Toilet in the annex. Everyone can make a country toilet on their own! A high-quality toilet for a summer residence with your own hands: step-by-step instructions, practical recommendations

The owners of undeveloped summer cottages or lands with dilapidated buildings are faced with the task of improvement. First of all, it is necessary to build a restroom on your territory. In order for it to be comfortable and pleasing to the eye with its appearance, you should carefully consider your own project or try on a purchased design well.

We build from wood according to tradition

Despite the abundance of materials on the construction market, including innovative ones, wood remains the most popular in the construction of toilets.

Advantages of wood:

  1. Environmental friendliness. When the boards serve their purpose, the latrine can be dismantled and burned in the oven.
  2. Decorative. Even the most uncomplicated wooden toilet easily fits into the design of any suburban area, emphasizing its natural beauty.
  3. Hygiene. Wood absorbs unpleasant odors, masking them.
  4. Durability. If you use special impregnations against bacteria, fungi and insects or paint that protects against harmful ultraviolet radiation, you can significantly extend the life of the material.
  5. Low cost.

The main disadvantage of wood is increased flammability, which can be reduced by treatment with heat-resistant agents.

A simple toilet can be built in one day

A restroom from boards in the country can be built with a cesspool (backlash-closet) or with a waste container (powder-closet). The first option is necessary for summer residents with big family, permanently residing on the site, and the second one is suitable for those who take care of the garden several days a year. In this case, the biological waste container can be unloaded about once a month. In addition, the type of latrine is affected by the location of groundwater: if they are close, then a cesspool should not be dug.

Having decided on the design of the toilet, you can start drawing up a drawing that will simplify the assembly of the frame, or use ready-made plans.

The drawing shows detailed dimensions.

In any case, it is recommended to make structural details strictly according to the drawing in order to avoid inaccuracies and distortions. The simplest model of the restroom, which does not require special skill, is considered to be the Birdhouse. Usually its height is two to three meters, width - one meter, and length - one or one and a half meters. If desired, all these dimensions can be increased or made a double restroom.

The toilet "Teremok" looks original, especially the arrow-shaped shape, on which snow does not linger. And also the "fabulous" design is well protected from the wind. Its main element, unlike the Birdhouse, is not a frame and walls, but a roof fixed on a truncated base.

The structure, sheathed with slabs, is well protected from snow

Another common type of restroom is the “Hut”, where the side walls simultaneously serve as roof slopes. Such a model is being built in just a few hours. Decoration Materials in such a design, only the back and front are needed; roofing materials are laid on the sides.

Comfortable seating is an important detail of any restroom.

We build a drawing

The development of a drawing of a country toilet should begin with a frame, noting the dimensions of the structure (length, width, height) and indicating the cross section of the timber or boards. In project wooden building cutting diagram should be displayed facing material, the amount of which is calculated for one side (due to symmetry), front and rear walls. When creating a drawing of the "Birdhouse", the front wall must be built higher than the back for a slope if the roof is shed. In a gable roof toilet, the front and back walls are the same height. Those who are going to make a ceiling in the restroom should also display it in the illustration.

We calculate the amount of materials

A standard set of products for a small country toilet two meters high:

  1. Two pieces of edged board from four to six meters.
  2. Four floorboards in six meters.
  3. Three-meter lining - two or four packs (depending on the type of inner lining).
  4. Edged timber with a thickness of at least 50 × 50 mm or a board - from 20 mm for the frame.
  5. Glassine - four meters.
  6. Ruberoid - one and a half meters.
  7. Twenty special galvanized nails for eight-wave slate or corrugated board.
  8. Galvanized steel for skate.
  9. Door with fittings.
  10. Two buckets of sand.
  11. Antifungal drug packaging.
  12. Roofing material (120×140 mm).

The list may vary and be supplemented depending on the chosen model of the restroom. The final estimate is compiled according to a pre-created drawing. For the construction of a toilet roof 1.5 m long and 1.2 m wide, you will need 1.8 m 2 of edged board (calculated by multiplying the length by the width) plus three meters (0.75 boards) - on the side rafters.

As a result, 1.75 boards 4 m long and 0.25 m wide will be enough to cover the roof. The number of floorboards is determined according to the same scheme: 0.6 m 2 (1 m x 0.6 m) floor covering and (0.6 m x 0.4 m x 2 + 1 m x 0.4 m + 1 m x 0.6 m = 1.48 m 2) - for the toilet seat, and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bfour boards six meters long and thick in 100 mm is 2.4 m 2.

For the lining of the back and two side walls of the restroom, 7.28 m 2 of boards will be needed. The area is also calculated by multiplying the length by the width. As a result, 2 m 2 of the lining will go to the back wall and 2.64 m 2 to one side wall (2.64 m 2 x 2 + 2 m 2 = 7.28 m 2).

For a model of a restroom in the shape of a parallelepiped, the length of the lining must be at least 1.24 m (if you fill the products across), and the width and thickness can be taken arbitrary. Calculations are made in the same way: the area of ​​​​the walls of the structure is revealed and divided by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone board of the lining, the number of necessary elements is obtained.

