What are the plants in the spring. First flowers: names, descriptions and photos of spring primroses

Kandyk, or dog's tooth, is an original early spring bulbous plant of the lily family. The Greek name is erythronium (Erythronium), derived from the word "erythros", which means "red", and, apparently, the first plants found were of this color. There are 25 known species of erythronium. Habitat - in open areas of cool, light, humid forests of the temperate and subtropical zones of the Northern Hemisphere, some species are found in alpine meadows and mountain tundra. Most species grow in North America. Kandyk is distinguished by unpretentiousness, frost resistance and high decorative compatibility with other bulbous flowers.

Narcissus flower anemone - Anemone narcissiflora Inhabits alpine meadows, often on limestone, in Colorado, north-central Wyoming, Alaska and the Aleutian Islands. Also found in central and southern Europe. Basal leaves deeply dissected with pubescent stems up to 10-40 cm tall. Whitish to lemon yellow flowers appear from early June to mid-August, sometimes becoming a bright pink hue with outside. The flowers have yellow stamens and may be solitary or in numbers from 3 to 8. The fruit is smooth, round with smooth black seeds.

Primula prugonitskaya - Рrimula x pruhoniciana hort. Variety Betty Greene Primula prugonitskaya - Рrimula x pruhoniciana hort. Under this name, a group of varieties is combined, characterized by early and very abundant flowering, rounded shiny leaves, which in some varieties have a brownish tint. Often these varieties and hybrids are classified as Julia Hybrids. Blooms in March-April. The best varieties: Betty Greene - velvet-carmine flowers, Blue Rihaub - bluish-purple, Flens-burg - light yellow leaves in spring and very large pink-carmine flowers, Snow Blossom - pale cream flowers, etc.

ADONIS (ADONIS) fam. Buttercup The plant is so named after the Assyrian god Adon. The decorative qualities of adonis were only appreciated at their true worth at the end of the 17th century, and since then it has become a popular ornamental plant in gardens and parks. Homeland - temperate regions of Eurasia. About 20 (45) species are known. Annual and perennial herbaceous plants with simple or branched stems. The leaves are repeatedly pinnately or palmately divided into narrow lobes. The flowers are bright, yellow or red, solitary, located at the ends of the shoots; outer tepals of 5-8, inner of 5-24 lobes; pistils numerous.

Primula cardifolia Perennial with a short oblique rhizome and a bunch of brownish roots. Plant height is about 10 cm. The leaves are long-petiolate, light green, ovate-rounded with a heart-shaped base, large-shaped along the edge. The length of the leaves with the petiole is about 10 cm, and the leaf blade is about 3 cm. The flowers are purple-lilac, up to 3 cm in diameter, located one at a time on thin pedicels up to 10-15 cm high. The flower tube is up to 2 cm long. The petals of flowers with deep recess. Flowering begins in April, when the leaves have not yet unfolded, and continues until mid-late May. In autumn, repeated flowering is sometimes observed, however, a few flowers open. One of the most shade-tolerant and unpretentious primroses in the culture. The varieties are combined under the name Juliae Hybrids (Dark Juliae, Lilac Juliae, etc.).

Primula Sibthorp - Primula Sibthorpii Hoffmsgg. (Primula vulgaris subsp. sibthorpii) Grows wild in the Caucasus, the Balkans and Asia Minor. Leaves obovate, petiolate. The arrow does not develop; cetonos 12-14 cm long; pinkish-purple corolla, 3-5 cm in diameter. Blooms profusely, 20-25.V for 30-35 days; bears fruit.

Rezuha Arabis - Pink variety (var. Rosea hort.) Alpine Arabis - A. alpina L. = Arabis flaviflora Bunge It grows naturally in the Polar Urals, the Far East, Northern Scandinavia, the highlands of Western Europe and North America. Perennial plant up to 35 cm tall. Generative shoots are ascending, vegetative shoots are strongly branched, pressed to the ground, in the form of thin lashes, forming cushion-shaped curtains that do not die off for the winter. Basal leaves are oval, stem leaves are heart-sagittate, amplexicaul, grayish. The flowers are white or pink up to 1 cm in diameter, fragrant, collected in a racemose inflorescence up to 5 cm long. Blossoms in April - May 25-30 days. Fruits in July. The fruit is a pod. Garden form Schneehaube (f. schneehaube) 10-25 cm high. The flowers are white, up to 2 cm in diameter, collected in a racemose inflorescence up to 15 cm long. Blooms in April 25-30 days. In addition, it has a terry variety (var. florе-pleno hort.), morphologically not much different from the original, but its inflorescences are much larger and resemble those of levkoy. Flowers up to 2 cm in diameter. Blooms profusely from early May to mid-June. Pink variety (var. rosea hort.) - see photo, plant up to 20 cm tall, with pink flowers up to 2 cm in diameter. Inflorescences up to 12 cm long. Blooms from the end of April 30-35 days.

