Purification of moonshine from fusel oils at home. How to remove the smell and fusel oils from moonshine on your own? The history of moonshine: from antiquity to the present

Moonshine is a Russian traditional drink that is prepared independently at home. Moonshine is a kind of art. The manufacturer's arsenal includes a huge number of various recipes and a huge selection of ingredients. All this allows you to get unique drinks, with a unique taste and aroma. But in order for the drink to turn out to be of high quality, you need not only to be able to cook, but also to know howclear the moonshine. How to properly produce home cleansing moonshine from fusel oils.

What are fusel oils and where do they come from in moonshine

Excessive content of fusel oils in moonshine can be dangerous for the body

Essential or fusel oils are a by-product of the fermentation of raw materials. These are toxic substances that have an oily base and have an unpleasant specific odor. As part of oils contain: acetone, acetyl, isoamyl alcohol, acetaldehyde and other harmful substances. An excessive amount of toxic impurities that are contained in moonshine after distillation leads to intoxication of the body and a severe hangover.

But at the same time, the content essential oils gives uniqueness and originality to the drink, determines its organoleptic qualities. Without these oils, any alcohol would just be alcohol water.

Therefore, in order to get a tasty and high quality drink, it is important to remove toxic impurities from it and preserve all harmless substances.

Cleaning methods

Moonshine cleaningis an important and indispensable step for obtaining a first-class drink. In the history of home brewing, there are many wayspurification of moonshine from harmful fusel oils . The most popular removal methods are described below. fusel oils from moonshine.

Potassium permanganate

A simple way is to purify strong alcohol with potassium permanganate. To do this, moonshine is diluted to a consistency of 40% of the fortress. Manganese crystals are thoroughly dissolved in water until a slightly colored solution is obtained, at the rate of 2 grams per 1 liter. Then you need to pour the prepared mixture into a bottle of moonshine, mix everything well and leave for 10-12 hours. After the drink becomes lighter and sediment falls to the bottom, the liquid must be filtered through gauze folded in several layers.

Important! In the process of getting rid of fusel oils do not use metal utensils.

Charcoal cleaning is one of the most popular methods, as it has the ability to absorb harmful impurities and remove unpleasant odors.

To do this, you can cook coal yourself or buy it ready-made in the store. Then crush it, pour it into a container with alcohol and mix thoroughly. For 1 liter of drink, it is recommended to take 50g. coal. Infuse for 7 days, stirring constantly. After the end of the settling process, drain from the sediment and filter.

There is another cleaning method - activated carbon, which is an excellent sorbent and is used to make a filter. To do this, a napkin or gauze must be rolled up in several layers, between the layers lay cotton wool and crushed activated carbon. Pass moonshine through such a filter. It is better to use this method as an additional method.


Biological purification of fusel oils is carried out using dairy products (kefir or low-fat milk), egg white and rye bread.

Cleansing with a dairy product is carried out by pouring it in proportion: a glass of milk per liter of moonshine. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and placed in a dark place. For 7 days, you need to mix it every day. As a result, all harmful impurities will precipitate in the form of flakes. As soon as this happens, the drink must be removed from the sediment, filtered with activated carbon. This will give the drink a special softness. Then make a second distillation, previously diluted to 40%.

Cleansing with egg whites is done in the same way as with milk. For 1 liter, two squirrels whipped into foam are taken. Pour the mixture into the moonshine, stand until flakes appear, pass through the filter and re-distill.

After the second distillation, the drink is refined with rye bread. This method is used in combination with milk cleansing or as an independent method. With this procedure, the bread is crushed, mixed with moonshine, settled for 2-3 days. Then it is decanted and filtered. To process a liter of liquid, you need 100g. of bread.

Important! For cleansing in this way, it is advisable to use fresh bread, in order to avoid the appearance of an unpleasant aftertaste.


To like to get a clean and aromatic drink, some manufacturers use clarification and purification of mash from fusel oils.

