Ignite the ground for seedlings. Soil disinfection in pots

Soil disinfection for seedlings is one of the key points in the production of seedlings. Often, not only the future harvest, but also the life of plants itself depends on how competently the disinfection of seedling soil is carried out. You can disinfect the soil in any way convenient for you. Amateur gardeners have invented a great variety of them.

Do not ignore safety measures - proper disinfection kills pathogenic bacteria, fungal spores, dangerous nematodes, insect eggs and pupae. In addition, this is a good prevention against the defeat of seedlings with a black leg (every gardener and flower grower has ever encountered a terrible picture of this disease).

So, amateur gardening tips

Seedling soil for disinfection can be:
- freeze
- steam,
- bake in the oven
- pour boiling water (in small portions),
- shed 1% solution of potassium permanganate (etching in potassium permanganate),
- warm up in the microwave
- fry in a frying pan
- bake in foil
- bake in a baking sleeve,
- spill the earth with Aktara's solution,
- shed with a fungicide, for example, foundationazole,
- add phytosporin to the soil,
- disinfect with boiling water and frost
- repeatedly freeze and thaw the soil.
As you can see, there is no limit to fantasy.

Repeated freezing of the soil

A bag of soil is kept outdoors in winter, then it is brought into the soil for 7-10 days. warm room. During this time, weed seeds will begin to germinate, pests will awaken. The revived soil is sharply frozen again (it would be nice if the temperature outside was 15-20 degrees below zero), after a while the soil is brought back into the room and frozen again.

This is a good simple method, but you should be aware that, unfortunately, it is not able to protect plants from serious diseases such as late blight or clubroot. To cope with the spores of these diseases, heat treatment of the soil is needed.

Soil steaming

It is convenient to steam the soil in a colander lined with a cloth. It is hung over a pot of boiling water, covered with a lid, and after boiling the water is heated over low heat for 20-30 minutes. Steam passing through the soil sterilizes it. Soil pests and their eggs, spores of pathogenic fungi and bacteria die. True and useful too.

Calcining the soil in the oven

Wet earth is poured onto a metal sheet with a layer of no more than 5 cm and kept in an oven preheated to 70-90 degrees for half an hour.

Important! A higher temperature is dangerous for the soil: nitrogen is mineralized, beneficial microorganisms die, and the soil becomes barren.

Soil baking

Baking the primer in foil or in a baking sleeve ( folk way) has its rational grain: moisture is stored in the soil. In addition, with this treatment, the effect of steaming and the effect of treatment with boiling water are additionally present, since the soil water, warming up to a temperature of 90-100 degrees, acts on the soil, cleaning it.

When the earth cools down a little after heat treatment, it is poured onto paper or film and leveled with a layer of about 10 cm to saturate with air. You can thoroughly mix the soil directly in the bags. The earth enriched with air will acquire a good structure, become looser.

Disinfection of soil for seedlings loses all meaning if it is then poured into used and non-sterile containers for seedlings. They can be sterilized by treatment in a dilute bleach solution. Otherwise, the soil can be re-infected with pathogens.

FROM early spring gardeners and summer residents begin their hectic activities associated with sowing and germinating seedlings. It is not so easy to get healthy and strong shoots that easily adapt in the open field and will please you in the future. good harvest. The main condition for their growth, and therefore the basis of the future harvest, is a properly selected or self-prepared land.

Soil for seedlings: we prepare with our own hands

Some novice vegetable growers do not think about how to properly prepare the soil for growing seedlings, but simply take the land from the garden and sow seeds in it. What is their disappointment when the long-awaited shoots do not appear or grow slowly. And by the time of the transfer to open ground they are still fragile and weak. Such plants will most likely not survive the stress associated with planting in beds and will die within a few days.

Before you start taking action, you need to responsibly approach the question of how to prepare the land for seedlings with your own hands.

With the correct use of biological preparations, they not only destroy the pathogenic flora, but also accelerate the growth of seedlings.