Tulip Tulipa bifolia Multi-flowered tulip Tulipa bifolia Species tulip comes from Central Asia. Several flowers on one peduncle. Light fragrance. Prefers a sunny position. Tulipa turkestanica - Turkestan tulip is completely different from this one. It has a different shape and color of leaves, a single low peduncle.

Draba evergreen -Draba aizoides L. = Draba affinis Host = Draba beckeri A.Kern. (ssp.) Grows on limestone and dolomite mountain slopes in Western and Eastern Europe at an altitude of 3600 m. Aizopsis group. Reaches a height of 5-10 cm, forming dense, low evergreen thickets of bright green color. The leaves are collected in a rosette, from which a short stem grows. Brushes of bright yellow flowers appear in March - April. An unpretentious species, it develops in any soil, but prefers poor, permeable, gravel, non-acidic soil. Propagated by seeds and shoots. Seeds fall out quickly, so they are harvested gradually, as they ripen. Sow in April without any pretreatment. Shoots appear on the 6th day at a temperature of 20 degrees. Seedlings are planted in separate pots and planted in June for a permanent
a place. Shoots can be propagated in June-August. Suitable for growing on gravel, in flowery stone walls, in dry and sunny places, in mini-rock gardens. Winter-hardy without shelter, but does not tolerate stagnant water in the soil. Tolerates light shade but loves the sun.

PUMMY, or DREAM-GRASS (PULSATILLA) fam. Buttercup Almost all backache organically look in landscape gardens, in group plantings along the edges of pine and larch forests and forest park areas, on open lawns. It is promising to grow them on alpine hills and in rocky gardens. Adult lumbago does not tolerate transplantation. Perhaps at least this consideration will keep you from digging up a wild specimen. Not to mention the fact that it is strictly forbidden to transplant lumbago from natural habitats.

Noble liverwort - Hepatica nobilis Mill. \u003d Anemone hepatica Homeland - the European part of Russia, Western Europe, grows wild in the deciduous forests of the Moscow region. Grows in the forest zone in forests of diverse composition: broad-leaved, small-leaved, coniferous, mixed (spruce-broad-leaved and spruce-birch). Broad-leaved forests are considered the original habitat of the liverwort. This is a non-moral Eurasian species. The plant has a fairly wide ecological amplitude, withstands significant shading, but can also grow on completely open places, prefers moderate moisture, avoiding damp and excessively moist places. In relation to the soil, it is not very demanding, but prefers places rich in lime, with well-developed litter. It grows more often on soils with a slightly acidic or neutral reaction. undersized perennial up to 15 cm tall. Radical leaves on long petioles, broadly triangular, three-lobed, leathery, glabrous or pubescent, dark green, young reddish-violet, obtuse or slightly pointed, hibernating under snow. Flowers solitary, 2-3 cm or more in diameter, with 3-4 calyx bracts on long, leafless, pubescent peduncles. The tepals are bluish-purple, rarely pink or white. It blooms simultaneously with the deployment of leaves, early in spring for 20 days. Simultaneously with the appearance of flowers, old leaves gradually die off and are replaced by growing new ones. The fruit is a polynutlet with an appendage rich in oil. The liverwort reproduces mainly by seeds. Seed production from 20 to 64 seeds per shoot. After flowering, the pedicels elongate and the flowers bend down to the ground, the fruits are carried by ants that eat the juicy appendage. In natural habitats, seeds are able to germinate in autumn. In spring, oval green cotyledons develop up to 10 mm long, with a small notch at the top. The first true leaf appears in the growing season following germination. Its plate is dark green, three-lobed, covered with long silky hairs, like a long reddish petiole. The liverwort blooms in different habitats in the 4-7th year, in culture - in the 3rd year. IN natural conditions one adult plant can have 5-12 flowers, in culture - up to 150. Pollination occurs with the help of beetles, butterflies that eat pollen, since there is no nectar in the flowers. The liverwort is one of the early flowering plants in our forests, it blooms in April - early May, before the appearance of new leaves. Flowering lasts 3-4 weeks, fruit ripening - 1-1.5 months. Generative organs are laid a year before flowering. By the first half of August, all parts of the flower in the bud are fully formed (tepals, anthers on filaments, pistils are noticeable). In October, flowering shoots reach 1 cm in length. In culture since 1440. Has many forms. The most interesting are terry, with dark blue and pink flowers. saturated hue. These plants are characterized by a special splendor of flowering.


