Fox trading and manufacturing company. How to open your stall or kiosk and how much it costs

You are an aspiring entrepreneur. You have already studied the situation on the retail market, got acquainted with all its nuances, recalculated your capital, calculated the payback of the future enterprise and finally decided for yourself that you would start your business with a small MAF, or rather with a trading pavilion. After all, its area is small and renting a place for it will not be a serious cost. Speaking of spending. Your plans are Napoleonic, but you are running out of money, and you have to save literally on everything for the sake of working capital. Well, in addition to money, there are also human resources - your hands are golden. So, maybe build a store with your own hands? ..

What are trade pavilions and kiosks?

These small architectural forms (SAF) are intended for installation on busy streets, where there are large human flows or in any other place. This is their advantage over conventional stores. As a rule, they are made of sandwich panels - a building material that is used for the manufacture of prefabricated structures with metal frame. Panels are mounted using self-tapping screws - this type of installation saves time and money.

Such MAFs are already ready to leave the Metal-Plus workshop in the form of a frame-panel structure. Their installation does not require a solid foundation, it will be enough tape or screw.

MAFs are suitable for most different types trade and services: food, food, clothing, mobile communications, consumer goods, flowers, literature, souvenirs, various workshops, hairdressers, pawnshops, cafes, etc. etc. Their cost is low, so a novice businessman can save good money at the start for turnover. And over time, from such kiosks, you can even create a commercial network, mobile, focused on market changes - this is another advantage over stores.

Kiosk on an individual sketch

In addition to the serial project, you can order the manufacture of a kiosk according to your own sketch, having coordinated it with the contractor. True, the exclusive will require much more time than the standard 2-3 weeks, and it will cost a little more. But, if you are tuned to a promising network with your brand, which should be recognizable; which will be different from competitors, and, therefore, bring more profit, then the cost of exclusivity is fully justified. After all, customers are attracted not only by the quality of the product or service, but also by the originality of the institution, whether it is a store or something smaller. If you don't have design inclinations, look for interesting solutions on the Internet and on their basis, come up with something of your own.

How to organize the construction of a trade pavilion

To do this, it is important to develop an action plan.

Construction stages:

  • search for a suitable site;
  • project development;
  • laying the foundation;
  • installation of metal structures, frame and roof;
  • external and internal Finishing work;
  • connection of communications (power supply, water supply, alarm system, etc.).

Question from Evgeny:

Hello Nikolay. I want to put a big stall in the city. Two in one. With two separate entrances. One type of office is to accept orders, sign contracts with employees, and so on. The second is for trading. So here's the question. What documents are needed? And how much money will be spent on all the permits to get land on lease from the state? The pavilion is already in the property. Thanks in advance!

Answer from lawyer Shmidt Yana Leonidovna:

Hello Eugene!

Installing a trade pavilion and renting land from the state is not an easy task. Let me just say, you need to be patient.

For starters, you must at least be or .

I also note that depending on the region, the requirements for opening may vary. For clarification, please contact department of land or property relations of the administration of the city or district in which you reside. I cannot describe to you in detail the entire process of obtaining the necessary documents, as I repeat, depending on the region, the requirements and the package of documents will differ.

Don't be lazy! You will have to go to the administration many more times. Therefore, before collecting documents, it is better to clarify all the necessary information directly with the administration itself, in accordance with your regional requirements.

Next, we will consider General requirements to the necessary documents at the initial stage opening a trade pavilion for purposes not related to construction. Because many citizens ask exactly where to start, where to turn, what to ask.

Step by step action plan

The first thing to do is to find out who owns the land: municipal or state. For this, we turn to Department of property relations of the city administration. Addresses and opening hours can be found on their website or in 2GIS.

In municipal ownership

If the site is in municipal property, the next step is handling application addressed to the head of the district (or locality). Write in the application:

  • purpose of the lease for example: to manage entrepreneurial activity selling flowers);
  • the proposed area of ​​the lease;
  • location land plot (for example: at the intersection of Pushkin street and Mayakovsky street);
  • claimed right to land (lease of a land plot that is in municipal ownership).

The statement will look something like this:

« I ask you to provide me with a lease of a land plot, which is in municipal ownership of the administration of the city of xxx, for business purposes for the sale of flowers and related products. total area land plot 35 sq. m. The land plot is located at the intersection of Pushkin street and Mayakovsky street. Attached is the site layout plan..