Chemical disinfection of soil

Chemical disinfection of the soil for seedlings is best used only in exceptional cases. As with biologics, it is important to follow the instructions here. Some of these drugs not only destroy pathogenic flora, pathogenic bacteria and fungi, but also inhibit plant growth.

Potassium permanganate is considered the most harmless, but also ineffective method of chemical disinfection. It eventually turns into potash fertilizer.

When disinfecting the soil for seedlings with mechanical or by chemical means, we deprive it not only of pathogenic flora, but also of beneficial bacteria. They can be restored by adding to the soil ("Risotorfin", "Azotobacterin", "Phosphorobacterin"). Some gardeners use ordinary yeast for this purpose.

Purchased soil mix. How to improve the quality of finished land

It is worth noting that all of the above procedures for preparing and disinfecting the land for seedlings are not suitable for "lazy" gardeners. Self-preparation of the substrate takes time and effort. It is much easier and faster to buy a ready-made composition for sowing seedlings. Those who choose this option should be aware of the existing pitfalls.

Unfortunately, manufacturers do not always conscientiously write true information on the packaging. It happens that, choosing a package with the best composition, you get poor peat-based soil. When planting seeds in such a composition, there is a high risk of being disappointed with the result. Seedlings will either not sprout at all, or even if shoots appear, they are unlikely to meet expectations. Therefore, you should not be overly economical in this matter, but choose products from well-known companies.

Even if you have such a poor-quality peat-based mixture, try to fix the situation yourself. To do this, you need to mix it with garden soil, previously disinfected. How to disinfect the land for seedlings, we considered earlier in our article. Next, be sure to check the resulting substrate for acidity, and if it is above the norm, we correct this problem. Reduced by adding chalk or Since such a soil mixture lacks its own nutrients, additional mineral fertilizers must be applied.

It is necessary to approach the issue of preparing the land for seedlings very seriously and scrupulously. Experienced gardeners know that the correct composition of the soil is 80% of success in growing seedlings.

Before planting seedlings, you need to carefully prepare the soil, disinfect and feed the land. What is the best way to do this? Treat with a solution of potassium permanganate, phytosporin? Bake in the oven or in the microwave? Let's discuss all the known methods and find out why this or that method is good.

It's all about the soil

The healthier the soil, the stronger the seedlings that have risen on it, this is an axiom. But not everyone has the opportunity to buy ready-made soil for seedlings every year. So practitioners think how to disinfect last year's or garden soil.

Competent disinfection acts on various bacteria, on nematodes, eggs and insect pupae, on fungal spores. And protects against black leg, a common disease of young seedlings.

Before planting seedlings, the soil must be decontaminated to destroy bacteria and pest eggs.

And it is even better to carry out the processing so that the earth is also protected from pathogenic bacteria and does not harm beneficial microorganisms.

All methods can be divided into two groups. In the first folk methods, in the second - disinfection using various purchased products. Let's start with folk methods.

"Hardening" the soil with frost

The easiest processing method is freezing.

Attention! After any type of disinfection, it is necessary to fill the soil in sterile containers wiped with bleach.

For disinfection, the soil can be frozen - on the street, or, if there is not much of it, in the freezer

This method also has a drawback. Negative temperature negatively affects not only pathogenic, but also beneficial microflora. Therefore, freezing is not recommended for soils containing vermicompost.

Another disadvantage is that low temperatures will not cope with carriers of diseases such as late blight. Only heat treatment will affect them.

Baking in the oven

It turns out that you can fry, steam and stew ... the earth. Various pests do not survive in heat-treated soil.

Attention! Disinfection by fire is carried out at a low temperature. Its increase leads to the mineralization of nitrogen, and to the deterioration of soil quality.

  • to calcinate the earth in the oven, you need to pour the soil into a large basin and pour it with a small amount of boiling water;
  • when the mixture cools down a little, mix it thoroughly;
  • pour the wet mass on a baking sheet with a layer of no more than 5 cm and place in the oven;
  • bake for half an hour at a temperature of 70-90 degrees.

