The procedure for installing interior doors during repairs. What to do first - wallpaper, laminate or doors? How to lay laminate if there are doors

In the course of the repair work the time has come to determine the order of the following actions: lay the laminate, install the doors or hang the wallpaper. All these types of work must be carried out with some care.

For each job, you need to use its own specifics. Is there a specific procedure for doing this?

What comes first - wallpaper or laminate?

When it comes to wallpapering or laying laminate during repairs, it becomes difficult to choose the order of these works. It is necessary to determine what to do in this situation.

The degree of dust formation during operation, specifics technological process, volume are the determining factors in the choice of the order of types of repair work.

Many masters and specialists are constantly discussing the order of work. Most of them are inclined to the version that it is best to paste the wallpaper, and then lay the laminate.

The sequence of repair work:

  • Wallpapering is always accompanied by the use of the entire area of ​​​​the room. Wallpaper sheets should be lubricated with an adhesive mixture, rolling over the floor surface. If you do this on a laminate, it can be damaged or stained with glue.
  • After pasting the wallpaper, you should always close all windows and doors so that the glue dries well and the wallpaper is fixed on the wall in a quality manner. At the same time, air humidity rises in the room; for a laminate, such a microclimate can cause swelling.

It is best to first paste over the wallpaper, and then lay the laminate.

What comes first - laminate or doors?

Modern trends in the construction industry make it possible to use high-quality materials and apply a variety of methods, methods, and types of repair work. When purchasing materials, I want to use them with high quality. Therefore, the question arises, which is better to install first: laminate or doors.

Some owners and craftsmen prefer to install the door first, plaster the slopes, and then lay the laminate. In this case, several laminate panels will need to be installed near the doors.

There is a need to file a door slope in order to substitute a laminate under it. It is very difficult to do this exactly, you need a special saw. Doors can be installed first if they are made with a threshold.

If you pre-plaster the slopes and carry out all the dusty work to prepare the doorway, you can safely lay the laminate. The door installation itself is not such a dusty job. In order not to damage the laminate, you will need to cover it with cardboard.

When the laminate is installed, you can accurately measure the height of the door leaf. In this case, the doors will be evenly and neatly installed on the surface of the laminate.

What comes first - laminate or stretch ceiling?

Stretch ceiling and laminate - a bright combination design solution. But the question arises about the sequence of work on the installation of these elements, so as not to damage both types of material.

Installation specifics stretch ceiling associated with a dramatic change temperature regime in room. Also, in order to install it, it is necessary to use ladders, tools, heating devices.

If the laminate is laid before the stretch ceiling is installed, it can lead to mechanical and thermal damage.

In any case, repair work must be carried out from top to bottom. Therefore, the stretch ceiling is installed first, and then the laminate is laid.

If it so happened that the laminate has already been installed, it is necessary to protect it from the effects of mechanical factors:

  • Lay the entire surface of the laminate soft cloth, paper, or film.
  • Along the perimeter of the installation of a stretch ceiling, under the stairs, you need to put a reinforced substrate made of thick paper to prevent the stairs from sliding on the surface of the laminate.
  • Under the heaters used for the stretch ceiling installation process, it is necessary to put wooden board or a piece of chipboard. This will prevent damage to the laminate if the heater is accidentally knocked over.

Greetings and please advise. I do repairs three-room apartment, all the rough work is completed, the walls are ready, you can proceed to finishing the floor. There was a question first to lay a laminate or install interior doors? He himself is not an expert in this matter, but familiar masters do not agree. Some argue that first of all you need to install the box, then lay the floor. Others urge you to do exactly the opposite - mount the floor, then take up the door kit. Which of them is right?


Hello! According to manufacturers, laminated parquet with a glueless joint system is one of the easiest materials to install. As practice shows, it was this simplicity that eventually played a cruel joke with the coating - in some cases it is difficult to find the optimal solution.

It is to such nuances that the installation of flooring in doorways. According to the instructions, a thermal compensation gap of 5 to 10 mm wide must be provided between the fixed enclosing structure and the floor covering. Subsequently, it is closed with decorative moldings - skirting boards, edging thresholds, etc. But what about the door frame? Do not leave centimeter gaps open in the interior opening.

