Integrated system for the protection of cabbage from pests, diseases and weeds. Fusarium cabbage

Cabbage agrotechnology is not much different from the rules for growing other vegetable crops, however, it is very difficult to get a good crop of heads with healthy leaves. The plant is literally attacked by various pests and diseases, including such as: keel, powdery mildew, late blight, peronosporosis and many others, which is explained by its moisture and thermophilicity. How to deal with them in order to protect the plant from death and grow a good harvest, you will learn from the article.

The article will discuss diseases that affect cabbage beds. Having become familiar with the characteristic signs and methods of treatment, the gardener will be able, if necessary, to quickly localize the problem and prevent the virus or infection from spreading to other plants. Each disease is dangerous in its own way, so you should not delay the treatment. Otherwise, you can not only get less harvest, but completely lose it.

Kila cabbage

The disease is also known as root cancer. The first signs of the disease appear on fading leaves, which acquire a yellowish tint. But the biggest changes occur in the root system, which is discovered only after digging up the bush. Growths form on the stumps, outwardly it gives the impression of swelling of the roots. The danger of the keel lies in the incurability and it will no longer be possible to save the affected plant, it should be removed from the garden and disposed of, and the soil should be treated with Bordeaux liquid for disinfection.

The cause of the development of root cancer is a fungus that actively develops in a humid environment. Cabbage needs moisture, but watering rates should be carefully controlled to prevent stagnant water in the soil.

When infected with clubroot, not only the diseased plant is utilized, but the soil also changes. Otherwise, planting something on this site will not work for a long time, since other crops can become infected through it.

As a preventive measure, it is necessary to enrich the soil with calcium-containing fertilizers, colloidal sulfur, wood ash.

Prevention of Alternariosis

The disease affects seedlings and adult culture, manifests itself in the form of necrotic stripes and black spots that can appear on the cotyledons and subcotyledonous knees. On a formed head, the spots densely cover the outer leaves, on which a sooty coating can be found, indicating the sporulation of the fungus.

When detecting alternariosis, colloidal sulfur and other sulfur and copper-containing agents are used. As a preventive measure, crop rotation rules are observed, seeds are disinfected before planting with planriz, TMTD.

Powdery mildew of cabbage Alternariosis on a head of cabbage White rust

white rust

High humidity and low temperature can provoke the development of the disease. When the mushrooms ripen, a powdery white coating appears on the outer leaves of the cabbage. If detected, spraying with Ridomil Gold should be carried out.

Mushrooms are well preserved even in winter in plant debris, infecting young shoots of other crops in spring. Therefore, after each season, thorough garbage collection and soil disinfection are required.

How to treat against powdery mildew

You can recognize the disease by a white coating on cabbage leaves, which eventually becomes light brown. Affected foliage becomes deformed and dries out. The infected plant lags behind in development. Some types of cabbage may worsen taste qualities(for example, Beijing and white cabbage).

To prevent the development of powdery mildew in autumn, all plant residues are carefully removed from the beds, digging of the earth is planned closer to frost so that harmful microorganisms die. With a massive defeat of cabbage, they are treated with special preparations: Bayleton, Quadris, Tilt, Topaz, Fundazim, Fundazol.


To protect the crop from death, it is necessary to treat the beds using special preparations: Ridomil Gold, Phytophtorin. On the initial stage development of downy mildew, you can spray the culture with Bordeaux liquid, repeating the procedure after 10 days.

A head of cabbage affected by late blight Rhizoctonia cabbage Peronosporosis and its consequences

Preparations against rhizoctoniosis

You can determine the disease by the rapid thinning of the root collar and darkening. Young shoots and mature plants are susceptible to infection. Even on a harvested crop, mushrooms continue to develop, which is manifested by breaking leaves and signs of rot.

If symptoms are detected, it is necessary to spray the beds with Fitolavin-300. It is necessary to prepare the solution taking into account the growing season (the longer it is, the higher the concentration of the agent).

late blight

The disease is characterized by rapid development, the affected areas on the stem quickly spread to the leaves. characteristic feature- brown spots, rapidly increasing in size.

There is no cure for late blight. It is recommended that immediately after the discovery of the disease, remove the bush from the garden, disinfect the entire tool so as not to infect other plants.

How to save seedlings from blackleg

A fungal disease caused by high level soil moisture and poor air circulation. It appears on the stem near the root zone in the form of blackening and thinning of the neck. At the advanced stage, the stem part of the bush completely rots, the lesion spreads to the entire plant.

