Domestic poisonous plants and flowers. The impact of poisonous houseplants on humans A plant that produces white juice

About the abundance of beautiful and well-groomed houseplants has always been considered a plus for housewives: when we enter such a house, we immediately involuntarily admire, and we cannot hide this admiration - such beauty leaves few people indifferent.

Plants, if they are well-groomed and beautiful, please the eye and the sense of smell - it is more developed in us than other senses, and it greatly affects our condition and attitude. In the city through open window does not always enter the room Fresh air, a houseplants they purify it and absorb toxic impurities - for example, the well-known chlorophytums, which grow exactly where there are a lot of such impurities in the air.

However, botanists say that to arrange in living and working premises " botanical gardens"You can't: when there are a lot of plants, they begin to do more harm than good, releasing volatile compounds that are hazardous to health.

Of course, it is not so difficult to deal with this if the premises are often ventilated, but indoor plants are different: they are dangerous not only for health, but also for life, if they are handled incorrectly.

1. Ficus.
With a tendency to it is better not to keep it in the house at all. Ficus juice is poisonous - the skin becomes inflamed from it, and irritation occurs in the respiratory tract - even an asthma attack can occur.

2. Oleander.
Its flowers are fragrant and pleasantly scented, but can cause headache if the plant blooms too violently. Oleander can grow strongly if conditions allow, and it grows up to 5 m in height; used in medicine, like many poisonous plants. Seeds and juice are especially poisonous, so you need to take care of it with gloves, and keep children and animals away.

3. Pachypodium lamer.
Something similar to a small palm tree: they call it that - the Madagascar palm tree, but the name is wrong. The leaves of the lamera are poisonous and can be dangerous to children and animals.

4. Dieffenbachia.
The juice of many dieffenbachia is poisonous to the skin - contact with it threatens with dermatitis; if it gets into the eyes, it affects the cornea and causes conjunctivitis, and if it gets into the mouth, it causes pain in the mucous membrane and swelling. Although children and animals usually do not chew this plant for a long time, everything can end in tragedy, so access to Dieffenbachia must be limited. Of the animals, cats are especially vulnerable - this juice can kill them if it gets into their mouths even in small quantities.

5. Monstera(Monstera)
In nature, this is a vine with large leaves, but in our country it grows in pots; popular just because of the leaves, shiny and very beautifully cut - because of them it is also called the philodendron full of holes. These large - up to 0.5 m - leaves contain toxins that cause burning in the mucous membranes, inflammation, strong salivation, vomiting and indigestion.

6. Spathiphyllum.
also loved by housewives: it blooms in a very original way, expelling an inflorescence on the pedicel, resembling an ear, from the base of which comes a veil - a perianth, similar to a leaf, but lighter, from green to white color. This plant is even recommended to be kept in rooms with polluted air - it quickly absorbs toxins, but is itself toxic: if the juice gets on the skin, an abscess may appear that will not heal for a long time. In nature, there are varieties of it, also toxic, although they are used in traditional medicine.

7. Poinsettia.
Almost all euphorbias are known for their toxicity - among them you can often find them among domestic flowers. poinsettia, so original that it is called the "Star of Bethlehem": the flowers of the poinsettia seem double - due to the bright red bracts framing each flower. One has only to slightly damage the leaf or stem of the plant, and the milky juice that has fallen on the skin will cause irritation; if it happens that it gets into the eye, a person or an animal may temporarily go blind.

8. Azalea.
or rhododendron (Rhododendron) - an amazing houseplant with beautiful flowers, similar to lily flowers. These plants bloom luxuriantly, and their flowers are graceful, and differ in bright colors - double or simple, they are red, pink, white, lilac, etc., and look very beautiful in living rooms and offices. Often, azaleas are given as gifts, and amateurs breed them in large quantities; Azaleas bloom for about 2-2.5 months, and their rich aroma causes dizziness, and in a poorly ventilated room it can cause loss of consciousness - this plant contains narcotic substances.

The plant can harm a person if the leaves of the plant or the nectar are ingested. The poisonous juice contained in the leaf plates and nectar can cause lacrimation, profuse vomiting, salivation, and nasal discharge.

9. Adenium.
Adenium obesum, or thick adenium, or desert rose (Adenium obesum), is a "bottle" plant with a thick stem at the base. This plant is poisonous. Its juice is able to penetrate through skin or mucous membranes into the blood and cause intoxication. Some African tribes use adenium poison in hunting, impregnating arrowheads with it. Also from it create drugs against arrhythmia.

10. Euphorbia(Euphorbia) - the milky juice of this plant, protruding from the damaged parts, is quite dangerous. It causes severe burning, redness of the skin, and possible blistering. Once in the eyes, milkweed juice provokes a serious inflammation of the conjunctiva and temporary blindness. Poison that enters the body through the mouth causes vomiting, severe diarrhea, and abdominal pain. With severe poisoning, dizziness, convulsions, delirium, and circulatory disorders are possible.

11. Hydrangea(Hydrangea) is a beautiful houseplant that requires special care. All parts of this plant contain poison. Touching the hydrangea is completely safe, the danger arises when parts of the hydrangea or its juice penetrate into the human body, for example, when swallowed. In this case, sweating increases, blood circulation becomes difficult, the victim feels pain in the stomach, itching, nausea, muscle weakness.