We are building a restroom according to the traditions of Russian architecture

We buy quality material

If you decide to build a lavatory from boards, then it is better to use widespread larch products, which do not darken, retain their original appearance for a long time and are durable. Edged boards can be planed and raw. The former are more expensive, but already dried, polished and do not injure hands during operation.

The toilet can also be sheathed with clapboard - thin boards that are fastened together with grooves. Usually it is created from coniferous wood, it resists moisture and temperature extremes well and does not deform under the influence of sunlight.

Lining well withstands atmospheric influences

A budget and convenient option in the construction of a closet can be used pallets - packaging products that are convenient to fasten, break, process and combine with other materials. They are easy to get for free by contacting transport companies who do not need "garbage", or purchase at a bargain price through thematic portals.

Pallets are bolted together

You can also sheathe the restroom with moisture-resistant plywood, fiberboard, chipboard or sealed OSB boards. All of these materials are easy to install and resistant to adverse biological effects. However, it should be borne in mind that fiberboard and chipboard made from glued sawdust can be damaged under impact loads, especially for thin materials. A toilet with a 0.5 mm fiberboard cover is unlikely to last long.

Modern OSB-3 boards, made from wood chips with synthetic resins in the form of three layers, withstand significant mechanical stress and are convenient in construction. Therefore, they are suitable for buildings designed for long-term operation. A reliable, durable and eye-pleasing antique style will turn out a restroom made of logs or timber. This design has only one drawback - the high price.

We prepare the necessary tools

In the process of building a toilet, you will need:

  • building level;
  • hacksaw or portable circular saw;
  • plane;
  • screwdriwer set;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • hammer.

Step-by-step instructions for building a country toilet

The following methods are used to construct a latrine cesspool:

  • installation of reinforced concrete rings;
  • laying out brick walls;
  • installation of special polymer tanks;
  • concreting with the use of lathing.

Phased construction of the toilet:

  1. Having prepared the project, you should decide on the place for the construction of the restroom, which should not interfere with the neighbors, so it will have to be installed with an indent from the fence of one to one and a half meters. If you decide to make a cesspool, provide an entrance for a sewage truck. Do not build a toilet in the lowlands, which can be flooded with spring floods.
  2. The construction of a backlash closet begins with digging a hole, which can be drained or sealed. The first option is less time consuming, and the second is indispensable for high level groundwater spreading sewage throughout the site.

    The cesspool should be located no closer than 5 meters from wells, residential buildings and plots with fruit trees

  3. The pit is dug in accordance with the dimensions in the drawing, compacted, covered with sand and cemented. After that, the walls are blocked with a crate and filled with mortar or lined with bricks (as an option: concrete rings). Next, the surface is plastered and processed together with the bottom bituminous mastic. Do not forget that the walls should rise above the ground by at least sixteen centimeters.
  4. A capital pit can be built with a filter bottom, filling it broken brick or gravel. Thus, liquid waste will go into the ground, so you will need to clean the pit much less frequently. Installation of a plastic container can be carried out at any site, observing sanitary and hygienic standards, since in this case the fecal matter does not fall into the ground.

    A broken brick is placed at the bottom of the pit

  5. The next step is to set the foundation. For a toilet, it is enough to dig pillars or blocks of concrete around the perimeter. The frame, which provides for four vertical bases, is constructed from wooden beam or profile metal pipes. The longitudinal rafters of the roof trim should protrude no less than thirty centimeters beyond the perimeter of the building.

    The base for the restroom can be made from processed slats

  6. The base is fastened by four planks at the level of the toilet seat corresponding to height for ease of use (usually forty centimeters are enough from the finish flooring). After that, the braces of the side and rear walls are mounted diagonally and the vertical supports for the door, fastened with a jumper at the top, no more than one hundred and ninety centimeters in height.

    The toilet seat is located at a distance of about 40 cm from the floor

  7. The finished frame is sheathed with clapboard, board, OSB, etc.

    The frame of the toilet is sheathed with slats

  8. A door is made on the back wall for convenient waste disposal. It is better to seal the lid with roofing felt or other moisture-proof material. It is desirable to install a ventilation pipe in the slots of the toilet seat and the roof.

    The rear waste disposal door is equipped with ventilation

  9. Next, a door with a window for lighting is hung, equipped with a hook and a latch.

    The roof covering is mounted with a drill

It is better to make a frame for a parallelepiped structure from larch beams, and pine is more suitable for floors, walls, ceilings and doors. To make the toilet neat, it is necessary to take careful measurements in accordance with the drawing.

The Hut model is being built very quickly. Work begins with the installation of the front and rear walls of edged pine boards with a thickness of at least thirty millimeters. The material can be fixed both on nails and on self-tapping screws. Next, longitudinal and cross beams according to the drawing, and the base of the pedestal is mounted on the back wall and spacer.

After assembling the frame, the platform and floor are sheathed. For the latter, it is better to take a hardwood board measuring 20x100 millimeters. Ventilation in the "hut" is mounted on the rear wall. The door, as always, is attached at the final stage.

