Perennial anemone. Planting anemone tubers in open ground and caring for plants Anemone hybrid planting and care

Anemones are ornamental plants, of which there are about 150 varieties. Sometimes they are called anemones. Anemone flowers are especially valued for their early flowering, during which they look very impressive. The flowers have a variety of shades: white, pink, yellow, etc. Their shape resembles the shape of a chamomile and grows in Europe, Russia, America and Asia, and their homeland is the Mediterranean.

general characteristics

Anemones have gained popularity in many countries of the world and their beauty can delight many. The plant has single flowers with a diameter of 3-8 centimeters. They can be of a simple type, terry or semi-double, and their color is very diverse.

The flower has a straight stem, the height of which can reach 80 centimeters. There are very few leaves on it. All leaves are at the bottom of the stem and are collected in a basal rosette. It looks very beautiful and unusual.

anemones bloom twice a season. First in spring - in April-May, and then at the end of August, and the flowering period can continue until October. From varieties of anemones can be distinguished:

  • The anemone is tender (several varieties belong to this species, the most common of which is blue) - it reaches a height of only 5-10 centimeters and looks very miniature;
  • Anemone oak - not very common in Russia, however, is an unpretentious species. The height of these flowers can be in the range of 20-30 centimeters and their color is predominantly white. There are terry specimens;
  • Buttercup anemone - flowers are similar to buttercups, mostly yellow, unpretentious and can grow in any type of soil. The height of the bush can be 20-25 centimeters. Terry varieties may be present.

This is not the whole list of plant varieties. There are also Japanese anemones, hybrids, crowned anemones and many others.

Necessary conditions for a flower

Planting conditions and requirements may vary depending on the variety. However, there are a number universal recommendations suitable for most plants. The anemone flower loves a fertile type of soil. If it still turns out to be loose and drainage is present in it, then the flower will be quite comfortable. Loose soil provides optimal access of water and air to the root system.

For better conditions, you can add a little sand to the soil or make good drainage. For drainage system often use small stones or broken bricks.

When planting, it is important to consider the composition of the soil. Wood ash or dolomite flour is added to soil with high acidity to neutralize the acid. The required site is also selected depending on the varietal characteristics. Some varieties require a shaded area, others are suitable for a place lit by a bright sun, where there is no strong wind and drafts. On the right choice flower planting sites respond good growth and profuse flowering.

Planting and reproduction

Before you start growing these beauties, you should find out what the anemone prefers. Planting and care is carried out in a shady area under the crowns of trees. Fertile soil type is preferred for plants. They also like moderate heat.

This is a perennial, so if it grows in its natural environment, then on winter period no one is digging it up. In the garden, this should not be done either.

However, you should prepare for the onset of cold weather and cover them, otherwise they may freeze or die from lack of moisture.

In order for the sprouts to germinate faster, before planting them, the tubers are soaked in barely warm water so that they swell a little. Then a small hole is dug, at the bottom of which a nutrient mixture is added (it includes humus with the addition of ash). It takes about half a cup. Further, the tubers are placed there upside down, they are sprinkled with soil on top so that they cannot roll over. Tubers are planted to a depth of 5-10 centimeters, no more. After planting, the plant should be properly watered and the soil should be mulched on top. This procedure will allow moisture to remain longer and prevent strong growth of weeds.

Reproduction of flowers is carried out in different ways. Again, it depends on the variety. There are the following breeding methods:

  • seminal;
  • dividing the root.

If seed propagation is used, then sowing is carried out immediately after collecting seeds or before winter. If the air temperature is 15-18 degrees, then the first shoots may begin to appear after a month. In some cases, they may be a little late. The plant is sown at a short distance from each other, and not entirely, because it is necessary to obtain already thinned seedlings, because they should not be transplanted or dived. Do this only in cases of emergency and only in a room that is darkened. Anemones bloom after sowing in about the second or third year.

By dividing the horse, reproduction is carried out in the spring. It is better to do this before active sap flow begins. First, the roots are cut in such a way that renewable buds are present on each piece. Then, as when planting, they should be dipped in warm water so that they swell a little. After such a procedure, they take root better. Now they can be planted.

plant care

After a successful planting, the flower will need care. He is not puffy, but certain rules you should still know. These rules include:

Now the anemone in central Russia is quite popular, and many are already familiar with the features of its cultivation. However, to get good result it is required to spend a certain amount of time and effort, because there are special nuances that determine whether there will be success in this matter. It is important not only to choose right place, but also provide the necessary care for the plant, which must correspond to the selected variety.

Anemone is a perennial of the buttercup family, a very beautiful and fragile plant. The name means "daughter of the winds", so the people call the flower anemone. The name is justified by the fact that even the weakest gust of wind provokes the trembling of delicate petals. It grows on the plains in temperate regions, and is found in mountainous areas. In nature, there are about 160 species that bloom at different times and differ so much that they puzzle even experienced flower growers. Let's talk about the types of anemones, planting and care in open field autumn.

Under the common name of anemones, there is a variety of varieties and species, among which there are unpretentious ones, and those that require increased attention. The difference between the two is that some species have tubers while others have rhizomes. The latter do not cause difficulties in growing, but any mistake in caring for tuberous anemones can lead to the death of the plant.

