Children's riddles about the refrigerator. Modern riddles about household appliances Long riddle about the refrigerator

Riddles with the answer refrigerator.

Why are fridge riddles so popular? The answer is generally simple. Modern society is a consumer society. And the greater the need for consumption, the more need in the formation of stocks. This also applies to food products. And in order to preserve food, of course, you can not do without a refrigerator. But most are still aware of the fact that nutrition, to put it mildly, is not entirely correct. And the ethnos hovering around the refrigerator (These are poems, and anecdotes, and riddles) is a subconscious attempt to return to being more natural for any living being. This is primarily movement and obtaining food, and not its uncontrolled consumption. And actually we turn to riddles about our worst enemy - the refrigerator.

Extra parties are not needed? Has anyone else noticed how freaky kids' birthdays have become? Gone are the days of parties consisting of balloons, streamers, and store-bought cake. Our ever-increasing pursuit of parental excellence has made Party for Child do a great job that underlines us all. A recent study in the Journal of Consumer Culture shows moms are moving from outsourcing the elements of their kids' birthdays to creating everything from scratch.

Perhaps not all parents know what this means. Strictly speaking, a quest (from the English “task”, “search”, “hike”) is one of the options for holiday scenarios, but its peculiarity is that it can be done alone, i.e. exclusively birthday. This does not mean that guests should not be invited - they can come after the quest is completed (or earlier) and participate in festive events. And the quest, as a rule, is designed for independent passage, although there are options for the participation of several guests, except for the birthday person.

The park offers two hours of party time. The only requirement is the minimum height of the child. And they should wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Prices: from 650 rubles per participant. When they use sofas as trampolines and siblings as punching bags, nothing better than offering them a gym. The parties have a duration of 3 hours, are suitable for children from 3 years old and have a fixed price for up to 30 or 45 children.

Prices: €175 for up to 30 children and €200 for up to 45 children. For non-members, the cost of the party is increased by 50%. Children wet, but the water is warm. Here the parents don't even have any work to do except to help the children put on and take off their clothes. A snack is included in the package. But before that, there are age-appropriate water games organized by the teacher.

Where can quests be done? Similar events for adults are usually held on the street, especially if the conditions include moving around the city. For a children's holiday, indoor quest options are more suitable: a museum, an entertainment center, a gallery - such scenarios can be ordered at many children's entertainment agencies.

Prices: 17 euros per child, minimum 15 participants. When the group is above 20, there is the possibility of an additional monitor. Dream Place At the Dream Place, the child is given the opportunity to choose a theme party with names such as the Princess of Trapalhona, an Indian tribe or beading. Parties include animation, appetizers, decorations and invitations.

Prices: from 9750 rubles, up to 10 children. Address: red. An underwater party doesn't happen every day! The party program includes a free visit where kids will be marine detectives in search of clues, knowledge and curiosities in 31 themed aquariums and environments, from the source of the Douro River to the depths of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans.

But what if you want to organize a quest for your child on your own? This is not difficult to do - you just need to correctly think over the script and prepare all the necessary components.

Quest script

1) Stage of preparation.

The tasks are designed for one child (birthday boy), but if he wants to invite several friends for the company, they will not interfere (he will consult with someone).

Prices: from 1040 rubles per child. There was a long, long tragedy for the ghostly black ship, which sometimes broke into the sea with thick fog. Dear children, do not look for treasures. Fun game - a real treasure of cursed, strange creatures and epic adventures with your favorite Caribbean pirates!

When pale faces met pale crayfish When the wild west rode the Indian cold teapot. And when everything was going well, someone thumped with a golden hoof. Perhaps the reward will be yours! All costumes or accessories are provided for all children on the theme of the party. Take part in the battle between good and evil and become part of the endless adventures of the valiant Star Rangers.

One of the adults will have to play the role of leader. It is not so important whether it will be one of the parents, or a guest animator - as long as he copes with the task. The second role is the postman.

