Moonshine from a flask. We make moonshine from a flask "for growth" Choice of can material

Designing an apparatus for the production of moonshine is quite an exciting activity. According to experts, in the past, when high-quality stainless steel was a scarce material, home-brewing devices were mainly made from aluminum milk cans-flasks. Similar design due to its accessibility and simplicity, it is still relevant today. Judging by the numerous reviews, it is not difficult to make a moonshine from a flask with your own hands. To do this, you need a base in the form of an aluminum can for food products and some additional details. You will find information on how to make a moonshine from a flask in this article.


From the flask is a special distillation system, in which the alembic has become a large capacity. The cube can be made of stainless steel, as well as aluminum. According to experts, the main advantage of a moonshine from a flask lies in its cheapness: the manufacturing process is possible without significant financial investments. In addition, flasks of food value have large volumes, namely from 25 to 40 liters, due to which the system has a significant capacity. An important fact is that working with aluminum is easy, which cannot be said about stainless steel.

About device

Due to the fact that a moonshine from a flask is a home-made device, it has enough simple design. A home distiller is represented by a flask tank, hoses and a special cooling device, which, accordingly, is more often called a refrigerator. In addition, some home craftsmen equip a home-made moonshine from a flask with a cleaning device - a steamer. With him, judging by the numerous reviews, the distillate is much better.

Operating principle

Before you make a moonshine from a flask with your own hands, you should get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow the design should work. The final product is obtained from mash, which is subjected to a heating procedure. Thus, the evaporation of alcohols, water, fusel oils and other impurities. Next, the resulting steam passes through the distillation system. Its condensation is carried out in the refrigerator. There it cools and turns into a liquid state. If the device provides for the presence of a steamer, then the impurities will settle in it, and the product itself will turn out to be non-toxic. Read more about how to assemble a moonshine from an aluminum flask below.

Where to begin?

To make a moonshine from a flask, you must first prepare a distillation cube. Since the milk can was not initially adapted for making moonshine, the master will have to equip it with two holes. One is made in the lid, the second - in the wall in the upper part.

Its diameter should not exceed 5 cm. Before that, the drilling points are marked with a pencil and the diameter of the tubes is measured so that the holes do not turn out to be larger than necessary. Then a tube will be inserted into one hole connecting the flask with a common distillation system, and a thermometer will be mounted into the other.

Second step

Very often, beginners wonder how to seal the lid of a flask for a moonshine still? This aspect is very important, since alcohol vapors will come out of a poorly sealed can, which will negatively affect the volume of finished products. Sealing the structure can be done after the holes for the hose and temperature sensor. For food tanks, special rubber layers are provided. When converting such a container into a moonshine still, home craftsmen remove this gum and wrap it with FUM tape. After the product is placed in a container with water and boiled. After the layer is installed back. At the connection points of the hoses and the thermometer, it is more expedient to use silicone gaskets, which are pressed in with nuts. Experts recommend excluding rubber, as it will begin to melt under the influence of high temperatures, and alcohol will turn out with a specific aroma. In the absence of silicone, problem areas are best smeared with dough. If it accidentally gets into the drink, then the distiller can not be afraid for its quality.

Completion of work

On the this stage the craftsman needs to connect the hose from the tank to the cooling device. It can be made from plastic water pipe, both ends of which must be plugged with two plugs.

Thus, two covers should be obtained. In each, two holes should be made using a soldering iron or drill. One large - for the pipe coming from the flask, the second - half-inch - for the fitting. Installation is carried out using special couplings. Through a small hole, cold water will be supplied to the device. Next, the caps are tightly screwed onto the pipe and carefully sealed. Due to the fact that during the distillation process a strong pressure is formed inside the refrigerator, the plugs, according to some artisans, can fly off. To prevent this, experts advise to fasten them with plastic clamps. Before connecting the second cover, a small bolt hole is drilled in the side of the refrigerator. It is fastened with nuts. It is important that there is a silicone gasket on the inside, the task of which is to prevent leakage of cold water from the refrigerator. Outside, a hook can be mounted to the bolt, through which the entire structure will be attached. At the outlet, a thick tube from the common line is connected to a silicone hose. Distillate will come out of it.

About heating methods

Judging by the reviews, most moonshiners use gas stoves to heat the mash. According to experts, this method is considered not the best.

The fact is that the burda in the container can burn. To prevent this from happening, it is better to use two heating elements with a power of 1.5 kW each. Before driving moonshine with electricity, home master you have to adjust the tank. It is necessary to mount heating elements in a flask. For this purpose, two holes are made in the container on both sides (if the heating element has a U-shape). If it is spiral, you can limit yourself to one hole with a large diameter. The heaters are sealed using FUM tape, thermal putty and nuts. The heating elements are connected to a cable, the cross section of which must be at least 25 mm, and then to a rheostat or an electronic unit. If the tank capacity exceeds 30 liters, then, according to the owners, the power of heating elements of 1.5 kW will not be enough. The optimal indicator is 3 kW.

