Sheathe a steel door. Sheathing the house outside: materials and technologies

A metal staircase is one of the varieties of such structures, which is distinguished by its strength, reliability and durability. Such structures are installed both outside buildings and inside a residential building, providing a comfortable lift to the second floor, attic or attic. Ladders on a metal frame today are presented in various configurations, because thanks to modern technologies from metal, you can make any, even the most complex shape.

However, without finishing, such structures cannot be considered complete. A bare frame is not yet a full-fledged staircase. There is a large selection on the market today. finishing materials. Wood has gained the most popularity. It is this natural material that is in perfect harmony with cold metal, opening up the widest scope for designers to bring their ideas to life.

Design features

The metal frame is a strong base for the stairs. For its manufacture, light, but at the same time durable metal alloys are used that are not subject to corrosion, wear and deformation. Such structures can be of any shape, the most common are marching and screw models.

Before you opt for this particular type of staircase, you should familiarize yourself with their main features and weigh all the pros and cons:

  • Stairs on a metal frame are only slightly more expensive than similar wooden ones, but cheaper than concrete monolithic structures.
  • The metal base can be combined with other materials, and wood paneling is the best solution.
  • You can also note the absence of creaking steps. For these models, metal acts as a supporting support, the frame elements are tightly connected by welding.
  • Unlike completely wooden stairs, metal structures serve for a long time. The elements are not exposed to moisture, and the connections do not become loose from intensive use.
  • Making an iron staircase with your own hands is carried out in two stages: installing a metal frame at the stage of building construction and finishing tree after the interior decoration of the whole house.

Frame sheathing material

To finish the metal staircase with your own hands, you can use different types of wood. From the specific choice will depend on what kind of design you end up with - a budget option or an expensive interior element. Also, the choice of wood largely determines the performance of the future product - whether it will be a modest staircase for infrequent use or an impact-resistant model with high rates heat and sound insulation.

For tinting wood sheathing, wood stain is most often used. If you want to save money, choose any of the affordable options. The main thing is that it should be a light wood species.

Criteria for choosing a metal staircase finish

Facing an iron staircase structure with wood is, to a greater extent, decoration frame. However, it is still necessary to choose materials for finishing that would significantly improve specifications future product. At the exit, you should get a strong, comfortable and safe staircase in operation.

To choose a quality facing material you should pay attention to the following criteria:

  • The maximum allowable moisture content of lumber should not exceed 12%. Poorly dried wood is often the cause of deformation of the staircase or its elements.
  • There should be no cracks, chips or other defects on the surface of the material. Choose only smooth wood, one that has been sawn on good machines.
  • There should not be too many knots in the tree structure. Otherwise, the material will be difficult to process, and this is a lot of labor.
  • The choice of sheathing also depends on the location of the metal staircase - in the living room, occupying the central part of the room, or in the utility part. After all, the aesthetic characteristics of different breeds are not the same.

Choose only high-quality and well-dried wood

On the video: how to choose the material and accessories for the stairs.

Steel structure sheathing technology

When you have decided on the wood and purchased lumber for cladding in the right amount, you can proceed with the installation. But before that, it is necessary to make accurate calculations and prepare tools, without which it is impossible to finish the stairs.

Required Tool

To sheathe a metal staircase with wood with your own hands, you will need the following list of tools:

  • perforator and screwdriver;
  • electric jigsaw for sawing material;
  • planer, file, sandpaper;
  • hammer, rubber mallet, pliers;
  • tape measure, building level;
  • kit wrenches, self-tapping screws.

Preparatory work

To sheathe a metal staircase, it is not enough just to acquire the necessary tools. From the right ones preparatory work will depend on how reliable, durable and easy to use the design will be.

So what needs to be done:

1. Using a tape measure, measure each step of the iron staircase, as well as its side parts and the length of the march.

2. Write down the data obtained on a piece of paper and mark up the necessary details on the lumber.

3. Cut out all the necessary blanks of suitable sizes, process rough edges with a file, and sharp corners with sandpaper.

4. Number the elements for sheathing steps, given that you will carry out the finishing process from the bottom up. It is better to do this in places that will not be visible after installation.

5. Using sandpaper, grind the planes to perfect smoothness. You can use a grinder, so the work will go faster.

6. In conclusion, it is enough to treat all wooden elements with an antiseptic and wait for them to dry completely.

Metal frame cladding

When all the details are carefully processed and ready for installation, we proceed to the lining of the frame. The whole process looks like this:

1. We begin the work with finishing the steps from the bottom up. To do this, we lay wooden treads and fix them with self-tapping screws. Hats of fasteners should be deepened into the boards by half a centimeter.

