Rating of entrance doors - the best offers from manufacturers. The best entrance doors to an apartment - a rating of manufacturers Reliable doors for home and garden

Modern entrance doors must meet a number of requirements. Firstly, they must be reliable, secondly, beautiful and, thirdly, convenient to use. Steel doors are produced today by a variety of manufacturers. When choosing a brand, you should definitely pay attention. Cheap models made by little-known companies are unlikely to become an obstacle to intruders.

What to consider when buying

Choosing the most suitable model doors, first of all, you should pay attention to:

  • the thickness of the steel sheet used for manufacturing;
  • web design;
  • type of insulation;
  • design and number of locks;
  • the presence / absence of platbands;
  • number and design of loops;
  • eye type;
  • appearance of the outer and inner panels;
  • manufacturer's brand;
  • price.

Of course choose front door follows depending on its future purpose. For a summer residence, the first and subsequent floors of an apartment building, models that are slightly different in design are chosen.

What should be the thickness

Good ones metal doors, reliably protecting the interior from penetration by brute force, made of steel with a thickness of at least 1.5 mm. Imported designs with such an indicator are considered the highest quality.

They are made of alloy steel, which bends without breaking when struck. Models made of hard metal should have a thickness of at least 2–4 mm. Products of this type are most often made by Russian manufacturers.

In addition to the thickness, when choosing a door, you should pay attention to the canvas and frame themselves. The first must be made from one single sheet. The presence of welds in the canvas is not allowed, since such a design can be easily hacked with a conventional sledgehammer.

It is best if the frame is made of solid strips of steel. Prefabricated versions of it are less reliable. Enough good feedback consumers deserved only welded frames, filled with cement mortar from the inside.

What should be the design of the canvas

The door leaf itself must be insulated. In this case, it is best if mineral wool or expanded polystyrene is used as an insulator. In cheap models, instead of these modern heaters often just corrugated cardboard is used. Of course, the microclimate in an apartment or house with such a canvas is unlikely to be good. Cardboard does not retain heat or different kind extraneous noises.

It is quite difficult to determine how good an entrance metal door is in this regard. In this case, you should focus primarily on the brand of the manufacturer. It is better to buy models that have already earned good consumer reviews. In extreme cases, you can also ask the seller to unscrew one of the locks and look inside the canvas. Also, to check the quality of the door in terms of insulation and sound insulation, buyers sometimes simply knock on it. A good model does not "buzz".

What should locks look like?

Hacking of entrance metal doors is carried out, for the most part, not with the use of brute force, but “in a cunning way”. That is, using a master key and other similar devices. Therefore, the quality of the locks when choosing should be given special attention. Good consumer reviews deserved only door structures, equipped with at least two locks. In this case, one of them should be cylindrical, and the other - level.

You also need to see how many crossbars are in the locks. In good models, there should be at least 4 of them. Judging by the reviews of experts, locks can only be considered reliable if the overhang and thickness of the crossbars are at least 20 mm.

Hinges and platbands

The number of hinges is determined primarily by the weight and intensity of use of the door. For a model intended for installation in a city apartment or residential building, 2-3 pieces will be enough. In the design of the loops necessarily must include ball bearings. These elements significantly increase their wear resistance. Without them, the canvas will soon simply sag.

And, of course, the loops must be hidden by platbands. Without it, breaking the door becomes very easy. The hinges of models without platbands can be easily cut off with a grinder or some other tool. In particular, the platband is relevant for structures installed in suburban country houses. It is also very good if the door is equipped with hidden hinges and anti-burglary pins.


Of course, a peephole must be embedded in the front door leaf. And it is very good if it is panoramic. As for the appearance of the canvas and frame, in this case the choice depends largely on the taste of the owners of the house or apartment themselves. But of course, it is worth paying attention to the degree of practicality of the skin in any case.

The finish should be good enough resist various kinds of mechanical influences and adverse factors environment. This is especially true for doors intended for use in country houses. Best Reviews summer residents have deserved models with a powder anti-vandal coating.

As for the interior decoration, it, of course, should fit harmoniously into the interior of the hallway as harmoniously as possible. Today on sale there are door structures with removable inner panels. Finishing of such models can be changed.

