How to make a lawn in the country with your own hands: step by step instructions. When to sow lawn grass, the timing of spring, summer and autumn sowing How to sow a lawn in the country

You can quickly equip the lawn on your site with the help of a purchased rolled lawn. This is a specially grown turf, which is sold immediately in the form of wide strips. Such a lawn will cost a tidy sum, but it does not require additional effort. But you can sow the lawn yourself, as it is not difficult and will save you money.

Lawn layout

The lawn is not always the classic close-cut lawn. The lawn can be garden, flowering or even sports. The choice of grasses, a hairstyle, top dressing and watering of a new lawn depends on it. The very first stage is the planning of the future lawn. You need to have an idea of ​​what this area will look like. You may want to leave the trees or plant a small garden.

Therefore, it is best to depict the lawn schematically. It is also necessary to take into account the distance between the grass and the curb and the correct neighborhood of grasses and shrubs. If it is planned to place paths and flower beds on the lawn, then before sowing it is necessary to mark out with a rope and a peg.

Lawn preparation and grass selection

Before you start sowing your lawn, you must:

  • remove all rubbish from the territory;
  • uproot all the roots and stumps of old trees;
  • destroy weeds;
  • dig up the soil by adding fertilizer;
  • create a drainage layer;
  • level the surface of the site;
  • compact the earth thoroughly;
  • loosen the surface of the earth a little with a rake.

It is best to use a general herbicide to kill weeds. If there are a lot of weeds, the site will have to be processed several times with an interval of 10-15 days. In spring, plants are destroyed much better than in autumn. In addition, in autumn, the seeds often go deep underground and germinate in the spring.

The soil must be fertilized and loosened before sowing. To do this, you need to find out the composition of the soil. For acidic soil, it is better to use slaked lime or chalk. If there is a lot of clay in the soil, it is important to add humus and biohumus to it. And only after that you can fertilize the territory.

In spring, it is best to fertilize the soil with nitrogen fertilizers, as they enhance grass growth. But during autumn sowing, the soil needs to be fertilized with potassium and phosphorus, which make it easier for the seeds to "winter". If vermicompost was added to the soil before, then it is desirable to reduce the amount of the main fertilizer.

After preparing the site, the land must be left for several days. If the lawn is idle for a week, then weeds can be removed, the seeds of which will fall into the soil along with the fertilizer. At this time, you should start selecting the herbs that will grow on the lawn. The density of the lawn depends on this, since in such a mixture there are always several types of lawn grass. You can buy a special set of herbs, but here it is important to take into account the local climate, the purpose of the lawn, the composition of the soil, etc.

You should not immediately buy universal mixtures, as they are not always durable. For example, the herb ryegrass, which is present in many formulations of lawn grasses, is now very popular. It is often sown in Europe, where it grows rapidly. But the climatic conditions of those places cannot be compared with ours, therefore, in Russia, ryegrass freezes in the very first winter.

Therefore, it is best to choose herbs such as meadow bluegrass or red fescue. They have very high frost resistance. In addition, these plants have a bright green color and are famous for their durability. For example, fescue is completely unpretentious and does not mind growing in the shade. These herbs are perfect option to create a parterre lawn. You can buy them immediately in the collection or one by one, then to mix.

You should also pay attention to the instructions that are on the package with the seeds. The seed consumption as directed by the manufacturer must be followed if sowing takes place in the fall. But in the spring it is better to increase this amount, since most of the seeds will be washed away by floods.

AT summer time it is necessary to sow a little more grass, taking into account the heat, which kills many seeds. Seeding density also depends on the location of the lawn. On higher ground, you should always sow a little more grass, as it is quickly washed out by rain.

Time to sow

Experienced gardeners know that the lawn is best sown in spring or late summer, that is, at a time of the year when there is no heat. The air temperature should not exceed +25 ° C, otherwise half of the seeds simply will not germinate. It is even better to sow the grass in rainy weather, when the soil becomes moist and the seeds swell faster.

Dry soil should be properly watered with a hose before sowing. First you need to distribute the number of seeds throughout the territory. You need to scatter them evenly so that the entire lawn is sown. This can be done with a seeder, but if you do not have one, you can disperse the grass by hand. The main thing is that there is no strong wind. On average, per 1 sq. m. enough 50 grams of seeds. For convenience, the seeds must be mixed with sand in a ratio of 1: 1.