The liverwort blooms in April, simultaneously with the very first spring flowers - coltsfoot, snowdrop-galanthus, wolf's bast. Each of the spring primroses has its own tricks that allow them to start flowering without delay in the spring. The liverwort has at least two such tricks. On the one hand, thanks to the leaves wintering in a green state, it has the opportunity to take advantage of the very first rays of the sun. On the other hand, in nature, she chooses places where there is a lot of sun before the foliage unfolds by trees. The roots of the plant, I note, lie shallow, in a rapidly warming layer of soil, which is also important.
Strange, at first glance, it seems that the flowers of the copse bloom all at once, and not one by one, as many other plants do, and fade very quickly. The explanation for this is simple. The plant is in a hurry to bear fruit faster, and throw seeds on the still damp and bare soil. So they are more likely to germinate, which guarantees the survival of the flower. It is curious that the erect flower stalks of the liverwort, after fruit set, lie on the ground. Immediately after flowering, the overwintered leaves of the liverwort wither, but to replace them, by mid-May, new ones grow - shiny, leathery.

Thank you for the photo and description

Spring is coming, the first spring flowers are already appearing. After a long winter, spring flowers are especially pleasant and beautiful. This article features five wonderful primroses that bloom before other spring flowers.

So spring has come, in addition to another pleasant topic about bright colors, I suggest you get acquainted with early primroses, which wake up first of all with the approach of this wonderful time of the year. After a few months of cold weather, many people become sensitive to the harbinger of spring, and although some consider crocuses to be the first spring flowers, there are many small bulbous plants that bloom even earlier. These plants usually have shorter stems and smaller flowers, but when planted in groups they create the same effect in the landscape as larger bulbous plants such as tulips and daffodils.
The first spring flowers are Chionodoxa or Glory-of-the-snow (Chionodoxa luciliae). Chionodox is found in several color variants, but each has its own characteristics. These are exceptionally frost-resistant bulbs and they are easy to grow, as they do not require special attention. Low, charming in their grace and heavenly blue, chionodoxes are found near the melting snowfields of the mountains, in alpine meadows (at an altitude of 2 km). The beautiful chionodox blooms in early spring, in two weeks. On a thin stalk of its peduncle (up to 15 cm high), there are about 10-15 broadly bell-shaped, upward-looking flowers (average diameter 3 cm). During the flowering of chionodox, their curtain of several bulbs is like a lush "basket" filled with graceful flowers and lined with their bright emerald leaves.

Vesennik or Eranthis hyemalis. Yellow cup-shaped flowers that fill the air with a honey scent. Single flowers appear in early spring, often breaking through the snow, surrounded by graceful green or bronze leaves.

These bulbs can bloom even in January.

common snowdrop(Galanthus nivalis). Everyone is familiar with a low, modest plant that is the first to come to life after winter in our gardens and forests. First produces a pair of linear leaves, and soon blooms with drooping white bells. He is not afraid of snow, or winter frosts, or spring frosts. And now a lot of white bells decorate the first thawed patches. And this is a sure sign - spring is very close!

One of the earliest flowering plants, sometimes breaks through a layer of snow. These snow-white bell-shaped flowers seem to be beyond the control of frosty weather.

Iris reticulated(Iris reticulata). The fragrant flowers are usually purple, although white, yellow, and light blue cultivars are also found. The leaves are tender and herbaceous.

Reticulated iris belongs to the earliest irises. This undersized species blooms very early. And the flowering period lasts from February to early April.

spring whiteflower(Leucojum vernum). Amaryllis family. It occurs naturally along the edges of mountain beech forests in Central Europe, including the Carpathians. Bulbous perennial up to 20 cm tall. Bulb ovoid, up to 2 cm across. Leaves broadly lanceolate, up to 25 cm long, 1.2 cm wide. Peduncles up to 30 cm long. Flowers solitary or paired, on long stalks, with a bract at the base, white, drooping, with pleasant smell. Petals with green or yellow tips. Blooms from April 20-30 days. The fruit is a fleshy almost spherical three-cell box. In culture since 1420. It has cultivars, such as Carpaticum, which are larger than the wild form and have yellow spots on the petals.

