Breeding dung worm at home. Earthworm farm Types of worms to breed

Earthworm breeding is one of the most promising options for starting your own business, due to the fact that with minimal investment, the worm farm is highly profitable, and the final product is in constant demand among summer residents and farmers who prepare compost.

It is worth noting that worm breeding can be done in the basements of private houses or on plots, and the technology of growing them does not require highly specialized knowledge, so that minimal investment in such a business can bring consistently high profits. However, lack of awareness leads to the fact that most potential breeders do not know about the worm business: where to start, how to properly feed and breed them.

What does a novice earthworm breeder need to know?

Growing worms requires a long preparation. First of all, you need to decide for what purposes you will grow worms, since different types are in demand for different activities.


A worm that lives in your area. Perfectly adapts to the soil, quickly adapts to the conditions of the nursery, effectively multiplies. However, the earthworm has a low vital activity in comparison with other species.

Red Californian

Among the owners of vermifarms, this type of worm is very popular due to its unpretentiousness in food, high vitality, and rapid reproduction. It is worth noting that the standard number of red worms reaches 1500 units. When choosing a family, attention should be paid to the color and mobility of individuals. A distinctive feature of red worms is an increased amount of vermicompost formed as a result of vital activity.

Prospector Worm

Unlike the "Californians", the "prospectors" are more resistant to sudden changes in temperature. High activity, efficient feed processing, rapid growth of biomass, unpretentiousness in feed, excellent substrate performance and a huge amount of vermicompost determines the high popularity of this type of worm.

It is recommended to start a worm business with “pedigreed” species: their efficiency and productivity are much higher than those of ordinary earthworms living in local soils. At the same time, these varieties are distinguished by an increased amount of by-products, which is also one of the most important conditions for keeping a vermi farm.

Secrets, nuances and subtleties of breeding earthworms

The main task of a novice breeder is to create acceptable conditions for the life and reproduction of individuals. Particular attention should be paid to several important parameters: land, conditions of detention and temperature conditions.

Earth in a nursery

High vital activity and normal life activity of worms, especially thoroughbred species, requires ensuring the most optimal soil conditions by dividing the soil in the nursery into three main zones:

1. The lower layer, in which side worm tea and biohumus are formed and accumulate;
2. Middle layer, the main habitat of individuals and families;
3. The top layer, with which the worms are fed. The choice of soil for the top layer must be given special attention.

Rules for the use of soils

The quality of the soil determines the activity of the worm, the rate of reproduction and food processing. Maximum efficiency can be achieved by following a few simple rules:

The breeding container must be covered with a dense layer of humus mixed with crushed cardboard;
Make sure that soil moisture does not fall below 75 and does not rise above 80%;
Settle the family 2-3 days after laying the soil in the container;
Cover the nursery with cardboard;
After acclimatization of the worms, apply bait.

In addition, special attention should be paid to the level of soil acidity. For breeding worms, the optimal indicator should be within the established norm of 6.5-7.5 pH. In case of detection of dead worms, it is necessary to measure the level of soil acid. It is possible to increase acidity through impurities from straw or sawdust, while chalk, eggshells or limestone helps to reduce the indicator.


The choice of premises also needs to be given special attention, because the high rate of reproduction over time will require the expansion of the vermi farm. Any heated room with high humidity is suitable for breeding the worm. As a location you can use:

Basement or cellar;
Garage or outbuilding;
Attic space.

With the development of business, most vermifarmers are faced with the need to expand. It should be noted that a separate room for the farm is relevant only when it is required by a high volume of products sold.

Temperature regime

With a sharp decrease in temperature to + 4C, some individuals die, the rest fall into sleep. That is why the most acceptable temperature for maintaining the activity of earthworms is considered to be + 15 ... + 25 degrees. Nevertheless, on modern markets there are species whose peak activity falls on temperatures from + 8C.

Equipment for breeding earthworms

In the initial stages, a worm farming business requires a basic set of equipment. In addition to packaging, it is important to purchase or find:

1. Industrial scales;
2. Sieve for sifting soil;
3. Wheelbarrow for transportation of containers;
4. 10 l. bucket for soil transfer;
5. Shovel, pitchfork and rake;
6. Devices for measuring soil indicators;
7. Room and soil thermometer;
8. Racks for storing containers.

Container for breeding worms at home

As a hotbed at the initial stages of organizing a business, you can use:

1. Wooden nursery.

The best option is a wooden box measuring 1x2x0.5 m with a board thickness of 25 mm or more. The lid for such a nursery is made in accordance with the materials and dimensions of the box. Don't forget about ventilation. To ensure a stable supply of worm tea, it is necessary to drill several holes in the bottom of the structure, and also adapt the container to collect the liquid.

2. The chamber of the old refrigerator

The most optimal option for a nursery for beginner vermifarmers. The old refrigerator, devoid of internal parts, is installed horizontally, the bars are tilted. The influx of fresh air requires the presence of holes in the door.

3. Cardboard boxes

The least expensive option for organizing a nursery. In addition to being one of the most environmentally friendly and breathable materials, cardboard is also used by worms as food. In case of soaking or thinning, it is enough to bring a new box, a little larger than the one used as a nursery.

4. Plastic container

Plastic is one of the most popular materials for making a worm bed. At the same time, both ordinary flower pots and large containers can be used, however, in both cases, ventilation of the container must be ensured.

5. Professional vermicomposter

One of the most expensive and effective nursery options, which has a lot of advantages. The multi-level design, including several waste compartments, a liquid collector, soil moisture maintenance, as well as an advanced earth ventilation system, ensures maximum worm breeding efficiency.

Feeding earthworms

Worms are extremely unpretentious to food, however, properly selected food can accelerate the release of substances responsible for the production of vermicompost. The most optimal food for an earthworm is dead or rotting plant debris. To increase vital activity, worms are recommended to be fed:

plant residues;
food waste;
stale pastries;
eggshell powder;
residues after washing containers from kefir or sour cream;
fermented cattle dung or bird droppings.

However, some feeds can lead to a decrease in worm activity, an increase or decrease in soil acidity, as well as the death of certain species. Thus, it is forbidden to use as food for worms:

1. Meat waste;
2. Citrus fruits (affects the acidity of the soil);
3. Kefir, not diluted with water;
4. Whole cores, unground plant residues;
5. Fresh manure generated heat during the process of decay.