About dry wig

In the classic moonshine, the presence of any additional devices is not provided. Judging by the reviews, a drink with fusel oils has an unpleasant taste. The fact that the products contain harmful impurities can already be recognized by the smell. So that there are no toxic impurities in the moonshine, the distillation structure should be additionally equipped with a cleaning device - a reflux condenser. Sukhoparik is used as a sump. You can make it from a one and a half liter glass jar. It is important that it be with a tin lid on the thread. Two holes must be made in the lid using a wood drill.

Then two copper or brass fittings are inserted into the sump. They come with nuts and rubber washers. Car tubes made of copper are suitable for a home-made dry wig. They must be inserted into the lid so that one is 50 mm longer than the other. One tube connects the dephlegmator to the distillation flask, the second to the refrigerator.

About the drain tap

If a moonshine device made from a tank with a capacity of not more than 25 liters, then it is not necessary to equip the structure. To drain the mash, it is enough to remove the product from the gas stove, remove the lid and tilt the tank. A wide mouth will be enough to remove the bard, and then wash the container. If the flask is designed for 40 liters, then you can’t do without a special device for draining. You can buy it at any hardware store in the plumbing department.

The basis of the moonshine still is a distillation cube. In this case, an aluminum "milk" flask with a capacity of 40 liters is used. Well, if you can find a flask with the same die-cast aluminum handles as in the picture on the left. These handles will be used for pressing top cover so they should be pretty strong. The condition of the top cover and the rubber o-ring do not play a big role, and the condition of the flask itself does not really matter. By means of the described clamp, it is possible to seal containers even with deformed edges.

First you need to disconnect the lid of the flask, remove the clamping bar from the lid. Ignore the two holes that will remain in the lid after that.
You can also remove the unnecessary lid clamping element in the form of a lever with a clamping loop, which is located on the flask body.

A tank made of stainless steel or aluminum is suitable for the role of a cooler (refrigerator). You can also use a galvanized iron tank of 25-30 liters, but it does not have sufficient rigidity.
There is a coil inside the tank. It is made in the form of a spiral of a copper tube with a diameter of 10-12 mm and a length of 2.5-3 meters. The larger the diameter of the tube, the shorter its length can be. . Depending on the length of the tube, the spiral can have 2-3 turns. The diameter of the resulting coil should be such that it freely enters the inside of the coolant tank.
The lower end of the snake is brought out. The tightness in this place can be provided in any suitable way. I used a brass bushing with a threaded outer diameter. The nut is also brass, the gasket is any. In the upper part, the coil is attached to the tank wall with a clamp.

Water is supplied to the cooling tank through a branch pipe in its lower part. In the same way, in the upper part of the tank, a piece of tube is tightly inserted into the drilled hole and soldered, on which a hose will be put on to drain warm water. In general, the design of a cooler with a coil can have an arbitrary form. It all depends on the materials at your disposal. It is only necessary to ensure the overall rigidity of the structure, to exclude water leakage and not to use ferrous metal parts. The most suitable material is stainless steel, copper and its alloys.

A galvanized iron tank with a volume of 32 liters will be used as a cold water tank. Here you can use any suitable container made of metal or plastic. The larger the tank, the less often you will have to add water to it, so choose based on your needs.
Adjustment of the supply of cold water to the refrigerator is carried out using ball valve mounted on the bottom of the tank. The connection from the faucet to the lower connection of the refrigerator is made using a suitable hose.

Copper tube for coil

For the coil, it is desirable to use a copper tube with a diameter of at least 10 mm. More is better. A pipeline connecting the reflux condenser with a dry steamer was made from the same tube. For the coil, it is desirable to use a thin-walled tube, while improving heat transfer between cold water and alcohol vapors. Well, it's like a theory. And we use the one we find.
When bending a tube, especially a thin-walled tube, care must be taken not to "break" it at a small radius. Therefore, if you do not have experience, it is advisable to fill the tube with dry sand before bending. One end of the tube is flattened, then it is filled with sand, with occasional tapping to seal. After the tube is full, plug the other end. Now the tube can be bent as you like.

Tubular electric heating elements in the amount of 2 pieces can have a different design, as long as they enter the flask. It is desirable that they differ in power. For example, one heating element with a capacity of 1.5 kW, the second 2.5 kW. In this case, by connecting one or another heating element, you can roughly control the distillation temperature regime, even if you do not have a power regulator. The total power of heating elements should not exceed 4.5 kW. The maximum current in this case can reach 20A, so pay attention to the condition of the wiring, the reliability of the connections in the junction boxes, at the terminals of the electric meter, check what current the meter itself and the protection elements are designed for (fuses (plugs) or circuit breakers. Take this very seriously.

You will also need a two-liter glass jar with a screw-on metal lid - a future steamer, a piece of a watering hose, a soldering iron with a power of at least 100 watts with all the bells and whistles (solder, flux, etc.) and other little things. The solder should contain as little lead as possible, for example, POS-91.

Although there are many home distillers on the market of different price categories, experienced moonshiners prefer to make equipment on their own or place an order with trusted craftsmen according to their own drawings and diagrams.

