Why is ionized calcium increased or decreased in a blood test. A new word in rehabilitation therapy: the ionic form of calcium Calcium and magnesium preparations in the ionic form

Re-evaluate the role calcium difficult in a person's life. Suffice it to say that its deficiency can cause more than a hundred diseases, the most common of which is osteoporosis. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), every second woman and more than ¼ of men in the world by the age of 50 suffer from osteoporosis to some extent.

With a lack of calcium, teeth are destroyed, nails exfoliate, hair falls out, the risk of fractures increases, and bone pain can disturb. Calcium deficiency can cause various diseases nervous and of cardio-vascular system, which is usually manifested by increased fatigue, irritability, emotional anxiety, sleep disturbances, cramps and muscle spasms, blood clotting, heart function may be disturbed, and women may develop premenstrual syndrome with painful periods.

Benefits of Calcium:

  • Promotes the restoration and formation of bone tissue;
  • Strengthens bones and protects against osteoporosis;
  • Improves the condition of the skin, hair, nails and teeth;
  • Normalizes work nervous system;
  • Improves the conduction of nerve impulses;
  • Strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • Improves the activity of the heart muscle;
  • Regulates blood pressure.
Calcium is one of the first nutraceuticals to be used in dietetics. It is necessary not only for bones and teeth, but also for normal functioning enzymes, in the absorption of fats, proteins, mineral metabolism, in the formation of energy, the transmission of nerve impulses, the regulation of muscle contractions (including the heart), hematopoiesis and blood clotting. Calcium is an important element of the body's buffer system, which maintains the level necessary for each system and environment of the body. The researchers also found a link between low calcium levels and high blood pressure. Studies have been conducted in which patients with hypertension were given 1500 mg of calcium for 4 years. Compared with the group of patients who received medical treatment, the level of blood pressure in patients who took calcium as a dietary supplement decreased significantly.

Although calcium is a widely available macronutrient found in many foods, most people do not get enough of it. This is partly due to the fact that it is poorly absorbed from food, and partly due to physical inactivity. Nutrition scientists recommend 800-1200 mg of calcium per day, depending on age and gender. Studies have shown that 2/3 of the world's population consumes less than 300 mg of calcium daily. If you want to conduct a simple test of your calcium intake, try to remember how often do you drink 1 liter of natural milk per day, or eat 150 grams of hard cheese? It is in this quantity that daily rate of this daily macronutrient. The only reasonable way out is an additional intake of drugs containing calcium.

Which calcium is best absorbed?

When choosing a calcium supplement for yourself, read the label carefully, as in most cases it will say: calcium carbonate or gluconate. Carbonate is an inorganic form of calcium (chalk). The body absorbs only 2% of calcium carbonate (gluconate 9%). In addition, unassimilated residues of such drugs can cause calcium accumulation in muscles (salt deposition), blood vessels (impaired blood flow), internal organs (stone formation).

The best absorbed chelated form of calcium, or it is often called ionic(an organic form of calcium - calcium ions in combination with amino acids), it is also the safest. This form is different in that calcium ions, being in the amino acid shell, do not require additional transformations in the body, they are ready for use and transportation by the epithelial cells of the small intestine.

In order for calcium to bring only benefit, it must be properly digested. This mineral needs support; by itself, it will not only not be beneficial, but can also harm. One of calcium's helpers is vitamin D. And in order for calcium to get into the bone tissue, macronutrients such as magnesium and phosphorus are needed.

Magnesium- takes part in the normal functioning of the nervous and muscular system. The recommended daily dose of magnesium is 280-350 mg. Deficiency of this element leads to headaches, chronic fatigue, irritability, insomnia, depression, convulsions, slow heart rate. Magnesium is also part of the bone tissue and promotes better absorption of calcium. Magnesium improves the functioning of the heart muscle, providing it with oxygen and promoting vasodilation, strengthens bones and teeth, participates in the synthesis of enzymes that help the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates, normalizes the excitability of the nervous system and muscle contractility, regulates heart rate and acidity of gastric juice. It is necessary for the activation of B vitamins. It is extremely important to get enough magnesium for women during pregnancy, since it is the deficiency of this mineral that can cause uterine hypertonicity, as well as rickets in children of the first year of life. Pediatricians also associate hyperexcitability of children with a lack of magnesium.