It is important to remember that a new portion of food should be added only after the old one has been eaten. In the presence of excess, the process of fermentation of the soil is activated, due to which a significant increase in pH values ​​\u200b\u200bis observed.

Earthworm breeding business scheme

The scheme for breeding a worm for further sale is as follows:

1. Site preparation;
2. Acquisition of breeding stock (family);
3. Settling in the nursery;
4. Processing of compost into humus;
5. Reproduction of individuals;
6. Collection of soil, liquid and worms for sale;
7. The introduction of nutrient litter for further reproduction.

After that, the cycle can be repeated.

Sales of finished products

Before starting a business, you need to decide on the category of buyers of products. In addition to the worms themselves, the by-products of their vital activity are also very popular. For example, humus, formed as a result of the activity of worms, is actively used in agriculture as one of the best fertilizers. No less popular among summer residents and gardeners is worm tea for feeding indoor, greenhouse and outdoor plants.

At the same time, the main clients of vermifarmers are considered to be:

  • Gardeners and summer residents who turn to breeders for humus and vermichaem - fertilizers that increase soil fertility and crop quality;
  • Fishing store owners. Based on how much fishing worms cost, modern fishermen prefer to purchase them in specialized stores. The rather long lifespan of the earthworm ensures a constant demand for these products;
  • Pet shop owners using worms as food for animals, fish and birds. It is worth noting that pet stores prefer to buy worms in bulk;
  • Owners of fish farms in need of huge amounts of feed. Unlike pet stores, representatives of fish farms buy worms in bulk in large quantities from several suppliers at once.

That is why the cultivation of earthworms can bring profit, albeit small, but stable, since the worms themselves, like the products of their vital activity, are in great demand.

Breeding worms is a cost-effective and profitable business

With minimal investment during the year, growing worms as a business allows you to get up to 40 thousand rubles on worms alone, because today the cost of one individual fluctuates within 2 rubles, and 2 cubic meters. m. the nursery has the potential for 15-20 thousand individuals. In addition, about a ton of biohumus and several hundred liters of worm tea are collected from the same nursery. To start a business, it is better to immediately buy 2-3 families of worms, the cost of such an acquisition will be from 3,000 rubles. It will take 1-3 families to populate 1m3 of soil.

The high rate of profitability and the potential of the vermifarm is explained by:

Absence of production waste;
minimal feeding costs;
fast reproduction;
low production costs;
availability of materials;
extensive markets;
steady demand not only for worms, but also for fertilizers.

It is worth noting that worm breeding as a business pays off by optimizing production capacity and expanding the number of nurseries.

Advantages and disadvantages of a worm farm

Most worm farmers claim that earthworm farming as a business has no drawbacks. Starting with a small home farm, using an old refrigerator, cardboard box or plastic utensils as a hotbed, you can master all the nuances and subtleties, gaining a client base. Over time, the cultivation of earthworms can be expanded, but this will require more serious investments. However, statistics show that the worm farm passes the break-even point quite quickly, so worm breeding, a business plan drawn up by a specialist, is able to attract serious investment.

Starting from a home mini-farm, you can stop at a stable income, but the money collected from the sale of worms and fertilizers should be enough to open a more serious production.
In addition, the cultivation of worms is very beneficial for the environment, because fertilizers sold by breeders have a positive effect on the soil, as well as plant growth and increased yields. To date, entrepreneurs receive the main profit from growing worms for fishing, since summer residents still do not know everything how to make compost correctly and what is the role of a worm in obtaining high-quality soil for growing vegetables.

By the way, a business on worms can become a business in the form of an addition to the main one. Good luck!

In fishing, both artificial and natural types of baits are used. Regardless of the season and fishing method, the worm is not inferior to artificial bait. It is not always possible to buy the necessary worm in the store, and the price of such a purchase can be too high.

Breeding worms at home is not a very difficult task, it is enough to have the necessary information.

Rules and features of breeding

Varieties and characteristics of worms:

The most popular in the field of worm breeding is the "prospector". This is a representative of one of the species of Californian red worms. It differs from its counterparts in a high level of productivity and fertility. He has a well-developed instinct for self-preservation. At low temperatures, the "prospector" burrows to a safe depth. The breeding temperature range is from +8 to +29 °C. An adult is capable of producing about 1,500 worms per year. The worm is unpretentious in food, quickly gets used to a different type of food. Resistant to many types of diseases.

The California red worm is easy to grow at home. He is less prolific than his fellows. On average, 400 new individuals appear per year. An adult worm reaches 8 cm in length, with a weight of 1 g. Like the "prospector", the main advantage is the speed of biomass production. The resulting biohumus has saturated enzymes, the maximum amount of microelements and active substances. Comfortable conditions for the successful life of the red worm will be a temperature of 15-25 degrees and a relative humidity of the habitat of 60%. In such conditions, he is able to live for about 16 years. The disadvantages of the Californian worm include pickiness in the choice of food, increased thermophilicity and the negative impact of direct sunlight.

The advantage of common earthworms is their good adaptation to the environment. This type of worm is considered a universal bait - more than a dozen different types of fish bite perfectly on it. The length of the grown worm reaches 15-30 cm, specimens that have reached 40 cm are often found. The main disadvantages are low life expectancy (up to 4 years), passivity in reproduction. Despite the shortcomings, earthworms are unpretentious in nutrition and have a fairly active growth.

The flour worm is the larva of the beetle. It tolerates temperature extremes and has a high reproduction rate at home. For development, a comfortable temperature is considered to be 28 degrees, while the humidity should not fall below 50%. In the choice of food, they are not whimsical.

This worm is a favorite delicacy of many fish. The yellow liquid inside it has a specific smell that drives the fish crazy. These worms are similar in appearance to red ones. The difference lies in the conditions of detention. To create a habitat, you need: sawdust, manure, rotten hay or straw, black soil, wet leaves. All this is mixed and well pressed. The greater the soil pressure, the more comfortable the worms live there. They have no preferences for temperature and high humidity.

In the selection, there are also specially bred worms for fishing - This type of worm breeds sluggishly, but it has a very fleshy body structure. Care on them has certain difficulties associated with the constant maintenance of increased optimal living conditions.

Worms feeding

Worms feed on rotten or dead plant remains. It is recommended to add potato peelings, stale bread, cabbage leaves, banana skins, kefir diluted with water, grass, rotting straw, the remains of the thick of used tea or coffee, chicken droppings, manure, boiled vegetables to their diet.