12. Gloriosa luxury(Gloriosa superba) is a dangerous plant only if its poison, contained in all its parts, enters the human body in large quantities. Gloriosa venom causes severe nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, in severe cases, hair loss, bleeding disorders, and there is a high probability of kidney damage.

13. Brovallia is beautiful(Browallia speciosa) is named so for a reason, but its graceful stems, interesting leaves, beautiful modest flowers and other parts contain a dangerous substance. Browllia juice, once on unprotected human skin, causes intoxication.

14. Clivia(Clivia) is beautiful when in bloom. Its bright luxurious buds open almost simultaneously, creating a bright "bouquet". But with careless handling of leaves or rhizome, this beautiful plant can do harm. Clivia venom causes vomiting, diarrhea, excessive salivation, and sometimes paralysis.

15. Ivy- the most famous domestic liana, and it is used with pleasure for interior decoration. This plant can also be called useful - it cleans the indoor air of harmful chemicals, bacteria and fungi do not like it, but its leaves and stems are poisonous - if they happen to be tried, for example, by a domestic rodent, the animal will die. Sometimes ivy blooms, although rarely - once every few years, but the flowers smell unpleasant, and the fruits are even more poisonous than the rest of the plant; therefore, it is better to remove the buds before they have time to open.

16. Nightshade
Many people also know about the nightshade family - even the fruits of ordinary potatoes can be deadly poisonous, and solanine also accumulates in the tubers, causing severe poisoning. As indoor flower often grown false nightshade- in Australia, this plant is considered a malicious weed, but our flower growers fell in love with it for the bright fruits that give it an attractive appearance. That is why children are often poisoned with false nightshade, attracted by beautiful red-orange berries that cause stomach pain, nausea and vomiting; nightshade leaf juice is also poisonous - it causes skin irritation.

17. Capsicum.
Other members of this family are also dangerous: brunfelsia, browallia, capsicum etc.

18. Cyclamen.
Cyclamen flowers resemble graceful butterflies fluttering over the leaves, and it is considered an unusual, elite and capricious flower, but the juice of its tubers can cause skin inflammation and irritation.

19. Aloe.
It would never occur to anyone to speak badly about this plant - everyone knows about its pronounced medicinal properties, but for animals this plant is deadly. Rodents die from it, while others develop severe diarrhea; in humans, aloe juice - in case of overdose - can cause severe poisoning, and in pregnant women - miscarriage.

Aloe belongs to the Asphodelaceae family, and its other representatives grown in rooms also contain toxins: eremurus, gasteria, haworthia etc.

Most popular houseplants have poison that is not fatal to humans, but which can lead to serious illness.

20. Other plants
. For example, the fruits and leaves of plants belonging to the Araliaceae family can cause indigestion or allergies. These plants include ivy, fatsia, Japanese aukuba, sheffler, poliscias, fatshedera.

For example, the composition of the leaves and stems of begonias includes insoluble salts of oxalic acid, so the juice this plant May cause burns on contact with human skin. If a begonia leaf gets into the mouth, irritation of the pharynx may occur. The most toxic are begonia tubers.

Those plants that belong to the euphorbia family, for example, such as croton, jatropha, akalifa, euphorbia, contain euphorbin, that is, a toxic substance that can cause burns to the skin and mucous membranes. When a person cares for these and other plants of this family, he must protect his eyes, since the ingress of juice can lead to irritation of the cornea, which sometimes even leads to loss of vision. If the milky juice of ficus comes into contact with the skin, a person may develop dermatitis, eczema, or inflammation. In addition, allergies may occur, or bronchial asthma.

Plants belonging to the nightshade family are also considered poisonous houseplants. Among such plants, browallia, ornamental pepper, nightshade can be noted. This dangerous family also includes brunfelsia, which contains a toxic substance that can cause coughing, seizures and indigestion.

Security measures

Everyone understands that it is simply impossible to force a small child or pet to be wary of indoor plants that are poisonous. Therefore, if a toxic plant cannot be isolated, it must be disposed of. But it must be understood that only those plants that have poisonous leaves, flowers or stems are dangerous for children and animals.

There are indoor plants that have poisonous tubers, but it is unlikely that a baby or a four-legged friend will be able to get to them. If a person grows a poisonous plant at home, while caring for it, he must behave very carefully. When working with such plants, especially when transplanting them, it is necessary to use gloves. This is necessary in order to protect your hands from the juice of poisonous plants. In addition, you should not rub your face with your hands, otherwise the juice may get into your eyes or mouth.

First aid in case of contact with a poisonous plant
If the juice of a poisonous plant gets on the mucous membranes or skin, a person should urgently take action:

The damaged area of ​​the body must be washed with water using soap. If the juice of the plant gets into the eyes, they need to be held under running water for about ten minutes.
- if the juice has entered the stomach, the victim should be induced to vomit. You can also drink a glass of water with activated charcoal diluted in it.
- in case of poisoning, you can not drink milk, since it will not only be of no help, but will also aggravate the effects of fat-soluble toxins.

In conclusion, I will say: there is no need to be afraid of poisonous indoor plants, most of them can cause only minor harm to our health. Just when buying a green plant, you need to collect as much information about it as possible, including its poisonous properties.

Is it worth it to keep anthurium in your apartment? The question is moot. After all, this plant is able to purify the dirty air in the room without releasing harmful compounds. But at the same time, you need to be careful in handling this flower, and put it where pets and small children cannot reach. Contact with the juice of this plant can cause severe poisoning, allergies, and inflammation of the mucous membranes.

