Exercise we build a house from a rope description. Home workout program

The purpose of the exercise is to identify the informal leader. And the most interesting thing is that it works 100% ;)

What to cook

1. Some kind of cord or rope and tie the ends to it. The rope must be long enough so that all participants can grab onto it and be able to participate in its deformation, and not just hold on.

2 We also need blindfolds for each participant.

3. And there must be a special person who does not participate in the process himself - a facilitator.


Construct the proposed figure from the rope, deforming along each rope.

Some may not even participate in the process. And you can even use improvised means, because. they don't help much ;)

At the end, the whole team must hold on to the rope.

Exercise progress

The facilitator explains the rules, which are:

  1. All participants take the rope
  2. They are blindfolded
  3. The rules are explained, it is proposed to build a certain figure from the rope.
  4. The time (5-10 minutes) during which the team must complete the task is recorded.
  5. When the time is up, the participants open their eyes and show what happened. Loss or victory is declared.
The exercise is carried out in several rounds, between which participants share their impressions =)
  1. It is proposed to build a square.
  2. It is proposed to build a triangle.
  3. Anything else - whatever you want ;)

The point is that such figures, due to the length of the rope, cannot be built alone. Therefore, several people should participate, and then questions of leadership, organization, etc. arise. =)

What does it usually result in?

In fact, the process usually goes like this:

  1. Everyone thinks how to build a figure.
  2. Whoever came up with something first starts to say something.
  3. Several people start talking at the same time, so they fight for power - whose decision is better?
  4. In the course of negotiations, a leader is revealed who leads.
  5. If the leader makes a mistake and doesn't know what to do next, the group may fall apart and start building up again. Or (in the best case) the leader voluntarily transfers authority to the one who proposed a more reasonable solution, and whom he trusts =) Because there may not be time to check the solution.

In general, the game is very interesting and many issues of management leadership are clarified in an obvious way =)

The only thing here is to be careful and not say: "Oh! Vasya led, so he is the leader - he will be my deputy!" Because people can get angry;) This exercise rather gives you a hint of how the team is with leadership - who behaves in critical situations, etc. Well, it’s not a fact, of course, that this is 100% reliable - maybe a person just has such circumstances and mood today?

It is better not to explain the essence of the exercise at all, because these are very emotional aspects and the group must be well "warmed up" before the exercise in psychological terms, in order to accept later for themselves that someone has become a leader. Even if you don't explain, the group will have fun anyway :) Well, if you decide to explain, then do it after the first round =)

Why spend in multiple rounds? Because a square is easy enough to build. But the triangle or something else is more complicated, and there the process is even more fun, because. a person may not immediately see that his decision is wrong =)

Men and women want to be fit, beautiful, young. A good figure is often the result of a proper lifestyle and hard, ongoing work on yourself both in the gym and at home.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

Get leaner without the gym

Regular workouts, even if they are carried out at home, can make the body slimmer and the skin more toned. They are useful for the figure and the whole organism as a whole: the thyroid gland activates the production of thyroid hormones responsible for regulating metabolism. For those who cannot go to the gym, start exercising at home.

The training program for men and women is almost identical. The difference is the number of approaches and what result should be achieved.

It includes:

  • cardio load: the first workouts look like a regular walk at a slow pace. For those who are not used to moving a lot, 10-15 minutes are enough to start with a gradual increase in the duration of the walk to an hour or switching to running;
  • strength training: training with strength exercises accelerates and maintains metabolic processes at the proper level. Without them, the muscles will not become elastic, and the endurance of the body will not increase. For classes at home, choose exercises that do not require special equipment.

Home workout program for beginners

A quality warm-up for 10-15 minutes is necessary before each lesson. During it, the muscles and ligaments are warmed up, prepared for work, which will significantly reduce the risk of injury or sprains. Then start doing the exercises.

