A very simple machine for the manufacture of four-layer heat blocks. A promising business for the production of thermal blocks

Among the many areas of business in building materials, the production of heat blocks is one of the most promising. Heat blocks differ in durability, heat efficiency and esthetics. Buildings made of this material are built quickly, and their heating costs 2.5 times less than heating rooms of the same size made of bricks. We tell you what properties heat blocks have, what they consist of and what methods are used to produce them.

A heatblock, thermoblock or heat-efficient block is a modern building material. His main competitive advantage is high thermal insulation. It is believed that such blocks reduce the cost of heating the building by 2-3 times.

Externally, this material is a composite block of expanded clay concrete or similar material and expanded polystyrene. The best option granite screening is considered, since expanded clay has a porous structure and a large amount of air inside. The appearance of the blocks imitates stone, marble, granite or brick. They do not need additional finishing. Components are stacked in 3 layers:

  • outer layer - expanded clay concrete, cement, granite screenings;
  • insulation - expanded polystyrene;
  • bearing layer - expanded clay.

Heat blocks are used for construction

The three-layer structure provides high thermal efficiency of the material, which is 2-3 times higher than brick on average. The final performance depends on the observance of the manufacturing technology and the quality of the raw materials. Most often, polystyrene foam with a thickness of 12 to 20 cm is used as an interlayer. Of course, such a variation in values ​​\u200b\u200bdirectly affects the thermal efficiency of the block.

Please note that only polystyrene foam with a density of at least 25 kg / m3 is suitable for the role of insulation. Lower density does not provide thermal insulation.

In the manufacture of thermoblocks, they are sometimes fastened with basalt or fiberglass rods. This is necessary because the components differ in structure and without such a bond, they risk delamination.

Advantages and disadvantages

Heat-efficient blocks are a modern building material that combines the advantages of multiple components and a multi-layer structure. The most significant advantages of heat blocks:

  • reduce heating costs by 2-3 times (subject to the use of high-quality material);
  • in hot weather, buildings made of heat-efficient blocks keep cool;
  • high speed of construction of buildings due to the large size of the blocks and the possibility of laying in 1 row;
  • saving on mortar for connecting blocks due to their large size;
  • relatively simple manufacturing technique;
  • heat blocks with cladding have an aesthetic appearance without finishing, the material imitates stone, granite or brick;
  • resistance to temperature changes, humidity, mold and fungus;
  • light weight creates a low load on the foundation;
  • little construction waste;
  • mini-machines for heat-efficient blocks can be used for the production of other building materials, such as foam concrete or expanded clay;
  • are cheaper than bricks and foam concrete blocks.

For a more objective characterization of thermoblocks, a few minuses should be added to the impressive list of advantages. Firstly, the manufacture of heat blocks is a complex technological process. Violation of any of the cycles leads to a multiple deterioration in performance. One mistake - and the material in terms of thermal efficiency does not differ from brick.

The thermal insulation of the blocks depends on the size of the insulation

Secondly, in the production it is worth using quite expensive materials. Any attempt to reduce the cost of products with the help of cheap analogues leads to a deterioration in heat saving indicators. Thirdly, the strength of thermal blocks is limited, they are only suitable for low-rise construction, up to 3 floors. The last drawback applies only to products assembled in "artisanal conditions" - a violation of geometry. Insufficiently even blocks of imperfect shape significantly slow down the speed of construction, and also reduce the reliability and quality of the erected object. Heat blocks assembled in compliance with the technology on industrial enterprise, do not have such a disadvantage.

Production technology

Thermoblocks are composite material, consisting of diversified components. During production, it is necessary to ensure their reliable adhesion. For this, vibrocasting or vibrocompression is used, and the components of the block are connected with reinforcement. It is difficult to make high-quality heat blocks with your own hands. Without adequate compaction, the components will delaminate and the material will be unusable.

The best production option would be a plant. At a full-fledged enterprise, you can control all stages of work on blocks and test their quality.

The enterprise should produce several types of thermoblocks:

  • standard;
  • corner;
  • half;
  • door;
  • window sills.

There are special plastic molds for each type. A variety of shapes greatly simplifies the construction of an object for builders, as it eliminates the need to cut, shorten or adjust anything.