For a large lawn, you need to prepare the composition immediately for the entire area. They usually sow in the same way as wheat was sown in the old days - first along the plot, and then across. Immediately after this, it is necessary to carefully loosen the soil, for example, with a rake. This is done so that all the seeds are under a layer of earth.

It is best to take a rake fan for gardening. A heavy metal rake or one with large teeth can hide the seeds too deep or rake them together. The depth should not exceed 1.5 cm.

The next step is to compact the earth with a roller. If it is not there, ordinary skis will come to the rescue, with which you need to walk on the lawn. A small area of ​​the lawn can be easily compacted with wide board. They put it on the ground and trample on it properly.

Then they shift the board further until the whole earth is trampled down. Before this, the area can be sprinkled with peat. After all work, the lawn must be watered. As soon as the grass sprouts, weeds will definitely appear. You do not need to pull them out, since all the grass will still need to be mowed. And annual weeds will eventually disappear.

Naturally, from time to time the lawn is subject to mowing. From this depends on its density and appearance. The main thing is that the knives are very sharp. If the lawn mower starts tearing the grass while mowing, it will quickly turn yellow. Also, do not mow the lawn immediately after rain or watering.

In this case, the cutting height is very important. The first haircut is made high enough - the grass should not be lower than 6 cm. Next, you need to cut the grass, depending on what kind of lawn. An ordinary lawn reaches about 5 cm, and parterre - 3-4 cm. If you cut very low, the grass will weaken and will not be able to receive the amount of nutrients necessary for the formation of roots. If you cut the lawn above the established norm, then soon narrow-leaved plants will be drowned out by broad-leaved ones.

It is not uncommon for gardeners to make several serious mistakes, such as cutting the lawn very low or not doing it regularly. The grass weakens, and weeds such as moss or bryozoan begin to "jam" it. It is necessary to mow the lawn depending on the time of the year, soil moisture, etc. It is best to do this once a week or, for example, when grass grows 1.5–2 cm.

If the lawn has not been cut for a very long time, then it is not recommended to immediately cut the grass at the root. First you need to cut off the top a little, and mow the right amount after a few days. In autumn, cut hay can not be removed from the lawn, but left for natural organic recharge.

Lawn care

In addition to mowing, the lawn also needs mulching and fertilizing. For mulching, sand, soddy humus and rotted compost are used. It is better to feed the grass with complex fertilizers, which can be bought at the appropriate stores. In August-September, you need to stop feeding the lawn.

Water the lawn, especially a young one, only with the help of special sprayers. If you do this with a hose or watering can, you can damage the roots of the grass. The earth should be moistened by 6–7 cm. If the weather is dry, then the lawn needs to be watered every day. Especially if the grass has just sprouted.

Sow and Grow lawn grass not difficult. But it is important to know how it is done correctly and do not forget about the constant care of the lawn. If you fertilize and water the grass in time, then it will delight the owners with its well-groomed appearance for a long time to come.

Video: how to sow lawn grass with your own hands

The lawn on the site is like a green island. Many homeowners dream of having one with evenly cut grass, fragrant with field aromas. At present, it is not difficult to sow it on your own, having determined the place. True, you need to be patient - you will receive a full-fledged lawn of your dreams only after three to four years. proper care. And in this article we will tell you how to choose and plant grass with your own hands in your own dacha.

What is the use of the lawn can be on the site?

  1. Beauty and aesthetic appearance. The site is transformed and looks well-groomed with minimal effort and time.
  2. Comfort in use. Unlike open ground, when walking on a grassy area, dirt does not stick to the soles of the shoes and is not carried by the feet into the house. And the dust in this case rises much less.
  3. Benefit for health. It is no secret that foot massage has a positive effect on the functioning of internal organs. Walking on the lawn barefoot will have a massage effect on the lower surface of the feet, which in turn normalizes pressure, helps with insomnia and has a calming effect on nervous system generally.
  4. Soil care. Open land is vulnerable to external factors. The soil is weathered, washed out by rains. Covered with herbs beneficial features soil is not lost. On the contrary, it guarantees the necessary work of worms and microorganisms for their enrichment.
  5. Organization of playgrounds and other areas. A thick green carpet will be soft enough for children's games and picnics. The lawn also decorates recreation areas, areas near pools and gazebos, ornamental ponds.