The advantage of this approach is not only cost savings. Often, a self-made moonshine still is more reliable and practical than most store models with incomprehensible elements that contradict the laws of physics, installed only to attract a buyer and raise the price. Next, we will consider the classic design of a moonshine still (distiller), which has no equal in simplicity and efficiency.

Scheme of operation of a moonshine still with a steamer

Connecting elements

Intermediates play an important role. At wrong choice pipes or sealant, moonshine turns out to be cloudy, with a nasty aftertaste, foul-smelling and even dangerous to health. Therefore, we will begin our consideration of the design with the connecting elements.

It is not necessary to “tightly” weld all the tubes together, this simplifies the assembly and disassembly of the device, but causes a lot of problems during cleaning.

As a transport system, metal tubes made of stainless steel, aluminum or copper are most often used, as well as food or medical silicone hoses inert to alcohol. In terms of economy, safety, ease of maintenance and operation the best option are tubes made of food grade stainless steel.

It is important to be able to distinguish silicone hoses from those made of PVC (polyvinyl chloride saturates alcohol with toxic substances when in contact with hot steam). PVC burns with large quantity smoke and bad smell. Silicone does not smoke when burned, leaving a subtle smell and light ash. Silicone tubing is much softer to the touch than PVC and costs about twice as much.

Left - silicone, right - PVC

For branching bends, transition from one diameter to another and connection different parts metal piping uses fittings and fittings that can be found in plumbing stores or construction markets. For the manufacture of moonshine, fittings made of brass, bronze and stainless steel are suitable ( best option) for heating networks, capable of withstanding high temperature and pressure. For sealing purposes, the use of heat-resistant glue and cold welding is allowed, the main thing is to avoid rubber gaskets.

Can also be used to seal pipes organic matter- a regular dough that does not affect the distillate. There are two drawbacks: a lot of time is spent on kneading and sealing joints, and after distillation, the dried dough has to be scraped off.

Sealing with dough - touching the ancient traditions, followed by scraping 🙂

The assembled moonshine must be airtight. If steam seeps through the tubes, it is best to stop the distillation, let the equipment cool down, repair the breakdown, and only then continue the distillation. Depressurization is not only dangerous as a fire, but also leads to significant losses of moonshine (10-70%).


It is a container in which the mash boils during the heating process. Options:

1. Material. Aluminum - most often found in "Soviet" moonshine stills due to the wide distribution of aluminum milk cans. Aluminum partially reacts with acids and alcohol in mash, therefore, with frequent use, aluminum stills (especially old ones) become unusable after six months - a leak appears.

Enamelware is neutral to acids and alcohols. With proper use (no bumps or scratches to the enamel), it can last 3-5 years even with regular use.

Food-grade stainless steel is the best and most reliable option, but stainless steel cubes are expensive, often under their guise they sell ordinary galvanized or nickel-plated steel, which is not so durable.

Copper cubes are also suitable, however, in most cases this is an unreasonably expensive solution, especially for beginner moonshiners.

2. Volume and dimensions. The volume of the distillation cube depends on the needs of the moonshiner, the best option for home use- 25-35 liters.

Attention! For safety reasons, the distillation cube can be filled with mash up to a maximum of 80% of the volume, consider this when choosing a container. It is also very important that the lid is removable and that the neck width is large enough for comfortable cleaning of the container after distillation.

The volume of the cube is calculated based on the needs in finished product. For example, in a container of 30 liters in one distillation, you can get up to 2.88 liters of pure alcohol (or 7.2 liters of moonshine with a strength of 40%). The maximum load of mash is 24 liters (30 * 0.8 = 24). The average strength of a properly made mash is 12%. The amount of distillate at the exit is 24 * 0.12 = 2.88 (in terms of absolute alcohol with a strength of 100%). In practice, there will always be a loss of moonshine of 8-15%.

We should not forget about the dimensions. The alembic should at least fit on a stove or other heating element, be stable and not block the access to the entire apparatus. This is the basis of safety engineering.

3. Choosing the right container. Often, in home moonshine stills, containers are used that were originally intended for other needs: milk cans, pressure cookers or capacious enamel pots.

The cube must be reliable - it will expand when heated, withstand high temperature and pressure (180-220 Pa). Homemade welded containers are very dangerous, as there is a risk that the weld will burst at the most inopportune moment.

A significant drawback of pressure cooker cubes is their small volume, but these containers are initially sealed. The only modification required is to drill a hole in the lid for the steam outlet tube. described in a separate article.

In a pressure cooker, you can’t overtake a lot of mash at a time - the volume of the cube is too small

Enameled pots are convenient in that you can not pour the mash that has won back, but immediately put it for distillation as it is (this is wrong, since the heated sediment increases the amount of harmful impurities in the moonshine, worsens the aroma and taste). The disadvantage of the pan is that it is difficult to seal the lid.

A milk can made of aluminum or stainless steel is the most practical solution. The only drawback of cans that requires mandatory elimination is the rubber gasket on the lid. The fact is that alcohol vapors absorb substances from rubber, this negatively affects the quality, taste and smell of moonshine. Rubber gaskets should be replaced with silicone ones (made from aquarium silicone).

