The nuances of the current repair of MKD. How is the current repair of MKD organized How often is the current repair carried out

To maintain the normal condition of any property, it is necessary to carry out work on their maintenance, as well as repair.

For serious damage to property required. In other cases, current work will suffice. Next, we will deal with the concept of current repair and what it is according to the law.

What is current maintenance? Maintenance apartments - what is it according to the law?

Repair is what? Any property must be maintained by its owners (owners) in proper condition.

The provisions of the Civil and Housing Codes indicate that the owners of the premises bear the burden of its maintenance. Therefore, if necessary, they must carry out in them the required repair work.

In addition, they participate in the costs of maintaining common property in a multi-storey building (hereinafter - MKD).

These include the payment for the services produced by service organizations. Persons occupying are vested with the obligation to carry out their in-line repairs.

More serious capital work is carried out by the owner. Concerning great importance has a distinction between these activities.

When distributing responsibilities for the repair of premises, it is important to determine which actions relate to which type of repair. Civil and housing legislation does not provide an answer to this question.

Relevant information can be obtained from normative documents Gosstroy of the Russian Federation:

  1. Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2003 N 170 “On approval of the Rules and norms for the technical operation of the housing stock”.
  2. Methodological guide on the content and MDK 2-04.2004.

List of works related to the current repair of the premises

What is residential renovation?

It should be noted that there is no specific list of current (other residential premises). By definition, such actions are associated with the elimination of problems that have arisen, the improvement of the condition of the premises.

Such work should not make major changes to the premises, affect the load-bearing structures, or involve the complete replacement of engineering equipment.

In-line work includes painting floors, walls, wallpapering, whitewashing ceilings, replacing plumbing, replacing windows, batteries, replacing pipes, repairing wiring, sockets. As for the repair of common premises and other property in MKD, an approximate list of such works has been established here.

According to the Rules approved by Gosstroy on September 27, 2003, the following types of work are recognized as in-line work:

  • plastering and painting walls, ceilings;
  • restoration of flooring;
  • repair of stairs, fences, railings;
  • replacement and repair of door and window fillings;
  • sealing potholes, cracks and crevices;
  • insulation of individual parts of the premises during freezing;
  • repair and partial replacement of pipes, taps, mixers, pumps;
  • restoration of gas equipment;
  • repair of elements of garbage chutes;
  • strengthening existing partitions;
  • replacement and repair of fans and other ventilation equipment;
  • replacement of lamps in entrances, on common areas;
  • repair of faults in electrical networks.

And this is not all the work provided for by these rules. Their full list can be seen in Appendix No. 7 of these Rules, Appendix No. 2 of the MDK 2-04.2004.

At the same time, the owners of apartments in MKD, when concluding contracts with the management company, can determine specific types of work.

Frequency of work

How often should the maintenance of an apartment building be carried out?

For the satisfactory condition of the premises, it is important to periodically assess it and timely carry out work to maintain it.

Most of the actions are carried out according to plan for preventive purposes. Their volume and list is determined during inspections of specific premises based on the state at the time of inspection.

Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2003 N 170, the frequency of in-line repair work is determined within 3-5 years.

At the same time, it is important to take into account specifications the premises (buildings) themselves and the external conditions affecting their condition.

As a rule, a plan for the implementation of such actions is drawn up in advance based on the information received as a result of the inspections. With this plan, as well as an estimate of the proposed work, the residents of the MKD should be familiarized.

However, the need for such events may arise even earlier than the date provided for in the plan. Such a need may arise in emergency situations, upon receipt of applications from residents of MKD about any malfunctions.

Who should carry out the maintenance?

As for the work of a current nature inside apartments (other premises), their owners (tenants) must independently carry out such work. For these purposes, they can also involve third-party organizations, but the repair will still be carried out at their expense.

Repair of MKD property should be carried out by service organizations and (or) contractors involved by them.

Depending on the chosen method of management, HOA or UK:

  • develop a plan for in-line repair work;
  • determine the procedure for their implementation;
  • conclude contracts for their implementation;
  • notify the owners of the cost, scope of work.