When should lawn grass be planted: spring or fall?

It is recommended to sow seeds in spring or in the first half of summer. During the warm months, the lawn will have time to rise and get stronger enough before wintering. If, however, to land in August or September, then it will not be able to grow enough to painlessly transfer the winter months.

Types of lawns for summer cottages

Exist different kinds lawns for gardens and home gardens. Each of them has soy pros and cons in content.

First of all, you need to decide for what purposes you need a lawn. Depending on the purpose, the choice falls on one or another type.

  1. Parterre. Perhaps the most spectacular view in existence. In appearance, it has a velvety surface and is distinguished by the uniformity and density of the grass. Usually it is placed near the main entrance. Also found in front gardens and home rose gardens, filling the space between flower beds and trees. It consists mainly of cereals. Since cereal crops germinate slowly, the improvement of the territory with a lawn of this type can be delayed. Among other things, he needs frequent haircuts, about 2-3 times a week.
  2. Ordinary. The best thing this species suitable for suburban areas. He is not demanding in care. It is recommended to cut it once a week. Ideal for children's games and recreation in the company.
  3. Sports. It is good to use for landscaping sports fields, golf courses, for organizing a tennis court. Such grass is resistant to trampling and can withstand heavy loads.
  4. Mauritanian. This is a flowering type of lawn grass. You can cut it only a few times a season. It is not whimsical and does not require the investment of a large amount of effort and time for its maintenance. Appearance such a lawn is very remarkable - among the green grass there are bright spots of flowers of various colors.

Proper lawn planting

The first task before sowing the lawn is to level the site. With the help of pegs, markings are made around the perimeter, pulling a fishing line between them.

Soil preparation

The place planned for planting is cleared of weeds.

After 15-20 days after such processing, the earth on the site is dug up for half a bayonet of a shovel, if the soil is soft enough. If stony rocks are present, then the upper part of the soil is removed and a fertile layer of earth is introduced into the vacant place. Thus, a rocky layer remains below, acting as a drainage.

After the preparation, the site should rest for two to three weeks. It is even better if you carry out all the indicated procedures before winter. It is previously recommended to add fertilizer to the prepared substrate. What kind of top dressing to use depends on the initial composition of the soil.

Before planting, the entire area planned for sowing the lawn is fertilized with compost. Then the soil is carefully compacted. For this purpose, you can use a garden roller or compact the soil with your feet.

Sowing seeds

At the end of all the preparatory procedures, the easier, but no less important part remains - sowing lawn grass. First, you need to choose the right planting material. To do this, you should take into account the climatic conditions of your region, the density of the soil, and your own gardening experience.

It should be borne in mind that the number of seeds should be taken with a margin. As a rule, part of the seeds is washed off with water, weathered, destroyed by birds and insects.

In this regard, the number of seeds required for sowing square meter land, double it.

Seeds are recommended to be sown, after mixing them with sawdust to simplify the process. After that, the seeds are mixed with the ground using a rake. With light movements make forward and backward movements. Then the planted area is compacted.

Caring for planted grass on the site

Lawn care includes the following steps.

  1. Weeding. After the appearance of the first shoots, weeding is carried out from the sown area. Most effective method- weeding by hand. At the end of the procedure, the soil should be compacted and watered.
  2. A haircut. Depending on the type of lawn chosen, mowing should be done from 3 times a week to 1 time per month. To do this, it is recommended to use a lawn mower to achieve uniformity and beauty of the lawn.
  3. Top dressing. In order for the grass to be bright and juicy, fertilizers must be applied regularly. In the spring, for the growth and density of lawn grass, you can use nitrogen fertilizers. In autumn, potassium-phosphorus top dressing is preferred so that the plants prepare for wintering. All fertilizers are applied to moist soil.
  4. Cleaning. To maintain an attractive decorative look lawn, it is periodically cleaned of moss, debris, weeds and yellowed grass. To do this, they pass through the site, raking up unnecessary rubbish with a rake.
  5. Watering. Watering is mandatory in the following cases:
  • after landing;
  • during the period of active growth;
  • after weeding;
  • after a haircut.

Lawn grass is also watered during a long dry period, heat. Watering should be plentiful. So that moisture does not stagnate on the surface, the ground is pierced with a pitchfork in several places.

