Roosevelt leadership qualities presentation. Presentation on the topic "Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Four times President of the United States

MBOU Bogoroditskaya secondary school

Solodkova N.T.


  • Franklin Roosevelt was born January 30, 1882 in a rich and respectable family James Roosevelt. Roosevelt's father owned the Hyde Park estate on the Hudson River and substantial stakes in a number of coal and transport companies. Roosevelt's mother Sarah Delano, also belonged to the local aristocracy.


  • Before 14 Roosevelt was educated at home for years.
  • 1896-99 he went to one of the best privileged schools in Groton.
  • 1900-04 Roosevelt continued his education at Harvard University, where he received a bachelor's degree.
  • AT 1905-07 he attended Columbia Law School and qualified to practice as a lawyer, starting at a well-established Wall Street law firm.

Carier start

  • AT 1910 Roosevelt accepted an offer from the US Democratic Party to run as a senator for the New York state legislature and won.
  • In the presidential election campaign 1912 he actively supported Democrat T. W. Wilson.
  • In the administration of President Wilson, Roosevelt was offered the post of Assistant Secretary of the Navy.

Carier start

  • AT 1913 Roosevelt moved to Washington.
  • He advocated a strengthened navy, strengthened US defenses, a strong presidency, and an active foreign policy.
  • in 1928 he was elected governor of the economically and politically influential state of New York, which opened the way to the White House.

Beginning of presidential career

AT 1932 Roosevelt won an impressive victory over H. Hoover, who failed to lead the country out of the economic crisis of 1929-33 (the "Great Depression").

Roosevelt proposes

"New Deal"


A year before his first victorious election, he suffered from polio. Disability did not prevent Roosevelt from setting an absolute record for the number of presidential elections won - 4. In 1932 voted for Roosevelt 57,42% voters, in 1936 - 60.8%, in 1940 - 54.74% , in 1944 - 53.39%. Of the 531 electors in 1932, 472 voted for him, in 1936 - 523, in 1940 - 449, in 1944 - 432.


all banks are closed

allowed to work and receive loans to large

banks 15 out of 25 thousand

abolition of the dollar gold standard

established state control over gold

bank deposit insurance introduced

New Deal policy of President F. Roosevelt


National Administration for Industrial Sanitation

1933. - repeal of dry law

adopted a law on the restoration of industry- entrepreneurs are required to comply

"Codes of fair competition", those. agree

on the volume of production

the price of the goods,


length of the working week,

sales markets

control enforcing the "codes" of the federal government

New Deal policy of President F. Roosevelt


Agricultural Regulatory Administration

introduced a law on the restoration of agriculture

farmers were remunerated

for the reduction of acreage and livestock


6 million pigs,

10 thousand peach trees,

10 million acres of cotton, etc.

New Deal policy of President F. Roosevelt

Social programs

Public Works Administration established

help for the unemployed

payments in 1933 amounted to 3.3 million dollars, and in 1935 – 4.9 million

created a system of labor camps

(they include 2.5-3 million people, that is, 15-20% of the unemployed)

for young people: full state support, salary 30 dollars, 25 to send to the family

established state system assistance to widows, orphans, the disabled,

insurance for the unemployed and pensioners

providing for the right of workers to strike,


and introduced state regulation of the system of labor relations

New Deal policy of President F. Roosevelt

Negative aspects of the New Deal:

  • devastation small banks (only large ones were supported)
  • weak companies were pushed out from sales markets by large monopolies
  • bankruptcy small farmers

AT 1933 . managed to get out of the crisis .

Economic recovery and the struggle of workers for their rights

led the government to realize the need for social reforms .

In addition to the welfare laws and Wagner:

tax reform launched

(increased tax rates on excess profits, inheritance, donations);

expanded system of public works.

New Deal policy of President F. Roosevelt

1937-1938- a new economic crisis.

Continued New Deal Reforms

Fair Labor Act

New law passed

about agriculture

The goal is to preserve soil fertility

Government established

payment of compensation to farmers

minimum hourly wage

length of the work week

prohibition of child labor

for gentle land use

Expansion of public works

New Deal policy of President F. Roosevelt

AT 1939 New Deal reforms have been abandoned.