Anemone care features are as follows:

  • In dry, hot weather, anemone watering is required.
  • Complex mineral fertilizers are applied only in autumn, and organic fertilizers are applied during flowering, growth and before planting.
  • Anemones are afraid of frost, they need to be covered with dry leaves.
  • Reproduction of anemones is carried out by seeds or root offspring.

Anemone species

We offer you to get acquainted with the most common and striking representatives of the anemone family. According to the flowering time, they are divided into summer (autumn) and spring. Spring flowers are distinguished by a wide range of pastel shades; they bloom in May. This type of anemone includes:

  • Oak anemone. She has a fragile articulated rhizome. Flowers diameter - 2-4 cm. Height - 25 cm. Flowers usually white color but there are other shades. It blooms early - in April-May. Undemanding variety.
  • The anemone is tender. These are miniature plants, the flowers of these plants are only 5-10 cm in diameter. Frost-resistant varieties, growing anemone tender gardeners pay considerable attention. The most popular variety is Blue Shades.
  • Luciferous anemone. Undemanding plant. There are beautiful terry varieties with bright yellow flowers. Grows up to 25 cm.

Summer flowering anemones are represented by the following species:

  • Japanese anemone. Large perennial. Popular varieties such as Pamina with dark pink flowers, Hadspen Abundance with cream flowers.
  • Crown anemone. Light-loving plant, blooms with double flowers. It blooms twice a season: in May and September. Grows up to 1.5 meters. This type of plant includes an anemone De Kaen, Don Juan and Sandra Bridget. Anemone crown flowers can be of various shades.
  • Anemone hybrid. This species includes varieties such as Honorine Jobert, Queen Charlotte, Profusion.

All of these species are large. perennials, the root system is powerful and well branched. They begin to bloom from the end of summer, anemones bloom until mid-autumn.

Preparing and planting anemones

Soil preparation

For those who decide to grow anemones on their site, planting begins with the selection of a site. You will need a spacious place, protected from drafts, and shaded. The rhizomes of this plant grow strongly, but they are very fragile, any contact can harm them. Anemones do not tolerate drafts and extreme heat.

The soil should be loose, drained, fertile. The best option will become deciduous soil with peat or loam. You can add plain sand to the soil, this will improve the structure of the soil. By adding wood ash to the soil, excessive acidity can be reduced.

Seed preparation

Anemones can be grown from seeds, but they have a very low germination rate. Only a quarter of freshly harvested seeds can germinate. If you subject the seeds to stratification, you can slightly increase germination. The seeds are mixed with peat or coarse sand, for 1 part of the seeds anemones take 3 parts of sand. Moisturize, spray daily to maintain the required moisture.

After the seeds swell, a little substrate is added, the mixture is mixed, slightly moistened. capacity with planting material leave in a cool room. When the sprouts hatch, and this usually happens after a few days, the container is taken out to the site, buried in the snow and sprinkled with sawdust and straw.

Get them in early spring to transplant into sprouting boxes. To make life easier for themselves, experienced growers plant seeds in autumn in boxes with nutrient soil, bury them in open ground, covering them with spruce branches. During the winter, the seeds will undergo natural freezing. In the spring, you can dig them up to plant them.

Tuber preparation

Planting anemone tubers begins with the fact that the tubers need to be soaked in warm water before planting. After a few hours, the tubers should swell, they are planted in pots with a mixture of sand and peat to a depth of 5 cm. Watering should be regular. Some flower growers wrap the bulbs in a cloth that is moistened with an epin solution. They are kept in a plastic bag for about six hours, this will allow the bulbs to soak. After that, they are immediately planted in the ground.

Planting anemone tubers

How to plant an anemone? Planting anemones is not particularly difficult. You just need to determine the point of growth. Tubercles of buds are visible on tubers that have been pre-treated and are already swollen, they can be used to determine how to plant. For beginners, this guideline may come in handy: the anemone tuber has a flat top, and you need to plant it with a sharp end down. In case of any doubt, you can simply plant the tuber on its side.

The hole for planting should be about 40 cm in diameter, 13 centimeters deep. A little ash and humus are poured at the bottom of each hole, a tuber is placed there, sprinkled with earth on top. Landing is slightly crushed, then watered well.

Planting anemones with seeds

By the time the anemones are planted in the fall, the seedlings should already have two leaves. Seedlings are planted in the ground in the second year of growth. The place is chosen shaded. When to plant anemones? Planting is done in the fall, after which the site is well covered with leaves and branches from frost. It should be remembered that such anemones can bloom only after three years.

When purchasing different varieties of anemones, you can make it so that flowering will continue for almost all year round: from April to November. To do this, you will need seeds and tubers of different types and varieties, a little patience, time, and compliance with certain planting rules.

anemone care

You want to see anemones on your site, planting and care in the open field in accordance with all the rules, and now they are already pleasing to the eye with their violent flowering. Of course, you will have to try to maintain the required level of humidity throughout the growing season. The danger is not drought, but excessive moisture. The root system of a plant can simply rot from waterlogging.

If during the period of bud formation, the plant lacks moisture, it will be difficult for anemones to bloom and grow. In order for the humidity level to be balanced, it is necessary to plant plants on a hill. The site must be well drained. After planting, it is desirable to carry out mulching with a five-centimeter layer of peat, sawdust fruit trees. In spring, the soil is moistened once a week; with normal rainfall, additional watering throughout the summer is not necessary. If it is very hot and dry, watering is done after sunset or in the morning.