It is forbidden to add the following ingredients to the food of worms:

  • meat-containing waste;
  • citrus peel;
  • eggs;
  • fermented milk products (the acidity of the environment increases);
  • fresh manure (gives off destructive heat up to 70 ° C).

Before serving food, it is well ground in a meat grinder. The composition of the feed must be constant. When changing nutrition, individuals must undergo adaptation for several weeks.

Putting a new serving of food is necessary 2-3 times a month. It all depends on the temperature regime - the warmer, the more often and more worms eat food. Remember, too much food will ferment the soil, making it more acidic.

Worms for breeding

Worms are more often purchased at pet stores, the Internet, and fishing stores. When making a purchase, you should pay special attention to their appearance and general condition. They must be active and solid color.

Settlement technology and rules for caring for worms

You can breed worms not only in the village or in the country. Any place without noise and excess vibration is suitable for this: in an apartment on a balcony or a “dark” room, in a garage, in a garden or other utility room. The main condition is the observance of the optimal temperature regime and sufficient humidity (70%). Unpleasant odors can be avoided by sprinkling the feed with earth or biohumus.

To breed worms at home, you need to buy a vermicomposter or make a worm hive with your own hands. This design is a plastic or wooden box (box), about 40cm high. Breeding containers must have ventilation holes.

Holes are drilled in the top of the box or lid. The structure is installed at a slight slope so that through a hole drilled in the bottom to drain the worms formed during the life of the worms. An old refrigerator can act as a worm. It is placed with the doors up, pre-drilling holes.

If there is no desire to make a worm, you can purchase a ready-made special product for growing worms - a vermicomposter. It is made in the form of two plastic boxes, installed one on top of the other. Both have holes for ventilation and special slots at the bottom. A tap is mounted in the lower drawer, located on legs. It is used to drain the resulting vermicai.

After preparing the soil mixture, for 2-3 days a deepening is made in it and the first tenants are settled in the wormhole. After evenly distribute the soil and cover with a lid. Feed is added two days after settlement.

To know the required level of soil acidity, we make a trial settlement in a smaller container. For breeding worms, the optimal acidity of the soil sweep will fluctuate in the range of 6.6-7.7 pH. With more acidity, the worms begin to die. Reduce its level by adding eggshells, chalk or limestone to the soil. To increase the acidity, sawdust, straw or plant remains are used.

If within a week the surface of the substrate is clean, and the worms are actively mobile, then the colonization was successful.

Worms are fed every 1.5-2 weeks. The food is applied evenly to the entire surface of the box with a thickness of 5-7 cm. Under favorable conditions, the worms multiply very quickly, so it is necessary to have prepared wormholes for relocation. Monitor humidity constantly. The watering procedure is carried out with warm (room temperature +24 ° C) water, using a watering can with small holes.

With a substrate layer of more than 20 cm, loosening is necessary to enrich the soil with oxygen. Mixing is carried out with a special fork or other tool with rounded ends. This procedure should be carried out twice a week.

As a result of the activity of the worms, the soil, which is located in the box, is divided into three zones. The top layer contains nutrients. The layer in the middle is used by adults for housing. All the products of their active processing are collected in the lower layer, which is why it is so important. This layer grows over time. After 3-4 months, the worms are transplanted into a new container, along with a small part of the substrate of the lower layer. And the process starts all over again.

Reproduction of worms

A new generation of worms emerge from cocoons. One female can lay only one cocoon per week. A month later, newborn worms appear. An average of 20 worms hatch from a cocoon. In two months, they grow to the size of an adult. During the year, the worm lays up to 24 cocoons. During the growth period, the worms actively feed, so you will have to feed more often.

Comfortable conditions for reproduction: temperature in the range from +20 to +24 degrees, humidity 70%. It is desirable to keep different types of worms in separate boxes.

  1. It is better to cover the bottom of the box with a mesh, so it is more convenient to weed out biohumus.
  2. In one wormhole, you can keep earthworms and red worms together.
  3. Cow dung becomes suitable for nutrition only after 6 months.
  4. The resulting biohumus is effectively used for fertilizing strawberries, vegetables in the greenhouse and indoor plants.
  5. Some types of worms are used to obtain medicines.

Breeding worms at home for beginners is also attracted by the simplicity of the equipment used. The cultivation technology is simple and does not require special knowledge. Also tempting is the lack of special facilities for breeding. In the initial stage, business can be done in an ordinary apartment.

If you have already decided to do such an unusual business, then you should know that you can sell the worms themselves, biohumus and worm tea. Biohumus is an excellent fertilizer.

Worm tea is a unique product that will increase the yield by at least two times. It is effectively used for growing strawberries, indoor plants, for growing vegetables and fruits both in greenhouses and on open ground. In order for a business to develop effectively, it is necessary to create the most comfortable conditions for the life and reproduction of worms.
How to breed earthworms at home and how to make this activity grow into a business - this will be discussed further.

What are the benefits of worms

Earthworms are soil animals that feed on decaying plant debris and animal excretions. They ingest bacteria, algae, nematode protozoa, fungi and their spores. Passing food through their intestines, the worms destroy it and mix it with the ground.

By processing compost heaps, they leave the most valuable forms of humus with high microbiological activity in the soil. Processes take place in the intestines of the worm, as a result of which the decay products of organic substances are converted into molecules of humic acids. Molecules combine with the mineral components of the soil, forming calcium humates. These substances make the soil structural.

The soil processed by worms contains a wide variety of enzymes, amino acids, vitamins, antibiotics, biologically active substances that disinfect the microflora. And the worms in this process play a dominant component. In addition, these animals take an active part in loosening the soil, which makes it water and breathable.

Earthworms are an indicator of the health and fertility of garden soil. If they feel good in your area, then the harvest will be good. Their normal density should not be less than five large worms per 1 square meter of dug up area. If this amount is less, then the land needs organic fertilizer.

You should know that worms help to neutralize the acidity of the soil, as they prefer a neutral environment. They eat straw, loosen the soil, reduce the number of nematodes.

Types of worms

Consider what types of worms you need to buy for breeding and how they differ.

Regular rain

Earthworms are invertebrates whose body consists of ring-shaped segments with short bristles. The body is smooth, slippery, cylindrical in shape, 15-30 cm long. The body of the worm moves based on the setae. The ventral side is flat, the back has a convex shape and a dark color.