Pachypodium - Madagascar palm

Pachypodium is another plant of the kutrovy family. In general, almost all flowers of this family are poisonous.

Pachypodium is also called "fat leg". He has a very extravagant appearance. It has a fleshy trunk, which is completely covered with thorns, which is what makes it related to a cactus. And on top are long leaves resembling palm leaves.

Of course, many flower growers simply dream of putting such a handsome man in their house. But only those who have neither children nor animals can afford it. The fact is that the juice of the plant is poisonous, and its thorns are dangerous, as they are very sharp. When juice gets on damaged skin, a severe allergy begins, which is accompanied by severe itching and flaking.

Dieffenbachia - flower of celibacy

There are many legends around this large plant with spotted large leaves, there are many signs regarding it, and all of them have negative points. No one will tell you about the truthfulness of all signs, but much is known about poisonousness.

First of all, this is a plant of the aroid family, which means that the juice contains acid and, if it comes into contact with the skin, causes severe irritation and burns. If the juice of the plant gets into the mouth, it will cause swelling of the mucous membrane, which is fraught with respiratory arrest. Cats are especially at risk, because a small part of this juice can kill an animal.

Zamioculcas - dollar tree

Zamioculcas can be found in almost every lover of indoor plants. Of course, judging by the name, this tree is profitable, so it should be present in everyone's home.

This flower was included in our list not by chance. Since it is quite popular, it is worth knowing what to expect from it. This plant is not deadly poisonous, but it is capable of delivering unpleasant chores. When the juice of the flower comes into contact with the skin, a strong burning sensation occurs.

Callas - flowers of death?

Callas, or calla is a swamp poisonous flower. According to most, callas are funeral flowers. Where these prejudices come from is unclear. One thing is invariable: these flowers are truly elegant. There is even a legend that this flower is the reincarnation of a beautiful girl.

The swamp white poisonous flower is dangerous for both humans and animals. And all of its parts are poisonous. The white, poisonous flowers contain a milky sap that irritates and causes inflammation. Once inside the body, it stimulates vomiting, convulsions and depresses the work of the heart.

Cyclamen - flame petal

Cyclamen is loved by many housewives. This flower resembles butterflies fluttering over the leaves. The flowers of the plant come in different shades: white, pink, red.

It is considered quite capricious in care, but this does not prevent flower growers from purchasing it in stores. Cyclamen is also considered a poisonous flower. Its juice is toxic and, if it comes into contact with the skin, causes irritation and severe itching.

Plumeria - "heaven on earth"

No wonder this flower has such a name. It has extraordinary, geometrically precise and symmetrical petals. Each of them is saturated with many shades. In addition to external beauty, plumeria has an incredible citrus aroma. That is why this flower is often used in aromatherapy. But alas, behind all this beauty hides insidious cruelty. Plumeria is a very dangerous flower, the poison of which can cause heart failure and death.

Poinsettia - Christmas Star

Indeed, this plant is very similar to the Christmas star, in addition, this flower always blooms for Christmas (according to the Catholic calendar). It is so bright and beautiful that they decorate the festive table or give it as a gift.

But you should be careful with this handsome man, since the milky juice of this plant and all its brethren of the euphorbia family contains euphorbin, which causes burns of the skin and mucous membranes. If the juice gets into the eyes, it can threaten blindness, and if it gets into the mouth, it burns the oral cavity, indigestion and disturbances in the central nervous system.

Ivy - home liana

Perhaps someone will start arguing and will disagree with the fact that this home plant included in the poisonous list. After all, ivy is considered useful, it cleans the room from polluted air and chemicals. But few people know that the leaves and stems of this plant are toxic. If a pet wants to taste them, then he will die. Rarely, but still, these flowers are even more poisonous. Therefore, it is better to cut them before they bloom.

Features of care and safety measures

At the time when the house appears Small child or a pet, poisonous indoor flowers should leave their owners. It will be better if you transfer the plants to reliable hands. But if you don’t want to part with the plant, then in this case you need to take precautions:

  1. First of all, you need to place the flower pot in a place inaccessible to animals and children. After all, neither kids nor pets can be explained that in no case should you touch a plant, it is dangerous.
  2. When handling the plant, such as transplanting, cuttings, etc., wear rubber gloves.
  3. If contact is unavoidable and the poisonous sap comes into contact with the skin, wash the area immediately and thoroughly with soap and warm water.
  4. If the poison gets into the eyes, rinse the mucous membrane for 20 minutes until the burning sensation subsides. If there is no improvement, consult an ophthalmologist immediately.
  5. If parts of the plant are ingested, drink plenty of water and induce vomiting repeatedly. Then take activated charcoal.
  6. If poisoning is accompanied by dangerous symptoms (loss of consciousness, nausea, palpitations), call an ambulance immediately.
  7. All the poisonous flowers described above, the names of which we have presented to you, are considered the most common. If you purchase an exotic flower in a store, then first familiarize yourself with its properties.


Surely, after reading the article, many people looked back and saw at least one plant from the list on their windowsill. Run to throw out poisonous house flowers? Yes, if there are small children or animals in the apartment. But if you have the opportunity to keep the poisonous flower for yourself, be careful and follow the safety measures!