Phosphorus is an integral part of every cell and interstitial fluid, and the main reserves of phosphorus salts are concentrated in bones and teeth. Phosphorus is needed for energy production, absorption of fats, processing of proteins and carbohydrates, as well as for regulating the pH of the internal environment of the body. Phosphorus is involved in the regulation of calcium and magnesium balance.

Vitamin D. The main function of this vitamin is to metabolize calcium and phosphorus in the body. It is necessary for the absorption of these minerals from the intestines and their assimilation into bone tissue. Also, its function is important for the pH level of the blood, which in turn affects the absorption and release of calcium from bone tissue. In addition, it regulates the level of amino acids in the blood so that their excess is not excreted through the kidneys. Deficiency of this vitamin in children leads to rickets. Osteoporosis, osteomalacia, and hypocalcemia occur in adults with inadequate intake of vitamin D3. Vitamin D is produced in the body by exposure to sunlight. It is very difficult to determine sun exposure for a vitamin D dose of 400 IU/day, as recommended. The best source of vitamin D is fish oil. This formula contains vitamin D from natural fish oil. Calcium with vitamin D3 also have antitumor properties. Vitamin D3 is indicated in the treatment of immune disorders, including psoriasis. Low vitamin D levels are associated with high blood pressure. It also improves general well-being, muscle strength, seasonal adaptation.

Developed a biologically active food supplement that contains a balanced amount of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin D3. Calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in the composition of the drug are in an easily digestible, chelated form and in an optimal ratio, which guarantees their best absorption in the body of all these essential elements and absolute safety. Fish oil is considered the best source of vitamin D. In this preparation, vitamin D is presented from such a source.

BAA Calcium Magnesium Chelate from NSP indispensable for improving the efficiency and safety of training athletes in amateur and professional sports. Athletes calcium D3 will help in maintaining muscle function, joints, ligaments, cartilage surfaces.

It is especially important for pregnant women to take BAA Calcium Magnesium Chelate, since for the formation of the child's skeletal system, a constant supply of calcium to the mother's body is necessary. Otherwise, it will leave the bones and teeth of a pregnant woman. Additional intake of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin D is also necessary for children for the formation of bone tissue during the growth period.

The terrible consequences of calcium deficiency practically do not depend on the age, sex and health of a particular person. This is one of those elements that everyone needs and always needs: men, women, pregnant women, children, adolescents, adults, the elderly, students, schoolchildren etc. You should not wait until the terrible consequences of a lack of calcium in the body appear. Even at the first slight symptoms, it is necessary to act immediately. Calcium is not an element to be taken lightly. The work of the whole organism depends on it. Anyone who wants to lead a healthy, joyful life should purchase this drug.

Calcium, obtained by our body naturally from food, is extremely beneficial, but due to the deterioration in the quality of food, we do not receive even half of the daily allowance, which can lead to more than 150 different diseases.

Calcium is not only about the health of our bones, teeth, hair and nails. 1% of calcium is found in the blood and is involved in various processes which allows our body to function properly. If calcium is not enough, our body begins to malfunction and often quite serious. Since the majority of people do not get the proper amount of calcium from food, we come to the understanding that it is necessary to add it to your diet. So let's take a look at various forms calcium, their advantages and disadvantages, and finally choose the best for ourselves.

Forms of calcium

This form of calcium has the lowest percentage of absorption - about 3% and has a number of contraindications and side effects. Calcium gluconate preparations are produced without the addition of vitamin D3, which practically reduces the degree of its absorption to zero. One of the worst effects of prolonged use of this form of calcium is the formation of kidney and gallbladder stones.

Should be the only advantage of calcium gluconate is its low price, but due to the extremely low degree of its absorption and big amount negative consequences from its application, even a low price is not able to attract a knowledgeable client.

Calcium Carbonate (Calcium Carbonate)

This is a much more attractive form of calcium than the previous one. Such calcium is assimilated by the body by 17-22% with normal acidity of gastric juice, while with reduced acidity, the degree of its absorption drops so much that it is practically equal to zero. You should not get carried away with preparations based on calcium carbonate, because. it is also fraught with the formation of calcium stones in the kidneys. A large amount of this type of calcium taken at a time can significantly reduce the acidity of gastric juice and cause such side effects like flatulence, constipation, nausea, allergic reactions and abdominal pain.

