Where to get the strength to live the energy. Human energy, or where to get vitality

Where to get the energy to live well, many people ask themselves this question. How many brilliant ideas did not come true and how many goals were not achieved for one single reason - lack of energy.

What does a lack of vital energy lead to?

Physical fatigue, frequent ailments, depressed depressed mood, a secluded lifestyle, unwillingness to act and start important business, avoidance of society and communication with other people - this is a small list of the most common consequences of a lack of vitality and strength.

Energy for a person is like gasoline for a car. No matter what the latest model of the car is, no matter how powerful the engine is, but, you see, without gasoline, the car will not move a centimeter.

The same is true with a person. No matter how talented and knowledgeable he was, but if there is no strength, then dreams remain dreams, and goals are never achieved.

However, many people often overlook this detail, mistakenly looking for the reasons for their inaction and failures in the lack of motivation, laziness, etc.

We will talk about where to get the energy to rush at maximum speed towards your goals and dreams, while feeling full of strength, energy and motivation in this article.

Applying these tips in practice, you will significantly improve your physical condition, restore strength, feel a surge of new energy and motivation.

1. Maintain your circadian rhythm.

When a person is in tune with natural cycles, he feels strength, inner harmony. Therefore, it is important to get up at 5-6 o'clock in the morning and go to bed no later than 22:00. Then a person gets enough sleep, quickly restores strength and feels full of energy.

2. Do any sport.

To keep your body in good shape, you need to give complex systematic loads to your body. Swimming solves these issues very well.

3. Take care of the organization of your workspace.

Since a person devotes most of his time to work, it is very important to properly organize your workplace. The room in which a person works must be well ventilated and contain a lot of sunlight. This contributes to a better saturation of the body with oxygen and a good mood of a person.

4. Feed yourself with positive emotions.

Smile and laugh more often. Laughter improves blood circulation and fills you with positive energy.

5. Reduce, and best of all, reduce to 0 the amount of coffee and various energy drinks consumed. They only create the illusion of a surge of strength, but in fact they greatly deplete the body.

6. Take more walks in the fresh air.

Slow conscious walking has a very beneficial effect on the energy state of a person. During such walks, a person removes the accumulated negative energy and nourishes his body with new strength and pure energy.

7. Stick to the right daily routine.

Planning your working day will allow you to get away from chaos and confusion, which will help you avoid extra costs energy.

8. Take care of a balanced healthy diet.

Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. Drink a lot clean water, namely water, and not tea, juice and other drinks. Don't overeat. Eat fractionally and in small portions, as the body spends a huge amount of energy on digesting food.

9. Dream big and get inspired.

Connect with people who inspire and motivate you. Set your desired true goals, dream and do not limit yourself. This will provide you with positive motivation, additional strength and purpose.

10. Develop a positive mindset.

A person's thinking can fill him with strength and energy, can contribute to the achievement of his goals, or, on the contrary, can be a debilitating factor.

Thoughts like "I can't", "I can't do it", "I'm a failure", etc. deprive and constrain your actions. Keep track of your thoughts, and if you come across a limiting belief, then replace it with a positive statement. This will give you strength and confidence in yourself.

11. Do breathing practices.

Breathing is a powerful yet simple way to influence our lives.

Understanding the structure of breathing and knowing SOME SECRETS, in addition to a powerful tool for development, can also provide us with effective method restore vitality and improve well-being.

Not so long ago, I was lucky to meet Vladimir Trifonov, an expert in the field of human system development. For more than 6 years he has professionally helped people improve themselves, achieve: success in personal growth, harmony and prosperity in life. Conducts trainings, master classes, consults on the topics of personal effectiveness and human well-being.

Thanks to his many years of experience, Vladimir has created a unique technique.

It is called "Breath of Life" - this is a technique quick recovery strength, health and work of internal organs of a person without the use of medicines. The uniqueness of the technique lies in its simplicity and the use of natural processes for restoring health and vitality.

In the course of communication with Vladimir, I found out that for several years he had been looking for an effective solution to the problem - how to lead an active lifestyle, achieve your goals and at the same time be constantly in good mood filled with vitality and health.

Studying different methods of increasing vitality, he practiced and experimented a lot. As a result, a simple and effective technique was born "Breath of Life", which allows you to restore your vitality in a short time and get rid of the above problems.

