Planting lawn grass with your own hands in the country. How to plant lawn grass - when to sow, what varieties and seeds to plant, how to grow and care for a lawn Lawn sports grass how to plant

It would seem, what could be easier than growing grass? Meanwhile, in order to get a well-groomed green lawn, it is necessary not only to properly plant lawn grass, but also prepare the soil for planting, and subsequently properly care for a young lawn.

Lawn types

A lawn is not necessarily a short-cut classical style green grass. It can be flowering - Moorish or meadow, sports - resistant to abrasion, or garden. The choice of seeds for sowing and subsequent care, for example, the frequency of cutting and top dressing, watering and aeration, depends on the type of lawn. Soil preparation for different types lawns are produced using a single technology.

When is the best time to sow the lawn?

There are no hard and fast rules for seeding a lawn. It is necessary to take into account the time for preparing the site, soil, for the germination of grass. That is why the best time to start work on the design of the lawn is the period from mid-May to early September. On average, seeding and germinating a lawn takes 4 to 6 weeks and is best completed before snow and frost.

Site preparation

The first and most important stage is the marking of the future lawn, its cleaning from weeds and leveling. Careful preparation will save you from weeding and make it easier to mow an already grown lawn. The time required to prepare the site is from 1 to 4 weeks.

Fertilization and soil preparation

The second stage, at which favorable conditions are laid for the rapid and friendly emergence of seedlings of lawn grass and its subsequent growth. The need for fertilizer depends on the type of soil. It should be fertile, loose, pass and retain moisture well and contain a sufficient amount of elements to ensure rapid growth. Lead time - from 3 to 7 days.

Seeding rates are usually indicated on the seed packaging, for various kinds lawns they can vary. Do not save on quantity - the "bald spots" on your lawn will not remain bare for long, very soon they will be occupied by weeds, and you will have to repeat everything again. The time required to sow the grass is short - if the lawn is small, you can do it in a day.

Lawn care

During the period of germination and rapid growth of grass, regular maintenance is necessary for the lawn. It consists in regular watering, removing the remaining weeds, as well as cutting young grass. Before the first haircut, walking on the lawn is not recommended.

A two to three year old lawn with evenly growing grass is considered mature. Such a lawn needs not only watering and mowing, but also aeration, as well as additional fertilization. However, strong and healthy root system will not allow weeds to sprout and seeds that accidentally fall, and your lawn will delight you with juicy green grass for a long time.

Many dream of a beautiful lawn in the country, and not everyone can hire a designer who will do everything for you. But to figure out how to sow lawn grass with your own hands, everyone can do it. Usually in the country, the lawn is sown from purchased seeds. Some people prefer to buy rolled lawn. This is a ready-made coating on which grass grows, you don’t have to think about how to plant it. In any case, you must first choose the type of lawn coverage.

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    Lawn types

    All lawns can be divided into 4 groups depending on their functionality:

    1. 1 Ground floor. It requires careful maintenance, which will take a lot of time. But the soft rich green of the lawn is great for decorating a summer house.
    2. 2 Sports. Good for shaping playgrounds, recreation areas, etc. The grass that covers the sports lawn is perfectly restored and resistant to mechanical damage.
    3. 3 Universal. Such a lawn is able to solve any landscape problems. It does not require long-term care and is easily restored. Among the universal lawns, a shady lawn can be distinguished. Its herbs are able to grow in the shade of trees and tall shrubs. Sow grass in spring.
    4. 4 Moorish lawn. Characteristically different from the usual green mowed lawns and more like a flower bed.

    Each group includes a set consisting of several herbs. Under unfavorable conditions, one of the grass varieties may die, then this gap is filled by other, more resistant ones. Thanks to the mixture of grasses, the lawn always has a uniform green cover. Usually the herbal mixture consists of: fescue, bluegrass, ryegrass, broom. Each of these herbs has properties that can give your lawn a graceful look. appearance and long term.
    Ryegrass grows fast and maintains a pronounced green appearance throughout the season.
    Bluegrass is tolerant of heat and cold. It grows into a dense carpet that cannot be trampled. Such a lawn in the country will become a worthy decoration and a place of rest.
    Fescue has good frost resistance and excellent moisture absorption. Sow it in early spring.