2. Installing risers. They should fit snugly against the frame, for their fastening we also use self-tapping screws with a drill for metal.

To understand how to sheathe a metal staircase with wood with your own hands, you need to know the features of this work. They, in turn, depend on which option was chosen:

  1. Partial cladding. In this case, wooden treads are attached to the metal steps, while the rest of the structure remains unchanged.
  2. Full plating. The entire staircase is sheathed, including treads, risers, railings, under-stair space. The result of such work will be a staircase that looks no different from a wooden one, but at the same time has metal carcass.

How is the cladding done?

We have approached the most important task - the sheathing itself, which is carried out using a certain technology. The work consists of several stages:

  1. Here it is necessary to decide what will be design, respectively, a choice is made in favor of a partial or full version of the skin.
  2. Then carried out preparation of elements depending on the selected option. It is important to choose right material sheathing, which will meet the requirements of design, safety and duration of operation.
  3. Next stage - fit selected array for frame dimensions.
  4. And the final stage of work - directly sheathing. It can be done by strengthening the array on a metal frame using screws or other fasteners.


Video: We start sheathing stairs with wood

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It protects against falling from a height, serves as a support. With a staircase, the staircase has a certain look, it attracts attention. To protect your staircase with your own hands, you need railings and posts. However, in addition to these two components, there are also several different factors to consider. The first time you believe in yourself - you can make a fence with your own hands, it will not be so difficult.

In this age of technology, what only masters could do before, now, as you wish, there can be a lot.

What should I do with stairs?

Phases of manufacturing and installation of handles with my own hands:

  1. Technical calculation of the stairs.
  • Make a drawing and calculation, take a ladder, if any.
  • Determine the number of escalators - you will have one or both sides of the flight.

    This is necessary to calculate how much and what is needed. And also how to properly process and prepare the material for installing the fence.

  • Consider the height of the railing for the stairs, which is safe, about 1 meter.

    Rail profiles should be forty-five millimeters. Considering columns as columns, the distance between them should be approximately one third of their height.

  • The railing lines must be configured to match the direction of the cursor. The cursor is calculated in such a way that the width of the path remains unchanged.

  1. Select the material from which you will make the handrails. best material for making a fence with your own hands is the wood of trees different types at your discretion.

    It could be:

  • ashes
  • pine
  • Birch
  • other types of wood.

You can see the possibility of photos of such steps to finally figure out what kind of wood looks best for you.

Think about the properties of wood, life. If you understand metal and know how to work with it, you can make fake stairs. Remember that the fence must be strong and stable.

  1. Decide on a fence design
  • You can choose the shape, color. Evolve where you start installing fences - not necessarily from the first step.
  • Think of the ending on the stairs.

    It can be rough as artificial aging tree. You can create a perfectly smooth and uncluttered image with a fence. As well as beautifully curved, curved, carved stair railings.

    You can create a drawing for the stairs yourself. It is appropriate to establish a figurative structure by sections.

  • Stairs can have a separate structure - stairs, rotating elements made of other materials or other shapes and sizes.

    Take a look at several different versions of the photo and point out the type you can make yourself.

  • In this way, you will give the staircase a unique and unique personality.
  1. Prepare materials.

    We have already figured out what to do with the stairs and what material. Before you begin, you must prepare the material yourself. The wood should be dried and treated in such a way that no pests will start to develop in the future, so that such adhesive materials are durable. If it is a metal fence, cover it with a special solution to avoid rust.

    It is also helpful to prepare Additional materials, such as:

  • wood weapon varnish
  • color for metal handles
  • linseed oil
  • spot.

  1. Prepare work tools.

    To shine with our hands, we need the following tools:

  • building level
  • tree print
  • metal ruler
  • a hammer
  • cleaning brushes
  • nails
  • screws

  • drilling
  • screwdriver
  • simple pencil
  • grinding machine
  • screwdriver
  • roulette
  • grinder with grinding wheel
  • drills for wood and metal.
  1. Install and build a ladder structure.
  • To assemble the stairs, you need to prepare all the elements.

    After drawing and your chosen plan, measure and cut out all the necessary components.

  • Make holes in the places where you plan to install.