Vladimir held a special master class in which he demonstrates this technique. The master class is called "Breath of Life" A technique for quickly restoring strength, health and functioning of human internal organs without the use of medications.

This is more than 1.5 hours of practical step-by-step information on how to access an inexhaustible source of vital energy, which can be used completely free of charge and at any time of the day.

Whatever you do, you can restore your strength, increase your energy tone and strengthen your health. You can also restore your internal organs and prolong your life.

Where to get vital energy?

Armed with this assistant, you will never again have problems with:

Lack of strength.

Lack of vitality.

Decreased motivation.

An ever growing sense of disappointment.

Deterioration of health.

Sudden mood swings.

Excruciatingly long stay in a depressed, depressive state.

Bouts of self-doubt.

The emergence of feelings of inferiority.

Influxes of irresistible laziness and drowsiness.

You can learn more about the Breath of Life technique:

Follow all these tips, and the question of where to get energy will no longer arise before you.

Be healthy, full of strength and happy!

Are you tired of constantly feeling tired? Wondering why you feel sluggish all day long and dream of being full of energy all day long and more? Here are some simple but important tips how to be the master of your own day.


Get energized with food

    Even if you are not hungry, do not forget about breakfast. In terms of energy, breakfast is perhaps the most important meal of the day. It kicks off the metabolism and is probably the most important meal of the day. Breakfast charges you for the rest of the day. Scientists have even found that eating a small amount of cereal for breakfast is associated with lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

    • If you're worried about weight, don't skip breakfast. It is better to stick to the following plan: a full breakfast, a smaller portion for lunch, and something to snack on for dinner. For people who are trying to lose weight, it is much better to eat well in the morning than in the evening.
  1. Eat every 4 hours to avoid blood sugar spikes. If you eat large portions 3 times a day with an interval of 5-6 hours, this will require a lot of energy, which will cause your blood sugar to rise and then fall. It is necessary to strive to ensure that the level of sugar in the blood does not jump up and down, but stays at the same level throughout the day.

    • Eat foods that will keep you going. Every time you eat something, try to choose carbohydrates (preferably complex), protein, or healthy fats (omega-3s, monounsaturated, etc.). These foods will help you not feel hungry an hour or two after eating.
    • Eat the same amount of food every 3-4 hours, or eat smaller meals and have healthy snacks in between. Examples healthy food, energizing can be:
      • nuts
      • Olives
      • Yogurt
      • Fresh fruits
      • Legumes
  2. Don't get too carried away with caffeine in the afternoon. Just because a small amount is good doesn't mean that a lot is better. You can ask a person who consumes too much caffeine and then can't fall asleep at the normal time in the evening. Your upper limit should be 200-300 mg of caffeine, otherwise you will not be able to sleep at night, and in the morning you will not be able to get out of bed.

    Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Doctors and scientists agree that adequate water intake is a key component of overall health and feeling of energy throughout the day, although there is some disagreement about exactly how much water is needed.

    Include more fiber in your diet. Fiber releases energy slowly and gradually, unlike, for example, simple carbohydrates, which provide your body with quick energy. Here are some of the foods that are rich in fiber:

    Include plenty of healthy fats in your diet. People are afraid of fat, and sometimes these fears are well founded. But not all fats are the same. Monounsaturated fats, and especially omega-3 fats, can be beneficial and are high in energy. Omega-3 fatty acids found in nuts, fish and certain varieties vegetable oil(rapeseed oil) will help you maintain mental clarity and also make your diet healthier.

    Recharge your energy while you sleep

    1. Turn off bright lights and TV after 8 pm. Bright light can interfere with the normal production of melatonin, which sends our body a signal when it's time to go to sleep (and help us fall asleep). Reducing light exposure a few hours before bed will help you fall asleep and sleep better at night.

      • Dim the lights an hour before you go to bed. Invest in a dimmer if you don't already have one. Subdued lighting will help your body start producing melatonin and thus help you fall asleep earlier.
      • Turn off the bright computer monitors and turn off the TV at 8pm. If you find it difficult to fall asleep early in the evening, bright computer monitors and television screens are your enemy. If you must remain connected to your computer, try lowering your screen brightness so that the light exposure is not as strong.
    2. Don't look at the alarm. Keeping an eye on your alarm clock and how much time is left before it rings and what time it is, can create unnecessary stress and prevent you from falling asleep. Sometimes the harder you try to sleep, the harder it is for you to do so.