These were five wonderful primroses that bloom before other popular spring bulbs.

Spring flowers. Name and characteristics

After a long winter, spring flowers are especially beautiful. In conditions middle lane In Russia, the first flowers bloom in mid-April (crocuses, blueberries, some varieties of tulips). In May, the number of flowers increases. Daffodils, later varieties of tulips, hyacinths, ground primroses, viola (pansies), forget-me-not, soddy phlox and some others are blooming. At the end of May, peonies and oriental poppy bloom.

The variety of spring flowers is very large, but the first place among them rightfully belongs to the tulip. Its vibrant blooms are unmatched by other spring flowers.

Crocuses are often considered the first spring flowers, but there are many small bulbous plants that begin to bloom.

even earlier. These plants are small small flowers, but when planted in groups, they create the same effect as, for example, tulips and daffodils.

Spring flowers by flowering time

Pansies (viola) are the most common flowers in garden landscaping. It is a biennial plant (an annual in cultivation). Its maximum flowering occurs in the second year of life. Seeds are sown in the first half of July. By autumn, as a rule, seedlings are already ready. It is planted in a permanent place in late September or early spring. Pansies bloom with early spring until the middle of summer. With early spring sowing, the viola blooms at the end of summer, but does not bloom profusely. Among the varieties of pansies, Abendglut ( dark red), Mars (dark blue), Himmelkönig (blue), North Pole (white), Helios (yellow), etc. Pansies are most often planted in the form of solid flower beds, flower beds or spots on the lawn.

Arabis alpine

Arabis alpine, or rezuha, is a perennial undersized plant. The flowers are white, simple or double. Stems semi-recumbent with ash-gray leaves. Arabis blooms profusely, almost completely covering the leaves with white inflorescences, starting in April. Flowering time is 2-3 weeks.

The plant is very winter-hardy and unpretentious, suitable for planting on rocky hills, discounts, mixborders and along paths.

Propagated in autumn or spring by dividing bushes, early summer cuttings, as well as seeds. Cuttings take root well after flowering.


Badan, or bergenia, is a perennial plant native to Altai, which determines its high winter hardiness. Badan leaves are large, rounded, shiny, decorative, dark green. The flowers are purple-pink in color, rise above the leaves by 20-30 cm on the peduncle. Flowering begins in the first half of May. Flowering time is 2-3 weeks. Since there are still relatively few other colors at this time, it seems to fill the “gap”. Propagated by seeds and division of bushes. Sowing seeds - autumn and spring. The division of bushes is best done in early autumn.

In the design, it is used for planting on discounts, along paths, in groups, mixborders, in the form of a border, as well as on alpine slides.

Periwinkle pubescent

Periwinkle pubescent is a ground cover plant with creeping, slightly branched stems. Leaves pointed, ovoid. Flowers solitary, large, purple-blue. Blooms from mid-May for 15-20 days.

The plant reproduces vegetatively. Can be propagated by cuttings in July-August.

Periwinkle grows, blooms and has a spectacular appearance in neutral, well-drained soils.

spring whiteflower

The spring white flower is found in nature along the edges of the beech forests of Central Europe. This is a bulbous perennial up to 20 cm high. The bulb is ovoid. Leaves broadly lanceolate. Flowers solitary or paired white, drooping, with a pleasant smell. Petals with green or yellow tips. Blooms from April for 3-4 weeks.

The plant has been cultivated since 1420. The most famous variety is Carpaticum. The flowers are large, with yellow spots on the petals.

brunner sibirica

Siberian Brunnera is a perennial winter-hardy plant native to Altai. It has large heart-shaped leaves. Blooms in early May (3-4 weeks). The flowers are bright blue, collected in fairly tall brushes, reminiscent of forget-me-not in color. It reproduces well by dividing bushes, which grow very quickly. It is necessary to divide the bushes every 2-3 years, in autumn and spring. But it is best to do this in early autumn, then spring flowering will be more complete.

In the design it is used in groups, on discounts and in mixborders.


Vesennik, or erantis, is a plant with yellow cup-shaped flowers that fill the air with a honey aroma. Flowers solitary, appear in early spring (April-May), breaking through the snow, and bloom up to 8 weeks.


Hyacinth is a perennial bulbous plant that can be grown in open field, and in room conditions. It occurs naturally in the Mediterranean and the Middle East. It has more than 30 wild species.

