When can marigolds be planted in open ground. When to plant marigolds for seedlings - we determine the most successful time

Marigolds grow in every garden or garden. Such a statement is unfounded. Easier to care for and reproduce flowering plant does not exist. These unpretentious, bright, yellow-brown flowers will decorate any corner of the site. Velvety bushes are placed along paths, in mixborders, flower beds, alpine slides, planters and flowerpots, balconies and terraces.

An annual plant belonging to the Asteraceae family, it has orange, yellow, red-brown and variegated flowers, carved leaves. The leaves are arranged on a hard, erect stem opposite each other or alternately. The stalk is crowned with an inflorescence in the form of baskets containing tubular or reed petals. The bush is compact or sprawling, its height varies in a wide range: from 15 centimeters to 180-200 centimeters.

All flowers of this genus have a strong spicy smell. Flowering begins at the very beginning of summer and stops only with the onset of frost. At the end, a box is formed containing many seeds (up to 700 pieces in one gram). They can be used for planting for 3-4 years.

Marigolds come from the American continent, brought to the Eurasian lands in the sixteenth century. Different countries have their own names and designations of this flower:

  • Imeretian saffron. So they call it in Georgia and use it as a spice and medicine;
  • Tagetes. Latin and international designation, in honor of the god Tages, the grandson of Jupiter;
  • Chernobrivets (Chernobrovets). Ukrainian name;
  • Marigold. Russian name, given for the velvety surface of the petals;
  • Marigold. The English designation is the gold of the Virgin Mary;
  • African flowers. A long journey has been made from America to Europe by this plant, for which it received its name;
  • A flower of a thousand years. They say in China about this flower - a symbol of longevity and health;
  • Flower student (studentenblume). It is known under this name in Germany.

There are several varieties of a many-sided flower; many hybrids have been bred on their basis.

  • Erect (African) grow to a height of 1 meter, have large (diameter 15 centimeters) double flowers;
  • Rejected (undersized), up to 40 centimeters high, flowers are both non-double and double, 5-7 centimeters in coverage;
  • The narrow-leaved or Mexican varieties are the most dwarfed species. A bush of spherical shape, 15-20 centimeters high, is literally strewn with small (2 centimeters) lacy flowers;
  • According to the height of the bush, they are classified: giant and tall, medium-sized, undersized and dwarf plants;
  • Inflorescence shape: simple, semi-double and double.

What are the landing methods?

How to plant marigolds - seedlings or seeds in open ground, everyone decides independently, based on their own conditions and opportunities. It must be understood that flowers grown in seedlings will bloom much earlier than those planted with seeds outside. The germination of seeds of an unpretentious plant is almost one hundred percent.

We plant in open ground when to do it

Sowing seeds in outdoor conditions is carried out when the air temperature warms up to at least 5 degrees at night, in middle lane this is the second half of May.

The selected area is dug up, grooves are cut 1.5-2 centimeters deep. The distance between the rows of grooves is chosen based on the height of the plant - for undersized flowers, the row spacing is 15-25 centimeters, and for high flowers - 40 centimeters.

Seeds are laid in moistened grooves, with an interval of 2 centimeters from each other. Fall asleep and again water a little. The first seedlings will sprout within a week, when 2 true leaves appear on them - the plants can be planted in a permanent place, thinning out the existing plantings.

For planting seeds in open ground, it is desirable to germinate the seeds. Such a measure is optional, but it allows you to get a quick and friendly germination.

How to germinate seeds

  • Prepare a flat plate or plastic backing and a loose cotton cloth;
  • Spread the prepared seeds on a damp cloth and close it on top;
  • Place a plate with a cloth placed in it in a transparent plastic bag and place it on a warm, illuminated window sill (or an equivalent place);
  • After 2-3 days, the hatched seeds are ready for planting outside.

Planting by seedling method

Marigolds are planted for seedlings throughout the month of March and early April. It should be based on the climatic conditions of the region, since early sowing will cause the seedlings to stretch excessively and lose their decorative effect. You can plant earlier high views, and undersized - in April. Flowering at the same time will come in June.

Perform actions in the following sequence:

  • Prepare a mixture of peat, sand, sod land and humus;
  • Disinfect the earth with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, dry;
  • At the bottom of the container (container, box, pot) place drainage, and in the bottom part there should be holes for the outflow of water;
  • Pour the soil mixture into a container, pour water;
  • Place the seeds in the shallow grooves made at a distance of 1-2 centimeters;
  • Sprinkle on top of the same soil (layer thickness 6-8 centimeters) and water;
  • Cover crops with film or glass;
  • Put in a warm, well-lit place.

Periodically carefully moisten the seedlings, and when it grows up, they begin to harden, taking it out to a cool veranda during the daytime. This ventilates the seedlings, reduces the risk of blackleg infection. If any plant still falls ill, it is removed along with the root, and the remaining seedlings (soil) are treated with a fungicide.

It is necessary to prevent stagnation of water, but also not to overdry the seedlings. You can feed it with a special complex fertilizer.

If the seedlings grow early and they become cramped in one box, they can be dived. Such a measure is necessary so that the planting material remains healthy.

Seedlings are planted in open ground when 2-3 leaves appear. Usually it is the month of May.

They are placed in the garden according to the scheme: after 20 centimeters, small and dwarf forms, after 30 - medium-sized plants, and high ones with an interval of 40 centimeters from each other. The root neck when planting is buried 2 centimeters into the soil.

Planted marigolds take root well, they need to be watered regularly.

Where to get seeds

In addition to buying seed material in specialized stores, you can prepare it yourself.

To do this, on a plant that has faded and formed seed baskets, leave several of these inflorescences, allowing them to dry on the bush. After that, the dried seeds are easily removed and stored until spring.