The earthworm is a hermaphrodite but reproduces sexually through mating. The thickening on the front is called the girdle. There are glands that secrete a sticky liquid. The animal wraps eggs with mucus during reproduction. A cocoon of mucus protects the eggs from dampness and adverse factors. After a while, small worms come out of it. The life span of an earthworm is 3-4 years.

The earthworm does not have sense organs, but perceives irritations with the help of the nervous system and reacts to them reflexively. It also does not have organs of vision, but it perceives light irritations. Earthworms smell and are capable of regenerating lost body parts.

California red

One type of earthworm is the red California worm, which is often bred at home. Compared to earthworms, Californian earthworms have many advantages in breeding, growing, feeding. This animal reaches 6-8 cm in length and weighs 1 g. Reproduction occurs at the age of three months.

With proper care, each individual produces up to 500-1500 pieces of its own kind per season. The California worm is distinguished by both high fertility and longevity. Its life expectancy is about 16 years. The only drawback of the California worm is that it is very thermophilic and does not crawl deep into the ground when the temperature drops.


The prospector worm is the result of selection. This species was obtained in 1982 as a result of crossing the southern and northern dung worms. A distinctive characteristic of the animal is the presence of the instinct of self-preservation. At low temperatures, it goes to a safe depth. This species breeds in a much wider temperature range - +8…+29 °С.

The productivity of the prospector worm is higher than the ordinary earthworm. He is unpretentious, does not get sick and is distinguished by perseverance in the substrate. Unlike the red Californian, the prospector worm easily switches from one type of food to another. The reproduction rate and life span are the same as those of the Californian, but this species retains high viability and productivity at a high density of the substrate.

Technology for growing worms at home

In order to get the required amount of vermicompost for fertilizing the garden, you should think about breeding earthworms at home.

The recipe for fertile soil mixture is simple. It is necessary to add 1 kg of sand and 5 kg of biohumus to the black soil per 1 square meter.

How to choose a seat

If you decide to start breeding worms, then you should know that this requires a mini-farm or vermicomposter. The worm can be placed anywhere: on the balcony, in the apartment, in the yard, in the garden, in the garage or any utility room. It should be a place without noise and vibration. In the process of processing, no unpleasant odors come from the structure. The main thing is that the temperature in the room is within acceptable limits.

At temperatures above 36 ° C, the worms will die.

The smell may be emitted by the food. In this case, it must be sprinkled with biohumus or earth.

Types of worms

For breeding worms, wooden or plastic boxes made of food-grade plastic 30-40 cm high are often used. The containers must be ventilated. To do this, use a drill to drill holes in the upper part of the box around the entire perimeter and in the lid over the entire area. Boxes must be installed on the legs at an angle. Then vermicay can drain through the hole in the bottom. Place the dishes for collecting it under the hole.

Worms also feel good in cardboard boxes. They eat pieces of cardboard. True, the boxes get wet, and they often have to be replaced with new ones.
An old refrigerator is also suitable for breeding. It is installed with the door up. Don't forget to make holes for ventilation.

The most convenient, but expensive equipment for breeding worms is a special worm composter. It consists of several plastic boxes, which are installed on top of one another. Each of them has side vents and slots at the bottom for the passage of water. The bottom drawer is placed on legs. A tap for draining vermicai is mounted in its bottom. The top drawer is covered with a blanket to maintain humidity and a plastic lid.

Instructions for making a homemade worm

Consider how to build a vermifarm with your own hands, where to start manufacturing and what tools you will need.

For a homemade worm, the same plastic food boxes are most suitable. They are well installed vertically and go into each other. The box must be solid, without holes, 60 × 40 in size.

The bottom drawer will be used to collect the soil solution, the top ones to contain the worm. From above, you can put three compartments for growing a worm. In the bottom drawer, a series of holes are drilled with a drill on top of the side pieces. But in the corners (up to 10 cm), you should not make holes, because the soil solution will drain through them.

In the second box, you need to make the same holes, but around the entire perimeter. In the bottom of the second box, we make cuts parallel to the stiffeners with the help of a grinder (approximately 8 pcs.). With a chisel, we clean the surface of burrs. We produce 3 boxes of the second type.

At the bottom of the boxes we lay a row of wooden rods as thick as a finger. They will prevent clogging of the bottom holes. It is necessary to sew bags from high-density spunbond fabric. They are laid on top of the rods. It is necessary to cut out the plastic nets to move the worms to a new box. They are used when there is 5 cm left to a full box, and continue to feed the worm. Then, with a full box, the worms will be in the grid, and they can be moved.

We repeat the procedure with resettlement three times until the worm is completely captured. The top cover is made of plywood. Using a drill, we make its perforation.

What equipment will be needed

To breed worms at home, you need to purchase a small amount of equipment: scales, a wheelbarrow, a sieve, a shovel, a pitchfork, a bucket, thermometers for measuring soil and air temperature, a device for measuring soil acidity, racks, boxes for growing worms.

Soil selection

The reproduction and life of worms depends on the quality of the soil. Half of the container must be filled with humus with the addition of crushed cardboard. The soil should have a moisture content of 70-80%. It's easy to check. To do this, take a handful of soil in your hand and squeeze it tightly. If as a result of compression 1-2 drops of water are released, then the soil has the right moisture.

When starting a business, you should not immediately buy expensive vermicomposters. Use a wooden or plastic food box. It is necessary to make a hole in it for the outflow of fluid and ventilation. The room should have a temperature regime within 18-25 ° C, lighting 60 W per 20 m, ventilation no more than 0.5 m / s. You should be aware that chlorinated water inhibits worms, so use water containers. Take care of the protection of worms from pests. They are eaten by moles, rats, and other rodents.

Purchase of breeding stock

You can buy worms for breeding both on the Internet and from local owners of worm farms. When buying a breeding stock, you should pay attention to the appearance of the worm. It should be red, mobile. The breeding stock includes at least 1500 worms. The calculation must be carried out from the following ratio: 1-3 families are needed per 1 cubic meter of soil for breeding.

How to settle

After 2-3 days after preparing the soil, it is necessary to make a deepening in it and populate the first inhabitants there. After that, carefully spread the soil and close the lid. After a couple of days, you need to add food.

In order to determine the necessary acidity of the soil and check whether the worms will take root well in a new house, it is necessary to do a trial settlement in a small container. Based on the results, you can determine whether the optimal level of acidity has been reached or needs to be corrected.
The optimal acidity level for breeding worms should be in the range of 6.6 - 7.5 pH.