In central Russia, hyacinths begin to bloom in early May, which coincides with the flowering of early varieties of tulips. Flowering time - 25 days.

The disadvantage of hyacinths is that they are not winter-hardy and, in the conditions of central Russia, require shelter for the winter.

Iris reticulated

Reticulated iris is a fragrant purple flower. This is the earliest type of iris.

The flowering period lasts from late February to early April.

There are varieties with flowers of white, yellow and light blue. The leaves are soft and herbaceous.


Crocus, or saffron, belongs to the group of bulbous early spring plants. It blooms a little earlier than daffodils and tulips. But the duration of flowering is only 8-10 days.

The plant reproduces by bulbs, and planting and caring for it are similar to tulips. But unlike tulips, crocus bulbs are planted somewhat thicker and at a shallower depth, given their size.


A very unusual, star-shaped appearance of lawns will help to interspersed with daisies. To do this, flower seeds are sown simultaneously with sowing lawn grasses or later. Blooms during May-June.

Daisies are good for planting along paths, in the form of borders.

The plant gives self-sowing, so it blooms annually.

Seeds of daisies are sown on the ridges in July, then dive. Planted in a permanent place in September or early spring.

Lungwort narrow-leaved

Lungwort blooms in the garden in April-May. Flowering time is 3-4 weeks. Its bright purple-pink buds and half-open flowers look very beautiful. Especially against the backdrop of green foliage.

Lungwort grows well in moist soil, demanding on fertilizers. Propagated by seeds and division of long rhizomes. Collecting lungwort seeds is quite difficult, as they ripen slowly and fall off almost immediately.


Daffodils bloom almost simultaneously with tulips. Flowering time - 2 weeks. These are beautiful, as a rule, white flowers, attracting attention with their grace. Some varieties of daffodils have a pleasant subtle aroma. Of the many groups of varieties of daffodils in our conditions, the most stable are the so-called poetic ones.

Rusty-spotted sedge

Sedge rusty-spotted - suitable plant for borders, as it holds the edge of plantings well. Blooms in April (3-4 weeks) with bright pink flowers. Sedge grows very slowly and forms a cover up to 20 cm high. The decorativeness of the plant increases during flowering.

Propagated by seeds and division of the bush in August.


Large-cup primrose, or primrose, is a plant about 10-20 cm high, with bright yellow flowers collected in an umbrella-shaped inflorescence. Blooms in late April - early May. Flowering time is 3-4 weeks.

The plant propagates by dividing the bush and seeds. Grows well in shade and open sunny areas.

Snowdrop ordinary

Snowdrop is a low modest plant that first appears (March-April) after winter in our gardens. Flowering time - 3-4 weeks. It first produces a pair of linear leaves, and then blooms with drooping white bells. He is not afraid of snow and spring frosts.

Snowdrop is one of the earliest flowering plants, sometimes breaking through a layer of snow.

Primrose ground

Ground primroses are perennial winter-hardy plants. They begin to bloom in May (4 weeks). They have a variety of colors.

The most common types of primroses are serrated, tall and avricula. They are propagated in two ways: by seeds and by dividing the bushes. Seeds are sown in early spring, and the division of the bush is carried out in August-September.

Primroses do not like bright sunlight, preferring partial shade. It is best to plant them next to shrubs and trees.


There are more than ten thousand varieties of tulip in the world assortment. They differ in color, height, flowering time and other features.

Particularly beautiful varieties bred in Holland: the Bolshoi Theater, London, Parade. They are distinguished by bright red, very large flowers. No less beautiful are the varieties of domestic selection: Pomegranate bracelet, Purple glass, Effect, Raspberry ringing.

Tulips of the Tashkent region are the first to bloom in April. botanical garden(Lyubov Shevtsova, March 8 and Sunrise). Then come later varieties: Dillenburg, Yunms, Alaska. They begin to bloom at the end of May. The duration of flowering of each variety is 10-15 days.

With the right selection of early and late varieties, you can have flowering tulips for 1.5 months.

To get the maximum decorative effect, single-sorted tulips of different sizes can be planted in groups, depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe flower garden. Blooming tulips look especially good against the background of the lawn.

They go great with forget-me-nots and pansies.

So that after the end of flowering in the flower garden there are no voids, seedlings of annual plants blooming in summer are planted in their place.