Manufacturer brand

This parameter when choosing an entrance door is considered perhaps the most important. In no case should you buy, for example, cheap Chinese-made doors. Such models are usually made of very poor quality and thin steel.

The thickness of the metal leaf and frame in most cases does not exceed 0.6 mm. For comparison: ordinary tin cans have about the same thickness. That is, you can open a Chinese-made front door not even with a crowbar or a grinder, but with a simple can opener.

Such models deserve bad reviews for the very low quality of the insulation. Expanded polystyrene and mineral wool The Chinese practically do not use canvases for insulation. Most often they are insulated with completely useless corrugated cardboard. The quality of locks in Chinese models also leaves much to be desired.

The best reviews on the network are about the entrance metal door structures of Russian and Polish production. The most popular brands in this case are:

  • "Guardian";
  • "Condor";
  • "Toreks";
  • "Outpost";
  • "Elbor";
  • Galant;
  • Novak.

Models "Guardian"

Reviews about metal entrance doors of this brand are good, first of all, because these models have high strength and burglary resistance. The advantages of the designs of this manufacturer can also be attributed to:

  • multilayer keyhole protection;
  • high-quality powder coating of the canvas;
  • environmental friendliness of materials used for insulation;
  • the possibility of individual selection not only of the design and dimensions of the canvas, but also of locks, as well as other fittings.

Doors "Guardian" are produced by the Russian company of the same name.

Models "Elbor"

These metal entrance doors have also justifiably earned popularity among domestic consumers. Models of this brand are manufactured at the factories of the Russian holding Elbor. Their main advantages include:

  • reliability;
  • easily changing decorative panels;
  • ingenious multi-point locking system;
  • the presence of an additional armor package.

The advantages of the designs of this brand is also considered the possibility of hanging the canvas on any side.

Models "Condor"

At a not too high cost, the products of this company are simply of excellent quality. Thermal insulation in these door structures is arranged using mineral wool. Canvas and frames covered resistant to adverse influences external environment paintwork. Those who want to purchase a high-quality door for the house and not overpay should definitely pay attention to this option.

Torex models

In the metal doors of this Russian brand, not mineral wool is used as a heater, but expanded polystyrene, which is resistant to moisture. Therefore, Torex models are well suited for installation in country houses.

In some cases, they are mounted even in the absence of a vestibule. But experienced summer residents still recommend building the latter. In any door of the middle price category locks due to condensation in winter time can freeze. Only very expensive imported models, designed specifically for country houses.

Products of the company "Forpost"

This company is one of the leading door manufacturers in Russia. The main advantage of Forpost brand models, in addition to reliability, strength and durability, is the presence of hidden loops. It is very difficult to cut such a canvas from a frame. Also, the model of this manufacturer deserved good reviews for its attractive appearance. Forpost products look really beautiful and fit well into the interior of almost any hallway.

Polish models Galant

This manufacturer also uses reliable armor plates to protect locks from breaking. The undoubted advantages of the doors of this brand, among other things, include impeccable solid appearance and not too expensive. The porch of the Galant models is equipped with additional protection, and the threshold is made of stainless steel.

Novak's products

The advantages of doors of this variety, which also have a lot of positive reviews, first of all, include the high reliability of the canvas and the presence of additional protection of the porch. Besides, popularity Polish models "Novak" deserved thanks to the presentable design of the canvas and frame. They cost a little more than Chinese ones, but their quality is pretty good.

Many do not respond well to the Saratov doors "Torex". But in fact, people have developed a bad opinion about them mainly because of not very conscientious installers. The doors themselves of this brand are quite solid and reliable. In mine there are two locks - the main one of the 4th class of protection and the additional one of the 2nd. The frame and canvas are quite powerful, and mineral wool is used for insulation. Additionally, the canvas is filled with foamed polyurethane. Therefore, the cold, as well as extraneous noise, it practically does not let through. All in all, a very good door for the price.

Valery Petrovich

Recently, a Russian Forpost door was installed in the house. Satisfied with its quality so far. Looks nice and solid. Our door has a universal lock. Yes, it is convenient, but still I think this detail is superfluous. They write on the Internet that some Forpost door installers are aware of the presence of this function and sometimes take the path of crime, penetrating into other people's apartments. Otherwise, we are completely satisfied with the door.

