Medicinal properties of elecampane. Elecampane: instructions for use Elecampane medicinal properties and contraindications

Elecampane root concentrates all the useful components contained in the plant. In nature, there are about 100 types of elecampane. For medicinal purposes, high elecampane grass is used. This is a perennial plant with yellow inflorescences 1.5 - 2 meters in height. It grows in places of high humidity and blooms in July - September. Useful qualities make it an indispensable component in the treatment of many ailments. Among the people, elecampane is considered the source of 9 forces that are concentrated in the root of the plant. It is the root of elecampane that is considered its most useful part. Consider the beneficial properties and contraindications of elecampane for men and women.

Composition of elecampane

In folk medicine, all parts of the herb are used to treat diseases at home: root, leaves and flowers. The greatest amount of useful elements is concentrated in the root of the plant, so they begin to harvest it more in early spring. Its medicinal properties are due to the biologically active composition:

  • Inulin. This is a natural polysaccharide that helps to normalize lipid metabolism, increase immunity resistance, cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, assimilate vitamins and trace elements, and increase intestinal functionality.
  • Saponin. It is a glycoside with anti-inflammatory properties. This substance is indispensable in the regulation of water-salt metabolism and the balance of minerals.
  • Resin. It has a bactericidal and antimicrobial effect.
  • Gum. It is a natural sorbent that helps cleanse the body of toxins, lower cholesterol levels and normalizes digestion.
  • Slime. They have an enveloping effect, protect, relieve inflammation and bind toxins.
  • benzoic acids. They have antiseptic and antifungal activity.
  • Alkaloid. It is a natural analgesic that has an antispasmodic, sedative and hemostatic effect.
  • Essential oils. It is a natural source of gelenin and acts as an antiseptic, analgesic and bactericidal agent.

Useful properties of elecampane manifest when the active components interact with each other. The rhizomes of the plant contain vitamins A, E, B6 and B12. The composition of elecampane includes ascorbic acid, omega-6 and omega-12 fatty acids, vitamin C and wax. Thanks to this unique composition, the use of herbs is not limited.

Medicinal properties of elecampane

In the course of numerous medical studies, it was found that the plant is most effective in the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The complex chemical composition of the rhizome expands the scope of elecampane. Elecampane affects the body for:

Useful properties of herbs celandine

The scope of the rhizome is not limited. The plant shows healing potential for lung diseases, stomach cramps, chronic colds, early stage diabetes and rheumatism. It is recommended to take it to normalize the menstrual cycle in women. The plant is used to stimulate the ovaries, relieve inflammation and with increased lactation in women. Men are recommended to use the rhizome for reproductive diseases. The medicinal qualities of elecampane are used for diseases of the respiratory tract and chronic colds. The plant has found application in the treatment of skin diseases, the normalization of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, in diseases of the joints and for the normalization of the metabolic process.

Decoction of elecampane is good to take for expectoration

Contraindications for the use of elecampane

In the absence of violations of the functionality of the body and allergic reactions, the use of tinctures and decoctions is not capable of causing harm to health. The healing properties of elecampane allow you to get rid of many diseases, but there are also contraindications for the use of the plant. Such contraindications are people suffering from high acidity, ulcers and gastritis. For diseases of cardio-vascular system the plant has contraindications for those who have hypotension and high blood pressure.

There are contraindications due to the individual intolerance of the organism of the components of the plant. Vomiting, dizziness and nausea indicate rejection of the herb by the body. Excessive consumption of tinctures from the plant can cause poisoning.

There are contraindications for the use of elecampane for lactating women and pregnant women, since the plant limits lactation. There are contraindications for kidney disease and inflammation of the urinary tract. Before starting the course, it is recommended to consult with a specialist.

How to collect and harvest elecampane?

The rhizomes of the plant contain the most useful substances, so they must be harvested in the fall. Rhizomes need to be cleaned and cut into thin layers of 10 mm in width. Put a thin layer on paper and dry in the sun for 4 days, periodically turning the layers over to the other side. Hide the resulting blanks in a dry place, while the healing properties are preserved for several more years.

The rhizomes of elecampane contain the greatest amount of nutrients, so you need to collect them in the fall.