Some amateur flower growers do this: several faded plants harvested before winter are dug into the ground to a depth of 10-20 centimeters. You can cover this place from above with the remains of other flowers and weeds. In the spring, when the ground thaws, remove the overwintered plants and collect seeds from them, plant in the usual way.

How to care, what conditions are necessary

For good development, marigolds are planted in ventilated, sunny places where they will bloom perfectly and gain green mass. Plants are accustomed to drought, but they should not be left without watering for a long time - the bushes may wither.

With excessive watering or prolonged rains, there is a danger of rotting of the stems.

Abundant flowering is facilitated by loosening the soil after irrigation, including row spacing. And also it is necessary to remove those inflorescences that have faded.

Fertilizer with a phosphorus-potassium mixture can make flowering more friendly, lush and long-lasting. It is desirable to carry out such root dressing during the setting of buds and in the midst of the flowering season.

After the frost kills flowering bushes, they are pulled out, crushed and plowed into the ground during autumn digging. Possessing disinfecting properties, the fragrant plant is able to prevent fungal infections of the site.

Curious data about marigolds

  • The aroma of the leaves is sharper and more persistent than that of the flowers.
  • In India, these are sacred flowers, they decorate the surroundings near the statues of the god Krishna.
  • The smell of plants is attractive to pollinating insects.
  • Yellow-orange flowers at the dawn of Christianity were used to weave wreaths, which symbolized gold coins and adorned the faces of the Holy Virgin Mary.
  • There are types of marigolds that are cultivated specifically for wine-making purposes and for use in the food industry.
  • In cooking, individual varieties are used as spices, used in mixtures and on their own. Imeretian saffron is an exquisite seasoning in Mexico, Argentina and Chile, in European, Caucasian cuisine and Russia. The yellow dried powder is added in very small quantities to soups, meat and fish dishes, sauces and many others. Georgians are true connoisseurs of this spice.
  • Dry inflorescences - buds are placed in bottles with vinegar, vegetable oil, getting a new seasoning, and also put in marinades and pickles.
  • known medicinal properties plants and use in the perfumery and cosmetic industry.
  • Gardeners use planting marigolds to repel unwanted pests by placing them near tomatoes, cabbage and other vegetables, trees and shrubs.


When to start planting certain flowers, it is rather difficult to say without knowing the characteristics of the region. Let's try to determine when to plant plants that have a lot of useful properties.

Marigolds or tagetes are very beautiful flowers that are suitable for decorating balcony flower beds. They are often used as decoration for. These flowers are very easy to care for and do not require the purchase of special expensive dressings. There are several ways to breed marigolds. The first is the simplest, it consists in sowing seeds directly into the ground in a flower bed. However, this method has its downsides.

Young seedlings of marigolds

First, you cannot guarantee the protection of seeds from underground pests. In addition, heavy rainfall can wash the seeds out of their holes or damage the seedlings' root systems. Secondly, flowers from seeds sown directly into the ground appear a month later than flowers that are bred by seedlings. Due to the shortcomings of sowing tagetes seeds in open ground, many flower growers choose the method of planting flowers with seedlings. To ensure the active growth of plants, for planting you will need:

  • planting material;
  • drainage and soil;
  • plastic containers or small boxes;
  • lamps for additional lighting;
  • transparent film for sheltering seedlings;
  • complex top dressing for seedlings.

Having all the necessary equipment available, you can get the first healthy flowers already 2 months after sowing. It is worth remembering that the roots of marigolds are often the object of hunting for underground ticks. Therefore, the soil for sowing must be disinfected in advance with a special solution or usually potassium permanganate.

To plant tagetes, it is best to use seeds whose age does not exceed 1.5 years. Before proceeding, the collected planting material must be dried - it is much easier to work with dry seeds. However, just before sowing, it is recommended to soak the seeds in water at room temperature. This will provide good germination. Pay attention to what kind of seeds you are using. If you have collected seeds from your own flowers, then before sowing they should be held a little in a solution of potassium permanganate. So you destroy the eggs of dangerous pests.

Planting seeds in the ground

If there is no potassium permanganate at hand, then you can disinfect the seeds with a fungicide powder. To do this, the seeds are poured into a bag of powder and remain there for 3-4 hours. It is also worth calculating when to plant cooked marigolds on seedlings. Be guided by the weather conditions in your area - how often frosts return when steady heat sets in. You must clearly define the time at which you want to get a flowering flower bed. On average, the period from sowing to the appearance of the first flowers is 2–2.5 months. Many experienced flower growers consider February to be the best month for sowing. If for some reason you did not have time to sow the seeds, then this can be done in mid-March. But in this case, the flowers in your flower bed will appear no earlier than the end of June.

To plant marigolds, it is worth using light soil of medium fertility. Environment for active growth planting material should be neutral or slightly acidic. Hybrid varieties of tagetes are much more demanding on the soil. Food-grade plastic containers are best suited for sowing. Before planting, they must be filled with soil by about ¾ of the volume. Further, longitudinal grooves are made in the soil with a depth of not more than 5 mm. With the help of a toothpick, the seeds are transferred to the soil. The distance between seeds should not be less than 3 cm.

Film-covered seedlings of marigolds

Sprinkle the planting material on top with a thin layer of a mixture of leafy soil, peat and sand. Next, sprinkle the earth abundantly with warm water. The top of the container must be covered with a film. From time to time, the shelter will need to be removed to allow the seedlings to breathe. Marigolds are heat-loving plants, they can hardly tolerate even light frosts. This is another reason to grow marigold seedlings. So at least you can guarantee the protection of seedlings from freezing of open soil. Properly caring for marigolds is quite simple. To do this, you should pay attention to four main factors: heat, light, top dressing and watering, as well as picking.

The first condition that you should definitely adhere to is warmth. Before the first shoots appear, the room temperature should be 23-25 ​​° C. If you treated the seeds with a fungicide or potassium permanganate, then the first seedlings will appear within a week after sowing. Untreated dry seeds can germinate after 12-14 days. After that, the temperature in the room drops to 21 °C.

