The haircut calendar for September is auspicious. Dangerous for beauty and health: In September, there are many unfavorable days for cutting hair

Recommendations and tips for the Lunar calendar for cutting, curling, coloring, depilation and hair removal in September 2018

Recommendations and tips for cutting, curling, depilating, epilating and coloring hair

When visiting a hairdresser, have you noticed that haircut, made by the same master, is ideal and does not require styling, but can cause a lot of inconvenience. Sometimes, after a haircut, the hair lies well, and sometimes it is not possible to cope with it. Sometimes they grow quickly, and sometimes they grow very slowly. To be satisfied with the haircut, visit the hairdresser on days when Moon is in Leo or Virgo. haircut these days it's good to do like on the growing, and on the waning moon, but better - on a growing one. If you cut your hair in the days of Leo, the hair will look thick. If a to get a haircut in the days of Virgo, they will grow back faster and will keep their shape perfectly. You can get a haircut on other days of the growing moon, with the exception of the signs of Pisces and Cancer. Haircut on the waning moon keeps the hair in good condition, but they will grow slowly.

Bad for hair waning moon haircut in Capricorn, as well as a haircut on the days of Cancer and Pisces in any phase. If you make a haircut on a bad day, the hair will lie badly, grow for a long time, may begin to fall out, dandruff may appear in them, they split faster and become thinner. It is very harmful to cut hair on the waning Moon in Aries - they will fall out quickly and strongly! It is also harmful to have a haircut on the days of Gemini.

hair waving successfully passes at any phase in the days of Virgo. Any days of any phase are also suitable, except for the days of Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio. If you curl your hair during Leo days, the curl will be too strong, because these days the hair curls itself. In the days of Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Aquarius, at any phase, you should not curl your hair, as it will look lifeless, dull, and will begin to split and break.

Hair coloring better to do with the growing moon, the paint will last longer. If you dye your hair on a waning moon, the color will wash off faster. If you want to check whether this or that color really suits you, use a coloring shampoo instead of paint. It will wash off after a few times, and you will see if the color suits you or not.

Depilation and epilation

There are many ways to remove hair and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Laser and photoepilation, hot wax - effective method but painful, the razor has more pluses. When choosing a method for hair removal, keep in mind that hair removed on the growing moon grows faster. You can shave them off in the morning, and by the evening they will have grown back quite a bit. If you remove them on the growing Moon in Leo or Virgo, they will not only grow back faster, but also become even thicker and thicker. It is best to remove hair on the waning moon in Capricorn. And also on any other days of the waning moon, except for the signs of Virgo and Leo.

We bring to your attention:

Conception calendar (pregnancy). The conception calendar will help calculate the probability of conception, the nature of the pregnancy and the predicted gender of the unborn child, depending on the date and time of proximity.

Wedding calendar (marriage). Personal wedding calendar - the reliability and durability of the marriage union, well-being and psychological climate in the family largely depend on the date of the wedding. In marriage, the initial astrological situation affects the further course of life. Therefore, use the wedding calendar and choose the most suitable date and time for this. Regardless of the position of the Moon in the Signs of the Zodiac and auspiciousness lunar day, marriage is unacceptable during all fasts, on the eve or during church holidays, Christmas, carnival, etc.

Fall is the time to go to the hairdresser! In order for the transformation to cause pleasant emotions, it is necessary to choose a favorable day for hair in September 2018.

After a hot summer, many girls encounter such an unpleasant phenomenon as dryness, brittle hair and an abundant amount of split ends. To return the hairstyle to a well-groomed appearance, to restore health, in addition to caring products, the skillful hands of a hairdresser are capable of.

Lunar calendar of haircuts in September

The ancient Slavs firmly believed that hair is a priceless gift. They contain energy, strength, knowledge, memory of past lives, health. They connect with the gods through them. That is why pregnant women were forbidden to have their hair cut, so as not to harm the unborn baby. The children of the priests did not undergo this procedure at all until the age of 12.

Modern astrologers and esotericists claim that through strands, and their length must be at least 7 centimeters, a person receives information from space. They accumulate energy, personal spiritual strength.

Even the usual combing is a kind of magical rite. And if you use someone else's comb, you can take on other people's troubles and misfortunes.

Therefore, the usual visit to the hairdresser should not be regarded as a completely ordinary event. Any effect on the hair can make adjustments to fate. If, when choosing a date for a haircut in September 2018, you will be guided by the tips, you will not only improve your appearance, fill the strands with health, but also change the usual course of life.