Let's turn to video instructions from manufacturers who have been producing laminated coatings for more than 20 years, which means they have long developed the correct laying technology with all the nuances:

In each video, you can see that the box beam is already installed, and the laminate is being mounted:

In the first case, the gap inside the doorway is very easy to decorate with the help of thin cork compensators, and on the sides the gap will be hidden by a casing and a plinth fitted close to it. According to door experts, this is the most the best option. Indeed, in this case, the box racks are rigidly fixed. If they actually “hang” without support, then over time there is a risk of the box “sagging”. In this case, the level of the porch, and possibly the canvas, will shift, the door will stop closing. As a rule, the crooked hands of the installer are blamed for such a defect.

In the second Bottom part boxes are sawn off a few millimeters higher than the floor level. This is done in order to vertical post did not press the laminate to the base. Then the bar is brought under the timber, but not all the way into the wall. Otherwise, during the off-season, the coating will become a “hump” due to the lack of that very thermal compensation gap.

There is one more important point, speaking in favor of the priority installation of doors. There should be a gap of 0.3-0.7 cm between the leaf and the laminated parquet, which ensures a smooth and unhindered door movement. If the laminate has already been installed, and the sash does not fit into the opening in height, then you can “adjust” it a little with an abrasive skin or planer. BUT! This technique works only on canvases from a solid array. This method cannot be applied to laminated, veneered and other similar frame products. exterior finish easily damaged and almost impossible to repair.

So the logical answer to the question is:

  1. mount the door frame;
  2. lay flooring;
  3. install platbands, skirting boards, butt-overlapping thresholds or cork compensators;
  4. hang the canvas in place.

And arguments like “it is possible to damage the door-half-box during the installation process” are not relevant in this case. It is enough to work carefully and use a plastic film, masking tape, cardboard and any other means to protect the surface from scratches, chips, dents and other damage.

Or maybe laminate?

We gave an example of repair work carried out almost from scratch. But situations are different. Based on the circumstances of the repair and the features of the geometry of the room, the master chooses on the spot what exactly should be installed first. There are many examples:

  • the doorway or box beam has a complex shape that makes it difficult to assemble the lamellas at an angle;
  • the premises are partially renovated;
  • the door set (leaf + frame) is already assembled at the factory and equipped with integrated non-removable hinges;
  • the customer insists on doing exactly this and nothing else;
  • etc.

Our advice: still try to follow the manufacturer's recommendations. And in special cases, adhere to the principle of expediency of certain actions.

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Sections of the article:

On the Internet, the question of the order of work is constantly being discussed - what comes first: laminate or doors? For people who do repairs on their own, this issue is very acute. The variety of opinions is also surprising. Some say that you should first lay the laminate, and only then install the doors, while others fundamentally disagree with them.

The secret is that there is no right answer to this question, since you can achieve excellent results with any sequence of actions, depending on the specific situation. On the other hand, some options may be easier, and some more difficult, and you need to understand what are the pros and cons of each of them.

The most important thing is to complete all the rough work before laying the laminate and installing the doors. To determine the correct installation sequence, you need to understand the features of the laminated floor covering and the device of the door frame.

Features of laminate and door frame installation

In most cases, when installing the flooring, the level of the floor changes. The height difference can be significant - up to several centimeters. So, when laying laminate, the height of the floor will change by the thickness of the substrate and the laminate. Despite the ease of installation of the laminate, there may be problems associated with fitting the door to the flooring.

As for the box and its device, it is necessary to understand what exactly can cause installation difficulties. First, the size of the gaps. The fact is that there should be a gap between the floor covering and the canvas, which will allow the door to open freely. The floor covering reduces the gap, which can cause difficulties when opening doors, damage to the floor surface. In addition, the height of the box and platbands plays a role. They must be adjusted to the height of the floor, they are difficult to cut after installation.

Having understood what factors affect the complexity of installing the flooring and the box, we can draw conclusions about what to install earlier - laminate or interior doors.

Option number 1 - first the doors, then the floor

If the decision is made to first install the doors and then lay the floor, further instructions should be followed.

First of all, all rough work is completed (leveling the floor, arranging slopes, choosing a coating, determining the thickness of the substrate). Next, doors are purchased, taking into account the fact that the floor level will be slightly raised after its installation (it is necessary to measure how much in advance). The main thing is that there is enough space left in order to lay the flooring. It is better to lay a distance with a small margin of a few millimeters so that the door does not touch the floor.

It is important to note that the laminate is laid without fastening to the base. In this regard, the box is placed directly on the subfloor. Laminate in the future does not fit into a continuous between the rooms, but with separation - up to the threshold and from it.