Leaves and inflorescences are harvested in August. The cut parts must be collected in a bundle and dried for 5 days. The leaves can be collected separately, or you can store the workpiece in this form. Mix in equal proportions the leaves of elecampane and thyme. Consume as a tea before bed. The tincture facilitates breathing and relieves cough symptoms.

  • Cold treatment.
    Angelica leaves and elecampane rhizomes mixed in proportions 1:1. Pour boiling water and insist in a thermos. Take 150 ml before bedtime.
  • Ointment to strengthen the body.
    3 art. spoons of crushed root pour 300 ml of boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. Mix 2 tbsp. spoons of tincture and 4 tbsp. spoons of lard. Boil the mixture for 20 minutes over low heat. Apply on chest and back before bed.
  • Tincture from worms.
    Mix crushed leaves with cold water. Insist 5 hours in the refrigerator. Drink 100 ml. 3-4 times a day for 2 weeks.
  • Wine from elecampane.
    Wine helps to strengthen the immune system, improves blood circulation and cleanses the body. 8 art. spoons of crushed root pour 1 liter. red wine. After 10 days, the tincture is ready for use. Take 200 ml after dinner.
  • Ointment for the skin.
    The ointment is effective for dermatitis and inflammation of the sebaceous glands. 7 art. spoons of crushed root pour 150 ml of water and cook for half an hour. Strain and soak cotton pads in broth. Can be applied to inflamed areas or rubbed on the skin.
  • Elecampane photo healing properties and contraindications - it is desirable to know this for everyone who decides to try the healing effect of a unique herb. Elecampane- a medicinal perennial plant, the medicinal properties of which have been known for a long time. At all times, it was believed that grass can save adults and children from nine ailments, including the evil eye, hence the name came from, but now, both in folk and traditional medicine, there are many more diseases that perennial can cope with.

    Elecampane grass: medicinal properties and contraindications

    Before you start treatment with elecampane, arm yourself with knowledge about all its beneficial properties and contraindications in order to heal, not harm.

    Useful properties of elecampane

    Elecampane is always at the top of the list of herbs for treating the digestive tract. Perennial has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, choleretic and diuretic effect. In medicine, the root, leaves, stem and flowers are used, from which tincture, decoction, tea, syrup, oil and ointment are prepared. Due to its excellent expectorant effect, the tincture of the root of the herb is actively used in the treatment of respiratory diseases. It helps to improve well-being in epilepsy and diabetes.

    The grass normalizes disturbances in human metabolic processes, and is also a powerful antioxidant, which leads to a general rejuvenation of the whole organism. The medicinal properties of the plant help in the treatment of joints and bone tissue, and elecampane root tincture is widely used in gynecology.


    Despite the unique medicinal properties of the medicinal plant and positive reviews, there are some contraindications that can harm the body, so you should not take:

    - with severe diseases of the heart, kidneys and blood vessels;
    - during pregnancy, especially in the early stages in order to avoid miscarriage;
    - with severe hypotension;
    - with heavy menstruation in women.

    The plant elecampane root medicinal properties and contraindications should be known to every mother, since any remedy based on its root should be given with extreme caution to the child and always follow the instructions. For children, there are some contraindications to the use of tincture, especially on vodka.

    What does elecampane grass look like?

    Plants of the nine forces have several dozen varieties, but the most common elecampane is tall, willow-leaved, British, sword-leaved and Altai, which have the most pronounced beneficial properties, action and positive feedback from people. The grass grows on soils with high humidity: near rivers, swamps, lakes. But also often it can be found in cottages and gardens.

    The perennial looks like a large weed, although the flowers look like a yellow aster with large leaves up to 50 cm long, the height of an upright stem covered with hairs can reach 2.5 meters. The plant can be grown independently, with proper fit and care always grows a whole plantation of grass, which subsequently needs to be properly harvested.

    Elecampane: application

    And now I propose to discuss in more detail the beneficial properties and recipes that will help solve the problems of many diseases.

    How to make an aqueous solution of elecampane?

    In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is the aqueous solution that is most often used, which must be properly prepared, following the instructions and taking into account all contraindications:

    a tablespoon of chopped root is poured into a glass of very hot water and bring to a boil, then leave to brew over low heat for another 10-15 minutes. Then cool the broth and strain. After that, the decoction is ready for use.