This form of calcium is quite widespread and is in great demand due to its greater bioavailability than calcium gluconate. However, there are more interesting option forms of calcium, which we will discuss below.

Calcium citrate (Calcium citrate)

This form of calcium is absorbed by the body 2.5 times better than calcium carbonate, naturally in combination with vitamin D3. The degree of absorption of calcium citrate is 44%. Due to the fact that hydrochloric acid of gastric juice is not required for its absorption, preparations based on calcium citrate can be taken on an empty stomach. The use of calcium citrate does not cause deposits in the kidneys in the form of stones, so this form of calcium is safe for health. People with low stomach acidity and those who are already over 50 should stop at calcium citrate, because the degree of absorption in this case will be 11 times higher than calcium carbonate.

Calcium citrate is good for diseases of the urinary tract. It shifts the pH of urine to the alkaline side, thereby creating an unfavorable environment for the development of genital infections and inflammation.

Calcium amino acid chelates are by far the best form of calcium products on the market today. Often this form of calcium can still be found under the name "Ionic calcium". Although its price is really high, this is justified by the high degree of absorption and the absence of side effects, in particular, it does not allow the formation of kidney stones and gallbladder. Calcium chelates are able to be absorbed by 90 - 98%, while there is no need to add vitamin D3 to preparations of this type.

Calcium amino acid chelates do not irritate the gastrointestinal tract and do not require stomach acid for absorption. They are 100% soluble in water, which is 400 times higher than the dissolution of calcium carbonate. Another advantage of calcium chelate is the ability to quickly release calcium ions, which prevents calcium supersaturation of the blood, thereby eliminating the possibility of its increased clotting, which is fraught with the formation of blood clots. One of the best calcium products of this form is Forever Calcium, USA.

So let's sum it up

Of the many forms of calcium on the world market, Calcium Citrate and Calcium Chelate proved to be the best in terms of absorption and lack of side effects. The latter has twice the percentage of digestibility compared to calcium citrate. But due to the fact that the price of calcium chelate is usually three times higher than the price of calcium citrate, not everyone can afford it. After overview you still have to answer the question of which calcium is better to answer.

Ionized calcium is absorbed much better than regular mineral calcium. Nobody argues with this, which calcium preparation is better, you will learn from this article.

Our main source of calcium is food. But, unfortunately, it cannot completely compensate for the calcium deficiency in the body.

I also want to note an interesting detail that I missed in the previous article: a large amount of calcium is also contained in bone broth, which we undeservedly declared an almost forbidden product due to its high cholesterol content.

I just want to remind you that there is useful cholesterol, without which it is impossible to build an organism, but there is harmful ...

So in China, it is customary to eat jelly every day, moreover, in fairly large quantities.

And with a low standard of living in modern China, the population almost does not suffer from osteoporosis and joint diseases.

And when do we eat jelly? Basically - at the festive table, but in vain!

Therefore, we must turn to preparations containing calcium ...

Look at the table of calcium needs and providing it from food for different ages:

This table clearly shows that we are not able to make up for calcium deficiency from food.

Even from the school chemistry course, we know that calcium salts are insoluble in water - they precipitate.

Therefore, only ionized calcium can compensate for calcium deficiency, which will not precipitate.

In addition, there is one more nuance: with a lack of vitamin D, calcium is almost not absorbed (I already talked about this in a previous article). But the amount of this vitamin should be strictly regulated ...

Which calcium preparation is better

Ionized calcium is best absorbed in the form of citrates, lactates and hydroxyapatites.

But we all know calcium gluconate is absorbed ten times worse. If there is nothing else at hand, then crush the gluconate tablet into powder and drop a few drops of fresh lemon juice on it. This simple operation will ensure that some of the calcium gluconate is converted to its citrate.

In addition, it is of great importance not only chemical composition calcium salts, but also its structural formula.

The closer the structural formula of ionized calcium is to the structural form of calcium in the human body, the better such calcium will be absorbed.

Here, in fact, is the answer to the question, which calcium preparation is better?

This is the main argument against all forms of the mineral calcium and for the consumption of animal calcium, which is produced from the milk or bones of cattle.

