Bag - a refrigerator with your own hands. Master Class

A portable refrigerator is a very necessary and convenient thing that can help out on a long trip, and on the beach, and on a hike. We had to regret his absence more than once, but somehow we managed to buy everything - there were always more important expenses.

And it’s good that they didn’t buy it, because you can make a cooler bag with your own hands, spending quite a bit of time on it. At the same time, the costs will be several times lower, and the convenience of using it will be greater. Because both the shape and size can be made "for yourself."

How to make a thermal bag and a car refrigerator

One mini-fridge for our family is not enough. You need at least two. One in the form of a small bag - for hiking and cycling outings into nature. And the second in the form of a convenient and quite roomy box - for long trips by car.

It is necessary, so we will do it.

Option 1 Refrigerator Hand Carry Bag

For those who know how to hold a needle in their hands or are familiar with a sewing machine, it will not be difficult to sew a cooler bag with their own hands. I don't have that kind of talent. The maximum that is capable of is to sew on a button. Therefore, I was looking for a master class where this skill, if required, is purely symbolic.

And found. True, to make a thermal bag, you first need to find a ready-made bag of the right size, but this will not be a problem.

In addition to it, only foil isolon and adhesive tape are required. And more advanced craftswomen can still arm themselves with sewing accessories and provide the product with additional fasteners - Velcro or a zipper.

  • Folgoizolone- this is a heater, foamed polyethylene, covered on one or two sides with a thin layer of metallized foil. Double-sided holds the temperature better, but single-sided is also suitable. You can buy it at any hardware store, the price depends on the thickness and is 50-100 rubles per square meter.

  • Scotch you can take any - regular, foil or double-sided. When you read the description, decide for yourself which one will be more convenient for you to work with. But foil is still better - it reflects heat.

  • Bag. It must be selected before you go to buy a heater in order to determine its quantity. You can take any bag depending on your needs - beach, household or sports. Preferably with a lock. Remove the pattern from it and calculate how much foil isolone will be needed. For example:

Now see how to make a cooler bag with your own hands:

Image Description

Step 1

We buy the right amount of insulation. The thicker it is, the better our refrigerator will “work”.

Step 2

We transfer the pattern to the foil isolon, reducing it from all sides by a couple of centimeters. This is necessary so that the foil bag turns out to be slightly smaller than the main one and can be easily inserted into it.

Step 3

We cut out the parts and fasten them together with adhesive tape. We follow them tightly, without gaps, fit to each other.

Do not forget that the foil layer should look inward.

Step 4

You can preliminarily "bait" the joints with a stapler, pins, threads - whichever is more convenient for you.

To make them airtight, we cut out the strips from the remnants of the insulation and glue the joints on the outside again.

Step 5

The lid can be made a little larger than necessary so that when closing the refrigerator, fill the allowances inside. But it is better to sew on a zipper or Velcro.

Step 6

Do-it-yourself thermal bag is almost ready. It remains to insert the resulting “fur coat” inside the bag-cover, and fill the space between the walls with any warm material - padding polyester, batting, scraps of an old blanket, etc.

This is the easiest way. If you are not too lazy, you can precisely fit the inside to the outside and glue or sew it inside. In this case, the lid of the bag must be equipped with a zipper, and a valve is sewn on top of it so as not to let the cold out through the lock.

This is how you can make a cooler bag in just half an hour. Moreover, any krivoruchka like me will cope with this matter.

Option 2. Refrigerator for a car

On long trips or during a multi-day vacation by “savages”, it is not so easy to keep food chilled, and even more so fresh. For such cases, you can make a box-refrigerator from polystyrene foam with your own hands.

The most important thing is that you can choose the size yourself. If you want, make it small, only for water or beer supplies. If you want - for the entire trunk, and then you can take a large supply of food with you, and even raw meat for barbecue.

And all the same, it will cost mere pennies, because you need quite a bit for a cooler bag:

  • The basis. It can be a plywood box, a cardboard box or a plastic container with even walls.
  • Styrofoam or foam. The first is cheaper, but crumbles when cutting. The second is more expensive, but denser, it is easier to cut blanks from it. And both are characterized by incredible lightness and high thermal insulation properties.

  • Folgoizolone. This material is already familiar to us.
  • Scotch, preferably metallized.

Manufacturing instructions:

Image Description
Step 1

We select or knock together a box of the right size from plywood.

Step 2

We cut out five parts for the bottom and walls from the foam so that they fit snugly against the walls of the box and fit well together. It will be easy to do this - the foam is perfectly cut with an ordinary knife.