A can with built-in heating elements is cheap and practical. Top two holes for steam and thermometer

How to make a distillation cube of a moonshine still from a can

It is not enough to correctly determine the volume of the container, you also need to prepare the cube for use - drill a hole for steam, seal the lid and connections. Next, we will consider the refinement of the container using the example of an old milk can, but this method of sealing the lid is suitable in other cases.

Can refinement technology:

1. Remove the rubber gasket from the cover.

2. Apply to the metal edges of the aquarium cover silicone sealant and leave until completely dry. Repeat the procedure 2-3 more times.

3. Apply cellophane to the neck of the can and close the lid. Leave for a couple of hours until completely dry. You will get a silicone seal that replaces the rubber gasket.


An alternative, simpler sealing method is to overlap the rubber with several layers of fum tape and boil for 60 minutes in boiling water.

4. Make a hole in the lid of the can for connection with a coil or dry steamer. If the inner diameter of the coil is 12 mm, the suitable hole for the pipe in the can is 22 mm and the thread is 0.5 in. Adapters are sold at plumbing supply stores.

To extend the life of the can, wash the can after each distillation with soap and plenty of running water. The use of soda and other cleaning products is strictly prohibited.

moonshine refrigerator

It consists of two parts - a coil (swirled tube) and a reservoir for cooling this tube. The cooling compartment is the most important element of the whole structure, on the functioning of which the quantity and quality of moonshine depends.

Coil parameters

1. Material. Should not react with alcohol (or have minimal contact), be safe and non-toxic, withstand high temperatures (up to 100°C), and have high thermal conductivity. Based on the requirements, four options are possible: copper, aluminum, stainless steel (food grade) and glass.

Copper has the highest thermal conductivity, another advantage is the relative ease of processing (soldering is possible). But this material has one feature - the copper coil requires periodic cleaning with vinegar or citric acid with boiling water (preferably after each distillation), otherwise the plaque accumulated after oxidation with alcohol will negatively affect the quality of moonshine.

All moonshiners complaining about copper don't clean their machines well. In the world practice of distillation, copper is considered the best or even the only permitted material (France, Scotland) for the manufacture of distillers (alambiques). Slight oxidation of copper with alcohol improves taste, as it reduces the amount of impurities with a bad smell, and increases the concentration of substances that make moonshine soft.

The second most thermally conductive material for the coil is aluminum (1.6 times worse than copper). The advantages of aluminum are availability, low cost and ease of processing. But there is also a drawback - minimal oxidation, which, unlike copper, does not release into moonshine useful substances, so aluminum coils are not very common.

In terms of thermal conductivity, food grade stainless steel is 3-4 times inferior to copper. But this material does not react with alcohol and does not oxidize. Another disadvantage, along with low thermal conductivity, is the relative complexity of processing.

It is not possible to make a glass coil at home; without special equipment, it is easier to buy a ready-made laboratory device. Glass is inert to alcohol, but is very brittle and has low thermal conductivity.

Copper serpentine is the best, but requires regular cleaning

2. Dimensions and thickness of the tube. The longer the tube, the greater the area of ​​contact between the steam and the cooling element. But there is also by-effect of great length - hydraulic resistance increases (condensed vapors move through the tube already in a liquid state), which reduces the speed of the haul.

The optimal length of the coil tube (before bending) is 1.5-2 meters.

The larger the inner diameter of the coil (section), the lower the hydraulic resistance and the more efficient the cooling (due to the increase in the area of ​​contact between the steam and the walls). But tubes of very large diameter are bulky, require a lot of water for cooling and are difficult to process, so you have to look for a "golden mean".

The minimum wall thickness increases thermal conductivity, which improves the condensation of alcohol vapors. But too thin tubes are very fragile and, with intensive use of the moonshine still, quickly break.

A suitable coil thickness is 0.9-1.1 mm.

3. Orientation in space. There are three connection options: horizontal, vertical and inclined.

Ceteris paribus, the vertical arrangement of the coil is the most correct, since the condensed moonshine flows into the receiving container by gravity, without creating obstacles to the movement of alcohol vapor. Steam can be fed into the vertical coil from above or below. To minimize resistance, properly direct the steam to the top.

Refrigerator Tank Parameters

1. Substance. At home, the coil is cooled with air, water or ice. The vast majority of designs use water cooling, as the simplest and most efficient.

Air cooling - beautiful view but low efficiency

2. Scheme of heat removal. Systems are open (work on running water) and closed (water remains in the tank without circulating, for example, the coil is lowered into a bucket). In terms of implementation and economy, closed systems are simpler and more profitable, but they cool the coil worse, which increases the loss of moonshine and has a bad effect on quality.

The bucket is a classic example of a closed water cooling circuit.

Flow circuits are more difficult to manufacture, use more water or energy to pump (circulate a steady volume of water to save money), require a smaller tank, and all other things being equal, produce high quality distillate.