Phlox soddy

Soddy phlox is a perennial herbaceous plant. It has hard subulate leaves that densely cover the lying stems, forming a dense carpet 10-12 cm high. Phlox begins to bloom in May with numerous star-shaped flowers of pink, blue and white. The duration of flowering is 30-40 days, in some cases a little more. After flowering, the plants do not lose their decorative effect, thanks to the carpet formed by dark green leaves.

The advantages of this plant: winter hardiness, drought resistance, unpretentious care, the ability to tolerate bright sun and partial shade, ease of reproduction, rapid growth. Phlox propagates mainly by early summer cuttings of stems, less often by dividing bushes.

In decoration, it is used to create perennial carpets, lawn spots, borders, as well as in rocky flower beds.


Chionodoxa, or snowman, is one of the first spring flowers. It is found in several colors, and each has its own characteristics. The plant is exceptionally hardy. It is easy to grow.

Chionodoxes are low, found in nature in the mountainous regions of Asia Minor and in southern Turkey. Blooms in early spring (April-May). Flowering time is 2-3 weeks. 10-15 wide-bell-shaped flowers are placed on a thin stem of the peduncle. During flowering, it is a lush "basket" filled with flowers and lined with leaves of bright emerald color.

➣ Soddy phlox, bergenia, or bergenia, alpine arabis, Siberian brunner among spring flowers still occupy an insignificant place, but deserve attention. Distinctive features of these plants are exceptional winter hardiness and early flowering.

With the first warm rays of the sun, in the forest, on the thawed patches, the first spring flowers . One of these spring primroses is the snowdrop.

Snowdrop is an amazing flower. At first, the person who met him in the forest is even a little lost, because there is snow around, and here is such a spring miracle of nature. Snowdrop is not found everywhere, you can usually see how it blooms in February-March.

The snowdrop, as previously thought, looks like three drops of milk hanging down. From here it comes Latin name Galanthus, which means milky white flowers.

In Slavic legends, the snowdrop acts as a brave flower, which was the first to not be afraid of the old woman of winter, who planned not to let spring fall to the ground. Gaining courage, he blossomed, the Sun noticed him and decided to warm him and the whole Earth. Here he is, a snowdrop, the very first spring flower in the forest .

Flowers are generally a joy, but the first flowers , and also spring , after nature has been in a long hibernation, this is real magic. The earth wakes up, nature comes to life, here and there the singing of birds is heard, greenery appears and begins to bloom. What else names of the first spring forest flowers can we remember?

Vesennik , overseas Eranthis (spring + flower), one of the very first spring flowers. It has bright yellow flowers, begins to bloom after the snow melts. It can withstand both spring frosts and snowfalls.

Anemone (another name for Anemone) is another of the primroses, found most often in the European part of Russia, Siberia, the Caucasus and the Far East. It spends most of its life underground, in the form of a rhizome. The future flower begins to develop even in winter, when it is under a layer of snow. According to the shape of the petals, anemone chamomile and poppy can be distinguished.

The next first spring flower that I want to mention is mother and stepmother . The flower got its name because of the differences in the surface of the leaf. On the one hand, the leaf is soft and fluffy (mother), and on the other - hard (stepmother). It usually blooms in April-May. Widely distributed throughout Russia.

Some more spring forest primroses :

liverwort - a bright blue flower, grows along the banks of rivers and lakes, on slopes, forest edges. Blooms in April.

European hoof - an evergreen plant, with small black flowers, blooms in late April.

sleep grass - the second name is lumbago, blooms in early April.

Petrov Cross - blooms in April.

goose bow - blooms in late March - early April.

Lungwort - from March to May.

Here's what I could find, the very first spring flowers in the forest . If you have any additions, then write, I will be glad!

What a cottage without flowers! Spring flowers in the flower bed have become a must-have decoration, especially those types that require a minimum of effort to grow and at the same time have an excellent aesthetic appearance. A flower bed of spring flowers can be created both from plants of the same species with different colors of inflorescences, and it can be arranged from flowers different types so that they are harmoniously combined with each other in height, spreading and color.

In this article, we will consider the most popular spring flowers for flower beds.

Belongs to plants of the Lily family. It is perhaps the most popular perennial decorative spring flower. His homeland is Asia. Today, more than 150 of its species are known, and breeders continue to work on the development of new ones. The tulip is often called the “king of spring flower beds” for its unique appearance, special decorative effect and colorful variety of petals and types of inflorescences, as well as for the fact that these are the first earliest flowers in the country in spring.

Did you know? Early varieties of tulips - Candy Prince, Cooler Cardinal, Duke van Tol (simple), Abba (the smallest of tulips - up to 10 cm in height), Monte Carlo, Peach Blossom, Beauty of Apeldoorn, Ice Cream (terry).