Auspicious days for cutting hair in September

the date Position and phase of the moon moon day Astrologers' recommendations
01.09 Waning in Taurus September 21, 22Great day filling life force and attracting good fortune. You can safely agree to a haircut. It will strengthen hair follicles, reduce the intensity of hair loss, and restore normal density to the rods. The strands will be filled with health and strength. The created image will allow you to smile daily at your own reflection in the mirror, strengthen your health, and restore peace of mind.
02.09 Waning in Gemini 22, 23 The hairstyle will become lush and voluminous, the strands will grow back quickly, but their structure will remain unchanged. Experts do not advise cutting hair several times in a row during the stay of the moon in Gemini. This can cause excessive fragility, an increase in the number of split ends. Changing the length can improve the financial situation and make a long-awaited purchase.
03.09 Third Quarter in Gemini 23, 24 A haircut on September 23-24 in 2018 will improve the complexion, attract wealth, but worsen relations with others, make the appearance “disheveled” and untidy.
04.09 Waning in Gemini 24, 25 Changing the length will attract diseases and negatively affect the quality of the hair. To find new job or reach an understanding with the leadership, you can paint the strands in a dark color.
05.09 Waning in Cancer 25 Any change of image will not be crowned with success. After a haircut, the hair will be confused, fluffy, and grow back for a long time. There may be problems with vision, increased eye pressure.
06.09 25,26 You can get a haircut after 17:22, when the moon from the constellation of Cancer passes into the sign of Leo. Shine and health will return to hair, their structure will improve. The updated image will attract good luck, happiness, cheer up.
07.09 Waning in the constellation Leo 26, 27 The numbers 26/27 are auspicious days for hair cutting in September 2018 of the year. The strands will receive additional volume, become silky, strong, elastic. Easy to fit. A hairstyle created by a professional will make the image bright, memorable, and enhance the charm. It will set up money channels, bring success, unlock potential, and allow you to move up the career ladder.
08.09 27, 28
09.08 New Moon in Virgo 28, 29, 1 Hair will lose some of its energy, its quality, structure, and susceptibility to styling products will deteriorate. There is a high probability of weakening health, attracting failures, problems, troubles.
10.09 Growing in Virgo1, 2 One of the best days for a haircut according to the lunar calendar for September 2018. The strands will quickly grow, gain strength, shine, and for a long time it will be possible to solve the problem of split ends. In addition to a good mood, a hairstyle will bring good luck, success with the opposite sex, increase tone and performance. It will increase the flow of vital energy, give impetus to achieve your goals.
11.09 Growing in the zodiac Libra 2, 3 Change of image will bring disappointment. The structure of the hair will deteriorate, they will become untidy, lifeless. Together with the strands, you can lose some of your health, spiritual harmony and material resources. It is better to devote time to caring procedures using natural remedies.
12.09 3, 4
13.09 Growing in Scorpio 4, 5 People with emaciated, brittle, unhealthy hair will benefit from a haircut. The duality of Scorpio does not allow one to appreciate the changes that may occur in the life of a client. For worse or better side relationships with the opposite sex will change.
14.09 5, 6 Work will get worse immune system. There is a high chance of catching a cold.
15.09 Growing in Sagittarius 6, 7 Haircut, coloring, waving will not please with the result, conflicts and health problems will be brought to life. But beautiful styling can increase credibility among colleagues and become the key to successful career advancement.
16.09 7, 8 Changing the length can not significantly harm the hair, but the updated image will not cause delight. Coloring and curling will be of poor quality, and very little time will pass before the next trip to the hairdresser. However, the correction of hairstyles can improve health, attract happiness, longevity.
17.09 First Quarter in Sagittarius 8, 9 A haircut made before 16:00 will delight you with an improvement in appearance and a healing effect on your hair. After the specified time, a change in length will attract diseases.
18.09 Growing in Capricorn 9, 10 Haircut will negatively affect the structure of the hair, worsen the condition of the scalp. Final result will leave an unpleasant aftertaste. There is a high chance of weakening the immune system.
19.09 10, 11 year, but only after 17:36. The moon will stimulate the growth of strands, strengthen the roots, solve the problem of split ends for a long time, and restore the natural shine to the hairstyle. The new image will allow you to take a more advantageous position in society, sharpen your intuition and quick wits. Frequent combing of hair will ensure the exchange of information with cosmic flows.
20.09 Growing in Aquarius 11, 12 After changing the length, the strands will become healthy, acquire a well-groomed, neat appearance. A visit to a specialist should only be decided by people who are tired of the monotony of events and who want to change their lives. A new, unusual, bold hairstyle will help impress the opposite sex, dispel the bitterness of disappointment, despair and anger, and fill you with a thirst for life.
21.09 12, 13 A haircut will weaken the hair, cause a chain of failures. The day is good for coloring, carving, regenerating, nourishing, moisturizing procedures.
22.09 13, 14 It is worth deciding on a cardinal change of image. The structure of the hair will remain unchanged. But a bright image will transform your appearance, sharpen your intuitive abilities, help you decide financial difficulties will improve health. It is advisable not to dye, perm and other procedures that involve exposure to aggressive chemical components on the hair.
23.09 Growing in the zodiac Pisces 14, 15 Moon calendar haircuts for september 2018 year strongly advises not to sign up for the master these days. The quality of the hair will deteriorate, hair loss will increase, excessive brittleness, dandruff will appear. There may be problems with the physical and emotional state: nervousness, depression, loss of self-control, migraine, increased blood pressure.
24.09 15, 16
25.09 Full Moon in Aries 16, 17 A full moon haircut is recommended for people experiencing a “black streak” in life. It will not only improve the appearance, make the hair well-groomed, healthy, but also get rid of all the negativity and the negative influence of others. But astrologers warn that a change in length on the 16th lunar day will lead to malfunctions in the circulatory and endocrine systems.
26.09 Waning in Aries 17, 18 The strands will completely cease to succumb to styling activities, will be disheveled and untidy. Possible exacerbation of chronic diseases, colds, constant fatigue.
27.09 Waning in Taurus 18, 19 Auspicious day for hair cutting in September 2018 of the year. The roots will be strengthened, the percentage of loss will decrease, natural radiance will appear, elasticity will return. Thanks to the created image, it will be possible to attract enthusiastic glances of the opposite sex, raise self-esteem, and solve material problems. The work of the respiratory system will improve.
28.09 September 19, 20To avoid trouble and frequent conflicts with others, the visit to the master should be rescheduled. Your hair will look dull and lifeless.
29.09 20, 21 You can update the haircut, but you should not radically change the image. The work of the master will improve mood, attract flows of positive energy, and normalize the emotional state.
30.09 Waning in Gemini September 21, 22The structure of the hair shafts will remain unchanged, the hairstyle will please with additional volume, and will attract new sources of income. The created image will bring the fulfillment of desires closer, help to achieve the intended goals. Work will improve nervous system and respiratory tract.

The lunar calendar for September 2018 indicates the influence of a haircut not only on the quality of the strands, but also on fate, inner feelings and human health. Therefore, you should definitely take into account his recommendations and favorable days in order not only to avoid troubles, but also to significantly improve your own life.

Helpful Hints

If you are dreaming grow long hair, you should cut the tips on certain days of the lunar month. This haircut will stimulate hair growth and will help strengthen the hair. This month, the most successful days in this regard will be the following days: September 17-19, 2018.

For those who are not particularly keen on growing long hair, it is worth getting a haircut on the days of the waning moon, when the moon is in the signs of Taurus and Leo:1, 2, 7, 8, 28, 29 September 2018.

However, 7 and 8 September 2018- not the most good time in order to radically change the image or do any complex procedures! Be careful these days because you risk staying not too happy with the result.