A lot of trouble can cause plants that have caustic juice. Getting on the skin or mucous membranes, it causes irritation, burns, allergic reactions. Children need to be taught from an early age that unfamiliar plants are better not to touch at all. When the baby grows up, using his interest in the world around him, it is advisable to show him dangerous plants and tell him why they should be admired from afar.

Yes, and it is useful for adults to “know by sight” these herbs and flowers. Most of the representatives of the flora, which will be discussed in this section, are wild. You can meet them both on your own site and during country walks. If in relation to cultivated plants we are free to choose whether to plant them in our garden or not, then wild plants do not ask our permission. But, as they say, forewarned is forearmed. Let's arm ourselves))

Sosnowsky's hogweed (Heracleum sosnowskyi)

Perhaps the most "famous" representative of this category. Juice, getting on the skin, provokes very severe burns that occur under the influence of sunlight (note: cloudy weather does not prevent the threat!). There have been recorded cases of deaths in the event of extensive lesions, so this plant must be taken very, very seriously.

Meeting with Sosnovsky's cow parsnip is fraught with serious burns. A photo

If this type of hogweed grows near your dacha, be sure to show it to everyone at home and warn of the danger. Especially - children! Out of ignorance or frivolity, they often become victims of poisonous juice.

Buttercup (Ranunculus)

The juice causes eye irritation (many of us remember from childhood that caustic buttercup is also called "night blindness") and increases the sensitivity of the skin to the sun. It is unlikely that anyone will chew on these yellow flowers, but it is worth knowing: if you eat a fresh plant, lesions may occur. nervous system and disturbances in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, and animals, having eaten buttercups, sometimes even die from poisoning.

Buttercup caustic knowingly nicknamed night blindness

Marsh marigold (Caltha palustris)

The juice of this cute spring primrose can cause rashes, skin and eye irritation. Delicate children's skin is especially susceptible, so explain to your child that you should not tear marigold flowers. Moreover, they look much better in natural conditions than in a bouquet, where they instantly wither.

Marsh marigold is a cute primrose that can cause skin and eye irritation

European bathing suit (Trollius europaeus)

Beautiful flowers, similar to golden bells, invariably attract attention - that's why it disappears slowly from our forests. Meanwhile, picking its flowers, you can harm not only nature, but also your health: the plant is poisonous, especially its juice. Avoid getting bathing suit juice in your eyes and be sure to wash your hands thoroughly if you come into contact with it.

European bathing suit - tearing off its flowers, you can harm not only nature, but also yourself

Kupena (Polygonatum)

Once a common plant, today it is found less and less in the wild. But some types of kupena are used as ornamental plants, so it is important to know that its juice causes skin and eye irritation.

Kupena is poisonous both juice and fruits

The rhizome of a medicinal (or pharmaceutical, or fragrant) is used in traditional medicine, but its overdose also leads to poisoning. The fruits are poisonous and bought (at least they will cause vomiting) - keep this in mind if children are resting in the country.

Ash tree (Dictamnus)

Nicknamed by the people as the "burning bush", the white ash tree is very dangerous. Like Sosnowski's cow parsnip, it increases the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet light. Severe burns - up to blisters - can leave ulcers, scars and dark spots that do not heal for a long time. If you are attracted by the beauty of these flowers, and you planted them in your garden, work with them only with gloves and strictly forbid children to touch the plant.

Chamomile (Matricaria)

There are cases of individual intolerance: in some people, the smell of chamomile causes a strong reaction - up to respiratory spasms; itching, redness of the skin is also possible

Chamomile is used in the treatment of allergies, but it can also cause it itself.

Capable of making you sneeze medicinal letter, european hoof- without special need, you should not fiddle with, rub and smell their leaves and shoots. sniffing umbilical dye, you can burst into tears - in some people it causes tearing, sneezing and even irritation of the mucous membranes and skin.

deceptive beauty

Behind the bright and attractive appearance of some garden flowers lies a serious threat. Leaves, petals, and roots are poisonous.. But do not rush to destroy your flower beds if they show up half of the following list, or even more. Of course, you need to know about the danger - but you still shouldn't exaggerate it. In the vast majority of cases, in order to be poisoned by one or another flower, you need to try very hard.

Foxglove (Digitalis)

It is not by chance that she has a bad reputation: absolutely all foxgloves are poisonous. They contain the cardiac glycoside digitalin, and digitalis herb has long been used to treat various diseases hearts. The juice of the plant can irritate the skin, so children should not be allowed to play with elegant flowers. And of course, it is categorically impossible to taste neither leaves, nor flowers, nor seeds.

All foxgloves are poisonous

Aquilegia (Aquilegia)

All parts of the catchment, or aquilegia, are poisonous. The degree of toxicity varies depending on the species, but the dangerous properties appear in any case. for internal use plants. Just do not eat aquilegia - you can admire it completely fearlessly and painlessly.

Aquilegia. Just don't eat it

Aconite (Aconite)

It is considered one of the most poisonous garden plants. The alkaloids contained in it affect the central nervous system, leading to convulsions and paralysis of the respiratory center. Moreover, all parts of the plant are poisonous without exception. They say that in some countries in ancient times they could be executed only because aconite grows near the house - its poison was considered so strong and terrible.

In ancient times, in some places, they could have been executed for growing aconite ...

But there is good news: the toxicity of a plant depends very much on the conditions in which it grows. In a hot climate, dangerous properties are manifested to the maximum (it is no coincidence that all historical facts and legends associated with aconite poisoning refer to warm countries). And from childhood I remember village front gardens with aconite - in the North-West at that time it was very common, and my friends and I often picked flowers to play with them (they have a very interesting shape). And no one was ever hurt! But in any case, of course, you should avoid eating any parts of aconite.