    Planting site planning

    Where and how to grow? Before sowing grass, it is necessary to plan a place for placing a lawn cover. Landscape designers recommend placing the lawn on a flat area, in partial shade or in the sun. In a place that is too dark, there is a chance that the herbs will not take root. But, as practice shows, the lawn can be placed on any surface, regardless of whether it is a horizontal plane or an inclined one. Of course, more efforts will have to be made, since a layer of fertile soil must be laid on the inclined plane, which will not collapse and slide. To avoid landslides, it is enough to attach a strong mesh before laying the soil on the slope. In this case, it is necessary to purchase seeds intended for planting on slopes. Lawn grass grows on both sandy and clay soils.

    Marking the land for the lawn

    Before preparing the land, it is advisable to draw a plan for the location of the lawn on the territory.

    You need to place the lawn taking into account trees, paths, etc. This is necessary so that in the future there are no problems with cutting and cleaning the territory. You should not plant grass around trees, because. it will have to be constantly sown. It is better to leave a place that can be decorated with small stones or sand. Further, soil preparation, leveling and marking are the stages after which it is extremely difficult to change anything on the site.

    Land preparation for planting

    Sowing lawn grass with your own hands is a matter that requires considerable preparation. Prepare the soil for the lawn as follows:

    1. 1 Remove unwanted trees and bushes.
    2. 2 Clear the area of ​​all debris: stones, small twigs, without burying them in the ground. Poor harvesting quality will be remembered when planting and tamping.
    3. 3 Completely remove weeds from the turf area.

    You can do this in several ways:

    • regularly pull out weeds with your hands for some time;
    • get rid of using planting crops - wheat or rye;
    • remove weeds using herbicides.

    Next, the prepared land needs to be dug up. If the soil is not very fertile, it is necessary to add a small layer of earth brought from another site, as well as add mineral fertilizers, and you can proceed to leveling.

    Features of sowing seeds

    How to plant a lawn with your own hands? Using an iron rake, you need to carefully level the ground, break up clods and remove holes and cracks. On unevenly leveled ground, it will be more difficult to care for the lawn. If the holes are left, then the planted grass will grow in waves, and if there are cracks in the ground, it will grow into tussocks of medium size.
    Leveled soil should be compacted with a roller. When processing a large area, it is a good idea to rent a roller for manual rolling of asphalt from a road repair company. If the plot is small, you can do it on your own, for example, fill iron barrel water and use it for tamping, or take wide board and trample the soil through it with your feet.

    Next, you need to loosen the soil a little with a rake and cover it with plastic wrap - this is the most best advice how to sow lawn grass. A month later, the greenhouse effect created under the film will destroy the rest of the weeds. The soil is ready, now you can choose the time to sow the lawn with seeds.

    season selection

    The time when lawn grass is planted has no restrictions. You can start planting seeds with the arrival of spring, when the soil warms up a little, and until late autumn, until the first frosts come. By planting lawn grass in the spring, you can get the first shoots very quickly. Of course, do not forget about the peculiarities of the climate.

    But summer is considered the best time for planting. During this period, planting a lawn with your own hands is much easier, since almost all favorable factors coincide: the soil is warm and there is enough moisture in it, and weeds do not grow as fast as in the spring.

    The grass will sprout even before the frost and will have time to get stronger in order to overwinter painlessly. And in the spring you don’t have to think about how to sow lawn grass. It remains to take care of the care and haircut.

    If we consider the autumn sowing, you need to take into account some points. Seeds planted in the first month of autumn will sprout before the cold weather. And seeds planted in late autumn will get stronger faster and be more resistant to diseases characteristic of this type of grass. If you plant lawn grass in the fall, you will need to feed it with fertilizers that contain fluorine and potassium, which allow you to strengthen future roots.

    Long-term experiments have shown that turf seeds planted in May germinate and grow faster. summer sowing allows you to see a small grass in the current season. Spring and summer shoots require more painstaking care: you will have to destroy weeds and water much more often. For the full growth of seeds planted in spring and summer, you need to use fertilizers with a low nitrogen content.