September 1 and 2, 2018- very lucky days, because at the beginning of the month Venus will be in her native the sign of Libra, and this will allow you to get the result that you dream of.

Read the descriptions for each day and choose the most successful days for a haircut. for haircuts and all basic procedures and manipulations with hair is at the end of the article.

Other useful articles under the heading Lunar calendar for September 2018:

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The best time to cut hair in September


♉ 1 SEPTEMBER, Saturday. 21st, 22nd lunar day from 21:47.TAURUS

A haircut : allowed, one of the most successful days of the month (especially if you have problem hair). You can cut bangs, it is good to do men's haircuts and thermal haircuts.

Other procedures : a good day for various treatments. Aimed at strengthening and cleansing hair. You can do a scalp massage, or use scalp scrubs. Such scrubs allow you to increase blood flow and strengthen hair, remove dead skin cells. Hair will grow faster.

The effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth; hair strengthening and improvement appearance, the hair will fall out and split less.

: can attract misunderstanding with partners, awkward situations, misunderstandings; but at the same time, it can help strengthen willpower and perseverance in achieving what you want.

Best time : from 12:10 to 15:15.

♉♊ 2 SEPTEMBER, Sunday. 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 22:17.TAURUS , TWINS from 11:02

Moon without a course from 08:56 to 11:01

A haircut : allowed, very good day. Especially if you sign up for a haircut before 09:00. You can cut bangs, do men's haircuts and thermal haircuts.

Other procedures : it is good to continue the procedures to strengthen or cleanse the hair. After 11:00, you can make a mask to increase volume for thin and sparse hair. Good time to wash your hair. After using shampoo and conditioner, rinse hair first with warm water and then cold water if you have long hair. Don't let it hit too hard cold water on the scalp. Difficult procedures should be postponed.

The effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth; until 09:00 - strengthening hair, improving their appearance, hair will fall out and split less; after 09:00 - no effect.

The psychological impact of a haircut : until 09:00 - will help you become more determined and courageous; with the Moon without a course, there are no influences; after 11:00 a.m. it can attract anxiety and emotional instability, it will be difficult to control emotions, so the best time is before 09:00 a.m.

Best time : until 09:00.

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OLD MOON from 05:37

♊ 3 SEPTEMBER, Monday. 23rd, 24th lunar day from 22:54.TWINS

III quarter, Fourth phase of the moon from 05:37

A haircut : neutral day. A haircut will make you look younger, especially if you cut your hair before 4:00 pm. You can cut bangs. Men's haircuts are allowed, as well as thermal haircuts.

Other procedures : still good time for various masks aimed at cleansing or increasing hair volume. Use of hot styling tools is acceptable. It is good to sign up for salon procedures from 13:40 to 16:00. This is the most opportune time.

The effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth; there are no other significant influences.

The psychological impact of a haircut : Until 11:30 can attract deceit, self-deception and disappointment. The best time is from 11:30 to 16:00, when a haircut can attract romantic acquaintances or new creative discoveries. After 16:00 there are no special influences.

Best time : from 11:30 to 16:00.

♊♋ 4 SEPTEMBER, Tuesday. 24th, 25th lunar day from 23:41.TWINS , CRAYFISH from 15:03

Moon without a course from 09:37 to 15:02

A haircut : until 15:00 - neutral time, it is good to do youth haircuts and light airy hairstyles; thermal haircuts, men's haircuts and bangs haircuts are allowed. After 15:00 is a bad time for a haircut.

Other procedures : it is better to postpone difficult procedures: bad timing. If you want to do masks or styling, then it is better to do this in the morning, especially before 10:00.

The effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth; until 09:40 - no other special influences; after 09:40 - hair will grow weaker, will split faster.

The psychological impact of a haircut : it is better to get a haircut before 09:40, then you will bring new acquaintances, interesting events, new knowledge and hobbies to life. With the Moon without a course, there are no influences; after 15:00 a haircut can attract a bad mood, depressive thoughts, heaviness in the soul and inexplicable apathy.

Best time : until 09:40.

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♋ 5 SEPTEMBER, Wednesday. 25th lunar day from 00:00.CRAYFISH

A haircut : bad day, it is better to postpone.

Other procedures : a bad day for working with hair. You don't even have to wash your hair. But it is very effective to remove unwanted hair: they will grow again very slowly, they will be thin and weak. If you would like to undergo an epilation procedure (destruction of hair forever), then this day for the first procedure is very successful.

The effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth; hair will grow weaker, will split faster.

The psychological impact of a haircut : can attract heavy thoughts, emotional tension.

Best time : No.

♋♌ 6 SEPTEMBER, Thursday. 25th, 26th lunar day from 00:43.CRAYFISH , A LION from 16:54

Moon without a course from 15:43 to 16:53

A haircut : before 17:00 is a bad time. After 17:00 is a good time for a haircut. Use caution when using hot dryer/styling tools.

Other procedures : a bad day for hair work and various procedures - until 17:00. After 17:00, you can do a fine perm, build up or straighten your hair. But it is better to refuse staining (the paint will quickly lose saturation). In the evening, various masks are also acceptable to improve the appearance of hair, volume or cleansing.

The effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth; until 15:45 - the hair will grow weaker, it will split faster; from 15:45 to 17:00 - no influence; after 17:00 - hair will grow more shiny, lush and beautiful, will fall out and deteriorate less.

The psychological impact of a haircut : can bring disagreements and problems in family relationships with partners; with the Moon without a course, there are no influences; after 17:00 can attract surprises and a strange combination of circumstances.

Best time : from 20:30.

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Favorable days on the moon for a haircut

♌ 7 SEPTEMBER, Friday. 26th, 27th lunar day from 01:57.A LION

A haircut : allowed, but better without experiments! Try to book your haircut at least before 4:30 pm.

Other procedures : despite the fact that the Moon is in a favorable sign of Leo, it is better not to plan complex procedures for this day. There is a risk of being dissatisfied with the results. Do not color or perm your hair.

The effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth; hair will grow more shiny, lush and beautiful, will fall out and deteriorate less.