Top dressing of anemones is done during flowering. Live organic fertilizers are used (except for fresh manure). In autumn, it is necessary to provide top dressing with complex mineral fertilizers. With careful fertilization of the beds before planting, further feeding can be completely eliminated. Weeds must be removed by hand, a chopper and other tools can damage the delicate roots of the plant.

Anemones are considered plants that are resistant to most pests and diseases. But sometimes they can be bothered by snails and slugs. To cope with uninvited guests, use the drug - metaldehyde. Some anemones suffer from cutworm caterpillar (winter worm) or leaf nematode. In case of nematode damage, infected plants must be destroyed; the plant should not be planted in this place for several years.

Anemone breeding

Anemone propagates not only by tubers and seeds, the methods described above, but also by dividing a bush or rhizome. When dividing the rhizomes, you can dig them out in the spring, cut into pieces, they should be approximately 5 cm long. Each piece should have a kidney. They are planted in the ground, but such a plant will reach maturity only in three years. A transplant is carried out with the division of the bush only by 4-5 year old plants.

Storage after flowering

How to store anemones in winter? Anemones are recommended to be dug up with the onset of the first cold weather in order to be stored. Nodules need thorough drying. The aerial part of the bush is cut off. Tubers must be stored cool, in the dark, placed in sand or peat. A non-damp basement is best suited for this.

If the decision is made to leave the anemones in the soil before winter, you need to be sure that they will winter in comfortable conditions. In regions with warm winters, you should not rely on the weather; the site must be covered with spruce branches, fallen leaves, and other material so that unexpected frosts do not kill the anemone flowers.

Anemone - planting and care, photo, cultivation, reproduction

1. Seven secrets of success:

1. Growing temperature: very cool content at a temperature of 7 - 18 ° C, does not like heat.
2. Lighting: shading from direct sunlight in the daytime, in the evening the plants can take sunbaths.
3. Watering and humidity: evenly moist soil in warm time year, a slight drying of the substrate in autumn and winter, air humidity can not be increased.
4. pruning: sanitary - removal of wilted buds to prolong the flowering time, forming - after flowering.
5. Priming: should have a neutral or slightly alkaline pH, contain plenty of nutrients.
6. top dressing: in the warm season - 2 times a month.
7. reproduction: cuttings or division when transplanting large plants, sowing seeds in spring.

Botanical name: anemones.

House anemones - family. Ranunculaceae.

Origin. Central China.

Anemone description. Herbaceous perennial has basal leaves, vertical or creeping. The leaves are dark green, simple or compound, lobed or undivided, softly pubescent on long petioles. Leaf margins are serrated or smooth. Long, vertical, graceful, branched peduncles rise significantly above the foliage at the end of summer. Flowers are cup-shaped, 4-6 cm in diameter, collected in inflorescences - umbrellas of 2-9 flowers. Each flower consists of 5 - 7 showy, round, pinkish-white to light pink-lilac petals. Blooms late summer to autumn, often until the first frost (late July/August to October). Many species of this genus are beloved garden plants, as they can bloom throughout the year in frost-free climates. Anemones or anemones are successfully grown as perennial garden flowers.

Height. From 15 cm to 120 cm.

2.Anemone - landing and care

2.1.Growing temperature

Prefers coolness from 7 to 18 ° C.

2.2. When the anemone blooms

Plants bloom in spring or late summer, from August to September, depending on the type and growing conditions. With proper care, repeated flowering is possible within a year.

2.3 Lighting

Some direct sunlight, but not on a hot summer day. Some species prefer partial shade.

2.4 Anemone breeding

The anemone flower is propagated by division or cuttings. Large rhizomes can be divided every two to three years, in the spring. Tuberous species are best divided during the dormant period, usually in summer time. They also propagate by seeds sown in spring in moist soil. Growing from seeds requires some effort. They are pre-stratified in the refrigerator for two to three weeks. Cover the container with glass or a plastic cap to maintain even humidity. Germination takes from two to twenty-five weeks, depending on the type and time of planting.

2.5.How to care

It can be grown in the warm season in open ground, but the plant prefers places protected from the wind. Remove old foliage in time, shorten tall plants to half their height. Handles pruning well. After the aerial parts wither, when the plants go dormant, the bulbs are dug up and stored in a cool and dry place, sprinkled with sawdust.

Anemone can be used indoors as a forcing plant and get a flowering bush for any holiday, for this, the plants are dug up in the fall along with a clod of earth and transplanted into a suitable pot. Plants are kept in a cool and relatively dry room at a temperature of 0 - 2 ° C. In January, the temperature of the content is increased to 8 - 12 ° C, and with the appearance of the first signs of new growth, watering and fertilizing are resumed.

2.6. How to transplant an anemone

Before planting the anemones, soak the tubers overnight and then place them in a dry fertile soil, in light shading to a depth of about 7 - 10 cm.

2.7. Ground for room anemone

The potted plant grows easily in moist, well-drained soil. Prefers fertile, humus-rich, neutral to slightly alkaline soils.

2.8. Feeding features

During the growing season with complex fertilizers every 2 weeks.