Implemented reforms are consolidated

Meaning of the "New Deal"

Economic crisis overcome ,

but throughout the thirties the stagnation of the economy continued.

More significant social reforms :

the state is the guarantor of social security;

further development of liberal democracy,

expansion of the rights of citizens;

government intervention in the economy in the form of liberal reformism

  • In early 1941, the President signed the Lend-Lease Act. It extended to the USSR, which was granted an interest-free loan in the amount of $1 billion.
  • Roosevelt sought to limit himself to arms deliveries as long as possible and to avoid large-scale US involvement in a European war as much as possible. At the same time, under the slogan of "active defense" since the autumn of 1941, an "undeclared war" with Germany was going on in the Atlantic.

Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill at the Tehran Conference

  • On the Tehran Conference nations of the "Big Three" (1943) Roosevelt did not support

W. Churchill, who avoided resolving specific issues about opening a second front.

  • April 12, 1945 Roosevelt, who was in the resort of Warm Springs (Georgia), died of a cerebral hemorrhage.

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Presentation slides

slide 1

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Completed by: Krivopusk Irina Pupil of the 11th grade of the Municipal Educational Institution “TSSh No. A.S. Pushkin, Tiraspol History teacher: Tidva O.I.

slide 2

Franklin Delano Roosevelt The future president was born into the wealthy and respectable family of James Roosevelt, whose ancestors emigrated from Holland to New Amsterdam in the 1740s. Roosevelt's father owned the Hyde Park estates on the Hudson River and substantial stakes in a number of coal and transportation companies. Roosevelt's mother, Sarah Delano, also belonged to the local aristocracy.

slide 3

slide 4

slide 5

First presidency

Roosevelt received an overwhelming majority in the 1933 presidential election. 22.8 million people voted for him (H. Hoover 15.7 million). He became the 32nd President of the United States.

slide 6

The First Presidency As he took office on a cold, overcast day on March 4, 1933, at the walls of the Capitol in front of 100,000 assembled, Roosevelt addressed his American friends with the words: “The time has come to tell the truth, the whole truth frankly and boldly. Nor should we shy away from an honest assessment of the situation in which our country is today ... The only thing we should be afraid of is fear itself, a reckless, faceless, unjustified horror that paralyzes the efforts necessary to turn a retreat into an offensive. Roosevelt urged Americans to act immediately, to gain a sense of interdependence from each other. You can't just take, you have to give.

Slide 7

First Presidency The country experienced the deepest and largest economic crisis in its history. By the time Roosevelt officially took office, banking and financial system The USA has suffered a complete collapse. Banks could not function normally, and the governors of almost all states announced their closure.

Slide 8

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Roosevelt's New Deal The New Deal's economic programs were pushed through Congress during Roosevelt's first term in 1933-1936. Their goal was to alleviate the situation of the unemployed, restore the economy and reform the financial system in order to prevent a repeat of the Great Depression.

Roosevelt, according to the New Deal, covered almost all spheres of public life, his reforms were as follows: the stabilization of the monetary system, reforms in agriculture, the fight against unemployment, industrial recovery laws, labor laws, pension funds, housing construction.

slide 11

Second presidency 1936 presidential election again The New Deal corrected the situation: 8 million people got jobs. Index industrial production rose from 58 points in 1932 to 101 points in 1934. The volume of social insurance amounted to 3 billion dollars, the national income increased by 30 percent.

slide 12

Second presidency The second term was marked by a decline in production in the spring of 1938. Fireside speeches featured new topics: measures to stabilize the economy, fair labor standards, helping the unemployed, keeping government spending on public works, expanding bank loan and others.

slide 13

The third presidency of 1941-1942 became a milestone in the domestic and foreign policy of the United States. In connection with the entry of the United States into the war, an extensive restructuring of the economy began in the direction of the development of defense industries. The state financed the construction of military factories, allocated funds to the private sector for the conclusion of military contracts. A mechanism for managing the mobilization program was created.

Slide 14

The President was already considering his speech at the upcoming UN meeting. "The world we are building, Roosevelt noted, must be a world based on the joint efforts of all countries...". The Crimean Conference "is called upon to mark the end of the system of unilateral actions, closed blocs, spheres of influence, balance of power and all other similar methods that have been used for centuries and always unsuccessfully...".

