Chronic gastritis with low stomach acid is treated. Symptoms and treatment of gastritis with low acidity

For example, having heard complaints about heaviness in the stomach, heartburn and nausea, home diagnosticians will confidently announce their verdict - but this may be only a small part of the truth. After all, not everyone knows that gastritis is different and is also treated differently.

At a minimum, you need to take into account the acidity of gastric juice, which can be both increased and normal, and. And it is quite clear that gastritis with different acidity requires different treatment.

A little about stomach acid

To diagnose any gastritis and to prescribe the necessary adequate therapy, it is very important to obtain reliable information about the acidity of the stomach (gastric juice). How to deal with acidity? What acidity is considered normal? Why does the acidity of gastric juice decrease or increase?

The concept of the norm. Physiology textbooks tell future doctors (however, like everyone else) that the normal acidity of the stomach (pH) ranges from 0.8-1.5 (according to some sources, the norm is 1.5-2.5). Is it a lot or a little? So: in fact, this is a very acidic environment! For comparison, the pH of a lemon is in the range of 4.5-5.0, but lemon juice is considered to be slightly acidic.

Interesting! A healthy stomach produces about two and a half liters of concentrated hydrochloric acid in just one day.

In modern gastroenterology, there is an opinion that it is simply not necessary to talk about the increased acidity of gastric juice - much higher, but we can talk about the secretion of gastric juice and gastric motility.

The role of the sympathetic nervous system. Both the secretion of gastric juice and the motility of the stomach are regulated by the sympathetic nervous system, which works independently of the will of the person and provides such body functions that are not regulated by desire.

If the sympathetic nervous system is activated (for example, as a result of stress), then the body is brought into a state of readiness for the most active actions (, fight, protection), therefore, the amount of glucose in the blood increases, breathing becomes deeper, blood pressure rises, but gastric motility and the secretion of gastric juice decreases, since the work of the gastrointestinal tract is completely unnecessary for active action.

That is, as a result of stress, the tone of the sympathetic nervous system increases, and the secretion of gastric juice is blocked - in such cases, they say that the stomach has "stopped" and complain of heartburn, nausea, and bad smell from mouth. These phenomena are explained by the fact that the body has prepared to respond to a dangerous situation, therefore, the functions of the gastrointestinal tract are “off” for a while, food remains in the stomach for a long time and begins to rot.

The role of microflora. If the stress becomes constant, that is, the secretion of gastric juice is constantly reduced, then due to an insufficient level of acidity in the stomach, the so-called conditionally pathogenic microflora may appear, that is, bacteria and microorganisms that cannot and should not be in a healthy stomach.

It turns out that sufficient acidity of the stomach is needed not only so that the stomach can fully and smoothly work, but also to protect the gastrointestinal tract from conditionally pathogenic (undesirable) and pathogenic (harmful) microflora.

Unfortunately, if a pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic microflora appears in the gastrointestinal tract, the body perceives this as another stressful situation, so the tone of the sympathetic nervous system rises again and food is again digested very poorly, which causes inflammation of the gastric mucosa - and for body is another stress. It turns out a kind of vicious circle that just needs to be broken.

Attention! According to the observations of gastroenterologists, even diagnosed gastritis with high acidity necessarily turns into gastritis with low acidity (hypoacid gastritis).

Stages of development of chronic gastritis. According to the observations of researchers, in the stomach during the initial inflammatory processes, more hydrochloric acid is produced than is necessary. Thus, gastritis with high acidity, which is otherwise called hypoacid gastritis, can be diagnosed.

However, some of the cells that produce hydrochloric acid in the stomach die under the influence of a constant inflammatory process, and the acidity of gastric juice returns to normal for some time. But if the inflammatory process is not stopped, the cells that produce hydrochloric acid continue to die and the acidity of gastric juice continues to decrease.

Now we are talking about hypoacid gastritis (with low acidity). Moreover, if the inflammatory processes cannot be stopped, it is possible to reduce the acidity of gastric juice to almost zero values, when talking about atrophic anacid gastritis.

Symptoms of gastritis with low acidity

Symptoms of hypoacid gastritis (gastritis with low acidity) are due to the fact that due to the low content of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice, the process of disinfection of food that has entered the stomach is disrupted. But it is necessary to disinfect food from a variety of microorganisms that stimulate further inflammation of the gastric mucosa and support the inflammatory process.

Symptoms of gastritis with low acidity (hypoacid gastritis) sometimes clearly indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract, but sometimes they may not be associated with the state of the gastrointestinal tract, although in reality there is such a connection.

  1. Firstly , with hypoacid gastritis (low acidity), there is a belching with the smell of rotten eggs or burping with the smell of rot (this is due to the fact that the stomach "stands" and the food remains in the stomach for too long), because some enzymes become less active or even generally lose their activity, due to which fermentation processes are activated.
  2. Secondly , there are complaints of an unpleasant and irritating metallic taste in the mouth.
  3. Thirdly , after eating there is a feeling of heaviness in the stomach or a feeling of fullness of the stomach, even if the food was not plentiful.
  4. Fourth , with a very high degree of probability, intestinal disorders are possible - constipation or diarrhea may appear due to a violation of enzymatic activity.
  5. Fifth One of the constant symptoms of gastritis is heartburn.
  6. At sixth , about gastritis with low acidity, pain in the epigastrium (under the ribs), which appears immediately or almost immediately after eating, makes you aware. The reason is a violation in the functioning of the enzyme system.
  7. Seventh , with gastritis, bloating, flatulence and rumbling in the abdomen are more than likely, which appear, again, due to the fact that both the enzyme system and protection against microorganisms harmful to the unprotected stomach are violated.