Stanislav Kochetkov

The front door to the house requires a thoughtful attitude. It is required to take into account many nuances when choosing and installing it. Let's consider this in more detail.

Can you imagine a house without doors? Definitely not. Doors are one of the most important structural elements country house, this is, in fact, his face. And much depends on how it, that is, this person, will be, including the first impression of the owners of this house, and the safety and comfort of living in it.

Taking into account all of the above, we can safely say that the outer door of a country house should be of high quality, reliable and attractive in appearance.

If earlier entrance doors for country houses were made mainly of wood, then at present production technologies have expanded significantly. They are made from different materials. One of the most common options are metal doors, including those with solid wood overlays.

The most economical and practical solution not only for a country house, but also for garden house or cottages - this is the installation of a metal door with wooden lining. The material here is usually pine or oak. The first option is cheaper than the second, but not as durable. The door with ash overlays is also excellent on the street; this material is comparable in its characteristics to oak.

The main protection for such doors is the lacquer coating, but it will not be able to protect it from bumps and chips. If the paintwork is damaged, the door may begin to rot after some time. To avoid such unpleasant moments, decorative stainless plate overlays are used for additional protection. They also protect the tree from the aggressive external environment. In the absence of stainless plates, the front door facing the street can begin to rot due to constantly melting or freezing snow.

If we talk about the pros, then the main advantage is the aesthetic appearance. Such a door immediately attracts attention. The second plus - great opportunities for decor. Since the overlays are mainly made by hand, if you wish, you can ask the craftsman to decorate the door, for example, with either carvings or patterns. Yes, and you can choose any shade for the door, including the tone of double-glazed windows.

Another important plus is that they do an excellent job of keeping the heat in the home. By the way, it is better not to use MDF panels for the front door - they immediately fade in the sun, and temperature changes cause the panel to bend over time. But the tree is not afraid of either ultraviolet radiation or temperature changes.

As for the disadvantages of such doors, this is their rather high cost. It is also possible that low-quality material may be used in the manufacture. Also, there may be small cracks on it, which are practically impossible to get rid of. Although some customers even like the presence of cracks.

Here are some tips for those who have decided to install an entrance metal door with solid wood overlays in their home.

First. The house must have a porch, that is, the door should not stand without any canopy, and neither rain nor snow should fall on it. In addition, the presence of a porch will extend the life of the entire structure, since water will not be able to flow under the platbands and will not fall on the frame.

Second. In houses made of timber or logs (without external straight cladding), when installing doors, one must take into account the fact that such houses shrink, and each side of the opening can settle a little in different directions.

Often, the frame is attached directly to the bars. As a result, when the house shrinks, the doors begin to close poorly. In order to avoid this, in wooden houses you should always put a shrink board, fifty, that is, when installing doors, you need to make an additional box in the opening.

By the way, here we must not forget that in this case the standard platband is not enough to close the fifty. Therefore, in order not to see part of the shrink board and the ends, it is better to immediately order a wide casing of 10-12 cm.

One more thing: if the level of the floor at the entrance at the door is below the level of the door, then in order to close these mounting joints, it is better to make platbands on four sides.

When buying metal doors for a country house, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the paintwork. It must be of high quality. To protect the coating, it is better to install overlays. In addition, it is desirable to have a porch.

The second point is condensation. From this phenomenon, no matter how thick the door is, there is no escape, since there is a temperature difference between the street and warm room. In this regard, a laminated panel cannot be used for the interior decoration of the door, since the accumulated condensate will be absorbed into the panel, and in a year or two it will rot, begin to swell, and warp.

One of the options for interior decoration of the entrance metal door is metal. True, here one must be prepared for the fact that frost will form on the door during operation. To avoid such an unpleasant moment, either one more - internal - door is placed, or at the design stage, an additional room such as a vestibule is provided in front of the entrance to the house. This is done so that the temperature difference is less.