The psychological impact of a haircut : can make you more outgoing and outgoing, but also more trusting and vulnerable.

Best time : until 15:20.

♌♍ 8 SEPTEMBER, Saturday. 27th, 28th lunar day from 20:10. A LION, VIRGO from 17:29

Moon without a course from 16:31 to 17:28

A haircut : allowed, but better without experiments! There is a risk that you will be dissatisfied with the haircut. You can not do a thermal haircut.

Other procedures : a bad day for complex procedures (coloring, highlighting, laminating, curling or straightening). It is best to do hair at home: masks are allowed to strengthen hair and for extra shine.

The effect of haircuts on hair : average height; until 16:30 - hair will grow more shiny, lush and beautiful, will fall out and deteriorate less; from 16:30 to 17:30 - no influences; after 17:30 - hair will grow stronger and healthier.

The psychological impact of a haircut : can attract disagreements with partners and failures in personal life (be careful with the haircut today!)

Best time : until 16:30.

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YOUNG MOON from 21:01

♍ 9 SEPTEMBER, Sunday. 28th, 29th lunar day from 04:48,1st lunar day from 21:01.VIRGO

NEW MOON at 21:01

A haircut : allowed, bangs can be cut, men's haircuts are also allowed.

Other procedures : it is better to postpone any complex procedures, especially if they involve the use of some kind of chemistry. There are risks of allergic reactions. We especially advise you to refuse perm or hair straightening.

The effect of haircuts on hair : average height; hair will grow stronger and healthier.

The psychological impact of a haircut : May attract sad thoughts, anxiety and self-deception.

Best time : from 21:00 to 23:20.

♍♎ 10 SEPTEMBER, Monday. 1st, 2nd lunar day from 06:15.VIRGO , SCALES from 18:20

Moon without a course from 18:12 to 18:19

A haircut : allowed, one of the most successful days of the month. It is good to cut the ends of the hair to stimulate growth (until 18:00). You can do thermal cuts.

Other procedures : today is one of the few days of the month when various procedures for strengthening and restoring hair will be very successful. You can dye your hair, do highlighting, keratinization, hair extensions and eyelashes, do hair straightening, curling and much more. It is better to start all procedures before 18:12, until the Moon has gone into "idle".

The effect of haircuts on hair : fast growth; until 18:12 - hair will grow stronger and healthier; after 18:15 - no influences.

The psychological impact of a haircut : can attract obstacles to the desired, more difficult and long problem solving.

Best time : until 18:12.

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♎ 11 SEPTEMBER, Tuesday. 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 07:40.SCALES

A haircut : allowed, but from proven masters. It is better not to experiment with new haircuts. Today it is better to have a haircut for those who do not have problems with hair. You can do thermal cuts.

Other procedures : it is better to postpone complex procedures: there is a risk of unexpected results.

The effect of haircuts on hair

The psychological impact of a haircut : can increase intuition, help develop leadership skills, increase confidence in yourself and your abilities.

Best time : until 18:30.

What day to cut hair in September?

12 SEPTEMBER, Wednesday. 3rd, 4th lunar day from 09:03.SCALES , SCORPION from 21:15

Moon without a course from 01:58 to 21:15

A haircut : better not to do, bad day, at least until 21:50. Don't do heat cuts.

Other procedures : on this day, Venus and Uranus will be in an unfavorable aspect, so any complex procedures can give unexpected results. It is better to refuse a trip to salons and hairdressers. Let's take home hair care. It is better not to use hot appliances for drying and styling hair.

The effect of haircuts on hair : rapid growth, no other influences.

The psychological impact of a haircut : no special effects.

Best time : after 21:50.

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13 SEPTEMBER, Thursday. 4th, 5th lunar day from 10:23.SCORPION

A haircut

Other procedures : any procedures aimed at combating dandruff, with the Moon in the sign of Scorpio, will be the most effective. The causes of dandruff can be very different, ranging from serious health problems to the wrong shampoo. Try to eliminate all the simplest causes and only then consult a doctor. For serious problems, it is dangerous to treat yourself. If you have severe itching and inflammation on the scalp, it is better to immediately go to the trichologist.

The effect of haircuts on hair

The psychological impact of a haircut : can attract new interesting acquaintances into your life; will increase the craving for secret occult knowledge.

Best time : all day.

14 SEPTEMBER, Friday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 11:40.SCORPION

Moon off course from 11:54

A haircut : are acceptable, especially if you suffer from dandruff. You can cut the ends of your hair to enhance growth. You can do thermal cuts.

Other procedures : If you have mild dandruff, you can use simple hair masks to eliminate it. Also use specially formulated shampoos that can help. Be careful when using hot dryers and styling tools. For example, a very hot hair dryer can cause dandruff.

The effect of haircuts on hair : fast growth; improvement in dandruff.

The psychological impact of a haircut : before 12:00 - can attract self-confidence, bring creative ideas; after 12:00 no effect.

Best time : until 12:00.

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15 SEPTEMBER, Saturday. 6th, 7th lunar day from 12:52.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 03:45

Moon off course until 03:44

A haircut

Other procedures : good day for hair treatment. You can use various vegetable oils for masks, but oils must be selected individually, taking into account your particular hair type. Do not apply fatty oils to the roots!

The effect of haircuts on hair : rapid growth, no other influences.

The psychological impact of a haircut : can bring epiphanies and insights.

Best time : all day.

16 SEPTEMBER, Sunday, 7th, 8th lunar day from 14:00.SAGITTARIUS

A haircut : acceptable, you can cut the ends of the hair to accelerate growth. It is better to cut your hair for those who do not have any serious problems with their hair and who grow the length.

Other procedures : Postpone difficult procedures today. You can make hair masks and rinses with herbal infusions at home.

The effect of haircuts on hair : rapid growth, no other influences.

The psychological impact of a haircut : can attract the fulfillment of desires, especially if they relate to travel, languages ​​​​and foreigners, abroad, some important documents.

Best time : until 14:50.