The second factor is lighting. Tagetes require a lot of natural sunlight and additional lighting. Because of this, it is best to plant seedlings in open flower beds on the sunny side of the house. Tagetes seedlings should have additional lamp lighting - at least 14 hours a day. It is worth calculating that the lamps near the seedlings are turned on during the day, since the seedlings should rest at night. Fluorescent, LED lamps or phytolamps are best suited for lighting.

Watering and fertilizing play an equally important role. Marigolds are not considered big water lovers. Mature plants tolerate short droughts well. At the same time, during the period of formation of seedlings, tagetes need frequent and plentiful watering. It is possible to add top dressing to marigolds already 2 weeks after the appearance of the first seedlings, and then continue to feed the plants with an interval of 1 week. The last time the nutrient mixture should be poured 10 days before planting seedlings.

The fourth important factor is picking. For the first time, seedlings can be transplanted only after at least two formed leaves appear on their stems. To do this, you can not take individual vessels - the old containers will be enough, only the distance between the seedlings should now be at least 7 cm. The second pick is done a month after the first transplant. For this, separate containers with a diameter of at least 13 cm are already being used. From such vessels, it will later be easier to plant marigolds in a flower bed.

Video: Sowing marigolds for seedlings

The great advantage of marigolds is their stability when picking. Plants can be transplanted even when buds or flowers have already appeared on them. It is possible to transplant tagetes directly into a flower bed as early as mid-April, if weather conditions allow. Often, flower growers start planting plants in open soil only in May, and in especially cold regions - in June. Seedlings should be planted in not too deep holes. The distance between plants should not be less than 15–18 cm. If you breed high varieties of marigolds, then the distance between them should be increased to 35 cm.

Picking plants

Tagetes can be transplanted not only in the middle of the flower bed. These flowers are considered real "garden doctors", so some flower growers transplant plants around the perimeter of the flower garden to protect other types of flowers from fleas. However, marigolds are the first to suffer from mites, so their roots should be decontaminated before planting in open soil. Caring for plants in a flower bed is quite simple. To do this, do not forget to water the plants, weed and cut dried flowers. To reduce the number of dangerous weeds and reduce the regularity of watering, marigolds can be mulched.

For this purpose, it is best to use organic mulch - humus, hay, sawdust or needles. Do not forget that this type of material attracts worms, so from time to time they need to be replaced with fresher organic matter.

Tagetes play not only a decorative role, they can also protect other plants from dangerous pests. You can verify this by watching experienced flower growers - they specially plant marigolds next to potatoes. So potato bushes can be saved from the spread of the Colorado potato beetle. Moreover, marigolds help fight such a well-known pest as the bear. Tagetes effectively cope with pathogens of various fungal diseases.

Flowerbed with marigolds

To avoid their appearance, they are specially grown as green manure, after which they are mowed and poured under the ground. Some gardeners scatter tagetes stalks in places where they have seen traces of the nematode before. Often marigolds are planted around beets, carrots and other crops whose fruits ripen underground. Flowers effectively protect the garden from aphids, moths and carrot flies, resulting in a good and undamaged crop for the owner. However, planting too many tagetes is not worth it, as these plants can inhibit the growth and development of nearby vegetables.

Marigolds are favorite and popular flowers, often used to decorate parks, lawns, flower beds, and they are equally popular both in urban space and in private areas. They owe their special popularity to bright carpet flowering and unpretentiousness.

They also have good properties to repel pests and pathogenic fungi due to the content of phytoncides - a special complex of antimicrobial substances.

They love to use marigolds as a medicine - they are insisted and used as a diuretic, bactericidal, anti-cold remedy.

Even a novice gardener will be able to grow marigolds, planting and caring for which is not too difficult. However, they also require certain knowledge on how to properly plant and grow them.

How and when to plant marigolds. Choosing a place to land

Before you start planting a plant, you should choose a suitable place for it. Light soil with a neutral environment is suitable for flowers. It's worth choosing for a flower bed open space, light partial shade is allowed, since in full shade these plants will not bloom, and will stretch too high.

Marigolds propagate by seeds. Therefore, the next step after choosing a site should be the choice of planting material, which, by the way, you can collect yourself in fabric bags and store them all winter.

It is best to take seeds that are no more than two years old, older ones will not provide good germination. You can plant seeds in the ground dry, but it is worth remembering that these plants can survive drought, light shade, but do not tolerate frost at all. If the soil temperature drops below 1 degree below zero, the seeds are guaranteed to die. Therefore, planting marigolds will be optimal. And if you prepare seedlings in a greenhouse, then it will be the strongest.

Marigold seedlings growing and transplanting

If we talk about when to sow marigolds for seedlings, then the optimal period will be March-April, and more specifically, then Lunar calendar planting for 2016, marigolds are planted:

in March for seedlings, in a greenhouse or on a windowsill: 14, 17, 18, 22;

in April: from the 8th to the 29th of April on the Growing Moon;

in May, the best time when to plant marigolds in open ground or in a flower bed with seeds - from 11 to 21, also during the period of the Growing Moon.

Then, by June, the marigolds will bloom well with a lush carpet, because it is germination that allows not only to protect the flowers from frost, but also to achieve a good seedling density.

Preparing seeds for planting and sowing in boxes

  • You can soak the seeds in water, or you can in the ground, poured into a box on top of a drainage layer.
  • Sow seeds in the ground in grooves to a depth of about a centimeter.
  • From above, the grooves should be sprinkled with a mixture of earth and sand.
  • It is better to make the earth loose and not water it too often - about once every few days.
  • It is necessary to maintain the optimum temperature near the ground - it should not be lower than 20 degrees.
  • It is important to ensure good lighting - only if it is available, the flowers will be bright and intensely colored.
  • When shoots with real leaves appear, they can be swooped down (pinch off the tip of the root to form more side shoots) and transplanted into more spacious boxes or into balcony containers, flowerpots for

In May, you can begin to harden young plants by exposing them to the open air. You should start with a short time, gradually increasing it. Before planting, you can leave the seedlings in the air for the whole night.