An example program looks like this:

  1. Squats with the maximum number of repetitions. For beginners, three approaches are enough. The load goes to the gluteal and leg muscles.
  2. Push-ups are classic, from the knees or a low support. It is necessary to do the maximum number of times in three approaches. Performing these exercises trains the entire shoulder girdle and part of the back.
  3. Press weights up in a standing / sitting position. If there are dumbbells at home, then you need to use them. Performed from 8 to 15 repetitions, three sets. Exercise is necessary for a beautiful line of shoulders and pumping triceps.
  4. Twisting: the load on the upper body in the prone position. Perform the maximum number of times in two sets.
  5. Reverse twist: lying on the floor, raise the buttocks up, trying to do the maximum number of repetitions in two sets.

During the first sessions, a short rest is recommended after each exercise and longer after approaches to restore breathing. Gradually, rest periods are reduced to 60 seconds. At the very beginning, it is enough to study only once a week and walk every day. A little later, the number of trainings increases to two, and then three times.

Program for pumping up muscles at home

You can build muscle without going to the gym if you know how to create a program and overcome laziness that prevents you from finding time for home workouts. There are a huge number of exercises for pumping up muscles at home. Each workout should be preceded by a warm-up, and after going through the entire complex - stretching, which allows you to relieve muscle tension.

The program looks like this:

  1. 10 pull-ups with a wide and narrow grip.
  2. 8 Explosive Push-ups: On the rise when doing a classic push-up, push off the floor up so that your palms no longer touch the surface.
  3. Squats on one leg with an emphasis on a chair or other surface of a similar height. Throw the right leg on the seat of the chair, move the left leg forward a little, gently sit down, stand up. Repeat 8-10 times on each leg.
  4. 12 pull-ups with a reverse grip.
  5. 5 push-ups on your hands and more, standing against the wall with your head down.
  6. 12 back push-ups on chairs. Rest against the chairs, standing opposite each other, with your feet and hands. Perform push-ups, trying to go as low as possible.
  7. 12 hanging leg raises on the horizontal bar. Legs rise as high as possible, without swaying.

Rest after completing all the exercises, repeat from start to finish in a circle, 3-4 times. For good results, practice every other day, on the days of lack of training, do a light jog, do stretching exercises.

In the case when there is no horizontal bar in the apartment, you can practice on the street. To increase endurance, the program includes cardio. The number of repetitions and circles increases gradually, but weekly.

Gaining muscle mass at home

To pump up at home, you need not sports equipment from the gym, but a desire to exercise and an appropriate training program. If there are dumbbells, then some exercises can be performed with them. But improvised means, for example, chairs, a stack of books, a couple of plastic water bottles, can be enough for a full-fledged training.

On the first day, do exercises for the arms and back:

  • push-ups from the floor 8 times;
  • push-ups on hands upside down against the wall up to 6 times;
  • push-ups between two supports 8-12 times;
  • pulling up on the horizontal bar with a wide grip up to 10 times, trying to touch the crossbar with your chest;
  • pull-ups with a reverse grip up to 8 times.
  • you need to do 2-3 sets of each exercise and up to 4 circles.

On the second day, a complex for the legs is performed:

  • sprint;
  • squats 12 times. Keep your hands behind your head, try to sit as deep as possible, smoothly. If you have dumbbells at home, you can use them as a weight;
  • lunges 10 on each leg. For each wide step, do 5 deep squats in a row;
  • lifting on toes in a standing position on a support up to 20 times. The heel does not touch the floor;
  • do three to four sets of each exercise and 3-4 circles with a short break.

When the body gets used to the minimum load, the home program for working on the mass includes:

  • push-ups on one hand from the floor;
  • pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a wide grip behind the head;
  • vertical push-ups;
  • back push-ups;
  • pull-ups with a reverse grip;
  • push-ups on the uneven bars;
  • push-ups with a narrow setting of the brushes;
  • toe raises on one leg.