One of the most common ways is cleaning with soda. To do this, you need to mix soda with water in a 1: 1 ratio, counting that for every 10 liters of feedstock you need 10 grams of the product. Pour the solution into a container with mash, let stand for about 30 minutes. Then mix and place in a place protected from light for 12 hours. Then remove from the sediment, pass through the filter.

Tannins are tannic acids with tannic properties and astringent taste. They are found in the bark, leaves, and fruits of many plants. A large amount of tannins is found in the following plants:

  • oak;
  • acacia;
  • larch;
  • eucalyptus;
  • spruce.

Tannin is used to cleanse harmful impurities and improve taste. To implement this procedure, 10 gr. tannin powder or oak shavings are poured into 1 liter of the processed liquid and infused for 10 days, after which it is filtered and the drink is ready.


Freezing is a very affordable and easy way. The fact is that when frozen in a freezer, all harmful impurities, sediment and water freeze and remain on the walls of the dishes. It remains only to drain the alcohol into another container, and then it can be filtered by any known method and diluted to the desired strength, since after freezing the water, the strength of moonshine increases.

Making a carbon filter column with your own hands

Good results can be obtained by passing moonshine through a carbon column - a filter. This method gives a high degree of purification and does not require the use of additional methods. You can make it yourself:

  1. We need to prepare the coal. For these purposes, any coal is suitable, which does not contain any impurities. Coal needs to be crushed to get a powder and small pieces.
  2. Take a two or three liter plastic bottle, cut off the bottom and drill 6-7 small holes in it at the same distance from each other. Drill a larger hole in the lid of the bottle.
  3. You need to assemble the structure in this order: a bottle is inserted into a three-liter jar with the neck down, which is filled with prepared small pieces of coal by one third, a bottom with holes is placed on top of the coal and pressed against it so that the coal does not float up.

Pour the unrefined drink into the rest of the bottle. Through the hole in the lid, moonshine after filtration , will drain into the jar. At the exit, it will be mixed with coal, which will be removed in the next step. If there is a blockage and the passage of liquid through the bottle slows down or stops completely, you can slightly press on the bottle, or by unscrewing the cap, clean the hole. Moonshine should be passed through such filter 2-3 times.

After that, pour the remaining coal powder into the container with moonshine, at the rate of 40 gr. per liter, mix well, close the lid and leave for 2 days. After all the coal sinks to the bottom, you can proceed to further cleaning.

To rid the drink of the remnants of coal and make it transparent, you need to close the same bottle with a lid, lower it back into the jar with the neck down, fill it with cotton wool and pour in the moonshine in small portions. As the cotton gets dirty, change it clean. After the procedure is completed, the drink is cleaned and ready to drink.

Important! When storing alcohol, do not use plastic containers, because when long-term storage plastic comes into contact with alcohol and begins to release harmful substances.

Moonshine cleaning is the process of purifying strong alcoholic drink, which is obtained as a result of the distillation of mash through a moonshine still, the purpose of which is to remove harmful impurities, foreign substances and fusel oils from this drink.

Any moonshine needs to be cleaned, as foreign substances that degrade the quality of the drink can be harmful to health. Their composition and boiling point are shown in the table below:

This is the process of cleaning moonshine from harmful impurities and fusel oils at home using charcoal or activated charcoal.

If you decide to purify moonshine during its distillation, then your product at the outlet should fall into a container with a funnel. A cotton pad is placed in the funnel as the first layer, after which small fractions of coal, then larger ones, from above all layers are covered with several cotton pads. Coal should be used at the rate of 50 grams per 1 liter of product. You will need to change the carbon filter itself. In this performance, moonshine cleaning coal from fusel oils occurs immediately at the time of distillation of moonshine.

There is another way to clean moonshine with coal: coal is added to a container with moonshine. This solution must be left to infuse for several days (from 2 to 14), then strain. Purification of moonshine with coal is a good method of cleaning the product before the second distillation. It is best to use wood charcoal, preferably birch. Charcoal, which is used in water purification filters, is also perfect for you. Coal for the second method moonshine cleaning can be used at the rate of 50 grams per 1 liter of product

Cleaning moonshine with oil- this is a method of cleaning homemade moonshine with refined oil, the result of such cleaning is the sticking of fusel oils and foreign substances with molecules vegetable oil. The proportions of oil for cleaning moonshine will be: 20 grams / 1 liter, the oil should be as purified as possible, odorless and tasteless. After the oil is added to moonshine, you need to thoroughly shake the container with the solution, repeat the procedure every 5 minutes 3-4 times and leave the container with oil and moonshine for 12 hours of settling.