Manufacturing steps

The technology for the production of heat-efficient blocks includes the following steps:

  1. Preparation of a solution of sand, cement, expanded clay or gravel with water in a concrete mixer. Sometimes chemical components are added to the solution to improve the strength of the composition.
  2. A polystyrene foam insert is inserted into the molds for heat blocks (matrices). It should enter the form tightly, effortlessly and not protrude beyond its edges.
  3. The solution is poured into the mold.
  4. Sealing by vibrocasting or vibrocompression.
  5. After compaction, the blocks are dried in a heat chamber.
  6. Dry thermoblocks are removed from the mold. They are ready for sale and construction.

The number of finished blocks per shift will depend on the capacity of the equipment, the volume of the drying chamber and the qualifications of the personnel. The average production time for one block is 4.5–5 hours, 4 of which the block will dry. Without a chamber, the drying time will be approximately 8 hours.

Raw material

The composition of the heat blocks includes several materials:

  • cement, granite screenings or expanded clay concrete;
  • expanded polystyrene, ordinary or extruded, with a density of 25 kg / m3;
  • finishing materials (optional).

Expanded clay is considered the least durable due to the porous structure. granite sifting more reliable, although more expensive. As for the insulation, then it is necessary to pay attention to its density. Less dense types are cheaper, but are not able to provide high thermal efficiency. Blocks with conventional foam inside are deprived of all competitive advantages.

When buying raw materials, be guided by GOST TU 5741-001-76847650-2011. All norms of strength, density, frost resistance, thickness, weight and overall dimensions finished heat blocks.

vibrocasting method

The first method of compacting heat-efficient blocks is called vibrocasting. Its essence is as follows. The matrices are installed on a vibrating table and the solution is poured into them. Intense vibration evenly distributes the mixture without air bubbles and voids. After processing on a vibrating table, the forms are folded in a drying chamber, where the blocks reach readiness.

Some masters manage to make a vibrating table on their own. The average market price of such a sufficiently powerful apparatus is 30 thousand rubles. The production of blocks using vibrocasting is considered more affordable option, optimally suits a start-up business and in conditions of limited start-up capital.

Block production

vibrocompression method

Vibrocompression is more productive, allows you to achieve greater efficiency of the enterprise, increase the number of finished products per shift. A semi-dry mixture (without water) is immersed in the vibropress mold. The device affects the future block not only by vibration, but also by a punch - an internal part of the press that presses on the mold.

Thus, during vibrocompression, thermoblocks are simultaneously processed by vibration and pressure. Together, this provides products with greater strength. Their performance will be better than that of products after vibrocasting, even if the same raw materials are used. Vibrocompression contributes to high automation of production and eliminates the human factor.


The business plan for the production of heat blocks implies a detailed list of equipment - machinery and machine tools that the manufacturer of heat blocks will use. But from the material presented above, we found out that there are 2 options for organizing work. Accordingly, the list of equipment for them will be, albeit slightly, different.

Standard equipment for thermoblocks:

  • concrete mixer;
  • apparatus and table for cutting polystyrene foam;
  • molds or matrices for blocks of several varieties (plastic or aluminum);
  • formwork and units for its removal;
  • vibrating table or vibropress;
  • steaming machine;
  • drying chamber;
  • loader.

For the production process, you need a suitable size room

A line with a vibrating table will cost an average of 800 thousand rubles, with a vibropress - about 1.5 million rubles. To simplify the opening of the enterprise, pay attention to ready-made sets of equipment. The production of equipment for heat blocks in Russia is actively developing, so you can find decent options for little money. For example, a kit without a drying chamber from a Russian manufacturer is available for only 270 thousand rubles. More advanced options can be picked up within 1 million rubles, and the most complete, with the ability to produce blocks with decorative cladding - for 3 million.

Making heat blocks with your own hands

If heat blocks are required in limited quantities for personal use, you can try to make them yourself. Their strength will be inferior to industrial products, and the geometry will not be sufficiently even, not identical. But if you need to save money, produce a small batch of heat blocks yourself - this is a good option.

The production of thermoblocks at home involves the vibrocasting method. That is, the master will need a vibrating table, possibly assembled by hand. The lowest cost of a low-power unit on the market is 8 thousand rubles. Forms are also made independently, from metal or wood. When kneading the solution without a concrete mixer, make sure that it is uniform and free of lumps. Cut polystyrene with markings. When laying the insulation in the form and pouring it with a solution, do not rush. Dry the matrices in the open air and sunlight for 8-9 hours.