2.9 Purpose

Beautifully flowering, very effective plant, suitable for cutting, has a pleasant aroma. Tuberous species can be used as forcing plants.

2.10. Humidity

Not whimsical, quite tolerates dry room air.

2.11. Watering anemones

Should be watered regularly, especially during the first growing season, to get a deep, wide root system. The soil must not dry out. Avoid damp, poorly drained soils, especially in winter.

2.12. Pests and diseases

There are no serious problems with insects, the flower is also rarely sick with proper care. Sometimes leaf spot may appear, powdery mildew and rust. Sunburn on leaves in hot, dry, sunny summer conditions.

From insects, leaf miners, aphids, nematodes, thrips, whiteflies can attack the flower. When grown outdoors, slugs and snails can attack bushes.

2.13 Note

All parts of the plant are poisonous. The skin may become inflamed and blistered upon contact with the fresh juice of the plant.In medicine, the anemone is used as a treatment for cramps, menstrual irregularities, and emotional distress.


3. Varieties of anemone:

3.1. Anemone oak - Anemone nemorosa

A very attractive small flower with upright, upright burgundy or bright brown stems. Each stem bears at the top a single white, pink or purple flower with 6 rounded petals and numerous, long, yellow stamens. The leaves are green, complex, intricately carved. There are terry varieties.

3.2. Anemone crown - Anemone coronaria

Perennial, very brightly colored, bulbous plants. The leaves are green, compound, pinnately separate, alternately arranged. The flowers are large, solitary, showy - white, red, blue or pink.

The petals of each flower can be painted in several tones. The flowering period is long - up to 4 weeks. One of the varieties of crown anemone is anemone bridget- the owner of very large, bright, double flowers.

3.3. Anemone hybrid, autumn - Anemone × hybrida

Beautifully blooming, tall perennial, characterized by late autumn flowering. The flowers are painted white pink shade, have many yellow stamens.

Anemone, like all proud beauties, requires special treatment. And therefore no general recommendations, no universal advice! Almost each of the 160 (!) Anemone varieties has its own requirements for watering, soil, light ... But do not rush to give up capricious! Some formula for success in growing anemones (even if you don’t know the variety for sure!) still exists: we plant in partial shade, organize drainage, as we grow, feeding and loosening is half the battle, consider it done!

  • Why is anemone afraid of weeding?
  • How to organize continuous flowering of anemones in your area from April to November?
  • How to wake up the "lazy" flower seeds?
  • How to organize the plant the right wintering?

Read about all this in our article.

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Planting and caring for anemones

  • Landing: sowing fresh seeds for seedlings in June-July or before winter (in October-November) in boxes. Planting tubers in spring.
  • Bloom: spring, summer or autumn - depending on the species.
  • Lighting: for forest species - partial shade, for the Mediterranean - bright sunlight.
  • The soil: loose, fertile, (sandy or peaty) better neutral.
  • Watering: only during dry seasons and during the flowering period.
  • Top dressing: liquid organic and mineral fertilizers during flowering and autumn.
  • Reproduction: seed and vegetative (tubers, dividing the bush or parts of the rhizome).
  • Pests: leaf nematodes, aphids, South American leaf miners, thrips and whiteflies.
  • Diseases: gray rot, peronosporosis (downy mildew), anthracnose, sclerotinia, viral infections.

Read more about growing anemones below.

plant name anemone (lat. Anemone), or anemone from Greek it literally translates as “daughter of the winds”, since anemone flowers react with a flutter of petals even to the weakest gust of wind. The flower belongs to the buttercup family and is a perennial herb. It occurs in temperate regions on the plains and in the mountainous regions of both hemispheres. It has about 160 species that bloom at different times and in very different ways, which confuses even experienced flower growers. How to grow anemones will be discussed in this article.

Features of growing anemones

Among the variety of species and varieties of anemones, there are quite unpretentious, and there are those that require special care, and this difference is explained by the fact that some anemones have rhizomes, while others have tubers. Species with rhizomes are easy to grow, and mistakes in the care of tuberous anemones lead to serious consequences.

There are a few things to consider if you are interested in growing anemones.

  • Firstly, these flowers require mandatory watering in dry, hot weather.
  • Secondly, autumn top dressing should be carried out with complex mineral fertilizers, and fertilizing the soil before planting or during growth and flowering - organic.
  • Thirdly, In winter, protect anemones from frost by covering them with dry leaves.
  • And the last: It is best to propagate anemones in spring by root offspring or seeds sown closer to winter. We will discuss all these features in more detail below.

Preparing to plant an anemone

Soil preparation for anemones

Before planting anemones, you need to choose a place for planting and prepare the soil. The site will need a spacious, shaded and protected from drafts. Anemone rhizomes grow strongly during the season, but are so fragile that they are harmed by contact, and this must be taken into account. Besides, anemones do not tolerate extreme heat and drafts.

The soil is well-drained, loose and fertile. Loam or deciduous soil with peat is best. To create an ideal structure, add simple sand to the soil, and you can reduce excessive acidity, which is harmful to the anemone, by adding dolomite flour or wood ash to the soil.