Answers to the most frequently asked questions

Answers on questions

The actions of service organizations for the current repair of property common to MKD always raise many questions. Let's take a look at the most frequently asked questions.

What in-line work should be carried out by management companies? It should be repeated that approximate lists of works in the MKD related to the current ones are contained in the Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2003 N 170, MDK 2-04.2004. In addition, a specific list of works is included in the contract with the management company. Therefore, to begin with, you should study the contract concluded with the Criminal Code, and then other regulatory documents.

Can residents of MKDs request from the Criminal Code information on the costs of in-line repairs carried out by organizations? This is possible due to the provisions of Article 161 of the LC RF. It provides for the openness of information about the activities of the Criminal Code, including the repair of common property. Owners have the right to receive information about the cost, contractor and other characteristics of the work performed.

What is the difference between capital and ongoing repairs? Current work is aimed at maintaining a satisfactory condition of the premises, preventing their premature wear. They include the restoration or repair of individual elements of the premises, the elimination of minor damage. Capital works affect the load-bearing structures, imply a complete replacement engineering systems, equipment, other basic elements.

What to do if the management company does not make in-line repairs? If the management company does not perform the required current work, you should not leave this unattended. Nobody wants to pay for services that are not actually performed. If such a fact is revealed, it is first worth writing a claim to the Criminal Code itself. If this does not help, then you can complain to the housing inspection or Rospotrebnadzor. The final authority in resolving this issue may be the court. You can try to resolve this issue through the Prosecutor's Office.

The current repair of a residential building includes a set of construction and organizational and technical measures for troubleshooting (restoring performance) of the elements, equipment and engineering systems of the house to maintain operational performance (section 2 of the Rules and Norms for the technical operation of the housing stock, approved by the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated September 27. 2003 No. 170).

Making a decision to carry out current repairs

The current repair of common property in an apartment building is carried out on the basis of a decision of the general meeting of owners of premises, adopted by a majority vote of the total number of votes participating in the meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building. The decision to empower the council of an apartment building with the authority to make decisions on current repairs is made by a majority of at least two-thirds of the votes of the total number of votes of the owners of the premises (clauses 4.1, 4.2, part 2, article 44, part 1, article 46 of the LC RF; p 18 of the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 13.08.2006 N 491).

Property owners are required to approve general meeting a list of services and works, the conditions for their provision and implementation, as well as the amount of their financing (clause 17 of Rules N 491).

Ensuring ongoing repairs

The owners of the premises have the right to independently take actions to repair common property or engage other persons to provide services and perform repairs, taking into account the chosen method of managing an apartment building (clause 12 of Rules N 491).

The proper maintenance of common property, including the implementation of current repairs, depending on the method of managing an apartment building, is ensured (clause “h”, clause 11, clause 16 of Rules N 491):

a) the owners of the premises:

  • by concluding an agreement on the maintenance and repair of common property with persons providing services and (or) performing work (with direct management of an apartment building);

b) HOA, housing, housing-construction cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative (when managing an apartment building):

  • through membership of the owners of the premises in these organizations;
  • by concluding agreements on the maintenance and repair of common property with these organizations by the owners of premises who are not members of these organizations;

c) by the developer (the person who ensures the construction of the apartment building) - in relation to the premises in this house that have not been transferred to other persons under the deed of transfer or other transfer document, from the moment the permission to put the apartment building into operation was issued to him:

  • independently (without concluding a management agreement for such a house with a managing organization);
  • by concluding an agreement on the management of an apartment building with a managing organization;

d) by a person who, after issuing a permit to put the apartment building into operation, has accepted from the developer the premises in this house according to the deed of transfer or other document on the transfer, by concluding an agreement on the management of the apartment building with a management organization selected by the local government on the basis of the results of an open tender.

Homeowners associations, housing, housing-construction cooperatives or other specialized consumer cooperatives can carry out work on the current repair of common property in an apartment building on their own or engage, on the basis of contracts, persons who perform the relevant types of work (part 2.2 of article 161 of the LC RF).

At the same time, the managing organization, partnership or cooperative must ensure the statutory requirements for the maintenance and service of the housing stock (parts 2.2, 2.3, article 161 of the LC RF).