If there are a lot of dead worms, then the acidity must be changed. It is increased by adding straw, sawdust, plants. To reduce the acidity of the soil, it is necessary to add chalk, limestone, shells.
Within a week after moving in, you need to check how the worms feel in the new home. If the surface of the substrate is clean, and they are mobile, then the resettlement went well.

What to feed

How to feed worms at home?
Worms are not picky about food. They feed on dead or rotting plants. It is recommended to give potato peels, cabbage leaves, banana peel, stale bread, tea or coffee grounds, straw, grass, water from a container washed from under sour cream or kefir, chicken droppings.

Worms can be attributed to vegetarians. Citrus fruits, meat, eggs should not be added to their food. Fresh manure should not be added to the worms, as it generates heat up to 70 ° C.

All food you give to worms should be ground. They cannot process it in solid form. The composition of the feed should be maintained. Worms tune in better to the food that they have tasted for the first time in their lives. When changing food, adaptation of individuals must take place over a certain period.

Care rules

Growing and caring for worms at home includes feeding, maintaining a favorable temperature regime, watering and loosening the substrate.

The first feeding is carried out a few days after settlement. To do this, feed 3-5 cm thick is applied to the fourth part of the surface and evenly distributed. The next time the food is applied with a thickness of 5-7 cm on the entire surface of the box.

Top dressing for worms is added every 1.5 - 2 weeks, as they are eaten, until the box is filled to a height of 50-60 cm. The frequency of feeding depends on the number of worms and on the temperature of the content. It is necessary to keep worms at a temperature of +15 ... +25 ° С. Worms reproduce quite quickly, so it is necessary to have prepared transplant boxes. One family after wintering increases 10 times.

It should be remembered that worms need moisture. Therefore, the substrate must be watered regularly. The optimum humidity should be 80%. This procedure must be done using a watering can with small holes with settled or rain water at a temperature of 24 ° C.

Worms need oxygen, so if the substrate layer is 20 cm or more, it is necessary to loosen it regularly. This procedure is carried out with special forks with round ends. To do this, the substrate is pierced without mixing the layers twice a week to the depth of the worms.

As a result of their vigorous activity, the substrate in the box is divided into three zones.

The top layer contains nutrients and organic residues. The middle layer is intended for housing worms. The bottom layer is the most valuable. It collects all products of soil processing, which are used as biohumus and worm tea. As the worms work, the bottom layer is constantly increasing. The duration of the process of complete processing in one box is 3-4 months. After that, the worms with part of the old substrate are transplanted into another container, and everything starts all over again.

What and to whom to sell from the vermifarm

The main advantage of the vermi farm is that you can get valuable fertilizer and good income from unnecessary waste. To do this, you need to study the market and potential buyers.

For soil fertilization

To fertilize a plot of 3-4 acres, it is enough to purchase 1.5 - 3 thousand worms.
During the year they will produce the required amount of biohumus. This valuable fertilizer can be sold to neighbors and acquaintances. When expanding the vermi farm, it can be offered to specialized stores, farms.

For fishing

Growing worms for fishermen and selling them in bazaars or selling them to specialized stores is also profitable, as this is part of the vermi business. The fisherman rarely takes the time to dig up the soil in search of a worm. It's always easier to buy. Fishing shops will take your stock because the lifespan of the worm is long and the demand is steady. The main thing is that the packaging contributes to the life of the worms for a certain period. Worm for fish is the most valuable product. Therefore, real professionals often breed worms at home for fishing.

To the pet store

The pet store also needs a constant supply of fresh worms and biohumus. Worms are used there as food for fish, birds and other inhabitants.

For fish farms

For the efficient operation of fish farms and the normal growth of fish, it is necessary to use live food for feeding them. Therefore, the need for the worm as an indispensable product with high nutritional value is constantly increasing.

For plant nutrition

The biohumus obtained from the vermifarm can be used for growing indoor flowers, seedlings, vegetables in the greenhouse and in the garden, for planting fruit crops, grapes, and medicinal plants. Biohumus is especially valuable in greenhouses, since it is important to exclude the possibility of diseases. If worms get into flower pots, you should not worry. Worms cannot cause any harm to plants. Since the use of biohumus is quite wide, the demand is obvious.

To expand the range, you can also offer vermicai. It is made on vermi farms by slowly passing water through a stack of containers or according to a recipe. To do this, biohumus is mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 10. Saturate it with oxygen for good bacteria reproduction. This can be done with an aquarium compressor. Insist for a day at room temperature, after which the solution is settled and filtered. The sediment can be used as a fertilizer, and the solution can be used for foliar and root dressing.

Vermichai should be used within 4 hours of turning off the compressor. With further storage, the bacteria die, the effectiveness of the solution decreases, and it emits an unpleasant odor.

How to prepare vermifarm products for sale

    The main products of the vermifarm for sale are:
  • worms;
  • biohumus;
  • worm tea.

To prepare products for sale, they must be properly packaged and stored. You can pack the worms in tight plastic bags with holes for ventilation. Store them in a cool place to avoid excessive worm activity. A sufficient amount of soil must be added to the bag.

The mother families for sale are well packed in cardboard boxes. The family should consist of cocoons, fry and adults.

Biohumus is a smearing mass of dark color. After extracting the worms, it is collected with a scoop, dried to a moisture content of 40-50%, sieved with a sieve and packaged for storage. Biohumus can be stored at temperatures ranging from -20 to + 30 °C. So that the fertilizer does not lose its biological activity, it is still not worth freezing.

Vermicai is packed in plastic bottles before being sold. Do not forget to indicate the expiration date of the solution.

Profitability calculation

From 1 cubic meter of a nursery, you can get up to 10 thousand worms and about 0.5 tons of biohumus per year. When selling 1 worm for 2 rubles, you can get 20 thousand from the sale of worms alone, not taking into account the profit from biohumus and vermicai. business, we get 150%. As you can see, the income is quite worthy.

Is it possible to make money on a business like growing strawberries all year round in a greenhouse? Let's try to answer this question in a separate one.

Mushrooms lend themselves well to artificial conditions. The demand for champignons in the food market makes them attractive for entrepreneurship.

Business pros and cons

Breeding worms is a profitable and rewarding business. This business is associated with minimal risks, so if you are interested, then you should try it first in an old refrigerator or wooden box. Having mastered the breeding of worms at home on video and in practice, having studied all the subtleties and having worked with the sale of products, you will decide whether it is worth expanding the business. There are practically no shortcomings in the worm business, as evidenced by the reviews of entrepreneurs. With a serious approach, the business will bring considerable income.