    The basic rule when planting lawn grass is dry weather without wind and rain. The seeds are very light, and even a small wind can disperse them throughout the dacha. Next, you can focus on how to properly plant the lawn in the spring.

    Landing activities

    How to plant lawn grass? Many experienced gardeners advise mixing seeds with sand when sowing lawn grass or using a special seeder. Both methods have the right to exist, therefore, how to plant lawn grass, you need to decide on your own. In the absence of a seeder, you can sow the seeds by hand, scattering the seeds along the plot, and then across. After planting the seeds, you need to walk around the entire territory with a skating rink. This is necessary to evenly press the seeds into the ground. Next, the sowing is watered with drip irrigation for a week: this method of watering will allow the sprouts to get the necessary moisture, while the soil will not erode.

    Haircut, care and fertilizer

    In order for the lawn to look proper, you need:

    1. 1 Regular mowing, due to which the lawn will always be smooth and beautiful.
    2. 2 Timely watering during the growth period, after the destruction of weeds and mowing.
    3. 3 Weeding. No matter how diligently the destruction of weeds is carried out, after a while they appear again. Weeding by hand is the most tiring, but at the same time the most effective method weed control.
    4. 4 Mandatory top dressing necessary for the normal growth and development of lawn grass.
    5. 5 Cleaning. It is needed to give the lawn an aesthetic appearance. In autumn, it is desirable to remove dry leaves and remnants of mowed grass, and spring cleaning is compatible with combing the soil.

    In the first year, you do not need to apply a large amount of fertilizer, as the young grass will have enough of those nutrients that are in the soil. Watering must be carried out with the utmost care, without washing away the seedlings. If properly cared for, the effort spent will grow a beautiful lawn that will delight you throughout the season. So while some are only thinking about how to properly plant lawn grass, while others are already admiring their work.

    Nowadays, the lawn has become popular not only in city parks and squares. More and more summer residents give preference to him, taking away a place from traditional beds and bringing comfortable recreation areas to life. The lawn is an essential element landscape design, tying together flower beds, compositions of shrubs and large-sized plants. Due to the property of lawn grasses to evaporate a large amount of moisture, even on hot days, a comfortable microclimate is maintained on the green lawn. In the article, we will consider not only how to plant a lawn with our own hands in the country, but also how to properly care for it throughout the year.

    The choice of grass for the lawn

    There is a wide variety of lawn grasses, each designed for specific operating conditions. To achieve the desired result, it is not enough just to read the name of the herbal mixture on the package, you must carefully study its composition, having a clear idea of ​​​​the properties of each herb in its composition.

    According to functionality, it is customary to divide lawns into three types:

    • decorative;
    • sports;
    • specialized.

    Grass for sports turf

    As the name implies, such lawns are planted on sports and playgrounds.

    They differ:

    • resistance to mechanical damage;
    • resistance to trampling;
    • fast recovery.

    It is for this reason that most summer residents choose these grass mixtures for their plots. But it should be borne in mind that ryegrass is always present in their composition, which dies during cold winters. Therefore, in the northern regions, it is advisable to abandon it or be ready to re-sow every spring.

    As a rule, the following set is present in a sports grass mixture:

    • perennial ryegrass. It germinates most quickly, has a bright green color that persists throughout the season;
    • meadow bluegrass. It withstands both heat and cold very well. Forms a dense cover that perfectly resists trampling;
    • red fescue. This is the least demanding cereal with good frost resistance;
    • meadow fescue. In most cases, it is the least in the composition of the mixture, since it does not resist trampling well, but at the same time it responds well to mowing.

    The sports turf should be planted as thickly as possible, at least 50 grams per 1 m2 is recommended. In areas with increased load, this rate doubles and is already at least 100 grams per m2.

    The best time to plant it is early autumn.

    Grass for a specialized lawn

    These grass mixtures are used for landscaping roadsides, industrial facilities, etc. Their direct purpose is to absorb dust and purify the air. Therefore, you should choose the least demanding herbs that are able to filter polluted air and be resistant to burning.

    They include:

    • awnless rump. This is an undemanding cereal that easily tolerates drought and frost;
    • shoot-forming bent grass. It is optimal for those areas that cannot be mowed often, as it slowly recovers after mowing. It does not tolerate drought, but is extremely hardy.

    Grass for decorative lawn

    Decorative lawn, in turn, is divided into three types:

    • meadow. As the name suggests, it mimics a natural grassland landscape with a large combination of herbs, wildflowers and some weeds;
    • ordinary. Consists of several herbal mixtures. In the softness of the turf, it is inferior to the parterre lawn, but surpasses the sports one. A lawn from an ordinary grass mixture is able to withstand light loads, but will require regular self-care;

    • parterre. These are elite lawns that are extremely demanding for care. They are meant only to be admired. Parterre lawns are unstable even to minimal loads, as they consist of one type of grass, which has exclusively decorative functions. Therefore, it is often placed in front of the main facade of the house as a rich green background for flower, tree or shrub arrangements.

    • separate from all moorish lawn. It is characterized by the widest composition of herbs: clover, cereals, wild flowers and many other herbs. It is sown only once in the middle of spring (depending on the weather conditions of the region), and then it propagates independently - by self-sowing. Such a do-it-yourself lawn does not require regular mowing.

    • In addition to the classic mixtures of cereal grasses, there are lawns of chamomile, clover, thyme or yarrow.
    • Recommended composition of grass for certain areas:
    1. for a shaded area, the composition of herbs is suitable: meadow fescue 60%, white bent grass 20%, meadow bluegrass 20%. Or red fescue 50%, perennial ryegrass 25%, bluegrass meadow 25%;
    2. for a plot in the open sun, you should choose a herbal mixture of bentgrass shoots 60% and comb 30%;
    3. for full shade, shoot-forming bent grass is intended;
    4. a mixture of: meadow bluegrass 60% and red fescue 40% is planted along the fence.
    • It is also worth mentioning the rolled lawns. There is a misconception that this is an option for the lazy. In fact, it requires exactly the same serious soil preparation as a regular seed lawn. The only difference is that with the help of a rolled lawn, a ready-made thick turf is immediately obtained.

    • When buying domestic grass mixtures, one must be prepared for the fact that fodder cereals will certainly be added to their composition. Also, the presence of a certain amount of weeds is not ruled out.

    Lawn location plan on the site and soil preparation for it

    Before you plant a lawn, you need to carry out a number of preparatory work.

    First of all, even before preparing the land, a plan is drawn for the location of the lawn on the site. It is also important to take into account the location of flower beds, trees, small architectural forms, etc. on it. This is necessary so that in the future there are no problems with mowing the lawn.

    Stages of soil preparation for the lawn:

    • cleaning the area under the lawn from debris, which includes branches, stones and various household waste. This must be done with high quality, without dropping anything into the ground;
    • remove all unnecessary trees and shrubs;
    • clear of weeds. There are several ways to do this:
    1. the first is regular weeding by hand. To do this, in the spring, the earth is watered abundantly in order to accelerate the growth of the weed, after which they are weeded and the earth is carefully shed again. This will need to be done several times;
    2. in the second case, any aggressive green manure, for example, rye, is planted in the fall. In the spring, she will come out first, and will “strangle” most of the weeds. It must be dug up at the stage of young shoots and embedded in the ground. It will not only help to cope with most of the weeds, but also additionally loosen and enrich the land;
    3. the third way is to remove weeds with herbicides. The most popular of these is roundup. But it negatively affects any vegetation, so today chemicals have appeared that only remove weeds without harming lawn grass;
    • prepared land is dug up. If necessary, bring a new one fertile soil, for the development of a good turf, its layer of 10 cm thick is enough. At the same stage, mineral complex fertilizers are introduced;

    • Now it's time for alignment. With the help of a rake, all lumps and cavities are broken and leveled;
    • the ground leveled under the lawn is tightly compacted with a roller. If a large area is cultivated, then it is most rational to rent a special ice rink from any landscape gardening company. When arranging a small area, you can do on their own, for example, using a barrel of water or making a skating rink out of a log;

    • before sowing seeds, the surface of the earth must again be slightly loosened with a rake and covered with a film for a couple of months. Due to this, some of the remaining weeds will pereperet and die.