Before planting, the seeds are treated with granosan (0.4 g of the product per 100 g of seeds). The soil is also disinfected with a special preparation TMTD (50%) at the rate of 50 g. per 1 m2.

If signs of a black leg are found on cabbage seedlings, it is recommended to water the bushes with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (0.5 g of potassium permanganate per 1 liter of water).

Black leg of cabbage seedlings

Leaf spots or Fusarium wilt

A fairly common fungal disease that affects almost all cruciferous crops. Fusarium can be identified by the following signs:

  • yellow spots on the leaves, their drying and dying off;
  • a small head of a head of cabbage, which is formed with various deformations.

Initially, the plant becomes lethargic, the leaves turn noticeably pale.

If an affected cabbage is detected, the seedling should be removed from the garden and disposed of. And the landing site must be treated with fungicides: Topsin-M, Tekto, Benomyl.

Mucous bacteriosis on cabbage Fusarium wilt of cabbage

How to deal with bacteriosis

There are two types of bacteriosis: mucous and vascular. In the first case, the disease can occur in two variants, which differ in the initial affected area (rotting begins from the stalk or from the leaves).

Signs of mucous bacteriosis:

  • the smell of rot;
  • watery spots of brown color appear on the surface of the leaves;
  • primary signs can be found in the stalk.

The disease is transmitted from insects or through plant debris. The soil is not infected.

Vascular bacteriosis is recognized by leaves turning yellow from the edges, forming a black mesh. The taste of cabbage changes, the shelf life is significantly reduced.

It is possible to prevent the development of bacteriosis by treating seeds before planting TMTD, observing the rules of agricultural technology and crop rotation, and carefully cleaning the beds at the end of the season.

How to get rid of the cabbage fly

When a pest is found, it is necessary to treat the beds with Thiofos or Chlorophos. Preparations are diluted with water to the concentration indicated on the label. When spraying, it is worth observing the norms of the working solution for one plant.

Fight with babanukha

Very voracious leaf beetle, active in early June. The insect is easy to recognize - it is a black beetle with a green tint. His paws are brown. Overwinters in the soil along with plant debris.

Control measures:

  • glue traps;
  • collection of bugs by hand;
  • dusting the beds with wood ash;
  • insecticide treatment.

How to protect cabbage from whitefly

It is easy to recognize an insect - it is a small butterfly with white wings. The culture is eaten by both adults and larvae.

The population is increasing very intensively, so it is impossible to delay processing.

Control measures:

  • glue traps;
  • spraying with garlic solution;
  • processing with infusion of dandelions;
  • usage special preparations(Aktara, Fitoverm, Aktellik, Confidor).

Whitefly larvae Butterfly whitefly Whitefly on cabbage

Methods of dealing with the whitefish

In fact, the insect is a large moth. It is activated during the daytime when it lays eggs on cabbage leaves (up to 100 pieces at a time). After about a week and a half, caterpillars are obtained from the eggs, which gnaw at the vegetable in a matter of days.

Control measures:

  • processing cabbage with calcium arsenate (1.2 g per 10 m2);
  • spraying beds with chlorophos (65%);
  • spraying with entobacterin (concentration 0.1-0.4%).


A small moth with brown wings becomes active in early June. Caterpillars tolerate wintering in the soil well, so gardeners recommend digging up the ground in late autumn. Deprived of shelter, pests will freeze out during the first frost.

The fireworm lays eggs in cabbage, from which caterpillars appear en masse after a few days. Due to their excellent appetite, they intensively damage cabbage leaves, even internal ones.

Control measures:

  • treatment with drugs (bitoxibacillin 1%, gomelin 0.5%, dendrobacillin 0.1%);
  • spraying the culture with ambush, bolofos, rovikurt and other means.

Cabbage fire

It is possible to prevent the development of plant diseases and the invasion of pests in the first place preventive measures. The basic rules for protecting cabbage consist of the following points:

Consider cabbage diseases such as peronosporosis or downy mildew and mosaic - a viral infection of cruciferous.

Diseases of cabbage. Peronosporosis

Downy mildew (downy mildew) . The causative agent of downy mildew, or peronosporosis, is a fungus that spreads especially widely on heads of cabbage during their storage in a humid environment. Downy mildew affects both seedlings and seed cabbage.