Time spending: approximately one hour.

Location: flat.

Participant age: boy from 7 years old and more (can be adapted for a girl if she is fond of detectives).

Theme parties for children over 4 years old

Spartacus and Stephanie are here to make you the winner. They want people in Lergragrad to be happy, so everyone should be healthy and fit. Duration: 80 minutes; price: 160lv. Duration: 120 minutes; price: 160lv. The character is your choice without changing the children. Fairy, silver, golden carp, clown, pirate, Pikachu, Aladdin, Pippi, Princess, Tiger, Mickey Mouse, Miniature Mouse, Barbaron, Naruto, Ben 10, Stephanie, Storcas, Suncho, Winnie the Pooh.

Children's birthday - big package up to 20 children

Duration: 80 minutes; price: 150lv. The funniest, the most magical and for you. Duration: 60 minutes; price: 160lv. Fun games, dancing, face painting, music. For all children's costumes and accessories. For children: - Invitation for guests - Sound system- Club animator - Hat and balloon - CHILDREN'S MENU.

This quest will be an ideal option for congratulations if it is decided to give a child a live puppy of a dog.

Quest materials:

  • Sherlock Holmes envelope, paper and pen
  • "Sleuth suit" suitable for the child
  • flash drive or memory card with recorded audio files
  • a computer that can play audio recordings
  • 5 different "footprints" of a dog's paw cut out of paper (each in several copies)
  • toy dog ​​(or real)

2) Start.

The quest begins in the children's room, where the birthday boy and the presenter are. The door to the room is closed. Suddenly, the sound of a bell is heard outside the door - this is the postman ringing.

The host says: - It seems that someone came. You need to open the door.

The child goes to the door, opens it. On the threshold is a postman with a bag in his hands.

Postman says: - Hello! Tell me, does "Mr. X" live here?(instead of "X" we use the name of the child). Yes, now I see it's you. Please receive a letter.

The postman delivers the letter and leaves. The child should open the envelope and read the letter.

Text of the letter: "Dear friend! I have to ask you for help. A terrible story happened to me: I followed the trail of the Baskervilles' dog for several days, and when I almost caught up with it, the unexpected happened - Professor Moriarty ambushed me. Having entered into an unequal battle, I was forced to retreat, and now I have to hide for some time in a secret shelter until I can restore my strength. I ask you to help me find the Hound of the Baskervilles and prevent the crime he may commit. You will find everything you need for searching in the place that is located in the house, and at the same time - on the street.

Sincerely, detective Sherlock Holmes."

Child task- guess where the box with things for the quest is located - a balcony. If you can’t guess, then the letters that lie inside the envelope should help - the child must add the word “balcony” from them.

3) Identification.

So, the child finds a box on the balcony, takes out a detective suit from there, which needs to be put on. The box also contains a memory card, a note and "traces".

Note text: “I have gathered here the evidence that I was able to find in our case. Listen to the tapes and identify the voice of the Baskervilles' dog, and then go on the trail.

On the memory card, you must first record five audio files with the sounds of different voices of barking dogs. The files are numbered. One of them will belong to the Hound of the Baskervilles. The card must be connected to a computer, then let the child listen to the voice of the dog you are looking for once or twice, and then load all the recordings from the memory card into the computer audio player. The task of the child is to listen to them all in any order and find out which record belongs to the Baskerville dog.

If it doesn't work the first time, you can repeat the task.

When the file is recognized, the child must memorize its number.

Now it was the turn to study the tracks of the dog. Each “paw print” cut out of paper has a serial number. 5 types of different traces should be glued to the floor (you can stick them with tape) going from the balcony to certain parts of the room. One trace is correct and four are false.

Child task- look at the sample tracks from the box, take the track with the number that the dog's voice had, and find the same one on the floor, and then follow the track until it leads to the next goal. This target will be a closet with clothes.

4) Search.

A note is attached in a visible place inside the closet and several wardrobe items are hanging (for example, a shirt, coat, jacket, jacket, trousers, etc.)

Note text: "Dear friend! You have the qualities of a real detective! Now you need to complete the next task: the things of the criminal who hides the location of the Baskerville dog are hanging here. You will have to carefully search these things and find the pieces of the puzzle from which you need to assemble the word. This word will show you the way forward.

Seven pieces of paper should be hidden in the pockets of things, on each of which one letter is drawn:"the corridor". It is desirable that things have some hidden pockets - then the search will be more exciting. The task of the child is to find all the letters and make the word "corridor" out of them.

After that, you can move to the corridor.

5) Tasks for ingenuity.

An envelope with another note is lying on the floor in the corridor, which the young detective will have to pick up.

Note text: “Great job! You are getting closer and closer to your goal. The next task is to consolidate your skills as a detective, using logic and the deduction method. Having solved all the riddles, you will receive an answer on where to move on.

The facilitator sequentially asks riddles:

  • 12 dog paws peek out from under the fence. How many dogs are hiding behind the fence? (Answer: three).
  • With the onset of January, two apple trees and one pear blossomed. How many trees bloomed? (Answer: none, because the trees do not bloom in winter).
  • The white cat climbed through the chimney and turned black because he was smeared with soot. What color will the black cat be when it climbs through the chimney? (Answer: will remain black).
  • Mouse, horse, dog, apple, squirrel, penguin. Which word is missing in this chain and why? (Answer: "apple" because it is not an animal).
  • What object in the corridor leaves traces? The correct answer will be the end of the search for the Hound of the Baskervilles.

To answer the last question, the child needs to guess that we are talking about shoes. After that, he needs to search several pairs of different shoes standing in the corridor, and inside the boot (or other type of shoes that is available) find a dog collar. A note “go to the next room” will be attached to the collar (if there is only one room, then you can use the kitchen or bathroom).

In the next room, the participant of the quest will be waiting for a dog - a toy or a real one. He will be able to put a collar on her and listen to congratulations from Sherlock Holmes on the successful completion of the investigation.

In the ancient Egyptian papyri, the riddle does not look like something new to mankind. The ability to guess and solve riddles was valued in many cultures: in ancient Greek myths, Scandinavian, German, Russian fairy tales, we meet heroes and heroines who found happiness and prosperity by finding answers to complex riddles.

And today the mystery lives in culture, because it teaches children logical thinking, the ability to identify the internal connections of phenomena, enriches their figurative thinking. Riddles draw children's attention to natural phenomena such as snow, ice, rain, rainbows, etc. They help to get to know a variety of animals better - a wolf, a hare, an elephant, a giraffe, a horse or a dog.

Children have been familiar with riddles since preschool years, but at the age of 10 and 16 this intellectual fun is still interesting to them. Yes, and adults love difficult questions, riddles with a trick that train the mind and cheer up. Interesting complex riddles with a trick are sure to be included in quizzes, quests, playful competitions at various holidays.

True, today this folklore genre has changed, choosing more modern vocabulary and images. It is hard to expect that modern children will be close to folklore "guessing" about a yoke, a spindle or a plow, which they saw at best in a picture in a book.

For today's children, elephants, giraffes, hippos are known more than a harrow or a loom. Therefore, the heroes of the current riddles are animals and objects close to modern children. For example, riddles for children about a refrigerator with a trick and answers are included in many scenarios for children's games and holidays.

The main feature of the riddle, as a genre, is the need to describe a phenomenon or object allegorically, pointing out its main features, but not naming them directly. This brings up in children the ability to highlight the main thing, to find similarities and connections within various phenomena, develops imagination and creativity.

Riddles seem to call on the baby: look carefully at the subject, think about the familiar as new, describe what you see and understand. Children at 6-7 years old are taught to compose simple riddles themselves, and at 8-10 years old they willingly compete in the ability to find answers to them.

But guessing and guessing is more interesting about what is well known.

