Do-it-yourself health trail at school. Do-it-yourself health paths in kindergarten

Health trail at the kindergarten site.

During 2013-2014, the project "Kindergarten - the territory of health" was implemented in our kindergarten. The priority areas in the activities of the MK preschool educational institution of the Vorontsov kindergarten are protecting the life and strengthening the health of children, introducing them to the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, developing education and upbringing.

The necessary material and technical base has been created in the kindergarten to strengthen and preserve the health of children. In the premises and on its territory, in accordance with sanitary norms and rules, a sports hall and a sports ground are equipped.

Particular attention is paid to the health of pupils during the summer health campaign, which involves all participants in the educational process: teachers, medical staff, parents and the children themselves. The main means of healing are natural factors: the sun, air, water.

To improve the health of children in the summer, a “Health Path” was created in the kindergarten.

This is one of the new, but very convenient health-saving methods used today in the children's educational process.

The length of the track is 23 meters, it consists of natural, natural materials and is saturated with a bright color effect that attracts the attention of the child. Its design invites to movement, sports and evokes positive emotions. The path of health is equipped in such a way that children's bare feet can walk on surfaces that are different to the touch, which will massage the feet. As you know, about sixty active zones associated with various organs are located on the human feet. By exposing them to varying degrees of intensity, you can increase the child's immunity, energy, relieve stress and improve his general psycho-emotional state.

"Health Path" is a place where a child actively strengthens his health . Passing along the path, a dynamic pace is set. At the same time, being involved in the game, the child does not remain indifferent performer of physical exercises. He begins to better understand the capabilities of his body, which means he treats him more carefully.

Properly designed and equipped health path in our kindergarten helps to captivate children with the game of health. And there and to the very health within reach.

The main goals of organizing a health trail are:

- prevention of flat feet;

— improvement of movement coordination;

– improvement of the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;

- increased resistance to infectious diseases

- improvement of the emotional and mental state of children;

- Introducing children to a healthy lifestyle.

The “Health Path” was created in stages.

At the first stage, the work of a creative group was organized, which included: the head of the preschool educational institution, the senior educator, the head of physical education, the teacher-psychologist, the music director.

The following questions were brought up for discussion:

— a method of improving children's health with the help of the "Health Path";

– protection of life and health of pupils during their stay at the facility;

— landscape design;

- the mode of operation of the "Health Path".

At the second stage, the administration of the preschool educational institution developed the following documents: instructions for organizing the protection of the life and health of children on the "Health Path", the work schedule of specialists in the summer, and a daily plan of hardening activities. Along with this, it was decided to acquaint the pupils with the purpose of the health path. Include the object in the plan of educational work. As children get used to it, gradually complicate the exercises, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child. Use the health trail during sports events and competitions organized in the preschool in the summer.

The third stage included the search and purchase of materials for the Health Path and its construction itself, in which the creative team took part.

The created health trail, 23 meters long and 30 cm wide, is divided into sections of 140 cm each, which have different surfaces:

- ribbed board;

sandy surface;

Painted bricks;

coarse gravel;

Massage Mat;

Sections of plastic bottles;

Salt track;

plastic stoppers;

Fine gravel;

Pine cones;

Oak acorns;

- surface with expanded clay;

Tree cuts;

Splashing pool.

"Health Path" is located in the sunny part of the sports ground. Sunlight stimulates the activity of the immune system and increases the protective properties of the body. Walking children along different parts of the surface of the health path provides a consistent effect on the biologically active zones of the plantar part of the foot.

To maintain the hardening effect, a small splash pool is used. It allows children of all age groups to splash around. At the same time, the temperature regime of air and water is strictly observed.

Hardening of children on the path of health is carried out in the warm season by both the head of physical education and educators.

A fairly long path of health allows you to go to it with a whole group. In addition, children go through the boom, labyrinth, wooden cuts of different heights.

Considering that in the summer, kindergarten students spend most of their time outdoors, the health trail is used as much as possible during the day. While walking barefoot, children perform various breathing and motor games and exercises.

The health path is also used in the evening when parents come to pick up their children.

The result of the joint work of the creative group and the parents of pupils in the preschool educational institution was an effective system of physical education and recreation activities on the path of health, which are implemented in the following areas:

Ecological-hygienic and hardening;


physical education;

Therapeutic and prophylactic.

Thus, daily activities on the path of health contribute to: reducing the number of colds among pupils, the formation of correct posture, improving the emotional and mental state of preschoolers, a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, and the desire of children to exercise barefoot in the fresh air.