Preparing the soil Compacting the top layer Seed preparation Planting grass with a special sprayer Watering a fresh lawn Necessary watering the lawn at least once a week Necessity to mow the grass as needed

The main mistakes when planting grass with your own hands

Consider the most common mistakes gardeners make when sowing:

  1. Wrong backing. If the soil is based on light and porous lands based on sand or peat, then the grass will certainly dry out. This soil does not hold water. Therefore, before planting, add loamy components to the soil. If the problem was not discovered immediately, but in the second or third year after planting, then the soil is covered with loam over the grass with a layer of 1-2 cm.
  2. Growth. To protect existing plantings from overgrowing with lawn grass, it is necessary to install curbs and other fences.
  3. Moss. The cause of this problem may be improper or insufficient care. Moss appears with insufficient lighting, lack of fertilizers, a rare haircut. Also, the cause may be a violation of irrigation and ideal conditions are created for moss.
  4. Trees and other plantations. If lawn grass is planted around existing shrubs or trees, the latter are buried in the ground. Subsequently, the problem of rotting of the root neck arises. To avoid this, when planting seedlings, it is worth considering this factor and planting trees on small elevations.
  5. Wrong choice of herbs for planting. In this case, the lawn may die completely or individual sections may be damaged and unaesthetic bald spots may form. In the spring, you should sow other species that suit your climatic conditions.

A smooth green lawn is not a dream at all, but a reality. The main thing is to make a responsible choice planting material and carefully carry out all the preparatory activities before landing. This is the key to the future health of your lawn. As you can see, growing grass is not difficult and even a lazy gardener can do it.

A trimmed lawn of green grass always looks beautiful and well maintained, especially if it grows evenly. To get a truly continuous grass cover, it is not enough to regularly care for it. It is also important to know when to sow lawn grass. Too early or, conversely, late sowing can lead to the fact that the seeds will sprout unevenly. Agree that bald spots against the background of green islands bear little resemblance to a lawn. But friendly shoots are more likely to turn into a green thick carpet over time.

Lawn sowing time

In general, the occupation of the arrangement of the lawn is a simple matter. Unlike most horticultural crops lawn grass sprouts well throughout almost the entire spring-autumn season. But some nuances regarding the timing of sowing still exist and they must be reckoned with. So, as already mentioned, you can sow the lawn at different times, namely:

  • spring;
  • summer;
  • autumn.

Let's focus on each point specifically.

Regardless of what time of the year the work will be carried out, it is important to coincide with good calm weather. Small seeds easily fly away from the slightest breeze, and then it will be difficult to outline the boundaries of the lawn. In addition, there is a risk that some areas will remain unsown.

When to seed your lawn in spring?

Spring planting has a big plus: after the snow melts, the soil is saturated with moisture. In such conditions, and even under warm sunlight, the seeds germinate quickly and amicably. The only thing to consider is that the earth should also warm up.

Optimum temperature values ​​for spring sowing lawn are at least 15 degrees of heat outside, and at least 10 degrees - in the ground. Depending on the region, this is usually April-May.

When to sow lawn grass in summer?

When planning a summer landing, it is worth considering the weather conditions. If the summer is dry and hot, you should not plant earlier. Without regular additional watering, the grass will not grow. The best time for sowing a lawn in the summer is the end of August. The heat is usually already subsiding, there is enough moisture in the soil from the beginning of the rainy season, and weeds do not grow so actively. August grass will have time to grow well and get stronger by winter.

Benefits and timing of autumn grass sowing

Autumn planting will save you from the hassle in the spring, when there is something to do on a private plot even without a lawn. It will be possible to admire the green lawn in March-April. In addition, care for autumn seedlings in relation to watering is minimal, because it usually rains often at this time.

There are two ways to sow in the fall:

  1. The beginning of September, so that the grass sprouts before the onset of frost, and it can be processed.
  2. In November, when the ground is already frozen, but not yet covered with snow. In this case, for work, you should choose a day when there will be a positive temperature outside. Seeds will overwinter in the ground, harden and sprout together in early spring.

Video on when and how to plant a lawn

To get the perfect lawn grass on your site, you need to make a lot of effort. The preparatory stages often take months of hard work. Step-by-step instructions will help you outline an action plan, understand how to plant lawn grass with your own hands and how to care for young sprouts.