Preparing Anemone Seeds

Those who decide to grow flowers from seeds should know that anemone seeds have a low germination rate: no more than a quarter germinates, and only from freshly harvested seeds. But if you subject the seeds to stratification, that is, expose them to cold for 1-2 months, you can increase their germination. To do this, the seeds are mixed with coarse sand or peat at the rate of 1 part of seeds to three parts of sand, well moistened and sprayed daily with water to maintain the required moisture.

When and how to sow asters - tips from experienced flower growers

As soon as the seeds swell, add some substrate, mix, moisten and place in a ventilated room with a temperature not exceeding 5 ºC. After a few days, when the sprouts hatch, the seed container should be taken out into the yard, buried in snow or in the ground and sprinkled with sawdust or straw. In early spring, the seeds are transplanted into germination boxes.

But in order to save yourself from all these troubles, it is better to plant the seeds in the fall in boxes with loose soil and bury them in the yard, covering them with cut branches. During the winter, they will undergo natural freezing, and in the spring you will dig them up and plant them.

In the photo: planting anemone seeds for seedlings in trays

Preparation of anemone tubers

Before planting, anemone tubers are awakened from sleep by soaking in warm water for several hours to swell, and then planted to a depth of 5 cm in pots with a wet mixture of peat and sand for germination. Moisten the soil in pots should be moderate, but regular.

Some gardeners recommend "soaking" anemone bulbs, wrapping them in a cloth well moistened with a solution of epin, and keeping them for about six hours in a plastic bag. After that, anemones can be immediately planted in the ground.

In the photo: Preparing anemone tubers for planting

Planting anemones

Planting anemone tubers

Planting anemones does not involve any particular difficulties, the main thing is to determine the point of growth. Pre-treated, swollen tubers show bud tubercles, and it is clear how to plant them. But if in doubt, remember: the top of the anemone tuber is flat, so you need to plant it with the sharp end down. If you are confused by the shape of the tuber, plant on the side. The hole for the anemone should be 30-40 cm in diameter and 15 cm deep. At the bottom of the hole, you need to pour a handful of humus and ash, then place the tuber, sprinkle it with earth and lightly crush it. Place the planting of anemone flowers well to water.

In the photo: Anemone seedlings ready for transplanting into the ground

Planting Anemone Seeds

By the time of planting, anemone seedlings should have at least two leaves. Seedlings are planted in the ground in a slightly shaded place in the second year of growth. If planting is carried out in the fall, the sown area is covered with branches or leaves from frost. Anemones grown from seeds can bloom only after three years.

As for the timing of planting tubers or seeds, you can ensure that anemones will bloom on your site from April to November if you purchase different varieties and plant them at the optimal time for each of them.

Anemone Care

Caring for an anemone is simple and easy. the main problem in this matter - maintaining the required level humidity throughout the entire growing cycle. The danger is that when waterlogged, the root system may die from rot. And the lack of moisture, especially during the period of bud formation, does not contribute to the growth and flowering of anemones. To balance the level of humidity, plants should be planted on a hill, in an area with good drainage.

After planting, it is very desirable to mulch the area with a five-centimeter layer of foliage of fruit trees or peat. Concerning glaze, then in the spring it is enough to moisten the soil once a week; in moderate summer, the anemone does not need additional watering, the only exception is the crown anemone during the flowering period. In hot, dry summers, water daily in the morning or after sunset.

feed the anemones preferably during flowering with liquid organic matter (anemones do not like only fresh manure) and complex mineral fertilizers in autumn. If you fertilized the bed before planting the anemone, then top dressing can be completely excluded. Also recommended regularly loosen the soil And weed. Rather, do not weed, but break through with your hands, since you can damage the fragile anemone root system with a chopper.

Anemones are disease resistant; they are sometimes attacked by slugs and snails, but a metaldehyde solution will help you deal with these pests, which must first be collected by hand. Some anemones suffer from winter worm (cutworm caterpillar) or leaf nematode. When affected by a nematode, it is better to destroy diseased plants, and replace the soil in which they grew.

anemone breeding

The anemone propagates by seeds, tubers, division of the rhizome or bush. We have already talked about reproduction by tubers and the most unpromising method, seed. When dividing the rhizomes, they (rhizomes) are dug up in the spring, cut into pieces 5 cm long with an obligatory bud on each segment and planted, placing horizontally in loose soil to a depth of 5 cm. Such a plant reaches maturity in three years. Transplantation with dividing the bush can only be carried out with plants that are 4-5 years old.

anemone after flowering

In the climate middle lane with the onset of autumn, anemones must be removed from the soil and prepared for winter storage: dry the tubers, cut off the tops (above-ground part of the bush) and store in the dark and cool, placing in peat or sand. A non-damp basement is best suited for this.

In the photo: Growing anemones in a flower bed

If you decide not to dig up anemones for a warm winter, cover the area with fallen leaves or spruce branches so that an unexpected frost does not destroy the flowers.

Anemone species

Since the anemone is a flower in culture and nature, presented in a wide variety, and different types require different care, let's get acquainted with at least the most common representatives of the anemone family.

Types and features of anemone care. According to the flowering time, anemones are divided into spring and summer (or autumn). spring anemones very graceful, a wide range of pastel shades: snow-white, cream, pink, blue, lilac ... There are even terry varieties. Spring anemones are ephemeroids, that is, their above-ground flowering cycle is short: waking up in April, they bloom together in May, and in July they already retire, although in many species the leaves remain until autumn. Anemones differ in the type of rhizome. In the anemone of the lute and oak forest, the rhizome is jointed, fragile, and in the anemone of the tender one, it is tuberous, slowly growing.

