follow the safety rules: work in protective clothing and keep your hands away from rotating parts of the mechanisms.

  • Upon completion of the redevelopment work - cutting a new passage in the supporting structure of the building - the changes made must be recorded and put into operation.
  • For this selection committee the housing organization will draw up an appropriate act. The document must be certified by representatives of the design bureau that developed the project, the company that performed the work, and the organization that accepted the facility into operation. After approval in all instances, the redevelopment will be officially legalized.

Now you know how to make an opening in a load-bearing wall. Its price will depend on the size of the opening and finishing materials. You can do everything without problems with your own hands, this will reduce costs. And the instructions will help you not to miss anything.