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ARRIVAL MOON from 02:14

♑ 17 SEPTEMBER, Monday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 15:00.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 14:08

I quarter, Second phase of the moon from 02:14

Moon without a course from 02:15 to 14:07

A haircut : A better time for a haircut is after 14:10, when the Moon is in the sign of Capricorn. But the best is after 19:25. You can do thermal haircuts after 19:25. It is good to cut the ends of the hair to accelerate growth.

Other procedures : a good day for various procedures to strengthen and restore hair. It is good to do various procedures at home.

The effect of haircuts on hair : fast growth; until 14:10 - no influence; after 14:10 - strengthening the hair, improving their appearance, the hair will be less split.

The psychological impact of a haircut : with the Moon without a course, there are no influences; after 2:10 p.m., it can attract intractable obstacles to what you want, especially if it is related to a promotion, so if you are not worried about a career, you can safely get a haircut on this day. After 19:25 - will attract new love and opportunities to realize oneself in creativity.

Best time : after 19:25.

♑ 18 SEPTEMBER, Tuesday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 15:52.CAPRICORN

A haircut : a good day for a haircut, it is good to cut the ends of the hair to accelerate growth. It is better not to do a thermal haircut.

Other procedures : it is better to postpone the use of hot styling tools and not plan any complex procedures using electrical appliances for this day. Hair treatment in salons or at home is allowed.

The effect of haircuts on hair

The psychological impact of a haircut : can attract sensitivity and insight.

Best time : until 20:00.

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The best moon days for cutting hair

♑ 19 SEPTEMBER, Wednesday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 16:35.CAPRICORN

Moon without a course from 20:10

A haircut : a good day for a haircut, it is good to cut the ends of the hair to accelerate growth. Don't do heat cuts.

Other procedures : you can curl your hair, weave African braids. Although the master may spend more time on the procedures than you expected, the result promises to please you.

The effect of haircuts on hair : fast growth; strengthening hair, improving their appearance, hair will be less split.

The psychological impact of a haircut : can bring good luck, success in work and career.

Best time : until 20:10.

♑♒ 20 SEPTEMBER, Thursday. 11th, 12th lunar day from 17:10,CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 02:52

Moon off course until 02:51

A haircut : haircut after 16:45 is allowed; before 16:45 it is better not to get a haircut, as you risk getting not the most pleasant result. You can cut the ends of your hair to enhance growth. You can do thermal cuts.

Other procedures : volume masks are allowed, after 16:45 you can experiment with different colors or choose a hairstyle using computer programs and applications.

The effect of haircuts on hair

The psychological impact of a haircut : before 4:45 pm may attract misunderstandings with the opposite sex, and may also reduce your attractiveness.

Best time : after 16:45.

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♒ 21 SEPTEMBER, Friday. 12th, 13th lunar day from 17:38.AQUARIUS

Moon off course from 20:13

A haircut : acceptable, but if you do not have special problems with hair. You can do thermal haircuts, cut the ends to enhance growth.

Other procedures : a good day for water procedures; it is also good to do air styling with hot appliances. If you have very oily scalp, you should not wash your hair. hot water, better cool, because hot water provokes a large production of sebum.

The effect of haircuts on hair : fast growth; there are no other influences.

The psychological impact of a haircut : may attract excessive optimism and extravagance.

Best time : after 20:15.

♒♓ 22 SEPTEMBER, Saturday. 13th, 14th lunar day from 18:01.AQUARIUS , FISH from 15:27

Moon off course until 15:26

A haircut : not the best day for a haircut. But if you can’t postpone, choose at least a time before 15:30.

Other procedures : if you start any hair treatments on this day, you are unlikely to get the result you expect. It is better to postpone hair work on this day and do other important things.

The effect of haircuts on hair : no effect on hair growth; after 15:30 - dandruff will quickly appear; hair will become duller and fall out more.

The psychological impact of a haircut : no special effects.

Best time : No.

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SEPTEMBER 23, Sunday. 14th, 15th lunar day from 18:21.FISH

A haircut

Other procedures : today only the removal of unwanted hair is allowed. It is better not to wash your hair and not plan any complex procedures for this time, especially with the use of chemistry.

The effect of haircuts on hair

The psychological impact of a haircut : Can attract trouble in areas related to travel, transport and documents.

Best time : No.

SEPTEMBER 24, Monday, 15th, 16th lunar day from 18:39.FISH

Moon off course from 08:26

A haircut A: better to postpone, bad day.

Other procedures : if you want to get rid of unwanted hair, you can start the epilation procedure today, but it is better to make an appointment before 08:30. If this is not the first procedure, then you can plan during the day. Since this is the time of the weak Moon, as well as the Moon in the sign of Pisces, which is unfavorable for working with hair, it is better not to plan trips to hairdressers and salons for today.

The effect of haircuts on hair : no effect on hair growth; dandruff will appear quickly; hair will become duller and fall out more.

The psychological impact of a haircut : no special effects.

Best time : No.

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Today you can cut your hair according to the lunar calendar?

waning moon from 05:52

♓♈ SEPTEMBER 25, Tuesday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 18:56.FISH , ARIES from 02:04

Moon off course until 02:03

FULL MOON at 05:52

A haircut : acceptable, but this is not the best day, especially if you have hair problems. You can cut bangs; men's haircuts are allowed. It is better not to do thermal haircuts.

Other procedures : Hair strengthening procedures at home are acceptable. You can do a massage and head scrub.

The effect of haircuts on hair

The psychological impact of a haircut : until 13:15 can attract trouble with people from the inner circle, quarrels and disagreements with brothers / sisters.

Best time : after 13:15.

26 SEPTEMBER, Wednesday, 17th, 18th lunar day from 19:14.ARIES

Moon off course from 13:28

A haircut : acceptable, but this is not the best day, especially if you have hair problems. You can cut bangs; men's haircuts are allowed.

Other procedures : There are no special recommendations for this day. Any hair styling devices should be used with caution: it is better not to overheat the hair now. If you dry your hair with a hot dryer, be sure to spritz your hair with a heat protectant.

The effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth; there are no other influences.

The psychological impact of a haircut : before 13:30 can attract irritability and impatience; after 13:30 - no effect.

Best time : No.