From a properly made refrigerator (coil plus water circulation system), moonshine comes out cold or at room temperature, but not warm or hot. At the same time, it is important to choose the optimal heating intensity (not to exceed the maximum allowable heat supply power) so that the entire system can effectively cope with steam condensation.

3. Direction of water supply. It is correct to supply water to the refrigerator from below, and output from above so that the water moves towards the steam, creating a countercurrent, otherwise Bottom part coil will not cool well.

Production of a refrigerator (cooler)

You will need a copper, aluminum or stainless steel tube with a length of 1.5-2 meters, a diameter of 8-12 mm and a wall thickness of 0.9-1.1 mm. A plastic or metal pipe with a diameter of 75-80 mm is suitable as a tank for installing a coil. A drawing of a moonshine refrigerator is shown in the photo.


1. Fill the coil tube with sand, soda or other dry, loose material so that the metal does not flatten when curled. If there are no bulk materials at hand, the tube can simply be filled with water and frozen.

2. Hammer the ends with wooden pegs (chops) so that the sand does not spill out. Can be tightly clamped or soldered. It is desirable to weld a nut on one of the ends.

3. Wind the tube around any smooth, cylindrical object with an even cross section suitable diameter(according to the drawing - 35 mm). The pitch between the turns is 12 mm.

The number of turns in the coil is not of fundamental importance, with the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the length, diameter and thickness indicated in the article, it is correct to take a step between the turns of 12 mm.

4. Release the ends of the finished coil. Pour sand, rinse with water under pressure.

5. On the body of the cooler, install branch pipes for supplying and discharging water.

6. Place the coil inside the housing. Install plugs at the top and bottom. Seal all connections.

Complete cooler assembly

The speed of the cooler of this design is up to 3 liters of moonshine per hour.

Sukhoparnik and bubbler

Optional, but desirable (especially for beginners) moonshine still modules.

Sukhoparnik - a sealed glass or metal container between the distillation cube and the refrigerator, entering which the vapors are first cooled, and then some of the substances boil again and move to the coil.

The principle of operation of the dryer. Due to a sharp decrease in pressure (the volumes of the inlet pipe and the can differ hundreds of times), the temperature drops, as a result, the vapor passes into the liquid phase (condenses), but immediately heats up new portion hot steam from the cube, again turning into a gaseous state. But some of the water and fusel oils with high temperature boiling do not have time to boil for this short moment of change of state of aggregation and remain at the bottom of the container.

Bubbler in moonshine still- a device designed to pass alcohol vapor through a layer of liquid (water). Structurally, it differs from a dry steamer only in the presence of water in the container before the start of distillation (not always), and in the fact that the steam supply tube is lowered into the jar almost to the bottom. The purpose and principle of operation of the bubbler are the same as those of the dry steamer.

Connected dry steamer Bubbler - the steam supply tube is lowered closer to the bottom, the distillate is flavored with lemon zest

Advantages of a dry steamer (bubbler):

  • is a protection against splashing - hitting the home brew in the finished moonshine with too much heat;
  • makes the distillate stronger;
  • cleans moonshine from some fusel oils (only a small part);
  • allows you to aromatize alcohol during distillation (just put zest in a jar citrus fruits, apple slices, etc.).

It is advisable to use one steamer or bubbler in the moonshine still. Sequential installation of 2-6 pieces only leads to an increase in the strength of moonshine, but does not affect cleaning.

If the moonshine is strong at the outlet, for example, even 80-90 degrees, then this does not mean that the drink is well purified, it’s just that water remained in the steamers and (or) bubblers, which should have condensed in the coil, reducing the strength of the distillate. All harmful impurities that can be cleaned with a dry steamer remain in the first can, and in the following cans only water is removed from the moonshine. You should not think that according to the degree of purification, 6-8 dry steamers can replace rectification or fractional distillation, this is physically impossible.

How to make a steamer or bubbler

The capacity of the steamer (bubbler) should be 10 times less than the volume of the distillation cube.

You will need:

  • a glass jar with a metal lid or other airtight container;
  • 2 fittings;
  • 2 nuts;
  • marker;
  • awl;
  • heat-resistant adhesive or cold welding.


1. Mark the diameter of the holes in the places of the intended connection: attach the fitting to the cover and circle with a marker.

2. Make holes. The easiest option is to drive the awl along the drawn lines until the metal of the cover is rubbed through.

3. Install fittings and secure with nuts. For sealing, process holes from the outer and inside cold welding or heat-resistant adhesive.

Inner side

Outer side

Bubbler Manufacturing Sequence

4. When connecting to a moonshine still, it should be borne in mind that in the steamer the inlet tube should be 15-30 mm lower than the outlet tube (it should be lowered deeper into the jar). In the bubbler, the inlet tube runs along the entire height of the can, without touching the bottom at a distance of 2-3 cm.

If the bubbler is connected incorrectly (steam is supplied through the short end, but tries to exit through the long one), the pressure in the can increases significantly and an explosion may occur!

