How to make a grafting pruner with your own hands. All about creating a do-it-yourself grafting pruner

For grafting plants, a budding and grafting knife is used. Let's talk today about what they are for, how to use them and how to sharpen them.

The budding knife has a blade with a convex blade and a pointed nose. Needs double sided sharpening. In addition, it has a stone to separate the bark of the rootstock from the wood and facilitate the insertion of the kidney during budding.

Another knife - grafting - has an elongated blade and a straight blade, it is designed to make long and even cuts.

On the back of the blade of such a knife there is a beard (protrusion), which serves to separate the bark and push the edges of the cut apart when grafting the plant “by the bark”.

The blade of the grafting knife has the shape of an isosceles triangle in diameter. These knives are sharpened on one side only.

In garden shops there are combination knives with a grafting and budding blade on the same handle.

Knives must be sharply sharpened. Watch the video from Andrey Krot, which shows in detail how to sharpen the grafting and budding knife.

The sharpness of garden knives can be checked in the following ways. Turn the blade blade up towards the sun. If shiny dots are visible on the blade, then the blade is blunted. Take the knife in your left hand with the edge up and cut thin paper with it, a sharp blade cuts it well, a blunt one tears it.

After use, the knives need to be wiped, keep it always clean. Use budding and grafting knives only for their intended purpose. Lubricate the hinge pins periodically with engine oil. Before winter storage, grease the knives with grease and store in a dry place.

About secateurs

Secateurs are also needed for grafting plants. These are scissors with curved blades, they consist of a cutting and supporting halves. The cutting part has a convex blade, the supporting one is concave. Secateurs for sharpening are disassembled. A poorly sharpened pruner crushes tree branches.

Sharpen only the outer part of the cutting blade from the chamfer side. It is impossible to grind the inside of the cutting blade; as a result of such sharpening, the secateurs become unusable. A sharp pruner cuts paper like scissors. When working, it is important to hold the secateurs correctly; when upside down, it strongly crumples the branches.

Overview of Felco Victorinox, Fiskars and Tina grafting knives

Well, in this video clip you can see which grafting knives professional gardeners use.

Sooner or later, every summer resident will have to face such a question as grafting trees, since growing fruits of different breeds on the same tree is not only attractive from the point of view of saving space suburban area but also interesting. So if you have not encountered this, in the future you will definitely visit such a thought. And the first thing you will encounter in the process of implementing the grafting of one tree to another is the choice of tool. From it, or rather from its quality, the survival rate of the shoots, the grafted plant largely depends, and it is about him that we will talk in this article.?

How to make a grafting knife with your own hands photo

Grafting knife: what it can be

By and large, the types of grafting knives cannot boast of their great diversity. In total, there are two main options for their execution - this is an budding and copulating knife - the difference between them lies in the purpose, and to be precise, in the method of grafting in which they are used.

Both types of grafting knife are distinguished by sharp sharpening, which allows you to cut and cut through trees, causing them a minimum of damage. The budding knife is distinguished by double-sided sharpening, while the copulation knife is sharpened only on one side. These knives make a perfectly sharp cut, due to which a dense joining of the wood is made. As a result, a high survival rate of shoots or buds. In general, it is impossible to overestimate this tool - with an ordinary table knife, even if it is sharply sharpened, it will not work to make a high-quality grafting of plants. You can learn a lot about grafting knives from this video.

How to choose a grafting knife: what to look for

By and large, choosing a grafting knife is a simple matter, and there are not many subtleties that need to be paid attention to. The most important thing here is the quality of sharpening. It should be understood that the grafting knife is a razor-sharp tool with one-sided sharpening at a high angle. In some ways, it even resembles a dangerous razor, sharpened almost over the entire surface of the blade. In addition to this point, you should also pay attention to other nuances.

The manufacturer is also important. To date, there are not so many enterprises that produce solid, durable and, most importantly, the right grafting knives. The leaders in this area of ​​the national economy are Fiskars and Victorinox - the cost of their tools varies from 15 to 25 dollars per unit. Some may think it's expensive, but it's actually worth it.

DIY grafting knife: how to make

By and large, there are only a couple of options that allow you to make a homemade grafting knife, as they say, quickly and simply - or rather, not even options, but products that can be used to make this garden tool. It's a straight razor and an old wood saw.