Note. The composition of the common property is given in Rules N 491.

Payment of expenses for current repairs

Payment for current repairs is included in the payment for the maintenance of residential premises (Article 154 of the LC RF). At the same time, the owners of the premises bear the costs of maintaining the common property in proportion to their shares in the right. common property on this property by making (part 1,, 3, article 39 of the LC RF; clause 28 of Rules N 491):

a) payments for the maintenance of residential premises in an apartment building - in the case of management of an apartment building by a managing organization or directly by the owners of the premises;

b) mandatory payments and contributions from owners of premises that are members of an HOA, a housing, housing-construction cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative. At the same time, the owners of the premises who are not members of these organizations pay a fee for the maintenance of the residential premises in accordance with the agreements concluded with the specified organizations (parts 5, 6 of article 155 of the RF LC).

Reference. Approximate list of works on current repair

1. Foundations

Elimination of local deformations, strengthening, restoration of damaged areas of foundations, ventilation products, blind areas and entrances to basements.

2. Walls and facades

Joint sealing, sealing and restoration of architectural elements; change of upholstery wooden walls, repair and painting of facades.

3. Overlays

Partial change of individual elements; sealing seams and cracks; strengthening and coloring.

4. Roofs

Reinforcement of wooden elements truss system, antiseptic and antipyretic; Troubleshooting of steel, asbestos-cement and other roofs, replacement of drainpipes; repair of waterproofing, insulation and ventilation.

5. Window and door fillings

Change and restoration of individual elements (devices) and fillings.

6. Interroom partitions

Strengthening, changing, sealing individual sections.

7. Stairs, balconies, porches (canopy umbrellas) over entrances to entrances, basements, over balconies upper floors

Restoration or replacement of individual sections and elements.

8. Floors

Replacement, restoration of individual sections.

9. Stoves and hearths

Troubleshooting work.

10. Interior decoration

Restoration of walls, ceilings, floors in separate sections in entrances, technical rooms, in other common house auxiliary rooms and service apartments.

11. Central heating

Installation, replacement and restoration of operability of individual elements and parts of elements internal systems central heating, including house boilers.

12. Water supply and sewerage, hot water supply

Installation, replacement and restoration of serviceability of individual elements and parts of elements of internal water supply and sewerage systems, hot water supply, including pumping units in residential buildings.

13. Power supply and electrical devices

Installation, replacement and restoration of the building's power supply, with the exception of in-house devices and appliances, except for electric stoves.

14. Ventilation

Replacement and restoration of the internal ventilation system, including the fans themselves and their electric drives.

15. Garbage chutes

Restoration of operability of ventilation and flushing devices, covers of garbage inlets and gate devices ( Scroll works related to the current repair, approved. Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated September 27, 2003 N 170).

Signing of the certificate of completion

In the event that third parties are involved in the implementation of current repairs after the completion of the work, the person who, on behalf of all owners of premises in an apartment building, is authorized to participate in the acceptance of work on current repairs, signs an act of acceptance of the services rendered and (or) work performed on the maintenance and current repairs of the general property in an apartment building (clause 9 of the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 03.04.2013 N 290; Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia of 10.26.2015 N 761 / pr).

Russians have a vague idea of ​​what rights they have in relation to common property, and what they can count on if there is a need for repair work. In addition, tenants and apartment owners do not know what obligations the service company has in relation to common property.

By law, the maintenance of common property in an apartment building includes a wide variety of work necessary to maintain the property in good condition. On a monthly basis, homeowners pay accruals for consumed resources, which includes fees for certain works. Today we will talk about what is included in the general list of necessary repair measures and what requirements the owner can apply to the responsible persons.

There is no specific, clearly defined definition of such a concept as current repair. As a rule, when talking about carrying out repair measures of a current nature, we are talking about a whole range of measures aimed at maintaining the housing stock in a satisfactory condition, as well as eliminating the malfunctions that have arisen that interfere with the full and comfortable living of citizens.