You can glue the joints with tape.

Step 3

We line the box inside with foil isolon, fixing it with double-sided tape or a furniture stapler.

Step 4

We glue the joints and the upper perimeter of the thermal box with adhesive tape.

If desired, it can be pasted over with isolon and outside. In this case, the insulation must be placed with foil “on the street”.

Step 5

We insulate the lid in the same way. The size of the polystyrene rectangle should be smaller than its plywood part and fit tightly inside the box so that the thermo-refrigerator is as tight as possible.

The lid can be screwed to the box with hinges, but this is not necessary. It is enough to make a convenient handle for opening.

A do-it-yourself thermo-refrigerator can also be made from an ordinary box. And even without a base - just from foam. Just remember that in order to glue it do not use glue that contains acetone.
Step 6

Not required. But if it's not difficult for you, then sew a durable case with handles. Especially if the box is covered with foil isolon and outside. This will protect the insulation from damage and increase the convenience of using the refrigerator.

By itself, such a thermal box will not, of course, cool food and drinks. But he will be able to keep them fresh and cold for a long time. Which one - depends on the thickness of the insulation, the quality of the "assembly", the amount of content, the temperature overboard and other factors. But 12 hours is the minimum.

Cold accumulators

The cold will last much longer in the device you made if you put something well-frozen in it along with the food. And this is something you want to always have at the ready. After all, you won’t carry a piece of frozen meat with you to cool your beer.

Therefore, at the same time as the thermobox, you need to make cold accumulators for the refrigerator bag with your own hands. You can also buy them. And in some household refrigerators they are available in the form of flat plastic flasks with narrow neck and cover.

But making them is not a problem, so choose which method suits you best.

Liquid batteries.

These are bottles, rubber heating pads or plastic bags. with a sealed Zip Lock, filled with ice. Bags are more convenient, take up less space and can be filled with pre-frozen ice cubes.

Plastic bottles are not so convenient and practical because of their shape, water needs to be frozen directly in them.

By the way, if salt is dissolved in water before freezing, such ice will melt much longer. Any proportions, usually salt is poured until it ceases to dissolve.

Gel batteries.

They are both more convenient (less risk of leakage), and keep the temperature longer than water ones. You can make them in two ways:

  • From baby diapers. It's very simple: pour water into the diaper until it stops being absorbed. If desired, it can be tinted with watercolors. We wait a short time and cut the diaper with scissors. We take out the swollen gel contents from it, transfer it to a tightly closed bag and freeze it.

  • From gelatin or wallpaper glue. Dissolve as much salt in a liter of water as will dissolve, and then add another 3 liters of water. Pour gelatin or wallpaper paste into the resulting solution. Take the proportions that are indicated on the package. Dye - optional. It remains to pour the liquid into bags or bottles and freeze.

After each use, refrigerants must be placed in freezer and keep it there until the next time.

How to improve the efficiency of a homemade cooler bag

How to make a thermo bag with your own hands and save a lot of money, you now know. Information on its effective use will not be superfluous.

  • Traveling by car, wrap the bag additionally in a piece of foil isolone or just in a blanket.
  • Try to keep her in a place not exposed to direct sunlight.
  • Cold accumulators it is best to lay on the bottom. And if there is a place, then they can shift the products.
  • It is advisable to fold the products themselves chilled in a thermal bag.
  • The tighter they are, the slower the refrigerator will heat up inside. Therefore, the remaining space must be filled either with ice packs, or a folded blanket, a blanket, or just empty bottles.

  • try to open the bag as little as possible.

These simple actions help to significantly slow down the process of thawing and heating food. Sometimes they remain cold for two or more days.


Have you already decided what you need more - a portable bag or a large thermal box for travel? Or maybe both? In any case, now you can not run around the shops in search of the right thing, but make it yourself in a couple of hours.

If something remains unclear in this description, watch the video in this article. But it is unlikely that the manufacture of a cooler bag seemed to someone challenging task. And certainly among the readers there are those who have long solved it.

If so, please show your creations in the comments describing the "production process".

Bag - refrigerator- it is also called a thermal bag, thermal container. The principle of operation of such a bag is that it is made in the form of a thermos and prevents heat from entering inside.

There are now many offers on the Internet for the sale of such bags of refrigerators, but their prices are not always democratic.

First you need to decide on the size of the future thermal bag, or rather, you need to choose a regular shopping bag the right sizes or use a regular sports bag.