Tulips are suitable for any gardens, flower beds, flower beds. Look great in group compositions, rockeries, alpine slides, fringing borders and flowerpots. They are combined with almost all flowers, but the spring flower bed, consisting of tulips, daffodils, lilies of the valley, crocuses, looks especially advantageous. Tulip compositions are especially beautiful. different colors and/or shades with lawn grasses and undersized shrubs. Also spring beautiful flowers tulips are cut for a vase and often decorate houses and premises, they are used to decorate interiors during a wide variety of events.

Crocuses are spring flowers, the name of which is also on everyone's lips. Crocus is a perennial from the Kasatikov family. In appearance, it is a bit like a tulip, only with narrower leaves, much lower in height, since it does not have a ground stem, and the inflorescence blooms directly from the tuber root. His homeland is the Mediterranean, the Caucasus, the Crimea. Crocuses are also the earliest flowers to appear in spring after winter. They are very decorative, with delicate petals of various colors and always a rich orange pistil.

Did you know? Harvested and dried crocus stigmas are called saffron - one of the most expensive spices in the world.

Inflorescences in color are lilac, white-lilac, pink-lilac, yellow, pink, orange, white, purple, etc. Today, there are more than 280 varieties of crocus, including 14 individual groups- spring flowering. Popular varieties of spring crocuses are Zubflaus, Zwanenburg, Dr. Lotsi, Confidence, Albus Biflorus Veldenii, Alexander, Princess Beatrice, Lady Killer, Blue Pearl, Nanetta, Marietta, Albion, Inchantress, Harlem Jam, Pickwick, Negro Boy.

Crocus is an unpretentious flower, it takes root and reproduces well, it is resistant to many garden pests and practically does not get sick. The flowering period is up to 1 month.


Or fritillaria. The name hazel grouse is folk, given because of the diversity of the inflorescences of the flower, after the name of the hazel grouse bird of the same name. Hazel grouse is a magnificent decorative tall, perennial bulbous flower of the Liliaceae family. His homeland is Central Asia, the Caucasus. More than 90 types of fritillaria are known, among which such beautiful spring varieties are especially popular - Imperial, Aurora, Orange Brilliant, Maxima Rubra, Maxima Lutea, Prolifera, Flava.
The hazel grouse stands out among all the flowers for its exoticism - it has a long powerful stem (90-140 cm) with large drooping cup-shaped inflorescences (5-6 pcs.), On top of which the leaves gathered in a bunch rise in a crown. Low lush foliage also surrounds the stem at the root. The flowers are orange, yellow and all shades of red, and inside them are spots and rims along the edge of the petals. Fritilaria is absolutely unpretentious and looks great in a park, garden, alpine hill, lawn, rocky gardens, rockeries. Flowering time - 2.5-3 weeks.

Important! All early flowers are planted in winter - in late summer or early autumn. Plants have time to take root, overwinter, harden and in early spring “wake up” and start growing.

The well-known white spring flowers of snowdrops are a rare endangered species listed in the Red Book. Their name speaks for itself - "appearing from under the snow." Snowdrops are the earliest flowers that are always associated with spring, they have long been a symbol of the onset of warming and the awakening of nature after hibernation. The first flowers of spring, whose second name is galanthus, are perennial bulbous herbaceous flowering plants of the Amaryllis family.
More than 16 species of galanthus are known, growing in their natural environment in Europe, the Caucasus, Asia, and the Crimea. The flowers are low - up to 15-18 cm in height, with delicate tiny drooping inflorescences, milky bells. white color and two linear pointed leaves. Galanthus appear in March and bloom for 2-3 weeks. Today you can buy bulbs for seedlings of the following varieties of snowdrops - Flore Pleno, Voronova galanthus, Nivalis galanthus, Elvis galanthus.

Did you know? Breeding snowdrops on your site, you will not only get aesthetic pleasure, admiring the wonderful flowers, but you will also contribute to the protection and preservation of the Galanthus population.

Snowdrops are combined with all kinds of early spring garden flowers, without exception, they also look great on their own, especially their different varieties planted at the same time in the same area.