Steaming in a water bath in a large container

It is believed that steam treatment is a more gentle method than calcination on fire. But at the same time, quite reliable.

Tip: after any heat treatment, the cooled soil should be scattered over paper or polyethylene with a layer of up to 10 cm and leveled. So it will be filled with air and become more loose.

  • it is necessary to prepare a large container, for example, a tank;
  • lay bricks or an iron grate at the bottom;
  • pour water below the level of the bricks;
  • put earth on a grate or bricks in a canvas bag or fabric bag;
  • cover the tank with a lid, put on fire and steam the earth in a water bath for about two hours.

Steaming in a water bath in a colander.

  • cover the colander with a cloth;
  • fill a large pot with water and wait until it boils;
  • reduce the heat and hang a colander filled with soil over the pot. Or install it from above so that the water does not touch the ground;
  • warm up for half an hour. Steam penetrating the soil sterilizes it.

By the same principle, gardeners advise frying the earth in a pan, calcining it in a microwave oven, stewing it in foil or in a sleeve. When processing the last two methods, the water contained in the ground is heated and additionally cleans the soil. You can also pour the earth in a shallow container with boiling water, and cover with a film.

Steaming the soil can also be done in a double boiler, in a special container

There is one caveat, during heat treatment, both pests and beneficial microflora die. This means that the above procedures must be done in advance in order to have time to restore the soil before planting.

Steaming purchased soil

Attention! Immediately after treatment, the soil is sterile. But after a couple of weeks, the microflora in it will be restored. Where is the guarantee that only useful? Experts recommend that after disinfection, pack the soil in tight sterile bags. Open just before planting and add Biohumus (one-liter jar per bucket of soil) or Supercompost (1-2 cups per bucket). So you finally secure the plants.

Some practitioners advise processing not only garden, but also purchased soil. To do this, a closed bag with a ready-made soil mixture must be placed in a bucket. Pour boiling water down the side of the bucket and close the lid tightly. Remove the bag only after it has completely cooled down.

Soil disinfection with special means

You can also disinfect the soil chemically:

Reducing soil acidity

Simultaneously with disinfection, it is necessary to equalize the acid-base balance of the soil. After all, even in disinfected soil, which has an acidic reaction, the sulfur leg and keel develop perfectly.

Has an acidic reaction peat soil and garden soil. For alkalization, slaked lime or dolomite flour is added to the soil. Moreover, different cultures have their own proportions.

To reduce the acidity of the soil, slaked lime or dolomite flour is used.

Disinfection of the earth - very important point only in this way can healthy and strong seedlings be grown. Tillage before planting seedlings allows you to destroy pathogenic bacteria, insect eggs, fungal spores, nematodes, protects against blackleg (a common disease of young plants).

What is disinfection for?

Every year more and more pathogenic microorganisms accumulate in the earth and its productivity deteriorates. Therefore, it is optimal to carry out a complete soil replacement every year. However, new soil, even purchased from a store, may contain various pests. What to do in this case?

If the earth cannot be changed, it must be cleaned of organic residues and thoroughly disinfected. It is worth noting that disinfection is recommended to be carried out, despite the replacement of the earth. This approach will help to avoid unpleasant surprises in the future.

Folk methods

Folk methods of soil disinfection are more environmentally friendly than chemical ones. However, they take a lot of time and do not always give a positive result. So, there are two ways to disinfect the soil.

Method number 1 - freezing.

Soil freezing is best done at an air temperature of -15 degrees, you can use freezer. For best result the procedure must be repeated 2-3 times. This processing method is not recommended for soil with biohumus. In addition, low temperatures will not get rid of late blight.

Method number 2 - heat treatment.

Most soil pests do not survive high temperatures. Thermally soil can be processed in 2 ways.

  • Calcination. The earth is poured with boiling water, mixed and laid out on a baking sheet with a layer of 5 cm. Then the oven is heated to 90 degrees and the soil is calcined for half an hour.
  • Steaming. This is a more gentle disinfection method. A bucket of water is put on fire, a grate with earth is placed on top, which is previously wrapped in a cloth bag. The soil should be steamed for at least 90 minutes.