Theoretically, you can do without compaction on the vibrating table, but the quality of the products will be significantly lower. For business, the option of manual production is categorically not suitable: the production speed is too low and the quality of products is reduced.


There are 2 technologies for the production of heat blocks: vibrocasting and vibrocompression. The first option will cost the company cheaper, but the speed of manufacturing products and their quality will be lower. The vibropress is more expensive, but it increases productivity many times over. In the production of heat-efficient blocks, it is important to use high-quality raw materials and strictly comply with the requirements technological process. Otherwise, it will not be possible to achieve the required indicators of thermal efficiency and strength.

Recently, more and more of our compatriots are opening a business for the production of heat blocks.

And rightly so, because the construction technology using thermal blocks is becoming more and more in demand, and the number of teams specializing directly in the construction of houses from thermal blocks is steadily growing.

This material will help you find out how the production of thermal blocks is carried out, what is needed for this and what are the advantages of this building material.

Raw materials for production

In the presence of necessary equipment the production of heat blocks primarily includes the purchase of the necessary raw materials. As a rule, manufacturers use ordinary cement, sand, as well as gravel (expanded clay).

But since technology does not stand still, regularly manufacturers add any elements to the composition of building materials to improve certain characteristics:

  • lime;
  • gypsum stone;
  • aluminum powder.

Since the production of blocks is profitable from an economic point of view, more and more companies specializing in the production of this building material appear on the market.

The idea of ​​a business is a good one, but it must be borne in mind that its implementation requires a considerable investment of funds. Only the amount of raw materials needed for a small company should be calculated as a result of an analysis of the cost rates for monthly, annual or seasonal production volumes.

Having calculated all this, you can proceed to the acquisition of raw materials:

  1. Purchasing raw materials abroad for a small decorative veneer block manufacturer can only be profitable if you team up with several factories. That is, there will be financial savings if you buy raw materials in bulk in large quantities.
  2. You can buy raw materials from suppliers who have their own equipment for the production of heat blocks. But, of course, no one will sell you material cheaply. The cost, one way or another, will still be overstated.
  3. If possible, raw materials can be bought from larger enterprises.

1.1 Production technology

The production process on a mini-installation with your own hands is not particularly laborious. According to experts, even beginners quickly master the manufacturing technology.

If you have a mini-machine, but you do not know how to set it up and handle it, then listen to the recommendations of the sellers, they usually advise buyers when buying equipment.

If you don’t need other people’s advice, then you can always develop a recipe for making heat blocks yourself, but you will have to learn from your mistakes. Or you can analyze the technology described below and draw your own conclusions from it.

Metal mold 400×200х400 for an ordinary heat block (for 18 blocks)

The production process of building materials with decorative cladding is as follows:

  1. To begin with, raw materials are taken and placed in the right proportions into a mini-mixing unit. The raw materials are usually gravel, sand and cement, but you can add other elements as needed. Don't forget the right amount of water. Many manufacturers use chemical additives to improve material performance.
  2. After the raw materials have been mixed, the mixture must be poured into molds. At the same stage, you are installing reinforcement and laying insulation. This process takes place on a vibrating table.
  3. Further, the molds with raw building material must be placed in the thermal chamber of the mini-installation. As a result of heating the raw material, the machine helps to strengthen the strength of future heat blocks, while adding the necessary quality properties to the material. In general, this the stage of making blocks with your own hands takes about four hours. Without operating the necessary equipment, the process can take about eight hours.
  4. The next step will be the stripping of the material, which can be done manually or using special equipment. The building material is removed from the forms, which it is desirable to wash immediately.
  5. Then the received products are stored on a pallet and fixed with a film.