To make a bag - a refrigerator, we need:
- bag
- foil polyethylene foam (it is also called isolon, teploizol, polyizol)
- Double-sided tape
- regular wide tape
- scissors

Foil polyethylene foam, you can easily purchase on the construction market. This material is not expensive, and we will not need much at all (one meter will be enough). It is only advisable to purchase with double-sided foil (so that not only does the cold not let out but also does not let in the heat) and at least 5 mm thick. (the thicker, the longer it will stay cold)

Now we proceed to cutting out polyethylene foam according to the size of the bag. The cutting process is quite simple, it's like gluing a regular box. Just do it in such a way that this box can easily fit into your bag. And when designing, do not forget about the cover.

Isolon is thick and is constantly trying to straighten up, so double-sided tape, which we glue around the perimeter, will be a good assistant in the manufacture of a thermal bag.

Glue the side walls.

The thermal container is ready, now it remains to additionally glue all the seams with a wide adhesive tape. The best option if you use aluminum tape for pasting the seams (you can find it on the building materials market, it is used for insulation), which will additionally provide thermal insulation of the seams, but this is already an additional cost.

We insert the thermal container into the shopping bag and get a refrigerator, which in its qualities will not be inferior to the purchased ones.

Now you know how to make a bag - a refrigerator with your own hands so keep it up.

The process of making a refrigerator bag took 30 minutes. And it cost about $5.

But let's not forget that this bag will not produce cold by itself. To create cold, it is necessary to place cold accumulators in the bag. As cold accumulators, ice is used, which was frozen on the eve in the freezer.

Plastic bottles can be used for freezing, but they are not very practical because they take up a lot of space and have a small area. For this reason, I recommend using plastic bags with a zip lock (Zip Lock), they are more compact and efficient.

For such a bag, I needed six Zip Lock bags, which I evenly distributed among the products.

Tests in the field showed that the ice in the bags after 12 hours in the heat had just begun to thaw. At the same time, drinks and food were chilled. But the main rule to keep the cold as long as possible is to look into the bag less often and close it tightly.

Each of us has heard the phrases "thermal bag", "cooler bag". But for many, such a device seems unnecessary, and for some it is simply not affordable.

Buy or not?

At first they wanted to buy a refrigerator for the car, but then changed their minds. I read a lot of negative reviews from the owners of such refrigerators on the forums - it is too bulky, it occupies half the car's interior, but inside, on the contrary, it is small, nothing fits. In general, I abandoned this idea.

I started to choose a thermal bag in online stores. The pleasure is also not cheap, and for a bag of the size we need, we would have to pay 500 hryvnias (1000-1500 rubles), plus cold accumulators. But, in fact, a thermal bag is an ordinary bag with a heater sewn inside, which does not let out the cold, and does not let the heat in from the outside. My husband is an engineer by education, he explained to me the essence of the idea. And we began to experiment - to make a cooler bag from improvised means, and then try it out during outings on nature on weekends.

To begin with, we went to the market and purchased a heater. The choice was made on polyethylene foam covered with foil. It looks like this:

Sold in all hardware stores. Usually they glue it under the battery, with foil inside the room. And in the heating season, such a simple device saves 30% of the heat that usually goes into environment. Costs running meter this material is from 8 to 15 hryvnia (the price depends on the thickness of the polyethylene itself, we bought the thickest one - 10 mm). Its width is 1.5 meters. Enough, as they say, with the head.

We also needed tape (the wider the better). Well, actually, the bag that we planned to turn into a refrigerator. In principle, you can take a bag of any size - proceed from your needs.

The process of "transformation" itself took about 20 minutes. First, they cut out such a “cross” from the insulation.

If you glued boxes as a child, I think you guessed what was what. The central square is the bottom of the bag, the side squares are the walls, and the rest will be the lid. The foil should be inside the bag.

When you cut, keep in mind that after gluing the box will need to be inserted into the bag, so make patterns 5-7 centimeters smaller than the actual size of the bag. We initially chose a blue bag 70 cm wide, but, looking ahead, I’ll say that the “refrigerator” that I cut out didn’t fit into it, but it went perfectly with my husband’s black meter-long sports bag.

Now, using adhesive tape, connect the sidewalls, gluing both outside and inside. Glue qualitatively, do not spare adhesive tape. The walls must fit snugly against each other, otherwise you will not achieve a thermal effect.

Initially, we cut the lid of the bag in one piece, but the insulation does not bend well, so we had to cut it off and glue it with tape. So she became more comfortable.

Now about where, in fact, the insulation waste has gone. We decided to glue the remaining four pieces at the joints of the sidewalls: we bent each square in half at 90 degrees and fixed it with adhesive tape (foil inside!). After that, the bag turned out to be double, which means that the thermal insulation has improved.

The resulting design is placed in a bag.

We have a box of insulation came in tightly. If suddenly there is a place left, I recommend that MirSovetov readers fill it with foam rubber or scraps of an old wadded blanket. So the insulation itself will not tear, and unnecessary heat will not pick up from the outside. In general, warm, do not be shy.

That's all, the cooler bag is ready.

It remains to make cold accumulators. Plastic bottles acted as batteries. If the bag is small, take half a liter, if larger, then a liter. Now we fill the bottles with a strong solution of sodium chloride (6 tablespoons of salt per liter of water) and freeze. You can fill old heating pads with saline and freeze them too.

Nuances of use

From personal experience I will say that:

cold accumulators should be located every 10-15 cm, only in this way the products do not heat up for a long time. And if you wrap frozen foods or drinks in heating pads, they will begin to thaw no earlier than after 12 hours;
wrap each product that you put in a bag in paper or newspaper - paper will add a thermal insulation effect;
fold all products tightly, try not to have free space in the bag;
before closing the bag with a thermal lid, cover the food with paper and then with several towels. After that, tightly close the lid of the insulation, and then the lid of the bag itself;
try not to open the bag unnecessarily, do not let out the cold.

This bag keeps cold up to 24 hours. The first time we carried some food and cold drinks in it. After 12 hours, the drinks were still cool, and after another 8 they were already getting warmer. At the same time, even perishable products (eggs, cheese, ham) did not deteriorate after 20 hours.
But best way downloads we opened on the second trip. We went for two days, the air temperature was about 40 degrees plus. Products (very chilled) were transferred with the same heavily chilled drinks and frozen batteries. The heating pads were laid out on top, under the lid. The bag was in the car (I also wrapped it in a blanket) and for more than 30 hours the food was cool!
In general, we are very pleased with the result. I don’t know how many hours a branded cooler bag lasts, but our “home-made” exceeded all expectations.

And recently they made a thermal package. They bent a rectangle of insulation and glued it with tape on the sides. We carry frozen fruits from the dacha home in it (a heating pad is used as a cold accumulator). Four hours of travel in the heat, and the fruit does not even thaw.

Maybe the idea of ​​​​such a necessary invention will come in handy for you. Use on health! And if you figure out how to strengthen thermal insulation and prolong the effect of the bag - write in the reviews.

With the onset of heat, when free time appears, we go on picnics, outside the city, where the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing and water is splashing in a river or lake. All this makes us closer to nature, gives strength, soothes and gives us a boost of energy. Of course, not a single such outing can be imagined without a picnic, for which you still need to prepare at home - to collect food and drinks. So that the provisions do not deteriorate, remain cool, or, conversely, hot, you need to ensure the correct storage temperature. In this case, a thermal bag can come to the rescue. If you can not afford to buy it, then try to make such a useful thing in everyday life yourself. We will present you with several tutorials on how to do this.

To make such a cooler bag, you first need to prepare:

  1. An old travel bag that you no longer use, but it should not be damaged.
  2. Heat reflective screen. It is desirable that it has an adhesive base.
  3. Scissors, meter, glue.

Important! The bag should close well, it should be made of water-repellent fabric.

What should be the procedure during production:

  • Take measurements from your bag, transfer them to a heat reflective screen to cut out the necessary parts. You should get 2 parts - 4 sides and a bottom - a solid part in the form of a cross, and the top separately in the form of a rectangle:

  • Insert these parts inside the bag. This must be done carefully so that there are no gaps between them, otherwise the bag will not keep the temperature.
  • It remains only to remove the film from the heat-reflecting screen and glue its parts to the bag.
  • Be sure to glue the joints of the screen parts with additional pieces of patches.

On top of the heat-insulating screen, when you have already glued it, attach cold accumulators to the glue. These can be heating pads or vacuum bags filled with saline (6 tablespoons of salt per 0.5 liters of water). They must be frozen. Batteries should be placed at a distance of 10 cm from each other. Then the bag will keep the temperature for 12 hours.

Videos DIY refrigerator bag

How to make a Styrofoam cooler bag

If you need to take a lot of groceries with you, then a regular bag may not be enough. In this case, you can use foam plastic - make a thermobox out of it.