Fourth Presidency In 1944, Roosevelt agreed to run for president for a fourth term. The commander-in-chief could not leave his army and implement the idea of ​​creating the United Nations after the war.

slide 15

After months of hard work, Roosevelt decided to take a break at his beloved Warm Spring. There, on a sunny and warm day on April 12, 1945, he died of a cerebral hemorrhage. Following his will, Roosevelt was buried in Hyde Park, in his homeland, where he spent his childhood, where he began his political ascent.

Tips on how to make a good presentation or project report

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, the game part, do not be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional interesting facts, you don’t just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  3. No need to overload your project slides with text blocks, more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. Only the key information should be on the slide, the rest is better to tell the audience orally.
  4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information provided, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehearse your report, think over how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
  6. Choose the right outfit, because. The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  7. Try to speak confidently, fluently and coherently.
  8. Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.

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    1 Biography
    2 Interesting Facts
    3 Speeches and appearances
    4 Movie incarnations


    Franklin Delano Roosevelt Franklin Delano Roosevelt, MFA: [ˈfræŋklɪn ˈdɛlənoʊ ˈroʊzəˌvɛlt], January 30, 1882, Hyde Park, New York - April 12, 1945, Warm Springs, Georgia) - 32nd President of the United States.

    1. Biography

    The future president was born into the wealthy and respectable family of James Roosevelt, whose ancestors emigrated from the Netherlands to New Amsterdam in the 17th century. Their descendants became the ancestors of two branches of this surname, one of which gave US President T. Roosevelt, and the other - Franklin Roosevelt. Roosevelt's father owned the Hyde Park estate on the Hudson River and substantial stakes in a number of coal and transportation companies. Roosevelt's mother, Sarah Delano, also belonged to the local aristocracy. As a child, Roosevelt traveled around Europe with his parents every summer (so he was pretty good at foreign languages) and rested on the coast of New England or on the Canadian island of Campobello (near East Port, Maine), where he became interested in sailing.

    Until the age of 14, Roosevelt was educated at home. In 1896-1899. he studied at one of the best privileged schools in Groton (Massachusetts). In 1900-1904. Roosevelt continued his education at Harvard University, where he received a bachelor's degree. In 1905-1907. he attended Columbia Law School and qualified to practice as a lawyer, starting at a well-established Wall Street law firm.

    In 1905 he married his fifth cousin, Anna Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962). Her father was the younger brother of President T. Roosevelt, who was Franklin's idol. The Roosevelts had six children, one of whom died in infancy. Eleanor Roosevelt played a significant role in her husband's political career, especially after 1921, when he contracted polio and was no longer parted from wheelchair.

    In 1910, Roosevelt accepted a tempting offer from the US Democratic Party in his home administrative district to run as a senator for the New York state legislature and won. In the 1912 presidential election campaign, he actively supported Democrat T. W. Wilson. In the administration of President Wilson, Roosevelt was offered the post of Assistant Secretary of the Navy. Without finishing his third term in the state legislature, Roosevelt moved to Washington. As Assistant Secretary of the Navy (1913-21), he advocated a stronger navy, stronger US defenses, a strong presidency, and an active foreign policy.

    In 1914, he made an attempt to get a seat as a senator in the US Congress, but failed. In 1920, under the slogan of US entry into the League of Nations, Roosevelt ran from the Democratic Party for Vice President of the United States, paired with presidential candidate J. Cox. The defeat of the Democratic Party in the face of growing isolationist sentiments and a serious illness temporarily removed Roosevelt from active participation. political activity. But in 1928 he was elected governor of the economically and politically influential state of New York, which opened the way to the White House.

    After serving two terms as governor, Roosevelt acquired very valuable experience, which was useful to him during the presidency. In 1931, at a time of worsening economic crisis, he created the state's Provisional Emergency Administration to assist the families of the unemployed. The tradition of communicating with voters by radio (the famous "fireside chats") also dates back to the days of Roosevelt's governorship.