  • We assemble the building - we place the bottom racks, in accordance with the drawing diagram, and then on top.

    When installing the bottom substrates, it should be marked as a pencil, which should be the same as the landing angle.

  • Focus on the support legs, pay attention to the horizontal load, which should be at least one hundred kilograms. Support columns must be spaced at least ten centimeters apart.
  • The last step is to install the fence.

    Connect the railing to the posts. Handle them if there are rough edges. Create your desired color according to the plan.

To build a fence, you can see the visual design of the assembly.

You will see that making a fence with your own hands is not such a difficult question.

Finishing a metal staircase with wood - the nuances of the work

The purpose of this article, based on private experience, is to show one of the options for finishing the metal frame of the stairs - with a tree with your own hands. Our staircase design uses a metal frame welded from a channel and corners. The frame of the stairs was installed by builders under the guidance of a foreman. Since the skeleton of the staircase structure was already ready when buying the house, we decided to simply sew it up with wood, for this purpose we bought ready-made steps and risers in Epicenter.

(For sewing the turntable, the so-called furniture board 40mm thick bought there.)

We cut and fix the trim of the platform on the sides, so that the wallpaper does not get dirty with your feet.

The steps for the stairs have just been laid out on the metal frame of the stairs.

The topmost riser was attached to concrete floor anchors.

The heads of the screws that are visible in the photo will be puttied in the future. In order to make it convenient to fasten the risers while standing on the stepladder from below, we pulled each riser to the wall with elastic bands.

Now one of the most difficult processes is to carefully trim each step and riser so that the gaps are minimal.

So, we have all the steps and risers installed.

We fastened them to the iron frame from the back with screws. When buying screws, carefully look at their quality and length so that they are no longer than the thickness of the steps and risers. In our case, the steps were 4 cm thick and the risers were 2 cm thick.

Then we figured out how many pillars and balusters we would need.

We got 8 pillars, as it was necessary to put the railings at the beginning and on the turns. We decided to put balusters one at a time, although two can be used if desired.

And these are the stair railings themselves.

Another of the difficult tasks was the question: how to close the edge of the parquet so that it looks beautiful?

We sheathe a metal staircase with a tree with our own hands

For this purpose, we purchased thin oak planks, with which we sealed the edge.

Then we calculated the distances at which to strengthen the balusters in a straight section.

Choosing visually, we settled on a value of 15 cm.

But if you install balusters directly on the parquet, then it doesn’t turn out beautifully. For this purpose, we have adapted a rail that is installed under the handrail.

Here we made a small mistake.

Puttyed and then decided to remove the excess with sandpaper. Then we realized that it is better to immediately wash off all the excess with a wet rag, since the putty is made on a water basis.

We decided to fasten the poles and balusters to the slats and first fasten them with screws hidden to the parquet.

The posts cover the screw heads during installation. The poles and balusters themselves are fixed to the bar with the help of studs, which are screwed in with a special key or by clamping it into a screwdriver chuck. In the photo for example, a twisted hairpin and a whole one are shown. A hole of 8 mm was drilled under the studs, so the thickness of the stud itself is 8 mm

Here is the first bolted post.

To fix the railing enclosing the opening above the stairs, first a pillar was bolted to the wall with an anchor, and then the railing was fixed, which closed the anchor head.

We fasten the balusters to the railing.

From above, the railings are attached to liquid nails.

The top part of the fence is ready.

Then we fasten the balusters to the steps and mark the angle and cut line along the stretched thread.

Since the balusters screwed in this way along the upper edge are not yet on the same line, it will not work to leave the line with a dyed thread. Later, they are wounded when they are screwed to the railing. After the cut lines have been drawn, we unscrew the balusters, cut them off and twist them back.

We fasten the railings on top of the balusters and the railings themselves on them.

After all, we cover the stairs with three layers of varnish and wait until it dries.

As a result, we have beautiful staircase- with their own hands and enjoyed the result.

The following tools were used to work on the stairs: an electric saw, an electric jigsaw, a drill (not a perforator-drill), a perforator, wood drills with a diameter of 1.5 and 7 mm. With a drill with a diameter of 1.5 mm, holes were drilled in the steps in order to make it easier to screw in the screws.

During construction, as a rule, some little things are not noticed, you want to do all the work faster, and subsequently, by producing interior decoration every now and then people want to give a decent look to absolutely every element. Stairs are no exception here. Usually, the metal structures of the stairs do not look very attractive, and it is inconvenient to climb / descend along them, especially barefoot. In such cases, a decision is made to sheathe a metal staircase with wood, because sheathe steel pvc tiles or wallpapering is not possible.