This plant is miniature, 5-10 cm in height, the most popular varieties are Blue Shades (blue), Charmer (pink), White Splendour (white).

In the photo: Anemone tender (Anemone blanda)

Oak Anemone (Anemone nemorosa)

Not so popular in our latitudes, the height of the bush is 20-30 cm, the diameter of the flower is 2-4 cm, the flowers are usually simple white, but there are varieties in the culture with blue, lilac and pink flowers. There are even terry specimens. The main advantage is unpretentiousness.

The beautiful tender anemone is considered an indispensable attribute of every garden, cute unpretentious flower. But some gardeners can’t make friends with him in any way - either he will get wet with them, then he will freeze. What is the secret?

Photo anemones in the garden

But the fact is that a rare plant has such an extensive species diversity and such differences in the growing conditions of each species. Hence all the failures and disappointments of gardeners. However, the anemone is worth it to understand the secrets of its cultivation.

Anemone flowers - description and characteristics

In Russia, planting anemones in open ground has been practiced for a long time. Here she is called anemone. The flower belongs to the buttercup family and is a perennial. A large number of anemone representatives are divided into species according to the type of structure of the root system. There are tuberous and rhizomatous varieties.

Knowing the type of anemone is very important to ensure proper care, because it is a long-lived flower. Some wild varieties in natural conditions live up to 50 years, and cultivated have several methods of reproduction, which provides them with almost the same longevity. So, having made friends with this plant once, you can keep it on your site for quite a long time.

Anemone is universal:

  • it is also suitable for landscape design, and for cutting,
  • the color of flowers is the most diverse,
  • flowering - with early spring until late autumn.

From some anemones, one could create a magnificent, constantly blooming flower bed, if their growing conditions coincided.

Planting anemones in open ground

Depending on the type of anemone, certain conditions are provided for growing in open ground.

Shade-loving. These include radde, shady, Altai, buttercup, Amur, oak, flexible, Udin, smooth, etc.

These anemones are rhizomatous and bloom in early spring. Prefer dense shade, moderate temperature, high humidity, i.e. it is best to place them under the crowns of trees.

Soils for them require loose, fertile, with good drainage, slightly acidic or neutral.

Note! Flexible, Amur and Altai anemones can grow in partial shade.

Shade-tolerant.These are hybrid, Japanese, Hubei, forked, forest, Canadian, etc. These are also rhizomatous anemones.

An interesting feature: forked, forest, Canadian anemone form root offspring and bloom in May - June, and hybrid, Japanese, Hubei do not have root offspring and bloom in autumn.

Shade-tolerant anemones need partial shade, a clearing in regions with a cool climate, constant but moderate humidity. Scattered shadow of sparse trees, area illuminated by the evening sun - best places landings for them.

Canadian anemone

Soils prefer light, peaty or sandy, with good drainage, slightly acidic or neutral.

Light-loving. This community is represented by two types of anemones - tuberous and rhizome.

Tuberous are crowned, tender, Apennine, Caucasian, etc. Of these, the Apennine blooms the earliest, the rest join it in April - May.

These anemones need a sunny location. They have such an important quality as drought resistance. They need loose, fertile, alkaline soils.

In the photo anemone Apennine

Light-loving rhizomatous anemones - narcissus-flowering and long-haired. Flowering time - May - June.

These anemones also need, literally, a place in the sun. They, of course, are inferior to tuberous plants in drought resistance, but they are still able to temporarily tolerate a lack of moisture. The soils are loose, fertile, slightly acidic or neutral.

Anemone longhair

Anemones can be planted in 4 ways

When planting anemones in open ground, a fairly spacious area should be prepared, as the flower grows well. Anemone can be planted in several ways:

  1. seeds in the ground in spring or autumn,
  2. adult rhizomes in the middle of the season,
  3. root offspring in spring,
  4. tubers in spring.

1 way. Seeds in the ground

In this way, you can plant any kind of anemone. To do this, it is necessary to enclose the site with a flexible border or boards, prepare the soil of the desired structure and acidity. It is important to remember that anemone seeds germinate heavily, therefore, before spring sowing, it is necessary to stratify them.

To do this, the seed is mixed with soil or sand, moistened and stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of +6 degrees for three weeks. At this time, the shell of the seed softens under the influence of cold and moisture, the metabolic processes of the embryo slow down, it vitality are saved.

When favorable conditions occur, the embryo awakens, easily breaks the shell and germinates. Best time for spring sowing- the onset of steadily warm weather and the air temperature is not lower than +16 degrees.

autumn sowing in open ground with fresh material will give the best shoots, as anemone seeds will undergo stratification in natural conditions. The area under crops and the soil are prepared in the manner described above.

Landing in open ground is carried out at the end of August - in September. Seeds are distributed over the site, lightly sprinkled with earth, covered nonwoven fabric and stay that way until spring. With the onset of warm weather, the covering material is removed, and after a while a large number of young plants will appear.

2 way. Planting with adult rhizomes in the middle of the season

This method is used because many anemone species lose their leaves after flowering and will then be difficult to find. Usually a heavily overgrown bush is thinned out this way. Adult rhizomes take root quite easily in a new place.