Heat treatment must be carried out exactly according to the instructions, exceeding temperature regime or the duration of the procedure will lead to a deterioration in the quality of the soil. In addition, the land treated in this way, immediately before planting seedlings, should be populated with useful microflora.

The disadvantage of the method is that it makes the soil completely sterile and unsuitable for cultivation. Requires additional bacterial fertilizer.

To make the earth looser, after processing, scatter it on a paper surface and let it fill with air.

Disinfection with special means

You can also disinfect the earth with the help of chemicals: fungicides, insecticides or ordinary manganese.

  • Fungicide treatment

This group of drugs consists of beneficial bacterial cultures that suppress diseases and increase plant immunity. Most often, "Fitosporin" is used, for processing 15 ml of the product is diluted in 10 liters of water. You can use other drugs - "Planriz", "Barrier", "Extrasol", "Gliocladin", etc. Before use, you should carefully study the instructions.

  • Disinfection with insecticides

Popular drugs "Aktara", "Inta-Vir", "Thunder", "Spark". Insecticides have been successfully used to control soil pests. Before disinfection, the earth is loosened and moistened, the dry preparation is mixed with the soil before watering.

Soil treatment before planting seedlings is carried out in advance, no later than a month before the proposed work.

It is important to remember that any chemical treatment requires strict adherence to the instructions, the recommended concentration and consumption must be observed.

  • Disinfection with potassium permanganate

Manganese does an excellent job of disinfecting a small amount of soil. To process 3–5 g of crystals, 10 liters of water are diluted, and then the soil is watered at the rate of 30–50 ml per 1 square meter.

Disinfect the earth with potassium permanganate should be 2 weeks before planting seedlings.

Potassium permanganate is a strong oxidizing agent, so it is not recommended to treat soddy-podzolic acidic soils. This method is best suited for the disinfection of chernozem and sod-calcareous soil.

An important point: reducing the acidity of the soil

Simultaneously with the disinfection of the soil, it is very important to equalize its acid-base balance. If the soil has an acidic reaction, then, even being sterile, it is susceptible to diseases such as keel and gray leg. To normalize the level of acidity of the earth to the norm of 6.5–7, the following means are used:

  • dolomite flour;
  • slaked lime;
  • ash;
  • hydrogel;
  • perlite, vermiculite;
  • humus tablets.

Do not forget to deacidify the soil before planting seedlings, otherwise diseases can develop very quickly even in sterile soil.

Common mistakes

Despite the disinfection of the soil, plants can get sick, grow poorly and die. What's the matter? Consider the 10 most common mistakes allowed when growing seedlings.

  1. Poor quality seeds. It is important to choose only high-quality seeds, otherwise they may simply not sprout or the plants will grow weak.
  2. Wrong choice of container. The container may not be suitable for seedlings if it is too cramped, large, poorly drained, or loose.
  3. No seed treatment. A significant part of the diseases is transmitted not only with the soil, but also with the seeds of plants.
  4. Failure to comply with the terms of cultivation. If you neglect the recommended terms for growing seedlings, then the plants will grow weak and simply will not take root during transplantation.
  5. Too deep planting of seeds. With excessive deepening, only a few seeds will germinate. The optimal depth should not exceed 2 seed diameters.
  6. Thickened crop. Seeds must be located at a sufficient distance from each other, otherwise the seedlings will not have enough space for normal development.
  7. Watering after sowing. Watering the soil is necessary before sowing. If you do this after, the seeds will go deeper into the ground and will germinate worse.
  8. Violation of temperature, lighting, watering and other growing conditions. It is important to remember that young seedlings are especially sensitive to temperature changes, excessive dryness of the soil, or excessive watering. It is also important to provide sufficient lighting, otherwise the seedlings will quickly stretch.
  9. Belated pick. In order for the aerial part to develop evenly, the plant must dive as soon as the second true leaf appears.
  10. Overgrown seedling. Such seedlings are more difficult to take root and may break during transplantation.