    In the presidential campaign of 1932, Roosevelt won an impressive victory over H. Hoover, who failed to lead the country out of the economic crisis of 1929-1933. ("Great Depression"). During the election campaign, Roosevelt outlined the main ideas of socio-economic transformation, which, on the recommendation of his advisers ("think tank"), received the name "New Deal".

    In the first hundred days of his presidency (beginning in March 1933), Roosevelt implemented a number of important reforms. The banking system was restored. In May, Roosevelt signed into law a law creating a Federal Emergency Administration to help the hungry and the unemployed. The Law on the Refinancing of Farm Debts was passed, as well as the Law on the Recovery of Agriculture, which provided for state control over the volume of agricultural production. Roosevelt considered the Industrial Recovery Act to be the most promising, which provided for a whole range of government measures to regulate industry.

    In 1935, important reforms were carried out in the field of labor (see the Wagner law), social security, taxation, banking, etc.

    An impressive victory in the elections of 1936 allowed Roosevelt in 1937-1938. advance in civil engineering, wages and labor law. The laws adopted by the Congress at the initiative of the President were a bold experiment of state regulation with the aim of changing the distribution mechanism of the economy and social protection of the population.

    pre-war foreign policy Roosevelt was distinguished, on the one hand, by flexibility and realism, and on the other hand, by inconsistency and extreme caution. One of the foreign policy initiatives in the first months after Roosevelt came to power was the diplomatic recognition of the USSR in November 1933. In relations with the countries of Latin America, the “good neighbor” policy was proclaimed, which contributed to the creation of an inter-American system of collective security.

    However, fear for the fate of domestic political reforms and the unwillingness to bind the United States with any obligations in a difficult international situation contributed to the fact that Roosevelt's foreign policy was of the nature of neutrality (that is, it ignored the differences between the aggressor and the victim). As a result of non-intervention in the Italo-Ethiopian conflict (1935) and civil war in Spain, legitimate governments were deprived of the opportunity to purchase American weapons and ammunition in the fight against the well-armed powers - the Berlin-Rome axis. Only in November 1939, when the war in Europe was already blazing, did Roosevelt achieve the abolition of the article on the arms embargo and began to pursue a policy of helping the victims of aggression.

    Hitler's blitzkrieg in Europe and Roosevelt's third successive election victory in 1940 stepped up American aid to Britain. In early 1941, the President signed the Act to further strengthen the defenses of the United States and to promote other purposes (see Lend-Lease). The Lend-Lease Act applied to the USSR, which was granted an interest-free loan in the amount of $1 billion.

    Roosevelt sought to limit himself to arms deliveries as long as possible and to avoid large-scale US involvement in a European war as much as possible. At the same time, under the slogan of "active defense" since the autumn of 1941, an "undeclared war" with Germany was going on in the Atlantic. It was allowed to conduct aimed fire at German and Italian ships that entered the US security zone, the articles of the legislation on neutrality were repealed, which prohibited the arming of merchant ships and the entry of American ships into combat zones.

    The attack on December 7, 1941 by Japanese planes on the American air force base at Pearl Harbor in the Pacific Ocean came as a surprise to Roosevelt, who in the last months of 1941 tried to delay the inevitability of war with Japan through diplomatic negotiations. The next day, the United States and Great Britain declared war on Japan, and on December 11, war on the United States was declared by Germany and Italy. Roosevelt, in accordance with the constitution, assumed all the duties of commander-in-chief in wartime. He made a lot of efforts to strengthen the anti-Hitler coalition, giving great importance creation of the United Nations.

    On January 1, 1942, the signing of the Declaration of the United Nations took place in Washington, which consolidated this union in the international legal order. At the same time, Roosevelt for a long time took a wait-and-see position on the question of opening a second front. But after the impressive victories of the Red Army at Stalingrad and at Kursk, he became increasingly convinced that the USSR was a decisive factor in the defeat of the Axis powers in Europe and that active cooperation with it in the post-war world was necessary. At the Tehran Conference of the "Big Three" (1943), Roosevelt did not support Winston Churchill, who shied away from resolving specific questions about opening a second front.

