Homemade grafting knife. Fruit tree grafting tool - knife or scissors? How to make the use of the tool long

Grafting is one of the most common horticultural practices, allowing fruit to be produced several years earlier, or in an area normally unacceptable for a particular variety of fruit. There is grafting by cuttings and grafting by buds, and gardeners have long wondered which method is more reliable and how to increase the effectiveness of vaccinations. It is not surprising that recently a special garden tool appeared in specialized stores and almost immediately became popular - grafting pruner.

Like any other tool of this kind, the grafting pruner consists of a working knife, handles, springs, and a stopper. Often, as a nice addition, this pruner also has a standard cutting blade. But what makes this garden knife unusual is the shape of the main blade. This is a high-quality steel plate, bent in a special way to obtain a figured cut.

Depending on the shape of the knife, the cutout can be sharp (V-shaped), rounded at the end and elongated upwards (parabolic), round with a narrow entrance, forming a kind of “lock” (omega-shaped). All forms of cuts allow us to solve a common problem - to expose the cambium layer of the scion and rootstock as much as possible and to combine the two branches with each other as best as possible. With the help of a grafting pruner, you can vaccinate with your own hands on all types of fruit trees, grapes, even plant watermelon lashes on a pumpkin.

Visible Benefits

The grafting tool is easy to use and well suited for beginners. The cuts on the scion and rootstock are made in one movement, they do not have time to dry out and are combined quickly and tightly, which ensures the best survival of the scion.

This is important if the grower has little experience with grafting and is not very confident in using the grafting knife. The grafting pruner allows you to automate and speed up the process as much as possible, in addition, it is impossible to cut yourself with a pruner.

However, experienced gardeners should also pay attention to this tool. The speed of the process allows you to make several inoculations in the same time that you need to spend on one inoculation with a knife. In this way, the gardener's personal time is saved, or many more trees can be grafted than usual.

Knives have a long service life - up to three thousand cuts. Knives are easy to change with your own hands, and disassembly is as safe as possible for the user, since the knife is closed with a special plastic casing until the last moment. Thus, we get a useful garden tool that can be used on all types of fruit trees, from apple to cherry and rowan.

Video “Grafting tool”

What are the disadvantages

The grafting pruner is designed primarily for grafting trees with cuttings (copulation). At the same time, there are certain requirements for scion and rootstock, and they must be adhered to for the success of the entire operation. The thickness of cuttings for grafting is limited to a range of 4-12 mm, depending on the shape of the knife. In addition, the diameters of the rootstock and scion should be as close as possible, even a discrepancy of three millimeters can be critical.

In addition, this tool also requires some skill - in order to get a neat, even cut without kinks, and not damage either the handle or the knife, the blade must completely return to its original position after making the cut.

Due to the shape of the knife, it can be difficult to sharpen it with your own hands. Moreover, knives in Chinese-made secateurs simply cannot be sharpened, they need to be changed regularly. And to buy a grafting pruner with a quality knife, you will have to spend a lot of money.

Choose from an assortment

The price of a quality pruner with good knives ranges from a thousand to one and a half thousand rubles and, in fact, to infinity. There are a wide variety of models on the market, both unnamed Chinese and branded ones. The most common model is the Professional Grafting Tool grafting pruner. This is a professional tool, the best in its line. It comes in different configurations, with one, two or three knives, as well as in a gift version, with a screwdriver for changing knives and in a case. The main advantage of the Professional Grafting Tool secateurs is high-quality materials.

The blades are made from SK5 high carbon steel and are chrome plated for wear and corrosion resistance. Pruner handles are made of reinforced plastic. The tool is the most massive and widespread, on the Internet there are a lot of reviews and videos about the use of the grafting pruner of this particular brand. Now an analogue of this Belarusian-made secateurs has appeared on sale.

Artitec 3T (Artitec Manual Grafting 3T AR-INN3T) - differs from the previous model in a special knife that allows grafting with a kidney (budding). The knives for this secateurs are forged, made of high carbon steel. The pruner is made in Italy, which immediately affects its price.

The same manufacturer offers the Artitec Complementary Gtafter model - for grafting cuttings up to 4.5 mm in diameter. As mentioned in the name of the tool, the grafting pruner of this model serves as an additional tool. They can only make cuts on the rootstock - when grafting into a split. Scion cuts should be made with other secateurs such as the Artitec 3T. Which grafting pruner is better is up to the buyers to decide.

How to do it yourself

Some gardeners, having gained experience with purchased pruners, prefer to make a pruner with their own hands, taking into account the comments on the factory tool and own requirements. The manufacture of grafting pruners from garlic is popular, but here the main problem is knives. They will have to be machined on their own or ordered from familiar master locksmiths. Another way, rather the manufacture of a grafting vise.

For the basics, a small vise is taken, which can be found in the household of every amateur locksmith. A sharp curved blade is attached to the pin, and the cut itself is made not by pressing, but by turning the handle. This procedure takes a little longer than working with a factory pruner, but allows you to feel the satisfaction of a job well done with your own hands.

Video “Overview of grafting pruners”

To understand which of the selected garden tools is most suitable for working with tree grafting, we suggest watching the following video review.

A luxurious garden always requires proper and professional care. Many gardeners will say that the arsenal of tools for such purposes can be the most diverse, but one of necessary tools there will always be a pruner for grafting trees.

It is indispensable in the work of the gardener, they remove unwanted shoots and branches, form ornamental shrubs, help plants grow, make the necessary vaccinations or stimulate their nutrition.