At the end of May, when it is already possible to plant marigolds, the seedlings are transferred to open ground:

  • Seedlings are planted in specially prepared holes.
  • The plant may not survive the transplant very well, so it is better to keep an earthen ball around the roots or grow seedlings directly in special cassettes.

Choose the day carefully - it is better if it is cloudy, the bright sun on the first day of the life of flowers in the open field can ruin them. The size of the hole depends on the variety of marigolds - from 20 square meters. cm for undersized plants up to 40 sq. see for high grades. By the way, ready-made seedlings can be easily found in specialized gardening centers or flower markets, they will also tell you how and when to plant marigolds in your area.

Growing marigolds from seeds

Marigolds sprout beautifully even without seedlings, straight from the seeds. The only disadvantage of this method will be their late flowering - a month later than those planted from seedlings. If dry seeds are being prepared for planting, then you need to know when to sow marigolds. It is better to do this only in early June, when the risk of frost is minimal.

In advance, you can dig and fertilize the soil with mineral fertilizer. After a couple of weeks, early shoots will appear above the ground, and after a month and a half, flowers will appear. To speed up the germination of marigolds from seeds, cover the flower bed or polyethylene, especially in cold spring.

After planting, it is important to properly care for the plant, observing only a few simple rules. It is better not to expose marigolds to a prolonged drought, otherwise the flowers may be small, but you should not overfill either - the root system will simply rot.

Low temperatures lead to the death of the plant, while too high temperatures will limit its flowering. About a month after flowering appears, you can collect your own seeds so that next year you will have marigolds ready for seedlings.

With marigolds make up a lot floristic compositions for decorating weddings, home and dining tables. They are characterized by their durability, bouquets with marigolds will stand for a long time and decorate the interior.

Well, who has not heard about Chernobrivtsy, beloved by our mothers and grandmothers - marigold flowers? They decorate flower beds, delight the eye in squares and parks, are frequent guests in the garden, palisade, and areas adjacent to shops. Marigolds are very famous for their varied bright colors, they have a pleasant specific smell that many insect garden pests do not like.

The scope of this plant is very wide: they are used to decorate decorative panels on the walls of the facades of houses, loggias, balconies, they also grow well in flower beds and flower beds. They look good when making a decorative landscape in the architectural design of the design of the plots.

How to grow marigolds?

Marigolds are very unpretentious in their care, it is not for nothing that the fame of one of the most unpretentious flowers that are grown has strengthened behind them. artificially. They can grow in any land. But they love bright places, waterlogging of the soil is undesirable. not frequent, which can be combined with top dressing with mineral fertilizers, diluting fertilizers in water.

Often gardeners practice planting marigolds between beds or near a greenhouse.

  • Having a specific smell, this plant repels harmful insects. Marigolds can grow in flower beds, special containers, flowerpots and even shallow pots decorating walls or loggias.

All varieties of flowers can be sown in open ground with seeds. To do this, it is best to purchase seeds in specialized outlets. With further breeding, there will be enough of those seeds that cause after seed maturation. But be sure to consider: if you use the seeds of the same plants for several years, they may lose the properties of the original variety, and will not look like the variety that you purchased.

There are two ways to sow and grow:

  • pre-grown seedlings;
  • sowing seeds directly into the ground;

The choice of growing method may depend on growing factors: what time the flowers are needed, the duration of flowering, the required amount, weather conditions and growing conditions.

When to plant marigolds in open ground? Remember: night temperatures should not fall below 5 degrees. Usually it is the end of April in regions with a mild climate. You can plant seedlings in open ground until the end of May-beginning of June.

How to plant marigold seeds in open ground

When to plant marigolds in the ground with seeds? It all depends on the climate, the main thing is that at night there are no more frosts and the soil is ripe. Keep in mind that the seeds of Chernobrivtsy are not afraid of frost, and can even overwinter or endure sowing before winter. They just won't come up until the ground warms up. Still often worries many how many marigolds sprout. If the weather is warm, you have to wait two to three weeks before the first shoots appear.

We sow like this:

  1. The embedment depth is small, you can make grooves with a chopper or small holes, up to 5 cm deep.
  2. They strive to make the distance no closer than 10-15 cm between plants. But you can also sow with a continuous tape, and then transplant extra plants.
  3. We cover the seeds with earth using a rake.
  4. Watering.

On this, all the wisdom is over. However, you can slightly speed up flowering and improve the conditions of detention, more on that below.

When marigolds in open ground, consider the conditions that are necessary for the growth of young plants. Namely: the site should be well lit, they certainly tolerate the shadow, but still do not like it, reacting with a decrease in the abundance of flowering and stretching of the bushes, which causes their decorativeness to suffer.

To get marigolds without seedlings ...

  • In the garden, they often strive to prepare a fertile, well-fertilized soil mixture with mineral and organic fertilizers, but this is not an urgent need: the flowers are so unpretentious that they can grow on the poorest soils, it is enough just to provide them with the necessary amount of moisture.
  • They respond very well to watering, but drying out of the soil is fraught with trouble: the lower leaves dry up, and the bushes themselves stop growing, flowering is poor, inconspicuous.
  • Flowers will bloom only one and a half to two months after sowing, this should be taken into account. Early sowing (mid-April) and germinating the seeds before planting will help to slightly reduce the time before the buds open and increase the flowering time. It is this method that experienced flower growers use.

To do this, it is enough to place the seeds in a shallow plate, cover with damp gauze folded in several layers, place in a plastic bag or wrap with a transparent film. After completing these procedures, place the plate in a warm, sunny place: one suitable place is a windowsill.