The necessary work is carried out strictly according to the plan drawn up initially, and can be assigned to restore the entire residential complex or partially replace worn-out communication nodes. It is important to distinguish between current repairs and capital works. For major repairs, residents pay on a separate receipt, starting in 2015, but for the current money they are charged by including the required amount in the total charges.

Tariffs for payment are set by municipal authorities, and the sequence of necessary work is determined by 2-5 years, taking into account the condition of the dwelling, as well as the degree of wear of structures and materials.

The basis for determining the need for ongoing repairs may be a scheduled inspection of buildings. As a rule, the survey is carried out before and after the heating season - in autumn or spring.

The list of works that are included in the current repair of MKD

The list of repair measures is determined by a special document - methodological recommendations for the repair and maintenance of the housing stock 2-04.2004, approved by the State Construction Committee. There are a lot of provisions and points in the document, which determine the list of necessary works. The following types of work can be cited as an example:

  1. Elimination of existing deformations, strengthening and restoration of the foundation.
  2. Restoration of architectural elements of the structure and sealing of the joints of the structure.
  3. Painting the facade of the building, walls or ceiling.
  4. Recovery window openings, glass replacement.
  5. Repair of entrance doors and vestibules.
  6. Restoration of internal communications, including the repair of pumping units and the elimination of problems associated with a disruption in the operation of the power supply system.
  7. Minor repair of railings, replacement of mailboxes.
  8. The device of peaks and "aprons" in the garbage chute.

This list is not exhaustive, as it includes other types of work. For this reason, if a conflict situation arises and the management company or other organization refuses to carry out certain repairs, it is worth arming yourself with the above document and going to court to protect your own rights.

Who is responsible for the ongoing maintenance?

All responsibilities for carrying out repair work are assigned to the management company, which initially collects funds from the residents of the house specifically for the maintenance and repair of the premises. This provision is enshrined in Art. 154-156 ZhK RF and general rules maintenance of property, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in PP No. 491 dated 13.08.2006.

The direct carrying out of repair work is assigned to specialized organizations within the framework of the competition. All work must be carried out strictly in accordance with the established rules and regulations. It should be noted that, unlike major repairs, current work can be organized without drawing up the minutes of the general meeting of owners, but only if there is an application from residents.

A repair plan is formed annually, but such a document may be amended. Upon completion of the repair measure, the work should be accepted by a special commission. The composition of such a body includes representatives of the owners of apartments and employees of the management company.

If necessary, experts can be brought in. If the work is performed poorly, then you will first need to make a claim to management company and in case of refusal to eliminate the shortcomings, it will be possible to apply to the court or to the apartment. No more than a month is given to correct the situation of the Criminal Code.


The organization of repair work in an apartment building is the responsibility of the management company or other organization involved in servicing a particular residential complex.

A special plan is drawn up annually, which acts as the main document, according to which the necessary work is carried out. The drawn up plan can be amended and amended, and the direct executors of the work are contractors identified in the framework of a specially organized competition.

I. S. Zuykov,
k. e. n., expert "BG"

Published in "Accounting newspaper" No. 12/2016

In the last two years, the attention of accounting community experts has been riveted to such a type of repair of common property in an apartment building (MKD), as overhaul. In this regard, another important type of repair, the current one, almost fell out of their field of vision. It must be said that earlier the issue of carrying out current repairs in the MKD, managed by the HOA, was not fully covered. This is largely due to the writing of this article.

The current repair of the building includes a set of construction and organizational and technical measures to eliminate malfunctions (restoring performance) of the elements, equipment and engineering systems of the building to maintain performance (paragraph 4 of the preamble, section II of the Rules and norms for the technical operation of the housing stock, approved. Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated September 27, 2003 No. 170 (hereinafter referred to as Rules No. 170)). The recommended list of works related to the current repair is given in Appendix No. 7 to Regulation No. 170:

1. Foundations
Elimination of local deformations, strengthening, restoration of damaged sections of foundations, ventilation products, blind areas and entrances to basements.

2. Walls and facades
Joint sealing, sealing and restoration of architectural elements; change of sections of wooden wall cladding, repair and painting of facades.