After settling, it will be necessary to carefully drain the purified moonshine through a tube lowered to the bottom. You can also do the same by turning the container upside down, this will lift the oil film up and you can carefully drain the moonshine through a slightly loosened cork.

Cleaning moonshine with potassium permanganate- this is another fast way purify moonshine with the help of the well-known potassium permanganate (manganese). For such cleaning we need: 3 gr. potassium permanganate and diluted in 0.3 l. warm water, mix the solution until smooth. The resulting solution is added to 3 liters of the finished product and settled for several hours. You can also add a spoon to the water solution baking soda and a spoonful of salt. Moonshine that has been infused for 12 hours will need to be filtered through a layer of cotton wool.

This is a method of cleaning moonshine after finishing distillation using ordinary homemade milk. It is important to understand that the melon method of cleaning moonshine should be used after the final distillation, the first, second, third.

To clean 20 liters of moonshine with a strength of 50 °, you will need 200 ml of milk. Milk must be pasteurized and have a fat content of no more than 1-1.5%. What needs to be done in order for the purification of moonshine from fusel oils to be successful:

  • add milk to a container with moonshine;
  • mix thoroughly (can be shaken);
  • close the lid so that the degree does not go away, and leave for a week in a dark place at a temperature of about + 20 ° C;
  • Shake the mixture thoroughly for 5 days in a row so that all the milk reacts;
  • 2 days the suspension will settle;
  • After all the above manipulations, it's time to filter the mixture through layers of cotton wool.

If after cleaning moonshine With milk, your drink turned out to be slightly cloudy, then you can add the skin of any citrus product to it and let it brew for a day. In this case, 1 fruit per 3 liters of moonshine will be optimal. It is believed that cleaning moonshine with milk is the best way, because this is how they purify vodka in production, but they use not milk itself, but casein protein.

Cleaning moonshine with egg white- this is a method of cleaning moonshine, similar to the milk method of cleaning moonshine from fusel oils using egg white. For one and a half liters of moonshine with a strength of 50 ° we take one protein. The protein is thoroughly whipped with a glass of warm water and added to the moonshine. After that it is necessary to comply moonshine cleaning technology milk as described above.

This is an inexpensive method of cleaning moonshine, which moonshiners use quite often. Proportions: 10 grams per 1 liter of moonshine, settling time - at least 12 hours. To remove sediment, a fine filter for cleaning (cotton wool, cotton pads) is used.

Cleaning moonshine by freezing.

Cleaning moonshine by freezing- this old way purification of moonshine, which allows you to get relatively pure moonshine by freezing it. Freezing moonshine technology: a vessel with moonshine - an aluminum pan with a lid is best suited, installed in the freezer for at least 12 hours. Water and harmful substances will freeze to the walls of the container, and alcohol, which freezes at lower temperatures, will remain unfrozen. If you decide to freeze moonshine at home, then pay attention that the strength of your product will become higher than before the procedure.

Cleaning moonshine with fruit.

Cleaning moonshine with fruit- This is a method of cleaning moonshine, which is used to clean moonshine from harmful impurities and give the product fruity notes, it is used before the second distillation. This method is well suited for finishing distillation - a distinct fruity aftertaste remains.

moonshine cleaning technology fruit: 3 liters. product with a strength of about 25 °, you need to add 1 carrot and 1 apple. They must be cut into large pieces, the core must first be removed from the apple. It is necessary to defend moonshine for 2-3 days, until the fibers begin to peel off from the fruits. After that, they can be taken out, and the solution can be distilled or consumed in this form.