    Showing special attention to the issues of post-war peace settlement, Roosevelt for the first time at the Quebec Conference (1943) outlined his project for the creation of an international organization and the responsibility of the USA, Great Britain, the USSR and China (the “four policemen”) for maintaining peace. The discussion of this topic was continued at the Moscow Conference, the Tehran Conference and at the conference at Dumbarton Oaks, Washington.

    Roosevelt, re-elected for a fourth term in 1944, made a significant contribution to the historic decisions of the Crimean Conference (1945). His realistic position was dictated by a sober consideration of the current military-strategic and political situation in connection with the successful advance of Soviet troops in Eastern Europe, the desire to agree on the entry of the USSR into the war with Japan and the hope for the continuation of post-war American-Soviet cooperation.

    Upon his return from Yalta, Roosevelt, despite being tired and unwell, continued to engage in state affairs and prepared for the opening of the United Nations conference in San Francisco on April 23. However, on April 12, the president died of a cerebral hemorrhage. He was buried in Hyde Park. In historiography, he is invariably put on a par with the most prominent US presidents J. Washington, T. Jefferson and A. Lincoln.

    2. Interesting facts

    · Biographers and contemporaries noted that Franklin Roosevelt was an elusive nature and was hiding under a mask of complacency and secrecy, which he himself created. Roosevelt himself clearly reveled in the mystery, and used to state, "I'm considered a mystery that I created myself—in fact, I'm some sort of hybrid between mystery and Santa Claus."

    Franklin Roosevelt all his life sought to be at least a little like his first political idol Theodore Roosevelt, whose niece he married.

    In honor of Franklin Roosevelt Soviet time named street in Yalta.

    3. Speeches and speeches

    No one will deny that the influence of the economic oligarchy on all areas of our social life is very great. This influence, however, should not be overestimated. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected president against the fierce opposition of these very powerful groups and was re-elected three times; and this happened at a time when decisions of great importance had to be made

    Albert Einstein, 1948

    F. Roosevelt: First Inaugural Address

    F. Roosevelt: "Four freedoms"

    · F. Roosevelt: Military Message to the Nation

    4. Movie incarnations

    Jack Young (voiced by Art Gilmour) (Yankee Doodle Dandy, 1942; Action in the North Atlantic, 1943; This Is the Army, 1943; Mission to Moscow, "Mission to Moscow", 1943; "Up in Arms", 1944 (USA)

    Godfrey Tearle ("The Beginning or the End" (USA, 1947)

    Nikolay Cherkasov (" Battle of Stalingrad", 1949)

    Oleg Frelikh (The Fall of Berlin, 1949)

    Stanislav Yaskevich ("Liberation", 1970-1972; "Soldiers of Freedom", 1977)

    Innokenty Smoktunovsky ("Choice of Target", 1974)

    · ??? ("Tehran-43", 1980)

    Robert Rimbau ("Yalta" (France, 1984)

    Jon Voight (Pearl Harbor, 2001)

    · Kenneth Branagh (Warm Springs, 2005)


    1. Naval Historical Center Roster List

    2. A common pseudo-English rendering of a Dutch surname in Russian texts; more accurate transmission Rosevelt

    3. Franklin D. Roosevelt Street

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt
    The future president is born
    in a wealthy and respectable
    family of James Roosevelt,
    whose ancestors
    emigrated from Holland
    to New Amsterdam in the 1740s
    years. Roosevelt's father owned
    hereditary estates
    Hyde - Park on the Hudson River and
    solid blocks of shares
    in a number of coal and
    transport companies.
    Roosevelt's mother, Sarah
    Delano, also
    belonged to the local

    The beginning of a political career
    In 1910, Roosevelt accepted a tempting offer
    from the US Democratic Party in his native
    administrative district to run as
    senator to the legislature of the state of New York and won

    The beginning of a political career
    Without finishing his third term in the state legislature, Roosevelt
    moved to Washington. As an assistant to the marine
    Minister (1913 1921), he advocated strengthening the fleet,
    strengthening the defense capability of the United States, a strong
    presidency and an active foreign policy.