Annex 1

The mode of operation of the "Health Path"






Low mobility games

Physical exercise

All groups

Group tutors


morning exercises

Breathing exercises

Corrective gymnastics


All groups


Physical education (physical education, games of different mobility)

hardening procedures

(walking barefoot, sunbathing)

Psychological support (psychogymnastics, games and exercises, sketches, psycho-trainings, game therapy)

All groups

Head of Physical Education


Exercise after sleep

Breathing exercises

All groups



Independent activity

Individual work with children

Entertainment, leisure

Holidays (according to plan)

Meeting with parents (on the trail).

All groups


Annex 2


professionals during the summer


Days of the week

Opening hours

Musical director

Monday Friday



Tuesday Friday


Physical education instructor

Monday Friday



Monday Friday


Annex 3

Daily plan

hardening activities during the summer health campaign



Hygienic and hardening morning procedures

Morning outdoor reception

Morning exercises in the air


walking barefoot

Hygiene and hardening procedures after a day walk

Extensive wash with cool water

foot washing

Playing in the splash pool

Sleep without shirts

Breathing exercises


Dry rubbing

wet rubbing

Rinse mouth and throat

Health trail at the kindergarten site.

In our kindergarten, special attention is paid to the health of pupils during the summer health campaign, which involves all participants in the educational process: teachers, medical staff, parents and the children themselves. The main means of healing are natural factors: the sun, air, water.
To improve the health of children in the summer, the “Health Path” was created in the kindergarten. This is one of the new, but very convenient health-saving methods used today in the children's educational process. The track is 23 meters long, it consists of natural materials and It is saturated with a bright color effect that attracts the attention of the child. Its design invites to movement, sports and evokes positive emotions. The path of health is equipped in such a way that children's bare feet can walk on surfaces that are different to the touch, which will massage the feet. As you know, about sixty active zones associated with various organs are located on the human feet. By exposing them to varying degrees of intensity, you can increase the child's immunity, energy, relieve stress and improve his general psycho-emotional state.
"Health Path"- a place where the child actively strengthens his health . Passing along the path, a dynamic pace is set. At the same time, being involved in the game, the child does not remain indifferent performer of physical exercises. He begins to better understand the capabilities of his body, which means he treats him more carefully.
Properly designed and equipped health path in our kindergarten helps to captivate children with the game of health. And there and to the very health within reach.
The main goals of organizing a health trail are:
- prevention of flat feet;
- improvement of movement coordination;
- improvement of the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
- Increased resistance to infectious diseases
- improvement of the emotional and mental state of children;
- Introducing children to a healthy lifestyle.
"Path of health"is located in a shady area and at the same time is well lit by the sun. In the shade of trees, children can play, getting light-air baths, which are a mild hardening procedure. As you know, sunlight stimulates the immune system and increases the defenses of the child's body.Walking children along different parts of the surface of the health path provides a consistent effect on the biologically active zones of the plantar part of the foot.
To maintain the hardening effect, a small splash bath is used. It allows children of all age groups to splash around. At the same time, the temperature regime of air and water is strictly observed. Given that in the summer, kindergarten students spend most of their time outdoors, the health trail is used as much as possible during the day. While walking barefoot, children perform various breathing and motor games and exercises.
Thus, daily activities on the path of health contribute to: reducing the number of colds among pupils, the formation of correct posture, improving the emotional and mental state of preschoolers, a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, and the desire of children to exercise barefoot in the fresh air.

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October on the Black Sea coast is a great period for walking in the mountains. The Rosa Khutor Health Trail is one of the places we visited this one.

We had a good walk. We even saw waterfalls.

There are even waterfalls on the Rosa Khutor Trail

Let's see?

Rosa Khutor Health Trail - routes

The Rosa Khutor Health Trail is located in the Sochi National Park, on the slope of Mount Psekhako, in a deciduous forest. Here grow mainly: oaks, hornbeams, chestnuts, beech, ferns; inhabited by: lizards, snakes, birds, bears.

The total length of the path is about 4 kilometers.

On the map-scheme at the entrance, the routes are marked in different colors: red, yellow and green.