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♈♉ 27 SEPTEMBER, Thursday, 18th, 19th lunar day from 19:32.ARIES , TAURUS from 10:16

Moon off course until 10:15

A haircut : acceptable, especially after 10:15 when the Moon is in the sign of Taurus, but there are risks that you will not like the hairstyle much. If you are afraid to take risks, then postpone the haircut at least for tomorrow. You can cut bangs; men's haircuts are allowed. Set aside heat cuts.

Other procedures : A good time for various beauty treatments comes after 10:15 when the Moon is in the sign of Taurus. However, do not plan especially complex procedures: Venus and the Moon will be in disharmony, so get good result it will be difficult, you may regret the wasted money.

The effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth; until 10:15 - no influences; after 10:15 - strengthening hair, improving their appearance.

The psychological impact of a haircut : until 10:15 - no influence. After 10:15 - can help achieve what you want through emotional overload.

Best time : No.

And, of course, before visiting a hairdressing salon and taking care of your hair at home, do not forget to look at our lunar haircut calendar for September 2018. And then your hair will be perfectly prepared for the autumn-winter season and will perfectly endure it, remaining beautiful, healthy and shiny.

By tradition, we will explain how to use our calendar. The first thing you should pay attention to is the time until which the lunar day lasts (it is indicated in brackets). If it ends, for example, at two or three in the morning, then immediately see the recommendations for the next date. That is, the number remains the same, but the astrological influence changes. It also happens that until the middle of the day you can fearlessly cut your hair and do coloring, and then the Moon moves from one sign to another, and from that moment on, almost all hairdressing manipulations become dangerous or simply unfavorable for the hair.

For clarity, let's take a look at September 22, 2018: until 15:03 (Moscow time) the haircut will be very successful, and on a metaphysical level it will help you escape from some cramped circumstances, coloring will also turn out well, especially if you use already proven dyes; home procedures will not bring benefits. But after 15:03, you should not cut your hair and paint, otherwise you will harm the hair structure, but moisturizing and not very intense healing masks will give a great effect, however, not prepared on your own, but purchased in a store.

Please note that in September the Moon sometimes moves into another sign of the zodiac after the beginning of the next lunar day, in the evening or shortly before midnight, respectively, recommendations are given taking into account this factor. As an addition to our haircut lunar calendar, we offer you a small bonus:

Best days for manicure and pedicure: 8 (after 17:53), 10 (before 18:39), 20 (after 4:06), 21, 22 (before 15:03).

Best days for hair removal: 1, 2 (until 12:16), 4 (after 15:51), 5, 6 (until 17:25), 27 (from 11:23 to 19:32), 28 (after 19:54), 29 (until 16:36).

First decade of September

September 1, Saturday, 21st lunar day(until 21:50, later focus on the 22nd lunar day), Moon in Taurus.

A great day for a haircut - it will favorably affect the structure of the hair, and on a metaphysical level it will have a good effect on your financial situation, attracting some new financial flows to you. Coloring is not forbidden, you can make a slight lightening, but it is better not to use unnatural shades. Any home treatments will be very effective.

September 2, Sunday, 22nd lunar day(until 22:18, later focus on the 23rd lunar day), Moon in Gemini.

Today, until 12:16, a classic haircut will turn out great, coloring in natural shades will be successful, any masks and rinses will give an excellent effect. After the indicated time, you can experiment with shape and color, make a creative haircut and fancy coloring, light curling, salon ionization, but home procedures will not bring any benefit.

September 3, Monday, 23rd lunar day(until 22:54, later focus on the 24th lunar day), 4th quarter, Moon in Gemini.

An extremely unfavorable day for a haircut - it is fraught with health problems and gossip about your person, loss of cheerfulness and long depressive states. You should also refrain from staining - it can cause an allergic reaction. Home treatments will not help, but will harm.

September 4, Tuesday, 24th lunar day(until 23:42, later focus on the 25th lunar day), Moon in Cancer.

Today, until 15:51, you can radically change your hairstyle and hair color, but it is better to refrain from home procedures. After the indicated time, it is worth getting a haircut only if you have worn long hair for a long time, and now you have decided on an ultra-short "hedgehog"; coloring is not forbidden; at home, it is recommended to make a firming mask based on blue clay, and medical procedures using algae extract will also give a good effect.

Today is another good day for getting rid of long hair and acquiring a super short hairstyle, in other cases it is better to postpone the haircut for a more favorable moment. But both primary and secondary staining will work out great, in addition, firming, therapeutic and preventive masks based on seafood will bring great benefits.

September 6, Thursday, 25th lunar day continues (until 0:43, later focus on the 26th lunar day), the Moon is in Leo.

In the remaining 43 minutes from the 25th lunar day, you can make a restorative mask or simply wash your hair and rinse your hair with mineral water.

September 7, Friday, 26th lunar day(until 1:58, later focus on the 27th lunar day), Moon in Leo.

On the 26th lunar day, which falls on September 6, in the morning and before 17:25 it is undesirable to get a haircut, you can color and carry out hair-strengthening procedures. After 17:25 on the 6th and on the 7th until 1:58, the haircut will be very successful, will have a good effect on your self-esteem, remove all superficial and increase vitality; for primary staining, it is recommended to use wheaten, golden and reddish shades or their harmonious combination, for example, in the sombre technique; excellent carving; At home, you should apply a vitamin mask.

September 8, Saturday, 27th lunar day(until 3:21, later focus on the 28th lunar day), Moon in Virgo.

A great day for a haircut - it will give you inspiration and a lot of interesting creative ideas, increase the love of others for your person and their admiration for you, and relieve accumulated aggression. Coloring will also be successful, you can make multi-color coloring. At home, a nourishing mask based on honey is recommended.

September 9, Sunday, 28th lunar day until 4:47, 29th lunar day (until 21:02, later focus on the 1st lunar day), New Moon, Moon in Virgo.

On the 28th lunar day, which falls on September 8, in the morning and before 17:53, you can make a radically new haircut, however, only if you are absolutely sure that you will be psychologically comfortable with it; coloring is not forbidden, but it is advisable to avoid gloomy shades; At home, you should apply a relaxing mask. After 17:53 on the 8th and on the 9th until 4:47 it is better not to change the usual shape of the haircut, and when coloring it is recommended to stick to the natural range, but any home procedures will give an amazing result. But after 4:47 and throughout the day, all hairdressing manipulations will have an extremely negative impact on the structure of the hair, and the haircut itself will also affect the course of your financial and social affairs.