Delphinium (Delphinium)

Larkspur, aka spur, it also contains alkaloids, the effect of which is similar to the well-known poison of the Indians - curare: they sharply reduce muscle tone and prevent the conduction of nerve impulses. Complement the "bouquet" of substances identical to the poison of aconite. The maximum concentration of alkaloids is reached in the roots of the plant at the beginning of the growing season. During the fruiting period, the leaves are especially poisonous. Agree: “by mistake” or “accidentally” it is unlikely to dig up and eat the delphinium root, and hardly anyone will chew the leaves, so in the flower garden it hardly poses a serious threat to the gardener.

You can admire the delphinium without fear

In large doses, anemone (liverwort) is poisonous; hazardous substances are contained in the leaves and rhizomes of irises; poisonous, dicentra and even lupins; rhizomes are contraindicated for pregnant women ...

Well, now - about the good. If you do not try to use these plants for self-healing (and almost all of them have healing properties) and do not start making salads from them (which probably would not occur to anyone in their right mind), then they will not be able to harm you. Grow flowers for health, and let them bring you only joy!

Dangers in the garden

Let's move from the garden to the garden. This is where, it would seem, exclusively edible and safe plants should be. But no! And here, an inexperienced grower can face serious problems and threats...

The green "berries" that form after flowering are very dangerous. If there are children in the house, it is better to play it safe and remove the flowers from the potato tops (by the way, they say this affects the yield the best way).

Be sure to make sure that the potatoes are, and when digging up the crop, immediately discard the green tubers. Everyone knows that they contain poison - solanine. But not everyone understands how it's really dangerous. So, it is believed that the lethal dose for an adult is 400 mg, despite the fact that up to 700 mg of poison per 1 kg can accumulate in green tubers. You can also read the article, which talks about this in more detail.

In general, vegetable crops of the nightshade family are not completely harmless. Eating unripe and green foods can lead to unpleasant consequences. Possibly strong. digestive tract it will endure without damage, but it’s still not worth experimenting.

has an abortive effect, and therefore is contraindicated in pregnant women.

especially dangerous

Finally, there is a category of plants to avoid. undoubtedly. Meet them at suburban area unlikely, but in the vicinity - quite possible.

Milestones, or hemlock (Cicuta virosa)

According to legend, it was the hemlock drink that Socrates drank in prison (according to another version, it was hemlock, which will be discussed later). One of the most poisonous plants, especially dangerous because it is easy to confuse it with other - absolutely harmless - umbrella plants. A distinctive feature of hemlock is the structure of the rhizome: it is internally divided by partitions into transverse cavities:

The rhizome of the hemlock. Photo from the site

The whole plant is poisonous, but the maximum concentration of hazardous substances reaches it in the rhizome. Milestone poses a threat not only to humans, but also to animals, so it should be disposed of both near housing and in places where livestock grazes. At the same time, be careful - make sure that the hemlock juice does not get on the skin and mucous membranes.

Henbane (Hyoscyamus)

About a person who behaves inappropriately, sometimes they say that he "ate too much henbane." In fact, the alkaloids contained in this plant cause confusion, visual disturbances and other extremely unpleasant symptoms. All parts of the plant are poisonous, but especially small seeds similar to poppy seeds.

Henbane. Certainly dangerous

Hemlock (Coniun)

Another dangerous representative of the umbrella family is spotted hemlock, or speckled. Extremely poisonous; dangerous for both humans and animals. The alkaloids contained in all parts of the plant are deadly; poisoning develops quickly, proceeds very hard and often ends in the death of the victim from respiratory arrest. Hemlock juice causes skin irritation, dermatitis.

Hemlock must be learned to distinguish from other umbrellas. Photo from

The peculiarity of the plant, which makes it possible to distinguish it from other members of the family, is the intense purple color of the lower part of the stem and spots of the same color on its surface (it was they who gave the hemlock the name "spotted"). If you grind small leaves, you can feel an unpleasant "mouse" smell.

Also extremely dangerous belladonna (Atropa belladonna), hellebore (Veratrum), calla (Calla palustris).

The list provided is, of course, incomplete. You can expand it for a long time, but the essence, probably, is still not in the enumeration. You have probably noticed: the named plants - even the most poisonous ones - can only harm an ignorant person, and besides, a careless, imprudent one. That's why I'm sure: the most important thing is to learn a reasonable attitude towards nature, her gifts; do you agree?.

No need to strive to completely remove, destroy potentially dangerous herbs, flowers and shrubs around you. This idea is not feasible. But you definitely need to understand them, find out the sources of threat and understand how to protect yourself and your loved ones. I hope you know now that it's not too difficult.

Flowers in the house bring not only joy and surprise from beauty, but also enrich the air with oxygen. However, not all indoor plants are as safe as they seem at first glance, they can seriously harm your health. Especially you need to be more careful where there are small children and cats, who also try everything on the “tooth”.

By themselves, most plants are harmless, but their secreted milky juice is poisonous - it can cause skin burns, redness, itching and serious poisoning if the leaves and flowers are swallowed. With such dangerous indoor plants, you need to work only with gloves. Raise higher if there are children or cats. There are plants that secrete substances that cause headaches, irritability, or allergies. We present a list of the most frequent and popular indoor plants that pose a danger to humans, perhaps you will recognize your "snake".