Moonshine is one of the oldest crafts that continues to develop and improve. Over time, knowledgeable people have developed universal methods for preparing and filtering this strong alcoholic drink. As you know, it’s not enough just to distill alcohol: you also need to remove from it most of the harmful chemical compounds that cause a severe hangover. In this article we will tell you how to clean moonshine from fusel oils at home.

General cleaning algorithm

There are a lot of algorithms for cleaning alcohol from impurities. All of them are characterized by the presence of one active ingredient, which absorbs harmful substances remaining in moonshine after distillation. You can not clean only the drink that is obtained in the process of rectification, although it is considered the most harmful. All other moonshine products must go through the process of filtration and re-distillation.

Most often for these purposes are used:

  • potassium permanganate
  • milk
  • charcoal
  • baking soda
  • egg white
  • Rye bread
  • vegetable oil

Most of the "garbage" exfoliates even at the stage of re-distillation, as well as in the presence of distillation column, sump or dephlegmator.

Pros and cons of cleaning with potassium permanganate

Purification with potassium permanganate is a popular but unsafe method. When this substance interacts with ethyl alcohol, an alkali is formed, which is used in the food industry as a preservative. Also, during the chemical reaction, acetaldehyde is produced, which is a great danger to humans and is addictive.

It must be remembered that manganese is not able to draw out all unnecessary impurities from the solution. Some of them will inevitably remain in the liquid.

If you are not afraid of the possible consequences, and you still decide to try cleaning with manganese, use the recipe:

  • 1 liter of mash in a glass container
  • 300 ml hot water
  • 2 g potassium permanganate powder
  • 1 tablespoon each salt and baking soda

Prepare a weak solution of potassium permanganate and mix it with moonshine. Let it brew for 8 hours, then filter.

Rectification with milk

There are three ways to purify alcohol, active substance which is milk.

  1. Adding this product just before the distillation process in a ratio of 1:5. This method has long been widely used in villages and entails clouding of the solution. Therefore, after the filtration is completed, the mash is distilled again.
  2. Adding milk to finished vodka. After interacting with alcohol, it coagulates and absorbs dangerous elements. The resulting mixture must be filtered.
  3. The use of powdered milk. An indisputable advantage of this method is that when diluted, milk powder is easier to make skim, which will not allow the drink to become cloudy. Take 10 liters of warm water and dilute 6 g of milk powder in it. Stir the solution to a homogeneous consistency and leave for several hours. Combine milk formula with 10 liters of homemade unrefined alcohol. After a week, a precipitate will appear in the moonshine. Drain the liquid and filter thoroughly.

To get the perfect result, clean the mash in several ways.

Purification of homemade alcohol with charcoal

An effective and simple method that involves the use of any type of coal: both charcoal and activated. You can use supermarket-bought charcoal, but young beech, cedar, or birch stump charcoal will also work. It is preferable that the age of the tree is less than 50 years.

Filtration process:

  • take a tree stump, clean it of bark, knots and twigs. Remove the core of the tree, cut it into pieces;
  • throw the wood into the fire and wait until it is completely charred. Take out the coals before the fire is completely attenuated;
  • finely grind the resulting coal;
  • add the powder to the liquid and soak for three days. Filter the drink.

Cleaning "vodka" with soda

Cheap and effective method. The use of baking soda will allow you to get a soft alcoholic drink with a pleasant taste and smell. And the ingredients for the implementation of such a cleaning option will no doubt be found in the kitchen of every housewife.

Take 1 tablespoon of salt and soda per liter of homemade mash. Stir the ingredients thoroughly and wait 30-40 minutes. After this time, mix the mixture again and leave it for 12 hours again. During this period, the liquid should exfoliate, after which the upper part must be drained.

The use of egg white as an absorbent

When the beaten egg white interacts with alcohol, a chemical reaction occurs, due to which the protein coagulates and precipitates along with fusel oils. This process is called coagulation.

Proteins for cleaning are best whipped without foam.

Filter moonshine with rye bread

For 1 liter of 40-degree moonshine, take 100 g of rye bread. Divide it into small pieces and mix with alcohol. Filter the precipitate after 2 days.