In addition to metal, for interior decoration of entrance doors, you can also use MDF panel with an outer coating of PVC film. In this case, the falling moisture is not absorbed, does not freeze and remains in the form of a small perspiration.

As for the advantages of metal doors, this is long term service and strength. By the way, the thickness of the steel should be more than 1.5 mm, but experts do not advise taking steel more than 2 mm. It does nothing but increase the cost and make the door heavier.

When ordering doors, one should not lose sight of such a moment as a lock. It is also better not to save on them.

And it is better to put two locks: a cylinder - for convenience, and the main lever type - for protection.

What are the most common mistakes when choosing front doors for your country house? Usually people, wanting to save money, look at the price, forgetting that a good quality door cannot be cheap. That's why main advice- do not save and install in your home good doors! published

- the face of the house and the basis of its protection. We hope that everyone already understands well how much security, thermal insulation and the perception of the appearance of a private house depend on the chosen door. Unscrupulous companies often try to sell us a Chinese door of dubious quality under the guise of a reliable product, enticing with discounts and conducting loud advertising. That is why you yourself need to know how to choose the right front door to a cottage, country or a private house what is important to consider and what details to pay attention to.

No. 1. What are the requirements for the exit door?

Let's start with the declaration of variables, or rather, we will voice the characteristics that a really good front door should meet:

No. 2. Door leaf material

We don't have a lot of choice today. Entrance doors are often made of the following materials:

  • metal;
  • wood;
  • metal-plastic.

Steel door- a classic, a model of strength and aesthetics. Today, such doors are in more than 70% of private homes. Overlays made of wood and MDF, powder coating and other ways of finishing the canvas allow us to talk about a decent variety. A strong competitor to metal sheets has recently been considered metal-plastic doors. Looking ahead, we note that they are distinguished by better thermal insulation and a slightly lower price, but in terms of reliability they are not inferior to metal doors. Wooden doors are used less and less. Today, this is an outdated option that has a lot of drawbacks, and if such a canvas can be used in an apartment, then it is unlikely in a cottage, except in rare cases.

Number 3. Metal entrance doors

Many people prefer to buy entrance doors to the cottage, Vacation home or an apartment made of metal. Such structures have a number of undeniable advantages:

So popular that the range is growing day by day. Next to really high-quality samples, doors are sold that can be damaged with an ordinary can opener. They are made in China and can be sold both at very attractive prices (which justifies their quality at least a little), and at the average market price. How to recognize a really high-quality door and not fall for the tricks of cunning manufacturers and sellers?

It is necessary to evaluate a metal door according to a number of indicators:

metal door construction

The door consists of a frame to which the inner and outer leaf of the door leaf are attached. Between the canvases there are stiffening ribs, in the cavities between which the insulation is laid. The design is illustrated in the figure.

Metal sheets can be made from hot and cold rolled steel. The first option is cheaper, but this material is more susceptible to corrosion. Cold rolled steel for the front door in the cottage will be an advantageous option: it is less susceptible to precipitation and more durable.

Sheets of steel must have a thickness 1.2-2 mm, and even more is better, otherwise the canvas can be damaged without much effort sharp knife. Some experts advise installing doors with a steel sheet thickness of about 4 mm in country houses. Please note that only the outer sheet can be metal (then the inner panel is made of MDF, for example) or both sheets. The second option is preferable because door leaf will be more durable. In some doors, between the outer and inner steel sheet, there is additional layer of steel. In terms of reliability, this is an ideal option, but it will also cost accordingly.

However, even if only the outer part of the door is made of steel, the canvas can still remain reliable. The main thing that the castle area has been reinforced an additional sheet of steel or an armored plate.

door frame, to which sheets and stiffeners will be attached, can be made of whole profile pipe , the ends of which will be connected with only one seam. This is the ideal option. If four sections of the profile are used to create the base, which are welded together, a less durable, but still satisfactory construction is obtained. Worst of all, when each side of the frame is welded from a pair or more pieces. In this case, too many seams are obtained, and each seam reduces the degree of protection of the fabric.

Stiffening rib reinforce and reinforce the structure. They can be:

  • vertical. Well resist torsional loads and will not allow to bend the corners of the web;
  • horizontal. They protect against punching and do not allow the door leaf to be squeezed out of the frame;
  • combined. Such doors have vertical, horizontal, and sometimes inclined stiffening ribs, so they perfectly withstand any load.