3. Overlays
Partial change of individual elements; sealing seams and cracks; strengthening and coloring.

4. Roofs
Strengthening the elements of the wooden truss system, antiseptic and anti-perforation; Troubleshooting of steel, asbestos-cement and other roofs, replacement of drainpipes; repair of waterproofing, insulation and ventilation.

5. Window and door fillings
Change and restoration of individual elements (devices) and fillings.

6. Interroom partitions
Strengthening, changing, sealing individual sections.

7. Stairs, balconies, porches (canopy umbrellas) above the entrances to the entrances, basements, above the balconies of the upper floors
Restoration or replacement of individual sections and elements.

8. Floors
Replacement, restoration of individual sections.

9. Stoves and hearths
Troubleshooting work.

10. Interior decoration
Restoration of walls, ceilings, floors in separate sections in entrances, technical rooms, in other common house auxiliary rooms and service apartments.

11. Central heating
Installation, replacement and restoration of serviceability of individual elements and parts of elements of internal central heating systems, including domestic boilers.

12. Water supply and sewerage, hot water supply
Installation, replacement and restoration of serviceability of individual elements and parts of elements of internal water supply and sewerage systems, hot water supply, including pumping units in residential buildings.

13. Power supply and electrical devices
Installation, replacement and restoration of the building's power supply, with the exception of in-house devices and appliances, except for electric stoves.

14. Ventilation
Replacement and restoration of the internal ventilation system, including the fans themselves and their electric drives.

15. Garbage chutes
Restoration of operability of ventilation and flushing devices, covers of garbage inlets and gate devices.

16. Special general house technical devices
Replacement and restoration of elements and parts of special elements technical devices performed by specialized enterprises under a work contract with the owner (authorized body) or with an organization servicing the housing stock, according to the regulations established by manufacturers or the relevant sectoral ministries (departments) and agreed by state supervisory authorities.

17. External landscaping
Repair and restoration of destroyed sections of sidewalks, driveways, paths, blind areas of fences and equipment for sports, utility and recreation areas, platforms and sheds for garbage containers.

Before carrying out current repairs, members of the HOA need to determine the source of its financing. The most common, although not the only, way is to create a fund in the HOA for current repairs, the approval of the procedure for the formation and use of which falls within the competence of the general meeting of members of the partnership (clause 5, part 2, article 145 of the LC RF). At the same meeting, it is necessary to decide on the period for the current repair (set a date after which funds for repairs will be sufficient). But holding this meeting alone is not enough.

Current repairs are carried out on the basis of a decision of the general meeting of the owners of the premises, adopted by a majority vote of the total number of votes participating in the meeting (clause 4.1, part 2, article 44 of the LC RF). The owners of the premises are obliged to approve at the general meeting the list of services and works, the conditions for their provision and implementation, as well as the amount of their financing (clause 17 of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 491 (hereinafter - the Rules No. 491)).

At first glance, it may seem that at meetings (of HOA members and owners of premises) there is a duplication of decisions, but this is not so, since it is one thing to establish a fund for current repairs of common property in MKD, and quite another thing is the implementation of specific current repairs (certainly not the last in the history of MKD).

The owners of the premises have the right to independently take actions to repair the common property or engage other persons to provide services and perform repairs, taking into account the chosen method of managing the MKD (clause 12 of Rules No. 491). In the HOA, the implementation of the current repair of common property in the MKD is ensured by the membership of the owners of the premises in the partnership and the conclusion of agreements with the owners of the premises who are not members of the HOA (subparagraph “h” of clause 11, clause 16 of Regulation No. 491). Homeowners associations can carry out work on the current repair of common property in the house on their own or attract, on the basis of contracts, persons who perform the relevant types of work.

At the same time, the homeowners' association must ensure the statutory requirements for the maintenance and servicing of the housing stock (part 2.2 of article 161 of the RF LC).