    How to sow a lawn with your own hands

    It is best to sow grass mixtures at the end of spring in calm and dry weather, which will ensure an even distribution of seeds over the soil surface.

    Today, for uniform sowing of lawn grasses, special devices are sold - seeders.

    Their absence does not matter, all the work can be done manually.

    Stages of work:

    • for the convenience of work, the lawn is visually divided into longitudinal strips. At first, the grasses are sown moving along them, without missing even a small area. And then they go across. In this way, a uniform and dense distribution of seeds is obtained;

    • now the seeds must be protected from birds and possible erosion by rain. To do this, they are slightly buried with a rake into the ground. Here it is very important to do all the work carefully so as not to disturb the sowing density;

    • to speed up the germination of the lawn, it is not enough, just to rely on weather conditions. Be sure to water it immediately. First, it must be shed at least 5 cm, but at the same time make sure that puddles do not form. In the future, it will also be necessary to ensure regular watering, the frequency of which depends on the season.

    Mistakes when creating a lawn and caring for it

    Wrong choice of grass mixture

    • Before buying, you need to have a clear idea of ​​​​the conditions in which the lawn will be used. As well as the features of the herbs in its composition.
    • You should not choose a lawn designed for open sun and plant it in the shade.
    • Not all grasses that go in ready-made lawns can winter even in middle lane Russia. It is important to consider that in the spring they will no longer ascend.

    Wrong timing for sowing

    • Sowing in autumn before winter is possible only in southern regions Russia. Otherwise, the lawn seeds will freeze out, not having time to gain strength before winter. Or early spring frosts will kill young shoots.
    • Spring is also not the best good time. Since along with a young lawn, weeds will begin to sprout in large numbers.

    Advice: best time for sowing seeds of lawn grass - the end of summer.

    Mistakes in care that lead to the formation of moss

    Due to the fact that it disrupts air circulation, the lawn begins to turn yellow and die in this place.

    Reasons for the appearance of moss:

    • very short regular lawn mowing;
    • swampiness of the site;
    • acidic soil;
    • high soil density;
    • round-the-clock shading;
    • insufficient amount of nutrients.

    But all these troubles can be corrected by determining by the type of moss what the lawn lacks:

    • undersized or creeping moss - lack of sunlight and high humidity soil;
    • tall moss indicates too acidic soil;
    • dense, small and low islands of moss - a sign of too short a haircut.

    To prevent this, the lawn needs constant maintenance, consisting of combing, fertilizing and piercing to improve aeration.

    Untimely application of nitrogen fertilizers

    Nitrogen helps to stimulate the growth of the above-ground, green part of the lawn, it is useful as a spring top dressing. But it will be a mistake to apply it in the fall, thereby reducing the winter hardiness of the turf.

    Tip: at the end of autumn, it is necessary to apply a complex of fertilizers from phosphorus and potassium, which help strengthen the roots.

    Improper lawn mowing

    • Too short - will weaken the lawn, making it more vulnerable to diseases and weeds;
    • it is not recommended to cut more than one third of the plant height for simultaneous mowing. In a severely neglected case, the haircut is performed in several stages at intervals of a couple of days. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the lawn to recover;
    • do not mow the lawn after rain, as it is more susceptible to damage when it is wet.

    Wrong actions when preparing the lawn for winter

    There is an opinion that the cut grass and foliage left on the lawn for the winter will protect its roots from frost. But it will hurt him more than help. Dense turf does not need this kind of protection, but fungi can develop on the left greenery, which will cause plant diseases. In addition, such a covering layer prevents the penetration of air into the soil.

    Tip: before winter, the lawn should not only be fertilized, but also trimmed and combed out.

    Lawn care in winter

    • Until enough snow falls (and this is at least 15 cm), you can’t walk on the lawn.
    • When an infusion or ice forms, they need to be loosened, as they block the access of air.
    • You can not equip the ice rink on the lawn, because in the spring, due to the slower melting of ice, it will lead to a number of problems.