The fight of vegetable oils with fusel

The use of vegetable oils makes the cleaning process environmentally friendly. maximum efficiency. For a liter of drink with a strength of 40 degrees, take 80 ml of refined sunflower oil.


  • stir moonshine with clean water in a ratio of 1:3;.
  • mix the solution with vegetable oil, shake the resulting liquid well;
  • let the solution brew, then shake the container for a minute;
  • put the container in a dark place. The air temperature in the room should not exceed 15 degrees;
  • a day later, a greasy layer with a high concentration of harmful chemical elements will appear on the surface of the solution. To drain clean liquid, make a funnel in the center of the film and insert a hose or tube into it. Filter the drink.


The simplest method, for the implementation of which auxiliary substances are not needed. You will need any amount of moonshine, a stainless steel or glass pan and a freezer. A balcony is also suitable if the frost on the street reaches 15-20 degrees.

Leave the pot with the intoxicating drink in the cold overnight. In the morning, fusel oils and impurities will freeze, only pure moonshine will remain liquid. Drain it into a separate bowl.

For purification of alcohol by freezing it is better not to use plastic container. Under the influence of low temperatures, the plastic will react with alcohol, and toxic substances can enter the solution.

Advice! To finally clean homemade vodka from harmful impurities, be sure to re-distill the product.

All of these methods will be effective if you carefully calculate the proportions and responsibly approach the process of cleaning moonshine. In this case, your efforts will not be in vain: at the output you will get a soft, high-quality, aromatic alcoholic drink.

Moonshine in our country can be classified as a cult drink. He is especially loved in the village. But city dwellers also like to treat themselves and their friends with a glass of this glorious intoxicant. We will not be mistaken if we say that every Russian village has its own way of preparing it, its own kind of zest for the recipe. One of the most important indicators of the quality of this home-made "liquor" can be considered the degree of purification from fusel oils.

It is not difficult to prepare moonshine today. I got the device and for the job. But what to do about the unpleasant smell that fusel oils cause? How to remove it? Somewhere they do it with milk, in another place they use soda or manganese. We have collected in this article the most common methods by which this alcohol-containing liquid is effectively cleaned of unpleasant impurities.

Fusel oils - are they harmful?

The unequivocal harm of fuselage is a question that does not require additional arguments. Some are trying to defend the myth about the benefits of unrefined moonshine, citing as an example the presence of a specific "darling" in whiskey and tequila. The example is obviously wrong.

  1. Firstly, for these drinks, the purification process is interrupted on purpose.
  2. Secondly, harmful oils in imported alcohol are nothing more than an indicator of the brand.
  3. Thirdly, let's create a reliable barrier to impurities and feel sorry for our liver. Then it is very difficult for her to get rid of this blow of the fistula

At the same time, homemade moonshine can be cleaned and consumed in moderation, as they say, for health.

Cleaning moonshine with potassium permanganate

So, your device gave you a batch of strong drink. You want to reduce its harm. Consider a very simple way to clean it. To do this, you can use the usual potassium permanganate, which is sold in every pharmacy.

  • It is better to pour 3 grams of potassium permanganate on a 3 liter jar
  • Stir by shaking
  • Moonshine will be ready in the morning
  • It will definitely need to be filtered. A good filter is gauze folded in several layers.

We clean with soda

The second most popular and simple method is cleaning with soda, which is available in every home.

In extreme cases, you can buy it in any grocery department of the store.

  • For 1 liter of liquid we take 10 g of soda
  • Stir with a spoon to achieve a solution similar in color to milk. Set aside for half an hour
  • Then mix well again. Everything. Now moonshine should be left alone for a day

Baking soda will help you get rid of most of the bad oils. The top layer is drained and the sediment is also removed. Elixir is ready to use.

Freezing cleansing

This method was used in some villages, especially in the north of Russia. all year round. For this, tons of ice were loaded into the cellars. Today you can use the usual freezer refrigerator. No apparatus is required. We will remove the harm of impurities with the help of frost. Pour the pervach into a metal pan and place in the freezer.