For today's children:

  • Natural phenomena, change of seasons. Riddles about ice, stream, leaf fall, etc. as well as before, understandable and interesting to children of different ages.
  • Animal world: kids love riddles about fish, birds, domestic and wild animals. But if in Russian folk mysteries there were only those who live in our country, then today's children equally know a wolf, a hare, an elephant, a hippopotamus, a fox or a giraffe only from the zoo, videos or books. Therefore, in riddles you can meet them all.
  • Household appliances: TV, refrigerator, computer, telephone. Today, it is this home technique that has replaced the old spinning wheels and rocker arms.
  • Toys, books, notebooks and other things used by children. For children over 10 years old, riddles appear for the development of logic, knowledge of geography, etc.

About the elephant and the refrigerator

Among the heroes of modern riddles, an elephant stands out from animals, and a refrigerator from household appliances. The refrigerator is popular both because it is in any home, and because it allows a great play of meanings and images.

It combines:

  1. Natural phenomena: ice, frost, cold;
  2. Life: storage of products inside it;
  3. Fairy tale: remember how many characters of modern cartoons and fairy tales are associated with it? Santa Claus, warranty men, fixies and other characters have been inside the refrigerator.

Adults can teach a child through them how to properly use the refrigerator, what it is for, how to properly handle food.

The elephant, which in nature lives far from our country, has become for us a character as familiar as a bear, and close as a refrigerator. An elephant for children at 5, and at 10, and at 12 years old is a symbol of wisdom, good nature, strength and power. They have a good idea of ​​what an elephant looks like and how it differs from other animals or objects. Riddles about an elephant are not difficult for schoolchildren of 10 years old, if you can’t look at it from a completely unexpected side.

About fridge magnet

Today, a refrigerator can become a real family quest card, where magnets indicate places that family members have visited or participated in. Most families bring souvenir magnets from each trip or visit to the museum. Friends and acquaintances also give magnets, sharing their impressions in other cities and countries.

There are magnets with various interesting pictures - cartoon characters, beautiful flowers, animals from cat to giraffe. Such a variety of images on magnets make it possible to make them the hero of difficult questions and the subject of play with children. For example, a child must find the answer to a riddle in a picture - a magnet, choosing the correct one from 10 different ones.

About the hippopotamus and the refrigerator

What do a hippopotamus and a refrigerator have in common? Even such a simple question can become complex riddle for a 10 year old child. The surprise of such a seemingly stupid comparison of the incomparable - home appliances and a hippopotamus that lives in Africa, will not only amuse the child, but also make you think, revealing common features, developing imagination and logic. Here are the possible answers:

  1. Both have food inside.
  2. Both the refrigerator and the hippopotamus are big, and so on.

About giraffe

The giraffe does not live in our latitudes, but thanks to poems, cartoons and anecdotes, it has become a full-fledged hero of folklore. What a giraffe looks like, children know from early childhood thanks to pictures in books about Aibolit, cartoons about the island of Chunga-Changa, Madagascar, etc.

And some of the children saw a giraffe in the zoo. So any kid, not to mention a schoolboy at the age of 10, knows perfectly well what a giraffe looks like and how it differs from other animals, which means that they can guess about it.

Riddles for children from grandma Shosho! check yourself

In the minds of every adult, riddles are invariably associated with childhood, fun, imagination and observation. In the preschool and primary school period, kids are often guessed at, forcing them to memorize, reflect, imagine and fantasize. Among the favorite tasks of schoolchildren in grades 4-5 is to invent riddles on their own or find new answers instead of long-known ones.

old friend

A riddle is an ancient thread that connects us with the distant past, when there was no written language, when people bailed fairy tales, sang lullabies, aptly decorated speech with a saying or proverb and made wise riddles. Over many centuries, riddles gradually became a folklore genre for children. But their essence remained the same: to briefly, accurately and allegorically describe an object or phenomenon.

A huge number of riddles about animals, plants, seasons and times of day, about forests and mountains, rivers and fields, about celestial bodies and winds pass from generation to generation. At first, they make children wonder, as if an open curtain invites them to take a closer look at the world around them, listen to its many voices, and see bright colors. Then they teach to observe, compare, develop imaginative thinking.

Modern options

This ancient genre lives, develops, keeps up with the times. And now, to the mysteries from past centuries, there are new ones. modern versions answers. And our life has long been equipped not only with a needle and thread, scissors and a broom, a lock and a saw.

The life of modern children from birth includes electrical appliances, a computer, a TV, a refrigerator, and gadgets. Therefore, the children now ask each other riddles about washing machine, about the TV, about the computer and other household appliances.

About home helpers

When composing or selecting riddles for children, try to get the children to see the subject from different points of view. A refrigerator is both a freezer, and the house of Santa Claus, and a place where winter hides in summer. The refrigerator is our helper and keeper, it is a deliverer from food spoilage. By guessing riddles about the refrigerator, you quietly acquaint the child with the rules of use, pay attention to certain system product distribution, etc. Don't forget about the favorite treats that the refrigerator stores for us: ice cream, cakes, jellies, desserts. So riddles about an ordinary refrigerator will cheerfully and naturally prepare the baby for the accurate and correct use of this household appliances.

Do not ignore other home helpers. With the help of a riddle, you can make a child think: what is the difference between a TV and a computer, why a washing machine is called a machine, for which we use our home appliances. The riddle will turn communication into a fun and entertaining game, and the kid will not notice what an important lesson he has learned.

We develop speech

It is very entertaining to come up with riddles about home helpers yourself. Even when describing a refrigerator or TV, you are expanding vocabulary child, teach to choose the most accurate word, develop imagination. And now the computer and TV turn into good storytellers, or a box of cartoons, or an interesting guide. Puzzle the child, let him think about the answers and get great pleasure from what he found correct option. Speak these long, difficult words together, teach your tongue to obey and take your time.

If adults can see in ordinary household appliances not just electrical appliances, but wizards - helpers, then children will grow up creative people. Riddles will turn an ordinary refrigerator, computer and TV into good friends who also need care and attention.

A selection of materials on the topic

About the refrigerator

In this box - the cold lives,

He guards our products

The White House is filled with good

In it products of different carts.

There are no windows in that house

And the owner in it is frost.


In our kitchen all year round

Santa Claus lives in the closet.

In this white chest

We store food on the shelves.

It's hot in the yard

And in the chest - cold.

In the summer, dad brought us

Frost in the white box -

And now the frost is dry

We have summer and winter

Protects products:

Meat, fish, fruits.

Inside he is cold, cold,

It opens hungry.

About TV

What a miracle, what a box?

Himself a singer and himself a storyteller,

And besides, at the same time

Shows movies.

On my friends screen

That the seas rustle in the fog,

That fruit shakes the garden.

There are programs for children.

There is a large and magical screen in the house.

In it you can see the animals of distant countries,

Cartoons and news. Even

How to cook something, tell!

My dad often watches football.

But the screen is black this day.

As long as there is no one around

Until you turn it on!

He will show his brother a movie

Dad will tell the news

Grandfather a collection of incidents,

Travel club for you

Mom is all about the garden,

What are they meeting New Year,

Happy grandma series,

To not annoy us

The competition is new for my sister,

Fashionable how to weave pigtails.

And even a prize

Everything will show...

About the computer

Something joy, something laughter

On paper, no mistake

What box does it come from

Text to the surprise of all?

Line by line on the board

Placed buttons

Guess the boys

How do you poke your finger here?

There is a chest on the table

There is a window in the chest

You can see miracles

If you know a little.

What a miracle unit

Can do everything -

Be the best friend?

What kind of friend is that? — iron,

Interesting and useful.

Home is boring, there is no comfort,

If off...

Miracle Yudo suitcase

Lamp, button and pocket.

It's wrapped in wires

Like the city of Amsterdam.

About the microwave

Warm, not the sun.

Shines, not a lamp.

Standing in our kitchen

Magic box.

Today for lunch we

The stew is heated in it.

She helps a lot

The stove in the house complements,

Warm up food quickly

Knows how to cook and fry.

Meat, fish will defrost

And asks to take out the products,

Gives a signal,

What is this? Who found out?

Not a stove or oven

These are kids,-…
< /noindex>

About the oven

< noindex>
Got our dough

To a hot place.

Not gone

It became a ruddy bun.

Pizza, chicken, meatballs

Fries us in winter and summer.

Handyman of all trades

Mother's friends praise.

Pies are baked so cleverly


About household appliances and electrical appliances

  • Our aunt was leading a line across the field. Line to line, line to line, there will be a dress for your daughter. ( sewing machine)
  • He will shoot like a machine gun, he will sew a new dress. (sewing machine)
  • The dry wind dries my mother's curls. (hair dryer)
  • This laundress-machine washes everything for us. (washing machine)
  • Boils from the inside and blows bubbles. (kettle)
  • The giant clenched his fist, made an orange juice. (juicer)
  • The tail is made of bone, and on the back there is a bristle. (toothbrush)
  • It looks like a hedgehog, but does not ask for food. It will run through the clothes - and the clothes will become cleaner. (clothes brush)
  • All day our dancer is happy to dance on the floor. Where he dances, where he waves, not a speck can be found. (sex brush)
  • I have a hedgehog in my room for a year. If the floor is waxed, he will rub it to a gloss. (electric polisher)
  • I want to fly to the twelfth floor. If you want, I'll rush you and your luggage there. (elevator)
  • They go on a hike - they take a house in which they do not live at home. (tent)
  • Two belts hang on me, there are pockets on the back. If you go camping with me, I will hang behind your back. (backpack)
  • This box is not simple - he traveled the globe, shirts and pants are in it - they travel. (suitcase)
  • When I lie still, without opening my mouth, in me, to be honest, such an emptiness! Hurry, hurry summer! And people will put travel items in my big mouth. Apparently, such a character was given to me from birth that I love movement, for that I ... (suitcase).
  • My assistant will solve a million problems at once, he has one huge eye and a square head. (a computer)
  • He faster than a human multiplies two numbers, the library could fit in it a hundred times, only there it is possible to open a hundred windows in a minute. It’s not at all difficult to guess that the riddle is about ... (computer)
  • They gave me a far-sighted one, he brought them closer to me. (binoculars)
  • What a funny case! A cloud settled in the bathroom. Rain pours from the ceiling onto my back and sides. What a pleasure it is! The rain is warm, heated, no puddles are visible on the floor. All the guys love ... (shower)
  • The rain is warm and thick, this rain is not easy, it is without clouds, without clouds, ready to go all day long. (shower)
  • A warm wave splashes into the shores of cast iron. Guess, remember: what kind of sea is in the room? (bath)
  • The borders are wooden, and the fields are glass. (window)
  • It is all made of iron, wires and microcircuits, and it will help a person in solving difficult cases. (robot)
  • You put me on the floor in the apartment. The main thing is not to forget to knock out the dust in time. (palace)
  • In a field of roses I lay down to rest, I could not pick a single rose. Roses bloomed, but their secret is this: each flower has a hundred knots. (carpet)
  • A huge pipe is directed to where the stars and planets, rockets and comets are. (telescope)
  • The day has passed, it's time to sleep, in the bedroom waiting for me ... (bed)
  • Two bellies, four ears. What's this? (pillow)
  • Under stress, the first syllable - and you get an ancient house, there will be a second stressed syllable - there is a barn lock on the door. (lock)
  • The house is a glass bubble, and the light lives in it! During the day he sleeps, and when he wakes up, he will light up with a bright flame. (bulb)
  • I spent the sun behind my window, hung it from the ceiling, it became fun at home. (bulb)
  • It looks like a pear outside, hanging idle during the day, and at night it lights up the house. (bulb)
  • It looks like a ball from a distance, hangs from the ceiling, but, like a ball, it does not jump at a gallop, but shines with a spark. (bulb)
  • We know how to light this sun above us. (bulb)
  • The house is a glass bubble, and a light lives in it. During the day he sleeps, and when he wakes up, he will light up with a bright flame. (bulb)
  • And in the center of the ceiling the sun hangs, when darkness comes - the light bulb is on in it. (chandelier)
  • At night, if I want, I will click once and turn it on during the day. (switch)
  • Who passes, who leaves - everyone leads her by the hand. (Door)

Walks back and forth, never gets tired. (Door)

She doesn't offend anyone, but everyone pushes her. (door) It will pass back and forth two hundred times, although it stands all day in place. (Door)

  • I have a lot of acquaintances, I can’t count them myself, because whoever passes will shake my hand. (doorhandle)
  • The door will not open by itself - it remains closed. What do you need to cling to to make the door open? (per door handle)
  • Yegorka the laugher took up cleaning, started dancing around the room, looked around - a clean floor. (broom)
  • A close relative of the broom in the house will sweep the corners. He is certainly not a bum. Litter will help to remove ... (broom)
  • He was born in the forest, but he manages the house. (broom)
  • Twisted, tied, girded with a bast. Rustling under the window, circling around the yard, shuffling, shuffling at work hot! (Broom)
  • Looking at the screen in the apartment, we see what is happening in the world. (TV)
  • A miracle box, there is a window in it, in that window there is a movie. (television)
  • The whole universe lives in it, but the thing is ordinary. (television)
  • In a small window - the blue sun. I sit by the window, I look at the whole world through it. (television)
  • There is only one magic window in our room. That window is full of wonders, what is that window? (television)
  • My friend lives with me in an apartment, does not travel around the country, but everything that is happening in the world, he will tell me before anyone else. He will wake me up in the morning for exercises, then he will sing a song to me, he will ask me a riddle and waits for an answer from me. (radio)
  • He lives without a language, does not eat or drink, but speaks and sings. (radio)
  • Wave, wave, wave music floats to me. (radio)
  • There is a beautiful chest, you can’t touch it - it is silent, but if you turn the handles, it will speak and sing. (radio)
  • Let's put a glass eye, click once and remember you. (camera)
  • What this eye does not look at, everything in the picture will convey. (camera)
  • In our kitchen, Santa Claus lives in the closet all year round. (fridge)
  • In this chest we store food on the shelves. It is hot outside, cold in the chest. (fridge)
  • Enjoy, look! The North Pole is inside, snow and ice sparkle there, winter itself lives there. Forever we brought this winter from the store. (fridge)
  • In the summer, dad brought us frost in a white box, and now the frost is gray with us in summer and winter, it saves food: meat, fish, fruits. (fridge)
  • Even in the July heat it is frosty in it, like in winter. (fridge)

Riddles with the answer refrigerator.

Why are fridge riddles so popular? The answer is generally simple. Modern society is a consumer society. And the greater the need for consumption, the greater the need for stockpiling. This also applies to food products. And in order to preserve food, of course, you can not do without a refrigerator. But most are still aware of the fact that nutrition modern man, to put it mildly, not entirely correct. And the ethnos hovering around the refrigerator (These are poems, and anecdotes, and riddles) is a subconscious attempt to return to being more natural for any living being. This is primarily movement and obtaining food, and not its uncontrolled consumption. And actually we turn to riddles about our worst enemy - the refrigerator.

feeds the house
Ice cabinet…(Refrigerator)

Inside he is cold, cold,
It is opened by a hungry ... (Refrigerator)

Love, look:
North Pole inside
There sparkles snow and ice,
Winter lives there.
Forever us this winter
Brought from the store ... (Refrigerator)