September 10, Monday, 1st lunar day(until 6:15, later focus on the 2nd lunar day), Moon in Libra.

An unfavorable day for haircuts, coloring, home and salon procedures. Do not test new shampoos, balms, conditioners and, if possible, do not use styling products.

Second decade of September

September 11, Tuesday, 2nd lunar day(until 7:40, later focus on the 3rd lunar day), Moon in Libra.

This day is also not suitable for visiting a hairdresser, but from home care it is worth leaving only everyday procedures. But you can start choosing a future hairstyle using thematic magazines or websites, decide on a time that is convenient for you and favorable according to the lunar calendar to visit the salon, call there and make an appointment with the master.

September 12, Wednesday, 3rd lunar day(until 9:03, later focus on the 4th lunar day), Moon in Scorpio.

It is quite an auspicious day for a haircut - it will restore your peace of mind, help you get out of some controversial situations and make a decision that you do not dare to. True, it is worth avoiding asymmetry, and when staining - sharp contrasts and multi-color coloring. Home treatments will be useless.

September 13, Thursday, 4th lunar day(until 10:23, later focus on the 5th lunar day), Moon in Scorpio.

On the 4th lunar day, which falls on September 12, from 9:03 to 21:40, the haircut will be very successful, it will give you lightness and optimism, attract new allies to your side and strengthen your relationship with relatives; when staining, avoid contrasting combinations; home treatments will not bring benefits. After 21:40 on the 12th and on the 13th until 10:23, it’s worth getting a haircut only on the condition that everything is in order with your nervous system, staining is not forbidden, and masks and rinses are recommended to be postponed to a more favorable moment.

September 14, Friday, 5th lunar day(until 11:40, later focus on the 6th lunar day), Moon in Scorpio.

Today it is worth going to the hairdresser only if you do not have chronic stress, depression, neuroses, otherwise the problems will worsen. But even if everything is in order with the nerves, it is better not to radically change the usual haircut and hair color - you are unlikely to be comfortable with a new hairstyle. Home treatments will not bring benefits.

September 15, Saturday, 6th lunar day(until 12:52, later focus on the 7th lunar day), Moon in Sagittarius.

On the 6th lunar day, which falls on September 14, a haircut (in the presence of a healthy nervous system) will give you a lot of intuitive insights and “tell you” how to get out of some unpleasant situations with the least loss; when staining, avoid black and other gloomy shades, and transfer home procedures to a more favorable time. Directly on the 15th (from 3:47 to 12:52) you can make the haircut that seems most suitable for you at this stage of life, and multi-color coloring, however, while avoiding lightening and using hot scissors; at home, a mask based on dairy products is recommended.

September 16, Sunday, 7th lunar day(until 14:00, later focus on the 8th lunar day), Moon in Sagittarius.

A great day for bold experiments, creative haircuts, fantasy coloring. At home, it is recommended to make a nourishing mask with the addition of fatty components, such as olive or peach oil, but chicken eggs when caring for hair, it is better not to use.

September 17, Monday, 8th lunar day(until 15:00, later focus on the 9th lunar day), 1st quarter, Moon in Capricorn.

On the 8th lunar day, which falls on September 16, a haircut will renew your energy and push you to some creative actions, coloring will add color to your existence, and a nourishing mask based on honey and lemon will have a good effect on the hair structure. Directly on the 17th, throughout the day, you should refrain from any hairdressing manipulations.

September 18, Tuesday, 9th lunar day(until 15:52, later focus on the 10th lunar day), Moon in Capricorn.

An extremely unfavorable day for a haircut - it will negatively affect the structure of the hair, and on a metaphysical level it will provoke dependence on influential people and on some extremely cramped circumstances. Coloring and home treatments will also harm the hair.

September 19, Wednesday, 10th lunar day(until 16:35, later focus on the 11th lunar day), Moon in Capricorn.

Not a good day for a haircut, but quite favorable for primary and secondary coloring, for firming masks based on white clay, for head massage and washing with bread or egg yolk.

September 20, Thursday, 11th lunar day(until 17:10, later focus on the 12th lunar day), Moon in Aquarius.

On the 11th lunar day, which falls on September 19, it is not recommended to cut your hair; you can make a coloring and a nourishing mask based on fruit or vegetable purees. Directly on the 20th, the haircut will be very successful, it will help you feel inner freedom and decide on a sharp deliverance from what has long ceased to suit you; coloring should be approached creatively; in the salon you can try innovative procedures, but homemade masks will not give any effect.

Third decade of September

September 21, Friday, 12th lunar day(until 17:38, later focus on the 13th lunar day), Moon in Aquarius.

A great day for a haircut - it will give you inspiration and some interesting ideas associated with new inventions will attract love to you, help strengthen amorous and business partnerships. Coloring is not forbidden, the main thing is that it should not be banal. Home treatments will not bring benefits.

September 22, Saturday, 13th lunar day(until 18:01, later focus on the 14th lunar day), Moon in Pisces.

On the 13th lunar day, which falls on September 21, and on the 22nd until 15:03, the haircut will turn out very well, and on a metaphysical level it will help you escape from some cramped and extremely annoying circumstances; when staining, it is recommended to use only proven dyes; it is better to postpone home procedures for a more favorable moment. But after 15:03, you should not cut your hair and paint, but purchased moisturizing and not very intense therapeutic masks will give an excellent effect.

September 23, Sunday, 14th lunar day(until 18:21, later focus on the 15th lunar day), Moon in Pisces.

An unfavorable day for haircuts, coloring and salon procedures. But applying a regenerating mask purchased in a store will give an excellent result.

September 26, Wednesday, 17th lunar day(until 19:14, later focus on the 18th lunar day), Moon in Aries.

This day is also not suitable for hairdressing manipulations and for using a hair dryer, styler, alcohol-containing styling products.