Worms for fishing is a classic and widespread bait for almost all fish, the effectiveness of which is difficult to argue with other types of baits, as most anglers are well aware of. And if in natural conditions it is not so difficult to get such a bait knowing about the places of its habitual habitat, then in urban conditions the best option is to buy a nozzle. For fishing enthusiasts who periodically go to fishing sessions, the problem of the amount of bait is not as relevant as for avid anglers who actively fish and use this animal bait in complementary foods.

The acquisition of a large number of portions of the nozzle will cost a lot, and sometimes it is quite difficult to find a material of high quality and suitable in size for the conditions of fishing. The way out of this situation is to breed worms for fishing on your own at home. With modern technologies and adherence to a certain culture of production, these processes are within the power of any fisherman, and the cost of raw material and equipment can more than recoup these investments in a short period of time. The article you read will help to convince the angler of the simplicity and accessibility of worm breeding technologies.

The main advantage of this classic nozzle is its versatility. Indeed, even having simply dug up worms in the garden, the angler has the right to count on the capture of almost all types of carp fish and even some obvious predators. Moreover, this type of nozzle is suitable for both float and. Availability of bait also plays an important role. Knowing the characteristics of the life of a certain type of worm, the angler can easily get a nozzle on his own. Of the tools you need only a shovel, and roadside soils of roadsides, earthen areas near the accumulation of garbage and manure heaps are almost everywhere populated with this type of bait.

Low storage requirements, for which you need ordinary slightly moist soil or moss, allow you to stock up on bait for a long time without really bothering with its care. Well, the ease of use of bait does not cause difficulties even for a novice angler. After all, when using a worm for fishing, there are no special requirements even for the shape of the hook. The main thing is that it should have a hook that prevents spontaneous slipping of the bait and the size that is optimally suitable for the nozzle.

What worms are used by fishermen

Most species of ringworms living in our latitudes are suitable for fishing, in addition, California worms have been bred in artificial conditions for a couple of decades by specialized farms for fishing and agricultural activities related to soil-forming activities and poultry rearing. The aborigines who inhabit our soils everywhere include earthworms, earthworms or creeps and dung worms. The leaf worm is widespread in overripe deciduous masses, and the marsh worm lives in the marshy and coastal soils of reservoirs.

The varieties of the Californian worm species introduced and already in some regions wild and adapted to the weather conditions include the red worm and the dendrobene. Standing apart from these original species is the larva of the beetle-hruschak or the flour worm, which is also included in the rank of popular and unpretentious to storage conditions. The interesting thing is that all of the above types of worms can be grown at home.

How to breed worms for fishing

Breeding worms for fishing will require some preparations from the angler and, in particular, the preparation of special containers, soils, the initial brood population of the selected type of bait and the substrate in which the worm will breed and feed. Under the worm, it is most practical to adapt plastic or wooden boxes no more than 40 cm high with drainage holes made in the bottom. Soils are used depending on the type of worms, but in most cases you can use earth from molehills or directly from the garden.

Important! When taking soil to fill the wormholes, you need to pay attention to the absence of ash in the earthen compositions, which will subsequently negatively affect the vital activity of the bred organism, increasing acidity.

Biological planting material or breeding stock can be purchased in special nurseries, or you can simply remove it directly from the natural environment by simply digging up a suitable amount of the worms you need by type. The substrate for organizing nutrition and drainage for each bred species of worm is prepared using special technologies, which the angler will learn about by reading the further material of the article regarding the process of reproduction of a particular species separately.

How to breed creep worms

In nature, creeps live in moist soils mixed with decaying plant organic matter, tree leaves and dying grass, which is precisely their main and natural food. For fishing and the process of breeding, creeps are collected after rains in the evening and at night, when they crawl en masse to the surface of the soil.

Important! The sizes of some specimens of creeping out can reach 30 centimeters; it is these specimens that are best selected for breeding stock.

For the worm, they take a wooden rack box 20 cm deep, which is covered with breathable material, burlap is especially practical to use. The substrate is prepared from ordinary soil mixed with finely chopped hay and leaves, which is subsequently moistened. Right on the surface of this mixture, 20-30 individuals of the breeding stock are placed and after two or three months they get the result in the form of a young shoot of creeping out. The cultivation of worms in a summer cottage can be carried out directly in open ground by organizing worm houses in a dug trench filled with a substrate according to the technology presented above. Throughout the warm season of the year, the angler will be guaranteed the availability of bait.

How to grow dung and California worms for fishing

Californian red worms are bred at home in a slightly different way than the breeding method. This breed is thermophilic and subtly reacts to the acidity of the soil, which requires a more scrupulous approach to the preparation of the substrate, which, by the way, is also suitable for breeding dung worms. For queen cells, plastic boxes with drainage holes 30–40 cm high are taken and filled to the top with a substrate made according to the composition below, which includes:

  • chopped straw;
  • sawdust of deciduous trees;
  • manure;
  • chopped hay.
  • ordinary land.

The components of the substrate are thoroughly mixed together and moistened. After pouring the mixtures into the boxes, they are thoroughly rammed, after which the mother material itself is placed directly in the top layer. It is advisable to constantly maintain the temperature at +20, +22 degrees in the box installation room. These are optimal conditions for feeding and reproduction of the Californian worm species. Dung beetles can be bred at temperatures four or five degrees lower. These species of worm give ready-made bait 40–60 days after the culture is settled in the substrate.

How to breed flour worms

In addition to Californian and earthworms, at home, you can successfully breed zoophobuses or flour worms, better known in the fishing environment. For their reproduction, you will need a deaf and low, 15–20 cm, plastic box with a mesh lid. The habitat and reproduction of the larva is prepared from flour, bran, small sawdust of deciduous trees and ground dried bread. Substrate elements are intensively mixed with each other and scattered along the bottom of the box with a thickness of 5-10 cm.

For breeding stock, a pet store buys a couple of dozen beetles, and in their absence the larva itself, although in this case the breeding process increases markedly in time for the release of finished products. The culture of the beetle is placed in the substrate, and the box is placed in a place where the temperature in the room does not fall below +25 degrees. After the expiration of two months, the hruschak beetles will begin to breed, one phase of the reproduction of which is a grown larva or a flour worm needed by the fisherman for bait.