To date, several types of secateurs are presented in socialized stores, one of which is designed for grafting. Why do you need this cutter? What are its main functions?

  • 2 How the grafting pruner works
  • 3 On which plants can you use a pruner?
  • 4 Types of grafting pruners
  • 5 How to choose the right pruner
  • 6 DIY secateurs
  • 7 How to make the use of the tool long?
  • Grafting pruner: features and purpose

    The grafting pruner has become the innovation that allows you to get practically 100% result during vaccinations. The principle of operation of the device is as follows: a cut is made on a scion and rootstock with an accurate blade on a pruner. It is the ideal blade that guarantees a cut from which the two parts of the branch fit together. After such a tool, the gardener only needs to fix the two parts in the chosen way. This device made it possible to radically change the views of gardeners on the process of vaccination, now it has become easy and elementary.

    Today, manufacturers produce universal secateurs with three types of nozzles: V, U and omega, which allows you to perform different kinds garden grafts. Now every gardener will be able to put the nozzle that is necessary for a particular tree and grafting method.

    A feature of the tool is its durability. As practice shows, one tool is enough for several thousand cuts. Gardeners note that such a tool does not pose a danger to humans, its principle of operation and device are thought out to the smallest detail.

    How the grafting pruner works

    There is a lot to be said about this miracle device. However, to see it in action, to learn about its correct use, is much more useful. Well, if someone you know already has a grafting pruner, you can come up to see, try. But if this is not possible, then it is better to get acquainted with the description of the principle of operation and what happens in the future with grafted plants.

    The tool itself consists of the following parts: work and support blades, bolt with nut, spring, lock and handle. The working blade performs a direct cut and has a high cutting ability due to its peculiar geometric shape. Such features make it easy to split plant tissue and not damage it. The anvil blade is curved to minimize friction and keep the plant safe.

    The grafting pruner has a groove through which the juice from the plant flows. The nut and bolt act as a retainer that ensures a snug fit between the blades. To limit the stroke, a buffer is installed, and the spring allows you to bring the tool to its original position. To bring the secateurs into a non-working state, a latch is installed.

    What plants can be used with secateurs?

    There are many options for trees and shrubs that can be grafted with a special pruner. But the most common the options are:

    Types of grafting pruners

    Garden pruners for country work can have various forms and principle of operation, mechanism and purpose. It is these criteria that will be fundamental when choosing a tool.

    According to the principle of action secateurs are as follows:

    • planar. In this case, the blades are sharpened only on one side, and the movement occurs towards each other;
    • contact. The blades are sharpened on both sides. These blades are in line. These secateurs are used to remove dry knots.

    In addition, division occurs according to the following criteria:

    • ratchet. They have a special mechanism that can cut branches up to 3 centimeters thick in diameter;
    • rod. These secateurs have long handles. This makes pruning easy and possible on tall trees;
    • accumulator. The process of work in such devices is automated, hands during trimming perform a minimum of movements. Such a pruner has only one drawback, you always need to monitor the charging of the battery;
    • electrical. They can be used on large areas that require regular maintenance. But there is one main disadvantage - you need long cords and carrying.

    How to choose the right pruner

    The power of the grafting pruner is astounding in its power. He can easily eat branch with a diameter of 2 centimeters. But how to choose the right tool? What should be paid special attention to in order to maximize its service life?

    To begin with, the pruner in the store must be put in your hand and feel how it lies in it. It will directly depend on this whether corns appear when using it or not. Next, you need to pay attention to the details themselves and the material from which they are made. Also need to know following rules to help minimize plant injury.

    It is very important to understand what types of steel can be used in garden pruner for grafting:

    1. SK 5 - high carbon steel. It makes it possible to make thick and large blades. For such a tool, the price will be high, but it will fully justify the quality and long term services.
    2. SK 50 - medium carbon. This option is more economical, but the blades of the grafting pruner will last relatively long and reliably.
    3. Stainless steel. This option has great appearance and is not susceptible to corrosion. Parts such as the handle, dimensions and coloring do not really matter.

    Why is it necessary to purchase a grafting pruner?

    Every thing has its positive and negative points. The grafting pruner is no exception, so each user must understand what he will work with and what positive and negative sides he will receive.

    Positive aspects of the secateurs:

    • can be used without special knowledge, skills and abilities, while vaccinations will always be performed correctly and correctly;
    • all procedures will be carried out quickly, since cuts on parts of the branches do not require additional fitting. This increases the chance of the cuttings living, since the sections do not have time to dry;
    • if a person has a large number of fruit or ornamental trees, then with the help of such a grafting pruner, large amounts of work can be done quickly.

    Some gardeners say that this tool may have negative sides, such as the:

    • the pruner has a certain size, which provides for the processing of shoots of the same diameter. The maximum allowable difference varies between 2-3 mm. If it so happened that one of the parts of the cuttings is larger than the allowable size, then you will have to use grafting knife;
    • despite the fact that the manufacturer gives indicators for the limiter ranging from 4 to 12 mm, in practice these figures range from 7 to 10 mm. This significantly limits the thickness of rootstocks and scions;
    • the pricing policy of many manufacturers is very high, so gardeners and summer residents choose a knife.

    DIY secateurs

    Many summer residents and gardeners, having familiarized themselves with all the features and disadvantages of the factory grafting pruner, make this tool on their own. But it should be noted right away that they can be used only for branches of the same diameter. The most popular option was the garlic tool. In order for the garlic maker to become a pruner, you will need to make knives with your own hands.

    Another option would be to make a tool from a grafting vise. To do this, take a small vise, which any locksmith always has. A curved blade is attached to the pin, and the action itself will be performed by pressing and turning the handle.

    Of course, the use of homemade secateurs will be problematic, but the result will be no worse than after the factory version.

    How to make the use of the tool long?

    To begin with, you need to read in detail the instructions for the tool, which are supplied by the manufacturer. Here will be indicated storage and operating conditions tool.

    Be sure to provide a secateurs proper care, because it depends on the work and the duration of its use.

    Each time, after finishing work, you need to carefully clean the blades from the remnants of the vegetation that will form after cutting. Do not wash the secateurs under water or leave it in the rain. This will only worsen the condition of the blade and cause the blades to dull quickly.

    The spring also requires special care. with fixing bracket. They, together with the blade, must be wiped with a dry cloth and lubricated with an astringent or oil. Such procedures should be regular and carried out after each use of the instrument.

    In the purchased secateurs, the blades always become unusable, first of all. But you can sharpen them yourself. You should not wait for the complete unsuitability of the blade, they need to be sharpened at regular intervals. Sharpening will be necessary when, when cutting branches, the knives begin to bite into the branch and stop cutting it halfway.

    For the sharpness of the blade, only a sharpening bar is not enough, you need to be able to choose the right movements and directions. Knife sharpening should only be done stone at 150 particles per sq. cm. Before sharpening the secateurs, it is better to remove the blades, in the case when this is not possible, you need to fix the tool in a vise. Further, movements are performed with a bar in one direction, simulating knife sharpening. Such movements must be performed until the knives become sharp.

    Grafting pruner is a necessary thing for every gardener. In order for the tool to do its job perfectly, to become a real helper in agriculture, it must be properly selected and provided with the necessary care during the entire time of use. Only such an approach to the tool will ensure a long service life for many years.

    We must not forget that timely grafting is the key to plant health.

    (Last Updated On: 10/12/2017)

    Grafting pruner (photo)

    Probably every gardener has a pruner, this is the most common and handy tool for pruning shrubs and trees with thin branches. However, a pruner is a more versatile tool than many are used to thinking, there are many varieties, for example, a pruner for grafting trees is a special tool with which you can easily and simply graft new crops with your own hands.

    Since we mentioned that secateurs are different types Let's classify them. First of all, secateurs must be divided into old and new. The classic garden pruner is, in fact, the same scissors, only more powerful. Modern samples have received a more convenient form, systems that protect the worker from cuts and other injuries, and various functions.

    Also secateurs differ depending on their purpose:

    • for pruning young plants with thin branches - pruner-scissors;
    • for pruning thick branches on mature trees - a pruner with an anvil;
    • for processing dried shrubs - shrub pruner;
    • for working with both dry and living branches - a tool equipped with a ratchet;
    • for pruning thin shoots and branches in the growth stage - bypass secateurs;
    • to work with thick adult branches of trees and shrubs - delimbers and brush cutters;
    • for grafting trees - grafting pruner.

    Features of the tree grafting pruner

    Grafting with a grafting pruner is characterized by a high degree of efficiency - from 90 to 100% of grafts of healthy plants successfully take root. The secret of such efficiency is in special blades. With their help, the same incision is made both on the scion and in two, so they fit perfectly to each other. After that, the connection is fixed with a garden pitch or other convenient way- and that's it, we can assume that the work is done. Never before has tree grafting been done so easily and simply.

    When working with different trees, it is recommended to use different types of knives. As a rule, each tree grafting pruner is equipped with a set of V-, U- and omega-shaped knives. This set is quite enough to work with any trees and shrubs. A high-quality tool is quite reliable - with the help of one such pruner, up to 3000 or more vaccinations can be performed. And just working with it is more pleasant and safer than with simple knives that were used before.

    Rules for choosing a quality tree grafting tool

    When choosing a secateurs, you need to pay attention to the following points:

    • whether the blades are sharpened qualitatively - blunt blades will tear wood, and not cut it;
    • are the blades firmly fixed in the body;
    • the size of the gap between the blades should be minimal, they should close tightly;
    • what type of spring is used - band springs are the most reliable;
    • what material is used for the handles - it is best if the handles are rubberized, then they will not slip in the hand;
    • The secateurs should generally fit comfortably in your hand.

    It is also advisable to try the secateurs in action before purchasing - of course, an inefficient tool can be returned back for a certain time, but it is easier to immediately check its performance. To do this, it is not necessary to go to the store with a branch in your bag - you can check the quality of the cuts on paper. If the incision is even and neat, you can purchase this secateurs.

    If you follow the above recommendations when choosing, then the purchased pruner for grafting trees will be effective and will serve faithfully for more than one year.

    Becoming "Michurin" today is easy

    What gardener does not dream of becoming "Michurin" and getting cherries, apples, and pineapples from one tree? Well, pineapples are, of course, too much, but growing a variety of fruits on one tree or on a strong rootstock, which can be chosen as, for example, a wild variety to plant a high-yielding but tender variety, is quite realistic. And now it is available even to not very experienced gardeners due to the fact that such a convenient tool as a grafting pruner has appeared, when working with which any special skills are not required in this matter.

    There are many varieties of this tool and they are produced by a variety of companies around the world. However, in Russia, some of them are advertised as the production of a certain "company" "Professional grafting tool". Unfortunately, you have to disappoint consumers - such a manufacturing company ... does not exist.

    Does a gardener need a grafting pruner? 

    And the combination of these English words translated means only "professional tool for vaccinations" or " grafting tool”, that is, it is just the name of the instrument itself, and it is most likely made in China specifically for Russia. But there are also branded tools, for example, secateurs from the Italian company Arti Tec.

    Almost all grafting pruners are designed for grafting by joining scion and stock of the same diameter - from 4 to 12 mm. In this case, the survival rate is ideal, but thinner grafts are also allowed - 2-3 mm thinner than the stock. This is the so-called "split" method, however, some expensive models grafting secateurs also allow budding, that is, grafting with an eye.

    The standard set of such a tool usually includes 3 types of interchangeable knives V-, U- and -shaped, with the help of which a protruding curly cut (dad) is made on the scion, and on the stock the same shape, ideally matching it, but already deepened ( mother). After connecting these parts, in order to accelerate the engraftment of the grafted part, it is fixed with grafting wax, which includes light antiseptics and growth stimulants, or a special adhesive tape that self-destructs after engraftment is used.

    The blades are changed with a screwdriver, if necessary, you can always buy new ones. For engraftment, the cleanliness of the cut and the absence of jamming of the cuttings in the place of the cut are especially important, therefore the blades are made of extra strong hardened steel. It is desirable to control their sharpness before work. With sufficiently sharp blades, pruners can cut thin paper. In addition to the blades for forming the joint of the rootstock and scion, the tool is also equipped with conventional straight blades for preparing parts of the plant and trimming blanks to the desired length.

    Benefits of using grafting pruners

    Grafting of fruit crops allows you to significantly save on seedlings, use a stock that is well adapted to local conditions, and you can also buy a graft for nothing if a neighbor or acquaintance has such a variety. The grafting pruner used for grafting not only increases the establishment of the graft, but also greatly speeds up this operation, which is very useful for large gardens.

    In many cases, you do not have to uproot a bush or fruit tree of an unnecessary variety. It is enough to plant it and a new, desired variety will appear in the garden. And you do not need to wait several years, as is the case with seedlings. After all root system already formed, and therefore the harvest from the new variety may appear as early as next year.

    What plants can be grafted

    Here are just some examples of successful combinations of grafts and rootstocks for grafting:

    - pears on an apple tree or mountain ash;
    - blue spruce for common, cedar for pine, cypress for thuja;
    - lemon, lime, orange, tangerine and other citrus fruits in any combination;
    - roses for wild roses, including branches from a rose bought in a store or donated on March 8;
    - cherries, sweet cherries and bird cherry in any combination;
    - apricots, peaches, plums, cherry plums in any combination;
    walnut into wild (Manchu);
    - melon and watermelon on a pumpkin;
    - gooseberries for currants, varietal grafting of grapes, chestnut, chokeberry, viburnum, hawthorn;
    - hibiscus, maple, lilac and other ornamental and fruit plants.

    The service life of the secateurs depends on the degree of sharpening of the blades and is estimated at several thousand vaccinations. But if necessary, the blades can be sharpened. The cost of a complete set is highly dependent on the manufacturer and at the beginning of 2014 ranged from 800 to 2000 rubles.

    The following materials:

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    Does a gardener need a grafting pruner?

    More than once on our website there was a conversation about grafting pruners. That seems to be an interesting thing, but what should we expect from it? Maybe buy it and all vaccination problems will be solved right away? What if - thrown out money and a complete disappointment?

    Still, whether you like it or not, you need to approach the matter from a scientific and practical point of view, not sparing the study of the time spent. Let's try to figure it out together!

    What is a grafting pruner

    These are garden shears. the blades of which are designed to perform grafting cuts. We know that the better the cuts on the rootstock and scion match, the higher the success of the grafting.

    Does a gardener need a grafting pruner?

    So, the design of the blades of the grafting pruner is designed in such a way that the curly cuts on the rootstock and scion, without any additional adjustment, perfectly match each other. Like puzzles.

    As an example - a cutout on a rootstock.

    … and a complementary scion cut

    When the cuts are aligned, the wood and the cambial layers of the rootstock and scion are ideally adjacent to each other.

    Included with the secateurs, as a rule, are knives of various shapes - V-shaped, Omega-shaped and U-shaped.

    Spare knives are made of steel and must be sharpened.

    For example, here is a close-up photo of one of the knives:

    Overview of grafting pruners

    The store can offer us several different models this tool - from different manufacturers, at different prices. What to look for and what nuances to take into account when choosing - see the following from Evgeny Fedotov

    Grafting pruner in action

    Of course, I would like not only to hear, but also to see such a pruner in action. It is best if the neighbor summer cottage already purchased it - you can stand nearby and ask yourself to at least hold the instrument in your hands. In the meantime, the neighbor decides, you can see here. In the next story, Ivan Lifatov shows the process of pear grafting and, which is very important, the further fate of the grafted plant

    Pros and cons

    Probably, in any business and with any thing there are always positive and negative points. Without taking them into account, nothing worthwhile will ever happen. Grafting pruner is no exception. Let's guess:

    Arguments for"

    • You can not have special skills and abilities - and at the same time successfully carry out vaccinations.
    • The grafting process is fast. because it is not necessary to adjust the sections to each other. This is good for the tree (because the cuts do not have time to dry), and for the summer resident (because it saves time).
    • Due to the speed and ease of the process, many more vaccinations can be done. And the fruit and berry assortment of the garden will increase, and experience will increase.

    Arguments against"

    • The grafting pruner is designed for shoots of the same diameter. The permissible difference in diameter is a maximum of 2-3 mm. And if our stock and scion differ markedly in thickness, we still have to turn to the grafting knife.
    • The thickness of the shoots for grafting is limited to 4-12 mm. In practice, especially when using an omega-shaped profile, the spread is even smaller - from 7 to 10-12 mm. That is, the choice of rootstocks and grafts in thickness is rather limited.
    • The price of a good grafting pruner "bites". We will not even compare with the price of a knife.

    So what's in the bottom line?

    The thing is certainly interesting, necessary and useful. If there are opportunities, it will not be superfluous in the dacha economy. If, in the conditions of your particular garden, there are more disadvantages of using a grafting pruner than advantages, it makes sense to learn how to vaccinate with a good old sharp knife.

    I would very much like to know your opinion about this tool, to hear feedback on working with it. This will definitely help someone decide ... or not decide)

    More information on the topic: http://www.7dach.ru

    Country forum: cottage, garden, garden, flowers.

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    Secateurs grafting (three bilateral nozzles). grafting secateurs buy, secateurs, buy secato

    Professional secateurs grafting metal— Professional Grafting Tool.


    Grafting pruner Professional Grafting Tool - Given secateurs new generation is designed for grafting vine plants, for ornamental crops and various fertile plants, it allows accurate and fast grafting cuts.

    high quality pruner, which makes perfect cuts, it will allow you to ensure a tight bond between the rootstock and scion.

    Comes with THREE nozzles!

    It can also be used as a regular pruner. It is easy to sharpen, it works for a very long time before sharpening.

    If you decide buy grafting secateurs, then you will understand that this unique tool for grafting trees and other plants appeared quite recently, but has already managed to take its rightful place in the toolkit of a huge number of gardeners and plant growers.

    Many gardeners are passionate about grafting plants, but here secateurs indispensable assistant. Our grafting pruner will make this activity even more exciting, enjoyable and, most importantly, safe! Necessary buy secateurs and every winter you will look forward to the new season with even greater impatience!

    Grafting knives are very easy to change, within two minutes using a regular cross knife.

    To the question of quality!

    The grafting pruner is a high-tech tool, made very reliably, from high-quality steel and reinforced plastic. Alloy steel knives are hardened and electrophoresis-finished. The height of the knives is 11 mm.

    Reviews about the secateurs of our customers are only the most positive! We ourselves evaluate the quality of the secateurs for a solid five!

    With it, you will forget about the painstaking work of grafting trees, shrubs, vines, flowers, homemade citrus fruits. Be careful when using the grafting pruner, work with clean hands, and the percentage of established grafted plants will be more than 90%.

    With the help of our budding pruner, gardeners successfully carry out grafting of grapes, grafting of apple and pear trees (including grafting of pear on mountain ash and pear on apple tree), grafting of spruce (including blue on ordinary), grafting of cedar (incl. h. on pine), arborvitae, cypress and other conifers, grafting of lemon, tangerine, orange, lime and other citrus fruits, grafting of roses and dogrose (including grafting of roses on wild rose), grafting of cherries and sweet cherries (including grafting cherry on cherry), grafting plum, cherry plum, peach and apricot (including grafting peach on apricot, peach on plum and apricot on plum), grafting nuts, incl. walnut, grafting watermelon and melon (including watermelon on pumpkin and melon on pumpkin), grafting hawthorn, chokeberry, viburnum, chestnut, grafting currants and gooseberries (including standard gooseberry grafting on golden currant), maple grafting , lilac, hibiscus and many other fruit and ornamental plants!

    Our device for grafting plants will serve you for years and delight you with high survival rate and rapid growth of seedlings grafted with it!

    We answer customer questions!

    1) Is it necessary to select the graft to the rootstock by thickness (trunk diameter)?
    WE ANSWER: It is desirable to select according to the thickness, although the scion grows well with the stock, and the graft is completely complete if the stock is 2-3 mm thicker than the scion. In this case, it is necessary to check that the scion from one edge is combined with the scion. This ensures the interaction of the cambial layers of the bark of the scion and rootstock (the cambium is the most vital tissue of the cortex responsible for fusion).

    2) Is it possible with a pruner vaccination vaccination peephole (shield)?
    : Eye grafting is impossible, but no one bothers to graft a short section of the trunk with a kidney - such a graft is better in quality than grafting with a peephole. In general, grafting with an eye is a rather painstaking undertaking that only people with sharp eyesight and a steady hand can do.

    3) Is it possible to compare grafting with a grafting pruner with grafting with a spinner?
    : Yes, you can. Grafting with a V-shaped knife is similar to grafting with a rotation, only in this case the injury to the trunk is minimal (because instead of splitting, we get an accurate cut). The likelihood of penetration of bacteria and fungal spores is minimal.

    4) Where should the cut on the rootstock be directed - inward or outward?
    : The rootstock must have a "mother" cut, and the graft must have a "father" cut, i.e. the scion is inserted into the rootstock. If you do the opposite (cut inward on the scion), then the quality of fusion may be lower. Although, according to reviews, many vaccinate inadvertently on the contrary, and at the same time the vaccination turns out to be complete.

    5) What is the maximum thickness of the trunk (stem) that can be grafted with a pruner?
    : The maximum barrel diameter is 13 mm (recommended by the manufacturer - up to 10 mm). If the trunk thickness is more than recommended, the replaceable knife may break (especially if a plant with hardwood is grafted). The minimum diameter is 3-4 mm.

    6) Which replacement knife should be used for grafting the thinnest trunks?
    : Definitely a V-shaped knife! This knife is ideal for grafting stems with a diameter of less than 6 mm.

    7) Grafting with which of the grafting knives is the most durable?
    : Grafting with an omega-shaped knife (Ω) is the most durable. the stock, as it were, wraps around the scion. After fusion, the strength of all grafts is the same!

    8) What kind of knives do you yourself use most often?
    : Your humble servants prefer to use an omega-shaped knife (Ω) - the connection of the scion with the stock is the most durable, the scion is less likely to shift, it is easier to wrap with tape. An omega-link cannot be made with a conventional grafting knife. However, in the case of grafting thin twigs, a V-shaped nozzle is indispensable (thin stems cannot be used with U and Ω knives)!

    9) What tape should I use for grafting?
    : You can use both a special tape and a regular (electrical insulating) tape. The special grafting tape is self-degradable. As the grafting grows, the tape self-decomposes under the influence of sunlight and flies around.

    10) How many turns of the grafting tape are recommended around the junction of the scion with the rootstock?
    : A few (3-5) turns of tape around the trunk are enough to protect the grafting site. You need to wrap with tension, the tape should fit tightly! Do not wind too many turns - in this case, the lower turns will not receive enough sunlight, as a result of which the grafting tape will not fall apart in time!

    11) I began to graft very thin stems and faced the difficulty of wrapping grafting sites with grafting tape. Tell me how to properly wrap the grafting tape on thin trunks with grafting tape.
    : Do not apply the grafting tape directly to the junction of the scion with the rootstock. First, make a couple of turns on the stock, below the place of alignment with the scion, and then smoothly move to the junction. Practice first on unnecessary branches, and you will definitely succeed!

    12) How are blades replaced?

    1. We put forward the cylindrical orange stop for the knife, after unscrewing the screw holding it,
    2. After unscrewing the four screws, remove (shift to the left) the plastic casing (be careful not to hurt your hands on the knife!),
    3. Remove the knife by first unscrewing the four screws,
    4. We replace the knife and install all the elements in reverse order.

      When installing the cylindrical orange stop in its place, we turn on one face - the knife of the new geometry will make its own slot in it! After installing the cylindrical stop, tighten the nut holding it tightly (the stop must not play!).

    13) What is the resource of replaceable grafting knives?
    ANSWER: The resource of a replaceable knife is at least 2000 cuts for wood of medium hardness, provided that the thickness of the trunk does not exceed the recommended by the manufacturer - 10 mm. Please note that during winter vaccinations, when the wood is frozen, the resource of knives is reduced.
    Attention! After the cut is made, it is necessary to fully open the pruner (so that the knife comes out of the cut), and only then remove the plant from it. Otherwise, you can break the knife! This is one of the most common beginner mistakes.

    15) For the first time I took a grafting pruner in my hands and I don’t know how to open it.
    : To open the tool, slide down the orange slider located between the handles and lock the pruner in the closed position.

    16) Interested in the experience of gardeners who have used your grafting pruner in practice.
    Here are some of the recent feedback we received in the mailbox:

    • “Today I tried a grafting pruner for the first time.

      I can confidently say - this is a real assistant to the gardener. Simple and intuitive to use, lightweight, safe and reliable. Vaccinations are given in one go. Actions are worked out in a short time empirically. After repeating several cycles, vaccinations are already automatic, by the in-line method. Significantly reduced labor costs, saves precious time in the spring, everything you need is placed in your hands.

      Instructions for using the grafting pruner

      Today I tried the option when the rootstock and scion are of the same diameter, next week I will try the option "rootstock wider than the scion". Thank you so much for this truly "vaccination gun". I will definitely take part in the photo contest. Sincerely, E.G. Morozov."

    Main characteristics

    Related ads:

    What crops can be grafted with a grafting pruner?

    Everything that we can graft with a knife can be grafted with a pruner, including: apple trees, pears, cherries, sweet cherries, plums, apricots, grapes, etc.

    Can knives be changed and can they be sharpened?

    Yes, knives can be changed. By the way, secateurs come with two types of knives at once: with U-shaped and "omega"-shaped. You can sharpen knives with a thin, round file “needle file”.

    How to order, pay and receive a pruner?

    • Secateurs can be ordered only by prepayment.
    • You can pay in a variety of ways that will be offered to you after clicking on the "Place an order" button, including: bank card, via YandexMoney and Webmoney, Pay Pal, postal and bank transfer (for residents of Russia), Western Union, Kontact, through terminals and many other payment systems.
    • We send the grafting pruner by registered mail from Lithuania.

      DIY grafting knife

      After you pay for the order and the money is credited to our account, we will send the parcel within two working days.

    • We always immediately inform you about the shipment with the number of the shipment, so that you can track where in this moment the package is located.

    Is there information on the number of possible quality cuts with each of the knives in the kit?

    Personally, I have done more than 300 successful inoculations with one knife. On the Internet, gardeners say that they did 1000 or more vaccinations with one knife. But I won't say until I do it myself.

    Can a grafting pruner completely replace a grafting knife?

    Secateurs can be grafted if the thickness of the grafted parts is from 4 to 12 millimeters. If the grafted parts are thinner or thicker, then you have to work with a knife.

    What is the maximum and minimum thickness of the grafted parts?

    Minimum thickness 4 mm - maximum 12.

    What kind of guarantees do you give, can I get a refund if something goes wrong?


    I give a 100% money back guarantee,
    if the post office for some reason does not deliver the parcel to you.

    Secateurs grafting, or garden scissors for grafting, - hand tool, used in the care of garden plantings and for grafting trees on personal plot with your own hands. Properly using such a tool, subject to the instructions, can not only a professional, but also a novice gardener.

    It is used in professional and amateur gardening. Makes it possible to obtain the highest percentage of survival, which is due to the exclusion of the human factor from the vaccination process.

    Purpose and application

    Distinguished by a curly knife, allowing you to make a professional mirror cut, both on the scion and on the rootstock, after which you only need to accurately connect the parts. The grafting pruner is optimally suited for working with most fruit trees, and the success of the activities carried out using such a tool exceeds 70-80%. The disadvantages include rare breaks in some areas of the joints of the scion and stock.

    However, the cuts obtained with the grafting pruner are as smooth and flat surfaces on scion and rootstock. An excellent result can only be obtained by using quality raw materials. in immaculate condition. It is optimal to purchase a set of knives with different configurations.

    Usually, standard equipment is represented by three different knives: V-shaped, Omega-shaped and U-shaped. As an addition, it is recommended to take care of purchasing a garden pitch, grafting tape and markers for seedlings or cuttings. The transparent version of Professional Grafting Tape is very well suited for this purpose.

    Types of grafting pruners (video)

    Advantages and disadvantages

    In addition to the main advantage in the form of the highest percentage of survival, the benefits include:

    • simplicity and ease of all work performed, even with the complete absence of skill and experience of an amateur gardener;
    • the ability to graft not only annual shoots with a thickness of not more than 3-4 mm, but also older branches with a thickness of up to 1.3 cm;
    • a long period of operation without loss of quality characteristics is due to the use in the manufacture of high-quality and modern materials. Most often, the guaranteed number of work performed without the need to sharpen is about three thousand cuts.

    The main advantage, according to most gardeners, is the ease of work on different types wood, which is due to the presence of several types of interchangeable knives in the kit.

    Professional tree grafting pruners

    In most cases, the market for grafting pruners is represented by professional tools, characterized by high quality characteristics and a well-thought-out working mechanism, as well as a semi-professional and amateur tool designed for a small household plot.

    However, in recent years, amateur gardeners are increasingly faced with outright fakes, so it is important not only to get acquainted with the rating of the highest quality models, but also to know how much a high-quality and durable tool costs approximately. The price of a high-quality professional device cannot be less than two to three thousand rubles.

    Characteristics and features of the application

    Professional Grafting Tool

    The delivery is carried out in different configurations, as well as with a screwdriver for changing knives, which are made of high-carbon steel grade SK-5 and are distinguished by a chrome-plated wear-resistant and anti-corrosion coating. Handles are made of reinforced plastic. A Belarusian analog instrument costs a little less

    Allows you to provide perfect option curly pruning of the stock. Ideal for crown grafting on plants up to 4.5 cm in diameter. Forged blades are made from high carbon modern steel alloy.

    Artitec Manual Grafting 3T AR-INN3T

    The main difference from the previous model is a special knife that allows for budding or budding. The cost of the tool is quite high, due to the manufacture of knives from high-quality high-carbon steel

    Artitec Complementary Gtafte

    Ideal for grafting thin cuttings and more often used as an additional garden tool. It is used for cuts on a rootstock or when grafting using the “split” method.

    The Italian model of the grafting pruner allows you to get perfect cuts without much effort.

    The device is equipped with three types of very sharp forged knives: U-shaped, Ω-shaped and kidney.

    Ideal for working with shoots with a diameter of no more than 1.1 cm

    How to make a grafting pruner with your own hands: drawings and manufacturing steps

    To independently make a grafting garden tool, you will need competent drawings, as well as some skills and blanks. Popular is the manufacture of grafting secateurs from ordinary spadefoot. The main problem of creating a tool based on such a device is the need to grind knives on your own or order from a locksmith. No less popular is the manufacture of the so-called grafting vise.

    The basis of such a tool you need to take a small vise and fix a sharp and curved blade on the pin. The cutting is carried out not in the process of pressing, but by turning the handle. Work with such a homemade pruner is longer, but no less convenient and effective.

    Also very common homemade version is a modification of the design of standard garden shears, which can be equipped with almost any knives for grafting pruners. The installation of knives is carried out by means of a special simple device in the form of a welded metal tube with cuts.

    The principle of operation of the grafting pruner (video)

    Features of the Belarusian secateurs for grafting trees

    Belarusian grafting pruners, today, are characterized by amateur gardeners as one of the most reliable, easy-to-use, durable and high-quality tools. Possess typical design and have the following options:

    • the movement of the knife blade is carried out in a perpendicular direction to the handle;
    • the working part is made of high-strength and modern steel ST-20 coated with white zinc;
    • the material of the knives is high-quality tool steel;
    • handles are made of durable steel alloy with silicone coating;
    • the total weight does not exceed 0.45 kg.

    The material of the handles is comfortable and easy to clean with a normal soapy solution. The thickness of forged knives with double-sided sharpening is 0.3 mm. Special features are the minimum gaps, as well as almost completely absent backlash in the moving part of the grafting drive.

    How to use the tool

    Sections and grafting work are carried out according to the standard technology of grafting and budding of fruit and berry plantations. To keep the tool in working condition throughout the entire period of operation, it is imperative to provide the secateurs with high-quality and timely, completely uncomplicated care:

    • Garden tools must be kept dry and clean. Immediately after carrying out the entire scope of work, you need to wipe the blades and handles with a dry, clean rag, and then store them in a case or a special case;
    • important to follow the rules winter conservation, which will prevent the formation of corrosive changes and a decrease in the sharpness of cutting surfaces. It is best to treat the blades and all moving parts with a special lubricant, then wrap the tool in a clean and soft, dry rag.