Land disinfection is not for the lazy. But if you let the cultivation of seedlings take its course and do not take elementary measures, you can ruin all the work. To prevent this from happening, the summer season must be opened in advance, and it should begin with tillage for seedlings.

There are many ways to disinfect the earth, you can steam it, harden it, freeze it or process it. chemical agent. However, they all have their own nuances and disadvantages. Therefore, in order to grow strong and healthy seedlings, you need to carefully study all the information and correctly apply it in practice.

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In general, it is desirable, of course, because it is not known what kind of "bastard" can live in it. I put it in the microwave for 10-20 minutes. In a water bath, you need to steam for several hours. And an hour in the oven. Such land can be used only after a few days, because the microflora must be restored in it.

there is wide choose various

Dry air. Dry air strongly stimulates physical evaporation, which again leads to the removal of salts to the soil surface. Salts that come with water from the soil, after its evaporation remain in the leaves - this is the normal mechanism of mineral nutrition. But with increased evaporation, excess salts accumulate in the leaves, and over time, their concentration rises to a dangerous level. In dry air, evaporation from the soil surface is also high, and salts also accumulate there. Soil salinity occurs (in the form of plaque on the soil surface), which provokes plant diseases. In a room where flowers grow, the humidity of the air must be constantly monitored and regulated. That is why there is no salt crust with a "bottle" culture, in various closed greenhouses and greenhouses. However, raising the humidity in the apartment is an even more dreary task than cleaning irrigation water.​

Salt crust white or white-yellow color on the surface of the soil mixture in a pot appears due to the predominance of purely physical evaporation of water from the soil over transpiration by the plant. There are several reasons.

White plaque because the land (purchased) is not processed and disinfected. Therefore, there are always a lot of sticks, roots in it, and there may also be weeds and midge larvae. I prepare the ground myself. I take garden land, purchased, river sand. I mix in equal proportions and ALWAYS pierce in the oven. This helps to get rid of weeds and pest larvae. For flowers such as azalea, gardenia, anthurium, bromeliads, I add bark.

Take the earth, pour it into some kind of pan and put it in the oven for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 160-180. I always do this, and I have no problems with colors.​

I use oven bags - very convenient The risk of introducing pests and diseases is significantly reduced with the transition to substrates that do not contain humus and consist of peat, perlite, vermiculite, coconut fiber, bark.


How to calcine the earth in the oven? What time, what temperature?

dana bessonova

# Steaming in a colander. The colander is lined with gauze in several layers or canvas, covered with earth. A colander is fixed over a container of boiling water, covered from above. Keep on fire with a slight boil of water for 1 hour. In the process of processing, the earth is periodically mixed for uniform heating.
The next way to prepare the land for
How to start preparing for sowing seeds for seedlings? Of course, with the preparation of the soil mixture! Gardeners who are too lazy to make soil suitable for seedlings with their own hands are often faced with the fact that the seeds simply do not germinate in the purchased substrate. This is immediately blamed on "unscrupulous" manufacturers, but often the reason lies not in the substrate itself, but in its illiterate application. Many believe that if you plant seeds in the most enriched soil, then everything will sprout as well as possible, but this judgment is fundamentally wrong. In this material, we will tell you how to properly prepare the land for seedlings so that it grows strong and healthy in it.

Sometimes it's just too lazy to do all this and plant at your own peril and risk. She ruined more than one plant (pumped out later.)


And you can’t steam the soil in the oven !! ! most The best way it's freezing

Too heavy mechanical composition of the soil. As a result, its high capillarity and intensive pulling of water to the soil surface.