    Ready broth can be drunk one tablespoon several times a day, usually three times. A decoction can be prepared not only from the roots, but also from the ground part and flowers. The resulting decoction can be used as a rinse for weak hair.

    Recipe for women with a delay in menstruation

    A decoction or tincture from the rhizome of the plant well causes delayed periods, for quick conception, as well as for infertility. There is a special recipe for this, which is especially suitable for delaying menstruation, it is quite simple to make it:

    take a tablespoon of crushed root, pour 250 g of water and boil over low heat for about 15 minutes, after that still insist in closed form for about 2 hours. After that, the decoction is ready for use.

    Take a decoction should be a quarter cup 2 times a day, but it should be remembered that there are contraindications for use, namely: you can not use the decoction for more than two weeks. In addition, the decoction should not be used to terminate a pregnancy, despite existing reviews on the Internet.

    Elecampane for dry cough

    Elecampane medicinal properties are used for various diseases respiratory system. Due to the unique medicinal properties, decoction and syrup copes with the symptoms of dry cough.

    The decoction can be prepared independently according to the above recipes, and taken a quarter cup three times a day before meals, the effect is enhanced by adding licorice root or herb. From a decoction of grass, make your own syrup by adding honey to the decoction, and you should remember about the contraindications of honey itself, so only half a teaspoon is enough for children.

    With a dry cough, tincture, which is used for a long time, is excellent. To prepare it according to the instructions simply at home, for this you need to pour 200-250 grams of crushed root with 0.5 liters of vodka or diluted alcohol and leave for about two weeks. Adults take 20 drops mixed with water three times a day.

    Tea with elecampane

    In addition to tinctures and decoctions of the plant, you can simply brew excellent herbal tea, which will only bring benefits, increase immunity and become a prophylactic against many diseases. Tea is offered to drink to almost all people who have no contraindications to it.

    Brewing tea from a plant with medicinal properties is the most common way, for this, a teaspoon of crushed root or herb is poured with boiling water and insisted for about 20 minutes. Take a glass no more than twice a day. This tea treats many diseases, having a rich composition of vitamins and trace elements.

    In addition to brewing tea from a single herb, add a small amount to regular black or green tea directly in the teapot.

    Elecampane tincture

    Elecampane tincture should be taken 15-20 drops for adults. At the same time, it is recommended to harvest it several steps ahead and store the workpiece in a cool place. For children, the tincture is taken with caution, following the exact instructions when the disease is not treated by traditional means or to speed up the healing process.

  • Hello, friends. I continue the "novel" about healing medicinal plants, because there is no limit to my delight with mother nature. How much it gives to a person, just know how to use it! But we pass by these free gifts, and look for healing in expensive drugs. At least a little, but I will contribute to the disclosure of the secrets of herbal medicine, and today my story is about the healing properties of elecampane and contraindications to its use.

    Magician of health since ancient times

    The Slavs greatly appreciated and revered elecampane, and it was not for nothing that they gave it the appropriate name - nine forces. Ancient healers especially revered the root of the plant for its enormous healing properties. A modest spine helped to restore strength to wounded soldiers in the shortest possible time and speed up recovery. Going on a long journey, the merchants always took with them the dried roots of divosil (the second name) - they saved them from poisoning, terrible diseases and pestilence, which affected medieval cities.

    Decoctions were boiled from the roots of elecampane, infusions were made, and even elecampane wine was prepared. Many recipes have been preserved and have come down to our days, undergoing natural changes over time. And now, from the "traditions of antiquity," let's move on to our time and interpret the healing properties of grass and elecampane roots from the standpoint of modern science.

    Medicinal properties of elecampane and contraindications

    The healing properties of elecampane high, as well as contraindications, are explained by its rich chemical composition. Studies of the roots of the plant have shown that they contain a huge amount of inulin (about 44%), which is a natural sugar substitute (fructose is extracted from it). Elecampane also contains other polysaccharides (inulenin, pseudoinulin), organic acids, 4% essential oil and traces of alkaloids. What does this mean when translated into the language of mere mortals? And this means that the miracle plant has amazing power, and now we will see this.