After two or three days, the seeds can be sown, having previously examined them for germination, healthy seeds should be swollen and with a slightly cracked peel. You can lightly dry the seeds in the sun for two or three hours until flowability, or do not wait, but mix with dry sand and sow with it.

Before planting, it is necessary to moisten the soil, make holes or grooves 4-5 cm deep. It is best to sow the seeds in a square-nest way, that is, the distance between the seeds should be 15-20 cm square. After the seeds have germinated, thinning should be done, leaving the healthiest seedlings.

For those who don't like extra action...

  • it is quite possible to limit oneself to simple sowing of seeds in rows without any preparation and soaking. Chernobryvtsy will rise anyway and will develop beautifully. Just a week or two later. But still do not be lazy to water, no flowers grow without moisture!

How to grow marigold seedlings from seeds at home

When to plant marigolds for seedlings? To get flowering plants as early as June, it is necessary to prepare seedlings in advance, which will be planted immediately after the end of night frosts. Sowing dates begin from the end of February and shift until the end of March-mid-April.

You can prepare a nutritious soil mixture in the fall. Peat, turf land, humus and sand are mixed. Sand can be used river sand, but before adding it to the soil mixture, it is advisable to ignite it in the oven or treat it with potassium permanganate.

However, you can not bother yourself and just buy a ready-made flower substrate in which you can grow beautiful seedlings with strong trunks and spreading leaves.

How to grow seedlings of Chernobrivtsev on the windowsill:

  • Needle seeds are easy to distribute evenly in the planting container, it is better to leave a distance of 3-4 cm so that the plants turn out powerful. Embedding depth 1 cm, two can be.
  • You can immediately plant the seeds in separate cups, which will further simplify the task of transplanting to a permanent place. Marigolds get sick longer when the roots are damaged than the same asters, so it’s better not to disturb them once again. However, even withered bushes are accepted over time and take root perfectly.
  • For quick germination, you can cover with a film or glass, creating a greenhouse effect. Marigolds take a long time to sprout, so be patient.
  • When we see the first shoots, we open the greenhouse.
  • You need to water regularly, but do not be zealous so that rot does not develop and the seedlings do not die. A simple wet state of the soil is enough.
  • Do not overheat the air in the room where the seedlings grow. The temperature must be less than 25°C.
  • If you notice that the seedlings are stretched out and have a pale color, it means that there is not enough light for them. You need to choose the sunny side of the apartment or organize additional lighting.
  • If you really want to try, water the seedlings 1-2 times with a solution of complex fertilizer for flowers, with an interval of 10 days.
  • Before planting for a couple of weeks, we begin to harden the seedlings, accustoming them to the sun, wind and coolness. Take it out to the balcony, loggia, threshold of the house. We gradually increase the time spent on the street, so that by the time of planting the plants are completely accustomed to the street.

At a height of 10-15 cm, marigold seedlings are ready for transplanting into open ground.

How to sow marigolds for seedlings video:

As you can see, everything is simple: the seeds are large enough, which allows you to plant them one by one in cups without any hassle and just water them until the time comes to transplant the seedlings to a permanent place.

Here's another interesting way: sowing marigolds in a snail on paper, the video will tell about this:

Well, probably even the laziest florist will find an acceptable way for himself and grow Chernobrivtsy for his flower bed!

Planting marigold seedlings in open ground

It's very simple:

  • We prepare shallow holes so that a clod of earth fits completely into them.
  • You can pre-pour water and put a handful of humus on the bottom.
  • Carefully release the seedlings from the cups, install vertically, sprinkling with soil.
  • We water so that the soil subsides, but the water does not stagnate.
  • You can immediately mulch the surface with what is at hand. It can be last year's leaves, fresh grass, hay or needles from the forest.
  • The distance between the holes depends on the selected variety. For undersized varieties, 10-15 cm is enough; for medium and tall varieties, leave more space, about 30-40 cm.

Chaotic look original, creating an unpretentious naturalness. We are all used to rows for a long time, they look boring and familiar. Create a composition, for example, by planting petunias in the foreground, and black-breasts in the background.

Another video on how to grow marigold seedlings, plant them in the ground and care for flowers:

Luxurious flower bed that does not require special care? Now you see that with marigolds it's easy!

Outdoor care

Plants are not demanding to care and do not require special costs and effort. However, perhaps, like all cultivated plants, watering and weeding from weeds and tillage in the form of loosening are required.

How to water

Watering is necessary in moderation, but you cannot do without it, otherwise your flower bed will be covered with dried brooms, only the tops of which will be preserved. Especially if it's a hot summer. Do not rely only on rains, water at least once every three days, remembering to loosen the ground after watering to conserve moisture. Simultaneously with watering, top dressing can be carried out by diluting mineral and organic fertilizers in water.

In summer, when the weather is hot, to prevent the formation of a crust on the ground, watering is best done in the morning or evening after sunset. If watering is done during the day, then it is necessary to loosen the top layer of the earth.

Foliar and root top dressing

If the land is prepared correctly before planting, then the marigolds do not need additional feeding. If the plant shows that the development is rather weak, you can fertilize with complex fertilizers on the leaves.

It must be remembered that an overdose of fertilizers adversely affects plant growth. Mineral fertilizers are applied for the first time during the period of intensive plant growth, the second time when the first buds appear, and the third time before flowering.

Formation of bushes

It's very rare for anyone to bother with this. However, if you have time, you can give the marigolds a beautiful shape. Trim some extra branches from the main stem. This procedure will significantly improve the nutrition of the remaining buds. The optimal pruning time is summer, when you can already see how the buds are blooming. Buds with signs of any disease, small or withered, are also cut off. After the formation of the bush, the appearance of new additional branches of the stem stops.