According to paragraph 1 of part 2 of Art. 154 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, payment for current repairs is included in the payment for the maintenance of residential premises. This indicates that a separate fund for financing current repairs can not be created, since the financing of such repairs is provided for by the estimate of income and expenses of the HOA for a certain year. The planned funds will go to the settlement account of the HOA and accumulate there until the start of the current repair. In this regard, it is necessary to properly plan the activities of the current repair. In order for the funds collected for repairs not to remain on the current account without movement for a long time, they must be used in stages. For example, the funds accumulated over several months are enough for the planned repair of the floors in the entrance - therefore, such repairs must be made. This approach makes it possible to incur smaller inflationary losses while accumulating funds for current repairs. Of course, with this approach, many factors must be taken into account, for example, the seasonal factor. It is unacceptable in the summer to repair the floors in the entrance, and in the rainy autumn period to repair the facade or blind areas of the MKD.

It should be noted that the owners of the premises bear the costs of maintaining the common property (including current repairs) in proportion to their shares in the common ownership of this property by making mandatory payments and contributions from members of the HOA. At the same time, owners who are not members of the partnership pay a fee for the maintenance and repair of the residential premises in accordance with the agreements concluded with the HOA (parts 1–3, article 39 of the LC RF, clause 28 of Rules No. 491, parts 5, 6 of Art. 155 ZhK RF).

Example 1
Suppose the area of ​​​​residential premises in the MKD is 5000 square meters. m. At the general meeting, members of the HOA decided to charge a fee for the maintenance of residential premises in the amount of 15 rubles. from one sq. m (including 2 rubles for current repairs).

In accounting, the accrual of fees for the maintenance of residential premises will be reflected together with the payment for utilities and other services on the debit of subaccount 76-11 “Settlements with owners of premises for consumed utilities and amounts for the maintenance of residential premises” and the credit of subaccount 86-1 “Targeted receipts from the owners of the premises for the maintenance of the dwelling and for the consumed utilities", and its receipt - on the debit of account 51 "Settlement accounts" and the credit of sub-account 76-11. Thus, after a month, 75,000 rubles will be received to cover the estimated costs. (5000 × 15), of which 10,000 rubles will fall on current repairs. (5000×2).

To carry out current repairs, it is better to involve a repair and construction company that is a member of a self-regulatory organization and has an appropriate permit for the types of work planned in the HOA. After completion of work, the chairman of the board of the HOA or another person who, on behalf of all owners of premises in the MKD, is authorized to participate in the acceptance of work on current repairs, signs an act of acceptance of the services rendered and (or) work performed on the maintenance and current repairs of common property in the house, the form of which approved by order of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation dated October 26, 2015 No. 761 / pr.

Example 2
According to the contract agreement, the repair and construction company carries out current repairs of the common property of an apartment building managed by the HOA. The cost of the work amounted to 118,000 rubles. (including VAT 18,000 rubles). Funds for the repair were accumulated on the settlement account of the HOA as a result of their receipt as part of the payment for the maintenance of the dwelling.

In accordance with the Instructions for the Application of the Chart of Accounts for the Financial and Economic Activities of Organizations, approved. By order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n, organizations whose activities are not related to the production process use account 26 “General business expenses” to summarize information on the costs of conducting this activity. In this case, the costs of repairing common property in the MKD are reflected in the debit of account 26 and the credit of account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”.

With regard to VAT, the partnership is exempted from its payment on the basis of sub. 30 p. 3 art. 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, therefore, upon presentation by the contractor of the amount of VAT on the work performed on the current repair of the common property of an apartment building, the HOA takes into account this amount of tax in the cost of work performed by virtue of clause 2 of Art. 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

In accounting, the following entries should be made.

Debit 26 Credit 60- 118,000 rubles. – repair work performed by the contractor was accepted;
Debit 60 Credit 51- 118,000 rubles. - paid for repair work performed by the contractor.

It should be noted that the current repair costs collected on account 26 as part of other costs grouped on this account, the final turnover of the month should be reflected in the debit of sub-account 86-1 and the credit of account 26.

In conclusion, let us say that it is possible to carry out current repairs of common property in an apartment building without involving a contractor and for less cash, but members of the HOA, when making a decision at a general meeting to carry out current repairs, should ask themselves the following question: who will be responsible for causing damage to the property of residents or harm to their health, which may occur as a result of poor-quality current repairs by unqualified persons?

Also on this topic.

Most of the residents of apartment buildings do not really know anything about what is meant by the concept of current repairs. And this is not surprising since the representatives of the housing and communal services themselves are often confused in the details regarding their work.

This is due to insufficient coverage in the legislation of many issues from the housing and communal services sector - there are many blank spots or legal vacuums, and this fact allows the development of all sorts of bureaucratic schemes that are unpleasant for residents.

Insert your text here
Therefore, it would be useful for tenants who rent apartments or who own them in an apartment building to at least superficially familiarize themselves with their rights.

All repairs are conditionally divided into two types:

  • capital;
  • and current.

The former are carried out for the purpose of capital restoration of the building, the latter maintain it in a residential condition and are carried out regularly. For example, every three or twelve months. That is, the second type of repair work is necessarily planned by public utilities and does not depend on whether the building needs serious restoration.

For full participation and control of the progress of the repair, you need to know about.

Usually, current repair work is reduced to building diagnostics and elimination of minor faults (for example, in the boiler room equipment). They concern only common property.

It is impossible to require repairmen to carry out internal work - they do not apply to the current repair of the whole house

Types of jobs

To determine the type of work included in the current repair, it is necessary to clarify what exactly belongs to the common property.

This list includes:

  • equipment related to security system- intercoms, entrance doors, video cameras;
  • mailboxes;
  • elevators, including shafts;
  • heating networks and electrical networks located in the entrances;
  • risers of the water supply system (cold and hot);
  • basement areas, their equipment;
  • roof;
  • the entire facade;
  • foundation.

That is, in common use is everything that does not belong to individual individuals. And this property must be put in order according to plan and regularly. Funds for such repairs are also collected from the residents on a regular basis. If you look at utility bills, you can find the corresponding line in them.

The list of works should include:

  • diagnostics;
  • budgeting and distribution of the amount received between residents (this issue is usually dealt with by a housing cooperative);
  • repairs, including, first of all, the elimination of all minor problems, and then the modernization of the house (at the request of the residents).

Modernization includes, for example:

  • CCTV installation,
  • replacement of elevators or old building structures.

Minor troubleshooting includes: changing light bulbs, wiring, fixing problems in ventilation system, sewerage, water supply (this may be the replacement of individual units or sections, seals, taps, etc.), insulation of the heating system and its repair, painting, plastering, floor replacement, repair of stairs, elevator shaft equipment, roofs, foundations and facade - the list is quite large.

The entire list of works can be seen in signed with the management company. These activities should be carried out on a regular basis. If something is not reflected in the contract, the tenants are not entitled to demand it during the repair.

The cost of repairs for each tenant will be determined by the housing cooperative according to the footage of the apartment. The entire amount calculated according to the estimate is divided into total square meters in the house, and then multiplied by the footage of each individual apartment. There is a second way to distribute the total amount - it is divided by the number of apartments and the payment for each apartment is the same. But this method is used extremely rarely.

Who does the repair

The management company is in charge of the repair. It will not be possible for one tenant to fix, for example, a leaking roof - for this it is necessary to obtain permission from Stroynadzor and the management company itself.

The management company independently attracts contractors, concludes contracts with them and monitors their implementation

Also, a housing cooperative can act as a customer of work (Article 740 of the Civil Code).

If there is no repair

The unscrupulousness of repairmen and the topic of offended tenants has long become a "talk of the town." To deal with the troubles and solve the problem with the repair, the tenants need to take the following actions:

  • Contact the management company directly - its representative is obliged to draw up an appropriate act, on the basis of which work should be carried out (or defects eliminated).
  • In case of non-completion of repairs, residents file a complaint first with the company itself, and then with the municipality (housing and communal services department of the city administration). The highest authority for appeal is the Main Directorate of Housing Inspection.
  • Residents can demand the elimination of all problems or a comprehensive repair in accordance with an agreement with the management company, and in case of refusal, go to court.
  • Also, tenants have the right to unilaterally change the management company that has not coped with its duties.

The decision is made at the general meeting of owners at the end of the current year (Article 162 of the LC). All documents must be transferred to a new management company or one of the owners (if direct management is chosen).