The more stiffeners there are, the better. At least two vertical and one horizontal. Ribs are usually made from rectangular pipe or angle. This is a classic and reliable option. There are doors where the ribs are made from a profile of complex configuration. This approach allows you to create an equally durable canvas while reducing the weight of the structure.

Fills voids between stiffeners insulation, which increases thermal insulation and allows you to get rid of the unpleasant sound of a hollow door. Usually, and are used for this purpose - both options are quite effective. Foam rubber, synthetic winterizer, paper and pressed cardboard are not very suitable for thermal insulation of the front door.

Along the contour of the door leaf should be located sealant, which provides a snug fit of the door to the door frame, protects against noise, drafts and smells from the street. If the seal is of high quality and installed correctly, one circuit will be enough, so samples with two, three or more circuits should be treated with caution. It is best if the seal is made of rubber. Silicone and polyurethane in this case behave somewhat worse, and the option with foam rubber and plastic should not even be considered.

Hinges and door frame

If the door leaf is not hackable, the thief may try to cut off the hinges. Therefore, it is important to consider the front door as a complex complex structure, where every element is important.

Loops can be of the following types:

Number of loops depends on many factors: the weight and dimensions of the door, the thickness of the metal, the outer and interior decoration. Required minimum- 3 loops. Less can not be even in the lightest designs. If the canvas turned out to be heavy enough, you can take hinges with support bearings which will facilitate the process of opening and closing.

The door frame also affects the strength and reliability. It should be made of a U-shaped profile with a thickness of at least 3-5 mm.

Door leaf trim

The door finishing material should be combined with a (when it comes to the outside of the canvas) and the interior of the hallway or vestibule, but this is not the main thing. The exterior finish must be resistant to various weather conditions and be wear-resistant. Such stringent requirements do not apply to the interior.

For interior and outside metal entrance doors use the following materials:

There are other ways of finishing, such as handmade painting, laminating with PVC film or using plastic panels , but in this case I do not want to recommend them. They do not look solid, and in operation they do not show themselves very well.

Note also that the metal sheet may have glass insert. It decorates the door, but makes it more vulnerable, so they take armored glass or protect it. Forged grilles look great, especially if they are supported by other forged elements in the design of the porch and yard.

Thermal insulation of a metal door

Perhaps the only disadvantage of metal entrance doors is their the ability to freeze and become covered with frost. High-quality thermal insulation (in the form of a layer of insulation inside the door) can practically neutralize this problem, but sometimes additional measures may be necessary. To get rid of the freezing of a metal door, you can use the following tricks:

No. 4. Wooden entrance doors

The safety of metal models is beyond doubt. Durable material, high protection against burglary, resistance to fire and mechanical damage - all these advantages have made them a worthy competitor in the market. Can wooden entrance doors outperform metal ones? To understand this, you need to understand the main advantages of wood products:

  • strength. Entrance models are made as durable as possible, so they are often made of oak. The material is quite difficult to damage;
  • many years of service life. Wood itself is considered a durable base. Through proper surface treatment and with constant care the canvas can last at least 50 years;
  • environmental friendliness. Wood is a safe and hypoallergenic material. It has practically no analogues;
  • external attractiveness. The classic shade of oak or pine looks very beautiful on the front doors and harmonizes with any facade. Metal sheets in this regard will have to be chosen more carefully;
  • resistance to corrosion. Wood does not rust (unlike metal). Due to this, periodic surface treatment with various anti-corrosion agents is not required;
  • soundproofing. The sufficient thickness of the door provides protection from extraneous sounds even in the absence of a filler;
  • low thermal conductivity. The wooden door will not cover with condensation or frost.

On the other hand, wood panel afraid of precipitation, sudden changes in temperature, fire and pests, so it will have to be constantly processed - without them, even a door made of glued laminated timber will not last long. In addition, if suddenly the sash leads, then repair is almost impossible. These shortcomings can cross out all the advantages of wooden doors, so today they are very rarely installed. If nothing but wood matches the facade, it is better to take a metal door with a wooden lining. The best place for purely wooden door will become south side of the house. Naturally, the porch must be reliable.