Seed collection

For planting next year, it is enough to use seeds that can be collected from flowers grown on the site. To do this, just choose a bright and healthy bush, let it fully mature, then cut the buds and dry them. After that, the seeds will easily separate, you can store them in a paper bag. When using this method, it must be borne in mind that this will not affect the health of the plant itself, but you can get a different color of the baskets, different from the mother.

Pests and their control

Thanks to natural properties, plants not only protect themselves from various infectious diseases, but also covers the nearby territory with special essential oils(expressed by a specific smell), which has antiseptic properties. Using this property, gardeners and gardeners plant marigolds next to vegetable beds and greenhouses, or in combination with other flowers.

Slugs and snails

To combat them, you can use special preparations that are purchased in stores, or use an old recipe: sprinkle the edges of the garden, if possible, and the entire garden, with dry ash. Having previously collected all the snails and slugs from the beds.

spider mite

When spider mite it is best to immediately eliminate the plants in order to prevent the spread of the disease to other bushes; in addition to special preparations, you can use to prevent the disease folk recipes, for example, a mixture of yarrow with onion infusion.

Gray rot

This disease most often appears in wet weather, when morning fogs come and the earth does not have time to dry out. If this disease is detected, the plants must be removed and burned. the place must be treated with potassium permanganate, or spilled with boiling water, otherwise there will be a risk of infecting all plants and not only marigolds.

Marigolds in landscape design photo

Marigolds look very nice in compositions with ageratum

These flowers can be used in a wide variety of combinations to decorate a personal plot or flower bed.

This is all the more pleasant, because: unpretentiousness in care, various bright colors, a difference in growth height, an abundance of color, long term flowering can be used almost unlimited.

Marigolds are great in single plantings and combined, they are planted in parks, on borders walking paths, flowerpots for various recreation areas. They decorate balconies and loggias or even billboards, facade walls houses.

Some flower growers recommend different planting dates for seedlings. In their opinion, tall varieties are suitable for the earliest planting date (approximately March), in April it is necessary to sow seeds of low-growing crops. Another option that deserves attention is the purchase of seedlings in specialized stores, which can be found in Internet sources.

When purchasing seedlings in specialized stores or special nurseries, seedlings are sold already germinated in special peat cups. Before you need to look at each leaflet for damage or existing foreign brown spots. Be sure to ask the seller about the conditions for planting and growing these seedlings, as they may differ from those described above.

Varieties of marigolds with photo names and descriptions

Marigold erect or African Tagetes erecta

Representatives of this species are annual plants that reach a height of up to 120 cm, some species grow up to only 30 cm. Gardeners use this seemingly shortcoming to create the illusion of an endless field of flowers.

Flowers of various sizes in compositions are good in flower beds, flower beds or specially created areas with enough land. Large baskets of flowers look good in bouquets. The stem on which the buds are held is hard and strong.

Cirrus leaves are arranged alternately, have a light green or green color. Flower buds are mostly double, spherical in shape, monochromatic shades from bright yellow to deep orange with dark edging. The species is undemanding to care, has good resistance to low temperatures and various diseases.

Varieties of upright marigolds:

Antigua- baskets in diameter from 8 to 10 cm. bright yellow or orange flowers. It belongs to undersized varieties: the average flower height is from 20 to 30 cm.

kilimanjaro- a distinctive feature of this species is the light petals of flowers, there are white with cream shades. Grow up to 70 cm.

White marigolds erect variety Eskimo photo

Eskimo- this type of "Marigolds" have buds of white colors. Differs from Kilimanjaro in short stature. Grows up to 30 cm.

Aztec Lime Green- Marigolds with a hint of bud petals between white and brown. The variety is medium.

Marigold rejected

Marigolds rejected terry Carmen planting and care photo

One of the distinguishing features of this species is the presence on the stem of numerous shoots with small spherical baskets. It is this structure of the stem that makes it sprawling.
The height of the bush of this variety reaches 20 or 40 cm, that is, they can be different in height and volume of flower baskets.
The color palette of the buds can be two-tone, usually in the middle towards the edges there is a color change to yellow or red.

Varieties of rejected marigolds, popular in Russia:

lemon jam- low well-branched bushes with bright yellow, lemon flowers.

Carmen, undersized variety up to 20 cm, bushes well. Flower buds are small, up to three to four centimeters, the core is yellow, gradually turning to dark red along the extreme petals.

Queen Sofia. A distinctive feature is dark red petals, the edges shimmer with a bronze color, slightly terry in the form of an extract, they are distinguished by red petals, which have a slight shade of bronze along the edges. In the form of one row of petals, inflorescences are weakly double.

Tagetes tenuifolia

This is a less common marigold variety, but its difference from the rest is so great that it seems that this flower is of a completely different kind. The difference is that the trunk branches very strongly, and the baskets can be different colors. Additional attraction is created by leaves, which are carved, long, narrow leaves in rosettes of which small multi-colored flowers are beautifully attached. The height of the trunk reaches 30 - 40 cm. The flower itself is small and resembles a chamomile in shape, there are a lot of them on a bushy trunk, which creates a bouquet of unique beauty. Petal colors can range from bright yellow to red or purple.

Varieties of thin-leaved marigolds:

Red Devil- profusely flowering variety with large blood-red flowers and rich green leaves. Stunning contrast is truly mesmerizing both in single plantings and in combination with colors of white, yellow, blue shades.

Red Gem- A medium-sized (up to 30 cm) plant with reddish petals framing a bright yellow center. They bloom until autumn frosts. Bushes well, care is not demanding.

Dwarf. The name itself indicates the low growth of the plant (up to 20 cm), the main trunk has many branches, resulting in a highly branched bush with numerous brightly yellow flowers and red core.

In order for marigolds to grow well, it is necessary to follow certain agricultural practices when planting and caring for flowers.