Attached to the application :

  • Store layout plan. On this occasion, it is necessary to clarify with the administration the question of in what form to provide a plan for the location of the outlet. Most likely they will need scheme of the location of the object (M 1:500), made on planning and cartographic material. This scheme is provided in 3 copies. Everyone in the same administration will tell you where it is more convenient and faster to order and receive this scheme. If you have not specified this question, then you can independently contact any design organization licensed to carry out this activity.
  • 3 copies of panoramic photographs from the location of the pavilion.

An approximate form of the above documents is shown in the figures:

In addition, the following documents are attached to the application:

  • For IP: a copy of the certificate of registration with the tax authority as an individual entrepreneur.
  • For legal entities: a copy of the document on the appointment of the head of the legal entity; a copy of the certificate of state registration of a legal entity.

The application submitted by you, with the package of documents indicated above, is considered by the administration within a month.

After a month, the administration issues a diagram of the location of the land plot on the cadastral plan or cadastral map in the relevant territory.

After receiving cadastral passport, the administration within a 2-week period accepts decision to lease land. After that, they send you a decision with a cadastral passport.

From the date of this decision, within a week, you must conclude land lease agreement.

State owned

If the site is in state ownership, then in order to lease it, you must follow a slightly different procedure. This issue will no longer be dealt with by the Department of Property Relations, but Main Department of Land Resources of your region. Specify the location of this office in your region and ask them for all the necessary information.

The first thing to prepare is statement. It will be in the same form.

  • application (specify the application form and sample to the department, but for an example you can see sample for IP and sample for LLC);
  • copy of founding documents for legal entities ) in 1 copy;
  • a copy of the passport, TIN;
  • Certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur ( for individuals ) in 1 copy.

After that, information about the demand for this land plot is published in the local newspaper (this is not yet an auction!). Within a month, if your application is the only one, then the department sends an appeal to the Department of Property Relations and the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning on the formation of a land plot.

  • the administration issues a diagram of the location of the land plot on the cadastral plan;
  • you carry out cadastral work at your own expense;
  • receive a cadastral passport;
  • enter into a lease agreement.

If your application is not the only one, then an auction is announced for the right to receive this land plot for rent.

That's all. In general, local administrations allocate time for consultation of citizens (entrepreneurs) on this issue, so be sure to contact and they will tell you everything.

In fact, everything may turn out to be simpler than described in the article. It all depends on the city and on who owns the site on which you want to put the pavilion. Therefore, we cannot physically consider all possible cases. Start with a trip to the administration, and then everything will be known.

Of course, it is easier to rent land for a pavilion from a private owner, but if this is not possible, then you need to go through all the above steps. And I repeat once again that the application forms and action plan may differ depending on the city!

Advice from an Expert - Business Consultant

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Starting a business, everyone wants to save money, and this is quite reasonable. One of the ways to save money when opening a stall is a self-constructed room. To make a stall yourself, you need to know some points.

Just follow these simple step by step advice and you will be on the right track in your business.

Quick Step-by-Step Business Guide

What you need to have: - metal pipes;
- galvanized sheet;
- chipboard;
- expanded polystyrene;
- others Construction Materials at your discretion.
So, let's get down to action, tuning in to a positive result.

Step - 1
The simplest and cheapest stall is a welded frame. To build it, you first need to install the frame. best material metal pipes are used for it, because other materials (channel, profile) will not provide your stall with the necessary strength. Having done this, we move on to the next steps.

Step - 2
Now pay attention to the bottom of the frame, it will be three-layered. It should be sheathed with some kind of moisture-resistant material: for example, galvanized sheet or rubimast. This is necessary to protect the interior from the harmful effects of moisture. The next layer is chipboard, and the third layer is the finish of your choice. Having done this, we move on to the next steps.

Step - 3
Then the finished frame should be sheathed. For sheathing, you can use a galvanized profiled sheet. It can also be used as a roofing material. Having done this, we move on to the next steps.

Step - 4
For interior decoration, it is best to use chipboard. The heat-insulating material for the kiosk is expanded polystyrene or mineral insulation - it will protect from moisture and cold. Having done this, we move on to the next steps.

Step - 5
The door of the kiosk should also have an insulation pad to avoid drafts. Having done this, we move on to the next steps.

Step - 6
Show-windows of a booth can be made of a double double-glazed window. Make sure that they can be closed with metal shutters. This way you will secure your kiosk from unexpected guests. Having done this, we move on to the next steps.

Step - 7
Now that the kiosk is done, the most important thing is to conduct electricity, install sockets, switches.

We recommend that you pay attention to the following tips from the Business Consultant:
You need to install the kiosk at some distance from the ground to avoid moisture and freezing. Suitable for this concrete blocks or a small brick foundation.