In this disease, the cotyledons become covered with yellow spots, then the yellowness passes to the leaf blades. From below, the leaves are covered with white bloom - these are spores of a multiplying fungus. Affected leaves dry up and fall off. AT open ground seedlings grow normally at first, but then reddish spots spread on the upper part of the leaf blades, and below appears white coating.

In the storage room, heads of cabbage infected with downy mildew disappear completely.

Testes in the field are covered with dark spots, shiny, almost black formations appear on leaves, stems, peduncles and seeds. After prolonged rains, a white coating forms on the spots. The seeds remain underdeveloped. They become a source of further infection of cabbage, as well as radishes, turnips, swedes and radishes.
The infection persists in plant debris if they are not destroyed in time in the beds. In moreparts of the mother plants of cabbage peronosporosis persists for a long time both in open ground and in storage.

Control measures : To prevent the occurrence of this infection, varieties of cabbage resistant to peronosporosis should be selected. However, they do not have absolute resistance to the fungal disease downy mildew. Therefore, one should not forget to spray the plants with 1% Bordeaux liquid with adhesives.
In greenhouses, it is necessary to ventilate plantings of cruciferous crops more often.

Diseases of cabbage. Mosaic

Mosaic is a viral infection that manifests itself about a month after planting cabbage in the ground, when you can already see with the naked eye how the veins turn yellow on young leaves. Mosaic virus most often infects cauliflower, but can also occur on other types of vegetable crops, even wild ones from the cruciferous family.

The lower leaves are affected by the mosaic much later: dark green stripes appear on their large veins. The veins stop growing, so the leaf blades appear wrinkled. The growth of cabbage slows down very sharply, and flowers are not laid on the testes.

For mosaic-affected cabbage, the most dangerous time in the summer comes when the air temperature is set within room temperature - 16-18 ° C. The onset of heat can smooth out the symptoms of the mosaic, but with a new decrease in temperature, the infection seems to return to the cabbage again, with all the ensuing consequences.
The characteristic signs of the disease can appear only on one half of each leaf blade, but the plant suffers no less from this.
On a note: The mosaic virus, as a rule, causes irreparable harm to the plant, therefore, throughout the summer period, you need to regularly inspect the leaves of cabbage and other cruciferous plants so as not to miss the onset of the development of a viral disease.

Control measures : In order not to bring the virus inside the tissues of the leaves, the reproduction of leaf-eating pests on the cabbage bed should not be allowed. Weeds from the cruciferous family must be removed not only in the aisles, but also outside the garden.

Before planting in the garden, you should carefully examine the upper part of the leaves of plants. Seedlings with signs of mosaic should be discarded and immediately destroyed. It is not recommended to plant cabbage in the same place where mosaic infection has been found in previous years.

The material was prepared by: agronomist Buynovsky O.I.

Pests and diseases of cabbage: photo, description

Garden cabbage (lat. Brassica oleracea) is an indispensable agricultural crop that is present in the diet of every person. All its types contain a huge amount of vitamins, and are used for cooking fresh salads and preparations for the winter. On our website you will find information about what diseases and pests of cabbage are found in Russia, and how to deal with them.

Characteristics of the disease will help to quickly recognize the disease, begin treatment and protect other types of cruciferous white cabbage in pictures. Timely processing contributes to the destruction of fungal spores on early stage, until significant damage to the plant, which contributes to the full preservation of crop yields.

Fungal diseases of cabbage and the fight against them photo

Reduce fertility can lead to a complete loss of the cabbage disease crop, and methods of dealing with them will be useful to every gardener. A specific disease can affect both a single type of cruciferous, and all their varieties. Therefore, it is recommended to use complex methods of struggle: agrotechnical, chemical and folk.

Cabbage keel (lat. Plasmodiophora brassicae Wor)

The root of an infected plant is covered with growths various shapes. Such formations interfere with the normal nutrition of cabbage, as a result of which they gradually wither, lag behind in development, they can be easily pulled out of the soil.

Kila affects white cabbage and cauliflower. The landing site does not matter, since the fungus is spread by wind, rain and insects. Kila does not belong to the group that includes cabbage diseases that are especially dangerous for yield, and non-aggressive measures to combat them are chosen.

In the process of fighting clubroot, only prevention from spread is used to prevent infection of neighboring cruciferous crops and beds. To do this, do not plant diseased seedlings. Weakened and dead sprouts must be removed along with an earthen clod, and the holes should be sprinkled with lime. Before planting seedlings in the soil, it is recommended to cultivate the land with lime, at the rate of 1 kg per 4 sq.m.