Symptoms, which in themselves may not cause suspicion of stomach problems, should definitely alert if they occur in combination with other, clearly "gastric" symptoms.

  1. Firstly , with gastritis, the hair becomes very dry and, as a result, brittle; nails begin to exfoliate, because part of the food is not digested and a sufficient amount of vitamins and micro- and macroelements does not enter the body.
  2. Secondly , hemoglobin levels in the blood become low, iron deficiency anemia is possible, because part of the food is not absorbed and a sufficient amount of iron does not enter the body, which otherwise cannot enter the body.
  3. Thirdly , weight loss is possible, lethargy, unwillingness to move, a desire to lie down or at least sit, general weakness are noted. The reason is insufficient intake of vitamins and micro- and macroelements.
  4. Fourth , blood pressure may drop to the level of hypotension.
  5. Fifth , according to the results of clinical laboratory tests, protein deficiency, which is called hypoproteinemia, can be detected, which is explained by a violation of the protein digestion process due to low acidity of gastric juice.
  6. At sixth, people who suffer from gastritis with low acidity like to eat something sour or try to choose some food that stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. It can be cabbage, black bread, dishes with large quantity spices, spicy dishes; but it doesn't get any better than this.

Attention! Gastritis with low acidity (hypoacid) can trigger the development of stomach cancer.

Important! In chronic gastritis with low acidity, remissions are possible, when the symptoms can practically disappear. Cure can only be determined by the results of studies and laboratory clinical tests.

Principles of nutrition for gastritis with low acidity

  1. With gastritis with low acidity, a sparing diet is necessary.
  2. It is necessary to completely abandon all products that cause fermentation processes in the body. Such products include whole, fresh bread, muffins, sour cream, cream, grapes.
  3. Any food should not be very hot or very cold.
  4. Vegetables and fruits in the diet should be included only baked or at least stewed.
  5. High-fiber foods should be excluded from the diet, including raw cabbage, legumes, and some cereals (and).
  6. You should categorically refuse fatty, spicy and fried foods.
  7. Avoid any food that contains preservatives.
  8. Sausages and any smoked meats must be completely excluded from the menu.
  9. Meals should be fractional - up to six times a day. Portions should be small. A meal is considered, for example, a boiled egg; or a baked apple (perhaps baked with); or a piece of cheese with a small slice of white bread.
  10. Useful natural juices from acidic fruits, berries and vegetables.
  11. Mineral water should not be bought first, but should be chosen only on the recommendation of the attending physician.

However, with gastritis with low acidity, there is healthy foods, and there are many of them.

  1. Boiled lean meat, boiled beef tongue, chicken liver will be useful.
  2. The use of lean fish is allowed.
  3. With gastritis with low acidity are very useful and buckwheat porridge. The rest of the cereals can also be included in your diet, with the exception of.
  4. Boiled, baked or stewed vegetables are useful, especially potatoes and carrots.
  5. Useful baked pumpkin.
  6. It is recommended to use a lot of different fresh herbs, except for green onions.
  7. With gastritis with low acidity, it is allowed to drink both tea and.

What can increase low stomach acid?

Reduced acidity of the stomach requires very serious attention and treatment. But often very positive results can be provided by properly selected nutrition.

  1. A very useful and tasty habit: half an hour before a meal, you need to drink a few sips (50-70 grams) of honey water, for which you need to dissolve half a teaspoon of honey in warm water.
  2. A drink made from sea buckthorn berries is very useful.
  3. A decoction or infusion, which is also very good to drink before meals, helps to regulate the low acidity of the stomach.
  4. With low acidity of the stomach, apricots in any form have proven themselves very well - fresh, dried (apricots, dried apricots) - and apricot juice.
  5. Useful grapes - 20 minutes before meals, it is recommended to eat up to 150 grams of fresh grapes.
  6. Some increase the acidity of gastric juice and fresh cucumbers, if they are properly chopped (the smaller, the better).
  7. Although raw cabbage with gastritis with low acidity, it is contraindicated, but boiled (stewed) cabbage is very useful.
  8. Helps to increase and normalize the acidity of gastric juice beans.
  9. For a long time, fresh turnip salad has been used to increase acidity: fresh turnip must be grated and seasoned vegetable oil(salt should be taken to taste, but not abused).
  10. Long-term and persistent increase in the acidity of gastric juice ensures the use of a variety of meat foods. However, it should be remembered that for any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, only lean meat should be chosen (it can be lean pork, veal, rabbit, skinless poultry).
  11. Freshly prepared is very useful, which should be drunk shortly before meals, a quarter cup.
  12. With reduced stomach acidity, the benefits of blueberries are generally recognized, which can be used in pies, dumplings, and compotes.