No. 5. Metal-plastic entrance doors

Only metal-plastic doors can compete with metal doors. They have such benefits:

  • excellent heat and sound insulation properties. The canvas does not let in external noise, prevents the ingress of cold and does not freeze through;
  • good strength properties. In terms of reliability and safety, such doors, contrary to prejudice, are not inferior to metal ones;
  • resistance to negative environmental factors;
  • variety of appearance;
  • ease of care;
  • low cost. Such doors will cost on average 10-15% cheaper than metal ones.

By structure metal-plastic doors resemble those known to everyone: the production principle is the same, but the design is different. The profile for such a door has at least five chambers, reinforced with steel. is placed not from ordinary glass, but from armored or triplex. The glazing area can be of any area, but for security reasons it is better that it occupies only a third of the door leaf.

No. 6. Burglary resistance of the front door

Large manufacturers certify steel doors according to the burglary resistance class. There are 13 such classes in total: doors from classes 1 to 4 are used in everyday life, the rest are armored doors for banks and safes:

No. 7. Entrance door lock

A durable door leaf will protect against rough breaking methods, and from intellectual ones. The following types of locks are placed on the front door:

  • lever locks- the most durable and reliable. The degree of protection depends on the number of levers. There can be from 1 to 10 of them. A good lock has 6 or more levers, and their number can be judged even by the number of steps on the key (one must be subtracted from their number to get the desired value). Lever locks of a crab design are suitable for the front door; when locking, their crossbars extend in different directions: it will be more difficult for a thief to find and cut them. Locks with a manganese insert also show themselves well, which will protect the mechanism from drilling;
  • cylinder lock works on the basis of cylinders located at a certain height. It is difficult to open it with a master key - it is much easier to knock it out, so it is better to protect the mechanism with an armor plate or special balls that will resist the drill. It is better not to use it as an independent lock - only complete with a lever lock;
  • electronic locks, which are opened by a digital code, fingerprint or card, reliable, modern, but expensive, so they have not yet received distribution;
  • combined several mechanisms are combined in one lock.

Better for front door put a couple of locks. Lever and cylinder are an ideal pair, but it is better to place them at some distance from each other, 25-30 cm will be enough. Choose castles 3 and 4 security classes and trust the products of renowned manufacturers.

We didn’t mention it, but it goes without saying that before contacting a company that makes and installs doors, you need to know the dimensions of the doorway. If it is very wide, it is possible that one sash is not enough - it will be more convenient to put the door on two or one and a half sashes. Please note that ordering a non-standard size canvas will cost more. Also, do not forget about the accessories (handle, etc.), which must also be of high quality.

No room can be imagined without a solid and beautiful door. And if we are talking about an apartment, then it must also be very durable, ensure the protection of property owners and the safety of their property. Brand.guru offers its rating of hardy and durable entrance doors from the best manufacturers and at affordable prices.

The best entrance doors are metal models that can withstand heavy loads.

Equally important is the presence of modern locks with unique secrets that are difficult to open with master keys.

To choose really good doors, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. The foundation. No soft or thin metal, choose only high-strength steel, which additionally has good heat and noise insulation. These doors are very heavy. The cost of the product varies from the thickness of the steel; a sheet of 2-3 mm is considered the optimal thickness.
  2. Finishing. Can be used as a design different materials– plastic, MDF, powder coating, varnish, paint, wood. They have aesthetic and functional features.
  3. opening. It is necessary to decide where the handle should be, and in which direction the door will open. The direction can be inside, outside, left, right.
  4. Fire and moisture resistance. Metal entrance doors are exposed to the environment, which means that their coating must be resistant to any influences.
  5. Noise and heat insulation. For this, light but effective fillers are used, which affect the final cost of the product.
  6. Locking mechanism. Locks must be reliable and durable, there are 13 classes of burglary resistance.
  7. accessories. Cheap products quickly fail and have an unaesthetic appearance. It is important to choose the right strong chains, loops, eyes and handles.
  8. Quality. When choosing steel entrance door models, give preference to manufacturers who give a guarantee for their products, including fittings, platbands, canvases.
  9. Service. To install the door, experts advise contacting experienced craftsmen.