Lawn site preparation

Cleaning the area is the first step towards creating an even, dense green canvas. The area must be absolutely clean. Need to remove:

    construction and household waste;

    rhizomes of shrubs, tree stumps;

In no case should wood residues be left, no matter how deep they are in the ground. Stumps and rhizomes contribute to the appearance of toadstools on the site. If weed grass has been growing on the territory for a long time, ordinary digging will be ineffective. It is much more effective to completely cut off about 10 cm of the top layer. There is special equipment for cutting the sod layer. If there is no such device, you can do it with a shovel.

If the lawn is planned on the site of a flower bed or other area with a small amount of grass, you can plow the ground and manually select all the roots, plant remains. It is necessary to dig the soil to a depth of at least 20-30 cm. This will allow you to remove weeds to the maximum. A small area can be treated with herbicides. Good result on the removal of weeds showed Roundup and Argument. After the dead plants must be removed.

Surface leveling

It is important to determine the boundaries of the future lawn in advance. If the site is new, it is also necessary to lay flower beds, paths that will be adjacent to the grass. For precise marking, design masters hammer pegs in the right places and pull the fishing line. It is recommended to give preference to smooth outlines. Strict straight lines look unnatural.

If there is a slope on the site, you can leave it. It is important that it goes in the direction from the buildings. A natural slope will ensure the runoff of rainwater, protect against stagnation of moisture. But it should be minimal and invisible to the eye.

Relief planning is recommended to be done in dry and clear weather, when all the nuances of the territory are clearly visible. The pits are filled with earth, the bumps are cut off. If the soil on the site is not suitable for growing lawn grasses, it is replaced with purchased peat soil. Heavy clay soils are corrected by adding sand. This gives them moisture and breathability.

Installation of drainage systems

The territory, not flooded by rains and rising spring waters, does not need additional arrangement. If there is a risk of moisture stagnation, at the stage of leveling the relief, they lay drainage system. For this you need:

    Remove about 30-40 cm of the fertile layer.

    Make a base about 15 cm high from large stones, broken bricks.

    Lay out a 10-15 cm layer of fine gravel and sand.

    Top with a 20 cm layer of fertile soil.

Each layer, as it is laid, is well rammed so that there is no strong subsidence after. In small areas, the arrangement of French drainage is allowed. Storm drains will remove excess moisture from the foundation and will not allow stagnation on the lawn.

Soil preparation for lawn sowing

Preparatory work begins with deep digging of the soil. In small areas, you can do this with a shovel or pitchfork. In vast areas it is better to use a walk-behind tractor. At the same time, you need to remove all the dug up remains of plants.

It is important to consider:

    If sowing is planned in the spring, the soil is prepared in autumn. At the same time, earthen clods should not be broken. This will improve moisture penetration.

    If the sowing time is in summer or autumn, earthen clods are broken immediately in the process of digging. Otherwise, the soil will settle unevenly and flat surface will not work.

Soil fertilizer

It is undesirable to sow lawn grass in depleted soil. The plants will sprout, but unevenly. In this case, ugly bald spots are formed. In addition, the grass may be too weak, grow poorly. Therefore, fertilizers are applied immediately after digging.

It is important to determine soil composition and site structure:

    excess alkalinity is removed by adding peat;

    acidity is reduced with lime or chalk;

    heavy, dense soil is loosened by adding biohumus or manure.

Mineral fertilizers are also important. Macroelements NPK 6-22-28, NPK 21-6-17 are scattered over the surface of the site. Trace elements are applied in liquid form. For 1 m 2 40 g of superphosphate is enough and ammonium nitrate, as well as 30 g of potassium sulfate. In autumn, it is desirable to feed the crops with phosphorus and potash preparations, and in the spring to apply more nitrogen fertilizers.

Soil compaction

Compacting the area is necessary to compact the soil. It avoids the formation of voids or any other irregularities. Before tamping, it is necessary to make sure that the relief of the site is correct. To do this, pegs are driven in around the perimeter and a rope is pulled. It is important to achieve a perfect straight line. For control, it is desirable to use the building level.

Professional designers ram the soil with a special garden roller. When creating a lawn on your own, you can get by with improvised means. The easiest way is to trample on the surface with your feet. The work is very painstaking, and the result is not very high quality. Alternatively, you can roll a concrete or iron pipe with a diameter of 20 cm or a large log around the site. To compact the ground well, the minimum weight of a homemade rink should be from 50 kg.