Rosa Khutor Health Trail - scheme at the entrance

The Rosa Khutor trail has three circular paths. They differ in length, difficulty levels and beauty (information about the length of the route and travel time was taken from the information board at the entrance to the health path):

Small Ring– length 310 meters, approximate travel time – 15 minutes (green color, the easiest and most boring route of the Rosa Khutor Trail, nothing interesting);

Middle Ring– 1630 meters, covered in at least 1 hour 30 minutes. (marked in yellow on the map, of medium difficulty, here you can see the Kupel - when we were there, the lake dried up);

Big Ring- the length is 1970 meters, the passage time is 2 hours (on the map - red, medium difficulty; there are many ascents, descents and stairs, but nothing extreme).

Of course, having studied the map, we chose the longest route.

Rosa Khutor Health Trail - Big Ring Route

The Rosa Khutor Health Trail has a circular route. It doesn't matter where you start from. We started from the Nadezhda waterfall, which flows into the Mzymta River. The maps indicate that this is the beginning of the path.

The entrance is located above Rosa Beach.

Finding the entrance is easy

Waterfall Hope did not live up to expectations. Small, with a pathetic trickle of water. However, like everything we saw this fall.

Waterfall Hope

However, the Mzymta River was also incomplete.

Mzymta river

The dried up waterfalls did not bother us. Much more embarrassing were the numerous shields on the Rosa Khutor Health Path warning of a possible meeting with a bear - tips on what to do if you meet a bear.

In short: move noisily, in open space. It is strictly forbidden to feed a bear and run away from it. You should not walk through the forest at night (What do you do there at night? Especially with clubfoot).

Looking ahead, I will say that, thank God, we did not meet bears. It remains to be seen whether we were just lucky, or whether the frightening shields were placed on purpose so that tourists would not leave the paths and trample the Red Book plants.

Nevertheless, the shields were impressive. I jumped at sharp sounds and looked back at every crack of branches and rustle of grass.

At the beginning of the Rosa Khutor Trail there is a small rather steep ascent.

We passed by a troll with the romantic name "Flight of the Eagle". None of the eagles flew, and it was a pity to waste time on trolls, so there are no photos of flights. The length of the trolley is 240 meters, to ride once to the other side of the Mzymta River - 500 rubles. In my opinion, entertainment and half of the money is not worth it. We saw trolls much more interesting.

Trolley "Flight of the Eagle" Upper Station

Then we go to the waterfall High. He himself, contrary to the name, is quite short, and now not lush, but the ferns around him are charming.

Waterfall High

From the waterfall - climb the stairs of 114 steps.

Then - a trodden, as if carved path in the mountain.

From here - a good view of Rosa Beach.

View of Rosa Beach from the Rosa Khutor Trail

Here is a fork into the Middle and Big Ring. We choose the latter.


A pleasant walk under the canopy of trees turns into a forest path.

In the beginning - an ordinary forest

Then - a fairly wide mountain path

And here is the Ladder of Years.

Staircase Years

Leads everything up and up. When you rise, it seems endless.

Then it leads down and up again. And after some time you begin to doubt that the Ladder of Years will ever end. But, of course, it also has an end.

The staircase of Years leads either up or down

But how much joy when the path becomes gentle.

Here is a gentle place

And here at all directly Broadway!

Steps for comfort

And a tree trunk along the path for insurance

A reminder where we are

And a reminder of those who are near

When you see such ravines, you believe that bears can roam here

Soon we will go to the Stone Path. This is a small but beautiful section of the path with traces of a stone landslide.

Stone Path

Pretty Gnarled Stone Path

It will be uncomfortable to stomp on stilettos

People build pyramids of stones here. This is just such a tribute to the traditions of stacking stone pyramids in the mountains. Like a direction indicator, an offering to the spirits of the passes to make a wish come true…

Pyramid of stones

Cairns of stones on the Stone Path

They say that the higher the pyramid, the greater the chance of fulfillment of desire. So some people try their best.

Here is a pyramid of stones!

Then downs, downs...

One descent is very steep and interesting, twisted by a corkscrew.

stone corkscrew

After several descents we come out to the spring.

A few more steps...


And here we are at the stream at the exit!

drinking water in the stream

Pros of the Health Trail Rosa Khutor. Beautiful nature. Ease of access. There is no need to get here by cable car, long drive or walk. Just walk a little to the entrance to the health path along the asphalt. Difficult sections are equipped with steps carved into the soil or wooden.

Free entry. This, of course, is not a determining factor, but it's nice.

Year-round availability (except perhaps in very rainy weather or after prolonged rains).

Minuses. Unfortunately, there are no stunning views of the surroundings. But the walk is really cool, invigorating. Although it would be possible to put pointers to everything interesting around, taking into account the fact that there is not much interesting.

There are equipped picnic areas. Some even have tables and benches.

Picnic area

There are places for rest in the form of improvised benches made from fallen trees.

Picturesque resting place

eco shop

The most interesting places of the Health Trail Rosa Khutor:

Waterfall High, Ladder Years, Stone path.

price. The visit is free.

And what beautiful ferns!

General impressions. You should not expect something super interesting from the Rosa Khutor Health Trail. If you have seen the health paths of Kislovodsk, Zheleznovodsk, Pyatigorsk, of course, the Rosa Khutor Health Path may disappoint. It's just a walk through the forest along an equipped path.

There are no promised views. Just a mountain forest. There are more beautiful. Especially in the vicinity of Sochi. The same or White Rocks canyon - here the landscapes are much brighter.

Tips for tourists. Wear comfortable sports shoes (sneakers, sneakers). Preferably with non-slip soles. Ladies, do not go to the mountains in heels! Dangerous!

If you didn’t take water with you, then at the lower entrance (exit) to the Rosa Khutor Trail there is a spring with clean drinking water. A spring at the exit that is closer to the cafe, downstream of the Mzymta River. Nothing prevents you from going there before getting up and getting some water.

Be sure to take your trash with you if you go here for a picnic.

The best time to visit the Rosa Khutor Trail. Any dry or not very wet. Better in spring or autumn. In summer, there are a lot of tourists here.

If it's raining, don't go. It will be slippery and unsafe in places.

Rosa Khutor Health Trail - reviews and reality

Usually people look for reviews before visiting a particular attraction. Maybe that's why you are here.

So, Is it worth visiting the Rosa Khutor Health Path at all?

It depends on what you love.

If you like walking in nature, then yes. If not, and you prefer to walk only in equipped parks along the tents with popcorn and Coca-Cola, you will hardly be delighted.

We like to roam in natural places. Without any deep meaning, not for the sights, but just for a walk.

The Rosa Khutor trail is not a tourist attraction. So take it. Then you will not be disappointed, and you will not scribble angry reviews on the Internet like: “There is nothing to see there, there is nothing to go there!”

Difficulty level. How much time is needed on the Rosa Khutor Trail. The time required for the passage, indicated on the stands, is greatly exaggerated. We went faster. Although not in a hurry.

In company with me, it is impossible to rush. I'm in my fifties and I have a rather serious disease of the joints, so I'm not the fastest and most agile walker.

We passed the Big Ring in 1.5 hours. Constantly stopping to take pictures. And they even laid down their pyramid of stones on the Stone Path.

Judge for yourself the difficulty of the trail. In my opinion, the word "complexity" does not roll here at all. But you can't get through with a baby stroller.

Do not read any nonsense on the Internet. I laughed when I read on one of the many travel websites:

We easily passed this notorious "most difficult route" with two children, 8 and 11 years old. And with me...

Many write that the Rosa Khutor Trail is absolutely wild nature. Well, I don't know... Where did you see picnic tables and benches, wooden steps and railings in absolutely wild places? Wildlife is clearly not here. This text is stolen from the Road of Peace website (website)!

Assurances "there is the same thing as in the Yew-Boxwood Grove, only for free" - excuse me. Yes, the forest, but completely different. And the river is different. In my opinion, it doesn't look like it at all.

Nothing to do with Yew-Boxwood Grove

How much food and water to take? For some reason, everyone advises to take food and water. Like "nowhere to buy here."

As for water, I totally agree. I don't even walk around the city without water.

But about food... if you can't live 2-3 hours without food - yes, be sure to take it. Moreover, it is full of picnic areas. Seduce.

And you can get water from the spring (see above).

Rosa Khutor Health Trail - how to get there

To get to the beginning of the Rosa Khutor Trail, you need to go from the Barsov Bridge (the uppermost) up the Mzymta River along the Panorama Embankment. Behind Rosa Beach, follow the path, where you will see a sign and an information board.

A little higher is the Nadezhda waterfall.

Rosa Khutor Health Trail on the map (the map is interactive, you can move, zoom in, zoom out):

Entrance coordinates (at Nadezhda waterfall, Panorama embankment): N43.67413, E40.3015.

Exit coordinates (near the spring, Kamenka St.): N43.67373, E40.29812.

Interesting fact. They say that there are 919 steps along the Rosa Khutor Trail. Honestly, I thought more. Much. But we did not count the steps. If you think so, don't forget to let us know.

We enjoyed the walk very much. The main thing is that we did not meet bears. 🙂

I would go for a walk there again.

Did you like Rosa Khutor Health Path?

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© Galina Shefer, website "Roads of the World", 2017. Copying text and photos is prohibited. All rights reserved.

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Shunina Ludmila

This year, the hot weather allowed children not only to spend a lot of time outside, but also to perform barefoot health exercises. Here is such a wonderful path of health Together with the parents of the pupils, we organized groups on the walking area. She uses the barefoot technique to prevent health children in a playful way. Path of health helps to prevent the occurrence of flat feet, improves coordination of movements, strengthens the body physically and emotionally, and introduces preschool children to healthy lifestyle. In addition, it improves the mood of children and is a fun outdoor activity.

Path of health the children really liked it, they were happy to pass the test strip barefoot and shared their impressions with each other friend: to whom which zone seemed the most difficult, and which the most interesting.

For clearance trails of health parents brought fir cones, plastic bottles, pea gravel, sawdust, rugs, birch logs and curb tape. Dads carefully removed the turf and made the base of the path out of sand,

and then the mothers laid out various segments of the walkway from the materials they brought.

Everyone was satisfied with the result.

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"Health Path"

in the sports area of ​​the kindergarten

The priority areas in the health-improving activities of MADOU No. 26 "Fairy Tale" in Irbit, Sverdlovsk Region, are strengthening the arch of the foot of children - the foundation of the whole organism and body, familiarizing them with the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, developing training and education.

According to modern ideas based on the Federal State Educational Standard, the goal of education is the comprehensive development of the child, taking into account his age-related capabilities and individual characteristics, while maintaining and strengthening health.

The preschool educational institution has created the necessary material and technical base for strengthening and maintaining the health of children. In the premises and on its territory, in accordance with sanitary norms and rules, a sports hall, sports corners in groups, a swimming pool, a sports ground are equipped.

Particular attention is paid to the health of pupils during the summer health campaign, which involves all participants in the educational process: teachers, medical staff, parents and the children themselves. The main means of healing are natural factors: the sun, air, water. To improve the health of children in the summer using natural, natural, healing factors in 2008-2009, the Health Path was organized in the preschool educational institution, in 2015-2016 it was improved and modernized. One of the modern health-saving methods of maintaining and strengthening health is foot therapy. "Health Path" allows you to carry out prevention to improve the health of children in a playful way.

The main goals of the Health Paths organization are:

Prevention of flat feet;

Improving movement coordination;

Improving the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;

Increasing resistance to infectious diseases;

Improving the emotional state of children;

Introducing children to a healthy lifestyle. The organization of the "Health Path" is carried out in stages

First stage

Creation of a creative group and holding informational consultations on the implementation of the Health Paths project. The group included: group leader, physical education instructor, head, medical worker, educator.

The following questions were brought up for discussion:

Methods of healing children with the help of the "Health Path";

Protection of life and health of pupils during their stay at the facility;

Landscaping (the "Health Path" scheme is presented in the appendix

The mode of operation of the "Paths of Health";

Second phase

Coordinating the provision of support from staff and parents.

Thanks to the help and support of employees and parents, the "Health Path" was created.

Scheme "Paths of health"

Conditions for designating three tracks:

1st track

1. "Dry rain or wind" An arc of multi-colored satin ribbons. Ribbons fall down like jets of water or a flying wind. They are pleasant to touch, touch in the hands, pass through them, touching the face and body. Performing a light massage.

2. "Barrier track" Horizontal ladder for stepping over, running with a high knee lift, jumping 25 - 30 cm high.

3. "Kangaroo" Long jump from a place. On the side there is a vertical marking, the child himself indicates the length of the jump. Numbers in blue are good, red are excellent.

4. "Jumper" Jumping with two legs over the "Bottle" barriers, height 25 cm.

2nd track

Path made of waste and natural material for walking barefoot. 1st part in the sand:

Walking on inverted bottoms of plastic bottles; bar cuts.

2nd part cemented

rocky path; plastic bottles filled with sand in a vertical position;

Walnut; wooden gymnastic sticks; upside down ice cream cups.

3rd part for rugs - cork rug; Grass, rubber mats...

4th part of the flooring

Recumbent ladder for walking along the slats; a bridge made of birch bars; a bridge made of plastic plugs; block brick masonry.

5th part of 3 cells

Filled with cones, pine bark;

birch sticks;

Birch shavings.

3rd track

1. "Narrow bridge" Narrow planks are fixed to the bars, made up for walking for balance and stepping over.

2. "Gymnastic beam" Beam with steps made of bars 50 cm high. For balance and soft jumping.

. "Tunnel" Arcs from hoops for crawling. The cover is pulled over the top.

The mode of operation of the "Health Path" in the summer


8.00-8.30 Morning exercises Breathing exercises Corrective exercises Acupressure

9.00-12.10 Physical education (classes on the "Health Path", physical education, games of different mobility, walking barefoot, sunbathing, entertainment, leisure) Individual work with children Low mobility games Physical exercises

15.15-15.30 Gymnastics after sleep Breathing exercises

16.00-19.00 Independent activities Individual work with children Entertainment, leisure Holidays (according to plan) Meetings with parents

responsible :

physical education instructor, medical worker, educators.


on the organization of the protection of the life and health of children on the "Health Path"

1. General safety requirements 1.1. The preschool teacher must:

1.1.1. Know that he is personally responsible for preserving the life and health of children.

1.1.2. Know the contents of the first aid instructions and, if necessary, be able to provide such assistance to children with bruises, bleeding, poisoning, dislocations, fractures, sunstroke before the arrival of a medical worker.

1.1.3. Strictly observe the sanitary rules approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia.

1.1.4. Be with children and do not leave children unattended.

1.2. Safety requirements for equipping the territory:

1.2.1. The equipment located on the territory of the "Health Path" (small game uniforms, physical education aids, etc.) must be in good condition: without sharp protrusions, corners, nails, roughness and protruding bolts.

1.2.2. Ladders and bridges must be stable and have strong slats and railings, meet sanitary requirements.

2. Safety requirements before entering the "Health Path"

2.1. The head of household, physical education instructor and educators are required to:

2.1.1. Daily inspect the territory of the Health Path, avoid the presence of traumatic objects on it: broken bushes, dead trees, metal objects, broken glass, etc.

2.1.2. Daily check the serviceability and stability of sports and gaming equipment located on the "Health Path", the reliability of equipment fastening.

2.1.3. Check the medicines in the medicine cabinet daily. 3. Safety requirements while on the "Health Path"

3.1. The teacher of an educational institution is obliged:

3.1.1. Provide comfortable conditions for the stay of pupils on the "Health Path", excluding psycho-emotional stress, using entertaining gaming and educational equipment and material.

3.1.2. In order to prevent injuries, ensure control and direct insurance of the child while climbing, stepping over, jumping off a hill, jumping over equipment, crawling into a tunnel, throwing objects.

3.1.3. Do not allow pupils to climb on fence railings, bridge railings and trees.

3.2. Walking by pupils barefoot on grass, sand, gravel is allowed only after inspection and confirmation of the safe condition of the territory.

3.3. Playing with sand is allowed only if the sand is digged daily and scalded with boiling water. 3.4. To avoid overheating during the hot season, children should wear light hats.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. The preschool teacher must:

4.1.1. In the event of an emergency, organize the evacuation of pupils from the territory of the Health Path to a safe place. Report the incident to the head of the institution.

4.1.2. If a pupil is injured, provide him with first aid until the arrival of a medical worker. 5. Safety requirements for leaving the territory of the "Health Path"

5.1. The preschool teacher must:

5.1.1. Organize hygiene procedures for students.

5.1.2. If necessary, organize the cleaning of clothes from dirt and sand.

Most of the surface of the Health Path is a sandy surface filled with various materials and equipment:

stairs, surface with wooden slats, wooden bridge, tree cuts, sand, log, grass cover, sandy surface, pebble surface, artificial grass, birch sawdust, massage mats, birch bars, plastic bottle cuts, cones, pine bark, smooth stones , tape, tunnel.

The daily activities of children on the "Health Path" have made it possible to achieve the following results:

Reducing the frequency of colds in pupils in the summer;

Positive dynamics of growth and weight indicators;

Formation of correct posture, improvement of it in children with impaired musculoskeletal

motor apparatus;

The desire of the children to engage in the fresh air, barefoot;

Improving the emotional and mental state of preschoolers.

In the evening, when the cheerful hubbub of the children subsides, parents, grandparents, along with their children, can go to the sports ground and walk barefoot along the “health path”!

To health!!!