Containment Compliance

Worms for fishing at home during breeding need some kind of simple care, in particular, creating a microclimate and debugging a competent fattening process. To install a box with substrates, you will need to allocate a separate room, the temperature and humidity of which will be at constant values, without being subjected to sudden changes in values. The temperature range, based on the species being bred, will lie within 18–25 degrees, and the humidity in the room should not fall below 50%.

In addition, special requirements are put forward for the acidity of the soil, which is in the pH6-pH7 parameters, which can be checked at home using litmus paper. Failure to comply with these parameters of the microclimate and the composition of the substrates leads to a cessation of feeding, which causes a decrease or cessation of the process of reproduction and growth of individuals needed for bait. It is better to store the worms already selected for fishing separately from the mother liquor, in special boxes with ventilation holes and less voluminous boxes, adding moss as a bedding instead of a substrate. By placing such storage on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, the nozzle can be stored without loss of condition and functions of its vital activity for up to one month.

How to feed worms for fishing at home

It is necessary to feed the worms at home with a certain regularity, but in such a way that the queen cells are constantly with feed of optimal volumes, so that it does not have time to turn sour. Strongly rotting food does not particularly affect the well-being of the growing bait, but it can seriously spoil the microclimate of the room, causing rather sharp unpleasant odors. Dung, as well as Californian worms and creeps, are fed with crushed plant organic matter, for which food waste is suitable, for example, bread leftovers, vegetable and fruit trimmings, cereals and thick soups.

Waste is mixed with each other and placed in a layer of 1.5-2 cm in the upper part of the box, covering the nutrient mixture with a substrate previously removed to the same volume. To determine when to feed the worms next, you need to observe the amount of food left over every five days. The feed volume completely converted into humus indicates the beginning of a new feed bookmark. Unlike these types of worms, flour worms are fed every two days, giving them small portions of bran and oatmeal flakes mixed with grated carrots, beets or trimmings of other vegetables.

How often to water worms

Soil moisture has one of the leading roles in the success of breeding packing material. A decrease in this indicator causes individuals to sink deep into the ground, completely ceasing to feed. The substrate is moistened with an ordinary garden watering can, using water at room temperature for irrigation, which is previously allowed to settle in the same room for three days.

Important! Determining the optimal moisture content of the substrate can be done in a fairly simple way. To do this, the soil is squeezed in the hand, and the result of a positive moisture factor is the formation of a dense and non-friable earthen clod.

When the soil is waterlogged, drainage holes arranged in the bottom of the boxes will help to correct the situation, and excessive evaporation of moisture will be prevented by covering a freshly watered substrate with propagating material with a piece of corrugated cardboard or a special cover with fine perforations over its entire area. The boxes are checked for moisture every week, adding water to the soil as needed.

Despite the huge number of artificial lures for catching fish, nothing can replace real worms. Therefore, anyone who knows a lot about this prefers to always have them at hand. That is why many fishermen ask a logical question: "How to breed worms for fishing on your own?"

Fans of winter fishing are well aware of how difficult it is to get the necessary bait at this time. Well, if there is a bloodworm for sale. And if it is not there, then you have to use any available food, which does not always guarantee a successful catch. As a result, many people are thinking about how to breed worms for fishing at home.

General information about earthworms

Almost any fish is caught on this bait. There are several varieties of these living organisms that are popular with anglers. How to breed earthworms? How are they different from others? This common name hides a number of families of oligochaete worms. The most common individuals have a body of 3-15 cm. There are worms 2.5-40 cm long. There are 1500 species of them, however, the main part is found in the tropics. In temperate latitudes, there are about 100 species of worms. They live in the ground and are active at night. During the day they can be found on the ground after rain. Due to the fact that they process organic residues in the process of their digestion, the most valuable fertilizer is obtained - biohumus. Thinking about the question of how to breed earthworms, you need to understand the most common types of this fish bait.

red worms

Many fishermen are sure that red worms are the most attractive bait. They are suitable for both industrial and home breeding. At the same time, a large increase in their biomass can be obtained in a fairly short period of time. The body of such creatures contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, making them excellent food not only for fish, but also for domestic animals and birds.

How to breed red worms? There are different ways to grow them. In one cycle, lasting 3 months, up to 30 kg of worms are collected from 1 m 2. Almost any organic waste is used for feeding them, such as food waste, animal manure, bird droppings, straw, waste from paper, woodworking, meat and fish industries.

Habitat for red worms

How to breed worms in the garden? To do this, it is necessary to satisfy their need for nitrogen-containing organic matter. In such an environment, their growth and fertility is greatly enhanced. Sufficient soil moisture is necessary for growing red worms. If it is below 30-35%, then the development of individuals will be inhibited. When the humidity level drops below 22%, they can die within a week. That is why it is necessary to water the soil regularly. Its optimal humidity is 70-85%.

Soil acidity below pH5 and above pH9 is unsuitable for breeding worms. In such an environment, they will die within a week. The best option is earth that has an acidity of pH7. They also do not tolerate saline soil, and a salt concentration of more than 0.5% is simply fatal for them.

At temperatures below 5 ° C, the worms do not feed. They crawl deep into the soil and hibernate. As a rule, they wake up 10-14 days before the soil thaws. The optimum temperature for their cultivation is 18-24 °C.

Reproduction of red worms

Each adult lays 18-24 cocoons in summer. They contain from 1 to 20 eggs. After 3 weeks, young individuals appear, and after 7-9 weeks they can already bear offspring themselves. Most often, one individual lives 10-15 years. At the same time, with age, their size only increases. Sexually mature young worms weigh about 1 g each.

Growing worms

How to breed dung worms? They collect a sufficient number of individuals in old heaps of humus or in clusters of last year's rotten foliage. Such worms are not so common in ordinary soil, but they can be found in some places with high humidity (for example, in raspberries). Dung worms are very similar to red ones. Only when put on a hook do they release yellow contents that have an unpleasant odor.

To create a worm cultivator, only about 500 individuals per 1 sq. m. One of the main factors for the successful reproduction of these organisms is the quality of the substrate in which they will live. For it, manure, straw, hay, sawdust are used, which are thoroughly mixed. Dense compost creates an ideal environment for worms to live and breed. It should stay moist even in dry weather.