Marigold small-flowered Tagetes patula

Marigolds are small-flowered Tagetes patula'Bonanza Harmony' photo

The name speaks for itself, these are low plants up to 30 cm tall with a scattering of small basket flowers on long peduncles. Please beautiful flowers from July to the end of August.

Description of marigold flowers, their distinctive features

The plant belongs to the Asteraceae or Compositae family. These flowers are mainly grown in gardens, but due to their amazing unpretentiousness, flowers have also become very popular in the design of loggias, they are also grown on balconies.

Another name for the flower is Tagetes (Tagétes) - This name refers to distant legendary times. Once upon a time in ancient Roman mythology, there were many gods. One day, one of them, whose name was Jupiter, had a grandson, they named him Tagetes.

The grandson had a divine gift of foresight, a romantic character and was very handsome. When it was time to show the world a beautiful plant newly discovered in South America, the Swedish scientist, famous naturalist and physician Carl Linnaeus, called it this name of the young god. And indeed, flowers called Tagetes still continue to amaze people with their romantic peculiar beauty.

The plant received the popular name Marigolds because of the inflorescences that bloom with bright buds, very tender to the touch, somewhat similar to velvet shreds of fabric. The birthplace of the flower is considered to be the Central part and south of America, where the largest number of various kinds. In the middle of the 16th century, the Tagetes first came to Europe, and then to Russia. The scientific approach to selection and cultivation of these flowers makes them popular all over the world. Already, seeming, their "Tagetes" can be found in all countries of the world.

The marigold itself is a herbaceous plant with flowering buds, a bit reminiscent of small bushes with a large stem and shoots extending from it in the form of branches. The height of the stem and the size of the bud are different depending on the variety. There are very small specimens, the opposite of them there are varieties that grow more than a meter. Such a plant looks very good in individual plantings in flower beds and flower beds.

The breeder also managed to bring out undersized varieties with small flower buds, such plants are best suited for decorating exterior walls, balconies and loggias in hanging flowerpots.

The stem is erect or branched, which allows the formation of a bush of buds standing on one stem, the stems are stiff and very strong. The leaves of the plant are pinnate or porous - divided. The color of the leaves depends on the composition of the soil and can be bright green or plain. root system widely branched, fibrous. Inflorescences consist of baskets of the most different colors and shades. The traditional color for marigolds is considered to be yellow and burgundy-brown on the edges of the petals, with shades of orange, white and red varieties are less common.

A basket of flowers consists of two parts: the middle ones are tubular, towards the edge the flower is represented by a petal inflorescence. In appearance, baskets can be simple and terry. On one stem, several baskets of various sizes and colors can bloom at the same time. Duration of flowering, from early summer to autumn frosts. After the basket fades, they have a fruit in the form of an achene, resembling hedgehog needles. Seeds retain high germination, so if they fall into the ground, they can germinate anywhere where there is fertile land.

Marigolds have a specific smell that insects do not like; gardeners use this property by planting them along the edges of flower beds or other plantings. Some types of marigolds are used in folk medicine.

Marigolds are well-known bright flowers with an unusual smell. Their second name is tagetes. It was this name that the botanist Karl Linnaeus awarded them in honor of the mythical demigod, famous for his beautiful appearance, article and the gift of divination. Today there are a huge number of varieties of this plant. Gardeners breed marigolds all over the world. To get earlier flowering, tagetes are grown in seedlings, and it is important to follow certain rules here.

For seedlings, it depends on when you want to get a flowering flower bed. Some sow seeds as early as February. In this case, seedlings will be ready for transplanting into the ground in mid-April. This is suitable for southern areas. Marigolds are good because they form buds at home and after planting in the ground you will already have a flowering flower bed. Flowers transplant easily, they do not lose their inflorescences and take root well in a new place.

In the middle lane, marigolds are sown a little later - in mid-March. In this case, flowering tagetes will appear in your flower bed in June. In any case, when sowing seeds, you need to remember that from this moment until the beginning of flowering, 1.5-2.5 months will pass. The duration of this period largely depends on the growing conditions and the variety of flowers. The main thing is that at the time of planting the seedlings, the threat of return frosts has passed. Therefore, in the Urals and Siberia, marigolds are planted for seedlings in the second half of April.

Preparation for sowing always begins with the selection of seeds. The most adapted for Russia and popular varieties are:

  • Playful Marietta;
  • petite orange;
  • Red Gem;
  • Jolly Joster;
  • Foxtrot Rio;
  • Mary Helen;
  • Rejected;
  • Hawaiian;
  • Mandarin;
  • Fighter.

You will have to buy seed material of the variety you like only once. In the future, you will be able to receive seeds from your own marigolds and use them for sowing. Where should you start when growing Tagetes seedlings?

It is not necessary to take fertile soil for sowing seeds. This figure may well be average. When self-mixing, use an equal amount of peat, humus and sod. After thoroughly mixing the components, pour the earth with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate. For disinfection, you can also ignite the soil in the oven. This treatment will help kill fungal spores and pathogenic bacteria that can harm seedlings.

It is better to prepare the land in advance, about a week before planting the seeds. During the remaining time, useful soil microorganisms will have time to multiply in it. You can buy a ready-made substrate for growing seedlings. In this case, it is desirable to choose a well-known manufacturer that produces quality products.

Ready mixtures usually have a balanced composition, including all the nutrients needed by plants. In production, such land undergoes pre-sowing treatment, but for reliability it can also be shed with potassium permanganate.

They are poured out on a saucer, then a little warm water is added. From above, the seeds are covered with a napkin. After that, the saucer is cleaned in a warm, shaded place. If the technology has been followed, by the end of the second day you will see sprouts that have appeared. With this method of seed preparation, seedlings germinate quickly and amicably.


Marigolds easily tolerate transplanting, so they do not have to be planted in separate pots to avoid picks. In a common container, seedlings are conveniently rearranged and watered. The flower growing box can be made of wood or plastic.