Video: do-it-yourself country toilet combined with a shower

Create a durable finish

An outdoor toilet is constantly exposed to the adverse effects of precipitation, wind and temperature changes. From this, the tree darkens and rots. A protective coating, which must be aesthetic, will help extend its service life.

The original design of the toilet can decorate the site

Main types of coatings:

  1. Oil paints. They impregnate the tree well, form a strong layer, serve up to seven years. They have a large consumption and dry for a long time.
  2. Antiseptics. They penetrate to a depth of approximately one centimeter, protect the material from blue, mold and rot. They preserve the natural color of the wood or slightly tint it.
  3. Staining paints. Translucent, serve up to five years, do not change the surface texture.
  4. Cover paints. They also retain the relief of the material, do not lose their appearance for up to seven years, and form a very durable layer.
  5. Acrylic paints. They can serve up to ten years, allow the tree to breathe, perfectly retain color.

Fans of the natural shade of wood are better off using antiseptics and special impregnations. Those who want to give free rein to the imagination can use dark colors that will not get dirty. Designers do not recommend covering the toilet with flashy bright colors that catch the eye. It is better if the restroom is hidden from prying eyes.

In most cases, buildings are painted after assembly. However, this has its downsides. After all, the edges of the boards and other hard-to-reach places will remain without protection. It is more correct to process the material even before the construction of the restroom.

People who can draw well can decorate the toilet in an original way. Birds, insects, flowers on a dark background and other images will make your closet different from others.

“When painting the walls of the toilet, you should not use a varnish that traps steam and is not suitable for outdoor work.”

It is recommended to apply the products on a clean, well-polished surface. First, an antiseptic treatment is carried out, and then applied top coat in two or three layers with drying. It is impossible to paint boards under the scorching sun, otherwise cracks appear after drying. The primer should match in tone with the main paint. In the process of work, the product must be constantly stirred in order to achieve an even layer.

natural dark tones ideal for the restroom

It is not difficult to build a comfortable wooden toilet in the country. Even a beginner can handle this task. However, in order for the result not to disappoint, a number of simple conditions must be observed. It is not forbidden to use ready-made drawings, but before proceeding with the implementation of the project, they need to be well understood. And even better - to make the necessary improvements to the finished drawing (changing dimensions, adjusting the design, etc.). Creativity allows you to get the best result.

August 5, 2016
Specialization: master of internal and outdoor decoration(plaster, putty, tile, drywall, lining, laminate and so on). In addition, plumbing, heating, electrical, conventional cladding and balcony extensions. That is, repairs in an apartment or house were done on a turnkey basis with all the necessary types of work.

By and large, you can simply provide drawings - how to build a toilet in the country with your own hands, but I don’t think this is right, since the principle of arranging a latrine will be omitted. The fact is that no matter how beautiful and durable an architectural structure is from above, 90% of it depends on the arrangement of sewers, which is below.

Therefore, I want to focus your attention on the whole complex, point out the most common mistakes and offer to watch the video in this article.

Four main mistakes made during construction

Now I want to draw your attention to four points that are often neglected, and since it is best to equip a toilet in a country house soundly, take them into account when installing and designing:

  1. As you understand, the default latrine is the source unpleasant odors, as well as effluents that may contaminate environment. Despite the whole range of measures that can be used to cancel such consequences (filters, ventilation), there are certain requirements for the remoteness of sewers from other objects. In your case, three aspects are especially important - this is the distance from water sources, the road and the neighbor's fence - pay attention to the schematic drawing above.
  2. The second mistake can be called neglect of the foundation, or rather, its strength, on which the architectural structure is installed. You, for sure, had to observe skewed toilets, which are scary to enter! And so, it just also is a consequence of this error.
  3. Following the principle “so that it doesn’t disappear”, some install ordinary, rather than country toilets on the street. There is practically nothing to wash them off (the stored container of water is too small for this purpose), as a result of which unsanitary conditions develop.
  4. And finally, the fourth mistake is the neglect of the skin- this is not about beauty, but about the density of the wall, where there are no drafts. The presence of drafts can lead to sad consequences for your health!

Arrangement of a country toilet

Pit and base

1 - toilet; 2 - beams; 3 - storage tanks; 4 - pipes

Explanation. The upper diagram shows the principle of arranging a toilet with. But we are mainly interested in the location of the beams on the pit for the foundation of the higher structure.

So, you can attach a toilet and shower room to the house or put it on its own - in any case, you will need a storage tank for drains, or a connection to a centralized sewer.

I will not explain in detail the construction of a septic tank, since this is a separate topic, although we will touch on it in passing, in any case we will have a pit. As for any other container, the main requirements here are spaciousness and strength (so that the walls do not collapse).

Again, if you are not going to concrete or use masonry, then the main attention should be paid to the density of the soil, on which the likelihood of a landslide depends. Alumina can be called the most durable, as in the photo above, but, nevertheless, this does not guarantee the complete stability of the beams. Therefore, when installing beams, they should protrude beyond the edges by at least half a meter, and if necessary, if the soil is soft, a meter or more.