To avoid overtraining, sprains and injuries, it is necessary to monitor how the body perceives the load. If it is difficult to tolerate, the number of repetitions is reduced, made less intense. To increase the number of approaches begin a little later.

Strength training at home

Strength training is desirable to carry out in the gym, because there is everything you need for them.

If you have to work at home, then:

  • beginners need to practice a couple of times a week;
  • conduct training according to the principle;
  • rest between sets, approximately 1 minute each;
  • repeat each exercise up to 12 times;
  • alternate the load: more on the first day, less on the second, on the third increase again;
  • increase the load in each set until muscle tension appears in order to choose the most comfortable option. Continue home workouts at a comfortable pace, without overloading the body.

It is necessary to start classes with a 5-minute cardio warm-up: running, walking, going up and down stairs, jumping rope. At the end of the workout, stretch the main muscles.

Home workout program for strength with dumbbells:

  • squats with a press up;
  • pull dumbbells to the chest;
  • lunges back;
  • spreading the arms to the sides with a load when leaning forward;
  • body thrust;
  • push-ups classic or from the knees;
  • deadlift;
  • lowering the legs: raise the legs up, at an angle of 45-90 degrees, in a prone position. Raise and lower them in turn, without touching the floor with the heel, without lifting the lower back from it;
  • twisting the torso in the prone position;
  • "scissors";
  • lifting the upper body, lying on the floor with straight legs.

The load during home training can be from 2.5 to 7 kg per arm, depending on the level of physical fitness.

A simple complex can be supplemented with pull-ups and push-ups on the horizontal bar, bars, support. Classes with a barbell are effective in gaining muscle mass, so you can include exercises using it in your home workouts. At first, to prevent injuries, it is advisable to start exercising in the gym.

Observe the drinking regime and drink up to 1.5 liters of pure water without gas daily: the liquid leaves the body with sweat, therefore its amount should be replenished. This, like a balanced diet, is necessary for proper metabolism, well-coordinated work of the body and achieving the effect of home training.

In during the first classes, a short rest is recommended after each exercise and longer after approaches to restore breathing. Gradually, rest periods are reduced to 60 seconds. IN at the very beginning, it is enough to do it only once a week and walk every day. A little later, the number of trainings increases to two and then three times.

Great psychological game, or the Game is not in the training Telegina Irina Olegovna

"Building a house"

"Building a house"

game task

The team is tasked with building a unique home. To do this, all participants become employees of a large corporation, in which several main teams operate (the group is divided into microgroups of four to six people) located in different cities. It is these teams that will implement the superproject. During the work, participants perform various tasks depending on the purpose of the training. In the process of preparing for the construction of the brigades, being "in different parts of the country", they collect various resources for the implementation of the project. For each successfully completed task (result-oriented), the teams receive "details" of the house. Periodically, individual employees of the teams are sent to other teams “on a business trip” (in microgroups, the composition is constantly changing to enable participants to interact with a large number of people). In the final, all teams will unite at the "construction site" with all the resources and materials collected to build a house. Participants complete the construction by creating a foundation, which is the basic knowledge, skills, qualities that they received in the course of preparation for construction, that is, in the course of completing tasks.

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Timing exercises:

1 to 1.5 hours

The target audience:

This exercise is suitable for all categories of participants. For open and corrotational trainings.

Band size:

from 8 to 30 participants

Added to the site: 10/21/2013

The composition of the exercise:

  • Exercise Configuration
  • Timing exercises
  • Methodology
  • Exercise Modifications
  • Handling difficult situations
  • Theory to exercise

  • Audio recordings

Price: 690 rub.

The price is valid
Until the end of the month!


Exercise "Building a house from a rope"

Exercise types: Basic exercise,

Basic - these are exercises in which directly train those skills and abilities for which the participants came to the training. These are the main exercises in the training. Theyare usually built so that each participant in the training can practice. Read more about exercise types. .