    Creating a real lawn with your own hands is a painstaking and labor-intensive business. It will require constant attention to itself, especially on difficult soils. Of course, you can make the task a little easier by buying special equipment for caring for it and installing a watering system, but all this will require serious financial investments. Therefore, summer residents often confine themselves to regular mowing of the lawn consisting of their weeds.

    11/26/2018 196 Views

    Natural lawns have their own care specifics, but they allow more decor techniques than rolled ones.

    This weed grows well on its own, and in order to grow a quality lawn with your own hands, you will have to work hard and take into account many factors: what seeds to choose, when to sow lawn grass, how to prepare the soil for sowing, how to sow and how to care. We will figure out how to get a green cover with our own hands in the country, avoiding annoying mistakes in the form of “bald patches” and “bald spots”.

    • Sowing the lawn: choose the time
    • Lawn care
    • Do-it-yourself lawn: video, photo
    • One of the most popular varieties of lawn grass is red fescue.

      Sowing the lawn: choose the time

      There is no clear and unambiguous rule when it is best to sow lawn grass in time. Sowing a lawn in the country can be carried out from the beginning of spring, when the soil has warmed up enough, and until the autumn frosts. Each landing time has its own advantages:

      • spring is a very auspicious time, because quick and friendly shoots are best obtained when there is no heat and the soil is moist. But along with the lawn, overwintered weeds will sprout abundantly.
      • planting a lawn in the fall can be done in two ways. The first, in early September, so that in the time remaining before frost, the plants sprout, take root well and have enough time to process them before winter. Sowing time is determined based on the fact that it will take 4-6 weeks to complete all the work. The second way is planting before winter, the introduction of seeds into the already frozen ground, but even before the formation of a stable snow cover. During the winter, the sown seeds will go through a process of stratification, become more resistant to diseases, and with the onset of heat, in fairly moist soil, they will hatch together
      • The autumn set of lawn care activities is very important, and mistakes in it are fraught with unfortunate consequences. For example, fertilizers should not be applied later than the beginning or middle of October, so that the grass does not begin to sprout just before the cold weather.

        • during summer planting, the soil is well warmed up, weeds appear much less often, until the time when frosts begin, the lawn will take root well. The disadvantage of such a planting is that at a temperature of more than + 25 °, almost all seeds lose their germination. So before landing, carefully study the forecast - it is better not to pick up a warm rainy week.
        • When mowing the lawn, the "rule of 1/3" should be observed: cut only a third of the height of the grass. Too radical a haircut is dangerous for the root system of the grass

          Decorative lawn mowing technique: moving concentrically with the lawn mower. Ideally even circles or spirals can be achieved by attaching to a central reliable support with a cable)

          How to plant a lawn: step by step instructions

          Grow in the countryside beautiful lawn with your own hands is not easy, you must strictly adhere to a certain sequence.

          Site preparation

          A carefully prepared and leveled area before sowing lawn grass will save you many problems in further lawn care. Work begins with the marking of the future lawn, based on the general plan of the site and the style of landscape design in the country. After that, they go directly to land work:

          • treatment of the site with a herbicide - the May young vegetation is most susceptible to the effects of herbicides. Some areas that are abundantly overgrown with weeds, whose seeds have increased germination, will have to be treated several times, the interval between spraying is two weeks
          • cleaning the site - after the herbicide-treated vegetation withers and dries, the site must be cleaned of debris, old stumps, shrub roots, dried grass
          • "Wild" view of the lawn in a beach style. Tall grass like red fescue is suitable for creating such a lawn.

            Advice! If the soil is poor and the introduction (delivery) of a large volume of fertile soil is required, the problem of weeds can be radically solved. Having made a recess of the order of 20-30 cm, the entire area is covered with geotextile - it will block the growth of weeds, whose seeds will remain in the ground.

            Geotextiles will radically protect against weeds and make the prepared surface perfectly flat.