​In the forest good land for flowers.​

They will not appear if they are not there, but in general it is probably better with worms...​
What kind of tick must bite in order to have the need to kill the biological balance established in the soil? do not forget that after steaming, pathogenic microorganisms will develop first of all, which can adversely affect the growth of planted plants (unless, of course, the land is intended for this)
Chemical treatment allows you to get rid of pests and pathogens. The earth mixture, spread out in a thin layer on a pallet, is shed with a solution of potassium permanganate (a hot solution of potassium permanganate, 0.5-1 g per liter of water) or a pesticide (fungicide, insecticide, acaricide). Land treatment with biological preparations containing soil pathogen antagonist microorganisms is more natural, but less reliable.​
# The earth, poured in a thin layer on a metal pallet, is spilled with boiling water with further drying.
seedlings, this is the treatment with insecticides and fungicides. In order to destroy the larvae and eggs of insects, you can use the solution "Aktara" or "Aktellika", and to destroy bacteria and fungus, we will use "Fundazol" or the drug "Fuselad-super". This method is the most effective, but also the most insecure. Most of these drugs pose a direct threat to the health of animals and people, so you should be extremely careful in the dosage and use of the solution. Another obvious plus of this method is the long-term effect. The fact is that when watering, plants will also absorb chemicals, so they will be inedible for pests.
​General Information​
I don’t sterilize the purchased one, I plant it right away, everything seems to be fine. And if I take imported from the flower bed, then in a bowl I put it in the oven for 40 minutes.

In flower shops (there are mixtures separately for cacti, for ficuses, for violets, and there are also universal mixtures).

I had no problems with purchased soil. Not all companies like it, of course. Sometimes there is too much peat, then I add dug up from the yard and cultivated land. Sometimes I add sand from the beach, also processed.

Ludmila Sambros

Difficult drainage at the bottom of the pot and, as a result, evaporation from the soil surface, as the main way of water consumption.

Sergey Aikin

I also asked myself this question, and the raid and it is somehow compacted that the water does not pass well.

Tanya Andreeva

It can be processed like this. The colander is covered with a loose cloth and filled with earth. Water is poured into the pan in such a way that 3-4 cm remain from it to the colander. Cover the colander with a lid and place it on the pan. From the moment the water boils to the end of steaming, at least an hour should pass. During boiling, steam passes through the earth, heats it up, but does not dry it out, as during calcination. After the earth has completely cooled down, all clean components can be added to it - peat, rippers and fertilizers.


​Do not bake the soil for planting in the oven! With such heating, the soil burns out and becomes unsuitable for plant nutrition. The easiest way to cultivate the soil is steaming. Take a metal bucket, pour 2 liters of oxen into the bottom and fill it with soil to the top, without tamping. Close the lid and place on the stove (medium heat). After 40 minutes, remove the bucket and cool. The soil is ready for planting.​

Chirkova Maria

Thermal and chemical tillage is carried out 1-3 weeks before use to restore soil microflora.

Pavel Erastov

# Freeze. The soil is kept in severe frost with complete freezing. The easiest way is to leave small packages of earth for the whole winter on an open balcony. Freezing does not rid the soil of many microorganisms and weeds.

evasi evasifoto

In general, during heat treatment, most of the vitamins are lost, nutrients change their structure and lose value

Elena Elshina

To understand general principle, according to which they determine which land will be the best for growing seedlings of a particular crop, you need to know one simple rule. The soil mixture should match the composition of the one where the plant will grow in the future to the maximum. But this does not mean at all that you should use the land from your garden for this. The best option, which suits most crops, is the topsoil from under acacia trees. If acacias do not grow near your house, then you can use a purchased mixture, but before that it should be processed, because it may contain pathogenic microorganisms. For these purposes, the soil can be treated with fungicides or steamed in a water bath. Cultivation of land for seedlings is one of the key points, because pathogenic bacteria can “doze off” in the soil. In addition, the soil may contain both larvae and eggs of insect pests that are not averse to snacking on your young plants. If for each type of seedling it is necessary to choose its own composition of the soil, then the methods of its processing are always the same, we will talk about this further.​

Rimma Zakirova

The recipe is as follows: pour the earth into an unnecessary colander and steam the earth for 15 minutes in a steam bath under a closed lid, then let it cool and the soil is ready for use.

How to cultivate forest land for planting flowers from the appearance of worms?