Of course, the best option here would be a storage tank (concrete or plastered brick) with a lid, which, in fact, will be the basis for installing the toilet. Here you can already change:

  • leave it as a cesspool;
  • or use it as the first settling compartment for a septic tank, although its price is, of course, higher than that of a conventional pit.

The most important thing is that the lid will simultaneously serve as an excellent foundation for a higher structure, but the container itself is installed on a sand and gravel pillow so that there is no roll or subsidence.

wooden toilet

I want to reiterate that I am not going to offer you a building with specific dimensions, as this does not make sense due to the difference in conditions and needs. But you will understand how to build the same structure with a brick shower, because the principle itself is important here, not the material.

We continue to consider the topic of how to properly build a toilet and move on to the very premises of a higher architectural structure. Let's say that you have a pit ready, and you put tarred wooden beams, and perhaps even concrete or metal profiles, which is even better.

Now it is important for us that the floor is not on the same level with the ground - raise it at least 15-20 cm - this will significantly increase its service life, as it will reduce the likelihood of decay.

Now, regarding the geometric parameters of the structure as a container, a comfortable height from floor to ceiling should be about 200 cm, and the optimal perimeter should be about 140 × 140 cm.

These numbers are calculated for almost everyone, but you can certainly increase such parameters. I simply do not advise making them smaller, so as not to create a feeling of discomfort.

As for ventilation, it is best if at the back of the pit, behind the toilet, you cut a PVC ventilation pipe 110 mm in diameter and 50 cm high above the roof of the building itself. In fact, it can be any other, even a brick pipe.

However, PVC is not only convenient, but also economical. Please note that if there is a residential building nearby (closer than 4-5m), then the pipe, of course, should be higher than it so that the smell does not penetrate into the room through the windows.

Now let's pay attention to the roof - it is usually either gable or shed. From a technological point of view, there is no difference, but from a technical point of view, the amount of work increases.

In addition, if there is no particular claim to architectural individuality, then it is best to use only one slope - you will not only save labor costs, but you will use much less materials.

Try to close tightly - use feigned strips for this, or at least pieces of rubber, securing them around the perimeter door leaf. So you protect the inside from snow. And if you use such a toilet in winter, it will be much warmer there.


You can undoubtedly build a wooden or even a brick toilet with your own hands - it's quite simple. For a sample, you can take one of the drawings from this article and substitute your dimensions. If you have interesting suggestions, then write about it in the comments.

August 5, 2016

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The construction of any summer cottage cannot do without the construction of a sanitary unit in the first place. The construction of this room is necessary to meet the initial needs of man. After the construction of the country toilet, the construction of other buildings, gazebo complexes, baths and others begins. country toilet it is possible to build with your own hands without the involvement of specialists and their highly paid work. Before building a toilet, it is necessary to be familiar with the design, installation and certain hygiene requirements that must be followed. It is also important to have drawings of toilets for summer cottages before your eyes, so that the final do-it-yourself design is as correct as possible.

It must be remembered that there are a sufficient number various norms and the rules to be followed for placing a closet on the street. The main rule to be observed is the creation of conditions under which there will be minimal contact of waste with groundwater.

Rules for placing the toilet on suburban area

Before you make a toilet in the country yourself, it is important to study the main criteria that you should follow when choosing a place to build it:

  • The required distance from the nearest water area should be at least 30 meters. If the geolocation of the reservoir is lower in level from the building, then the structure must be moved to another place or below the water source.
  • The distance from adjacent pits, such as a basement, cellar, and so on, must be at least 15 meters.
  • The distance from residential buildings or other structures must be at least 8 meters.
  • Distance from places of settlement or habitat of animals - at least 5 meters;
  • The distance from the plantations is not less than 1 meter.
  • The distance from the fence of the nearby territory is at least 1 meter.
  • When building a country toilet, you must also take into account the direction of the winds so as not to disturb your neighbors with an unpleasant smell.

Be carefull. Before the construction of the toilet, it is necessary to clarify the level of groundwater. Construction is possible only if their level is more than 2.5 m underground.

If it is impossible to build a cesspool, due to the flow of groundwater, you can use an alternative option and build a country toilet like backlash-closet or powder-closet with your own hands. An alternative option may be a dry closet. In such structures, human waste will not touch groundwater.

Requirements for the location of buildings on a summer cottage, including toilets

Attention should be given to the buildings of nearby wells or wells used by your neighbors.

Strict consideration of the rules in the ratio of buildings on your territory and the territory of your neighbors will allow you to properly build a toilet in the country in compliance with environmental standards.

Options for toilets in the country

You can build a country toilet yourself. There are several construction methods that directly depend on the type of structure. The most popular options for the execution of a country toilet:

  1. Toilet with a cesspool;
  2. backlash closet;
  3. Powder closet;
  4. Dry closets and chemical toilets.

These are the most common types of country toilets. More details about each version are given below.

Regarding the first type, the country toilet with a cesspool is the most common type of closet for temporary residences and is an elementary building over a cesspool.