There are plenty to choose from

Our rating of manufacturers will help you choose the best and most durable door for your apartment or house. Manufacturers themselves are trying to offer high-quality models in different price categories. However, as practice shows, especially in large cities, this element of housing and security can never be saved. The best high-strength entrance doors must fully meet all the requirements of domestic realities.

1. ASD

The doors of this manufacturer can be purchased for an average of 17 thousand rubles. However, the price can vary greatly depending on the configuration, the materials and accessories used, the size of the product, and so on. The disadvantage of the door is that when ordering other, non-standard shades of panels, you will have to pay extra and wait for your order for another 2 to 4 weeks.

Model advantages:

  • concise style;
  • good value for money;
  • durable and lightweight;
  • provides reliable protection;
  • the ability to choose the color of the panels;
  • the thickness of the steel used is 1.5 mm, and the blade is 50 mm.

Durable metal is used as the main material, there is an armor plate around the perimeter. Additionally there are two sealing circuits and a night valve.

Prices on Entrance metal door Economy Asd:


The average price of popular models of this manufacturer is 13,100 thousand rubles. For this money you get a solid door, with high-quality fittings. The whole system will last a very long time due to its advantages:

  • light door;
  • powerful loops;
  • high quality fittings;
  • use of high quality steel;
  • application of powder paint for external finishing.

Pretty good steel doors, but there are much better options.

If you live in a disadvantaged area, then a steel thickness of 1.5 mm will not be the best option.

And this is even if we take into account the fact that the canvas is produced by pressing without welding. Inside is filled with basalt slab.

Prices on Entrance door Yoshkar P-09 Wenge BRAVO:

3. ProfMaster

The Moscow company ProfMaster has been working in the production of entrance doors since 1998 and has managed to earn a good reputation, which is confirmed by numerous positive reviews from satisfied customers. Known mainly for the Nord series, made using thermal break technology, which provides exceptional thermal insulation: the doors are designed for outdoor use, do not sweat, do not freeze. However, among the entrance doors for the apartment there are also interesting models, both in terms of functional characteristics and visual features.

key competitive advantage- production of custom-made doors. The buyer receives:

  • scope in choosing the thickness of steel, locks, finishing materials;
  • the possibility of manufacturing a canvas of any non-standard size;
  • unique design project.

At the same time, prices remain quite affordable due to the absence of intermediaries. Production time varies from 3 days to 10 days depending on the complexity of the project. For those who do not want to wait, the manufacturer's website presents a selection of finished products.

Of the shortcomings, it should be noted that the company is more focused on the production of doors to order. If you need a specific door today, then this can be a problem, because it can only be made to order.

Prices on Doors ProfMaster:

4. Guardian

On average, you can buy Guardian doors made of steel for 21 thousand rubles. The models of this manufacturer have a lot of advantages, including from the technologies used. Depending on the configuration of each model, its price can vary significantly. The main advantages of the Guardian are the following:

  • reinforcement of the canvas;
  • use of high-strength clamps;
  • certificates of quality and conformity;
  • strong and stable system.

For many, the disadvantage will be the high price of manufacturers' products, however, it's worth it. You get a door that has the following characteristics:

  • made of two cold rolled steel sheets;
  • anti-removable clamps and trapezoidal stiffeners are installed;
  • mineral wool inside;
  • two locks and two seals.

Good sound insulation performance, doors meet the M1 reliability class.

Prices on Door metal Guardian series DS 2:

5. Elbor

Looking through the review of this model, I immediately want to note its strict and concise design, sometimes even reminiscent of old solutions. But in some cases, the main thing is not design, but quality and durability. Elbor is enough good decision, and you can buy a door for an average of 15 thousand rubles.

The advantages of products can be called:

  • use of thick steel;
  • high-quality finishing materials;
  • several opening options;
  • the presence of several locks;
  • peephole installed.

For many, the choice will be disappointing. design solutions and rather outdated color options. But, you buy a door in which:

  • 1.8 mm thick steel was used;
  • oak interior trim;
  • 110 mm thick door frame filled with basalt slab.