This is a perennial original corm flower belonging to the Lily family. At the top of a thick erect short stem in the form of a cone, the flower has many, up to 43-45, adjacent to each other inflorescences-bells. The color of their petals is white, purple, blue, pink, yellow, red, orange, lilac, cream, lilac. The height of the peduncle is 12-40 cm, the smallest of the hyacinths are centellas, not more than 12-14 cm high. Centella varieties are Lady Derby, City of Harlem, Jan Boss. Other early flowering varieties of hyacinths are Amethyst, Anna Marie, Ostara, Bismarck, Lord Baflour, Pink Pearl, La Victoire, Delft Blue, Carnegie, Innosance.

Did you know? Hyacinths of various shades look great with the same height in the center and shorter ones along the edge, planted in a circle or in a round open flowerpot - they look like a multi-colored curly hat.

Primula is a perennial rhizomatous primrose with a bright three- or four-color color, belonging to the Primrose family and numbering more than 480 species. This is a flower up to 30 cm high with a basal rosette of green wrinkled rounded leaves and with a strong peduncle, with flowers collected in an inflorescence or single flowers. Petal color - blue-yellow, white-yellow, lilac-yellow-white, yellow-pink with white, red-yellow, lemon yellowish-orange, yellow-beige-orange, pink-purple-yellow, purple-orange with yellow and etc.
In the natural environment, it grows in Asia, Europe, America, mainly in the mountains or on a flat strip with a humid climate. In our country, the primrose is bred everywhere, the flower is unpretentious, cold-resistant, with excellent survival and rapid reproduction. In addition to its beauty, primrose is good for its early, friendly, abundant and long flowering. Blooms 4-4.5 weeks. Some primroses bloom again and again in the fall, and the decorative foliage of faded flowers lasts all spring and summer. Primula is combined with all primroses, herbs, shrubs and is used to create combinatorial complex compositions on lawns, alpine hills, flower beds, flowerpots, for edging flower beds, borders.

And primroses of various varieties and colors planted together in a chaotic manner form a picturesque, colorful, bright carpet that can decorate any corner of the site. The earliest flowering primroses are large-cup primrose, Voronov's primrose, spring, Julia's primrose, stemless, serrated, auricula (ear primrose).

This little flower with an affectionate Russian name is correctly called bulbocodium and belongs to the Lilein family. His homeland is Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean. Brandushka - herbaceous flowering plant up to 8 cm high with a delicate, elongated-bell-shaped single flower on a corm (has no stem). Inflorescences - pink or pinkish-lilac. The leaves are green with a slight blue, linear, collected in a bunch around the inflorescence.
Brandushka fully justifies such "affection" in its name - small, cute, with thin translucent petals delicate shades and at the same time, a real primrose is frost-resistant, undemanding and unpretentious in care. Blooms 3 weeks. Types of brandushki for our gardens are multi-colored bulbocodium (it has white buds, and the blossoming inflorescence is lilac-pink) and spring bulbocodium. Bulbocodiums are very decorative, combined with all early spring vegetation, often used for alpine slides, rocky gardens, border and multi-level garden compositions.

Or our adapted name anemone. This is a perennial herbaceous tall (up to 75 cm) primrose of the Buttercup family. More than 45 species of anemone are found in Russia and the CIS countries, in total there are almost 150 known. Under natural conditions, the anemone is common in North America, Asia, Eastern and Southern Europe, the Caucasus, the Far East. Anemone has large cup-like flowers, single or collected in an inflorescence. The leaves are incredibly decorative in themselves - carved, openwork, rich green (sometimes brown or purple below), gathered at the base into a bush, on which the flowers seem to lie down. Inflorescences of different colors - lilac, blue, light blue, white-pink, pink-yellow, lilac with pink, red, white-lilac-violet, red-black-white, etc. By the type of petals there are terry and simple.

Important! The juice of these flowers has a strong irritating effect on the skin and causes an allergic reaction. Be careful when working in the garden - do not pick flowers or work with gloves.

Early types of anemone - Lyutichnaya, Gentle, Dubravnaya, Forest. In general, the anemone is a flower with amazing decorativeness, it never gets boring, and some of its species can bloom all spring and summer until the beginning of autumn. Suitable for rock gardens, rocky hills, mixborders.

Vesenniki, or erantis, are spring yellow flowers, whose name literally translates from Greek - "spring flowers". Erantis is a perennial herbaceous undersized (up to 15 cm tall) primrose of the Buttercup family. Their homeland is the Far East, Siberia, Asia, they are found in their natural environment in Southern and Eastern Europe.
The spring has a low stem with a spherical six-petal inflorescence, surrounded, like a frill, by short, strongly or slightly divided leaves at the ends. Over time, the foliage bends in an arc and sags down.