Plastic containers are more convenient to wash and process before planting - this is their advantage. The height of the container should be 7 cm. Before filling it with soil, it is necessary to make drainage holes in the bottom, if they are missing. They then proceed as follows:

  1. A layer of drainage is poured at the bottom, which can be used as clay shards or small expanded clay.
  2. The earth is poured to 3/4 of the height and slightly compacted, after which grooves are cut 1 cm deep with an interval of 3-4 cm.
  3. Seeds are laid out at a distance of 2 cm from each other and lightly sprinkled with soil.
  4. After this, abundant watering with settled warm water is necessary. In the water, you can add a little mineral fertilizer for flowering crops.
  5. After sowing, the container is covered with glass or film and placed in a warm place until shoots appear. Shelter daily briefly removed for ventilation.

When sowing in individual containers, two seeds are laid out in each pot. In the future, a stronger plant is left, and a weak one is thrown away. Seedlings can be expected in 4-7 days.

On the early stage growing marigolds can be threatened by a black leg, therefore, before all shoots appear, condensate is carefully removed from the shelter so that it does not fall on tender seedlings. The container is placed on a bright window and kept warm and at high humidity. Direct sunlight should be avoided as it can burn young leaves.

It is necessary to fertilize seedlings every two weeks, using Agricola, Kemira and other top dressings for ornamental plants. Let us dwell on the parameters that are favorable for growing marigolds:

  • Temperature . Before germination, temperature indicators are recommended to be maintained within 24-26 degrees. When the sprouts appear on the surface, it is necessary to reduce the temperature to 18-20 degrees. Initially, a box with sown seeds can be placed near the heater, and when the seedlings germinate, put it closer to the window glass, it is usually cooler there.
  • Lighting. Marigolds are considered a light-loving crop. It is customary to break flower beds for them in sunny places. At home, seedlings of these flowers need additional lighting. Install a phytolamp, or fluorescent lamp, next to the plants, which will provide a 13-hour daylight hours. Marigolds do not need to be illuminated at night, they must rest.
  • Watering. These flowers at all stages of growth do not require a large amount of moisture. In the ground, they can do without watering at all, rather rare rains. At home, seedlings are watered once a week, after the topsoil has dried. The amount of water should be moderate. First, it must be defended and heated to room temperature.
  • Topping. If this technique is not applied, the marigolds become too high and this can lead to a fall. After 3-4 leaves are formed on the plant, pinch the crown of the shoot. This will force the bush to branch and make it more compact. Today, hybrids have been bred that are able to form a lush small bush themselves. These varieties include low-growing and large-flowered varieties.
  • Pick. After the appearance of 2-3 true leaves, picking can be carried out. It is not necessary to plant marigolds in separate containers, you can simply seat them so that the plants become more spacious, leaving them in the same container. The last time the seedlings are watered 2 days before picking. After another month, the seedlings need to be dived again, if they are crowded, when warm weather sets in, they can be immediately planted in the ground.

You can grow seedlings of marigolds not only in the traditional way. Recently, new sowing methods have gained popularity.

Growing Options

First of all, it is convenient for flower growers themselves. This design does not take up much space on the windowsill, the soil also leaves quite a bit, which saves money. Marigolds are considered an unpretentious culture; this method of planting is quite suitable for them. For sowing in a snail you will need:

  • a roll of construction substrate for a laminate with a width of 10 cm;
  • light nutrient substrate;
  • plastic transparent container;
  • spray bottle with water;
  • tweezers;
  • seeds.

Part of the substrate for the laminate is unfolded on the table. Pour the soil on it in an even layer and slightly moisten it with water from a spray bottle. After that, the seeds are laid out with tweezers closer to the upper edge of the substrate with an interval of 2 cm. new portion seeds. In this way, fill the entire substrate and fasten it with a pharmaceutical rubber band.

After that, the snail is placed vertically in a plastic container so that the seeds are on top and the seedlings are placed on the windowsill. The temperature of seed germination by this method should be maintained at 20 degrees.

A plastic bag is put on top of the snail to create greenhouse conditions. Watering is carried out by spraying every 2 days, the bag is briefly removed daily for airing. After the emergence of seedlings, the shelter is removed and the seedlings are taken care of before picking in the usual way.

This is another unconventional planting method in which the soil is not used at all. We will replace it with toilet paper. You need to act in the same way as in the previous case, only instead of the earth, toilet paper is placed on top of the substrate. This method of planting is even more simple, fast and economical.

On a note! It should be borne in mind that when planted without soil, plants are deprived of nutrients, so they must be watered not with plain water, but with a weakly concentrated solution of fertilizers. It is impossible to postpone the moment of diving into the ground, otherwise the marigolds will not be able to fully develop.

Transfer to a permanent place

Due to the fact that marigolds do not tolerate even light frost, you should not rush to plant them in open ground. When the weather is such that you will definitely be sure that there are no frosts, then plant the seedlings in a flower bed. Tagetes love the sun, but can grow in partial shade.

Low varieties are planted with an interval of 20 cm between plants, for medium-sized varieties this distance is increased to 30 cm, and for tall varieties - up to 40 cm. In this case, the flowers will not shade each other, which is important for full flowering.

Care in summer time comes down to regular weeding and loosening, the marigold roots must breathe. If the bushes grow strongly, trim them. Faded inflorescences try to cut off immediately. Marigolds do not need top dressing, as they are grown during one season. Plant these flowers near vegetable beds and they will help preserve the crop by repelling harmful insects.

Sowing marigold seedlings: video

We sow marigolds in the "snail". Simple and effective: video

Marigolds are often compared to the suns, their color is so bright and cheerful. They will require attention only at the stage of growing seedlings. But then they will delight the eye until the frost, and decorate your site with themselves.