In addition, the product has three sealing contours, an armor plate and three strong loops.

Prices for Doors Elbor:


  • modern and futuristic design;
  • good choice of colors;
  • use of various patterns;
  • favorable prices;
  • use of imported equipment and components.

The models of this brand were included in our rating as the most controversial and controversial. The reviews left by the owners of the manufacturer's products are contradictory. Some say that there are enough problems with them, while others are completely satisfied with the acquisition. According to the company, only high-quality materials are used.

Other Features:

  • the thickness of steel sheets is 1.5-2 mm, and the blades are from 70 mm;
  • a wide choice of width and height of the product, there are double-leaf models;
  • for finishing uses MDF and PVC.

Prices for TOREX Doors:

7. Outpost

The company's products are inexpensive models that can be purchased for an average of 8-9 thousand rubles. Naturally, they require a separate strength test, because for such an amount it is doubtful to purchase a quality product. Although the manufacturer guarantees:

  • service maintenance;
  • installation with a guarantee;
  • a large selection of accessories;
  • own trading network.

The disadvantage of the product is that it a budget option with all the consequences: poor burglar resistance and sound insulation.

But in the kit you get:

  • two castles;
  • standard sizes of products;
  • a large selection of colors;
  • modern design;
  • reliable locking systems;
  • seal contours;
  • some handles with a backlight system;
  • automatic locking.

Prices on Steel door Soyuz-51 Outpost:

8. Neman

In the ranking of durable metal entrance doors, they are not in last place. And all this is due to the thoughtful work and equipment of the models, however, you have to pay for this, and on average it is more than 45 thousand rubles. For the money spent you get:

  • high rates of burglary resistance;
  • individuality and thoughtfulness of each model;
  • good reliability;
  • product durability;
  • the use of modern equipment for the production of doors;
  • high-precision and high-quality models;
  • manufacturer's warranty;
  • compliance with established standards.

Perhaps the only drawback of the products of the presented brand is the high price of the products. They are provided:

  • five classes of protection;
  • minimal gaps;
  • high quality locks
  • anti-burglary systems;
  • multilayer high-strength panels;
  • overhead protective loops;
  • armor plates.

Prices on Entrance door Neman:


Another option for inexpensive models that can be purchased for an average of 10 thousand rubles. But is it worth it to buy such a door? The manufacturer claims that it is worth it, because despite the fact that these are budget models, it guarantees:

  • quality products;
  • hardy locks;
  • conservatism and conciseness;
  • a large selection of design and color options;
  • additional protection against burglary in the form of overlays and loop protection;
  • quality and durable parts.

Oddly enough, but the lack of brand products is the price. She directly says that high-quality products cannot be expected. The burglary and sound insulation indicators are not the best.

If speak about technical specifications, it is worth noting that all standard sizes web thickness 50 mm, and web sheets - 1.5 mm.

Prices on Entrance door STEEL:

10. Legrand

The doors of this manufacturer can be purchased for an average of 30 thousand rubles. The advantages of the brand's products are much greater than the disadvantages. Among the main advantages it is worth noting:

  • use of high-quality steel and fittings;
  • manufacturer's warranty for products provided;
  • long service life of all parts, systems and elements;
  • standard sizes;
  • the use of additional elements to increase security.

As in many others, quite expensive models, the main disadvantage of Legrand is their price. However, it is worth exploring General characteristics products and you may decide that it is worth it.

  • sheet thickness - 1.5 mm, steel sheet - 50 mm;
  • the presence of additional armor plates;
  • two sealing circuits;
  • night valve;
  • laminated MDF, veneer;
  • locks of different security classes;
  • reinforcement of the lock and the lock part (4 and 3 mm, respectively).

Prices on Entrance doors Legrand:

The best modern metal doors cannot cost 10-15 thousand rubles. For the money, they can be beautiful and look like rugged models, but they have weak spots. If you are willing to pay an order of magnitude more, you can provide your home with much more security. If you want to install the best steel entrance doors to an apartment, then get ready for the fact that you will have to pay 50-70 thousand rubles. or more. But an armored door can fully protect you and your property.