In 1985, the WHO (World Health Organization), due to the sharply increasing incidence of osteoporosis, announced an international competition for the development and implementation of a calcium preparation that is maximally absorbed by humans.

Everyone took part in this competition. the developed countries peace.

Studies have shown that in addition to vitamin D, calcium absorption also requires silicon, selenium, magnesium, boron, and about 13 other trace elements.

In the six years since the announcement of the competition, the PRC Academy of Sciences has developed ionized calcium, which received the WHO Gold Medal in the competition.

A stable calcium ion was created that does not turn into a calcium molecule in the small intestine and passes through the cell barrier.

The production of this drug was entrusted to the then newly created Tianshi Corporation.

It was the first TIENS drug to enter the international market.

Now several more forms of biocalcium have been added to the first Biocalcium in powder: for children, to reduce sugar levels, to improve brain activity, Gubao calcium for women (it is a preventive measure and is involved in the treatment of female tumors), Gaibao calcium in tablets with a high content of calcium.

If you were interested to know which calcium preparation is better, share it - press the buttons of social networks!

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Violation of mineral metabolism is a dangerous disorder, against which diseases of the heart, blood vessels, bone tissue, tumors develop, problems with nervous regulation and muscle condition appear. An important indicator is the level of ionized calcium in the blood.

If there are signs of a tumor process and mineral imbalance, the patient must pass an analysis to clarify the concentration of free (active) Ca. According to the results of the study, the doctor corrects the diet, prescribes hormonal therapy or recommends surgery in the detection of a tumor process.

What it is

Blood calcium is an important mineral component, with a deficiency or excess of which the work of the heart, neuromuscular conduction is disrupted, and a tendency to form tumors appears. Tetany and convulsions are the result of insufficient Ca concentration. Salt deposits in the vessels and heart muscle, insufficient elasticity of the elements of the circulatory system, osteoporosis - a consequence of a critical increase in the level of the mineral.

Calcium in the blood has two forms:

  • bound- 55%. about 15% Ca has a bond with citrate or phosphorus, more than 40% with protein molecules;
  • free(ionized, active) - 45%. It is this form that affects the muscles, nervous regulation, heart, circulatory system.

Bound calcium (the state of the mineral during transportation) has a weaker effect on the body, a violation of the concentration of this form of the mineral does not always indicate serious problems with mineral metabolism. In most cases, with an increase in total calcium, the concentration of the ionized form increases.

Why analysis is needed

Conducting a study allows you to determine whether calcium metabolism in the body is normal. To clarify the nature of the process, one analysis (general indicator) is enough to understand whether there are deviations in the level of free calcium.

The study of the level of ionized Ca is more complex, not all laboratories have the equipment to determine the exact values. Diagnostic errors can adversely affect the patient's condition: an increased level of the mineral indicates problems with the parathyroid gland, the development of a tumor process in the body.

Often, high Ca levels are a consequence of hormonal imbalance during the formation of an active malignant formation. Problems with mineral metabolism negatively affect bone density, transmission of nerve impulses, metabolic processes, blood clotting, muscle contraction.

Limits of the norm

The rate of ionizing calcium in the blood changes with age:

  • after birth, the Ca level ranges from 1.03 to 1.37 mmol/l;
  • during the period of active growth and formation of the skeleton, the body needs more mineral, the indicators increase. For children and adolescents under 16 years of age, the permissible values ​​\u200b\u200bare from 1.29 to 1.31 mmol / l;
  • in adults, the optimal calcium levels are from 1.17 to 1.29 mmol / l.

A significant deviation from the norm indicates pathological processes or a violation of calcium metabolism against the background of malnutrition with excessive intake of Ca or a significant deficiency of the microelement.

Note! Women should be aware that the concentration of calcium changes not only with age, but also during pregnancy, while taking oral contraceptives, during breastfeeding.

Indications for passing the analysis

Refinement of indicators of ionized calcium is prescribed in the following cases:

  • before prescribing drugs that affect the level of Ca. The study is carried out before taking barbiturates, calcium preparations, magnesia, heparin;
  • severe kidney damage or extensive intoxication of the body has been detected, hemodialysis is required;
  • in the process of complex diagnostics of oncopathologies and (excessive secretion of thyroid hormones);
  • in the postoperative period, during the treatment of extensive burns, severe injuries, after transferring the patient from intensive care to a standard ward.