After ramming, be sure to check the level of the peg with taut rope. If a distortion has formed, it must be corrected. Hills are cut off, and soil is poured into the voids. Then they go through the skating rink again.

Soil fallow

An important, albeit optional, preparatory stage. It increases the period of work by 1-1.5 months. But it allows you to better prepare the site for lawn grass. Fallowing involves the accelerated germination of all weeds remaining in the ground. Within a month, it is necessary to promptly remove all the greens along with the rhizomes. If a weeds many, it is worth using herbicides.

Such preparation of the soil will allow the grass to germinate and strengthen faster. It also makes lawn care easier. In the future, weeds will not germinate at all or will appear in minimal quantities. Fallowing is useful when sowing grass. If it is planned to lay a rolled lawn, this step can be skipped.

In the country, sometimes fallowing is replaced by sowing green manure herbs. They not only fight weeds, but also improve the composition of the soil. 1.5 months before planting the lawn, the area can be sown with lupine, vetch, white mustard or sweet clover. Immediately before planting lawn grass seeds, the site is plowed directly with greens. The stems do not need to be removed. They will enrich the soil with nitrogen and other useful trace elements. This method is especially good when laying turf.

Pre-sowing preparation of the site

Professional landscapers practice a 3-month exposure of the site. This is necessary so that the soil shrinks, and it is possible to eliminate defects in advance. In Russia, this can only be done in southern regions. In other parts of the country, the growing season is shorter.

Pre-sowing preparation of the landscaped area involves the following steps:

    A week before sowing, apply mineral fertilizers. It is worth choosing a complex top dressing. It is introduced at the rate of 50 g per 1 m 2.

    Seal the fertilizer into the soil with a rake to a depth of about 5 cm.

    Once again, walk around the site with a rake, breaking all the clods. Individual clods should be comparable in size to wheat.

Planting seeds is carried out on a quiet and clear day. It is important that the soil on top is dry, but in the lower layers remains moist.

Preparing seeds for sowing

Ready grass mixtures do not require preliminary preparation. They are already pickled and treated with microelements. The only thing that needs to be done is to mix the contents of the package and correctly calculate the number of seeds per 1 m 2. If landscaping is carried out by manually harvested seeds, they must be additionally prepared for sowing.

Plants such as awnless brome, bluegrass and meadow foxtail, high ryegrass and other perennial cereal crops have hairs or awns. They cling to them in lumps, which interferes with the uniform sowing of the territory. Therefore, 40 days before sowing, it is advisable to process the seeds on a scarifier or grater. This will give them fluffiness.

Sometimes landscapers decide to plant a plot with freshly harvested seeds of wheatgrass, white bent grass, and perennial ryegrass. To increase germination and speed up the ripening process, it is recommended to keep them in the sun for about a week.

All collected seeds need dressing. Processing will protect against diseases, scare away pests. Dressing is carried out 15 days before sowing. You can choose from tools such as:

    TMTD - 4 g per 1 kg;

    Granosan (2 g) in combination with 40% phosphamide emulsion concentrate (8 g).

You can also additionally treat the seeds with microelements. This will increase their germination, contribute to rapid survival.

When to sow lawn grass

You can set up your lawn at any time. warm time of the year. Landscapers usually do this from May to September. When choosing the timing of planting, it must be borne in mind that it takes about 1-1.5 months, or even more, to prepare the site. It is important to remember the climatic conditions of the region. The grass should take root well before the onset of cold weather, so it is undesirable to delay the sowing much.

Many professional landscape designers suggest planting plants in the spring. In favor of such a decision, they give weighty arguments:

    there is a lot of time left for lawn correction, elimination of bald spots;

    before winter, the grass takes root, tolerates frosts more easily;

    in spring, the soil is saturated with moisture, so the seeds germinate quickly, the amount of watering is minimized.

But spring planting has its drawbacks. It is important to have time to qualitatively prepare the soil, treat the soil with herbicides. In the spring, a weed grows more actively, which suppresses young plants. Therefore, if you start sowing, then not earlier than May.

Lawn grass also feels good when sown in August. At this time, the growth of weeds is dulled, the activity of insects decreases. But it is necessary to water the site regularly, because during this period it is usually very hot.