Appearance wooden toilet cabin with a cesspool of the "Starling house" type

Cesspool reinforced with brickwork

Pit toilet project

Construction and construction rules

Regarding the type of "Luft-closet", it has a sealed waste pit as part of its structure, which, in terms of its characteristics and dimensions, may differ and have different variations. For disposal in the Luft-closet toilet, a special sewage machine is used, the hose of which is lowered into the cesspool through a special hatch, which is located at the back of the house.

Backlash closet design

Dimensional drawing

Hatch at the back of the toilet house for cleaning the pit with a cesspool mouse

The third type of “Powder closet” represents a certain container under the saddle itself, which must be cleaned at specified intervals. After each use of the toilet, it is necessary to use additional means of disposal, namely, powdering sewage with peat. This is the cheapest option for a country toilet, but the cleaning process can cause some trouble.

Scheme for the implementation of a toilet with a container in the form of a bucket

Drawing of a possible powder-closet variant

Exterior view inside the cabin

Powdering sewage with peat

by the most the best view a toilet for a summer residence, with sufficient economic support, a dry closet or a chemical toilet can act. The peculiarity of using such a toilet is that there is no need for frequent cleaning due to the breakdown of waste products by special bacteria.

dry closet

chemical closet

Dry closet located right in the house

Dry closet with cabin

How to build a country toilet with your own hands - you need to perform several operations in the sequence below.

The most popular toilet is with a cesspool. This is due to its ease of use. The process of use is very simple and consists in the direct entry of waste into a deep pit. When the pit is more than 70% full, it requires proper cleaning.

Organizing a pit is not a very complicated process and, in principle, you can do it yourself. Having dug a hole of the required depth (its recommended parameters are 2 × 2 meters and a depth of 2 meters), you should proceed to strengthen the walls of the pit, which in the future will serve as the foundation for an above-ground building. You can strengthen the pit with the help of boards, which must first be treated with a special antiseptic. The pit can be reinforced with concrete rings or with brickwork.

It is advisable to make the bottom of the cesspool at an angle down to the back of the toilet house, so that sewage falls towards the hatch, with which the pit is cleaned.

Cabin of bricks

Cesspool with monolithic concrete walls


Reinforced concrete rings to strengthen the pit

Strengthening with old tires

At brickwork you need to follow its checkerboard pattern in order to take care of the future cleaning of the cesspool. The last six rows of bricks are laid without any gaps solid. If you are building a backlash closet, then it requires some effort to organize the complete sealing of the pit. To achieve this goal, at the bottom of the resulting pit is poured concrete screed. If you decide to make a brick base, then in the end it is still poured with a concrete coating.

For pouring concrete, formwork is made, which can be done using ordinary boards or bars. After the concrete has completely hardened, the formwork frame is completely dismantled.

wooden formwork

It must be remembered that there is a need for a hole for the toilet itself and the implementation of holes for ventilation and pumping out waste.

An alternative option for cleaning the cesspool can be filling it with special chemicals or completely filling it and moving the toilet to another place. This option will be of interest to those who do not want to constantly clean the cesspool.

To date, there are many variations of building or acquiring a ready-made toilet cubicle.

Cabin types

When building a country toilet, there are several options for its execution, depending on the elevated building - the cabin. The main types are:

  • Hut;
  • birdhouse;
  • small house;
  • Hut.

Let's consider in more detail.

  1. Features of the "Shalash" structures are determined by their structural strength. The disadvantages include the inconvenience of placement inside the building due to the lack of space of the chosen form.

    The appearance of the hut

    Drawing of a toilet house type hut

  2. Birdhouses in terms of their mounting properties are not heavier than the previous type of cabin and also have lower costs in terms of the amount of material. The only difference is that mechanically this design is less stable and has excessive heat dissipation. The advantages include a unique design and the ability to place a water tank on top of the roof.

    Birdhouse type house

    Birdhouse drawing with dimensions

  3. The “House” option is much stronger and warmer than previous competitors. In the use of the necessary materials for implementation, it does not differ much, but decoration And Finishing work have a wide spectrum.

    Cabin style cabin

    Another version of the house

    Drawing of a toilet house with dimensions

  4. Cabin type "Izba" requires more materials, but is very durable and resistant to almost any climatic conditions. In such a booth it is possible to install a washstand, hangers, mirrors and everything you want. From point of view design solutions, can fit into almost any interior.

    Outside view of the hut

    Project-drawing closet hut

Do-it-yourself toilet house made of wood

Depending on the financial condition and the ability to work, you can build a booth yourself, which can be done different ways depending on the type of material used. Next, the process of building a house made of wood of the "Starling House" type with a cesspool reinforced with bricks is considered.

When laying a brick house, it is necessary to make a foundation, which usually extends beyond the cesspool. The walls themselves brick construction should be 10-15 centimeters above the ground in order to place the foundation around the walls in the next step.

The walls of a brick cesspool protrude 10-15 centimeters above the ground

Often, wooden toilet cubicles are used in summer cottages. The rectangular shape of the house and its construction is organized with wooden blocks measuring 100x100 mm. The tree must first be treated with an antiseptic for long years his service. In the absence of an antiseptic at hand, you can use diluted bitumen in a 1: 1 ratio with water.

In order to comply with the correct technological process cabin construction, it is necessary to make waterproofing between the foundation and the frame wooden structure house. This can be achieved by laying a strip of roofing material.

The figure below shows step by step process collection booth, described below under the image itself.

The process of assembling a wooden toilet cubicle
  1. Placement of the foundation around the brick walls. A layer of roofing material strip is laid on the foundation in order to isolate it from water (waterproofing).

    Foundation for a house with a superimposed layer of roofing material strip

  2. On top of the foundation, a pre-assembled wooden frame, by screwing.
  3. The next step is the floor of the booth, which must be strong enough to support the weight of a person. For this purpose, a board with a thickness of at least 30 mm is taken and screwed with self-tapping screws to a previously installed frame.
  4. Frames are being constructed for the front and rear sides of the booth from wooden blocks. The slope of the roof of the country toilet is solved by installing frames of different lengths. The rear, as a rule, is made smaller in height than the front.
  5. Further, the installed frames of the rear and front sides are strengthened by connecting the transverse bars to each other. In this case, the bars are attached in 2 places: between the frames approximately in the middle of the height and at the very top. The latter will be used to attach boards to them to get a roof. For structural reasons, the upper bars should protrude beyond the base: in front by 30, and in the back by 16 millimeters. Do not get hung up on such strict sizes, a small error is acceptable.
  6. Inside the booth, a pre-prepared pedestal frame 450 mm high is installed. This is the most common height, but you can make it different to suit you.
  7. Sheathing of the frame of the house. Perfectly suited for this role is a false beam, which performs the function of simulating a solid wall made of timber. It is such an imitation of the connection between the bars with the help of tenon grooves. False beam - imitation of a beam

    On one side of the beam there is a spike, which is inserted into the groove located on the opposite side of the second beam. It is very convenient. To the frame itself, the imitation of the beam is attached with nails or by screwing in self-tapping screws. To avoid moisture getting into the groove, make sure that he looked down the entire structure, and the spike up. good options sheathings are also clapboard or OSB. At the same stage, the pedestal is sheathed. A hole of the required size is cut out on the top board to accommodate the container in it.

  8. The beginning of the roof covering. At this stage, small boards with some distance between them are attached to the upper transverse bars (perpendicular to them and parallel to the front side of the cabin).

    The visor is also sewn up from the side of the doors and the boards are attached to each other along the perimeter. Ultimately, an upper roof structure with right angles should be formed.

  9. The question of the final readiness of the roof is solved by imposing slate or tiles on it.

When building a country toilet with your own hands, do not forget about its insulation. Of course, you can do without insulation, but in winter it will be very cold there, which will give you terrible discomfort when you are inside the closet. Styrofoam sheathing can be used to insulate the house of a country toilet. Inside the toilet itself, it is necessary to install transverse strips of wood to organize the toilet seat itself.

With the correct calculation of the project and compliance with standardization standards, the recommended cabin dimensions are as follows:

  • Length - 1-1.5 meters;
  • Width - meter;
  • Height - 2.10 meters.

Cabin doors

Usually, the toilet is installed wooden doors bought in advance or made by yourself. Sheathing is possible with the same materials as the frame was sheathed. After, the doors are hung on 2 hinges in recesses, machined in advance.

A latch or a hook can be used to close the doors from the outside or from the inside. In order for the door not to open inwards and in order to close the cracks, platbands are installed.

After receiving the finished toilet house, it is completely impregnated with special materials in order to protect the tree from moisture and pests. Then everything is covered with varnish or paint.

Quite naturally - ventilation is necessary for such a building in order to remove odors that arise during operation. That is why the country toilet, or rather its body, is initially equipped with a hole, into which a plastic pipe with a diameter of 100 mm or more is then inserted.

Ventilation scheme in the country closet

Having passed the pipe into the cesspool to a depth of more than 20 cm, its reverse end is led along the back wall to a height of more than 20 centimeters above the roof level. To improve the hood, a special device is used - a deflector.

Organization of lighting

To conduct lighting in the toilet or not to do this depends on the time of your stay in the country. To save light, a small window can be provided in the design of the toilet. Alternatively, LED flashlights or battery-powered lamps can be used.

Window for natural light

LED flashlight for lighting, ceiling-mounted

Organization of the hozblok

For ease of use, sometimes in summer cottages a combination of a toilet, a shower and a barn is used at the same time. The one-piece construction takes up less space and is cost-effective in terms of waste disposal. If living in a country house takes place in the summer, this is an ideal option.

Plan of the economic block Cheburashka

Layout of the utility block with amenity premises

Combining in the order of a warehouse-shower-cloaking room-toilet is called in the common people "Cheburashka". The implementation is similar to building a cabin with support poles and wooden blocks, but differs in size. At correct installation and location ensures compactness and expediency of construction in the future process of its operation.

Sometimes additional small structures in a summer cottage are as important as the house itself. First of all, because they are designed to provide owners with comfortable living conditions. In the first place of these extensions is the toilet. Its installation is carried out in the first place, sometimes even during the period of the main building.

You can buy such a structure already ready-made on the construction market. However, given the low labor intensity, more often such an extension is installed on its own.

Where does the workflow begin?

Any building object cannot be installed without using certain tips. In construction, this role is played by design drawings. Similarly, the process of installing a country toilet takes place. In fact, the drawing is the most accurate instruction on how to make a country toilet.

Unlike a larger structure, such as a house, less stringent requirements are imposed on small structures. But the rules that must be observed must be contained in the installation of small buildings.

The essential difference between obtaining an extension drawing and developing a house construction project is that in the first case it is quite enough to use the standard samples found on the Internet. For greater convenience for users, in addition to drawings, numerous photographs of outdoor outdoor bathrooms are also posted on the Internet.

Despite their small size, country toilets are made in the most various types. Most often, the search for a drawing begins by initially picking up a photo of a country toilet, built by someone earlier with their own hands.

Determining the location of the country toilet

The toilet on the site is installed at a distance from the house. Thus, unpleasant odors do not reach the main boundaries of human habitation. The exception is when similar design suit directly adjacent to the house. At the same time, be sure to satisfy sewer network with a hole in it. It is used when water is supplied to the house.

In other cases, the distance from certain important points is:

  • at least 30 meters from the reservoir (river, lake);
  • at least 15 meters from the location of the house.

The above calculated data correspond to the accepted sanitary and epidemiological standards. It is customary to strictly observe them in order to protect both oneself and neighbors and, mainly, the environment from negative aspects. As such, varieties of infectious diseases or soil contamination can be considered.

Cesspool device

Having decided on the installation point of the toilet, they dig a cesspool at this place. Usually its area is within square meter. The cross section of the pit can be made square or round. If the pit in the country toilet is round, then its diameter is also equal to one meter. The depth is chosen in the range from 1.5 to 2 meters, according to the depth of the groundwater.

Remembering to follow certain rules, in the process of arranging a round or square pit, the following work is performed:

  • vertical walls are lined with bricks or concreted;
  • drainage is arranged along the bottom. Large crushed stone, stones, brick fight are used as a material;
  • to strengthen the wall, carry out its reinforcement. To do this, use a metal mesh-netting. For greater strengthening, a lattice with cells of 100x100 millimeters is used;
  • the last stage of the internal processing of the walls of the pit is the alignment on the grid with a concrete mixture with a layer thickness of 50 to 80 millimeters.

After the concrete has hardened, the pit is covered reinforced concrete slab with a hole for a chair. It is either made on site, or, more simply, brought in ready-made form. The slab acts as a foundation for the toilet.

Before installing it, the pit is covered with boards that extend beyond its borders by about 0.8 meters. They must be covered with an antiseptic and sunk into the ground at the same level as the ground.

Installation of the main structure

After the place for the installation of the country toilet is prepared, the structure itself is installed on it. Here, the first thing that is taken into account when deciding how to make a country toilet with your own hands is the severity of the structure.

The summer option provides for a wooden structure. The material is boards and bars. Outside and inside, if desired, sheathing is carried out. You can use lining or, for example, siding. Fit inside plastic panels. The roof is covered with a profiled sheet.

The main thing that should not be forgotten is the insulation and waterproofing of the structure. During the period of autumn rains, structures unprotected from water can be deformed and damp. The same danger exists in winter.

Studying the drawings and dimensions of country toilets, many take note that standard size country toilet ─ it is 1 meter wide and 2.3 meters high. The length is from 1.3 to 1.5 m.

However, it is not necessary to strictly follow these parameters. The design may have other dimensions. The main thing that was announced at the very beginning is the creation of comfortable conditions for the location of a person.

Do-it-yourself photo of a country toilet

An outdoor toilet is a necessity that can be made part of the surrounding landscape. It is built with your own hands, so you won’t have to spend time and money on hiring a team of workers. There are no special requirements for it, so any modern project is easily implemented in practice. It is not always possible to create all the necessary living conditions in a private house, so you often have to resort to certain actions.

Options for a private house

For a long time, people had to use only traditional "little houses" with a hole in the floor. It is time to leave such options in the past, seriously thinking about modern projects. Gradually they turn into interesting option, able to interest in its simplicity and reliability:

  • With a cesspool;
  • With peat;
  • Dry closet.

Choosing the appropriate type, a person has to rely on various nuances. If this is not done, the result will not be what was expected. You will probably need detailed information that allows you to freely compare species, and then make accurate entries.

With cesspool

Traditional outdoor toilets are still being built on sites. Them main feature is a cesspool where sewage is collected. The worst thing is that people do not know how to properly arrange such a structure and make various mistakes.

The construction of a pit latrine comes with various challenges. Most often, you have to spend a lot of time for the phased implementation of various actions. Each of them remains mandatory, so no omissions should be made. Otherwise, an unpleasant odor will constantly accumulate or nearby sources of drinking water will be damaged.

with peat

The use of peat chips allows you to get rid of the cesspool device. In this case, a special tank is used as a storage tank, where the substance is laid on the bottom in an even layer. It accelerates decay as much as possible, therefore, in a short time, sewage turns into an ideal fertilizer for a summer cottage.