How to donate blood to the level of free calcium

  • during the day do not eat fatty, spicy, heavy food for the stomach, exclude alcohol;
  • for two to three days you can not change the diet (eat more or less foods with calcium);
  • before the study, you can eat in the evening, 8-10 hours before the blood test;
  • it is necessary to take biomaterial from a vein on an empty stomach, in a calm state;
  • be sure to visit the laboratory to determine the level of calcium in the morning (8-11 hours).

Causes and symptoms of deviations

Does the decoding of the biochemical analysis show low or high values ​​of free calcium? Be sure to contact to determine the range of possible diseases. Most often, deviations in the analysis are a consequence of the tumor process and.

For greater information content of the next appointment, the patient can immediately pass the biomaterial to determine the concentration of the hormone, and the level of phosphorus. With a minimum list of finished results, you can sign up for a second appointment. Further, the doctor prescribes parathyroid glands, a blood test for tumor markers and other types of diagnostics.

On the page, read about how to treat breast mastopathy with medications.

Ca level is elevated

Excessive circulation of ionized calcium in the blood is a signal for an in-depth examination of the body. It is impossible to neglect the identification of deviations: high rates are a consequence of dangerous pathological processes, including malignant ones.

Main reasons high performance free calcium:

  • acidosis ( low acidity blood);
  • primary hyperparathyroidism, against which the level of Ca and parathyroid hormone is increased;
  • excessive consumption of foods and vitamin-mineral complexes with vitamin D;
  • destruction of bone tissue with the release of calcium ions against the background of the process of metastasis during the growth of a malignant tumor. The parameters of parathyroid hormone are normal, but the concentration of Ca is above the permissible values;
  • tumor process in the parathyroid glands;
  • preparations based on lithium and calcium salts, thiazide diuretics, thyroxine;
  • formation of neuroendocrine neoplasms producing PTH-like peptides. The main area of ​​localization is the lungs, the size of the tumors is 4 mm - 2 cm.

With an increased level of ionized calcium, it is imperative to examine, donate blood for tumor markers and parathyroid hormone levels, and conduct a puncture tissue biopsy. It is important to recognize the tumor process in time, to remove the neoplasm that produces hormones. After the operation, the patient should receive hormonal drugs to restore the functions of the parathyroid glands, reduce the risk of secondary. HRT often lasts a lifetime.

Reduced rates

Violation of the concentration of the mineral develops against the background of diseases:

  • hypofunction of the parathyroid glands (hypoparathyroidism);
  • multiple organ failure;
  • severe burns;
  • pseudohypoparathyroidism;
  • and other hyperosmolar pathologies;
  • increased acidity of the blood (alkalosis).

Other factors that reduce the level of free calcium:

  • transfusion of citrated blood;
  • postoperative period;
  • trauma with blood loss;
  • active inflammatory process, development of sepsis.

To increase calcium levels to optimal values you need to reconsider the diet, eat hard cheese, dairy products, sesame seeds more often. Do not exceed the daily norm of the mineral in order to avoid excessive accumulation of calcifications in the bones and blood vessels. Vitamin complexes and dietary supplements with calcium are a useful addition to the diet. The best option- receive preparations enriched not only with Ca, but also with vitamin D, for example, Calcium D3 Nycomed. It is important to use all dietary supplements and mineral compositions strictly according to the instructions.

In the direction of the endocrinologist, the patient takes an analysis to determine the total and free calcium fraction. It is necessary to understand why the mineral metabolism is disturbed, what is the nature of the tumor process in the lungs or parathyroid glands, why the bone density is disturbed. The frequent occurrence of seizures also requires an analysis of the level of unbound (ionized) calcium. On the recommendation of a doctor, it is imperative to correct the diet in order to normalize the intake of vitamin D and Ca with food.

Calcium is far from the last value in the most important processes of vital activity. In the body, it is present in two fractions. One is associated with citrates, phosphates and proteins, and the second is free or ionized. The second option is 45% of the total amount of calcium in the body. Ionized calcium level- the main indicator in the diagnosis.

What is ionized calcium?

Everyone at least once in their life has come across the concept of ionized calcium. But not everyone knows what it is. The term characterizes the concentration of a substance involved in mineral metabolism. In medicine, it is denoted by a combination of letters - Sa.