In autumn, grass is recommended to be sown in the first half of September. Usually the soil is well saturated with moisture, additionally dew falls in large volumes. Weeds don't grow. There is still plenty of time left for seedlings to take root.

How to sow lawn grass

If you are using ready-made grass mixture, the first step is to read the instructions on the package. Usually there is indicated the consumption of seeds per 1 m 2. You should not strictly adhere to it, professionals sow in excess so that bald spots do not form later.

Lawn planting technology is as follows:

Sowing lawn grass is desirable to be carried out gradually. Sow one square, level with a rake, sprinkle with earth, water. Then proceed to the second. This approach will allow you not to step on the seeds, without injuring them and without violating the order of distribution over the site.

First shoots of lawn grass

Immediately after sowing, lawn grass needs careful care. In rainy weather, you don't have to do much. In case of severe drought, it is recommended to water the site daily. In the absence of rain, but moderate temperatures, it is enough to moisten the soil every 2-3 days. Ideally, the earth should get wet to a depth of 5-7 cm.

You can water with a special sprinkler, a hose with a nozzle or a watering can with a small sprinkler. Water jets should be thin. Strong pressure will wash the seeds to the surface, and the young seedlings will be beaten to the ground, ruining the lawn.

When the grass sprouts depends largely on the crops planted. Some plants appear within a week after sowing, while others germinate within 3-4 weeks. Therefore, if the rug turned out to be rare, it's okay. In grass mixtures collected different crops. You need to wait at least 21 days to objectively evaluate the germination of seeds.

When the young grass grows up to 10 cm in height, it's time for the first haircut. It is advisable to carry it out with a lawn mower, and not with a trimmer. For the first time, only the tops of the plants are cut off, approximately 1.5-2 cm. Mowing has a positive effect on the condition of the lawn. The grass strengthens faster, bushes, the root system becomes more powerful. Then a haircut is carried out once every 1-2 weeks. The frequency of mowing depends on the rate of grass growth.

You will find a good example of creating a lawn with your own hands in the video. Landscaping, though laborious, but promising process. It is worth investing one time and money in ennobling the backyard territory, so that later long years enjoy the dense green carpet.

The lawn becomes an important part landscape design on home plots, city squares, squares, parks and areas around hospitals, sanatoriums, offices and industrial buildings. Naturally, the main reason for planting a lawn is to provide a beautiful landscape. In addition, planting a lawn in a country house or in front of a building avoids the growth of weeds that cause allergy attacks in many people.

When is the best time to sow lawn grasses?

The main seasons for planting, in principle, are two: spring and autumn. is no exception, so planting lawn grass is also carried out during the beginning and end of the summer season. Each of the options has its own characteristics that must be taken into account in order for the event to be successful. True, there is an exception - which can be planted with early spring until late autumn.

Planting lawn grass in spring

The primary task of the owner, who decided to sow lawn grass in the spring, is to prepare a springboard for the future grass carpet. It is carried out in advance in the fall. A rectangular (in most cases) area is selected, which is located in the illuminated area. It is dug up several times, treated with herbicides and fertilized. Additionally, in the spring, it is recommended to manually remove the remaining weeds in order to sow the lawn into clean land.

When to sow the lawn in spring? Planting seeds takes place on April 10-20. At this time, it is already warm enough so that the seeds do not freeze at night, and not too humid, so it is recommended to moisten the ground additionally. in the spring it is loosened so that the seeds are not sandwiched between hard patches of soil. To avoid moisture weathering or erosion of seeds, the earth is rolled with a special roller. You can expect the appearance of the first shoots by the end of April, and in June the lawn grass should already be spreading over the area with a solid carpet.

How to sow a lawn in autumn?

Fall planting is a great alternative to spring planting. While sowing a lawn in the spring faces difficulties in the form of hot, dry air and insufficient humidity, this is not a hindrance to sowing in the autumn: in September-October it is still warm outside, but it rains quite often. At the same time, weeds no longer develop so quickly, so you can first plant a lawn, and after winter, start removing the remnants of weeds.

The main thing in autumn sowing is not to delay. It is right to sow lawn grass in late August-early September, so that a powerful root system has time to form before frost. For people who do not know how to plant a lawn at all, this option is the best. They will have enough time to prepare the area throughout the summer, so the chances of success will be much higher. At the same time, the main key to success is the preparation stage, and it must be completed in compliance with all requirements.