Challenge exercise

Challenges are powerful and memorable exercises, the purpose of which attract attention groups to certain training topics, lead the group to important awareness. They are often quite complex, arouse the active interest of the group, increase the motivation of participants.. Read more about exercise types. .

Training topics:

  • Leadership, confidence, rhetoric
  • Administration, Management
  • Team building, team building
  • Personal growth
  • Communication trainings
Goals of the exercise:
  • To develop in the training participants the ability to communicate effectively, the ability to negotiate, to hear each other;
  • Develop leadership qualities of training participants;
  • Acquire the skills to work effectively in a team;
  • Accelerate the process of distribution of roles in the group.

The exercise "Building a house from a rope" was taken from the arsenal of the doctor of psychological sciences, professor, famous trainer and writer N.I. Kozlov.

This exercise solves two main problems. First -leadership developmenttraining participants, which is relevant inleadership training, confidence training and in training for managers. In the “Building a House with a Rope” exercise, participants will explore their own leadership style, see their key features and mistakes, and be able to practice other leadership models. At trainings for managers, this exercise will allow you to train both leadership skills and the skills of effective organization of processes, management skills.

The second task of the exercise is ability to work well in a team. The exercise "Building a House with a Rope" is ideal for teambuilding trainings, team building. The exercise will allow the training participants to visually see how they can work as a team now, and what needs to be done to work together more smoothly.

The exercise is very well designed, it consists of two stages. At the first stage, the training participants see all their mistakes, see everything that prevents them from more successfully completing the task, achieving a better result. At this stage, there is usually a lot of awareness, the participants of the training make valuable conclusions for themselves. At the second stage of the exercise, the participants of the training do the same task, but taking into account the conclusions drawn and the facilitator's tips. And they clearly see how much more efficiently the work is going on. Thus, the members of the group and find their "points of growth", And gain experience of successful collaboration.

Thanks to unusual conditions and a creative task, the exercise "Building a house from a rope" is cheerful and lively, all participants actively involved in the process, which increases the energy of the group, the level of trust and cohesion in Group. Also, the exercise increases the motivation of the training participants for learning and contributes to a faster distribution of roles in the group.

This exercise involves the whole group, it lastsfrom 1.5 to 2 hours. Exercisesuitable for the number of participants from 8 to 30 people. The more participants, the more difficult and interesting it will be to complete the task.

The volume of the proposed coaching exercise manual: 11 pages.
BONUSES! The training manual is accompanied by: 7 audio files with a recording of a real exercise by the famous trainer and writer, Doctor of Psychology N.I. Kozlov and a detailed theory block for the exercise.

Why you should buy this exercise on Trenerskaya.ru:

  1. This unique, elaborated coaching manual for exercises with possible options for the trainer's speech, with specific questions that should be asked during reflection, with an analysis of difficult situations that can occur in a group.
  2. With our training manual, as with a navigator, you will conduct an exercise much more efficient and effective.
  3. Attached to the manual 7 audio-files with a recording of a real exerciseheld as part of the "Training for Leadership and Leadership" by the famoustrainer and writer, doctor of psychological sciences, professor N.I. Kozlov.
  4. To develop this manual for you right away several professional trainers high level work on it more than 15 hours! You get it at a symbolic price, which you pay only once, and you will use the exercise for many years.

Pay for an exercise for training on the portal Trenerskaya. enJust!


To teach children to clearly understand and distinguish between the concepts of "high", "low".
To consolidate the ability to count to two, to compare sets of "one-many".
Form spatial figurative thinking.
Introduce the geometric figure "square".
Practice sound imitation.
To develop in children the understanding and use of prepositions in speech on, under.
Continue learning to draw with your fingers, leaving an imprint in a tender place; sculpt from plasticine using the “direct rolling” technique; paste the details of the image in the right place.
Develop speech attention, fine movements of fine motor skills.