There is only one drawback of bubblers and dry steamers from the can - there is no drain for the accumulated liquid (you have to unscrew it), and during fractional distillation it is desirable to clean the container before selecting the "body" (main fraction).

A more complex dry steamer with a drain

Ways to heat the moonshine still

1. Open fire. In most cases, this refers to heating gas stove or a burner, but there are also coal and firewood. Advantages of this method: simplicity, availability and often economy.


  • high inertia - it will not be possible to quickly reduce or increase power, as a result, it is difficult to control the temperature in the cube, experience is required;
  • it is very difficult to insulate a distillation cube to reduce heat loss in order to save money;
  • installation of automation is practically useless;
  • high fire hazard of open fire.

Distillation on fresh air firewood. What apparatus, such and the color of moonshine

2. Built-in electric heating elements. Devices (one or several at once) are mounted directly into the cube. Suitable heating elements made of stainless steel or brass.


  • fast temperature change (high controllability);
  • the ability to mount automation and insulate the cube.


  • solid particles can stick to the working surface of heating elements, careful filtration of the mash is required before distillation;
  • often heating on electricity is more expensive than gas;
  • heating elements burn out from time to time.

3. Induction cooker. It works by electricity, it can be stationary and portable (it is used more often in home brewing).


  • low inertia - quick change of heating intensity;
  • good temperature control - induction cookers are equipped with automation, no need to install separate units;
  • in comparison with heating elements, they evenly heat the entire surface of the bottom of the cube, burning of the mash happens in rare cases.


  • the cost of the induction cooker is quite high;
  • only distillation cubes made of materials containing a magnet (stainless steel, cast iron) can be used, in turn, aluminum and copper containers without magnetic inserts welded to the bottom are not suitable for heating.

On the induction cooker only stainless steel and cast iron cubes can be heated

4. Heating with steam (steam generator). First, the water is brought to a boil and served directly into the container or on the outer walls. The system allows you to control (automate) the entire process and eliminate the risk of burning, therefore it is suitable for the distillation of thick brews. But in view of the complexity of the implementation of the design and the need to purchase (manufacture) special equipment (steam generator), it will not be further considered here.

Installing thermometers in a moonshine still

You can do without measuring the temperature, but a properly installed thermometer allows you to change the container in time during fractional distillation and adjust the intensity of heating.

In moonshine stills, three types of thermometers are used (according to the principle of operation):

  • bimetallic - a metal tape or spiral acts as a sensor;
  • electronic - a special conductor changes resistance with temperature fluctuations;
  • digital - measurements are recorded due to changes in pressure.

The most reliable are bimetallic thermometers, but the accuracy of these devices leaves much to be desired. Electronic thermometers are much more accurate, but with the slightest impact they can break or show the wrong temperature. Digital thermometers are leaders in accuracy, but are expensive.

During distillation, one cannot rely entirely on the readings of a thermometer, especially the first time when the operating modes of a home-made moonshine still have not yet been tested. Temperature values ​​are auxiliary data. At the output, moonshine should be cold or at room temperature, and during fractional distillation, the output should be divided into fractions correctly by pure alcohol, sugar content in mash or by smell (the method of experienced distillers).

Fastening. The thermometer in the moonshine still can be installed at the exit from the cube (in the upper part) or before entering the refrigerator. The second option is preferable, as it allows you to measure the temperature of the steam before condensation. But the thermometer in the cube (the first case) shows the degree of heating of the mash, which is also important. Conclusion: if possible, it is advisable to mount two thermometers at once.

Thermometers can be placed on the cube or in front of the refrigerator

For installation, it is enough to make a hole, the diameter of which matches the diameter of the thermometer's installation cylinder (fastenings with Velcro and plastic clips are not suitable). From the inside, fix the cylinder with a bolt and fix the structure with a nut. Then insert the thermometer itself.

Attention! When you first start a home-made moonshine, you should test it by distilling water, and not immediately fill in the mash. Water distillation is safer, immediately shows problems (if any) and washes well all parts of the structure.

How to make moonshine from a flask? This device can be made by hand at home with a flask and some additional details. The device can be made from a milk flask or a can, there is not much difference in this. The main thing is that the container is spacious and made of the appropriate material.

Aluminum or stainless steel?

When making a moonshine still with your own hands, it is worth considering that it is recommended to pay the most attention to the distillation cube.

Alcohol mashine from a can

A distillation cube is a container in which it will boil and turn into mash alcohol or, in other words, a solution.

For the manufacture of mash, aluminum cans are often used - they are light and roomy, and they are also inexpensive. But there are also disadvantages.

Experienced moonshiners say that aluminum is oxidized in the process of infusion of mash and distillation of alcohol. For this reason, it is not recommended to use it. The container is able to change the quality of the drink, affect its taste, smell and other characteristics.

A moonshine made from a can will be much better and stronger if the container is not made of aluminum, but of stainless steel. Stainless steel is a material that is wear-resistant and durable; it does not oxidize upon contact with alcohols and other substances. This means that the container does not affect alcohol, it will not change its taste and smell.