The construction of the worm-cultivator

In a shady place of the site, they dig a small ditch (no more than 2 m 2) with a depth of 30-35 cm. A layer of clay is laid and rammed on its bottom. It should rise to the very edges of the ditch. The thickness of this layer is 10 cm. Good soil is poured over the clay (preferably black soil). Next, the groove is covered with humus, which is well compacted. Ash or coal should not be added to it, since worms cannot tolerate them.

Collected individuals are poured into the substrate, evenly distributing them throughout the groove. In such a wormhole, you can grow not only dung or red worms, but also ordinary earth or rain worms. For each of these species, the most suitable substrate composition is selected. So, for earthworms and earthworms, you should not add manure to the soil. It is better to limit yourself to compost.

When breeding dung worms in a warm winter, they can be collected for fishing even during frosts. How to explain such a phenomenon? This is due to the fact that a large amount of manure in the substrate contributes to an increase in temperature in it. For the winter, the worm is covered with bags and sprinkled with earth and snow.

Breeding worms at home

How to breed earthworms at home? Although the vast majority of people breed them in their summer cottage or garden plot, some avid fishermen manage to do this in apartment conditions. True, not everyone succeeds in this, but those who have learned to breed worms in an apartment are provided with good bait all year round.

How to breed worms for fishing at home? To do this, you need to choose the right container for their content. Housing can be a wooden or plastic box. In extreme cases, you can use a regular canvas bag for this. But in such containers, the worms will not be able to live long. For long-term breeding, it is better to use enamelware, a basin or a bucket. Worms will also feel great in an old aquarium.

After choosing a container, they begin to prepare the substrate. It should consist of soil in which there is no or very little humus. The best for this purpose is the land in which there are few fallen leaves and roots of grasses. This is due to the fact that during decay, this organic matter takes a lot of oxygen from the soil, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the organisms we are considering.

Feeding the worms

Answering the question of how to quickly breed worms, it is safe to say that the rate of their growth and reproduction is completely dependent on the feed. Almost any organic waste (peeling vegetables or fruits), unsweetened tea leaves, coffee grounds and boiled or raw oatmeal are suitable for them to eat. It must be remembered that dry food helps to lower the level of moisture in the soil. To increase the rate of reproduction of worms, many advise giving them dairy products. Under no circumstances should you give them potato peels.

Worms are fed from this calculation: 3 handfuls of cereals per 15 liters of soil. When applying nutrition to the ground, it must not be left on the surface. Mix the soil thoroughly by hand. When a “ball” is found, consisting of many individuals intertwined with each other, they must be carefully separated, evenly distributed throughout the container. If this is not done, many of the worms will die due to the increased temperature inside such a lump.

Containment Compliance

When thinking about the question of how to properly breed worms, one should not forget about maintaining optimal conditions that ensure the normal functioning of these simple animals. To do this, it is necessary to constantly maintain the appropriate humidity. To determine the condition of the soil, it is compressed in a fist. If a lump forms after it is unclenched, then the humidity is normal. At the same time, we must not forget that excess moisture affects the worms adversely.

Despite the fact that these creatures do not like low temperatures, they should not be placed in close proximity to heating appliances, as they will quickly die there. The optimal temperature regime for the normal development of worms is 17-24 °C. The container is placed in a dark place, far from direct sunlight.

In one container, you can contain different types of worms (earth, red), but it’s better to allocate a “separate housing” to each subspecies. When growing these animals according to this method, it is possible to collect up to 1 kg of fish bait per week from a 30 l container.

Growing worms in a summer cottage

How to breed worms for fishing in the country? The easiest way is to dig a small groove, 30 cm wide. Its depth should be 15-20 cm. Rotting leaves, grass, hay, humus are placed in the groove. From above it is covered with boards or burlap. After 7-12 days, earthworms will appear in it. A special dwelling is being built for them, which is a wooden box on legs with a removable lid. Its minimum size is 100 x 100 cm, and its height is 35-40 cm. A grid with small cells (0.5 cm) is attached to the bottom of the box.

How to breed worms in the country? To do this, the box is installed in a shady place. It can be placed near the compost pit. About 20-25 cm of compost is poured into the bottom of the box. The worms are moved into this new dwelling from the groove along with a small amount of soil. The earth is moistened and covered with burlap. After a week, the box is filled to the top with compost and watered again. It is necessary to moisten the substrate 1-2 times a week (depending on the rate of its drying).

Reproduction of worms

For 2-3 months, the worms lay cocoons in the ground. In addition, each individual gives weekly one cocoon. 5-20 worms appear from it. The last clutch is observed at the end of July. The first offspring appears at the end of August. Already in October, the worms become adults. For development and growth, they need a lot of food, so from July to November, a layer of compost with humus 10 cm thick is added to the box twice a month. In the process of digestion of worms, vermicompost is obtained from it, which spills out through the mesh bottom of the box. In one season, the layer of accumulated valuable fertilizer can reach 25-30 cm. In winter, the housing of the worms is left in place, insulated from above with compost, with a layer of 20-30 cm. From the sides it is covered with earth and sand. When snow falls, a small snowdrift is poured onto the box.

In the spring, biohumus is collected and used for its intended purpose, and most of the worms are carried around the site. Only a small number of individuals are left in the box for further reproduction.

Recently, fishermen are increasingly using flour worms, often called zoophobuses, to bait. In big cities, they can be purchased at pet stores, as they are used to feed various animals. Where this is not possible, you can grow them yourself. How to breed flour worms at home?

You should choose a suitable place for their placement and a container for growing. Large plastic boxes or trays without slots are suitable for this. A fine mesh is used as a cover. At the bottom of such a container, flour, bran, sawdust, ground crackers are poured. The nutrient layer should be 2-10 cm. Acquired beetles, whose larvae are zoophobuses, are placed in the trays. When using pupae, the breeding process will take longer. The number of bugs depends on the expected result.

After laying eggs by adults, 2 months pass before flour worms appear from them. The humidity in the box with them should be about 50%. Worms develop best at a temperature of 26-28 ° C.

The larvae of the beetles are omnivores. They feed zoophobuses once every 2 days. They are given bran, oatmeal mixed with grated carrots, beets, and other vegetables.

Instead of an afterword

We examined the most common ways to solve the issue posed in the title of the article. Of course, it's easier to buy bait in the store. However, having spent some time on arranging the wormhole and caring for its inhabitants, you will not be a loser either. Firstly, breeding worms cannot be called an expensive pleasure, rather the opposite. And secondly, you always have fresh bait at hand, and at any time of the year and day. And this, you see, is sometimes very important.