Seized soil can be used for other horticultural crops, since the keel fungus only infects cruciferous plants.

Peronosporosis (lat. Peronospora)

  • the disease begins to manifest itself at the seedling stage;
  • spots of gray appear on the leaves and yellow color, a whitish coating can be found on the underside;
  • gradually affected leaves wither and die;
  • plants develop poorly.

Downy mildew develops best in conditions of high humidity. Peronosporosis can bring a lot of trouble to farmers, and destroy the entire crop. You can effectively fight the disease with the help of proven drugs Phytophtorin and Ridomil Gold.

For those who do not wish to use aggressive chemical substances, it is recommended to treat the planting with a 1% Bordeaux mixture solution: for spraying seedlings, it is necessary to use 0.2 liters of liquid per bucket of water, and for stronger plants, the dose is increased to 0.5 liters.

Preventive measures against the appearance of downy mildew are: soil disinfection and planting material, regulation of soil moisture (watering with cold water contributes to the development of the disease). It is also important to observe crop rotation - you should not plant a crop in one place repeatedly, the best predecessors are: cucumbers, potatoes, beans, green manure.

Fusarium (lat. Fusarium)

Very common fungal diseases cabbage, and the fight against them does not cause difficulties with timely detection and treatment. Fusarium is such a disease.

Fusarium wilt or tracheomycosis is caused by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. conglutinans. The disease affects all types of cruciferous plants. The fungus invades vascular system plants, clogs it, causing wilting. In the people, such an ailment is called jaundice because of the characteristic symptoms:

  • yellow spots appear between the veins;
  • gradually the entire leaf turns yellow and dries;
  • on a cut of the base of the leaves, brown spots are visible - the mycelium of the fungus;
  • the head of cabbage that has started is very small and has an irregular shape.

As with all fungal diseases, with Fusarium wilt, it is recommended to remove infected plants and treat plantings with benzimidazole systemic fungicides: Benomyl, Tecto, Topsin-M.

The fungus can retain its vital activity in the soil for several more years, so it is necessary to follow the rules of cabbage crop rotation - do not plant in one place several times in a row, and also remove plant debris from the soil.

Viral diseases of cabbage: photos and their treatment

Mosaic of cauliflower (lat. Cauliflower mosaic)

Viral diseases of cauliflower are much less common than fungal ones, and the fight against them raises many questions. Mosaic caulivirus is the causative agent of the cauliflower mosaic virus. Despite the name, it is the most dangerous disease all cruciferous crops, including all types of cabbage.

It is possible to detect its manifestation only a month after planting the seedlings: dark green borders appear on the leaves along the veins; gradually necrotic spots form between the veins.

Turnip mosaic (lat. Turnip mosaic)

The causative agent is Turnip mosaic virus. The virus has a popular name - black ring spot of cabbage. Leaves with a strain of viral infection are covered with light green spots.

They are best seen on the underside of the cabbage leaf. The spots darken, grow and merge, forming necrotic spots that lead to defoliation - untimely leaf fall.

Ways to protect cabbage from viral infections

Mosaic is viral in nature and cannot be treated with insecticides. That is why it is necessary to pay special attention to prevention:

Mosaic is most often carried by mechanical damage and sucking insects (aphids, mites), so it is necessary to effectively deal with pests that carry the virus.

Diseases of cabbage and the fight against them video

Cabbage pests: photo, description and treatment

Detailed information about pests of cabbage and ways to deal with them folk and chemicals can be found in our article.

Cabbage aphid (lat. Brevicoryne brassicae)

Even in the spring, when planting the first seedlings, aphids settle in colonies on young cabbage. You can determine the presence of a pest by external signs:

  • plant development slows down;
  • leaves lose their natural color pink shade;
  • gradually the leaves curl and die.

To combat aphids, insecticides are used, such as: Karbofos, Iskra, Karate. In a small private household, you can scare away unwanted insects with a sharp smell of tobacco, an infusion of garlic or onion peel. Aphids do not tolerate neighborhood with carrots and tomatoes.

Cabbage fly (lat. Delia radicum)

White cabbage and cauliflower, whose pests and diseases are usually distinct, can be attacked by the cabbage fly. Outwardly, the insect practically does not differ from the house fly familiar to all.

Starting from the end of May, the cabbage fly lays its eggs in the soil, and a week later, young larvae begin to feast on the root system of plants. You can determine the presence of a fly on cabbage by appearance bushes:

  • the roots rot, and the plant is easily pulled out of the soil;
  • the bushes wither;
  • the lower leaves acquire a gray lead color.