2 Advantages of production of thermal blocks in comparison with other materials

  1. Comparative ease of production with a mini-plant. Based on the information above, you yourself can understand that the process of manufacturing heat blocks is quite simple. Moreover, there is a lot of room for self-realization: if you want to develop your own technology, you just need to act by trial method. With even minimal knowledge in the field of construction, sooner or later you will be able to develop your own strategy.
  2. By its design, the block is such a material that it can retain heat in the building for a long time. In practice, houses built from a heat block are quite warm in winter, even when compared with ordinary city apartments. In the summer, when it is hot outside, the house will be cool and cozy. Often the owners of such houses do not even install air conditioners. If you believe the reviews, then this is simply not necessary.
  3. The versatility of the mini-installation, as evidenced by the feedback from consumers and experienced professionals. If you have a mini-machine available, then you can easily produce blocks not only of different designs, but also for various purposes, from basement and foundation purposes to openings. In addition, the installation of reinforced partitions in a mini-machine, subject to the technology, can produce double partition heat blocks. The machine itself can be used directly for the manufacture of textured foam concrete, expanded clay or other types of blocks for construction.
  4. Using a mini-machine, you discover huge possibilities for yourself, virtually limitless for applications. own design. In the manufacture of building materials, plastic molds can be used, made according to the sketch that you develop yourself. So it all depends on your capabilities and imagination.
  5. The tooling itself for the manufacture of building materials is quite simple and easy to use, since the formwork is hinged in design, their sides are attached with loops on the bottom plate. Thanks to this, the consumer has the opportunity to quickly unpack the finished product, respectively, to quickly prepare the equipment for its further operation. The formwork itself is equipped with handles and, when assembled, they can be securely fixed with a frame.
  6. Typically, plant manufacturers sell plastic inserts with their machines, with which you can form the desired design for outside heat block.

Today, many people choose heat-efficient materials for building their own home. This allows you to improve living conditions and reduce the cost of heating the building without additional costs. One of these materials is a heat block, the production technology of which has its own characteristics.

General description of heat-efficient blocks

They call it a heat block modern material, which consists of several layers:

  • concrete. The basis of the block, its bearing part;
  • insulation. Usually, regular or extruded polystyrene foam is used;
  • finishing. It can be one- or two-layer with decorative lining.

This material can be made in the form of lightweight expanded clay concrete blocks or from ordinary heavy concrete. The first option, due to its low weight, is used more often in private construction.

Heatblocks are characterized by a wide range of applications. It is used for cocking external bearing walls or partitions. This material is only allowed to be used in the construction of one- or two-story private houses.

The production of heat blocks is becoming massive due to the numerous advantages of this material:

  • high strength. Blocks are able to withstand a tensile load of up to 2 tons per square meter. cm;
  • durability. The heat block is able to maintain its operational properties for 100 years;
  • excellent soundproofing properties. The material is able to protect against noise 52-54 dB;
  • excellent decorative qualities;
  • insulation and finishing are carried out together with the construction of walls, which reduces construction time;
  • the heat loss of the building is reduced, which reduces heating costs;
  • 1 degree of fire safety, which complies with building codes.

Methods and stages of production

The manufacture of heat blocks takes into account the fact that this material consists of several layers. During the production process, it is necessary to connect them together and ensure reliable adhesion. For this, it is applied special technology, compliance with which is possible with the use of professional equipment.

Stages of production of energy efficient heat blocks

The production of heat-efficient blocks implies the presence of several stages of work:

  • All the ingredients needed to prepare the solution are added to the mixer.
  • To obtain a heat block, sand, cement, expanded clay gravel, water, and various additives are used to improve the properties of the solution.
  • A polystyrene foam liner is manually installed in the matrix. The correctness of installation is controlled by the alignment of the protrusions.
  • The liner should not be allowed to protrude beyond the edge of the form. It should fit snugly, but without additional effort.
  • A fresh solution is poured into the prepared matrix.
  • The construction mixture is being compacted.
  • Compacted heat blocks are moved to the thermal chamber, where they are until completely dry.
  • The material is removed from the matrix, packed, and then sent for sale.

In the production of heat blocks, two methods of compacting a freshly prepared mixture are used -.

Production of heat blocks by vibrocasting

The production of heat blocks by vibrocasting implies the following:

  • To speed up hardening, special additives are added to the mortar.
  • completed mortar the matrix is ​​placed on a vibrating table.
  • An intense vibration is produced, which drives air bubbles out of the solution and compacts it.
  • After the material has dried, it is removed from the mold and used for its intended purpose.

What blocks are obtained after vibrocasting

Application of the vibrocompression method

The method of semi-dry vibrocompression is more technologically advanced and requires the use of special equipment. Instead of a traditional vibrating table, a vibropress is used. The technology for the production of heat blocks in this case is as follows:

  • A specially prepared semi-dry mixture is poured into the form of a vibropress.
  • The material is compacted by a punch with additional vibration exposure.
  • During compaction, when the punch presses the material to its extreme point, it is necessary to relieve the pressure to 1–1.5 MPa.
  • To perform the necessary operations, the hydraulic booster is turned on, for which a special pedal of the vibroblock is pressed.
  • The compacted heat block is sent to the heat chamber, where it gains design strength.