But, as practice shows, it is better to dilute this mixture by half with earth from the garden or from the park. At the same time, you need to be careful not to bring ants, worms or any bugs into the flower pot.

Vladimir Apchel

The "Magic Garden" is a very good land, I found it empirically.

Irrigation errors: poor watering, when the amount of water applied in one irrigation is only enough to wet the surface layer. Watering can be rare, but should be plentiful with washing the entire soil mass.

I dug up in the park, then follow the time to pluck the grass for the first time, you can add a little sand to make it looser ...


I have never cultivated the purchased land in any way!!


I like


land for flowers (ext)


The soil is poured hot water, loosened, mixed thoroughly, poured onto a baking sheet, put in the oven and calcined at high temperature 25-30 minutes


Heat treatment also has a downside - immediately after it, the risk of introducing unwanted microorganisms into the ground and their active development in a sterile environment increases, the natural microflora of the soil is restored for a long time. Calcining the earth without moisture instead of steaming leads to a change in the structure of the soil, turning it into dust. Exceeding the recommended tillage temperature (especially purchased soil with numerous additives) can lead to the formation of undesirable compounds.​


A microwave generally changes the structure of the earth completely, but here's a recommendation for you.


Soil disinfection


I don’t know about you, but here in Sweden in Stogholm I disinfect everything.

klumba org

For unpretentious indoor flowers, even the land taken from the lawn near your house is suitable. For southern plants or plants requiring special care, it is better to purchase soil from a flower shop matched to the type of plant.

Where can I get normal earth for flowers? And then they sell some black dust with sticks in bags. Digging on the street, or what?


Different types of indoor plants require different soils. In stores now huge selection mixtures for all varieties: for cacti and succulents, for citrus fruits, for decorative flowering, for roses, for violets and the like. But there is also simply - a universal primer that can also be used.


Re-fertilized soil mixture. Many of their manufacturers sin with this, especially when preparing mixtures for vegetables. In general, this is a problem when using purchased formulations. For some reason, manufacturers in the mass are sure that fertilized soil mixture from the heart is a virtue. As if they do not know that all transplants are only in an unfertilized environment! The next careful feeding only after obvious signs of rooting.


An aunt friend told me, She quit Belaya Dacha 2 years ago (If you are not from Moscow, I’ll tell you. This is one of the largest greenhouse farms that supplies its products to Moscow: flowers, vegetables, greens) So, about the land . Every 2-3 years in greenhouses they change the land completely. The question is where to put the old one? Answer: Packed in beautiful bags and in the store! Sick, infected with all sorts of rubbish. Well, if you bought land in a store, bake it in the oven at a good pace (150 is enough). Or to dial the truth on the street, recorded by dogs ....
Purchased land has never been cultivated. everything is growing well.


It is very risky to use forest land for indoor flowers! Once, out of ignorance, having decided that the forest land is fertile and that neither is natural (as opposed to purchased), I ruined my collection of 28 decorative leaf begonias. So be very careful! It seems to me that it will be calmer to use purchased land and special fertilizers for flowers.​

Tatyana Kazarina

Until the smoke ends.


Sofia Prutnikova

# Steaming in the oven. Wet earth is poured in a thin layer on a baking sheet, covered on top to avoid active evaporation of moisture, periodically stirring, kept in the oven for 1 hour at a temperature of 100-120 ° C.