            Tiered turf on an artificial embankment

            Soil preparation and fertilization

            Careful implementation of this stage lays down favorable conditions not only for the friendly and rapid germination and germination of seeds, but also for the further development of the lawn cover. The optimal soil for a lawn is loose, fertile, well-drained, but at the same time able to retain enough moisture, have an adequate supply of mineral elements that will ensure rapid growth and sustainable development of plants:

            • slaked lime or chalk is added to acidic soil
            • for loosening clay areas, with heavy and dense soil, it is better to use humus or biohumus
            • Clay shores of natural reservoirs are loosened and flavored with vermicompost before sowing grass

              • if the land is fertile, then there is no need to dig it deep - it will be enough just to dig up the top layer to clear it of weeds. This will give less draft and will allow you to better level the site.
              • Lawn design can be created by combining grass varieties different colors, as well as during mowing with a lawn mower

                • the application of mineral fertilizers depends on the recommendations indicated on the seed packaging - it is individual for each seed set. At the same time, the composition of fertilizers also depends on the time of sowing. In spring, more nitrogen fertilizers are applied, which cause abundant grass growth, in autumn - more potassium and phosphorus, which will make wintering for seeds better.
                • additives and soil are evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​​​the site, the soil is additionally loosened and moistened
                • Advice! An indicator of a well-prepared soil is that it is crumbly and does not stick to the tools.

                  • after leveling, the area is compacted with a special heavy (up to 100 kg) roller, while the irregularities (pits, tubercles) that appear are leveled
                  • The roller for leveling the surface of the site can be manual (up to 100 kg) and for a lawn mower. It is needed quite rarely, so you can not only buy it, but also rent it

                    • after the preparation is completed, it is necessary to give the site a few weeks to “rest”. On the one hand, the earth will shrink and compact, on the other hand, the remaining weeds will sprout, which will need to be removed.
                    • When planting grass in the summer, you will have time to collect the weeds that have sprouted after digging

                      Sowing lawn grass

                      A small area can be sown with your own hands, the use of a seeder will allow you to sow a large area more evenly, while saving planting material. And a few more recommendations:

                      • it is advisable to sow on a calm day, especially if you sow with your own hands
                      • when manually sowing, the lawn mixture is mixed with the same volume of sand - this will ensure a more even distribution,
                      • Grass seeds mixed with fertilizer. For a more even manual sowing process, mix the seeds with the sand

                        • to achieve uniform distribution, the seeds are sown in two directions - first along and then across the plot
                        • before planting the lawn, if the soil is dry, it is watered by putting a nozzle on the hose for fine spraying of water, giving time for the water to soak well
                        • after sowing, the soil is loosened using a French rake and rolled. To prevent the seeds from being blown away by the wind, you can additionally pour 1 cm of peat on top and repeat rolling
                        • after completion of work, the area is again watered a little using a fine sprayer.
                        • The procedure necessary for the lawn is aeration. Getting more air, water and fertilizer, the root system of the grass becomes stronger

                          To the left of the lawn ready mix seed, grown without fertilizer, on the right - with special organic and mineral fertilizers for natural lawns

                          Seeding rate

                          Highly important point, especially for those who sow the lawn with their own hands, because it depends on how much seeds you need to buy. On each package of seeds, the recommended consumption per 1 m2 must be indicated, but the following should be taken into account:

                          • when using a seeder, the average consumption is 25-30 g per square meter
                          • with manual sowing, the "norm" is about 50 g / m
                          • follow the recommendations on the package when planting in autumn or before winter
                          • in spring and summer, the sowing density is increased by at least half. In spring, many seeds can simply be washed away with water, in summer they lose their germination due to high temperatures.
                          • Hand-sowing on sloping lawn areas is best, making sure the weather is more or less dry in the coming weeks. Downpours might just wash away the seeds

                            • sowing density depends on the location and features of the relief. Twice as many seeds are sown along the curb and paths. Plant more densely on irregularities and slopes, especially at high points where the seeds can be carried away by the flow of water
                            • Chess design from stone slabs and natural grass on the site

                              Advice! When buying a lawn mixture, you should always take it with a margin - if suddenly forwinteror bald spots form from the heat, you will have to sow, but it’s not always possible to buy a similar mixture. If you use a different mixture, the lawn can drastically differ in color.

                              For very uneven surfaces, choose dense, low-growing varieties of grass that do not require frequent mowing.