The use of vibropress equipment in the production process makes it possible to obtain material with better performance characteristics. This is achieved high level automation and a significant reduction in the impact of the human factor.

Equipment for the production of heat blocks

Equipment for the production of heat blocks is selected taking into account the technology that will be used to implement the production process.

Making material at home

The production of such building material, like heat blocks, can occur at home. For this, you do not need to purchase an automated line. It is enough to purchase simpler equipment, the cost of which is significantly lower. In this case, its installation and operation is facilitated, which is important when organizing production on its own.

Some experts recommend using an ordinary concrete mixer, and pour the prepared solution into home-made forms. But do not count on high performance and excellent quality. The material produced will not be sufficiently compacted, which will adversely affect its strength characteristics. Without a specially equipped thermal chamber, the drying process of heat blocks can take up to 8 hours.

For organization home production it is recommended to additionally purchase a vibrating table. With it, you can significantly improve the quality of the material and increase productivity. The average cost of equipment for equipping a home line for the production of heat blocks is 2-4 thousand dollars.

Production of heat blocks on an industrial scale

If you plan to release the material on an industrial scale, it is advisable to purchase an expensive line from specialized companies. It is recommended to choose vibropress equipment, where most of the processes are automated. Such lines will allow maximum efficiency produce material at a low cost.

The average cost of imported professional equipment for the production of heat blocks with a capacity of 20 cubic meters. m per day will be 70,000 dollars. At the same time, the final price of the line may change up or down depending on its equipment and other factors.

Composition of industrial scale production line

For a complete line for the production of energy-efficient material that is lined with artificial stone, you need to purchase the following equipment:

  • bunkers for storage of raw materials;
  • concrete mixer for the preparation of a building mixture;
  • vibropress for compaction of a freshly prepared solution;
  • vibrating chair for blocks;
  • forms for obtaining material of a given shape and size;
  • tables;
  • units for cutting insulation into pieces of the desired size;
  • formwork and a unit for its removal from finished blocks;
  • steam generator and steaming machine;
  • loader for moving finished materials and raw materials for their manufacture;
  • shelving for efficient storage.

The cost of the line from different manufacturers

For the manufacture of heat blocks, it is necessary to purchase a production line, which can have completely different equipment, which affects its cost. The following models are popular among buyers:

  • "Condor". Plant productivity 50-60 blocks per hour, 270 thousand rubles;
  • automated line "Foreman" with molds and a drying chamber. The cost ranges from 350 thousand to 1 million rubles;
  • "Kremnegranit" allows you to make material lined with porcelain stoneware. The average price of the unit is 300,000 rubles.

To equip home production, you need to invest at least 150,000 rubles. This amount includes the cost of purchasing a vibrating table, a concrete mixer, cassette molds and rubber liners. Formwork, racks and tables can be made independently from improvised materials. This will significantly reduce the initial investment for opening a home workshop for the production of heat blocks.

The heat block has all the characteristics in order to remain in demand and popular material among builders.

Its main advantages are:

  • in the presence of the power part of the heat block, which makes it a durable and reliable material. As a rule, this part is made of concrete or expanded clay;
  • in the presence of an insulated part, which is made of foam;
  • in the presence of the facing side of the heat block, which is made using any pattern or ornament.

In the production of heat blocks, it is possible to obtain not only wall material, but also material that already has a part of the insulated and facing side.

How is the production of a heat block?

At the moment, the production takes place according to a new method. The method consists in vibrocompression. Previously, it was produced using vibrocasting. This method was less technologically productive and therefore, thanks to modern mechanization of production, installations for the manufacture of heat blocks have reached a new, modern level.

As a result, productivity on such equipment has increased by 5-7 times, and the quality of manufactured products has increased by 4-6 times.

Video: vibropress VP-600.

Vibropresses for the production of heat blocks can be equipped with various concrete mixers, as well as supplemented with various elements in order to improve the quality and quantity of heat blocks in one installation. If you change the equipment that produces the form, then the device will produce bricks, curbs, garden tiles.