So, how to prepare the land so that its "inhabitants" cease to pose a danger to seedlings? Let's start with the simplest and most effective way- steaming the soil in a water bath.
I always treat new flowers with insect and tick repellant, pour new earth into clay pots and into the oven for 100 sradus for 20 minutes. With the new land, you can bring both larvae and adult insects, it will be more expensive, you can lose everything flowers.
For cacti and palm trees, I usually buy specially ground. And for simple flowers I take it to the garden. In parks or forest parks, you can pick up earth from heaps dug by moles. This land is of good quality.​
Find an acacia and under it is the best land for any seedlings and flowers, the agronomist advised me, the leaves are small and quickly overheat,
Violation of the principle of matching the volume of soil in a pot and the assimilation ability of the roots this plant. There should not be significant volumes of soil that are not mastered by the root system. Otherwise, again, the predominance of physical evaporation over transpiration.​
Find a clearing where nettles grow (there dogs don’t pee), the most excellent land! Only for different plants mix it into it: some sand, some vermiculite, some pine bark. And your flowers will be happy!
Purchased land is heavily treated with herbicides in heaps (before packing) in order to destroy weed seeds!! this is harmful not only to weed seeds, but also to cultivated plants, both their seeds and seedlings! before planting, be sure to rinse the soil well with water, or water the Baikal preparation ... And it’s better to prepare the soil for the plants yourself .. In addition to all this, I also use phytosporin and maxim for the soil ... And most importantly, if the plant dies, everyone sins on pests, diseases, drafts .., but no one thought that sometimes the problem is in the ground
Worms are no better, as stated in the answer above, if we are talking about indoor flowers. For garden flowers EARTHWORM do not interfere.
Spread on a baking sheet and keep in a hot oven for 15 minutes.
You can sterilize only the most dangerous components (turf, leaf, humus, coniferous, heather soil), and then add relatively pure peat.


​# Steaming in a microwave oven - short-term treatment of wet soil at high temperature. Wet soil is placed in a special dish or in a bag of dense polyethylene (holes must first be made in a sealed bag of purchased soil). The optimal steaming time for 0.5 liters of soil is 5 minutes at maximum mode. Or two runs of 2-3 minutes each with soil mixing between treatments.​

Svetlana Gordievskaya

To do this, we need a capacious colander and a pan, selected in such a way that it does not fall into it. Pour enough water into the pan so that it reaches the bottom of the colander, but does not show through its holes inside. Then we collect a full colander of soil, put it on a saucepan, cover it with a lid on top. The soil should be steamed for one to two hours over low heat. This method does not destroy minerals and trace elements, but at the same time it destroys fungus, bacteria, larvae, and insect eggs. After this procedure, it is recommended to "populate" the soil with beneficial microorganisms. For this, the Baikal tool or the like is the best fit.

What land is suitable for home flowers?


I also have a Calipso tool, I use it flower pots, brought with flowers from the garden, I water it to get rid of insects without replanting.


Purchased soil does not need sterilization if it is purchased in a "reliable" place, but if you want ... I don’t advise in the oven and microwave because fertilizers enter the soil and everything is different - when heated, the stench starts to burn even that! and the empty land is groaning. I do this by pouring the soil into a container with holes at the bottom (you can use the usual big pot for flowers) and water well with boiling water, then dry


It’s also good to take sod land from a park or coniferous forest. In the park, carefully cut out the grass "mat" (but not from the flowerbed lawn :)), collect the earth, and then return the grass "mat" to its place. In the forest, you can collect land along with needles or fallen leaves. That is if you can't buy it. But ready-made special mixtures are still better. Too capricious houseplants they are more "loved".

Sveta S

Mistakes in the dosing of dressings (overdose), as well as the introduction of dressings during the dormant period of the plant. For some reason, current manufacturers began to recommend solution concentrations of 2 g / l or more. This is not true. A guaranteed non-toxic concentration in the general case can be recognized as 1 g / l, and for individual groups plants (ferns, orchids) 0.5g/l and even 0.1g/l. There was no sadness... Throw away these flowers with the earth! All problems are solved ....​ And I never process, everything grows normally. In any case, everything is done in an elementary way - you spill the earth abundantly with boiling water, the “living creatures” you don’t need will hurry to get to the surface, but as a rule it dies still in the ground.

220 degrees until strong steam comes out.


Sand, expanded clay, pebbles, gravel are washed to pure water, fall asleep in a metal container, pour water and keep on fire with a slight boil for 30-60 minutes.


# Steaming in water. The earth is poured into a metal container, filled with water until evenly moistened, covered with a lid and kept on low heat for 1 hour.