There is a safe in the kitchen. In it, kids
I hide the cold from the North.
I will put in it the products:
Meat, fish, juices, fruits,
And turn on the switch.
And my safe ... (Refrigerator)

Us technical progress
Gave a chest of miracles -
There are all kinds of darkness products,
Winter protects them ... (Refrigerator)

The unit shudders,
There is a thaw in it, then a cold,
He is very happy with his work
And if you turn it off, it will sit in a puddle ... (Refrigerator)

Hoarfrost in it is always ice,
In summer, winter lives in it ... (Refrigerator)

In this box - the cold lives,
He guards our products ... (Refrigerator)

The White House is filled with good
In it products of different carts.
There are no windows in that house
And the owner in it is frost ... (Refrigerator)

There is a white house in the kitchen.
Oh, and it's cold in there.
In every room - products,
Eggs, vegetables and fruits ... (Refrigerator)

There is a white cabinet in the kitchen
Winter lives inside
It keeps cold all year round.
If you don't believe me, look ... (Refrigerator)

purrs, not a cat,
Cold and ice inside!
Where in the kitchen in the summer heat
Like a frosty winter? .. (Refrigerator)

Every child loves to spend time with their parents. Therefore, an evening with riddles about a refrigerator and other household items will definitely interest the child and allow you to have a good time. The most important thing is to choose logical questions that are suitable for the age category and interests of the boy or girl.

Why do children need riddles?

The puzzles that need to be answered are not only exciting and interesting. As well as riddles about the refrigerator and other items that will help the child develop:

  • logic
  • speed of thinking;
  • ingenuity;
  • perseverance;
  • horizon.

It is important that the puzzles about the refrigerator for children are interesting, fun and unusual. Therefore, mothers, fathers, grandparents should prepare questions in advance.

Riddles about the refrigerator for the little ones

For example, you can take such logical questions.

This miracle of boxes is known to boys and girls.

It stores yoghurts, meat and liver.

Gives cold all year round,

Keep food fresh.

What box does the cold live in

Which preserves the freshness of all products?

He keeps the cold in himself,

It is very necessary for products.

It kind of looks like a closet.

Only it's not for clothes,

For foods and condiments.

Cold in it in winter and summer,

It is usually white in color.

On the shelves sausage, soups,

What is it, you know?

What kind of closet in which the cold?

It has many different shelves.

There are products on them,

The hungry rush to him.

As soon as the alarm rings,

To eat, you open...


In every house and apartment you will meet him, by all means.

That locker saves food, frost lives in it all year round.

In our house all year round

Frost lives in one closet.

He is very necessary in the apartment,

Keeps dinner fresh.

When guests come to us,

We go to him for food.

Stored in a freezer

Ice cream and jam.

In which cabinet are the products stored?

Such riddles about the refrigerator for children will surely be solved even by the smallest. The most important thing is to ask questions with the right intonation and be in a good mood. Then the kids with great pleasure will take part in the game, which helps them develop.

Difficult riddles about the refrigerator

When choosing questions, be sure to take into account the age of the boys and girls who take part in the game. Schoolchildren can come up with complex puzzles about the refrigerator, the answers to which they will have to carefully consider. After all, children are more interested when they have to be smart and use logic. Riddles about a refrigerator for school-age children can be as follows:

Frost always lives in this white cabinet.

An Eskimo could live in peace in it.

It also keeps food fresh.

Tell the kids what it's called.

It has fish, but it is not a lake.

There is also a chicken there, but it's not a chicken coop.

It also has fruits, but it is not a tree.

There is milk there too, but it's not a farm.

What kind of place is it that can contain so many things?

When the summer is very hot,

You can open it.

In it you can find coolness

And ice, of course, to see.

Cold and frost lives in it,

There is a whole load of products on the shelves.

Such riddles about the refrigerator are sure to please the kids. different ages. The most important thing is that parents ask questions with enthusiasm, then children, no doubt, will like to participate in the developing and at the same time playing process.