      • Solution: turn the alarm clock away from you. Or better yet, put your alarm on the other side of the room so you can't see it and have to get out of bed to turn it off in the morning.
    3. Try sleeping alone. For those who love to sleep cuddling with their partner, the consequences can be devastating: studies have shown that people who sleep in the same bed with their partners are more likely to wake up at night, experience discomfort and sleep less soundly. If you suffer from chronic fatigue, talk to your partner about sleeping separately at least a few nights a week.

      Don't drink alcoholic beverages before bed. Studies show that people who drink alcoholic drink before going to bed are more likely to wake up at night when the body has finished processing alcohol. When you are sober, your parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) lowers your heart rate and promotes restful sleep. When the body processes alcohol, the sympathetic nervous system does not hand over the reins to the parasympathetic nervous system and it makes you more tired than you might be if you slept normally.

      If you can't sleep, stop trying and take a break. If you've been trying to sleep for 15 minutes and can't, get out of bed and read, pee, or do something else to calm you down. Remember: no bright computer or TV screens! When you can't sleep and try very hard to do so, the stress you experience can end up preventing you from falling asleep for longer. Do something else, and then try to sleep again.

      Lower the temperature in the room. Cool temperatures help you sleep better. This is because the cool temperature also lowers the body temperature, causing drowsiness.

    Ways to get in shape

      splash your face a little cold water. May also help to take a shower. A little cold water on the face - good way cheer up than people have been using for a long time. This is water therapy at its most effective.

      Put on nice clothes. Wearing pajamas, a sweater, or a birthday suit all day sends a signal to your body to relax. If you are dressed in more “decent” clothes, then vice versa - it kind of tells you that there are things to do, there are people to meet and happiness to be found. We all know how comfortable indoor clothes can be, but when it's time to get out of bed and get to work, these clothes are not conducive to activity, as much as you would like.

    1. Let your negative emotions out. People who are tormented by some kind of problems often keep everything inside for the most different reasons: They don't want to disturb other people, they are afraid of being judged, or they just feel like they don't have time for it. The inability and inability to find an emotional outlet for your problems can take away your energy.

      • Talk to one of your close friends. Trust someone close. Tell me what's on your mind. Believe that the person you confide your problems to wants the best for you and wants to not only listen to you, but also help. Getting rid of anxiety in this way, you may lower your stress levels and become more energetic.
      • Write down your feelings in a journal every day. If you think you don't have someone you can confide in, a diary might be the perfect replacement. Write down your feelings, hopes, aspirations. Just by writing them down on paper, you can feel amazing relaxation and calm.
      • Lead healthy lifestyle life. This will give you more energy and help you feel good.
      • To energize yourself in the morning, take up jumping jacks or other cardio exercises that increase your heart rate and help deliver oxygen to your organs.

When it comes to important tasks, whether it's studying at a university, completing a significant project, or just a current job, we often talk about knowledge, skills, motivation, and productivity, but we underestimate energy reserves. However, even the most educated and motivated people fail to get things done if they lack energy.

Where to get strength, if they are running out, and where to recharge your internal "batteries" - "Easy Useful" will tell.

Secret #1: Reduce Stress

The more tasks and areas of responsibility we have, the more excitement and stress. Studies show that there is a direct relationship between stress and fatigue, as experiences literally suck energy out of us.

When you're stressed, breaks, rest, and even sleep fail to rejuvenate you, and you return to work just as tired. Of course, productivity in such cases is reduced. So, if stress cannot be compensated by rest, then the solution is to minimize the amount of stress in your life. Sources of tension and unrest can be unfinished projects or "toxic" people in your environment.

Every time you feel anxious about something, consider whether it is even worth spending time on this person or this situation. It may be wiser to forego projects, side jobs, or even relationships if they deprive you of the strength you need to do more important things.

Secret #2: Get enough sleep

If you sleep little or poorly, you will feel tired all day. Mood swings, inability to focus on work or study are just some of the consequences of lack of sleep.

How many hours do you need to sleep? They say that eight, but in fact it is individual for everyone: someone needs six, and someone needs all nine. Most likely, you yourself know your minimum that you need to get a good night's sleep.