Rhizomes prepared for planting

Root offspring with two buds

3 way. Root offspring in spring

This planting method is suitable for those types of anemones that give distillation from the root. small plot roots with buds and sprouts are carefully cut off from the mother bush and planted in prepared soil in a permanent place.

4 way. Planting tubers in spring

Most often, newly acquired or stored tubers from last fall are used. Before landing, they must be carefully inspected. Sometimes there are dry or rotten spots on the tuber that need to be carefully removed. sharp knife. The cut point must be treated with wood ash and dried. It is advisable to hold healthy tubers for half an hour in a pale pink solution of manganese.

The tubers wake up slowly, so they need to be taken out of storage early and awakened. To do this, you can put them in water for several days or wrap them in a napkin soaked in an epin solution, then in a plastic bag for 6 hours. This will be a good start for the plant.

After a while, irregularities will appear on the tubers. These are buds, not roots. A sprout will appear from here and it is with this surface that the tuber needs to be planted up. Another landmark is that the sharp part of the tuber is located down, and the flat part is up. If the tuber has already woken up, and it is too early to plant in the ground, then you can temporarily plant it in any container with suitable soil, and then transfer it to a permanent place. But such an anemone will bloom much earlier.

Remember that for the tuberous anemone need alkaline soil! To do this, lime or ash is added to the soil before planting. During the season, the soil around the plant is sprinkled with ash a couple more times and loosened.

Landing with a sharp end down, and a flat end up

Anemone transplant

Anemone grows rapidly, captures large areas, so every 3 to 4 years, gardeners face the problem of transplanting it to a new place. Most anemone species tolerate this procedure very well, even during flowering. And yet each species has its own terms:

  • Rhizome anemones of early spring flowering must be transplanted before they shed their leaves, they simply cannot be found later.
  • Root-grown varieties are good to transplant in the spring, when young shoots appear. These anemones tolerate autumn transplant worse, but if necessary, this can be done in early September.
  • Tuberous anemones are also transplanted in the spring, as it becomes clear how the tubers survived the winter and what condition they are in.
  • Only the hybrid anemone reacts painfully to division and moving to a new place. If you really need it, then it is better to do it in the spring. As a result autumn transplant most of the plants die.

When transplanting, it is absolutely not necessary to dig out the entire curtain. It is necessary to select the rhizome with buds or sprout, carefully separate and transfer to the prepared hole. But if it becomes necessary to completely clear the area of ​​anemones and transplant them to a new place, then they dig out the whole bush and divide it into parts. Each new plant should consist of a rhizome with 2-3 well-developed buds.

The place for a new landing is filled with soil that is suitable for this species. The depth of the hole for rhizomatous anemones is 10 cm, for tuberous anemones - 2-3 tuber heights. Fresh plantings need to be watered and mulched with humus or peat.

If anemones with buds are transferred, then they need to be fed with mineral fertilizers for flowering plants. Flowering and seed formation require a lot of effort, especially if this period is combined with a transplant. Moveable plants without buds will please flowering only next spring.

Outdoor Anemone Care


Each specific area has its own requirements for this care procedure. Where it often rains, the anemone can do without watering at all. And in arid areas, sometimes you have to moisten the plantings every day. Care for anemones in the open field is also necessary in accordance with the type of plant.

  • Shade-loving anemones prefer not to swamp, of course, but to have constant moisture.
  • Shade-tolerant plants require moderate watering.
  • Light-loving ones can even withstand drought, but you should not test plants. It is better to provide anemones with such care that they respond with lush flowering.
  • Watering is useful for all species in the spring when the plants awaken, during the period of intensive growth and the appearance of buds, during transplantation, during hot weather and in autumn as a moisture-charging event.

top dressing

It is desirable to prepare the soil for planting anemone fertile. However, the flowers do not tolerate fresh manure, so only rotted or compost should be applied. From the nutrient soil, young plants will receive their first top dressing.

  • For the active growth of green mass, both young and adult plantings containing nitrogen. They are best applied in early spring.
  • When the formation of buds and flowering begins, anemones need more phosphorus, potassium and manganese. They are contained in complex mineral fertilizers. Applying such top dressing, it will be possible to extend the flowering period.
  • In the fall, you also need to feed the anemones, so that they better endure the winter. In this case, mineral fertilizers with a low nitrogen content are used and mulching with peat or humus is performed.


When growing anemones in open ground, loosening is indispensable, because all types of these flowers love light, oxygenated soils. Therefore, after each watering and mulching, loosening should be done.

In addition, when caring for tuberous anemones, loosening is carried out twice a season with the addition of wood ash to keep soil acidity low.

Anemone, like many ranunculaceae, does not tolerate turfing well. In this case, loosening helps to get rid of weeds and keep the plantings clean.

Anemone breeding

These flowers have several ways of reproduction: most - by seeds and vegetatively, some - by seeds and tubers. This explains the long-term presence of anemones in the landscaping of sites.

seeds the process of reproduction is difficult, since stratification of seeds is required in natural or created conditions. Nevertheless, plantings of anemones often expand through self-seeding. The planned methods of breeding by sowing in open ground are described above.