How is the soil preparation for the lawn?

At this stage, people understand how to properly plant a lawn, and prepare a piece of land for this. Before the main stages of planting a lawn begin, the following types of work must be completed:

The first step is to remove debris from the site, which includes, among other things, stones, branches, wrappers and plastic bottles;

to ensure the most even plane, it is recommended to uproot the remains of shrubs and trees;

The site should rest, so it is left "under steam" for 1-2 months.

How to plant grass for a lawn?

When preparatory work are over, the period for the acquisition of grass mixtures begins. It is impossible simply without studying in detail its composition. Individual varieties of grass are suitable for each site, so planting lawn grass with your own hands requires careful study of the composition of the grass mixture.

The ideal solution would be to use a combination lawn that includes seeds different varieties. With self-selection, you need to understand that all of them must complement each other and correspond to the climate, purpose (or functional) and climate. It is best to determine which lawn to plant with a professional grower who clearly understands the purpose and characteristics of each variety. He can also tell you how to properly plant a lawn and how to grow lawn grass with ideal parameters.

When the mixture has been purchased, the place for planting has been prepared and the materials on how to plant a lawn in the country have been studied, the planting stage itself begins. To do this, mineral fertilizers are applied (which are needed directly for the development of lawn grass) and the soil is loosened for the last time with a rake. It is advisable to choose the weather when you can sow lawn grass: it is important that there is no wind so that the seeds do not scatter, and minimal humidity in order to give the plants the opportunity to develop calmly and not receive an excess of moisture.

Many experienced gardeners in stories about how and when to sow lawn grass say that time does not matter, the main thing is to mix the seeds with sand and be able to evenly spread the mixture over a given area. This really works, but beginners often miscalculate the volume of sand, and the earth turns out to be too loose. But in order not to think about when to plant a lawn, a seeder is designed: seeds are loaded into it and evenly distributed over the area, without scattering over the area from the wind.

So, it was decided how to sow lawn grass and the seeds were on. They are carefully pushed into the ground with a rake. If you are in doubt about how to sow lawn grass correctly and whether all requirements are clearly met, sprinkle the lawn with a layer of peat mixture of about 1 cm. After that, a roller is driven along the lawn so that the seeds do not remain on the surface. It is better to water the crops from a sprinkler so as not to clog the ground. Ideally, it is carried out through a drip irrigation system, but if lawn grass and its planting are a curiosity for you, then a sprinkler with a small pressure is also suitable.

Grass varieties for planting

Now that you know when and how to plant lawn grass, it's time to choose seeds to put that knowledge into practice. In our country, the climate is quite severe, so even experienced agronomists cannot ensure the growth of all varieties of plants. Ideal for domestic realities 3 types of grass: red fescue and thin bent grass. All of them are not afraid of either heat or frost, and the root system of plants forms a very dense turf that leaves no chance for weeds. Grass consumption - about 30 thousand seeds per 1 square meter.

As mentioned above, each variety has its own characteristics. Red fescue germinates slowly and provides a beautiful lawn only in the second year. Bluegrass meadow grows poorly root system, so you should not plant it yourself. The bent grass is thin, as such, has no drawbacks: it tolerates winter well and is not too whimsical to care for. Often it is this plant that is the main component of the mixture.

Rolled lawn: what are its advantages?

The roots of the rolled lawn came from the USA. Legislation in some states simply prohibits having an untidy lawn. But it is simply impossible to plant a lawn during the laying of a house so that it grows simultaneously with the building (construction takes 1-2 months): construction waste, cars and building materials clearly do not contribute to the development of an ideal lawn. Therefore, large breeding companies are engaged in the creation: it is grown in special conditions from a breeding bluegrass, is planted on a prepared area and can be operated in a couple of weeks. This implies the main advantage of a rolled lawn - the possibility of very fast gardening of any area, even in a hot summer.

In addition, a rolled lawn is a guarantee of a high-quality composition of the grass mixture and an excellent selection of seeds, which is beyond the power of novice agronomists. The grass in the roll is grown evenly due to the special equipment used during sowing. The finished layer of turf protects the lawn from the growth of weeds from the first days, while ordinary seed grass needs to be weeded regularly.