Here is a step by step guide for you:

  • First, prepare 2 thick sheets of foam (we will not indicate the size intentionally, because this is an individual need), foil foam - 5 m, cardboard box(suitable from a printer or microwave oven), glue and polyurethane foam:

  • The cardboard box is the basis of the future box, so cut out the pieces of foam according to its size:

  • Next, we process each gap that has formed with the help of mounting foam and leave it for a short time so that the details of the future thermal bag grab:

  • You can make a lid for a bag from scraps of foam plastic by simply gluing them together into one rectangle corresponding along the perimeter to the bottom of the base box.
  • Now we glue the box and lid with foil penofol. It is advisable to immediately buy one that sticks to the base itself - this way you will save time:

You will simply need to glue the handles to such a thermal box so that it can be conveniently carried or a fabric cover can be sewn. The second option is much more practical, because it will protect your portable refrigerator from damage.

Please note that such a thermal bag made of foam does not cool the products, but keeps them temperature.

Cooler bag and thermal bag difference

There are no significant differences between thermal bags and cooler bags:

  • The thermal bag is made of soft fabric material - it is convenient to carry it in your hands if you do not need to take a lot of products with you.
  • The cooler bag has a dense framework - perfect option for people who are going on a long trip. Such a box can be put in the trunk of a car, loaded into it a large number of drinks and food.

Cooler cooler how to use

A homemade cooler bag will last you a long time if you use it correctly.

Here are some basic rules:

  1. Pack as many chilled foods and drinks as you can into your bag so that they fit very snugly together. Thanks to this, the temperature in the bag will remain up to 20 hours.
  2. Place your bag somewhere out of direct sunlight. It is best to choose shady places.
  3. After the cooler bag is empty, it needs to be cleaned of food debris - wipe it with a damp sponge (you can even use some kind of detergent).
  4. Dry the bag in a ventilated area, but do not get a lot of sunlight, otherwise the foil will deteriorate.
  5. Always use as many batteries as possible so that the food in the bag retains its temperature for a long time.
  6. When the bag is not in use, keep it open so that it is constantly ventilated and does not leave a musty smell in it.

Do-it-yourself thermo bag refrigerator, in detail

We have already told you how to make voluminous refrigerator bags for a large company. But such things can be needed every day. For example, people who monitor their diet and follow the regime always take containers of food with them to work. But there is not always enough space in the corporate refrigerator to put your own zudok with lunch there. In order not to have to adapt to everyone, you can sew a lunch bag for yourself - a cooler bag for lunches:

  • First, cut out a template from ordinary corrugated cardboard (the dimensions are shown in the photo), according to which you can measure the fabric and other elements necessary for sewing a bag:

  • Buy one heat-resistant bag from the supermarket - we will use it as an inner lining in the purse:

  • Using the template, cut out 2 pieces for the bag. They should look like this:

Important! note that outside the future bag should be the one that shines more. If you confuse, then the effect of a thermal bag will not be achieved.

  • Cut out 2 pieces from any fabric using the same pattern. It is better to use cotton:

  • Now, with the usual invisibility, chop the foil and fabric together:

  • In places of chipping, you need to make a line with sewing machine or manually (in the latter case, you will have to spend a lot of time).
  • Next, you need to cut off an elastic band 17 cm long and a piece of fabric 38 cm long. We sew the fabric to make a handle for a handbag, and then we put an elastic band into it:

  • We sew the handle to the purse, retreating from the edge by 3 cm:

  • We sew the bottom of the bag - for this, the fabric needs to be gathered 2 times. The line should be very tight so that your food does not fall out of the bag later:

Cold accumulator for refrigerator bag

Of course, you can buy a real cold accumulator, but you don’t need to overpay, because its utility factor will be no higher than what you can do with your own hands. Manufacturers note that any cold accumulator with gel, silicone or water-salt filling keeps the temperature in the tank up to 20 hours. Home-made batteries will have exactly the same effect.

As a battery to maintain the temperature in your thermal bag, you can use:

  • Salt solution: Dissolve 6 tbsp. l in 1 liter of water, add 2 tbsp. dry glue, mix everything well, pour into plastic bottles or heating pads, and send to the freezer. Install these batteries before filling the thermal bag.

  • Just ice in large quantities is also suitable as a battery. If you wrap each product in foil or paper, put the bottles with ice, then the temperature will be reliably maintained and the food will not spoil.