    First presidency
    At the presidential
    1933 elections
    Roosevelt received
    majority vote.
    Voted for him
    22.8 million people
    (G. Hoover 15.7 million). He
    became the 32nd president

    First presidency
    Taking office in a cold overcast
    day March 4, 1933, at the walls of the Capitol
    in front of 100 thousand assembled Roosevelt
    turned to American friends with
    words: “The time has come to tell the truth, all
    the truth frankly and boldly. We didn't fit
    also shy away from an honest assessment
    position in which it is today
    our country... The only thing we should
    be afraid of fear itself, reckless,
    faceless, unjustified horror, which
    paralyzes the effort required to
    turning a retreat into an offensive.
    Roosevelt urged Americans to act
    immediately gain consciousness
    interdependence from each other. It is forbidden
    just take, you have to give.

    First presidency
    The country experienced the deepest and largest
    economic crisis in its history. To the moment
    Roosevelt's official inauguration
    president, US banking and financial system
    suffered a complete collapse. Banks could not normally
    function, and the governors of almost all states
    announced their closure.

    Your first worker
    President Roosevelt day
    had to start with
    emergency measures
    bailing out the banks
    in the USA there were
    about 14207, of which
    federal were 4897
    banks, and the rest

    Roosevelt's New Deal
    "New Deal" is the name of the economic
    administration policy
    Franklin Delano Roosevelt since 1933
    years in order to exit the large-scale
    economic crisis (Great Depression),
    engulfed the USA in 1929-1939.

    "New Deal"
    Roosevelt's New Deal Economic
    New Deal programs were carried out through
    Congress during the first term
    Roosevelt in 1933-1936. Their goal was
    relief for the unemployed,
    economic recovery and reform
    financial system to prevent
    a repeat of the Great Depression.
    Roosevelt's New Deal covered
    almost all areas of public
    life, his reforms were
    next: stabilization of monetary
    systems, reforms in agriculture,
    the fight against unemployment, laws on
    industry recovery, laws
    about work, pension funds, housing

    Second presidency
    1936 again presidential elections "New
    course "corrected the situation: 8 million people
    got a job. Industrial index
    production rose from 58 points in 1932
    to 101 points in 1934. The scope of the social
    insurance amounted to 3 billion dollars,
    national income increased by 30

    Second presidency
    The second term was marked by a decline in production in the spring of 1938.
    of the year. New topics were heard in the speeches by the fireplace: measures
    on the stabilization of the economy, on the introduction of fair norms
    labor, helping the unemployed, preserving
    government spending on public works
    expansion of bank credit and others.

    Third presidency
    1941-1942 became a milestone in the internal and external
    US policy. With the accession of the United States
    during the war began an extensive restructuring of the economy in the direction of
    development of defense industries. State funded
    construction of military factories, allocated funds to private
    sector for military contracts. Created
    mobilization program management mechanism.

    Fourth presidency
    In 1944, Roosevelt agreed to run for office.
    president for a fourth term. The commander-in-chief could not
    leave your army and realize the idea of ​​​​creating after the war
    United Nations.
    The President was already considering his speech at the upcoming
    UN meeting. "The world we are building," Roosevelt said,
    must be a world based on the joint efforts of all
    countries..." The Crimean Conference is "designed to mark the end
    systems of unilateral actions, closed blocs, spheres of influence,
    balance of power and all other similar methods that
    been used for centuries and always without success...”.

    After months of hard work, Roosevelt decided
    relax in his favorite "Warm Spring". there in
    sunny and warm day on April 12, 1945
    died of a cerebral hemorrhage. Following it
    will, Roosevelt was buried in Hyde Park, on his
    Motherland, where he spent his childhood, where he began his
    political ascent.

    Yakovlev N.N. Franklin Roosevelt is a man and a politician. M., 1981
    Malkov V.L. Franklin Roosevelt. M., 1988
    N. Ya. Nadezhdin. Franklin Delano Roosevelt: "America
    updated ": Biographical stories. Moscow: Major, Osipenko.
    N. Yakovlev. Franklin D. Roosevelt man and politician. 5th ed. M.:
    RIPOL CLASSIC, 2003. 592 p. Series "Laws of power",
    Malkov V. L. Franklin Roosevelt. V. L. MALKOV. "New Deal" in
    USA. Social "Electronic Jewish Encyclopedia"
    "Megaencyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius"