Do-it-yourself Kuznetsov's brick ovens ordering. Do-it-yourself Kuznetsov's stove: ordering drawings and a description of the laying of the furnace

Despite the modern abundance of various heating devices and systems, brick ovens are in no hurry to "lose ground". Many owners under construction country houses When planning a heating system, they also provide a place for this traditional heating facility, which, in any case, can both heat and help with cooking.

Moreover, in this area there is a constant development, search interesting solutions, development of new models with improved performance. A striking example of this are the so-called bell-type furnaces. And the most popular of the bell-type furnaces are the designs of the Russian engineer I.V. Kuznetsova. Since the distant 1962, he has been improving existing designs and developing new versions of them. As a result, about 150 models appeared, which have different dimensions and are designed for heating various areas.

Kuznetsov's stoves are very popular. Therefore, to meet the needs of interested readers, the topic of this publication will be a do-it-yourself bell-type furnace - Video instruction+ ordering. One of the multifunctional options for such furnaces will be presented, which has a design that is quite affordable for self-construction.

Kuznetsov's bell-type furnaces

General principles of bell-type furnaces

Furnaces designed by I.V. Kuznetsov, are distinguished by high efficiency of their work. And besides, they have a very aesthetic appearance, which is able to complement and harmoniously fit into the interior design, made in any style.

In common parlance, this engineer's designs are often referred to as "caps" or "blacksmiths". Their well-deserved popularity is explained by the fact that they compare favorably with other furnaces with their efficiency and increased heat transfer. Almost all Kuznetsov furnaces have an efficiency approaching 80÷85%, while this indicator of a traditional Russian furnace does not exceed 60%, despite its large mass and impressive linear dimensions.

This high performance was achieved thanks to the successful located internal channels of the furnace, along which the movement of heated gas flows is carried out. Almost all previously used furnace schemes have a channel system for the removal of heated gases, which, in principle, is a long labyrinth. Hot air, moving through such a labyrinth, gives off heat to the brick and cools quickly. Without a well-organized draft in such structures, the outflow of combustion products from the combustion chamber slows down or stops, so smoke often begins to enter the premises (for example, when there is a strong wind outside).

In Kuznetsov's designs, the principles of free movement of gases operate, so heat exchange in them is carried out in a different way. Caps-vaults, which are equipped inside the furnace, gradually take heat from hot streams. The cooled gases do not immediately go into the chimney, but slowly fall down the hood and only from there rush into the chimney pipe, and new streams of hot air take their place in the upper part of the hood. This happens as long as there is heat in the furnace furnace.

This process can be traced visually by conducting an experiment with hot smoke launched into an inverted glass - it first rises up, touches the bottom of the container, heats it, and then, distributing along the walls, falls into it lower part, thus covering the entire space of the glass with heat.

Of course, Kuznetsov furnaces have a more complex design, but the main thing is that the processes of gas movement occur naturally. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve high heat transfer and serious savings in solid fuel.

Separately, it must be said about the thrust created in such a furnace. It is formed not only due to the chimney, but also for the reason that the high temperature of the gases that rise under the arch of the hood contributes to the creation of rarefaction of the air. In connection with such phenomena, draft in bell-type furnaces is also formed naturally, without requiring the construction of a high chimney, which, for example, cannot be dispensed with when building and.

Furnace prices

bell-type furnace

It should be noted that bell-type furnaces are divided into different types in terms of their functionality, like conventional canal structures. So, they are divided into the following "classes":

  • Heating. Designed for space heating only. This option, by the way, is chosen the least often, since usually the owners of private houses prefer multifunctional structures, because they are more practical.
  • with one or two burner hob. This design will work both for heating and for heating water, cooking or heating food. In a word, she will help out the owners of the house in any situation.
  • , whose purpose is clear from the name.
  • Multifunctional designs, including not only a hob, but also an oven, a drying chamber, a hot water tank or circuit, as well as a heated stove bench.

Moreover, if you choose a stove with a wide entrance to the furnace and install a glazed door in it, then the stove can also be used as a fireplace

As you can see, the range of bell-type furnaces is quite large. There is an opportunity to choose the option that is ideal both in terms of functionality, and in terms of its dimensions, and in terms of thermal power for a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house.

The obvious advantages of bell-type furnaces

The advantages of bell-type furnace designs include the following points:

  • During the construction of bell structures, much less brick and, as a result, mortar for its masonry are required. Yes, and the masonry itself is much easier to perform, since you do not have to display long labyrinths of channels to move gas flows.
  • Due to the smaller amount of material used, the stove is lighter, and this, in turn, means that the foundation for it may not be as massive as for channel stoves.
  • Combustion in this design is more intense, so there are practically no solid particles left in the combustion products. As a positive consequence, there will be much less plaque on the walls of the chimney, and therefore it will be possible to clean it less often.
  • As mentioned above, the part of the chimney that rises above the roof may be smaller than that of channel structures, where the pipe must be at least five meters high.
  • The unpretentiousness of the cap design in maintenance. The presence of narrow channels in channel furnaces requires their frequent cleaning, as they quickly become overgrown with soot. Their narrowing significantly reduces draft, which can lead to the reverse flow of combustion products that begin to enter the premises.
  • In this bell design, sufficient space is created for the installation of water heat exchangers. The heated water can be used for household purposes or put into a heating circuit that will bring heat to other rooms in the house.
  • There is a rapid heating of the structure, and hence the heated premises.
  • Such furnaces are characterized by uniform heating of all walls and their high heat transfer.

The design and principle of operation of the bell-type furnace

Kuznetsov's furnaces can be single or double bell. The second option is more common, since its efficiency is much higher. The most simple circuit such a furnace is shown in the diagram.

  • The firebox is located in front of the furnace. The diagram shows the exit of heated air from it - a smooth red arrow pointing up.
  • Further, the heated air from the furnace enters the lower hood, separated from the firebox by a non-continuous partition. Entering the lower hood, hot air rises to its ceiling. Then, cooling down, it gradually descends to its bottom, where at the bottom, in the back wall of the cap, there is an opening leading to the channel connecting the lower cap with the upper one.
  • Passing through the connecting channel, the still warm air rises again to the ceiling, but already in the upper hood. There, hot gases cool down and begin to descend to the ceiling separating the lower and upper hoods. Going down and passing along the floor, hot air enters the hole, which directs the already very cool gases into the chimney.
  • A valve is installed in the upper front part of the fuel chamber, called "winter-summer". It is designed to direct hot air from the furnace directly into the chimney - this is necessary in the summer, when only hob. If this, as well as the valves located above (blocking the chimney) are in the open state, the combustion products, having found an easy way out, will not go into the pipe through the caps, but will go into it directly. In winter, the lower valve closes, and the upper one opens halfway, and hot air, passing through the entire structure of the furnace, heats its walls and, having already cooled down, given off heat, goes into the pipe.

If it is planned to mount it in a bell structure, then it is best to install it in the upper part of the lower hood. Such a location will not affect the combustion mode of the fuel, as well as the thermal equilibrium of the furnace.

Calculation of a bell-type furnace

In order for the stove to justify the hopes placed on it, its parameters must correspond to the real indicators of the room (or several rooms) to be heated. For the correct selection of the design of the furnace, the first thing to do is to determine the volume of the room that is planned to be heated, as well as calculate the possible heat loss. The dimensions of the furnace walls involved in direct heat exchange are also taken into account, also taking into account a number of important nuances.

These calculations are quite cumbersome, and require some experience and some knowledge to carry out. Therefore, they often proceed from common “constants”: for a well-insulated house with a conventional firebox, one can proceed from an indicator of 0.5 kW per square meter of room area. But in case of severe frosts, it is better to lay down an operational reserve as well - focus on the value of 0.76 kW / m².

If there is no experience in such calculations, then it is recommended to use finished projects, in which the developers have already indicated the power of the device and the area for which this furnace is designed. Moreover, today a large number of models are offered that have different linear dimensions and are designed for heating any reasonable area.

And for inquisitive readers who still wish to carry out an independent calculation of the necessary furnace, a special article will be published on our portal with a detailed description of the calculation algorithm and the necessary reference and tabular data.

Construction of a bell-type furnace

Preparatory work before laying the furnace

To the list preparatory work you can include all those actions that will be listed and described in this section.

Choosing a model and location for installing a stove in a house

Before choosing the design and size of the furnace, you need to determine the place of its installation in the house and approximate area, which can be allocated under it .

In this case, the location of the chimney pipe must be taken into account, since it must pass through attic floor between its beams, at a distance from them, at least 150 mm. Of course, the location of the roof rafters is also taken into account - the requirements are the same there.

Brick prices

Foundation for the installation of the furnace

Further, for the construction of the furnace, you will need to prepare a reliable foundation. If the furnace is being built together with the house, then it must be remembered that the foundation of the building must be separated from the foundation of the furnace structure. Otherwise, due to possible shrinkage, the skew of one foundation can pull the structure of another along with it.

In the case when it was decided to build a stove in an already built house with a wooden floor, part boardwalk will have to be dismantled. The foundation must be wider and longer than the base of the furnace by 50 ÷ 80 mm on each side. If the house is built on a slab concrete foundation, and the furnace design is relatively small, then it can be installed on the common foundation of the house. But this is usually stipulated by the developers of the heating facility.

To equip the foundation, it will be necessary to dig a pit, the depth of which will depend from distance from floor to ground. In total, the height of the foundation (including all layers of the structure) should be 500 ÷ 700 mm. If the floor is raised high above the ground, then formwork must be built to the height of this distance, since the foundation must extend to the height of the finished floor.

On the walls of the formwork it will be necessary to fix waterproofing material, since it will have to be completely filled with concrete mortar. The layer scheme presented above is suitable for the foundation completely, except for the upper concrete layer located in the ground, which will serve as a natural formwork for it.

If the foundation is almost completely sunk into the ground, then after installing waterproofing along its walls, a sand cushion of 150 mm is poured into the bottom of the pit, which must be well compacted. Sand is laid on top broken brick, large gravel and stones - they must also be tamped as far as possible. This layer should be 150÷200 mm.

Prices for crushed stone

Crushed stone of the middle fraction is poured on top of the stone. After that, a formwork rises around the pit to pour a concrete layer into it, which is recommended to be reinforced by laying a metal mesh with 50 × 50 mm cells in the solution. Dynamic loads are not expected, so it is quite possible to use concrete with brand strength M 200 (approximate proportions of the components: PC 400 cement - 1 part, building sand - 1.9 parts, gravel or small gravel - 3.6 parts).

To determine the exact amount of ingredients needed to prepare the required amount of concrete for pouring the furnace foundation, you can use the calculator below.

I. V. Kuznetsov is a man who devoted his whole life to designing furnaces. He invented a huge number of new designs, and also engaged in their improvement. His work in this area began in 1962. At the beginning of his work, he did not need almost any advertising. Fame came thanks to positive feedback from customers. Today, Kuznetsov has his own website and a team of like-minded people. The site presents numerous designs developed personally by I. V. Kuznetsov using his special technology. Let's take a closer look at this technology, because it is great for building stoves in modern homes, since it provides both high-quality room decoration and gives a certain zest to its appearance.

The main indicator that I. V. Kuznetsov strove for in his developments is improving the efficiency of the furnace. Depending on the purpose of thermal devices, they were equipped with improved features. Some have increased heat savings, others have changed the furnace, or added equipment. The quality of these structures is proved by fame and many years of operation. Many, in order to save money, but knowing about the positive reviews of Kuznetsov's furnaces, undertake to make them with their own hands. This is possible if you strictly follow the rules and use the right materials.

Features of Kuznetsov furnaces

As previously mentioned, the main thing in the developments of Kuznetsov is efficiency and productivity. In scientific terms, this is a high efficiency value. The difference between these ovens is fundamentally new and perfect development. internal system the movement of gases is thought out most competently. Hot air lingers longer in the furnace and stores heat, while cold air quickly flies into the chimney through a special recess. These ovens are called bell-shaped". Such a name was formed because inside it, according to the project, they make, as it were, a “cap” - the union of the hearth and the lower part of the furnace. It acts as a gas separator for hot and cold gases. Hot ones rise into the hood and linger in it, concentrating heat. The combustion temperature in such a cap is much higher, due to which 95% efficiency is obtained. For a simple comparison, it should be noted that the traditional Russian stove has a value of 25-40%. Used in the furnaces of I. V. Kuznetsov system of "free movement of gases", more natural, limits the formation of soot, and optimizes uniform heating and oven operation.

Other benefits follow from this:

  • uniform heating and heat transfer;
  • more places to install a steel heating element;
  • burning without soot and smoke;
  • the need for cleaning is reduced tenfold;
  • low level of heat loss;
  • profitability;
  • crack resistance;
  • the opportunity to experiment with the shape and design of the oven.

Depending on their main purpose, household stoves are different.

  1. Cooking ovens made for cooking.
  2. Heating They are primarily used for home heating.
  3. Sauna stoves respectively installed in the bath.
  4. street There are both in the form of complexes, and simple barbecues.
  5. Bread. They are often combined with cooking and others.
  6. The purpose of fireplace stoves is primarily aesthetic.

And this is not the whole list of the variety of furnaces for various special purposes, the projects of which were developed by Kuznetsov. In addition, there is a convenient ability to create mixed views using several functions. And even the creation of entire multifunctional complexes. For example, heating and cooking stoves are very popular in everyday life.

How to build a Kuznetsov oven yourself

Before implementing the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmaking a Kuznetsov oven with your own hands, you need to decide what function should it perform?. Kuznetsov has developed more than 150 drawings of heating devices, so it will not be difficult to decide and choose the option that is right for you. We will consider the option simple heating stove.

Study the plan of the room in which you are going to install it. If the house has not yet been built, plan the placement so that every room was equally heated. It is not desirable to build heating into a finished house, but if necessary it is possible. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the location of the beams and supporting structures during the organization of the place for the chimney.

Then think about foundation preparation. It is made of concrete, 10 cm wide more than the planned size of the furnace. If possible, it is better to plan the foundation for the stove in advance during the construction of the house. Foundation laying operation laborious. Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities, invite a specialist to this stage.

Basic rules to know

  • The refractory shell inside the furnace should, as it were, hang in the air, be free from all sides. This is necessary because the brick expands during heating.
  • It is not always visible on the drawings, but the internal refractory laying is done necessarily on the edge. This applies to fireclay bricks. Clay bricks on the posts and inner walls are placed at the discretion of the master.
  • Every two rows of bricks you need strengthen the bond laying wire.
  • Metal elements, doors and other devices must be installed, leaving room for expansion. A special gasket is placed between the brick and the metal element.
  • Desirable process brick upon completion of construction with a refractory composition.
  • The first kindling starts with minimum temperature and with further gradual heating.


Laying out the oven on your own for a person with hands is a feasible task. The principle of operation of the furnace can be understood by anyone, it is not difficult. But to create a high-quality furnace, you should still unquestioningly use drawings and orders. Ordering is a set of drawings depicting a step-by-step layout of the furnace, for each row of bricks separately. It is not recommended to change something in the drawings arbitrarily. And even more so, you should not do this if you are taking on such work for the first time. Kuznetsov has spent many years of hard work and painstaking work creating hundreds of perfect and proven blueprints. All you have to do is choose and get started.

What materials will you need

  1. Brick for interior masonry. Refractory fireclay bricks are used. The right amount of it is best to calculate it yourself according to the drawing. It is necessary for a simple design, not so much. Some, due to limited financial resources, do not use fireclay bricks. This is acceptable.
  2. Brick for outdoor masonry. That is, an ordinary clay brick, the permissible brand is M150. Brick of lower quality for the construction of thermal appliances is better not to use.
  3. Clay (100-130 kg). It is desirable to purchase good quality, especially in stores now a wide range of decent material. The choice of low-quality materials can negatively affect the first firing of the finished furnace. Such a solution will easily crack.
  4. Purified sand. Usually sand is taken twice as much as clay. You can buy ready-made clay-sand mortar in the store. So you will not lose with the proportion. A mixture of clay and sand for 500 bricks needs about 0.2 cubic meters. m.
  5. Metal fittings. This is a valve, furnace and blower doors, a grate, 5 meters of wire and two steel corners.

Here is an ordering option. Kuznetsov's "bell-type" furnace. It can be used for self-layout of a household heating stove at home without special training. Each row of bricks must be laid out in accordance with the images in a numbered order. At the same time, do not forget about previously described rules. This oven is one of the simplest in execution and versatile in daily home use.

There are few features for building this particular project. Here, the channel between the first and second tiers is made into a quarter of a brick, to lengthen the firebox. And on the 21st row you need to leave two narrow aisles on the sides of the inner walls. They are needed to ignite the furnace. That's all you need to know a novice master. And having made your first job, you will understand that it is simple and clear. The main thing is not to be afraid to start, and things will go by themselves.

Then you can make a more complicated design yourself. Kuznetsov developed such a number diverse interesting options that you will certainly want to implement more than one of them.

Kuznetsov Igor Viktorovich (Ekaterinburg) - specialist in the development and laying of brick ovens

Kuznetsov's furnaces are known not only in our homeland, but to many foreign specialists and lovers of brick furnaces. And not only do they know about them, but very often they order projects. Orders come from such "advanced" countries in the furnace business as Canada, Finland, the USA, Sweden.

The uniqueness of Kuznetsov's furnaces is that the efficiency of some models exceeds 80%, while the best foreign projects give a little more than 60%. Such a high efficiency of using thermal energy is achieved thanks to two hoods in one furnace. The cap is a brick vault, closed or with a hole for the release of gases, which is supported by brick pillars. To save space, in some models of stoves, the second hood is located above the first, they are connected by a chimney or channels through which heated air moves.

Such a system allows maintaining a stable high temperature (900-1200 o C) in the lower hood for a long time, which makes it possible to burn any fuel completely. In Kuznetsov furnaces, any fuel burns to ash in any weather. In this case, there is no need to manipulate the shutters much. They are used more often to provide non-standard modes of operation.

In the upper cap, the temperature is much lower (200-400 ° C), which allows you to install heat exchangers and stones there without the risk that they will soon burn out. Separation inner space furnaces into two almost isolated zones is also good because the heat consumption for heating water / stones at the top does not make the weather in the lower hood - it remains high there.

There are many different projects of Kuznetsov furnaces. Many furnaces of different sizes and purposes have been created. There are 17 varieties of Kuznetsov's standard bath stoves (BIK) alone. To them you need to add two varieties of BIK BK, 14 options for BIK PC. What is the difference? The size, location of the firebox, stone oven, the presence or absence of a fireplace, hob and some other features. There are also Kuznetsov sauna stoves with a remote or built-in tank, and Kuznetsov stoves for a black sauna or with an open heater. There are actually so many of them that you can choose a more or less suitable stove from ready-made ones, if necessary, modifying it a little for your bath.

Why are Kuznetsov's bath stoves popular? There are many reasons for this:

  • They are practically "omnivorous". They burn any fuel to ash. And if it is not recommended to heat a bathhouse with any “left” fuel other than firewood, then any one is suitable for heating a house.
  • Such efficient combustion of fuel makes BIK very economical, while not only the bath is heated, but also water (up to 170 liters), stones.
  • Even when using not very high-quality fuel, soot is formed little. If you heat with good dry firewood (after all, you choose the best for a bath), you need to clean the stove much less often than stoves of other designs under similar operating conditions.
  • The oven warms up evenly, which, firstly, keeps heat for a long time, and secondly, cracks rarely appear.
  • Kuznetsov's bath ovens not only prepare a bath and keep warm for a long time. They dry the room after the procedure. All this is due to the high heat capacity. At the same time, the next day, the water in the tank remains warm enough to swim in it.
  • Long service life is guaranteed with a minimum of iron parts. It's all about too much difference in thermal expansion: metal parts expand much more, as a result, cracks appear in the masonry around.

Do-it-yourself Kuznetsov oven: stages and features

It all starts with the foundation. It should be unrelated to the main foundation of the bath. Its size is 10-15 cm larger than the expected dimensions of the furnace. The height of the foundation for the stove is selected based on the height of the foundation of the bath: they must end at the same level. On top of the finished base for the furnace, waterproofing (roofing, roofing felt) is laid in two layers. The floor around the future furnace must have a fireproof coating. There are options: these are metal sheets, ceramic or ceramic tiles, natural or fake diamond, brick, etc.

After making the foundation, you need to take care of preparing the mortar for laying the furnace. For the construction of a brick oven, not cement is used, but clay. And not any, but only the one that lies at a depth of at least 2 meters. The clay is sieved and washed out, preparing a solution of the desired viscosity.

To determine the required amount of bricks for the construction of the furnace, we count the number of bricks in the first row of the order, multiply by 0.8 (average fill factor of the rows) and by the number of rows. This amount of brick is enough for the oven for sure, even taking into account the broken and rejection. For a brick pipe, you need to add 4-6 bricks for each row.

Kuznetsov recommends clay brick for exterior masonry for his stoves, full-bodied clay grade M150 and higher. Dimensions 250x120x65mm. The thickness of the seam is about 5mm. It turns out that each row with a seam has a height of 7cm. It is not recommended to use refractory bricks for outdoor masonry: it warms up more strongly, which increases the fire hazard of the furnace, and you can seriously get burned on such a furnace. Refractory fireclay bricks are used for laying in places that are in direct contact with fire. ShB-8 (250x123x65mm) and Sh-5 (230x114x40mm) are recommended.

When laying bath stoves, Kuznetsov recommends reinforcing the outer masonry: in each even seam (or odd, as it turns out), lay a strip of metal mesh. Lay the strip stepping back from the outer edge of the masonry about 1 cm. It is better to take the grid galvanized from a rod 1 mm thick. At the same time, a strip with a cell of 50 * 20 mm (two cells) fits comfortably.

When laying fireclay bricks, they put it “on edge” without achieving 100% coincidence with the order - fireclay sizes are different. They are laid “with dressing”, if necessary, cutting off the excess or adding the missing pieces (it is impossible to cut along). Fireclay bricks are placed above the metal casting. Moreover, it is also laid “on the edge”. The resulting voids are eliminated either by adjusting the bricks in shape, or by adding pieces sawn in half, into a quarter (by plates) so that everything “fits” into the overall plan.

Since the fireclay brick heats up more and its expansion coefficient is greater, a gap (about 5 mm) must be left between the outer masonry and the refractory inner, which will compensate for the difference in the expansion of materials. Basalt or mullite-silica cardboard can be laid in this gap, basalt wool is placed in vertical gaps.

A heat-insulating lining is also required under the metal parts of the furnace. Casting is not installed close to the masonry, but with a gap of 5 mm, into which basalt cardboard or gypsum cord is laid, which is wrapped around parts in contact with bricks. You can also use other heat-insulating material of mineral origin. It is only important that he endure very high temperatures. To make the doors better, they cut out a “bed” under them in the lower bricks. Pieces of wire or thin metal plates are attached to the corners of the doors, which are laid in the seams between the rows, thus securing the doors in the masonry.

The cabinet for stones should be made of heat-resistant steel that can withstand temperatures of 1000 ° C. For a more durable construction, it is not recommended to make seams on the bottom of the cabinet. The bottom must be bent. And on the short side of the oven for stones, you need to weld segments of corners of small length - they will give greater rigidity to the structure, without limiting thermal expansion.

When laying the stove according to the order, it is not necessary to measure the height after each row. Two things are important: the horizontality of the rows (checked by the building level) and compliance with the difference indicated in the drawing between the top of the outer (calculated by multiplying the row number by 7 cm) and the inner masonry (indicated in the drawings). For example, on the order of the Kuznetsov furnace for the P1 bath located below, in the 19th row, the height of the internal masonry is 132 cm. To find out what the difference in height should be, 19*7cm=133cm. It turns out that the difference should be 1 cm. This gap is necessary to compensate for the difference in thermal expansion. If it doesn't exist - outdoor masonry just fall apart under the pressure of the internal.

Kuznetsov does not recommend wetting the brick for the furnace (only the secondary one needs to be wetted): this is necessary when working with cement mortar, and not with clay. If the entire brick for the oven is wetted, then the total weight of the fresh oven is very decent. A large amount of moisture significantly increases the drying time. A significant drying time means long use in low temperature mode. During this time, a large amount of soot can accumulate, so cleaning may be required immediately.

There is one more nuance: the oven must be dried and burned. Even if you are not going to use it yet. If a new, unburnt stove is not used for some time, during its first fire (sometimes during the second) a smell of waste may appear: a lot of moisture remains in the bricks and masonry, in combination with soot, this effect is obtained.

Ordering the Kuznetsov P1 sauna stove

The ordering of this furnace is taken from the official website of the stove maker Kuznetsov. The available explanations and the scheme of the register and the thermal insulation of the oven door are also from there. There are several projects with order in the free access on the site, but most of them are not available.

Ordering the Kuznetsov sauna stove BIK P1 Model 19. BIK-K
31.BIK - Kuznetsov oven in action
8.BIK - a furnace with a built-in steam generator. Water is poured into the funnel using a bucket


It should be noted that laying brick ovens is an art. It takes years to learn the secrets. Especially for those who want to comprehend all the secrets of laying Kuznetsov's furnaces, there are seminars that Igor Viktorovich Kuznetsov personally conducts. Each stove-maker who successfully completed the training at the seminar is issued a personal certificate - this must be taken into account if you plan to hire a Kuznetsov stove laying specialist.

The stoves of Igor Viktorovich Kuznetsov are remembered when it comes to the economy and efficiency of heating a house. Since the 60s of the last century, our compatriot has developed and implemented dozens of projects of bell-type furnaces that use the principle of free gas movement (FDH) in their work. The popularity of these inventions is great: foreign manufacturers of heating equipment are carefully studying the experience of introducing blacksmith furnaces. Brick ovens are constantly being improved, combined options are being developed that combine various functions - heating, cooking, baths, boilers, etc.

What is a Kuznetsov oven and where is it used

Heating household stoves are divided into two types: channel and bell-type. In ducted gases, the movement of gases through the chimney occurs under the forced action of draft. Passing through narrow channels inside the oven, the gas gives off heat to the walls and, heating the brickwork from the inside, heats the room. But the uneven heating of the furnace under the action of increased traction wears out the masonry, cracks appear. In addition, a narrow chimney is built to a great height - this complicates work in low buildings.

Multifunctional bell-type stove with a bench: heats up the room faster, directing heat flows from two structures

Bell-type furnaces inside are arranged differently: with large cavities in the form of inverted caps. They are located either horizontally or vertically one above the other. And the smoke leaves the combustion chamber due to the free flow: hot air rises, hitting the hood, lingers there for a long time, and descends as it gradually cools. Due to the circulation of cold and hot streams, heat does not immediately leave the furnace, maintaining the temperature of the walls for a long time. The degree of heat transfer in this case increases, since the contact time of hot gases with the heat exchanger increases. The efficiency in some models exceeds 90%.

The birth of heating and heating systems using the free movement of gases is associated with the name of the outstanding professor of heat engineering Grum-Grzhimailo V.E., who laid the theoretical foundations for bell-type furnaces in the late 19th - early 20th century. Further development of the topic was facilitated by the work of his student and follower, Candidate of Technical Sciences Podgorodnikov I.S. As a result, the FGD system (free gas movement, in contrast to the FGD - forced gas movement, which is used in Russian furnaces) was improved and patented by Kuznetsov I.V. In Russian federation.

Furnaces are used not only for space heating, but also in chemical production, in metallurgy for smelting metals. So, for example, at the largest steel plant in Zaporozhye, along with blast furnaces, two bell-type furnaces are used. In the chemical industry, muffle furnaces are widely used, which in essence are heating systems with free gas movement (FDH).

The principle of operation of muffle and bell-type furnaces is similar - combustion occurs without forced draft

Advantages and disadvantages of the Kuznetsov furnace

Bell-type furnaces are a fairly new phenomenon in construction. Heating houses with such stoves is not widespread. More often, preference is given to the traditional Russian stove, proven for centuries. Kuznetsov's furnaces cannot yet boast of such service life. But there are clear benefits already. new system heating.


Additional benefits in use:

  • ease of maintenance: the furnace is cleaned once every few years, prevention does not require special training and tools;
  • any type of fuel is used - solid, liquid and gaseous;
  • practically no ash and ash in the ash chamber: all fuel materials are completely (without solid residue) burned;
  • the minimum amount of soot in the chimney: “cold” smoke enters the chimney, and almost no condensate, which causes corrosion of the chimney, is formed;
  • ease of operation: the regulation of fuel combustion in the combustion chamber occurs automatically (in case of excessive fire, gases from the hood descend into the furnace and slow down combustion, and with a low flame intensity, an additional stream of supply air appears, which leads to increased combustion);
  • fuel savings: the high efficiency of pyrolysis makes it possible to evenly provide the room with heat at low cost.

For example, in a house with an area of ​​100 m 2, it is enough to burn 5–7 logs twice a day (15–17 kg in total) to maintain a temperature of +25 ° C when the outside frost is -25 ° C.

Important properties of such a furnace during operation: the hood is always filled with hot air, which does not allow cold streams to rise, pressing them to the bottom of the furnace. Therefore, an untimely closed valve has almost no effect on the cooling of the structure.

And there is only one drawback for Kuznetsov's furnaces - there are few craftsmen who are able to competently and competently erect a structure. Therefore, the labor cost is high. The best option is to entrust the masonry to a certified specialist who has undergone practical training at the author's seminars by Igor Kuznetsov. Their contacts can be found on the official website of the inventor.

There are also projects for private use (if you decide to build it yourself) and many models - from a stove with a dryer to a bathhouse that simultaneously heats a steam room with a dressing room in different modes. There are also combined diverse options for home, cottage or office space. The only limitation is that you cannot replicate models on the network without a link to the source.

Teaching stove masters: here they will tell and answer questions, and show in practice how to build a stove yourself

I heard a lot of positive and enthusiastic reviews about Kuznetsov's miracle furnaces. I saw two of them. It looks like a wonderful neat and decent work. According to the happy owners of these creations - New Year they are not afraid to meet at the dacha: they are warm and fed, despite the fact that they have dachas for summer living ... By the summer, I will definitely get the same stove! Thanks to Kuznetsov, he lives in the Urals, and the heat of his stoves warms the entire Moscow (and not only!) Region!


Types of "forging ovens"

Furnaces are made of brick or metal.
Metal - for small rooms, makeshift houses. They are smaller and heat up quickly. But they also cool faster, since the thermal conductivity of the metal is much higher than that of a brick. There are special round-shaped metal furnaces that have a very high efficiency.

According to their functions, Kuznetsov furnaces are divided into the following types:

  • heating;
  • cooking;
  • barbecue and grill;
  • fireplaces;
  • combined ovens.

Each type of furnace is adapted for a specific purpose and solving certain problems.

Cooking and heating combined ovens have become popular. Not only do they keep the house warm, but they are also very convenient for cooking. Availability oven with a stable temperature allows not only stewing and baking, but also baking bread. Ovens with a drying chamber perfectly cope with the harvesting of dried mushrooms, fruits and berries. A water-heating cabinet is also built into the oven, receiving warm water for domestic needs.

Multi-purpose bell-type heating and cooking stove: the first hood heats the room, and the second one is used as hob or water heater

Bath stove devices simultaneously heat the steam room, water for washing and the rest room. There is, for example, a sauna stove combined with a fireplace, where food is cooked on smoldering coals, and in the steam room you can change the mode of a wet bath to a sauna mode.

Sauna version of the Kuznetsov furnace: after kindling such a furnace, it is no longer necessary to regulate its operation and monitor temperature regime- self-sustaining process

The most striking distinguishing feature of Kuznetsov's furnaces is its versatility. The furnace works not only from traditional types of fuel, but also from electricity. In this case, electric heaters (heaters) are located in the furnace.

Photo gallery: shooting the operation of the Kuznetsov furnace with a thermal imager

A blacksmith furnace in the visible spectrum: takes up very little space, but surprises with its heating abilities Heat distribution at the beginning of the furnace: the top and bottom of the furnace are heated almost simultaneously Heat distribution in the middle of the furnace: a temperature balance has been established over the entire height of the side wall Heat distribution after the end of the furnace: the temperature continues to be maintained at the same level for a long time

For all models, the distribution of heat along the furnace body occurs from the bottom up. But after the furnace is stopped, the cooling furnace keeps heat both in the upper part and in the lower part for a long time. Thanks to this, the heating of the room is carried out evenly, without sudden changes in temperature.

The design of the Kuznetsov furnace, its distinctive features

The difference between bell-type furnaces and traction furnaces lies in the design of the heat exchanger. In the traditional version, hot gases from the furnace to the chimney pass through several chimney passes, transferring part of the heat to the brickwork along the way. The speed of their movement depends on the intensity of the flame in the combustion chamber and the draft created by the chimney. The efficiency with such a device ranges from 30 to 60%, part of the heat "flies into the pipe." The draft is regulated by means of a blower door and a furnace valve. To maintain the traction furnace in working order, it is necessary to regularly clean the soot from the chimney and empty the ash chamber from fuel residues.

The system of channel movement of hot gases of the furnace: gases pass under high traction pressure, not having time to fully give up their heat to densely built brick rows

At the Kuznetsov furnace, the internal cavity is a free space called a cap. The hot gases that got into it give off heat to the walls and, cooling down, fall down.

Cold (blue arrows) and hot (red arrows) gases move along different trajectories, evenly distributed in the cavities of the domes

You can visualize the process by covering a burning match with a glass jar. Smoke from an extinct flame will first rise up to the bottom of the can, and, cooling down, will fall down along the walls. The smoke moves without compulsion, as does the hot air flow in the Kuznetsov furnace.

A “dry seam” of 2–3 cm is necessarily left between the caps - this is a narrow hole through which cooling gases flow from one reservoir to another. Hotter smoke moves in a different way, without actually intersecting with cold jets. As a result, the total heat transfer becomes the maximum possible.

Options for the vertical arrangement of the caps: with this method of connecting the domes, the heat exchanger is placed in the upper part of the second arch, increasing the heating surface area

The efficiency of the furnace increases when laying out two or more caps. Their location does not matter: in a vertical plane or horizontal. Their sizes and shapes may vary. The thickness of the heat exchange walls is usually laid out in one brick - this accelerates the transfer of heat.

Furnace projects for private low-rise construction

About 150 projects of bell-type furnaces have already been created and brought to life. All of them have passed the test of time and work successfully. The team of like-minded Kuznetsov continues to develop new options, improving the existing ones. Posted on his website full information with a detailed description and recommendations for the manufacture of furnaces.

Models are indexed and abbreviated. For example, OVIK stands for "Igor Kuznetsov's heating and cooking stove." OIK - just "heating", etc. Each project is accompanied step by step instructions and visual order, made in the program "AutoCAD"

Combined model of the stove with a fireplace: the location of the fireplace on the stove is selected based on the layout of the room - a side fireplace, a back fireplace and a side one with a stove bench

You do not need to do calculations and calculations: the site provides accurate measurements and descriptions of finished projects. If necessary, you can contact Kuznetsov and discuss the design conditions with the formulation of a specific problem.

Vertically located caps allow you to build a narrow oven, if the room is very small

The stove can be installed in any house: a new building or an already built one. But construction in finished house it will cost more, since you have to partially disassemble the roof to remove the chimney. Work is best scheduled for warm time. To choose the right place for installing the stove, you should remember that the closer it is to the center of the room, the more uniform the heating will be. At the same time, the oven is located closer to front door- it is more convenient to bring fuel.

Video: building a Kuznetsov furnace with a water boiler

The dome furnace of a rounded shape works with the greatest heat transfer. But if we are talking about a small room and the radius of the furnace circumference is less than 2 m, complications arise with the installation of furnace casting - firebox doors, cleaning pockets, etc. Metal parts designed for flat planes are not placed in semicircular shapes: gaps and crevices will appear, which is unacceptable.

A schematic representation of the functioning of the furnace with horizontal cuts-orders helps to better understand the specifics of laying out bricks

An experienced craftsman with an assistant lays out a bell-type furnace in 2-3 weeks (depending on the complexity of the model). The process is unhurried, it requires great accuracy, the fitting of all parts must be thorough, with measurements. A beginner will need more time, and you need to be ready for this before starting work.

Materials and tools

To perform the installation of the furnace yourself, you will need:

  1. Bricks of two types: red solid (brands not lower than M150) and heat-resistant fireclay (ShB-8).

    Fireclay and red kripich differ in their properties: fireclay bricks are heat-resistant, but more fragile, and red bricks retain moisture well and are used mainly as facing bricks.

  2. Sand and cement in a ratio of 3 to 1, or ready-made factory dry mix, packaged in 25–30 kg bags. For 500 bricks - about 0.2 m 3 of dry mix.

    The composition of the mixture made in the factory: red natural clay, quartz sand, molding sand

  3. Cast iron - firebox and ash chamber doors, cleaning holes doors, grate, furnace valves, views.

    Cast iron oven valves are made to order in exact dimensions so that there are no gaps that allow air to pass through

  4. Wire for dressing brickwork(about 5–7 m), up to 2.5 mm in diameter. Dressing is carried out every 2 rows along the outer contour.
  5. Two steel corners for overlapping the combustion chamber.

    The length of the corner is determined depending on the design of the firebox

  6. Reinforcing mesh for the foundation.

    The thickness of the metal bar and the size of the cell is determined depending on the load on the foundation

Of the tools needed:

  1. Mason's trowel, hammer, trowel, jointing.

    The mason's tool should always be kept with you so that each time you do not get distracted while working in search of what you need at the moment

  2. Buckets or other containers for mixing the solution.

    Preparing a mortar for masonry is a responsible matter: the better the mortar is mixed, the more reliable the masonry seams will be

  3. Measuring devices: hydraulic or laser level, plumb line, square, tape measure.

    All devices make the process of building a furnace much easier, and it is important to learn how to use them correctly.

  4. From a power tool, a grinder and an electric drill with a mixing attachment will be of great help.

Preparatory work before assembling the furnace

The most important stage before the construction of the furnace is laying the foundation. It is necessary to approach its device with all responsibility, because an incorrectly poured foundation can negate all the work - a sagging furnace will eventually crack and fall apart.

An example of a foundation made of silicate bricks with the names of the materials used and markings

In order for the foundation to meet the requirements of the standards, its linear dimensions must exceed the dimensions of the furnace base by 10–15 cm.

The procedure for laying the foundation for the furnace is as follows:

The time for complete drying of the foundation is considered to be from 20 to 30 days, depending on weather conditions. But you can start installing the furnace in a week, when the mortar sets and hardens. The ideal option for foundation shrinkage is one year (a full cycle of freezing and thawing of the soil).

One of the options for building a Kuznetsov furnace with your own hands

Before starting laying, pay attention to the following important points:

  • a waterproofing layer is laid between the foundation and the first rows of the furnace. It can be roofing felt or foil isothermal film (foil up, to reflect thermal energy);
  • making changes to the order is highly undesirable. This may cause the oven to malfunction in the future. Kuznetsov's author's projects have been tested in practice, which guarantees the quality and service life of the furnaces. The only exception is the rows of continuous overlap, which can be modified for aesthetic purposes;
  • for facing masonry, bricks are selected without chips, cracks and other noticeable defects;
  • cutting bricks is done with a grinder. Edges and planes must remain smooth and even: a torn shape is unacceptable.
  • An example of ordering a bell-type furnace: a strict order of laying out rows will ensure the reliability and longevity of the entire structure

    Overlapping of a fire chamber is carried out by two metal basic corners. Dimensions are selected in accordance with the load, the shoulder length starts from 45 mm.

    The thermal gap between the fireclay bricks of the firebox and the furnace body protects the brick from destruction during heating of the furnace

    Following the exact ordering instructions, lay down the blacksmithing oven within the power of any man who knows how to handle stone and mortar. The main thing is to observe the vertical and horizontal projections of the structure.

    Even a woman copes with such work: building a stove with your own hands is interesting and exciting

    After the masonry is completed, the stove should be checked and a control kindling should be carried out. The intensity of the first furnace should not be high. Smooth heating of the case evenly dries cement mortar in all directions, from the ash chamber to the outlet of the chimney to the outside.

    Video: Kuznetsov furnace project in 3D

    Video: Kuznetsov furnace project in 3D (part 2)

    Features of operation of bell-type furnaces

    The first is the automatic fuel combustion mode.
    In a conventional stove, when kindling, it is recommended to open the blower to the maximum width in order to create more draft in the stove. Then, as the fire intensifies in the furnace, the door is gradually covered so that the temperature of the flame decreases somewhat, and the heat is transferred to a greater extent into the room.

    An ordinary stove requires constant attention, and “as a reward” it also stains its owner and the space around it

    In bell-type furnaces, manipulations with doors and furnace valves do not make sense. The intensity of combustion is regulated by the ratio of the volume of the caps and the combustion chamber. This happens automatically, you just need to kindle a fire and lay the required amount of firewood or other fuel.

    The second thing that pleasantly strikes is the absence of the need for daily cleaning of the ash pan. Any combustible material burns completely in the furnace, without a solid residue. Almost no soot is formed on the walls of the furnace: as a result of pyrolysis, carbon is oxidized to the state of carbon monoxide (and partially carbon dioxide).

    Video: testing the Kuznetsov stove

    A chimney valve that is not tightly covered will not lead to a cooling of the furnace: hot gases will be in the dome until they give up all thermal energy bricks.

    So, the construction of the Kuznetsov bell-type furnace is available to everyone. However, if self-laying the stove is in doubt, it is better to seek help from professionals. Their participation will not only reduce the construction time, but also serve as a guarantee in the further operation of the furnace unit.

The so-called "Kuznetsovka" appeared back in 1962. Igor Kuznetsov, the inventor of these furnaces, has been developing and improving them to this day. Currently, there are about 50 inventions that cover almost the entire range of household stoves. Let's take a closer look at what Kuznetsov's furnaces are. Orders are popular today, so the topic is extremely relevant.

Why is Kuznetsovka better than others?

Consumers are always wondering why it is worth buying this particular product, and not the one that stands nearby. A perfectly legitimate and logical question. We always look at the strengths and weak sides products, and only then draw the appropriate conclusions. As for Kuznetsov's furnaces, they are famous for their high efficiency. As a rule, we are talking about figures such as 80% or more. For example, a standard order of 4 kW can heat a house with an area of ​​100 square meters. At the same time, Western branded fireboxes must have a power of at least 10-12 kW. By the way, orders for Kuznetsovka from the USA, Sweden, Canada and a number of other countries are not uncommon. It is impossible not to mention that Kuznetsov's furnaces (orders) are "omnivorous", that is, low-grade combustible materials, for example, sawdust, can be used as fuel. There is also the possibility of providing domestic hot water. At the same time, performance does not deteriorate.

Foundation - first of all

It was Kuznetsov who first used the automatic distribution of thrust through the channels. This method is good because waste is excluded, so the view can be kept open. The system of such chimneys is distinguished not only by its uniqueness, but also by its simplicity. If furnaces with a complex chimney configuration usually have an efficiency of about 60%, then Kuznetsovka is 80% and higher. In addition, the principle of free passage of gases follows from this. That is why the orders are often compared with The fact is that the energy of gases, unlike a gas view, does not twist into a whirlwind, but immediately impregnates the furnace. Naturally, the generated heat goes either to heat the room, or to hot water, depending on the needs.

Two-bell Kuznetsov furnaces: ordering and its features

The principle of building furnaces, in which it is possible to implement the law of free movement of gases, has been known for a relatively long time. The most common and well-known option is a two-furnace furnace.

The principle of its operation is that the air from environment enters through the blower into the furnace. At the first stage of combustion, when the lightest fuel fractions are burned, the process is somewhat reminiscent of pyrolysis. This mode is the most efficient. But before Kuznetsov, few people enjoyed these advantages. But the orders have such a design that allows them to work in the pyrolysis mode. As a result, pyrolysis gases burn under the dome of the third hood. The process itself is interesting. Its features are that combustion is self-regulating. If the flame is too dispersed, then the draft worsens, and the combustion process slows down, if the heat is not enough, the draft increases, and the combustion process intensifies. Two-bell Kuznetsov furnaces (ordering) have a second dome so that the combustion process is not disturbed. The temperature in the second cap at an efficiency of about 80% reaches 300-400 degrees, and this is quite enough to transfer heat to the coolant.

Multi-bell furnaces

Often the usual one is made multi-stage. Each cascade consists of two caps with a hole at the top. The presence of three cascades allows us to call this furnace a classic order, since there is a free flow of gases here. In almost any mode of the furnace, such equipment has a very high efficiency reaching 97%. In this case, the fuel used practically does not play a role. It can be fuel oil, coal and anything else.

Usually an even number of hoods achieves 90% efficiency. In this case, much depends on the combustion mode and the fuel used. However, the main disadvantage of this method is that the furnaces are quite difficult to maintain. Often there are problems during the cleaning of caps from carbon deposits. In addition, the first cap (with an even number) is very small, the temperature under it will be about 1500 degrees, as a result of which the metal will not withstand it, and the lining on weight is unreliable.

Well, we have already figured out what Kuznetsov's bell-type furnaces are. The order is often built at home. Let's see how to do it and what to look out for.

Kuznetsova: do-it-yourself ordering

Before starting work, it is necessary to determine the main function of the furnace. Let's look at conventional heating equipment of the simplest design. I would like to note that together with the house it is advisable to immediately build Kuznetsov's furnaces with your own hands. Ordering can also be erected if the building is already standing - this, of course, is undesirable, but possible.

The first step is to prepare the foundation. It should be made of concrete and have a width of 10-15 cm more than the dimensions of the furnace. This is one of the most time-consuming jobs that you will have to perform, so in some cases it makes sense to call a specialist. The foundation should not be connected with the foundation of the house, do not forget about it. Its absence is also unacceptable, since the floors will not withstand the high load. Further, it is extremely important to properly equip the chimney on the roof of the house. To perform these works, it is advisable to use the laughter and advice of professionals. Let's see how Kuznetsov's furnaces are being built. Orders in their simplest design are made quite simply and quickly.

Required material

It is extremely important to choose a quality material, in particular, it must withstand high temperatures. So, for internal masonry, its quantity is determined according to the drawing. Often there are structures made of ordinary bricks, which is done in order to save money. This is acceptable, but the durability of the masonry is reduced. For external masonry, M150 is suitable - clay brick.

You can not do without 100-130 kilograms of clay. It is better to spend a little more money and pay for quality material. In this case, when crimping, the clay will not crack and will serve for quite a long time. Twice as much as clay, you need sand. For approximately 500 bricks, it is necessary to make a mixture of clay and sand in a volume of 0.2 cubic meters.

All that's left is the metal fittings. This includes a valve, steel corners, a grate and two doors. Well, now we will consider how the Kuznetsov order is made.

Laying and checking

If you have already had experience in laying furnaces, then you will not have problems. The only thing you should pay attention to is the quality of the bundle. To improve this characteristic, it is necessary to lay a wire on every 2nd row of bricks. For laying a channel from the first tier, it is better to lay ¼ bricks. This will slightly increase the length of the firebox. In this case, the upper overlap between the tiers is organized on the 17th-18th tier.

At the end of the masonry, it is necessary to wait some time until the mortar hardens. Then you can mount doors and other metal products. Only after that proceed to the first kindling. This step tests how well the oven works. They look at the draft, the tightness of valves, doors, etc. In principle, this is all that can be said about how Kuznetsov's furnaces are laid out. Do-it-yourself orders can have different capacities.

Something else about masonry

Often, Kuznetsov's stoves are made for a bath. The order of such an appointment is very rarely erected with his own hands. This is due to the rather complex design. But it is worthwhile to understand that a well-made sauna stove performs a huge number of tasks. For example, it provides heating for several rooms: a steam room, a dressing room, a washing room. In addition, it prepares steam, provides ventilation and heats water.

Oddly enough, but only one Kuznetsov's sauna stove can cope with all this. Ordering practically does not have any fundamental differences, but manufacturing accuracy is important.


Here we have examined Kuznetsov's two-bell and bell-type furnaces. Do-it-yourself ordering is not as common as we would like. Often such stoves can be seen in cottages and villages. Sometimes they are purely decorative, as they are made in the form of a fireplace.

Nevertheless, such heating equipment should not be ignored. Given its high efficiency compared to some other higher cost ovens, this the best solution for country house. Moreover, you can build such a furnace yourself, and sometimes you even need to. So you can not only effectively heat your home, but also gain precious experience.

This is all that can be told about what they are famous for and how Kuznetsov's furnaces are laid. Orders are good and, no doubt, will be popular for a long time to come.