Depending on the volume of production, the equipment of such an installation may be different. Depending on this, the price of such equipment also varies, which can cost from 350,000 to 2,000,000 rubles.

Benefits of automated equipment

The production of heat blocks on automated equipment has a lot of advantages, including:

  1. The time for which one heat block is produced is 1 minute.
  2. Energy savings, as the heat block dries at a temperature of 15-18 degrees, so a drying chamber is not required.
  3. The area required to house the equipment. On average, 50-70 sq / m of area will be required with a ceiling height of 3 meters.

The main components of the device for the production of heat blocks

Equipment that produces heat blocks must be equipped with a minimum list of devices that will make this production possible. This list should include:

  1. vibropress.
  2. Vibrating chair, for the manufacture of additional heat blocks.
  3. A table, but which can be used to cut polystyrene.
  4. plastic molds for pressing various shapes.
  5. Plastic molds for the production of half heat blocks.
  6. Formwork, thanks to which it is possible to produce corner heat blocks.
  7. Metal plate for openings.
  8. Formwork puller.
  9. Container for vibropress made of chipboard.

Such equipment will cost about 800,000 rubles. You will also need additional equipment, including:

  1. Styrofoam cutting machine.
  2. Shelves.
  3. Steam generator.
  4. Loader.
  5. Steaming chamber.

Additional equipment will also amount to about 500,000 rubles. It is much more profitable to purchase such a device separately for component parts.

Is it possible to make a device for the production of heat blocks yourself?

It is impossible to manufacture completely all the equipment on your own due to the complexity of some devices from a technological point of view. For example, such elements include a vibrating press and a vibrating chair, a loader, formwork and its remover.

But more simple elements, you can do it yourself. It can be a table, forms, racks. However, in order for the heat blocks to be of the highest quality, it is advisable to buy the entire device from the manufacturer.

Video: equipment for the manufacture of heat blocks.

One of the important components of future success is a well-written business plan for the production of heat blocks. Why should this document be given serious attention? A business plan is essentially a program of action for a specific period. It covers all aspects of the business:

  • production;
  • organizational, marketing and financial aspects;
  • efficiency mark;
  • possible risks and development prospects.

You have two options: order or write such a program yourself. This information will be useful for those who decide to start developing a business plan on their own and open own business for the production of heat blocks.

The introductory section of this document is dedicated to brief description main idea. The purpose of the summary is to draw the attention of the bank or inverter to the project. If you are interested in making heat blocks with your own hands based on personal savings using homemade equipment, then its content is built a little differently.

Market analysis should be given special attention. Anyone who wants to engage in this production must clearly understand such aspects of the sales market as:

  • potential market capacity of these products;
  • planned sales volume;
  • the level of competition in the city, region.

A separate section is devoted to the description of products in the business plan. Heat-efficient materials in recent years are increasingly gaining market share. This is due to the need to save on energy resources. The heat block is an inexpensive material that allows you to maintain comfortable temperature conditions in the house.

The production of heat blocks at home is the most effective option. You don't have to buy expensive equipment. Here you can use simple fixtures, simple and compact installations, both your own and factory-made.

Acquisition of the necessary technological equipment

The choice of equipment for the production of heat blocks is influenced by two main factors: the technology chosen as the basis and the manufacturing conditions. Set up industrial production in special workshops is possible only with high-tech equipment. Most of the technological processes in them will be carried out in an automated mode.

In this case, the line for the production of heat blocks will become the most impressive item of expenditure. When buying such equipment, you should consider the offers of various suppliers, compare prices, analyze specifications.

Purchasing a ready-made line will cost less than purchasing the necessary machines separately. To run a full-fledged enterprise, you also need auxiliary nodes, including:

  • bunker with dispensers;
  • concrete mixer;
  • steam chamber;
  • forms.

It is advisable to include in the set of equipment molds for the manufacture of heat blocks of various sizes. Forms for heat blocks differ both in size and in purpose. They are used to make blocks. different types: ordinary, corner, half, pre-window, door.

It is advisable to install high-performance units at the enterprise if there is a stable demand for manufactured products. This aspect of the business should be reflected in financial terms production.