If you choose between one way or the other self-manufacturing grafting knife for the garden, then, of course, the best option, besides also the fastest, will be the use of a dangerous razor. At the very least, it will not need to be polished, which is quite tedious and time consuming to do manually. Well, in general, if you are a professional amateur gardener and know a lot about grafting knives, then, of course, it is best to make it yourself - personally for yourself, taking into account rich experience and theoretical knowledge.

In conclusion of the topic, I will say a few words about the universal grafting knife, which appeared as a result of many years of experience of the world's leading gardeners - this tool can be distinguished by the special shape of the knife. On its blade there is, as it were, a small, sharply sharpened horn, which is intended for budding. For copulation, the other side of the knife with one-sided sharpening is used. In addition, on the opposite side of the handle there is a plastic or metal bone, which is used to push the tree bark away during the budding process. This is a good knife, and if you are determined to try your hand at something like grafting trees, then this is the best knife to get. By the way, in addition to knives, special scissors can also be used for grafting, which we will talk about in the next article.

- This is a hand tool that is used by gardeners in the process of caring for plantings and in order to graft trees on their own. It is important that not only an experienced gardener, but also a novice summer resident can use this.

Tool description

This is a gardening tool whose blades help make grafting cuts. As you know, success directly depends on how well the cuts on the scion and rootstock will match.

The design of the blades is designed in such a way that the scion and rootstock cutouts fit perfectly with each other without any additional adjustments, like puzzles. It remains only to fasten them together.

As practice shows, the use of this results in 90-100% of effective vaccinations. These pruners come with knives. different forms- V-shaped, U-shaped and Omega-shaped. These knives are made of steel and can be sharpened. Grafting pruners are very durable. According to manufacturers, a resource for two, or even three thousand slices is laid in such a tool.

Important! Shoots for grafting should be from 3-4 mm to 10-13 mm in size. The size depends on the softness of the wood.

How to use it?

Using the tool is quite easy. Even a novice gardener will be able to perform garden grafting quickly and extremely efficiently. The process can be roughly divided into four stages. you need to choose smooth, with unwrinkled bark.

All the pros and cons in favor of the secateurs

This grafting tool has both positive qualities and negative features.


The main advantage is the high percentage of survival, which was mentioned earlier. Also, the advantages of using such a tool include:

  • Ease, speed and simplicity of the work performed. Even an amateur gardener who first decided to carry out such a procedure will definitely cope and make a high-quality vaccination.
  • Not only thin, one-year-old shoots are subject to vaccination, but also older ones.
  • The promised period of operation is very long. The tool is made of modern high quality, which allows you to use it year after year without loss of efficiency.
  • Thanks to the set of interchangeable knives, it is possible to use the secateurs for different kind wood.


  • The grafting pruner is designed for shoots that have an identical diameter. The difference between scion and rootstock should be no more than 2-3 mm. Otherwise, you will still have to use a knife.
  • The thickness of shoots for grafting is limited to 13 mm.
  • Price. To purchase a really high-quality tool, most likely, you will have to spend a considerable amount, which, of course, is incomparable with an ordinary knife.

Criterias of choice

In order to purchase a quality garden tool, you need to pay attention to a number of very important points when choosing.

  • Sharpness of knives. Care must be taken to ensure that the blades are sharp. Some manufacturers produce secateurs, the blades of which are treated with Teflon, electrophoresis, or made of alloy steel. All this has a very positive effect on the convenience and durability of this garden tool. It is also important to check if the blade is well attached to the handle.
  • The type of spring that connects the pruner handles to each other is very important in the use of the tool. Tape springs, as practice shows, are more convenient.
  • Handle cover. It will be more convenient if they are covered with rubberized material. Such a secateurs will not slip in your hand, and will not provoke the appearance of corns. The best option- this is the presence of a recess for the finger on the lower handle.
  • The stroke of the knives should be tight, and the gap between the knives should be minimal. If such requirements are met, then the shoots will not be damaged and wrinkled during processing.