But what if, even after a busy day, you have difficulty falling asleep, and then wake up several times and cannot fall asleep again? To prevent this from happening, try to improve sleep:

  • go to bed and get up at the same time;
  • do not drink coffee, tea and other tonic drinks in the afternoon, and even better - give them up completely;
  • 2 hours before bedtime, put aside gadgets and turn off the TV;
  • sleep in a cool, well-ventilated room;
  • master meditation techniques and learn to clear your mind of thoughts that keep you awake.

Secret #3: Exercise

Regular physical activity, whether it's exercising, playing volleyball with friends or jogging in the morning, improves mood, improves health and energizes. People who lead an active lifestyle have better heart and lung function and more efficient oxygenation of the blood, which gives the feeling of "wings behind the back." Conversely, constant oxygen starvation leads to apathy and loss of strength. In addition, exercise and other types of physical activity help to discipline yourself, which is also one of the components of success.

If you still can’t motivate yourself to exercise or run, start with walking or cycling. Choose any type of activity, the main thing is to do it regularly, at least half an hour a day. Over time, this will become a habit, and you will see positive results.

Secret #4: Eat Right

Food gives us energy, but sweets and fast food cause a jump in blood sugar: first you feel a surge of energy, and then apathy and drowsiness. At the same time, a diet consisting of processed foods and other unhealthy foods is poor in vitamins, which will sooner or later lead to a decrease in immunity and a deterioration in well-being.

Pay attention to what you eat and replace unhealthy foods with healthy ones. For example, greens contain antioxidants and provide energy, while protein-rich foods such as beans, nuts or mushrooms help stabilize blood sugar levels and give the body “fuel” for several hours ahead. As a result, you stay full longer, keep working and think about the case, and not about the fact that it would be good to chew something.

Secret #5: Do what you love

It's hard to stay enthusiastic and full of energy if you're doing an unpleasant job. And vice versa, there will always be strength for your favorite business. Does it make sense to give precious years of life to a job you hate, even if the salary suits you? Now there are many opportunities to try yourself in different areas and with no less salary.

True success lies in doing what you love. Find your life's work and give it your all. Overcome difficulties while maintaining faith in your strengths.

If you have a worthy goal, do everything so that you have enough energy to achieve it. Get rid of stressors, get enough sleep, exercise, eat healthy food and do what you love. And then your “battery” will always be 100% charged!

Have you ever wondered why some people's energy is in full swing, they are full of health and happiness, their efficiency goes off scale, while for others life is filled with gray incessant everyday life and illnesses from which they cannot get out? Where can you find the strength to make positive changes in your life?

First you need to look at yourself and try to figure out where the life forces go.

  • negative emotions
    Life energy is everything around us, including ourselves, our thoughts and words. Often criticizing, condemning, blaming everyone around, accumulating insults, we reduce the level of our vitality by several times. Constant thoughts about work, boss, colleagues, “scrolling” in the head of various conflict situations also release our energy from us, like air from a balloon.
  • Overload
    It happens that the general tension of the body is accompanied by a refusal to sleep, and, being in a stressful state, it begins to absorb all energy reserves.
  • Lack of favorite things
    If a person does not have a favorite pastime, an outlet that brings pleasure, he loses the opportunity to draw vitality from himself even in difficult moments.

At the same time, there are a lot of sources from which a person can draw his life energy and share it with others.

  • On the physical level these are the basics of all the basics: healthy sleep, proper nutrition, physical exercises, rejection of bad habits. Proper use of each source solves half the problems and creates the basis for positive changes.
  • On a spiritual and emotional level this is work with thoughts, feelings, emotions, because mental energy has an order of magnitude higher power than physical energy. To support her:

1. Connect with like-minded people

Communication with like-minded people charges and gives strength. Sometimes you can even just be silent with such people and still feel how they give a good mood.

2. Bring creativity into your life

Everything that you put a particle of your soul into has a colossal energy charge. Even if you don't seem to be a creative person, try to start small - "visualize the good": hang a motivating picture above your workplace that will inspire you every day.

3. Learn to relax

Do not accumulate stress in yourself, learn to get rid of it. Meditations, spiritual practices are designed to give strength to a person and help him find himself.

4. Study yourself

Ask yourself some questions, such as: what do I want, what do I like, what will I leave behind, what do I have, what am I proud of. Even the questions themselves change a person's consciousness in the right direction. New knowledge about oneself can give impetus to positive changes.