                              Lawn care

                              It is important not only how to properly plant a lawn, but also how to properly start caring for it:

                              • first of all - regular watering, be sure - through a fine spray, a large stream of water can wash weak roots. Water should penetrate 5-7 cm deep, i.e. in an area where active root growth occurs
                              • Frequent watering is the key to a healthy, lush lawn.

                                • when the grass reaches a height of 6-10 cm (depending on the type of lawn), the first haircut is carried out
                                • The cut grass from the lawn mower's grass collector can be used to immediately mulch the lawn. it good protection against weeds and some fertilizing effect

                                  Advice! It is better to use a light lawn mower for the first mowing - too heavy can damage the soil that is not yet strong.

                                  • the more often the haircut is, the more intensively a strong root system will form.
                                  • Well-rooted and strengthened grass should not be lazy to cut it often. This will give her a good root system.

                                    Aeration of a small lawn is possible not only with the help of bulky machines, but also independently with the help of such ultra-budget devices - overlays for shoes with long spikes

                                    Aeration with a verticutter

                                    Do not be upset if the lawn planted with your own hands in the first year does not please you with emerald solidity. The British (and they know a lot about lawns) claim that a full-fledged lawn "ripens" only for 5 years. But at proper care, timely feeding and watering, it will be possible to enjoy the lawn grown by one's own hands by the age of 3.

                                    Mauritanian seed mixes are a way to create a summer-blooming lawn. From characteristic features: very high vegetation; unsuitable for walking

                                    Depending on the characteristics of the site, you can even combine realistic artificial and natural grass

                                    How to sow a lawn see the video for details:

    A trimmed lawn of green grass always looks beautiful and well maintained, especially if it grows evenly. To get a truly continuous grass cover, it is not enough to regularly care for it. It is also important to know when to sow lawn grass. Too early or, conversely, late sowing can lead to the fact that the seeds will sprout unevenly. Agree that bald spots against the background of green islands bear little resemblance to a lawn. But friendly shoots are more likely to turn into a green thick carpet over time.

    Lawn sowing time

    In general, the occupation of the arrangement of the lawn is a simple matter. Unlike most horticultural crops lawn grass sprouts well throughout almost the entire spring-autumn season. But some nuances regarding the timing of sowing still exist and they must be reckoned with. So, as already mentioned, you can sow the lawn at different times, namely:

    • spring;
    • summer;
    • autumn.

    Let's focus on each point specifically.

    Regardless of what time of the year the work will be carried out, it is important to coincide with good calm weather. Small seeds easily fly away from the slightest breeze, and then it will be difficult to outline the boundaries of the lawn. In addition, there is a risk that some areas will remain unsown.

    When to seed your lawn in spring?

    Spring planting has a big plus: after the snow melts, the soil is saturated with moisture. In such conditions, and even under warm sunlight, the seeds germinate quickly and amicably. The only thing to consider is that the earth should also warm up.

    The optimal temperature values ​​​​for spring sowing of a lawn are at least 15 degrees Celsius outside, and at least 10 degrees in the ground. Depending on the region, this is usually April-May.

    When to sow lawn grass in summer?

    When planning a summer landing, it is worth considering the weather conditions. If the summer is dry and hot, you should not plant earlier. Without regular additional watering, the grass will not grow. The best time for sowing a lawn in the summer is the end of August. The heat usually subsides, there is enough moisture in the soil from the beginning of the rainy season, and weeds do not grow so actively. August grass will have time to grow well and get stronger by winter.

    Benefits and timing of autumn grass sowing

    Autumn planting will save you from the hassle in the spring, when there is something to do on a private plot even without a lawn. It will be possible to admire the green lawn in March-April. In addition, care for autumn seedlings in relation to watering is minimal, because it usually rains often at this time.

    There are two ways to sow in the fall:

    1. The beginning of September, so that the grass sprouts before the onset of frost, and it can be processed.
    2. In November, when the ground is already frozen, but not yet covered with snow. In this case, for work, you should choose a day when there will be a positive temperature outside. Seeds will overwinter in the ground, harden and sprout together in early spring.

    Video on when and how to plant a lawn