Additional Information and helpful tips Business Expert:
The kiosk can be sheathed not only with a galvanized profiled sheet, but also with PVC panels (lining). Both materials are durable and strong.

Corrugated aluminum sheet or linoleum can be used as a floor covering.

Corrugated sheet is a durable material, resistant to different kind impact, highly environmentally friendly.

Linoleum - it can be baseless and with a base. The first option has good moisture resistance and low price. Linoleum on the basis is more expensive, but at the same time much stronger.

We hope the answer to your question contains useful information for you. Good luck! To find the answer to your question, use the form -

Many aspiring entrepreneurs focus on a business that does not require large financial investments.

The opening of a kiosk attracts young businessmen, because this business does not require entrepreneurial skills and significant financial outlays.

Small business beginners start their journey by searching for answers to pressing questions: how much does a trading pavilion cost and how to open a grocery stall from scratch. The business plan describes in detail all the nuances that will arise before a novice entrepreneur.

Having studied this information, a businessman who does not have a large starting capital will learn how to open a stall on the street of any settlement.

Business plan features

The following business plan for opening a trading pavilion contains information that will allow you to open your own kiosk selling various small piece goods. It can be food, stationery, toys, trade in confectionery and pastries, etc.

A novice entrepreneur should know that the type of goods sold in the stall does not play a fundamental role.

Organization Chart trading business the same for goods of any kind, even if you plan to open a tent for tourists.


The first thing that every novice businessman needs to do is to register a future enterprise. The optimal organizational and legal form of an individual entrepreneur. It is considered beneficial for many reasons, including a simplified IP reporting form and minimal tax fees.

If you plan to sell products to legal entities, then you will need to open a limited liability company. This legal form is more complex in running your own business.

To register an activity, you need to contact the tax office of the district administration. An authority at your place of residence or the area in which it is planned to install a stall will do.

Location selection

The stall usually sells groceries and everyday goods. Therefore, it is recommended to open a point of sale in places where there is a large flow of potential customers, regardless of the time of year.

It is better to put a stall closer to high-rise buildings, office centers, educational institutions, at bus stops public transport and other crowded places.

To install a kiosk, the future owner must pick up a free plot of land with an area of ​​6-8 m2. The mode of operation depends on the location of the mini-shop and what goods it will sell. Due to the fact that everyday food products are sold in the stall, this must be a daily routine.

A mini-shop can work around the clock if it is located near a nightclub. Also, a round-the-clock stall can successfully operate in crowded places, for example, at a train station, near an entertainment center, etc.

ATTENTION! It makes no sense to operate a stall located in a residential area, near educational institutions and enterprises operating during the daytime, around the clock.

Shop assortment

It is necessary to analyze which categories of products of daily demand are popular and what buyers usually pay attention to when making a purchase. It is also necessary to take into account all the costs that arise when selling various products.

Or installation - choice of location. Trade will flourish only in "busy" places, so the choice should be approached thoroughly. After you have approximately looked after the land plot for the pavilion, you will need to decide which pavilion you want to build. It will already depend on what and when you will trade, the choice of pavilions is huge. For temporary, summer trade, pavilions made of light structures are very suitable, which do not belong to real estate, since they do not have a strong connection with the ground. For other types of trade, a pavilion with a foundation that will not be cold is more suitable. This pavilion is real estate. The rights to property are subject to state registration with the bodies of Rosreestr.

In order to rent a land plot for the construction of a pavilion, you will need to submit an application to the authorized state or municipal body for the selection of a land plot and preliminary approval of the location of the object - the pavilion. The authorized body carries out all the necessary procedures for selecting a site and informing interested parties about the upcoming construction of your pavilion. A decision is made on the preliminary approval of the location of the pavilion, cadastral work is carried out, the site is put on the cadastral register. After that, the body decides on the provision of a plot for construction, a lease agreement is concluded, which must be registered with the Rosreestr authorities.

The next step is to obtain permission to build a pavilion. However, it is only necessary if the pavilion can be considered an object of capital construction. The Town Planning Code gives a rather vague definition of such objects (a capital construction object is a building, structure, structure, with the exception of temporary buildings, kiosks, sheds, and the like). However, most of the pavilions can still be attributed to capital construction projects according to these characteristics. To obtain a building permit, you must submit an appropriate application to the authorized body, attaching to it:
1. title documents for a land plot - a lease agreement, etc.
2. design documentation for the pavilion.
3. town-planning plan of the land plot on which the pavilion is located.
4. conclusion of the state expertise project documentation by pavilion.
In different cases, other documents may be required.
Only after passing through all these steps, it will be possible to begin the construction of the pavilion directly.