Decoctions of medicinal herbs for gastritis with low acidity

  1. A decoction of berries or blueberry leaves

You will need:

  • Dry vegetable raw materials of blueberries (berries and / or leaves) - 10 g;
  • Boiling water - 200 g.

Cooking: In an enameled or glass bowl, pour dry blueberry plant raw materials with boiling water and simmer in a water bath for 15 minutes. Insist 30 minutes. Strain.

Reception: Take before meals three times a day, two to three tablespoons.

  1. Rosehip decoction

You will need:

  • Dry crushed vegetable raw materials of wild rose (berries) - 10 g;
  • Boiling water - 200 g.

Cooking: In an enameled or glass container, pour dry rosehip raw materials with boiling water and simmer in a water bath for 15 minutes. Insist 30 minutes. Strain.

Reception: Take one tablespoon three times a day half an hour before meals.

  1. Elecampane wine

You will need:

  • Dry crushed vegetable raw materials of elecampane rhizomes - 12 g;
  • Honey - one tablespoon;
  • Cahors - one bottle (750 g).

Cooking: In enameled or glassware, pour dry vegetable raw materials of elecampane with wine and add honey. Bring to a boil and simmer in a water bath for 15 minutes. Cool at room temperature. Strain.

Reception: Take after meals 50 g three times a day.

Attention! Before using any decoction or infusion medicinal herbs You should consult with your gastroenterologist.

To normalize the acidity of gastric juice in gastritis with low acidity, a decoction and juice of plantain, calamus root, three-leaf watch (it is also tripol or water shamrock), gentian, marsh cudweed, lingonberry, St. John's wort, buckthorn, rhubarb, yarrow, mountain ash, centaury, immortelle , aloe, thyme and many other herbs, fruits and berries that our land is rich in.


Once our grandmothers said: "Don't be angry, otherwise your stomach will hurt." Then we did not understand what could be the connection between abdominal pain and anger, but now we know that stressful situations are considered one of the most important causes of any gastritis, which are becoming more and more every day.

Indeed, gastritis is one of those diseases that happen precisely “from nerves”, therefore, for the prevention of this disease (as well as many others), calmness and the ability to relax are necessary. You shouldn’t “drag home” all work problems and troubles, you shouldn’t forget about your relatives and friends, you shouldn’t use all weekends just for additional work, because in life there is still a park and a forest, museums and concert halls, walks with a dog and cat shows.

Really, don't get angry, but, as my grandmother used to say, your stomach will hurt. Well healthy lifestyle life - where without it!

Gastritis with low acidity - a pathological process in the stomach, is one of the forms and leads to inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane of this organ. The disease is characterized by a low level of stomach acidity, which contributes to the deterioration of its motor function. In advanced form, it leads to cancer. At risk are middle-aged and elderly people.


The etiology of this disease is well understood. According to doctors, one of the most common causes is the active work of bacteria. The activation of these bacteria contributes to malnutrition and reduced immunity.

However, clinicians identify such predisposing factors for this disease:

  • irregular nutrition;
  • a consequence of heart disease;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • deterioration of metabolism;
  • violations endocrine system;
  • toxic poisoning;
  • chemical burn of the stomach;
  • nervous and mental stress.

In addition, gastritis with low acidity can be caused by malfunctions in immune system or congenital anomalies in the structure of the gastrointestinal system.


The classification of the disease depends on the degree of damage to the gastric wall and symptomatic signs.

There are three main clinical forms of the disease:

  • chronic rigid gastritis(when the antrum of the stomach is affected);
  • (this form is characterized by spasms, sclerosis and rigidity of the walls of the stomach);
  • polyposis gastritis(manifested by recurrent bleeding).

The latter form often occurs as a result of any gastritis with low acidity.


Symptoms of gastritis with low acidity on initial stage the development of the disease may not be manifested. The patient may complain only of a general deterioration in well-being and disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.

As the disease develops, the following symptoms of the disease can be observed:

  • dull pain in the epigastric region;
  • heaviness;
  • bloating;
  • heartburn;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • nausea;
  • the appearance of a white coating on the tongue.

If you do not start treating the disease in a timely manner, then the metabolism may be disturbed, which complements the clinical picture with the following symptoms:

  • dry skin;
  • brittle hair;
  • the formation of jam in the corners of the mouth;
  • headaches and fatigue;
  • reduced performance;
  • sudden weight loss for no apparent reason.

With the further development of gastritis with low acidity, secondary symptoms also occur, such as:

  • increased heart rate (usually after eating);
  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • intolerance to dairy products.

It should also be understood that the clinical picture of the above nature may indicate other gastrointestinal ailments, therefore, at the first symptoms, it is reasonable to consult a doctor, and not to self-medicate.


In order to make a diagnosis, you need to contact a gastroenterologist who will prescribe a comprehensive examination. After a physical examination, a number of such mandatory tests are prescribed:

  • blood analysis;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • measurement of acidity of gastric juice (is an important diagnostic sign);
  • endoscopic examination;
  • coprogram.

For a more accurate diagnosis, a set of such instrumental studies will be prescribed:

  • esophagogastroduodenoscopy;
  • endoscopic biopsy;
  • gastric probing;
  • fibrogastroduanoscopic examination;
  • x-ray study.

After the tests and examinations, the doctor will be able to determine the exact diagnosis and prescribe the correct and effective treatment.


After passing all the tests and studies that establish an accurate diagnosis, the doctor will be able to determine how to treat gastritis. Usually, the treatment of gastritis with low acidity is long and complex. Since this disease is characterized by problems with juice secretion, as a rule, drugs are prescribed that can stimulate the normal functioning of this function. A medicine is also prescribed that restores gastric motility.

The main stages of treatment of gastritis with low acidity:

  • taking antibiotics;
  • consumption of vitamins to strengthen immunity and restore metabolism;
  • antibacterial therapy.

In addition to drug treatment, the following physiotherapy procedures can be prescribed:

  • herbal medicine;
  • sanatorium treatment.

One of the most important steps in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases is diet. Proper nutrition with low acidity of the stomach always helps to improve the patient's well-being. There are diets that are aimed at stimulating the secretion of gastric juice.

Treatment of gastritis with low acidity will be effective with the right selection of products. The basis of the diet should include the following:

  • boiled porridge;
  • boiled meat;
  • low-fat varieties of fish;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • mashed potatoes.

Food should be chopped, boiled or steamed.

Be sure to drink still mineral water and weak tea, preferably green and without sugar. The use of alcohol and grape juice is prohibited. Grape juice contains acid, which has a destructive effect on the mucous membrane.

It is strictly forbidden to take:

  • fried;
  • acute;
  • oily;
  • sour;
  • too salty food.

Substances that contain artificial colors and flavor enhancers should be excluded from the diet.

With gastritis with low acidity, treatment with folk remedies is not prohibited.

There are several different foods that can help treat this condition. With the intake of these substances, the body will receive useful elements that contribute to improving the state of health and complement the treatment with medicines.

These products include:

  • lingonberry tincture (helps normalize gastric acidity);
  • decoctions based on burdock root;
  • mixture of honey and butter(honey is good for digestion).

No less effective in the treatment of such a disease are some herbs. Cooked herbal decoctions are a good antimicrobial remedy.

For cooking medicinal tinctures use:

  • medicinal marshmallow;
  • sagebrush;
  • immortelle;
  • bloodroot.

Before starting self-treatment, be sure to consult your doctor.

Possible Complications

Most often, diseases of gastritis with low acidity lead to. If left untreated, the disease can turn into chronic gastritis with low acidity. Also during this disease, atrophic processes progress, which lead to serious digestive disorders and cancer.


Prevention of gastritis with low acidity consists in following the recommendations of gastroenterologists:

  • proper nutrition;
  • exclusion of smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • timely treatment of all inflammatory and infectious diseases in the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, one should not forget about the timely passage of a medical examination and seeking medical help in case of health problems.


In the absence of timely detection of the disease, serious inflammatory and atrophic processes can occur. If you do not start treating gastritis with low acidity in time, it can develop into oncology.

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Gastritis with low acidity (hypoacid gastritis) is a chronic recurrent gastroenterological disease in which an inflammatory process forms in the gastric mucosa, secretory activity and motor function of the stomach decrease. This form of gastritis develops less frequently than other clinical forms, but more often than others leads to serious complications.

In the general structure of gastrointestinal pathology, the share of chronic gastritis is 90%, of which gastritis with low acidity accounts for about 25%. The disease is registered in all age groups, however, it is more often found in the elderly, men and women are equally susceptible to it.

Gastritis with low acidity can be asymptomatic for a long time

Causes and risk factors

The mechanism of occurrence of pathology is not fully understood. Exogenous reasons for the development of gastritis with low acidity include Helicobacter pylori infection, taking medications that have an adverse effect on the gastric mucosa, malnutrition, the presence of bad habits, ionizing radiation, as well as accidental or deliberate ingestion of toxic, irritating substances.

With timely diagnosis, timely and correct treatment, the prognosis is usually favorable, it worsens with the development of B12-deficiency anemia.

Among endogenous factors, genetic predisposition, pathologies of the pancreas and liver, gastroduodenal reflux, metabolic and endocrine diseases, sinusitis, renal failure, rheumatic diseases, helminthic invasions are distinguished.

During the period of remission, the disease usually does not manifest itself. During an exacerbation, there is a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, bad breath, increased salivation, belching with rotten or air, a feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region, nausea. Appetite is reduced until the complete refusal of food.

Gastritis with low acidity is recorded in all age groups, but more often found in the elderly, men and women are equally affected.

Atrophy of the gastric mucosa, which develops with gastritis with low acidity, causes a violation of the absorption of nutrients and vitamins with the further development of protein-energy deficiency, hypovitaminosis, anemia. The patient's blood pressure decreases, dizziness appears after eating, dryness skin, brittle hair, bleeding, fatigue, depression. Significantly reduced body weight. Lactose intolerance may develop. With a long course of the disease, inflammation of the tongue and gums develops (glossitis and gingivitis).

Features of the course of gastritis with low acidity in children

In children, the disease is manifested by intense pain in the abdomen, which are diffuse in nature and appear after eating any food. Palpation in the epigastric region is painful. In addition, signs of gastritis with low acidity in children are nausea and vomiting that occur a few hours after eating, and intolerance to certain dishes. Children become easily excitable and emotionally unstable.

In this age group, superficial gastritis predominates, glands may be affected, but the atrophic process usually does not develop.


The diagnosis of gastritis with low acidity is made on the basis of complaints, history taking, as well as the results of instrumental and laboratory studies. Carry out ultrasound of the organs abdominal cavity, as well as endoscopic examination - esophagogastroduodenoscopy, during which pH-metry and biopsy are also performed. Measurement of the acidity of gastric contents, or pH-metry, allows you to reliably establish a decrease in the production of hydrochloric acid and pepsin.

In the general structure of gastrointestinal pathology, the share of chronic gastritis is 90%, of which gastritis with low acidity accounts for about 25%.

If it is impossible to perform gastric sounding, a laboratory determination of the content of uropepsinogen in the urine is performed. To identify an atrophic form of gastritis with low acidity, the levels of pepsinogen I and II and their relationship to each other are determined in the patient's blood. Atrophic gastritis is determined in approximately 85% of cases of a pronounced decrease in the level of pepsinogens. Carry out the determination of markers of autoimmune pathology (antiparietal antibodies, and antibodies to the Castle factor).

Detection of Helicobacter pylori in gastritis with low acidity can be carried out by the methods of polymerase chain reaction, enzyme immunoassay, urease breath test for Helicobacter pylori, etc.

Differential diagnosis is carried out with stomach cancer, pellagra (deficiency of vitamin PP), sprue (impaired absorption of fats, glucose and vitamins in the gastrointestinal tract), hiatal hernia, dyskinesia of the gallbladder and biliary tract.

Treatment of gastritis with low acidity

Treatment of gastritis with low acidity is complex, selected individually depending on the form of the disease, the severity of secretory insufficiency, the presence of concomitant diseases and complications. The objectives of the treatment of gastritis with low acidity are:

  • elimination of inflammation;
  • cessation of the progression of atrophic processes in the gastric mucosa;
  • restoration, as far as possible, of the motor and secretory functions of the stomach.

Treatment of the disease is usually carried out on an outpatient basis, however, in some cases (severe symptoms, the need for a thorough diagnosis), hospitalization may be required.

For the eradication of Helicobacter pylori, antibacterial drugs are used, as well as proton pump inhibitors (with an anacid state characterized by pH ≥ 6, proton pump inhibitors are not prescribed).

According to indications, gastroprotectors, enveloping and astringent preparations, acid-stimulating agents, vitamin-mineral complexes are used. Substitution therapy for gastritis with low acidity consists in taking natural gastric juice and gastric enzymes.

The main treatment of chronic gastritis with low acidity can be supplemented by physiotherapy (UHF therapy, magnetotherapy, inductometry, electrophoresis with drugs, ozocerite and paraffin applications, etc.).

Diet for gastritis with low acidity

One of the main treatments for gastritis with low acidity is diet therapy. The success of drug therapy largely depends on how it will be observed.

Recommended fractional nutrition- meals at least 5-6 times a day at approximately equal intervals of time, in small portions. The food must be comfortable temperature(warm), as cold or hot food has an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa. Dishes are prepared in dietary ways (boiling, steaming, baking or stewing).

The composition of the diet should include fermented milk products, cereals, low-fat fish and meat, vegetable and meat soups, pasta, eggs, vegetables, fruits, fruit juices, tea with lemon. Exclude smoked, fatty, fried foods, confectionery, whole milk, fresh pastries, cabbage, grapes, carbonated drinks, alcohol.

Gastritis with low acidity develops less often than other clinical forms, but more often than others leads to serious complications.

Possible complications and consequences

Against the background of gastritis with low acidity, the following can develop:

  • inflammatory processes in the distal gastrointestinal tract;
  • ulceration of the gastric mucosa;
  • polyhypovitaminosis;
  • food allergy;
  • neuropsychiatric disorders;


With timely diagnosis, timely and correct treatment, the prognosis is usually favorable, it worsens with the development of B12-deficiency anemia. In the case of malignancy, the prognosis is negative.


In order to prevent the development of gastritis with low acidity, it is recommended:

  • timely and active treatment other inflammatory diseases of the stomach that can transform into gastritis with low acidity;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • observance of hygiene rules.

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The ability to identify the symptoms of gastritis with low acidity, knowledge of treatment methods and adherence to a diet is the basis for recovery. Pathology is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa, accompanied by reduced acidity of gastric juice, as well as a reduced ability to break down food. Gastritis with reduced acidity adversely affects the entire body.

Important! With low acidity, intestinal infections easily penetrate the digestive system and cause inflammation.

Type of disease

Gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice is classified into two types:

  • spicy;
  • chronic.

The acute form of the disease is determined by the rapid development with concomitant acute pain. This type able to go into an ulcer or acquire a chronic course. There are several categories of the acute form of the disease:

  • catarrhal;
  • erosive;
  • phlegmonous with purulent inflammation of the stomach.

Lack of timely treatment of phlegmonous gastritis can be fatal.

Chronic gastritis is a consequence of the acute form of the disease. Chronic gastritis with low acidity, depending on the cause that caused it, is divided into:

  • type A gastritis (autoimmune);
  • type B gastritis;
  • type C gastritis (reflux gastritis).

The type of chronic gastritis with low acidity is determined only with the help of a special examination.


A huge role in the occurrence of the disease belongs to the microorganism Helicobacter pylori, which enters the stomach and develops in it. This bacterium promotes inflammation in the epithelial layer and damage to the parietal cells. A similar process occurs when the stomach membrane is affected by antibodies formed as a result of a perverted immune response when an attack occurs on the body's own cells.

Distinguish between internal and external causes affecting the development of gastritis with a low level of acidity. The most common include:

  • malnutrition (abuse of hot, rough and junk food);
  • circulatory disorders associated with pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • abuse of alcoholic beverages;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • pathologies associated with metabolic disorders;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • endocrine disorders (hypothyroidism).

Each of these causes can cause damage to the gastric mucosa and destruction of the epithelium. Against the background of violations, deviations occur in the production of gastric juice - the cells cannot recover normally due to impaired blood supply and hypoxia.


The development of gastritis with a decrease in acidity occurs progressively: at the initial stage, the symptoms are practically not expressed, and later the body adapts and the patient begins to feel the effects of the disease in full force only in the later stages.

The main symptoms of the disease are:

  • weak, aching and pressing pain in the upper abdomen that occurs during or after eating;
  • discomfort in the abdomen (increased flatulence and gas formation);
  • unpleasant taste and belching that occurs after sleep or a few hours after eating);
  • persistent heartburn, not dependent on food intake;
  • the occurrence of nausea or vomiting after eating (after vomiting, relief is observed);
  • stool problems (chronic diarrhea or constipation);
  • decreased or complete lack of appetite.

In the later stages of the disease, additional symptoms appear:

  • hair becomes dry and brittle;
  • dry skin appears;
  • the appearance of cracks in the corners of the mouth;
  • the formation of plaque on the surface of the tongue;
  • weight loss;
  • episodic headaches;
  • rapid fatigue and decreased performance;
  • sleep problems.


Diagnosis and treatment of gastritis with low acidity is carried out by a gastroenterologist and an endoscopist. The specialist examines the patient and conducts a series of examinations:

  • esophagogastroduodenoscopy;
  • endoscopic biopsy;
  • gastroscopy;
  • morphological studies;
  • radiography of the stomach;
  • probing of the stomach with intragastric pH-metry;
  • study of gastric juice;
  • determination of the level of pepsinogen;
  • diagnosing Helicobacter pylori using fecal ELISA, PCR studies, detection of antibodies in the blood and a breath test for this microorganism.

The purpose of these studies is not to confuse the disease with other pathologies, and to make an accurate diagnosis.

Based on the results of examinations, the gastroenterologist prescribes a treatment regimen. If required, the attending physician refers the patient to a consultation with a nutritionist, who prepares an appropriate diet. In some cases, to eliminate concomitant diseases, consultation of other specialists of a narrow focus (cardiologist, therapist) is required.


Treatment of gastritis with a low level of acidity begins immediately, upon receipt of the results of a complete examination and accurate diagnosis. The whole process is a certain sequence of medication treatment:

  1. Taking drugs to stimulate the production of acid in the stomach (Prozerin, Calcium gluconate, Etimizol, Limontar, Histaglobulin, Cytochrome, Pentagastrin and others).
  2. In the absence of the effect of stimulating measures, drugs are used for substitution effects (enzymes of gastric juice, hydrochloric acid, Pepsin, Panzinorm, Abomin). This treatment is to normalize the composition of gastric juice.
  3. To prevent exacerbations, drugs are used: to relieve spasms (No-shpa, Drotaverine), inflammation (Venter, Alsukral) and normalize stomach functions (Cerukal, Clometol).
  4. To remove the bacterium Helicobacter pylori from the body, antibacterial drugs are used (omeprazole, doxycycline, tinidazole, amoxicillin).
  5. Vitamin therapy is used to normalize metabolic processes.

Non-pharmaceutical methods of therapeutic effects include sessions of physiotherapy, herbal medicine, and rehabilitation in a sanatorium. It is mandatory to comply with dietary nutrition during and after treatment.

dietary treatment

In case of illness, nutritionists recommend normalizing the functioning of the digestive glands, which is directly related to proper nutrition. What can you eat with gastritis with low acidity? This question worries many patients. A diet for gastritis with low acidity should include the following main points:

  • drink a glass of non-carbonated mineral water before each meal;
  • chew portions very carefully and without haste;
  • include more fruits and vegetables in the diet;
  • eat lean meats in boiled or baked form (poultry, fish, beef);
  • it is recommended to use sour-milk products;
  • it is allowed to use an omelette and several eggs;
  • sweet tea, fruit juice, berry compote, jelly, decoction of rose hips are allowed as a drink.

With gastritis with reduced acidity, it is not recommended to use alcoholic drinks, fried, salty, spicy, smoked foods, mushrooms, grape juice and sinewy meat.

Important! The foods consumed should be easily digested, and the diet should create favorable conditions for the normalization of the acidity of gastric juice.

Treatment with traditional medicine

It is allowed to treat gastritis with a low acidity index in adults by means traditional medicine. But a preliminary consultation with the attending physician and his recommendations in this direction are necessary. After all, not all remedies are suitable for treatment. this disease and some components may cause allergic reactions.

Important! Treatment with folk remedies should be in addition to the main scheme prescribed by a specialist.

Among the recipes of traditional medicine are:

  1. 2 kg white cabbage, 500 g of apples, 500 g of any currant, grind with a meat grinder, mix thoroughly and distribute in glass jars. Put the containers in heat. After waiting for fermentation, squeeze the mixture through cheesecloth, folded in two layers. Take 100 g three times a day 10 minutes before the start of the meal.
  2. Take peppermint leaves, common yarrow herb, medicinal sage leaves, medicinal chamomile flowers and wormwood herb in equal proportions. Mix all ingredients and grind. 2 tsp crushed collection, pour 1 cup of boiling water and insist for 30 minutes in a closed container. Filter the finished infusion. Take warm liquid in half a glass 3 times a day. Take the first dose of the infusion in the morning on an empty stomach.
  3. 1 tsp burdock root pour 500 ml of boiling water and insist all night. Filter the liquid in the morning. The prepared infusion should be taken half an hour before the start of a meal. This volume is calculated for reception within 1 day.
  4. Grind 10 g of dry mint herb and pour half a glass of boiling water. Infuse the mixture for 30 minutes and filter. Drink liquid 1 tbsp. l. before meals three times a day.

Attention! Soda, which is a very popular folk remedy, is forbidden to use with low acidity of the stomach.

Preventive actions

To preventive measures include:

  • the correct diet and mode of eating;
  • giving up bad habits (smoking and alcohol);
  • moderate physical activity;
  • therapy of inflammatory and infectious diseases in the gastrointestinal tract at the initial stages;
  • regular medical examinations.

The implementation of these measures will avoid serious deviations and diseases not only of the digestive system, but of the whole organism as a whole. To prevent the development of gastritis with low acidity in children, it is worth following a healthy diet from birth.

Treatment of gastritis with low acidity should be long and regular. To prevent recurrence of the disease, the patient must adhere to proper nutrition throughout life.

Gastritis with low acidity leads to the development of a variety of intestinal infections. In the absence of proper treatment, the disease becomes chronic. Atrophic processes that progress with this type of gastritis can lead to serious digestive disorders.

The main component of gastric juice is hydrochloric acid. It is necessary for the complete digestion of foods. There are units for measuring acid.

Reduced acidity, just like excess, is not normal for the human body.

This gradually leads to a worsening of the disease in the stomach.

This article will discuss what gastritis with low acidity is, its symptoms and treatment.

What it is

Acidity gastritis is a disease that occurs due to an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane, due to insufficient acidity of the gastric juice and its inability to digest food.

Most often, this disease occurs in middle-aged people.

Reasons for the appearance

The reasons for the appearance can be both external and internal factors.

The most common causes of this disease are the following:

  1. Cardiovascular diseases.
  2. If a person has previously suffered from lung diseases, that is, pneumonia or pleurisy.
  3. Autoimmune diseases.
  4. Inflammatory process in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Diseases of the endocrine system.
  6. The use of foods that contain a large amount of preservatives. Wrong nutrition.
  7. Alcoholic drinks.
  8. Smoking.


Depending on how advanced a disease such as atrophic gastritis is and on the individual characteristics of the body, the symptoms that will occur at this time depend.

  1. Feeling of heaviness after eating.
  2. Blunt pain.
  3. Flatulence.
  4. Bad smell and taste in the mouth.
  5. Frequent, sometimes even uncontrollable belching.
  6. Metabolic processes inside the body are disturbed.
  7. Hair becomes dry and brittle.
  8. White coating on the tongue.
  9. Sudden weight loss.
  10. Seizures in the corners of the mouth.
  11. Tachycardia after eating.
  12. Sudden change in weight.
  13. Frequent headaches and dizziness. Insomnia.
  14. Problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract after taking dairy products.
  15. Increased salivation.

Types of gastritis

  • The presence of chronic gastritis with low acidity. Inflammatory process that takes place in the gastric mucosa, resulting in a violation of metabolic processes in the glands. With prolonged disruption of the production of hydrochloric acid, it can gradually lead to problems with the functioning of the stomach.
    In this regard, products are digested very slowly. Initially, the disease proceeds with increased acidity, but after the glands atrophy and the acidity becomes significantly less.
  • atrophic. With this disease, the wall of the stomach becomes thinner. It can be of two types: antral and erosive. The most dangerous thing that can happen in this case is the occurrence of oncology. The main causes of erosive gastritis with low acidity are overeating, taking drugs, improper daily routine, autoimmune diseases.

Varieties of atrophic gastritis

There are several types. They are distinguished by location and activity:

  1. Atrophic antral gastritis.
  2. Multifactorial. This is the last advanced stage of the disease. It touches the entire stomach. The disease that has the greatest predisposition to the occurrence of oncology.
  3. Subatrophic. The initial stage of the development of the disease.
  4. Focal atrophic. May occur due to autoimmune predisposition and degenerative changes in the tissues of the stomach.

Focal gastritis can transform into the appearance of another disease - hyperplastic gastritis.

Chronic atrophic gastritis

Chronic atrophic gastritis is accompanied by depletion of the mucous layer. The number of cells that perform a secretory function sharply decreases.

The causes of this type of gastritis with low acidity have not been established by medical professionals.

Focal atrophic gastritis

This type of gastritis with low acidity is characterized by the appearance of an atrophic disorder in the walls of the stomach.

The main cause of this disease is called the bacterium Helicobacter pylori or autoimmune disorders.

The lesion can occur both in a separate area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe stomach, and completely in the entire organ.

Symptoms of gastritis with low acidity

In most cases, a disease such as atrophic gastritis occurs secretly, symptoms are not present.

It is revealed during examination of the stomach. Depending on the stage of the disease, the method of eliminating the disease depends.

  • There is a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, even after a person has eaten a little.
  • Sudden weight loss.
  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Flatulence.
  • The gums begin to bleed.
  • Hair becomes dry and nails become brittle.
  • If the patient is asked to show the tongue, then it contains a yellowish-gray coating.
  • Heartburn.
  • The presence of "jam".
  • The skin becomes dry.
  • Eructation immediately after eating.
  • Sudden loss of vision.

Diagnosis of the disease

Only a doctor can make a diagnosis. You should not turn to friends for help. It is necessary to undergo X-ray examination and gastroscopy.

It is also necessary to undergo measurements of the level of acidity and sounding of the stomach.

Treatment for gastritis

The disease can be treated with medications using several options. Violations of an atrophic nature in the walls of the stomach cannot be eliminated in any way.

The cells of the stomach, which have been renewed, cannot be converted into glandular ones. There are several options for drug treatment, depending on the stage of development.

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the disease. In most cases, this bacterium is Helicobacter pylori. Bacteria need to be eradicated.

This will help:

  • Reduce the time spent on treatment;
  • Stop the development of bacteria;
  • The drugs needed for gastritis will need much less.

Additionally, it is desirable to use antibiotics to resolve this disease. The course of treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, he prescribes the dosage.

It is best to restore the body with the help of drugs that belong to various groups:

  1. stimulating therapy. It is designed to restore the production of hydrochloric acid. Medicines that are designed for this: calcium gluconate, Pentagastrin, Cytochrome.
  2. Vitamins. Atrophic gastritis leads to the fact that trace elements are not fully absorbed into the human body. Vitamins are also taken to strengthen immunity. It is necessary to undergo a course of rehabilitation by taking vitamins.
  3. Symptomatic therapy. The symptoms must be eliminated. In this case, drugs are suitable: Raglan and Cerucal.
  4. Antispasmodics. To stop intense pain, you can use drugs such as: Spazmol, Venter and No-shpa.
  5. Antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics are taken to eliminate the bacteria. In this case, drugs are ideal: Clarithromycin and Amoxicillin.
  6. replacement therapy. It is necessary to take drugs from this group with insufficient production of enzymes by the organs of the digestive tract. Preparations: Pepsin, Abomin, Panzinorm Forte or Pepsin.
  7. Diet. It is necessary to abandon spicy fried, smoked foods. In large quantities, you can eat vegetables and fruits. The diet helps to make it work normally in the presence of atrophic gastritis with low acidity.
  8. Drink plenty of water. A person should drink at least 2 liters per day.

Diet in the presence of atrophic gastritis

It is necessary to observe not until full recovery, but throughout life.

  • mashed potatoes;
  • Green tea. Preferably without sugar, but with honey;
  • Steamed dishes;
  • You need to eat often, but in small portions.

Should be abandoned once and for all:

  • Mushrooms. They should not be eaten before bedtime, even for people with a healthy stomach;
  • Alcoholic drinks;
  • Spicy and salty;
  • Grape juice.

The main goal why a person needs a diet is to make the stomach work normally, secrete gastric juice, while using easily digestible foods.

Treatment with folk recipes

This is a disease that has plagued mankind for many years. They can be used as a stand-alone therapy or as an aid in drug treatment.

  1. To normalize the level of acidity, such a recipe is suitable. These two ingredients must be used in equal amounts. This medicine should be taken one hour before meals.
  2. For constipation and severe pain, gooseberries should be treated. Take 1 glass boiled water per 1 tablespoon of fruit and then boil for a few more minutes. Put in a dark cool place to cool completely.
  3. It is used for gastritis with low acidity Walnut. Unripe fruits must be used. In total, 15 pieces of fruit are needed for half a liter of vodka. It is necessary to put the tincture in a dark place for two weeks. You can treat the thyroid gland with this medicine.
  4. A decoction of cranberries. It helps restore acid levels. It is necessary to pour boiling water over the berries and boil for 10 minutes. Leave the broth to cool completely and take a tablespoon. Help for the work of the gastrointestinal tract and berries.

Treatment in a sanatorium

Rehabilitation therapy should be carried out during the calm period of the disease.

Such sanatoriums as Truskavets, Morshyn, Essentuki are suitable.

In addition to carrying out physiotherapeutic procedures, treatment in a sanatorium consists in the use of water, which contains a large number of trace elements.

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