The trims on the door are installed after the laminate is laid. There are situations when the doors are already installed and it is necessary to lay a laminate floor. In this case, a lot will depend on whether it will change the subfloor, or whether the laminate will be laid on the old flooring. According to the instructions from the manufacturers, for a significant number of types of flooring, it is possible to lay the floor on various surfaces- tiles, board, chipboard, fiberboard, linoleum, plywood. The main rule is that the surface must be flat.

To avoid unnecessary squeaks and noises, a substrate should be laid, which entails raising the floor level by 1 centimeter. In this case, it should be determined in advance whether the door will touch the floor. If grazing cannot be avoided, there are two options left - either shorten the canvas or remove the old floor covering. The main thing is to ensure that the floor does not support the door frame. The gap should be such that the door can open freely. Dobors should also be filed if they touch the floor (if any).

It must be taken into account that the laminate should go under the box, but should not come close to the walls of the doorway. You should leave a certain gap of half a centimeter on each side.

Advantages of the initial installation of doors with subsequent laying of the laminate:
  • Impossibility to damage the floor when installing doors;
  • If the doors do not change, but remain old, this is the only possible option.

The disadvantage is the great difficulty in fitting the door and flooring.

Option number 2 - first the floor, then the doors

The second group of people advocating that you first need to lay the flooring, and then install door leaf, assume that the floor covering can be damaged during the installation of the door. In fact, surface damage can be avoided by laying the floor with cardboard or other material that protects its surface. In addition, it is necessary to equip the slopes of the door in advance by plastering them.

Door installation jobs are not all that messy and difficult, so don't worry too much about them. The floor covering is much easier to equip if nothing interferes with the installation.

The door should be installed before laying the floor only when it comes with a threshold. Otherwise, it is difficult to understand the future location of the threshold and cut the laminate with due accuracy. The advantage of the initial laying of the flooring is that the box does not press on the laminate, eliminating the risk of deformation of its surface.

Upon completion of laying the floor, you can more accurately measure the door opening and determine its dimensions for ordering a door. The finished canvas, with incorrect measurements, is much more difficult to shorten (and in some cases it is impossible at all, for example, when the canvas is made of solid wood).

The cost of installing doors and floors will be lower if the installers do not risk arbitrary shortening of the box, do not try to “shove” laminate under it. In addition, a special tool (a hacksaw with an offset handle) is required to shorten the box.

The correct combination of laminate and doors can be seen in the photo - the gaps are perfectly even, the doors do not touch the floor.

When joining two different coatings in the opening, or various kinds laminate, you need to remember about the gaps between the laminate and the walls, which can be decorated using a special profile.

Advantages of the initial laying of the floor, followed by the installation of doors:

  • The ability to accurately take measurements under the door;
  • Ease of installation;
  • Less labor cost.

Minus - the risk of damage to the flooring.

So, there are pros and cons for each technology and sequence of actions. Everyone determines the correct sequence for himself, however, many experts argue that the easiest option would be to initially lay the floor, and then install the doors.

With this method, the work can be completed more accurately, especially if it is done by a non-professional. Most masters do just that. In the case when the doors are already installed, there is no need to dismantle them, you can use the tips given above and cope with the task perfectly.

Finishing the floor with laminated material has become popular and is increasingly gaining recognition among consumers. Many install this flooring on their own. Therefore, the problem has become urgent: what comes first - laminate or doors, and this is quite understandable. Some believe that the coating is laid first, and then the doors are installed. Others are convinced that the right thing to do is to do everything in reverse order. Who is right? Let's discuss this together.

Each option has the right to exist, and the sequence of these stages of repair work can be any, as you wish. But one option may be easier to do and another more difficult, so it's important to figure out what the advantages and disadvantages of each option are.

It is important that all rough work is completed before the laminate flooring and doors are installed.

Possible difficulties when installing doors and laminate

Installation of laminate flooring is simple, no particular difficulty will arise depending on the sequence of work.

The door frame can be represented as a frame structure, consisting of "stand" beams, "cross", which are fastened to each other with self-tapping screws, small nails. It is supplemented with platbands, extras. Thanks to the platbands, the junctions of the side bars of the box with the wall are masked and decoratively decorated.

Extensions are required in a situation where the walls are thicker than the width of the door frame. They help close the ends of the walls in doorway, simultaneously performing a decorative function and strengthening the box, preventing it from loosening. To such a design with door hinges the door leaf itself is also attached.

What can complicate the installation of the door frame in case of choosing one or the other option? It is clear that there must be a gap between the door leaf and the finished laminated coating, which ensures that the door opens freely.

Finishing the floor later than the door has been installed will reduce the gap that previously existed, which can cause the door to be difficult to open or damage the finish. In addition, the dimensions of the height of the box and platbands must be adjusted relative to the floor level, it is more difficult to file them already installed.

It is important to determine for yourself what can make it more difficult to install a laminate floor and a door, then it is easier to understand what to mount first: doors or laminate.

First doors, then laminate

Consider two different situations:

  1. Performing a complete renovation of an apartment where there were no doors yet.
  2. Laying flooring when there are doors.

Primary installation of doors before mounting the floor

There are no doors in your apartment yet, and you have decided to install them first, and then proceed with the installation of the laminate floor. Then the workflow is:

When inserting the door leaf, it is also necessary to keep in mind how much higher the floor rises, there should be a small gap between the door and the floor.

If a door with a threshold is installed, the box is placed on the base of the floor. Further laying of laminated panels will be carried out with a break: before and after the threshold.

Platbands are always installed after laying the lamellas.

Doors already installed

In such a situation, it is important to decide whether the floor is completely replaced or the laminated panels will be laid on the old floor.

According to the instructions, the slats can be laid on an even, strong, stable flooring made of tiles, solid wood, chipboard, fiberboard, plywood sheets, linoleum. The substrate is also laid. It is clear that the level of the floor will increase by the thickness of the panels plus the thickness of the substrate layer, this is at least 11 mm.

Before laying the laminate in the doorway, it will be necessary to file the bottom of the door jambs so that it becomes possible to get lamellas under them. A special saw or wood saw with fine teeth is useful here. The height of the notch is easy to calculate: the thickness of the lamella + the thickness of the substrate layer + 1-2 mm for the margin. More often it turns out the value of 12 or 16 millimeters.

The following technique will help to shorten the box most correctly.
Next to the door jamb, place a lamella on the substrate layer so that the reverse side is at the top, this will allow you not to spoil the surface of the board when sawing. Put the saw on top of the panel and start sawing the jambs of the box.

How to install laminate under a door frame?

To do this, you need to mark the panel with a pencil to cut it with a jigsaw to fit the shape of the door jamb (see the figure above). Now bring the cut lamella into the free space under the jamb not too deep, no more than 1 centimeter.

The laminated panel under the door beam is located with a gap of 1 cm from the wall.

In the case when the old floor material is removed and a laminate is laid in its place, filing is possible door jambs not required.
In all situations, the architraves are removed and reinstalled after installation, adjusted to the floor level.

Advantages of this sequence:

  • there is no need to cover the laminated surface in order to avoid its damage;
  • no gap between laminated panels and platbands;
  • dismantling and re-assembly of the door frame is not required.
  • there is a risk that upon completion of the installation of the laminated coating, the opening and closing of the door will be disturbed, it will have to be shortened, which is not entirely simple;
  • it's not always easy to file the door frame boards and slip the laminate under the door frame.

First laminate, then doors

Finally, consider the arguments of those who otherwise see the answer to the question: should laminate or doors be installed in the first place? They argue that laminate flooring is very easy to damage when installing a door.

We have previously said that all rough work, including the preparation of slopes, must be completed earlier. After laying the laminated panels, the floor should be covered with pieces of cardboard, then during the construction process door structure he won't get hurt.

But it is easier to lay the laminate in the doorway if the door frame has not yet been installed. But note that with the option of a door with a threshold, it is more correct to put the door earlier. Otherwise, how do you know where it will be located in order to accurately cut the laminate?

Pros of this option:

  • the ability to lay the laminate at the door frame with a solid canvas without thresholds;
  • laying laminate flooring is easier and faster;
  • installing the door frame after laying the laminate will ensure that there is no pressure on the laminate floor;
  • with a ready-made laminated floor, it is easy to accurately measure the door frame, and then order the door. You don’t have to file the bars of the door frame and shorten the door leaf, which is not so easy. Thanks to this, the cost of installing the door will be less.

Most often, when laying laminate near the door frame, in the area of ​​the doorway there is a line connecting the laminate floor with the floor covering of the adjacent room. It is made out with the help of a nut, a profile, not forgetting about the observance of the technological gap.

Thresholds are metal, plastic, wooden. Dimensions and decoration products are very diverse, it is not difficult to choose a threshold for flooring. Moreover, there are varieties with an open mount, which is not entirely aesthetically pleasing, but durable, and with a hidden mount, decorative and aesthetically designed.

There is also a method of laying laminate at the door frame - without thresholds, with a solid canvas. This method is called "laying without thresholds." Laminate floors, laid with a single sheet throughout the apartment, look unusual, beautiful. The apartment creates the effect of a large space, a spacious room. This method of installing a laminate floor is not easy, it requires the professionalism and experience of a specialist, as well as high-quality and durable materials.

With this method of laying, there are requirements, features and rules. So, there are restrictions on the floor area laid with a single sheet of laminate. If the size of the floor area is exceeded, gaps should be made in the coating, making technological gaps for the necessary expansion of the material with fluctuations in temperature and humidity in a given room.

Each material has its own norms and restrictions, you can find them out from the instructions attached to the packaging of laminated panels. You can learn more about this method in the article on laying laminate between rooms. It describes in detail the installation process.

To summarize: it is easier to install the laminate first of all, and then install the interior door. By the way, you get a more accurate result, given that you are not a professional. Often even experts prefer just such a sequence. In the case when the doors are already installed, they should not be removed, just follow our advice.

Definition of initial data

In order to correctly answer the question of what is done first, the floor or the doors, it is necessary to obtain the initial data on the object. What kind of flooring is provided (parquet, laminate or linoleum), what doors will be installed (interior or entrance, determine the material). All this is necessary in order to draw up an accurate action plan, otherwise it is called a “construction management project” (COP).

Repair work, as well as new construction, must be carried out in accordance with the POS. For this, special technological maps for each type of work, the order and stages of repair are taken into account. In other words, to make repairs, it is desirable to have finished project.

Process sequence

If there is no project, you need to include logic. The main problem when installing doors after laminate flooring is the likelihood of scratching the finished floor covering with rough work. The problem is installing the floor before the door is mounted - difficulties with dimensions on the threshold and the same rough work.

Generally, self repair is done only when you are confident in your abilities and can do everything correctly. If there is any doubt, it is better to entrust this work to professional teams that will complete the volume quickly and efficiently.

In the case of personal work, installation of doors and work with the floor must be carried out in parallel. This is not a general flow in which you lay the laminate with one hand and install the doors with the other. This is an adjustment of the stages of work. It is necessary to complete all the rough work in two directions, and only after that proceed to the finishing work.

Preparing the floor and doorway

Before installation, it is necessary to remove the old floor covering and dismantle the old doors, if the repair conditions require it. Then install beacons over the entire floor area and level it with a cement-sand screed. Work is carried out on guide rails, which must withstand the required horizon.

In the openings it is necessary to remove the door slopes. If necessary, replace lintels, inspect the wall and repair damaged areas. It is necessary to fully prepare the opening for the installation of the door frame.

At this stage, you should already decide on the thickness of the laminate and select the doors, taking into account the dimensions obtained from the leveled floor.

Installing the door before laying the laminate

It is believed that it is much easier to make floors first than a doorway. However, if there is a desire or need, you can start by installing doors. Usually the doors are installed first when it is planned to make a threshold. In this option, the door frame can be supported on the subfloor, and the laminate will be laid up to the threshold, then after it.

If the doorway is provided without a threshold, the door frame should not rest on the subfloor, it must be fixed to the wall. Therefore, during the initial installation of doors, a lining is placed under the door frame, which will raise it to a height slightly above the mark of the clean floor. It’s better not to guess this size, you must either accurately calculate it, or first start making the floor, and only then install the doors.

Installing the floor before installing the doors

Installing the floor before installing the doors seems to be more profitable, but there are also some nuances here. It is clear that it is not difficult to put a laminate everywhere, however, subsequent dirty installation processes can cause beautiful floor irreparable harm.

Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor the ongoing processes. It is best to lay several layers of industrial cardboard on the laminate at the door installation site, which will protect the surface from damage, and only then proceed to work.

If the floor is already ready, then it remains to make the door frame only of the hinged type. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the box does not press on the surface of the laminate. If you did not guess with the dimensions of the doors, then it is better to file them before mounting them in a horizontal position. When the box is in place, filing is inconvenient to do, and even it is unlikely to work without a special tool.

The rest of the door installation processes do not carry any negative impact on the floor, except for contamination. By working carefully, you can leave the floor clean. Try to keep the gap between the door frame and the laminate small, it is more aesthetically pleasing and not conspicuous.

Final Conclusions

Whatever you decide to do first, the floor or the doors, you still have to do the sizing to guess the parameters. To get rid of damage to finishing materials, you can carefully cover them in the process.

Doors with a threshold are easier to install before laying the floor, it is possible to support the frame on the subfloor. Doors without a threshold are easier to install after laying the floor, it is easier to calculate the gap between the clean floor and the box for the hinged system.

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