The secret to this effect is simple if done right. We need to separate water with harmful impurities from the mixture. She should freeze to the edges. We catch this moment and pour the moonshine, leaving ice with impurities in the pan.

Carbon filter cleaning

This is a bit of a hassle, but very effective. With its help, the harm of the drink is reduced to a minimum. Of course, in moderation. Charcoal is best crushed and wrapped in 4-5 layers of gauze.

By the way, the coal that is sold in pharmacies is not suitable for us. Few people know that it is made from animal bones. This is not a very reliable barrier for fuselage. It will be right if you have prepared birch charcoal for cleaning.

Purification by double distillation

This method can be figuratively compared with aerobatics. We take the apparatus and again distill our primary. You will receive a drink, the harm of which will be minimal. This solution is popularly called "morning dew".

You'll have to fiddle around a bit:

  • First you need to get rid of fuselage impurities by any of the methods that we described above.
  • Next, using an alcohol meter, dilute the drink to 35 degrees. It is dangerous to distill a stronger solution. Your device may just catch fire

Little advice. When diluting moonshine, pour water into it, and not vice versa. Then the liquid will not become cloudy, it will not become, in color, similar to milk.

  • Now we fill the liquid into the device. Everything, as in the first distillation. But, be careful. It is impossible to allow mixing fractions of the "elixir" of double distillation. Otherwise, the harm will not go anywhere.
  • The first fraction (this is 10 percent) is mercilessly poured into the sewer. You can't drink it! And the smell at the "head", as the people call this faction, is rather fetid. Then the device will give you a "body". It can be collected until the fortress drops to 45 degrees
  • Now stop! It will be better if you stop the machine. Otherwise, these "tails", due to the large amount of fusel oils, will spoil your entire batch of the drink. Now harmful impurities are minimized. This double distillation liquid no longer needs to be purified.

Ready "double" moonshine is better to dilute before use. Its strength is close to 70 degrees.

Milk cleaning

Cleaning with milk is the way that allows you to get a sufficiently high-quality product at the output. There are two options for this cleaning.

  1. In the first case, we act with milk already on the mash. For 10 liters of mash, 2 liters of milk are taken. Such a pervach can be overtaken twice. Get great quality
  2. The second method involves the effect of milk already on finished product. A glass of milk is taken for 1 liter of liquid. Curdling, milk absorbs fusel oils

Naturally, the harm of such a composition of the mixture is significantly reduced. We create another reliable barrier for the sivuha. To do this, filter the "milk" moonshine through a charcoal filter.

Especially patient lovers of high-quality moonshine clean it in a longer way. They take 50 grams of charcoal and pour it into a liter of liquid. The mixture is defended for a week, shaking every day. On the 8th day, the liquid will brighten. The carbon deposit is removed from her with a tube by suction.

Egg white cleansing

For this method, you will need 2 beaten egg whites per liter of moonshine. Add them to the solution and put them in a dark place.

After the egg white curdles completely and falls to the bottom, the product should be filtered through cheesecloth.

Violet Root Cleansing

way with enough good result. The root of the plant is easy to buy in pharmacies in the herbal medicine department. The process is easy. For 1 liter of solution we take about 30 grams of crushed root. Insist for at least 2 weeks in a dark and warm place. Next, the resulting liquid is filtered.


Moonshine after the first distillation, in addition to ethyl alcohol, contains harmful impurities - light fractions (such as acetone) and fusel oils. In addition to harm to the body, they have a very bad smell.
These impurities must be removed, which is the task of subsequent operations.
At this stage, the main purification of moonshine from fusel oils is carried out.

The above method - how to clean moonshine from fusel oils has been repeatedly tested and proved its advantages.


In the photo - a bottle with stirred oil. You can see how cloudy the liquid is.

Unfortunately, the photo does not show that the result is an almost transparent liquid. Cleaning was done before the second distillation of moonshine.

After that, by the usual "chauffeur" method, we begin to pump the liquid into the lower bottle. Using a clamp, we adjust the flow of liquid so that the funnel is always about half full. Flowing through charcoal, moonshine is cleared of fusel oils and vegetable oil residues.
The end of the process is determined visually when the oil layer approaches the intake end of the hose.