This is a very beautiful flower different forms from simple to double, color from white to purple. Often they are exhibited in living rooms and offices. The rich aroma of azalea causes headaches, dizziness and even loss of consciousness if the room is small, poorly ventilated, and there are many flowers. The content of dangerous toxic substances causes profuse salivation, vomiting, and discomfort in the nose, and therefore this beautiful flower is classified as a poisonous houseplant.

Aglaonema changeable

Juice and berries are poisonous; if it gets on the mucous membrane of the eye, it causes severe irritation and conjunctivitis. Once in the mouth, swelling and sore throat are formed.

Aloe (Striped, Intimidating)

Everyone knows healing properties of this wonderful plant, and is often used for medicinal purposes. But there are 2 species (Striped and Intimidating) that are poisonous. They can not be used for medicinal purposes! Once in the body, it causes gastric bleeding, in pregnant women it can provoke a miscarriage.

amarylis belladonna

When caring for this flower, always wear gloves, try not to get the milky juice on your hands, eyes or any other mucous membrane. Reception of infusion in small doses has an expectorant effect, but a little overdone, can provoke vomiting. Amarylis belladonna is often grown in open field, but there is no less danger from this.

Plants of the Araliaceae family- ivy, shefflera, fatsia, cause skin dermatitis, itching and gastrointestinal upset if swallowed.


Many have heard useful properties Geranium is an excellent natural antiseptic, but also has a strong aroma that causes asthmatic coughs and allergic symptoms. Ingestion is contraindicated in pregnant women, children and people with low blood sugar levels.


Hydrangea is not only grown in the garden, but also as a pot culture. By itself, the flower does not pose a danger, unless it enters the body. From hydrangea juice, sweating increases, stomach pains, nausea appear, muscles begin to ache, blood circulation worsens. Contains the poisonous substance cyanide.


This plant is a frequent visitor to living rooms and other public spaces. Still, after all, the gloss of the leaves and their size is simply mesmerizing. Care for dieffenbachia should only be carried out with gloves, since its milky juice is highly toxic, causes burns, inflammation, ulcers and itching. Be careful when cutting or cutting the plant. You need to be especially wary of the juice from the stem, if it gets on the tongue, there is a short-term paralysis of the vocal cords and swelling of the larynx, and if it gets into the eyes, conjunctivitis and even damage to the cornea. For cats, this is a very dangerous plant that can kill if it enters the body even in small quantities.


Everyone's favorite succulent cactus. Most species are safe, unless, of course, one considers an injection with thorns, from which a temporary abscess is possible. However, still do not neglect the fact that there is a type of cacti Trichocereus, which contains narcotic substances and an injection with thorns can cause temporary paralysis of the nervous system. As they say, it is better to know the enemy by sight, the photo shows this particular type of dangerous cactus.


Very often from the lily headache, loss of consciousness, nausea. Lily leaves are deadly and if they enter the esophagus after 30 minutes, the first signs of malaise begin.


Another type of succulent, which is classified as poisonous indoor plants, although very often. The juice of this plant, when it comes into contact with the skin, causes burns, and when it comes into contact with the oral cavity, it causes diarrhea, dizziness and nausea. If there are children in the house, then it is better to put spurge on the shelves higher.


A plant of a bizarre and unusual shape. The leaves are huge, which contain needle-like substances, and they are poisonous. When ingested, they cause severe burning of the tongue, vomiting, and gastrointestinal upset.


The plant blooms luxuriantly and beautifully, the aroma is pleasant, but occasionally causing a headache. Handle only with gloves, the most poisonous parts of the oleander are seeds, stem and milky juice. It belongs to a number of increased dangers, since when swallowed, there is a decrease in blood pressure and disruption of the heart, diarrhea with bloody inclusions, vomiting, and in the worst case, death.


A popular room liana, with the help of which they decorate the interiors of rooms. Ivy has antibacterial properties, cleans the air of harmful toxins, protects against fungi and bacteria. All parts of plants are poisonous, especially fruits. Flowering is rare, and the aroma is not particularly pleasant, so it is better to remove the buds immediately before the fruiting stage begins.


Belongs to the euphorbiaceae family, has the popular name "Star of Bethlehem" due to unusual flowers. The milky juice of the plant immediately on the skin causes irritation and itching, and if it comes into contact with the mucous membrane of the eye - temporary blindness.


A frequent guest on the windowsill. The flowering is original and very unusual, cleans the air of harmful toxins, but at the same time its milky juice causes irritation, ulcers and abscesses on the skin, healing is very slow.


Yes, yes, this is not a mistake, ficus emits toxic substances that cause asthmatic cough and allergic manifestations. It is better for allergy sufferers to refrain from acquiring this flower and rather remove it if it already exists. Burns appear on the skin from the milky juice.

Cyclamen Persian

There are many beliefs among the people about this plant, one of the popular ones is that by placing it next to the bed, sleep will be calmer and all fears will disperse. However, this is all mysticism, unproven by science. But from the point of view of botanical characteristics, cyclamen belongs to the list of poisonous plants. The juice can cause serious burns of the mucous membrane, from which there will be a sore throat, shortness of breath and fever. The seeds and roots of cyclamen are considered the most poisonous. For an animal, the roots of cyclamen are deadly.