When a pest is found, plantings are treated with a 30% solution of Thiophos. The drug is diluted with water to a concentration of 0.03%, the consumption per plant is 0.25 liters. A 65% solution of Chlorophos diluted to a concentration of 0.25% effectively fights the fly. Consumption - 0.2 liters per bush.

You can scare away the pest with the help of a pungent smell of tobacco, mixed in equal proportions with lime. 1 part of naphthalene with 7 parts of sand will also help to cope with the problem.

Cruciferous fleas (lat. Phyllotreta cruciferae)

Small oblong black bugs live in the soil, and with the advent of spring they begin to feed on young plants: first weeds, then seedlings. Affecting all types of cruciferous, fleas feed on the upper layers of the leaf, leaving behind sores.

Young plants often do not tolerate the pest, and die, while older and stronger plants do not give a good enough harvest. feature cruciferous flea is that it does not tolerate wet weather.

Among folk methods control often use spraying plantings with soapy water, or dusting with a mixture of wood ash and road dust. Among chemicals, such insecticides as Karbofos, Aktara have proven themselves.


They will help to recognize the signs of the vital activity of insects and determine what cabbage is infected with - diseases and pests, photos of which are presented in this article. By starting treatment at the first symptoms, and choosing the right chemicals, or no less effective folk recipes you can save the harvest.

Downy mildew of cabbage, known as downy mildew, is particularly harmful to young cabbage plants grown in greenhouse conditions. Quite strongly it affects the vegetation and closer to the end of the growing season. All types of cabbage suffer from this destructive misfortune: kohlrabi and leafy, as well as Savoy and white cabbage with Brussels sprouts. Downy mildew does not bypass the side and plants such as mustard, swede. Periodically, it is found even on weeds.

A few words about the disease

On young cabbage leaves covered with peronosporosis, you can see specks painted in yellowish tones. And from the lower sides of the leaves, a light whitish coating begins to appear. As for the older lower cabbage leaves, the spots on them acquire a reddish-yellowish color. Infected leaves gradually turn yellow and soon die off.

As a rule, cabbage plants attacked by downy mildew are noticeably stunted and look weakened.

The causative agent of cabbage downy mildew is Peronospora brassicae Guum - such a funny name hides a harmful lower fungus that forms conidial sporulation released through stomata.

The spread of a devastating disease is noted mainly through infected seeds through spores of the pathogen fungus. Temperatures ranging from twenty to twenty-two degrees greatly favor the development of downy mildew on cabbage crops. And after the seedlings are planted in the ground, the development of the disease slows down somewhat, but the harmful fungus still remains in the plants. When wet weather sets in, peronosporosis may reappear.

The development of downy mildew is favored not only by conditions of high humidity, but also by excessive thickening of cabbage plantings. You can not overfeed the vegetation with nitrogen-containing fertilizers - it will become more susceptible to this scourge.

How to fight

When growing seedlings in film greenhouses, it is necessary to maintain the most favorable conditions. After harvesting, all crop residues must be immediately embedded in the soil.

Before you start sowing cabbage seeds, it is recommended to disinfect them. To do this, they are kept in hot water, the temperature of which reaches fifty degrees - for holding similar processing usually takes no more than twenty minutes. And after such disinfection, the seeds for a couple of minutes are placed in cold water to give them a chance to cool down. You can process the seeds in any other known way. For example, they are often treated with Planriz or TMTD. And you need to try to take seeds exclusively from healthy crops.

As soon as the first signs of downy mildew are found on the cabbage plantings, the seedlings are dusted three times with ground sulfur. Such plants should be planted as soon as possible in permanent places, feeding the seedlings before planting with ammonium nitrate.

As for seed plants, when the first symptoms of a harmful disease appear on them, the cultures begin to be treated with copper-containing preparations.

It is extremely important to immediately eliminate all infected specimens from the beds in order to prevent downy mildew from spreading further. Seedlings that are quite severely affected by a harmful disease are also culled, preventing it from entering the prepared beds.

It is possible to increase the resistance of cabbage plants to downy mildew, as well as to reduce its harmfulness, by applying potash and phosphorus fertilizers.

When signs of peronosporosis appear, cabbage beds can also be sprayed with fungicides, among which a drug called Ridomil Gold has proven itself especially well. Excellent help in the fight against this disease and drugs such as "Topaz", "Impact", "Skor" and "Vectra".