Before you buy equipment for the production of heat blocks, you should calculate the production parameters. First of all, the price of the installation is determined by its capacity. A line with a capacity of up to 5 m3 can be found within half a million rubles. In the middle price range, lines are sold with a capacity of no more than 15 m3. For 2 million rubles you can purchase equipment with a capacity of 20 m3.

For start-up entrepreneurs as ideal solution Suitable mini installation for the production of heat blocks. For the production of heat blocks using a mini installation, a large starting capital is not required. You can get away with only a few devices.

This list consists of a vibrating table, costing from 50 thousand rubles and a form that has 6-12 cells. One form can be bought at a price of 10 thousand rubles. Mixing the solution will have to be done manually, and an open area should be used to dry the finished blocks. Cost savings can be achieved by purchasing used equipment.

Types of technologies for the production of heat blocks

The production process of heat blocks consists of several stages:

  • solution preparation;
  • installation of a polystyrene foam liner;
  • pouring the mold with a solution;
  • compaction of the mixture;
  • drying in a thermal chamber or in air;
  • removing the product from the mold.

Compaction of the mixture in the form is carried out in one of two ways: vibrocasting or vibrocompression. The vibrocasting method is implemented as follows. The matrix is ​​placed on a vibrating table and filled. Due to the intensive vibration of the table, the mixture evenly fills the entire volume of the mold and compacts. After the solution hardens, the heat block is removed from the matrix. You can speed up the hardening process by using special additives.

Vibrocompression is carried out using a vibropress. Features of this method - greater productivity and degree of automation. The technological process includes three main stages:

  • a special mold of the vibropress is filled with a semi-dry mixture;
  • the mixture is compacted using a punch and simultaneous exposure to vibration;
  • the material enters the heat chamber to increase its strength.

The technology for manufacturing heat blocks with decorative cladding was based until recently on the vibrocasting method. Now they produce equipment that allows you to get heat blocks with a front decorative surface by vibrocompression.

  • high heat and sound insulation performance;
  • wear resistance and reliability;
  • minimization of the overall labor intensity of the construction process.

Before you open a mini plant for the production of heat blocks, it is advisable to consider several business schemes. You can only produce material and sell it to customers. The next option is more promising: along with the production of products, engage in the provision of construction services.

Construction remains the most demanded and comprehensive area of ​​production. Over time, the materials and technologies used are improved. Bulky and expensive materials are being replaced by new ones. More and more on the market of lightweight composite building materials, characterized by ease of use and low prices. Heat blocks are a worthy alternative to traditional building blocks.

To organize the sale of products is one of the tasks of a businessman. Implementing the product, you can specify the needs of consumers. Sale of heat blocks is carried out on the basis of the chosen marketing policy. Easy and profitable sale of products indicates its correctness.

How to choose the right equipment for the future business? Which equipment is best suited for the production of heat blocks? Of course, no one can give you a definite answer. It all depends on the goal: building your own home or large-scale production in the region.

Before you buy a plant for the manufacture of heat blocks, you should find out its completeness. In addition, it is advisable to consider the following recommendations:

  • choice in favor of modern equipment;
  • compliance of production technology with the equipment used;
  • the presence of all necessary accessories in the kit.

Two types of installations for the manufacture of a heat block can be distinguished - a vibrating press and a vibrating table. The main element of the vibrating table is the engine located below the working surface. You can build it yourself. Vibropress has a more complex design. The main components of this machine:

  • punch pen;
  • control clamping frame;
  • matrix;
  • engine.

Such a machine for the production of heat blocks is usually equipped with wheels. They allow you to quickly move the machine along construction site. This contributes to the simplification of the technological process as a whole.

Labor productivity on vibropresses is 5-7 times higher compared to the method of vibrocasting. Vibropresses for the production of heat blocks made it possible to improve the quality of products by about 4-6 times. Various concrete mixers and auxiliary elements are supplied with these machines. When changing the shape, other products can be made on them (garden tiles, borders, bricks). It also provides for the production of sand blocks using some automatic and semi-automatic vibropresses.

The total installation cost varies depending on the configuration. The approach to the configuration and types of equipment is individual. Here are provided various options: large production, mini-factory, production of blocks on the site. The price of equipment as of the current month is in a fairly wide range: 350,000 - 2,000,000 rubles.

Each business plan contains a section devoted to the analysis of external and internal risks and potential difficulties. A successful business is impossible without their objective accounting, forecasts and development of a plan to overcome various obstacles.