In the human body, this type of calcium performs the following functions:

  • Participates in strengthening the immune system;
  • Regulates blood pressure;
  • Influences the state of the hormonal system;
  • Activates the activity of enzymes;
  • Participates in the construction of teeth and bones;

Sources of calcium

Calcium ions enter the body with food. Rich source of calcium- dairy products. A certain amount of the substance is found in cereals and legumes.

If there is not enough calcium in the body, then the emphasis is on the following products:

  • Cheeses;
  • Buckwheat;
  • oranges;
  • Peas and beans;
  • Sirovatka;
  • Cottage cheese;
  • Nuts;
  • Milk;
  • Greenery;

The absorption process directly depends on vitamin D. Therefore, it is recommended to take both elements together. Ionizing calcium is absorbed much worse when eating foods containing palm oil or animal fats.

The presence of alkaline juice, which is secreted in the stomach, also negatively affects absorption. Its formation causes the consumption of large amounts of sweet food.

What does it say about pathology?

There are a number of signs that the doctor relies on when making a diagnosis. The intensity of their manifestation may be different.

The following factors may indicate deviations in the level of calcium from the norm:

  • Increased irritability;
  • Slowing the growth of the child;
  • Brittle nails;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Increased heart rate;
  • The appearance of cramps and tingling in the limbs;

Rules for passing the analysis

As part of free health insurance, you cannot determine the level of ionized calcium. IN biochemical analysis elements such as sodium, potassium, glucose, etc. appear. The determination of free Ca is carried out in paid clinics.

The analysis shows the exact level of calcium in the body. The result can be used to judge the presence or absence of certain violations.

The main principles of preparation for the delivery of the analysis include:

  • Blood is taken on an empty stomach or 8 hours after the last meal;
  • The day before, you should refuse alcoholic beverages and fatty foods
  • In the case of taking medications, you should inform your doctor;
  • A few days before the test, it is necessary to limit physical activity;
  • Do not smoke one hour before blood sampling;

Limits of the norm in the blood

For each age category there are restrictions on the content of calcium ions in the blood. Minor deviations are possible. The rest speaks of pathology.

The norm is presented in the following table:

In women and men, the parameters of the norm are the same
. But during pregnancy, a woman's need for calcium increases significantly. To regulate its level, special drugs are prescribed.

Reasons for the increase

The increased content of calcium in the body is as undesirable as its deficiency. This medical condition is called hypercalcemia.

The reasons for its appearance are as follows:

  • The presence of leukemia or myeloma;
  • Oversaturation with vitamin D;
  • Gigantism;
  • Chronic form of enteritis;

Sometimes the result of the analysis is erroneous. If the possibility of error is allowed, the study is repeated.

An increase in the substance provokes the use of drugs containing the following elements:

  • Diuretics;
  • calcium salts;
  • thyroxin;
  • Lithium salts;

Reasons for the downgrade

As part of any examination for a person, it may become an unpleasant discovery that the level of calcium in his body is lowered. Doing the analysis again does not always make sense. Before you wonder how to increase the amount of a substance, find out possible reasons deviations.

These include the following:

  • kidney disease;
  • Lack of magnesium;
  • Postoperative period;
  • pancreatitis;
  • The presence of extensive burns;
  • Ionic calcium is absorbed incompletely;

Signs indicating a deviation

About the violations occurring in the body, pronounced symptoms can speak. Their presence is a good reason to see a doctor and take appropriate tests.

The following signs help to diagnose a deviation:

Video - Why does the body need calcium?

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnostic manipulations should be carried out by a competent specialist. In no case should you look for symptoms of a disease and eliminate its consequences. If the calcium level is below normal, certain drugs are prescribed to the patient.

The prescription of the drug is carried out in a strictly individual order. You can reduce the amount of calcium with the help of a diet and taking drugs that help flush out the substance from the body.

During treatment, the following principles are taken into account:

  • A biochemical blood test is not indicative in determining the level of calcium in the body;
  • With an increase in the substance, the consumption of protein foods, coffee and salt should be limited;
  • The lifestyle of a person is of great importance. A speedy recovery is facilitated by the rejection of bad habits;
  • Blood is the main indicator in making a diagnosis. Don't rely solely on symptoms;