The construction of such a toilet is associated with complex drainage and ventilation system. Otherwise, the smell will not work. It will spread throughout the site, annoying people. So in advance it is worth considering a complex device that guarantees comfortable use of the toilet.

Important! When using peat, the size of the container should be small, but the amount of liquid in it should be minimal.

dry closet

Dry closet - modern solution that does not require the construction of a separate house. Although it can be installed there to provide comfortable conditions. The only problem is the high cost of acquisition and operation. Which is why few people choose it.

A separate building is much cheaper than the regular purchase of expensive cleaning products. When choosing, such proposals are usually ignored, proving to be stupid. Moreover, it is difficult to consider them as a full-fledged street toilet.

How to build with your own hands?

How to build a toilet? First you have to study step by step guide with a few tips. They will help simplify the task so that the construction takes less time, and also gives a reliable result. Yes, the dimensions can be changed in accordance with your own wishes, but the main nuances remain constant:

  • First you need to prepare the foundation. The lightness of the design allows you to get rid of the monolith and even the tape pouring of concrete. Usually it is enough to put posts on which the frame will later rest or immediately put load-bearing posts, although this is impractical.
  • Next, the main frame is assembled. For it, you should choose a beam, on which the main shield material will subsequently be attached. The cross section is selected in accordance with the dimensions and load, so it is impossible to predict it in advance. A beam of 40x40 mm is considered the minimum, but the indicators may vary.
  • After that, the floors are laid. For them, a traditional board of 36-42 mm is selected, which ensures the durability of the structure. Often, designers offer alternative options, but they complicate construction.
  • After that, you should put truss system chosen according to your own wishes. The simplest is shed roof, which does not require professional skills during the device.
  • The last step is wall cladding and door installation. For this, select various materials, although 20 mm thick wood remains traditional.

Building your own building in the yard will not take much time if you prepare a cesspool in advance. It should be given special attention, which should be discussed in detail. You will also need to prepare necessary materials so as not to break away from the work in progress.

Cesspool device

Cesspool device - difficult task. If a person believes that simply digging it out is enough, he is greatly mistaken. It is necessary to use one of the projects that guarantees the correct exploitation of land resources. What is the simplest option to use? Here they are:

  • The bottom is covered with sand, and then poured with concrete;
  • The walls are lined with bricks or concrete rings are placed;
  • A lid with a hatch is added on top.

These works are required for proper protection against the spread of sewage in the summer cottage. Even with correct location The toilet has to deal with the potential danger of spreading harmful substances through the ground. Accordingly, you must follow all the rules.

Important! If ground water located at a depth of less than 2.5 m, it is forbidden to equip a cesspool.

What material to choose?

When choosing materials for sheathing, some owners country houses trying to save money. They rate plastic or wooden panels, but ideal option only a log house or a board remains. In this case, a person not only gets an aesthetically beautiful building in the middle of the yard, but also enjoys the irreplaceable advantages of wood:

  • Good thermal insulation;
  • Durability when leaving;
  • Ease of plating;
  • Ease of fit.

There are various materials on the market today, but wood remains popular. The demand for it continues to grow, because without such buildings it is impossible to imagine the natural landscape. Every detail in it must be perfect, so you should not give up great opportunities for the sake of saving a small amount.

Where is the best place to build?

When wondering how to make a toilet on the street, you first need to deal with the place of its installation. This is a real problem for inexperienced people who are not familiar with the basic rules. They believe that it is enough to hide the structure from prying eyes to provide convenience, but this is not so.

  • The minimum distance to the water source is 30-35 m;
  • The minimum distance to the neighboring site is 2 m;
  • The minimum distance to the house is 15-20 m.

The combination of all these parameters allows you to do right on the plan necessary calculations. Ventilation should still be installed in accordance with all the rules, but finding a place in the yard remains the most important task. If this is not done, you will not be able to escape from unpleasant odors. Yes, you always want it to be as close to home as possible, but you can’t make such a mistake.

How to remove the smell?

The nasty stench from the outdoor toilet scares the owners of summer cottages the most. They are well aware that it is difficult to cope with it. To do this, you should take into account several available opportunities that have long turned into interesting ways. What is this about?

  • Proper ventilation;
  • Peat;
  • Chemical means.

The creation of a ventilation system is a prerequisite, but in some cases even it cannot cope with the spreading odors. If it is not possible to urgently order the services of sewers, you can use peat. Its addition will allow the sewage to be processed into fertilizer, which will be absorbed into the soil.

If we talk about daily care, it should be noted available chemicals. They help break down sewage into its constituent components, processing them in a peculiar way. This approach guarantees simplicity, but such expenses rarely suit people. The cost of the compositions is significant, so it is often more profitable to do without them.

Convenient and beautiful toilet in the country is not a luxury. You can make it with your own hands, using proven rules and applying a little imagination. After that, the surrounding landscape is complemented by an elegant house, surprising with its simplicity and brightness.