September 27, Thursday, 18th lunar day(until 19:32, later focus on the 19th lunar day), Moon in Taurus.

On the 18th lunar day, which falls on September 26, and on the 27th until 11:23 am, the recommendations given for the 17th lunar day are relevant. But after 11:23 and before 19:32, a haircut will not only turn out great, but will also have a very beneficial effect on your relationships with others and on your financial situation. Coloring will also be successful, but it is better not to do it with two colors, just as you should not use unnatural shades. Any home treatments will be very effective.

September 28, Friday, 19th lunar day(until 19:54, later focus on the 20th lunar day), Moon in Taurus.

A categorically unfavorable day for a haircut - it will harm the hair, general well-being, the flow of financial affairs and relationships with relatives. Coloring and home treatments are also not recommended.

September 29, Saturday, 20th lunar day(until 20:20, later focus on the 21st lunar day), Moon in Gemini.

Today, until 16:36, you should give preference to a classic haircut and natural shades when coloring; any home procedures will give an excellent result. After the indicated time, you can experiment with shape and color, while it is better to choose a hairstyle that does not require long styling and a large number of styling products; additional hair care will not bring benefits.

September 30, Sunday, 21st lunar day(until 20:53, later focus on the 22nd lunar day), Moon in Gemini.

Perfect day for a visit to the salon. You can radically change your hairstyle, make fantasy coloring. The very process of cutting will save you from the accumulated negative energy, will give you lightness and good mood, help you become more sociable and active. In the salon, it is recommended to do ionization, while home procedures will be ineffective.

Many people wonder why having a haircut at the beginning of the month, the hair stays for a long time, and visiting the hairdresser at the end of the month, the hair grows back very quickly. The answer to this question is obvious. It's all about the position of the moon. Sometimes hair slows down its growth, while sometimes, on the contrary, it grows back slowly. In the article we will talk about what the lunar haircut calendar is and consider when it is better to visit the master in September 2018.

When is the best time to cut your hair in September 2018

Suitable numbers for shearing in the first autumn month:

  • 16-19;
  • 27-30.

The article describes the exact dates when you can get a haircut. Even if you are very superstitious, try to choose a favorable date and follow your life, perhaps you will meet love, improve your financial situation or get rid of an illness.

  • 1, 19 September. Favorable period, getting rid of shocks of hair, you can get a large amount of money, and quite unexpectedly for you. And after visiting the stylist, you will notice that your hair has become strong, and over time it will stop splitting.
  • September 2, 8, 21, 27, 29. A few more favorable days for a haircut, after which the woman will look younger before her eyes. In a new way, you will attract people to your persona like a magnet. Hair will grow back quickly, this period is suitable for those people who want to change their style regularly. A visit to the hairdresser will have a positive effect on your nervous and respiratory systems. On the same day, you can cut the child's hair.
  • 3, 11 September. On these days, it is generally better to stay at home, and going to the hairdresser will bring misfortune and illness. Also, an appointment with the master can encourage you to waste money. But if you still do a haircut, then the hairs will grow back quickly.
  • 4. 09. You should not cut your hair, if you want to visit a hairdresser, then do the following procedures: styling, hairstyle correction. Cutting your curls will make you a confused person.
  • 6.7, 16 September. This is the right period for a haircut that will make you happy. Writing to the master will change your life for the better. But you should be careful with chemical procedures that can spoil the condition of the hair.
  • 9. 09. 2018. You should not go to the salon for a haircut, especially if there is a grand event ahead. Changing your hairstyle when the moon is in Virgo can lead you astray and bring you a lot of trouble. However, other procedures with curls are favorable, the hair will become lush, healthy and strong.
  • 10.09.18 It is necessary to avoid communicating with people, and therefore all salon procedures are contraindicated if you do not want quarrels.
  • 12, 23 September. It is not recommended to make an appointment with the master, as women often develop fears after a hairdresser, they are afraid to be alone and lose an important person for themselves. And even more so, the state of the curls will not change.
  • 13.09. The right period to radically change your appearance, especially if you are in need of money. But the moon is in scorpio, and therefore there is a risk only to suffocate your life.
  • 14. 09. 18. A negative day, if you visit the master on this day, you can bring illness and a series of troubles to your house. You can be depressed for a long time.
  • 15, 24 September. If you visit a hairdresser today, you can attract enemies.
  • 17. 09. 2018. It is better to spend the day at home so as not to attract negativity. The right time for cleansing procedures. But, however, on this day the hair will become strong and stop splitting.
  • September 18, 22. This is the right time for any salon procedure. If you visit the master, then your luck will increase several times. The curls will grow rapidly and stop splitting.
  • 20. 09. These days are not at all suitable for changing the image in order to avoid negative situations. If you are satisfied with your life, then you should refuse to visit the master.
  • 25. 09. 18. Refrain from cutting, it will attract disease and deterioration of your hair.
  • 26. 09. 2018 Refuse to visit the master, as the risk of theft of your property is high. If you go to the hairdresser, the condition of the hair may worsen
  • 28.09. Do not get rid of your hair, no matter how long it is, so as not to attract poverty into your home, both materially and spiritually.
  • 30.09.18 The time is right, especially if there is a grand event ahead. You can achieve any goals and attract cash flows.

The most inappropriate numbers for a female haircut can be called:

  • 14.09. (Friday);
  • 23.09. (Sunday);
  • 24.09. 2018 (Monday);
  • 26.09. 18y. (Wednesday).

These days of the week are not suitable for changing the image. When you want love from the opposite sex and wealth these days, you need to bypass beauty salons.

The influence of the phase of the moon on hair cutting

The phases of the moon affect the growth of curls very strongly. In order for the curls to grow quickly, and to be able to change hairstyles regularly, visit the master on the growing moon in 1 or 2 quarters. But if you do not want curls to grow instantly, you need to schedule a visit to the hairdresser on the waning moon.

The article describes favorable days for cutting hair in September 2018. If you want to improve your financial situation and health, then you should make an appointment with the master only on a good day, when you can strengthen the condition of your curls. According to the oracle, you can cut not only adults, but also cut children to bring happiness to your home.