Some popular houseplants can be very dangerous. We are not talking about the thorns of cacti, which leave splinters in the skin, not about the sharp ends of agaves, which are easy to damage the eye. And not even about Indian onions with caustic juice. We are talking about poisonous substances that are contained in a number of indoor plants.

Caution won't hurt

When pruning, transplanting and other work, you should be careful: do not forget about rubber gloves, the need to thoroughly wash not only hands, but also your face with soap and water. Pots with some indoor plants are best kept out of the reach of children and pets, or rearranged in another room. It would be nice to turn to the chief sanitary doctor of Russia, Gennady Onishchenko, with a request that he instruct all trade organizations to accompany the price tags of a number of indoor plants with a warning label: “Beware, they are poisonous!”

In some, the green parts are dangerous, in others, the fruits or seeds. There are also such handsome men who want to be put in a cage, they are so poisonous. Here is just a small list (it can be continued) of the most popular plants: akalifa, alocasia, anthurium, Japanese aucuba, gloriosa, dieffenbachia, dope, codiaum (croton), ragwort, krinum, euphorbia, oleander, syngonium, solyanum (nightshade), strophanthus, philodendron and hoya.

Dangerous and beautiful

Akalifu(family Euphorbiaceae) it is impossible not to notice how good it is. Most often, bristle-haired akalifa (“fox tail”) is grown with green foliage and original pink-crimson hanging shoots. It takes a lot of fiddling with this plant so that it grows beautiful and blooms for a long time. It is necessary to provide Akalifa with a bright (without direct sunlight) place, warmth, nutritious soil, watering and regular spraying in summer. The plant does not tolerate dry room air, especially in winter. Faded inflorescences must be removed, and the stems shortened (be careful!). It is better not to transplant old plants, but to limit yourself to replacing the top layer of the earth in the pot in which they are located. Akalifu is easy to propagate by cuttings (in spring and summer), which take root quickly even in water.

Alocasia you need warmth, light shading in summer time, regular watering (no waterlogging) all year round, spraying and removing dust from beautiful leaves. When transplanting, take care not to damage the roots. The soil mixture should be nutritious and loose. You can add chopped sphagnum moss to it. The most difficult period for alocasia is the end of autumn and winter. Alocasia is classified as a poisonous plant, its juice strongly irritates the mucous membranes of a person. Despite this, some people try to use alocasia as a medicinal plant.

Japanese aukuba, more precisely, its variegated form with an abundance of bright yellow spots is called the "golden tree". To some, less bright spots resemble fat in a slice of sausage. Hence the other name of the Japanese aucuba: "sausage tree". There will be no problems with growing if in the autumn winter time keep the aucuba in a cool place, and in the summer put the pot with the plant on the balcony (in a slightly shaded place) or in the garden. The plant is most difficult in autumn and winter. At this time, abundant watering can destroy it. A sign of a deterioration in the condition of the aucuba is the appearance of black spots and leaf fall. Dense leathery leaves should be wiped with a damp cotton swab to remove dust from them. Aukuba can be grown from cuttings placed in water. To enhance branching, the top of the shoot is cut off immediately after rooting. In order not to damage the roots, it is better to replace the transplant with transshipment. The plant should not be kept in areas where children and pets play, as it is poisonous. If the poison gets inside, such “troubles” as diarrhea, serious inflammation of the stomach and intestines, blood in the urine, and so on, are possible. Aucuba fruits are especially dangerous - red berries obtained as a result of artificial pollination.

- A very elegant houseplant. Not all lovers grow it with luxurious leaves. Often a long curving bare stem with a few leaves at the top stretches to the ceiling. The most capricious hybrid bush dieffenbachia, they can hardly tolerate dry air in our rooms. Decorativeness is lost for many reasons. These aroid plants need warmth all year round, high humidity air, partial shade in summer and a bright place in winter. A lot of dust accumulates on the leaves, which has to be removed with a damp sponge or cloth. Water dieffenbachia with soft water without chlorine. A plant with a bare stem, if necessary, is renewed from stem cuttings. When transplanting, loose soil mixtures rich in humus are used. They are diluted with sand and soddy soil. Dieffenbachia juice (and they decorate school classrooms, apartments and houses where there are children) is very poisonous. It has paralyzing properties. It's really dangerous.

(datura) blooms beautifully, so it is often planted in flower beds and grown as a container crop. They hold the datura and flower pots as a house plant. Datura is unpretentious (like all nightshade), photophilous. In summer, during flowering, it is watered abundantly, in dry weather it is sprayed to increase air humidity. In a warm summer, dope pots are put on the site. In winter, dope is kept in a cooler place. In the dry air of rooms and with a lack of light, datura loses some of the leaves. The plant is easily propagated by seeds and cuttings, which take root within two weeks. You should not follow the advice to use Datura as medicinal plant. “The plant is poisonous. Only an experienced phytotherapist or homeopath can prescribe its preparations ”(R.B. Akhmedov“ Plants are your friends and enemies ”). All parts of the plant are poisonous, its juice is very dangerous for the eyes. In addition, you do not need to leave blooming fragrant dope in the bedroom at night. From its aroma, you can "eel".

Looks unusual. This succulent resembles a bunch of green beads. light-loving fast growing plant best grown in hanging planter. In winter - in a cool place, for example, on a warmed veranda or loggia. The air temperature at this time should not fall below +12°C. Watering is limited, all top dressing is removed. The godsons are afraid of stagnant moisture in the pot, especially in winter. Rawley's ragwort cuttings (short pieces of the stem with "beads") are laid on the soil and sprinkled with earth in several places. Rawley's ragwort and other ragwort species are poisonous plants. They are especially dangerous for the eyes and oral mucosa.