Vegetative reproduction is easier.

tubers or parts of tubers breed anemones crowned, Apennine, tender, Caucasian. It should be noted that these species are not considered frost-resistant. In most regions, their tubers are dug up in late July - early August and stored until spring.

In early spring, after the awakening of the tubers (see above for a description of the awakening procedure), you can begin to divide them. Each piece of tuber should have at least one, and preferably several, kidneys. Then the delenki need to be dried, sprinkled with wood ash and planted in a permanent place. Further care in the open field is the same as for other young plantings.

You can perform this procedure in late autumn, but there is a possibility of freezing or soaking of the tubers.

Using anemones in garden design

When drawing up landscape compositions, it is necessary to take into account the type of anemone in order to ensure proper care in open ground, as well as the flowering period, the height of peduncles and color scheme flowers.

For example, Altai, shadow, oak anemones tolerate shade well, and also bloom in early spring. In the conditions of the awakening garden, in trunk circles shrubs and trees, they will look great.

Apennine, crowned and tender anemones love the sun, but bloom at different times: Apennine - in early spring, and the other two - in May - June. If you plant them side by side, you get an elegant, long-blooming flower bed. And if you add more tulips there, then it will be impossible to take your eyes off! By the way, such a mixborder is not picky about watering.

Undersized anemones 20 - 25 cm high are used to frame paths between trees. Buttercup, oak and blue anemones are best suited for this, as they grow in shade and coolness.

The tender anemone is also low, only 20 cm, but it is demanding on the sun and tolerates a lack of moisture, so it can be successfully used in rock gardens. Even after the end of flowering, its graceful leaves will decorate the alpine hill.

Forest anemone, unpretentious and hardy, gives flower stalks up to 35 cm in height. Its snow-white flowers are used in bouquets, as well as crown anemones.

Crowned anemone is interesting in that it has large double and semi-double flowers of various shades: white, raspberry, purple and even white with a raspberry stripe (Bicolor).

Very good Japanese anemone. It has a high peduncle, up to 90 cm, and large red flowers (Shine variety). Another variety, just as tall, has smaller pink flowers (September Charm). Both varieties are unusually decorative, they are often planted in mixborders and used for cutting.

You can fantasize and experiment with an anemone endlessly, which is why gardeners love this flower so much. Still, because it is such a beauty, and in the open field there is very little care for it!

forcing anemones

You can also make anemones bloom even in February or March. For such a pleasant surprise, large, from 5 to 7 cm in circumference, coronal anemone tubers are suitable.

Diseases and pests

To the delight of gardeners, anemones rarely get sick and are affected by pests. More often problems occur in areas with a humid climate.

Preparing for the winter

Many rhizomatous anemone species are quite hardy, but they also need a number of preparatory measures so that they endure wintering in the open field well.

  1. One of the main activities is mulching. To do this, a pillow is made from peat or compost, 15–20 cm thick. You can arrange the same pillow from dry leaves or coniferous branches.
  2. It is not necessary to cut the leaves and stems of plants before mulching in areas where there are harsh winters. And, on the contrary, in regions with a warm climate, the green mass must be removed to avoid the formation of rot.
  3. Anemones transplanted in summer and autumn must be covered with covering material after mulching.

Some tuberous anemones overwinter in the open field, for example, the tender anemone. But another danger may threaten her - soaking. Therefore, it is better not to take risks, but to dig out all the tubers and provide them with good conditions for wintering.

  1. The tubers are dug up after the leaves die off, carefully cleaned of their remnants and dried.
  2. So that the tubers do not dry out, they are placed in sand or peat and stored all winter at + 5 degrees.
  3. In the spring, the tubers are removed, inspected, divided into parts if necessary, and activities are carried out to awaken them.

The best varieties

Anemone is loved not only by gardeners, but also by breeders. Every year there are more and more new varieties. So in 2018, several new Japanese products are offered. tuberous anemone for cutting:

curly swan- tall variety (70 - 80 cm) with large white flowers, blooming from June to October.

In the photo anemone Curly swan

dreamy swan- similar to the previous one, but with pale pink buds that turn into snow-white double flowers. This variety may well be the company of the Curly Swan, because. blooms from August to September.

In this photo anemone Dreamy swan

snow whirl- even higher - up to 120 cm, also has large double white flowers, flowering in August - September.

Anemone Snow Whirl

And that's not all new!

Of the well-known varieties - everyone's favorite Anemone Hubei Crispa. It is unique in its unusual foliage. At first, it can be mistaken for curly parsley, but the edges of the corrugated leaves are surrounded by a cherry border. In August, strong peduncles up to 60 cm high shoot out of this stunningly beautiful curtain, and large pink flowers open. This beauty pleases the eye for more than a month.

Anemone Hubei Crispa

Wood Anemone Blanda Blue Shades is winter hardy. It is undersized, 20 - 25 cm, but it looks bright and impressive due to large blue-violet flowers with yellow stamens.

Anemone Blue Shades

Anemones Tenderness usually sold in a mix and come in white, light blue, and deep blue. These little ones (height 15 cm) bloom already in April and decorate alpine slides with a bright spot or serve as a gentle border of garden paths.

Anemone mix Tenderness

The beauty and charm of these wonderful flowers can be described endlessly, but it is better to choose your own anemone or several that will come to the court and they will like to live with you. And caring for an anemone in the open field, as you can see, is not difficult.