The process of making a thermal bag as a whole takes no more than 2 hours. Spending this time once, you will give your family an indispensable assistant, thanks to which you can eat fresh food and drink chilled drinks, going on a picnic or on the road.

Video: "Thermal bag with your own hands"

A thermal bag is an indispensable thing at any time of the year. It will keep your food warm in winter and cold in summer. Today we will tell you how to make it yourself. In this article you will find all the necessary instructions, a pattern and useful tips, which will help you create a budget analogue of this useful accessory at home.

The bag can be used as a kind of thermos to keep the dish warm for several hours (by the way, yeast dough can be “raised” in them). And also a thermal bag is very convenient when traveling long distances. Homemade cooler bags help keep food fresh for a very long time (even on a stuffy train or in a car).

What will we need?

  • base bag
  • foil insulation (thickness not less than 0.5 cm)
  • stapler

As a basis for a thermal bag, it is best to take a standard travel bag that you no longer need. Rectangular bags are especially convenient. However, if you do not have a ready-made option, you can come up with an alternative.

What else can be taken as a basis?

  • Large plastic container with lid



- inconvenience of transportation

- not suitable for creating a thermos - it will fit only for a cooler bag

  • Homemade bag

If there is no ready-made base, sew it yourself! As a guide, you can take a pattern from a master class on sewing a carrying bag, replacing the mesh with a cloth. Or the pattern below.

Ease of transport



- extra time

  • wooden box

If you have plywood or wooden panels, put together the base box. As a guide, take the pattern presented in the previous paragraph.



Excellent insulating properties

- inconvenience of transportation

We decided on the basis for the thermal bag. Now you need to measure its parameters and write it down on paper. Let's say it turned out 25x40, height - 35. Do not add parameters to take into account the allowance. It is important that the foil insulation pad enters the bag freely.

Build a pattern. You have already seen the option for a rectangular bag a little higher.

Cut out the base of the foil and fold the edges. In this case, the white part should remain outside, shiny - inside. It is necessary to fasten the edges together so that the foil is inside even at the seams.

You can connect the edges in several ways. However, it is better not to use adhesive tape - it is unreliable. It is preferable to fasten the box with a stapler or simply sew the parts together. As a result, you will get a box with a loose lid. It can simply be wrapped inside, but if you expect really decent work from a thermal bag and plan to use it for more than one year, then sew a zipper.

Now you just need to put the foil in the finished bag.

Our picnic accessory is ready, it remains only to “charge” it with heat or cold. You need to put the "batteries" inside, directly to the products. This will keep them cold (or hot) much longer.

What "batteries" are suitable?

  • Plastic bottles

If you are making a cooler bag, this option will be handy. You need to prepare a strong saline solution (7-8 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water) and freeze it in plastic bottles. Now just put them on the bottom of the bag (you can also on the sides).

Salt ice melts slowly, which means that your products will be kept at the right temperature for a long time. However, there is an obvious minus here - the bottles will add weight to your refrigerator.

  • Zip locks

Prepare ice according to the recipe from the previous paragraph. Freeze in chunks and then fill secure zip locks with them. Just make sure that they are not damaged beforehand (for reliability, check the integrity of the bags with water).

These zip locks can be wrapped around the inside of the bag on all sides, and several bags can be placed between the products. The effect is the same: the cold will remain for a long time.

  • Diapers

Another way to keep the cold for a long time is to use diapers. Unfold the diaper and pour water into it until it is absorbed. When the diaper is full, carefully transfer it to the freezer. After freezing, place the ice diaper in a tight bag and put it on the bottom, and place the products on top. Or cover the bag with diapers on the sides.

  • Helium filler

This substance will melt even more slowly than the strongest brine. Prepare a strong saline solution and add another liter of water. Pour a bag of gelatin and 4-5 tablespoons of wallpaper paste into it (or pre-cook the paste). Freeze and place in zip locks. Place between products.

Tip: To make your refrigerator even more enjoyable, you can add food coloring to the water before freezing. So you get a bright and beautiful "battery".

  • Warmer

The main plus of a homemade thermal bag is that it turns out to be very budgetary. In addition, you can always change its "shell" and size. Another obvious advantage is ease of manufacture. Put the ice to freeze and start to fasten the bag. You will be surprised, but your accessory will be ready faster than the water becomes ice.

Take a homemade thermal bag on a trip or for a walk with a child, take it with you to a picnic. You definitely won't be disappointed with it!

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