How to sheathe a metal staircase with wood.

Just before work, stock up on everything you need. Purchase the material, prepare the tool, and only then begin the sheathing steps.

When choosing boards for stairs, you should be aware that they should not be too narrow or too thick. Narrow boards can crack under load, while thick boards cannot create beautiful view and it's inconvenient to work with them.

As for the tool, for these works you will need a hacksaw, tape measure, pencil, drill, wood and metal drills, nuts, bolts and a screwdriver with a set of bits.

First, it is worth taking all measurements and this applies to absolutely all elements of the stairs. After that, it is necessary, using a hacksaw, to cut the boards according to their size.

Further, holes should be drilled on the bowstring and in each step at a certain distance. Usually the thickness of steel is five to six millimeters, and here it would be better to initially drill a hole with a smaller drill, and then expand it with a larger diameter. When performing this operation, use a container with cold water that you have nearby. Heating drills can be cooled in water.

After the holes are made, move on to the wooden blanks. Put marks on each of them, in accordance with the holes made in the metal. To do this, it is worth attaching a measured board to the corresponding step and apply a basting through the hole with a marker. Repeat this procedure for each workpiece. Remember, you should only mark the marks by applying a wooden blank to your step.

After all the blanks are marked, fix a wood drill of the desired diameter in the chuck of your drill and make holes in the boards.

When this procedure is completed, begin to fasten wooden blanks to the metal structure of the stairs with bolts and nuts. Euroscrews can also be used here. It is important to make all connections of the elements from the back of your stairs.

After metal staircase changed, and wooden comfortable and reliable steps appeared on it, on the reverse side, the structure should be sheathed with a sheet of fiberboard. This will hide minor errors that will most likely occur during work and the place of fasteners, because the bolts and nuts on the reverse side will be visible.

With the help of metal doors, people have learned to protect themselves from thieves. But it turns out that these reliable doors themselves steal. They steal heat from apartments. Through the gap between the door and the jamb, as much heat escapes as it would come out through a quarter of your window. Plus, a metal door, unlike wood, is itself a very good conductor of heat. The solution to the problem is simple and has long been known - interior upholstery.

We sheathe the entrance metal door.

To upholster, sheathe a metal door you will need:

  • plywood;
  • epoxy adhesive;
  • a strip of leatherette 10 cm wide and the length of the entire door;
  • construction stapler;
  • scissors;
  • foam rubber 2 cm thick and wider door leaf by 10 cm;
  • batting.
  1. The upholstery of a metal door is a little more complicated than a wooden one. After all, sheathing material must be fastened with nails. You can't drive nails into metal. Therefore, from the very beginning, take pieces of plywood and glue them to the door. It is desirable to paste over the entire plane with plywood. Use epoxy glue.
  2. After gluing, leave the door alone for about a day. You don't have to worry about the beauty of plywood. When all the work is done, the plywood will not be visible.
  3. When the plywood is glued, work directly on the upholstery. The gap between the jamb and the door leaf must be closed with a roller. This is the main element of the upholstery.
  4. Make a blank for the roller. First, take a strip of leatherette 10 cm wide and the length of the entire door. Fold it inside out and nail it to the door with small nails every 10-15 cm or secure with a construction stapler. To keep the leatherette from bulging, cut it with scissors next to the door hinges.
  5. When the roller blank is ready, secure the packing. Use foam rubber 2 cm thick and 10 cm wider than the door leaf. Place two layers of batting on top of the foam rubber. Nail it all over the plane too. Now it's time to apply dermatin.
  6. Leatherette needs to be tailored with a small margin, 3 cm from all sides. Start nailing from the center. First from above, then from below. Leatherette material during installation should be pulled as tightly as possible. When you grabbed the leatherette fabric from the top and bottom, a crease should appear. This indicates that you have tensioned the material correctly. Then the upholstery is fixed with simple furniture nails around the entire perimeter.
  7. Your roller should be filled with batting. Take the rest of the batting and twist it into a tube. Place a tube of batting around the perimeter of the door and wrap it into a blank for the roller. Immediately nail the edge of the workpiece to the door.
    The roller is ready. Can do fastening door handle and door peephole. That's all, now it will be easier to upholster or sheathe a metal door, knowing how.