Euphorbia white-veined(ribbed). In apartments, offices, schools and clinics, you can see spurge similar to a palm tree with beautiful leaves and an original ribbed stem. This type of milkweed grows quickly. It actively propagates by self-sowing, shooting ripe seeds into neighboring pots. This very unpretentious light-loving plant is better not to keep in the sun in summer, so as not to spoil the beautiful emerald green color of its leaves. They become brownish. In a shallow wide ceramic pot, you can beautifully plant a group of ribbed euphorbia together different ages, differing in height. The composition will be complemented by stones laid on the ground next to the milkweeds. At the slightest injury, poisonous milky juice appears. It is especially easy to get into human skin during transplantation, if you take a ribbed trunk with hard bristles with your hands.

("crown of thorns") is often grown in schools, libraries and post offices. For some reason, pots with it are often placed in accounting departments. fast growing prickly flowering shrub pleases and lovers of indoor plants. In winter, Euphorbia Mil is rarely watered, all top dressing is removed. In summer, they are fed with special complex fertilizers for cacti and other succulents. Euphorbia Mil has not only numerous spines, but also a very poisonous milky juice.

Looks very impressive. This is an unpretentious plant, resembling a complex structure of short sticks. It also contains poisonous milky juice. Euphorbia tirucalli is one of the most poisonous spurges.

Other types of indoor spurges (euphorbias) are also popular. All of them are photophilous, but in summer they require some shading from direct sunlight. Grow fast. In winter, they feel good on the windowsills, if there are no drafts and waterlogging. Sometimes in winter, some of the lower leaves fall off, this is normal. Worse, when the foliage is abruptly shed during the growing season. All spurges contain poisonous milky juice, which appears even from a small plant wound. It irritates human skin and mucous membranes.

Blooms beautifully and for a long time. The plant is photophilous. In summer it is thermophilic. In winter, this houseplant is kept in a cooler place. If the oleander does not want to bloom, then it can be “educated”: rearranged in the summer for fresh air (on the plot or on the balcony). Water every evening in summer, much less often in winter. Oleander is growing fast. Adult specimens have to be kept in tubs. When transplanting, a soil mixture of soddy land, humus, peat and sand is used. Flowers appear on young shoots. After flowering is over, faded shoots are pruned. The appearance of scale insects and spider mites is prevented by spraying with water and rubbing the leaves with a damp cotton swab. Oleander cuttings give roots even in water. This plant is one of the most poisonous. Especially its juice and seeds. Don't enjoy the scent of oleander flowers flowering plant should not be kept in a room where people sleep. “Oleander blossoms are really so fragrant that being in a room causes severe headaches and even dizziness…. Never chew its leaves. Animals and birds that eat oleander leaves die. Even on its leaves and flowers, you can see dying and dead flies. When trimming the oleander, be careful not to splash the juice in your eyes or rub your eyes with your hands. Be sure to wash your hands after handling oleander. Remember: the oleander is poisonous - it is the “brother” of the strophanthus ”(N.M. Verzilin“ Traveling with House Plants ”).

poinsettia(or poinsettia, "Christmas star", the most beautiful spurge). This beautiful plant, which can be grown as an indoor plant for a long time and stimulate its flowering by a certain date, is described in detail in the article "Christmas star (poinsettia, beautiful spurge) before and after the winter holidays." This type of milkweed is associated with winter holidays. You can read about the ability of the most beautiful milkweed to improve mood in the article "Indoor plants that bloom in autumn and winter as a remedy for depression." Poinsettia reminds of its belonging to euphorbia by the presence of poisonous milky juice. You can read more about growing this plant in the article "".

Poinsettia ("Christmas Star")

Solyanum(nightshade) unpretentious. It grows well in room conditions, turning into lush bushes. This moisture-loving plant can shed some of its leaves when the soil is waterlogged. Winter is a difficult period for solyanum. It is better to keep him in a bright and cool room at this time. There he will retain his elegant appearance for a long time. In a warm place, nightshade quickly sheds fruits and some of the leaves. At the end of winter (before the start of growth), a solyanum is formed: some of the branches are removed and shortened. The plant propagates by seeds or cuttings. Solyanum seedlings grow well in open ground in summer. They must be pinched in order for the plant to bush. Solyanum has red fruits that look like tiny tomatoes. Children find these poisonous berries so appetizing that they want to try them.

("twisted rope") has beautiful flowers. In some of its species, they are fragrant like a rose and unusual in shape. This delicate tropical plant needs warmth, diffused light, moisture, good food and support. Propagated by seeds and cuttings.

In tropical Africa, healers prepare medicines from its juice that help with fever and skin diseases. Hunters lubricate the ends of their arrows with its juice. “The arrowhead, smeared with strophanthus juice, struck to death both people and wild animals. Death occurred almost instantly, since this poison stops the activity of the heart ”(N.M. Verzilin“ Traveling with Houseplants ”). Different types strophanthus render different influence per person. To highlight active substance(strophanthin) specialists transport the seeds of the plant in containers that are carefully closed. Strophanthus juice and seeds are extremely poisonous.

Strophanthus, photo from Wikipedia

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