Having chosen a flask for the apparatus, it is worth starting the manufacture of moonshine. Distillation begins with an alembic, and it is this container that should be made from a flask.

In addition to the distillation cube, the apparatus will consist of two more components: a coil and a cooling tank, commonly called a refrigerator.

Action algorithm

It is not easy to assemble a moonshine from a milk can, it is desirable to have certain skills in assembling such devices. But even if the knowledge can hardly be called deep, you can get to work counting on success.

The principle of operation or how to make a moonshine still:

  • The first step is to make two holes in the lid of the can. It is worthwhile to measure the diameter in advance, and then drill or cut. We insert a fitting into one of the holes (this is the part of the pipeline that is used to connect to the system). A thermometer will be mounted in the second hole. If a temperature sensor is not needed, then you do not have to drill a hole.
  • The next step in the work can be considered sealing the holes. To prevent alcohol vapor from escaping, it is worth carefully processing all holes. The question of how this can be done remains open. For sealing, you can use rubber gaskets or nuts. But rubber can give alcohol a specific flavor and this should be taken into account. Someone advises using plastic: it will melt when heated and will seal the holes on its own. But it is best to give preference to nuts, and smear all the necessary places with dough. You can use epoxy. But flour with water is still safer than any chemical elements that can get into the drink in small quantities. The dough should also cover the ends of the coil outlet.
  • We fix the tube on the coil (it is desirable that the coil - this is a wire twisted into a spiral - be made of copper). To do this, it is worth choosing a silicone tube of a suitable diameter so that it fits in diameter to the coil and fitting. Then we fix the structure. For this purpose, we use a cuff or soft wire.
  • The last stage is the passage of the coil through the refrigerator, the hole is sealed with a test. To exclude the release of alcohol vapors, it is worth using gaskets, rubber bands or fittings, in general, everything that is used in plumbing. A hole in the bottom of the tank is drilled in advance, then a coil is passed through it. The spiral is fixed on both sides with nuts and gaskets.

In principle, the device is ready, but it will take a long time to polish and bring it to perfection. The device will need to be checked, that is, tested. This will help to identify shortcomings and modify the moonshine if necessary.

There is one more nuance: in order for the device to start working and produce high-quality alcohol, it must be equipped with a heating element. Often, heating elements are used for this.

The structure of the apparatus, which was described above, allows you to heat the flask on the stove, but you can supply the device with additional heating elements This will help control the boiling point of the solution. You can disable one heater or connect the second.

But if you want to make an apparatus that will produce high-quality alcohol, it should be equipped with a steamer.

Sukhoparnik is a device that allows you to rid moonshine of harmful impurities. Fusel oils affect the quality of the drink: they change the taste of moonshine and give it an unpleasant smell. In addition, these substances can affect the human body, cause intoxication.

The sukhoparnik works like a sump: all the fuselage settles in it. This happens because the boiling point of fusel oils is much lower than the boiling point of water or alcohol.

To make a steamer, you should take a glass jar, it must have a threaded tin lid. Two holes are made in the lid, they are made with a soldering iron or a drill. The sump is supplied with tubes, while one of them should be 5–10 cm shorter than the other. Having cut holes, you should take care of their tightness.

Advantages and disadvantages

How to make a moonshine is already clear. But in reality it is not so simple as it seems at first glance. Having spent certain funds on the purchase of sources, in the end you can be left with nothing. This is the main disadvantage of designing appliances at home.

If there are no design skills and never have been, then you can buy a ready-made device or a kit that contains all the necessary parts and instructions for assembling the device. This will help make the task a little easier and, in the end, still get an apparatus for making moonshine and other drinks at home.

In Soviet times, when high-quality stainless steel was in short supply, probably every second moonshine still was made on the basis of an aluminum food flask.

Nowadays, this design remains relevant because of its simplicity and accessibility. To understand what a moonshine still from a flask is, what is its design and principle of operation, as well as how to make such a device with your own hands at home, you need to familiarize yourself with the issue in more detail.

A flask moonshine still is a distillation system that uses a large food-grade aluminum container, such as a milking can, as a source, while such units are easy to make with your own hands due to the pliability of the material.

The main advantage of the flask-based design is the reduction in cost, the high power of the system due to the large volume of the base capacity, mainly 40 and 25 liters, as well as the already mentioned ease of processing aluminum.

Device and principles of operation

Since the design based on the flask is homemade, the device of the moonshine still based on it is most often quite simple. Basically, these are homemade, consisting of a flask tank, hoses and a refrigerator, and the model can also be improved with additional cleaning tools in the form of a steamer and / or.

Such seemingly uncomplicated units, in the absence of more serious elements responsible for cleaning, such as a drawer or a reflux condenser, will significantly improve the quality of the distillate. In addition, the unit can be equipped, it will help to monitor the quality of the product directly in the distillation process.

The principle of operation of a moonshine still from a flask is the embodiment of the distillation process.