Background picture "heaven and earth", figures of the sun, clouds, houses, flowers.
Picture-background with the image of houses, paper windows-squares, glue sticks.
Toy mallets.
Constructed from the designer one-and two-storey houses. Handkerchiefs.
Wooden spatulas. Multicolored clothespins.
Large building material, various attributes for an obstacle course.
Picture-scheme of the house, the details of these houses are made of colored cardboard.
Drawing of a house with empty windows, yellow finger paint, yellow plasticine.
Educational game "Pick up the key to the lock."
Audio recordings: “There is a house made of logs in the forest”, “I want to build a house”.

Lesson progress:


We stomp our feet.
We clap our hands
We shake our heads
We shake our heads.
We raise our hands
We lower our hands.
One-two, one-two.
It's time for us to get busy!

Finger game "Building a house"

The whole day - here and there,
There is a loud knock.
Hammers are knocking.
We are building a house for squirrels.
This house is for squirrels.
This house is for bunnies.
This house is for girls.
This house is for boys.
That's a nice house.
We will live happily in it.
Let's sing songs
Have fun and dance.

Children bang toy hammers on the floor.

Didactic game "House on the mountain"

The picture shows heaven and earth. Show me the sky. Show the earth. Pick up a house and attach it to the picture. In what part of the picture did you attach the house, to the sky or to the ground? Why?
Now put the sun and clouds on the picture. Where will you put the sun and clouds? On sky.
Flowers grew around the house. Where will you place the flowers? On the ground around the house.
How many houses do you have? One house. How many flowers? Many colors. How many suns? One sun. How many clouds? Two clouds.

Application "Windows"

Here are the beautiful new houses. But how do they accommodate tenants? There are no windows! Let's make windows for these houses. Here are the windows - squares. Glue them in the right place.

Didactic exercise "High-low house"

There are houses in front of you. Let's count them. One two Three. How many houses? Three houses. Which house is the tallest? What is the lowest? Count how many floors are in the tallest house? How many floors are in the lowest building?

Now I will cover the houses with handkerchiefs, and you will guess where which house is hidden. Under which handkerchief is the lowest house hidden? Highest?

Game with clothespins "Beautiful fence"

Here are the planks, and here our clothespins are prepared. Now we will make a beautiful fence for our houses out of them.

Dynamic pause "At the construction site"

We need to move building materials to the construction site. Can you help? (Children carry large building material from one place to another, overcoming obstacles. Stumps, "puddles", etc. are used as obstacles).

Design "Lay out the house"

The pictures show a diagram of the house, which you lay out and build yourself. Take the details and lay them out in the right place on the diagram. Where a triangular roof is drawn - attach a colored triangle there, where a square window - attach a square.

Exercise "What sounds do you hear at home?"

How does the kettle whistle? S-s-s.
How does tap water drip? Cap-cap-cap.
How does dad work with a drill? W-w-w.
How does the vacuum cleaner sound? Woo.
How do guests knock on the door? Knock-Knock.

Finger painting "Light the lights in the windows of houses"

So the evening came, it became dark. Let's turn on the light, let the windows in the houses light up with a bright light. Dip your finger in yellow paint and paint over the windows on the house.

Sculpture "The moon has risen"

And the moon has risen in the sky. (On the same sheet where they drew lights in the windows of houses). Let's mold it from yellow plasticine. First, roll out a thin sausage. Then bend it and attach it to the night sky. Press down on the plasticine. The moon is ready!

Dynamic pause "The bear has a big house"

The bear has a big house
(Hands up, stand on toes)

And the hare is small.
(Squat down, put your hands down)

Our bear went home
(Stepping from foot to foot)

And behind him is a hare.

We accompany the animals
(farewell hand waving)

We continue to work.

Didactic game "Pick the key to the lock"

Children pick up the keys to the locks of the same color and open them.

lawn house,
All doors are locked.
We'll pick up the keys
And we will open the hut.