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Grafting trees is a delicate matter and requires the gardener not only theoretical knowledge, but also a lot of practical experience. To achieve a high degree of survival of shoots, you have to practice this business for a long time. At least that was the case before - today, when such a tool as a pruner for grafting trees has come to the disposal of gardeners, things are much better. According to the developers of this tool, it allows you to achieve almost one hundred percent survival rate of shoots. Whether time and practice will actually show this, and we, together with the website, will get acquainted with this tool - we will deal with the features of the grafting pruner, design and selection criteria.

How to make a do-it-yourself grafting pruner photo

Secateurs for grafting trees: what is it

According to various sources, pruners for grafting trees and grapes make it possible to achieve grafting efficiency ranging from 90 to 100% - it all depends on the gardener's hand and quality. This opportunity arises because manufacturers have excluded the so-called human factor from the vaccination process to the maximum - the hand trembled or stared at the bird.

Scissors of this type allow you to make the same cut on different shoots - this is not an even or even an inclined cut of a branch in half. This is a figured section, which in some way can be compared with the tongue-and-groove connection system of some finishing materials in construction - the so-called father and mother are obtained, which will only need to be correctly connected to each other and firmly fixed. The special shape of the knife and its sharp sharpening is the key to success.

Grafting pruners fruit trees photo

Garden grafting pruner: the benefits of using

As you already understood, the main advantage of this tool is a large percentage of accustomed vaccinations. But this is not all that the secateurs are capable of. Among other things, grafting pruners garden plants provide the gardener with many other benefits.

  1. For starters, this is the simplicity of the work performed. If a certain skill is required, then even a novice amateur gardener can handle the secateurs.
  2. If earlier gardeners grafted annual shoots, the thickness of which did not exceed 3-4 mm, then with the advent of the secateurs, it became possible to graft older shoots, the thickness of which reaches 13 mm.
  3. Durability, which is expressed in long-term work without sharpening or, in this case, without replacing the old blade with a new one - as a rule, we are talking about 2 or even 3 thousand cuts.
  4. Possibility to produce different types vaccinations for various types trees. As a rule, almost all garden pruners for grafting trees are equipped with three types of interchangeable blades, choosing which you can use the pruner in a given situation. It is omega shape, U-shaped and V-shaped blade.

See how the grafting pruner works in this video.

All of the above advantages of the tool will be available to the gardener for a long time, if the grafting pruner is properly cared for. Basically, just like any other thing, proper care and operation in any case guaranteed long years operation of a thing and especially a tool.

Secateurs for vaccinations: features of care and storage

By and large, caring for a grafting pruner is nothing complicated - this is how they care for any hand tool, for which it is important to maintain the sharpness of the blades. If you list all important points, there are only two things to point out here.

In principle, this is the whole care of a garden tool of this type. It remains to add only one thing - you should not allow direct contact of the secateurs with water. If this has already happened, then it must be thoroughly wiped, dried with any convenient way, and even better, rinse in gasoline or diesel fuel, then lubricate well. This is the only way to maintain the correct performance of the secateurs for a long time.

Do-it-yourself grafting secateurs: options

Oddly enough, but despite the complexity of making a grafting pruner, many amateur gardeners have mastered the technique of making this tool on their own, and very successfully. They use various improvised things to make a homemade pruner, but the most popular are the usual old-style garden pruner and the usual spadefoot.

Alternatively, you can consider other designs with levers - according to the principle of using an old pruner, it is quite easy to make a grafting device from other things that have compression levers. For example, a pipe cutter is perfect for this purpose, which cuts plastic and polypropylene pipes- if you wish, you can even make a grafting pruner from a clamp. If you install a blade on the screw (naturally, so that it does not rotate with it), and make a hollow for a branch at the bottom, you will get a completely normal grafting apparatus. In general, go for it, fantasize and try. Without this, or rather without trial and error, it will not work to create something sensible.

And in conclusion of the topic about the pruner for grafting trees, a few words about the choice of this tool. In principle, everything here is almost the same as with any other secateurs - the sharpness of the blades, ease of use, reliability of mechanisms, and so on are important. Particular attention here must be paid to the case material - it has a heavy load, and many models from an unknown manufacturer simply cannot cope with it (the case breaks). In this regard, it is better to pay attention to a proven manufacturer, whose reputation cannot be doubted.