We first pour activated charcoal (crushed or granulated) into the funnel so that it comes out a little from the syringe body.

For complete clarity, below is a sketch of the layout of the purification equipment before the second distillation. With the help of the rigid part of Hose 1 we take the liquid below the oil layer, with the help of the Clamp we regulate the flow of the liquid. The actual cleaning takes place in Funnel 2 using activated carbon. Activated carbon not only absorbs fusel oil from moonshine, it very well collects a suspension of oil that has not risen to the top.

We assemble equipment for the removal of vegetable oil and fusel oils. We use "hose 1", "clamp", "funnel 2" (see the moonshine equipment page).

After stirring, the bottle is left alone for 12 hours. During this time, the solution settles, and the vegetable oil with the captured fusel oils rises to the top. The photo shows a layer of oil at the top of the bottle.

Pay attention to a very important detail - we use only refined corn oil, otherwise the smell of oil in the final product is possible.


A rather difficult moment is stirring vegetable oil in moonshine. These liquids have different specific gravity, and just do not mix. It is necessary to break the vegetable oil into drops, these drops will capture the fusel oils and then float to the top. If you stir too intensively (for example, with a construction mixer), then too small drops are formed, they do not float. If the agitation is too weak, then few oil droplets are formed, and accordingly they capture little fusel oils.
In order to avoid mistakes, below is a video of this operation. It contains several episodes:
First- pour vegetable oil at the rate of 250 milliliters of oil per 10 liters of diluted moonshine.
Second- be sure to cover the bottle with a plastic bag to prevent splashing.
Third- stir the oil for 60 seconds, then 60 seconds of rest. We do three such approaches - stirring / rest.


Additionally, fusel oils will be removed during the second distillation by cutting off the tailings, but this is only an additional purification. The main purification of moonshine from fusel oils is carried out at this stage.
At the exit, we should get a product completely odorless. There will be light ends odors (such as acetone) but these will be removed by the second distillation and cleaning after the second distillation.

There are many ways to clean moonshine from fusel oils.

- soda
- milk
- egg white
A very interesting way - freezing.

Probably the most famous way cleaning moonshine with potassium permanganate.
First of all, the simplicity of the method attracts - a certain amount of potassium permanganate is dissolved in moonshine, then, after aging, it is filtered through activated carbon or a water purification cartridge.
Everything is very simple. But the bad thing is that potassium permanganate is an active oxidizing agent, and it interacts not only with fusel oils, but also with ethyl alcohol. As a result, potassium hydroxide, acetaldehyde and other impurities are formed, which must be disposed of.
More details can be found on other sites, but serious, not superficial information is needed.

The next most popular method is purification of moonshine with activated charcoal.
There are a huge number of options for this method - you can crush coal and pour it into moonshine with subsequent exposure, you can filter it through a coal column or a water purification cartridge, and much more. You can read about it on other sites.

The difference of my method is that it is initially carried out cleaning moonshine with vegetable oil, and only then activated carbon.
That is, in fact, there is a double cleaning.
The makeshift funnel used in the method is actually a charcoal column. And activated carbon removes not only fusel oils, but also vegetable oil residues.

In my opinion, such a two-stage cleaning of moonshine with oil and activated carbon is optimal.

First step- cleaning moonshine with oil.
The use of vegetable oil for cleaning moonshine is based on the fact that the oil that gets into the moonshine captures the fusel oils dissolved in it. In the future, when settling, the oil floats to the top, taking fusel oils with it.
Second phase- purification of moonshine with charcoal.
Oil-purified moonshine is additionally filtered through charcoal. At the same time, charcoal removes fusel oils and vegetable oil residues.

That is, the cleaning is double.
The advantage of this method is that it is not a chemical, but a physical process (unlike potassium permanganate). That is, a minimum amount of side compounds is formed, which have to be dealt with in the future.
And since we want to get a natural product, this is important.
Let's look at how to clean moonshine from fusel oils in more detail.