  1. Under the influence of heating, alcohol, water, fusel oils and other impurities.
  2. Next, steam, consisting of their mixture, either at the very easy way distillation immediately enters the refrigerator and condenses, but then the moonshine will be of poor quality, or it first enters the steamer and / or bubbler, where some of the impurities settle.
  3. After it is cooled to a liquid state.

In the second case, the passage of steam through the air gap in the dry steamer leads to weaker cleaning than when passing through the water gap of the bubbler, which must be taken into account when calculating additional filtration means in the system.

How to make a moonshine from a flask of 25 or 40 liters with your own hands

Units based on such containers are most often ordinary household distillers, but there may be exceptions. Let's look at each element in turn.

The choice of a can for a distillation cube

The expediency of improving the distiller largely depends on what capacity is used. So, it is better to use an ordinary Soviet-made aluminum can as the basis of a simple distiller, while at the same time, if you buy a new or used flask made of European or Chinese food grade stainless steel on the Internet, you can think about creating a brew or distillation column.

In terms of volume, such containers range from 10 to 100 liters, but moonshine from a flask of 25, 40 and 50 liters are the most popular. It is also important if the choice fell on aluminum product, pay attention to the integrity and general condition of the protective coating.

It depends on the first whether toxic aluminum oxides will get into the moonshine, and on the second - how long the container will last.

Refitting a can is a simple matter, as it is already equipped with a convenient and airtight locking system. It remains to make a few technological holes.

  1. The first is necessary for the removal of hot steam. For this purpose, it is better to use a fitting, and seal the gap with a food-grade silicone gasket or a heat-resistant non-toxic sealant.
  2. The second hole is needed to install the thermometer. It is better to use a bimetallic device, having previously installed a sealing sleeve in the hole and sealed it in the same way as the fitting.


For a simpler assembly based on an aluminum flask best solution there will be steam lines made of food-grade silicone, but with a more solid design based on a stainless can, you should think about steam lines made of the appropriate material.

Although their manufacture will result in high costs, the durability and reliability of such a system is much higher, especially if a dephlegmator or column is to be installed.

In general, the selection of “hoses” for a moonshine should be based on the power of the system, which determines them. optimal length and inner diameter, so that operating pressure is maintained and zones of high hydraulic resistance are not created.


For a simple distiller, there are two alternatives - and a straight-through, but even in this case, you need to build on the power of the entire system, because the higher it is, the higher the likelihood of condensate plugs in the coil.

For models based on a flask with a volume of more than 25 liters, it is better to choose a straight-through, although a coil can also be chosen, but subject to a significant diameter of the tube section.

If it is planned to install a reflux condenser, a wash or distillation column, then there is no need to choose - only direct-flow. This is due both to its higher power and efficiency, as well as stable operation, not subject to condensate plugs, which is very important for such units.

To a simple unit for distilling moonshine based on an aluminum flask, an excellent addition that improves the quality of the distillate will be either a bubbler, or better, a “bubbler-super steamer” bundle.

In this case, the first one produces a “rough”, and the second one - a “soft” cleaning of the steam, while the steamer can be used in parallel for maceration of moonshine - saturating the alcohol with the aroma and taste of herbs, fruits and other ingredients. To do this, you just need to lay them inside.

A more serious device of the unit involves installation on a flask or, which, by the way, if materials are available, can be made at home, but this will require a detailed acquaintance with their features, as well as the essence of the rectification process.

In this case, you need to think about the source of heating, since for the qualitative separation of a multicomponent mixture, you need smooth heating and fine adjustment, and there are three options.

  • First, but not the best - this;
  • second- this is the installation of heating elements, they have a smoother adjustment, but do not guarantee that the mash will not burn;
  • the third This is the best, but also the most expensive solution.

Other types of moonshine stills

Among household home-made units, one of the most common options is.

The fact is that this container is essentially a high-quality ready-made distillation cube that requires minor finishing work, which greatly simplifies the manufacturing process of the distiller.

Also gaining popularity.

This device is not only an excellent distillation cube, but also has a very convenient, correct, similar to heating elements and easily adjustable heating system.

A special place is occupied by a “copper distiller”, this metal, due to its thermal conductivity, has the most delicate thermal effect on raw materials, which preserves and transfers its organoleptic properties to the final product.

Copper installations are used by almost all manufacturers of noble alcohol, such as, or.

For those who need to distill moonshine in the absence of tap water, the model of a non-flowing moonshine still will be interesting.

It uses a large capacity to cool the coil, which is why the water has time to cool due to environment, without the influx of new cold.

And finally, the most controversial device is in which the liquid goes through a double cycle of "evaporation-condensation", and not a single one, as in a conventional distiller.

The “classic” moonshine still made from an aluminum flask is a simple and affordable solution that meets all the basic requirements of home brewing, especially since now it is possible to purchase a can from food grade stainless steel, which is suitable for creating advanced distillation systems like a mash or distillation column.

In this case, the issue of expensive work on the production of an alembic is solved, for which it is still necessary to look for qualified specialists and good materials.

In addition, the guaranteed high, factory quality of the product is also a significant plus, otherwise the efficiency of such a unit depends on the chosen configuration of the refrigerator and cleaning units.