    If, as a result of prolonged and direct contact of the cutting surfaces with water, rust has appeared on the blades, it is recommended to soak the tool in a container filled with gasoline or diesel fuel, then wipe, lubricate the pruner and put it away for winter storage.

    It is very convenient and profitable to use professional and amateur equipment from well-established manufacturers in work. Unlike amateur models, professional knives are always hardened by cold forging. The resulting vaccines are different high level survival rate, and caring for this type of garden tools is not at all difficult, since even the procedure for replacing a knife is simplified as much as possible, and comes down to the need to unwind the minimum number of fasteners.

    Successful grafting requires a steady hand, a good eye, dexterity, and a sharp knife. The grafting pruner is useful for the novice gardener and the professional. Each tool has advantages and disadvantages. A tool in inept hands will be useless if the basic requirements of the correct one are not met.

    Grafting pruner device

    If a conventional pruner consists of a cutting surface that compresses and deforms the cadmium layer, this is unacceptable for a graft pruner. Therefore, the tool has a working blade that creates a figured cut in a shape that will allow you to perfectly match the two open surfaces of the scion and rootstock. The other blade performs a supporting function. Moreover, the supporting blade repeats the profile of the branch at the moment of stop, so as not to cause injury to it. When squeezing the tissues, juice is released, which flows down the groove of the knife. The nut and bolt fix the fit of the support and working blades to each other. spring mechanism returns the blades to their original position.

    If the vaccination is carried out on a one-year-old seedling, removing the stem, the stock is fixed from above. When planting a seedling, you need to take on the stock so as not to pull out a weak scion from the nest. The omega-shaped notch at the junction gives top scores, but not suitable for working with dense tree species.

    Based on the described process, it is clear that in order to make an accurate, even cut without squeezing over a large area, special steel is needed. Therefore, the quality of the tool depends on:

    • from the materials used for the manufacture of the cutting part of the grafting pruner;
    • method of manufacturing and connecting parts:
    • obtaining a cutting surface and its thickness.

    High-carbon steels are considered the best, with the manufacture of parts by forging or riveting. Forged products have a special strength, but also increase the cost of the process significantly.

    The cutters at the moment of impact create a figured cut of the same profile, so the graft and stock are ideally combined if the rods are of the same section. Watch the video on how the grafting pruner works, and everything will become clear.

    What attracts a new tool for a gardener and an amateur:

    1. Guaranteed coincidence of two cuts of the rootstock and scion.
    2. Fitting is not required, the cut is clean, made quickly, which means that if hygiene is observed, the cutting will take root.
    3. With a high speed of operations performed, a professional will do more work in a day.

    The disadvantage is the very high cost of a quality tool. Pruner price for the best manufacturers approaching a hundred thousand rubles. This is what determines why so many homemade devices that work effectively.

    It is impossible to perform high-quality grafting if the difference in the thickness of the scion and rootstock exceeds 3 mm.

    Contrary to the declared parameters, the grafting pruner rarely makes a high-quality cut when the thickness of the branches is more than 10 mm.

    Why buy a professional Grafting Tool Grafting Pruner

    This professional tree grafting tool is considered the benchmark for quality. Made of the best tool steel, by forging the blade by pulling the blade, the knife does not blunt, as it goes into dense wood like butter. With the help of very thin forged blades V-shaped, U-shaped and omega-shaped, you can make curly cuts with a pruner for grafting trees and shrubs. Which knife to use, the gardener decides, depending on the density of the wood. Nozzles change instantly. They are double-edged and withstand up to 3000 cuts. The tool has a 3-year warranty, which does not cover consumables.

    No less high quality and all other parts made of reinforced plastic and high quality steel. To sharpen knives, a special tool is required, but there is no need for sharpening:

    • each side of the blade can withstand at least 3000 cuts, and there are 2 of them on each nozzle;
    • there are three nozzles complete with a professional grafting tool grafting pruner;
    • The store always has replacement nozzles that are not expensive.

    There is an alternative to an expensive tool. Chinese and Belarusian manufacturers offer their products at a price several times lower than the Italian instrument. Chinese models are good only on the first cuts. They easily bite into thin, fresh wood. With the possibility declared by the manufacturer to work with grafting material with a cross section of 13 mm, they become blunt on the very first cuts, and later fall apart from the applied efforts.

    The new grafting pruner tool was patented in 1983 in the USSR. Invented by scientists Kostrikin I.A. and Melnichenko N.I., first for vineyards, and in 1992 for fruit and ornamental plants. The purpose of the invention was to facilitate the manual labor of the peasants.

    The Belarusian grafting secateurs are made using tool steel for knives and steel 20 for handles and handles, making them stronger. Aesthetics give silicone pads. Zinc coating prevents corrosion of metal parts. Belarusian knives are of high quality, as the cutting part is elongated by forging, just like in Italian products. Such a grafting pruner costs 1600 rubles, it is available to villagers with low incomes.

    Making your own grafting pruners

    Having got acquainted with the device and the principle of operation of branded tools developed by designers, the craftsmen adopted the shape of knives and created their own tools.

    For the knives to go into soft tissue twigs without injuring them, it requires the transfer of great efforts by a lever or screw and a knife created for its design. Garlic and small yews are used. For craftsmen, even drawings are not needed to make a do-it-yourself grafting pruner. Homemade tools are used by professionals and deserve flattering reviews.

    Overview of grafting secateurs of different models - video