In this topic, we touched on the basic knowledge that is known to almost every person. But knowing is not enough, you must be able to apply this knowledge and do it every day, regularly, even if a little bit, but move towards replenishing your vital energy.

Lack of energy is the first sign of approaching misfortunes and illnesses. Ayurveda says that if a person advances in the spiritual life, then this should be seen by two signs:

1. A person becomes happier and happier every day.
2. His relationships with other people are improving.

When do we receive subtle energy?

We receive subtle energy when:
- starving
- doing breathing exercises
- seclude
We take a vow of silence for a while.
- we walk (or just stay) along the seashore, in the mountains, contemplate the beautiful landscapes of nature,
- engage in unselfish creativity,
– we praise a worthy person, for his sublime qualities and deeds,
- laugh, rejoice, smile from the heart,
- selflessly helping someone,
- showing modesty
- pray before eating
- we eat foods full of prana (vital energy) - natural cereals, cereals, ghee, honey, fruits, vegetables,
proper sleep
- we get a session of a good massage, from a harmonious personality. Or we do self-massage.
- we pour cold water over ourselves, especially in the mornings and the strongest effect is if we stand barefoot on the ground.
We donate our time, money...
We see God's will behind everything.

When do we lose energy?

Loss of energy is caused by:
- despondency, dissatisfaction with fate, regret about the past and fear, rejection of the future,
- setting and pursuing selfish goals,
- aimless existence
- resentment
- binge eating,
- uncontrolled wandering of the mind, inability to concentrate.
– when we eat fried or old food, food cooked by a person in anger or other negative emotions, when using a microwave oven, food containing preservatives, chemical additives, grown in artificial conditions, using chemical fertilizers,
- eating food devoid of prana - coffee, black tea, white sugar, white flour, meat, alcohol,
- food in a hurry and on the go,
- smoking,
- empty talk
wrong breathing, for example, too frequent and deep,
- being under the direct rays of the Sun, from 12 to 4 days, especially in the desert,
- promiscuity, sex without love for a partner,
– excessive sleep, sleep after 7 am, lack of sleep,
- Tension of the mind and body
- greed and greed.

Eastern psychology consists of 50% pranayama - the theory and practice of certain breathing techniques that allow a person to be always filled life force(Prana).

According to modern enlightened yoga teachers, we can gain Prana through:

1. Earth element: eating natural food, living in nature, contemplating trees, walking barefoot on the ground. Recently, I talked with a very famous Ayurvedic doctor who defended his dissertation in medicine, he argued that if a person begins to live in nature, away from big cities that force him to ride the subway, walk on asphalt, then such a person quickly recovers immunity and he begins to live a healthy life.
2. Element of water: drink water from wells or streams. Swim in a river or sea. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages.
3. The element of fire: being in the sun and eating food containing sunlight.
4. The element of air: this is the most important element of obtaining Prana through the inhalation of pure air, especially in the mountains, in the forest and on the seashore. Smoking and being in crowded places deprives a person of prana.
5. Ether element: cultivating positive thinking, kindness, good mood.

And this level is considered basic. For even if a person lives in nature and eats right, but at the same time he walks irritated and angry, then on the contrary, an excess of Prana will destroy him even faster. On the other hand, a harmonious person, that is, good-natured, fearless, can last quite a long time in the city if he is forced to live there. But even such a person needs to monitor nutrition and periodically “break out” into nature.

Every second we have a choice - to shine on the world, to bring good and happiness to others with our lives, to smile, to take care of others, to serve disinterestedly, to sacrifice, to restrain lower impulses, to see a Teacher in every person, in every situation to see the Divine providence that created this situation. in order to teach us something, to thank.

Or make claims, be offended, complain, envy, walk with a wedge-shaped expression on your face, immerse yourself in your problems, earn money in order to spend it on sense gratification, show aggression. In this case, no matter how much money a person has, he will be unhappy and gloomy. And every day there will be less and less energy. And in order to take it somewhere, artificial stimulants will be needed: coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, nightclubs, showdown with someone. All this gives rise at first, but in the end leads to complete destruction.

A simple regular question to yourself: do I light the world or absorb the light? It can quickly change the course of our thoughts and therefore actions. And quickly turn our life into a beautiful bright glow full of love. And then the questions of where to get the energy no longer arise.

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