    The benefits of elecampane

    Elecampane is used:

    • with diseases of the lungs, bronchi, respiratory tract, colds and pneumonia;
    • with pulmonary tuberculosis;
    • with spasms in the stomach and lazy intestines;
    • to normalize the overall metabolism in the body;
    • to stimulate the formation of bile and its waste into the duodenum;
    • as an anthelmintic and antimicrobial agent;
    • to normalize menstruation in women;
    • as a diuretic.

    In addition, in folk medicine, elecampane is given to patients with scrofula, mild diabetes, hepatitis B, ascites, kidney stones, rheumatism, sciatica, prostatitis, and uterine bleeding. As an external remedy for various skin diseases, strong decoctions and infusions of elecampane roots are used for lotions and compresses, and homemade ointments and rubbings are also made based on decoctions or powder from the roots. They are effective for scabs, eczema, neurodermatitis. Decoctions of medium strength rinse the mouth with stomatitis, inflammatory processes in oral cavity and throat.

    The most notable area of ​​application of elecampane is respiratory diseases and chronic infections of a catarrhal nature. It is great for flu and other infectious diseases. From my own experience, I was convinced of the mighty strength of the elecampane root when I was treated for chronic bronchitis and sinusitis. It is worth adding a small piece of the root to the decoction of expectorant herbs and drinking such a drug for at least a few days, as the disease begins to recede much faster and more tangibly. There is a surge of strength, the temperature decreases, which is often elevated in people with a chronic infection inside. In a word, for any colds the medicinal properties of the herb and elecampane roots should be fully used.


    However, despite the obvious benefits, elecampane can be harmful if you do not know about the contraindications to its use. So, you can not take decoctions, infusions and tinctures of elecampane inside people with an acute form of kidney and urinary tract disease (in chronic forms - use sparingly). Naturally, the use of elecampane in any concentration is prohibited for pregnant women, with the exception of the indications of the attending physician to prevent premature birth (preparations based on elecampane root powder are used here).

    In case of overdose or very long-term use, elecampane can cause poisoning, so the recommended doses and duration of treatment should not be exceeded.

    Collection and preparation

    Roots and rhizomes are harvested in autumn, observing moderation in digging up plants - for every 10-15 m², be sure to leave one powerful bush to ensure the renewal of thickets. The roots are cleaned from the ground, washed and cut into 10 cm plates. They are dried in the sun, laying out the raw materials on paper or fabric in one layer. Periodically, the roots need to be turned over. In good dry weather, drying continues for 2-3 days, after which the raw materials are laid out in clean, dry jars with a tight lid or in paper bags. Shelf life - 3 years.

    Flowers, stems and leaves of elecampane are harvested in August, cutting off the ground part of the plant and some leaves. As in the previous case, several strong plants should be left in the clearing to avoid degeneration. The raw materials are dried under a canopy, tied in a bundle and lowered with a flower down, or in one layer on paper or fabric. Shelf life - 1 year.

    Folk recipes for the treatment of elecampane

    Breast fee

    Prepare a mixture of equal parts crushed licorice roots, marshmallow roots and elecampane roots. Pour two teaspoons of the collection with a glass of boiling water and boil over low heat for ten minutes. Drink warm in a quarter cup 3 hours after eating.

    Elecampane with thyme against whooping cough

    Grind and mix 1:1 elecampane root and thyme herb. One teaspoon of the mixture pour a glass of boiling water, brew like tea, and take one teaspoon every two hours.

    Colds - tea with angelica and elecampane

    One tablespoon of elecampane and angelica roots pour a liter of water and boil for ten minutes. Take half a cup.

    Antiviral in an epidemic

    Cut the elecampane root into small pieces and dissolve four pieces during the day.

    Clearing the bronchi in smokers

    Pour two tablespoons of crushed dry roots of elecampane with a glass of water and boil for 20 minutes over low heat. Mix the decoction with three tablespoons of sugar and heat the mixture over a fire until the sugar is completely dissolved. Add half a liter of vodka and leave to infuse in a dark place for 10 days. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day before meals.


    Mix in equal parts the crushed roots of elecampane, marshmallow and licorice. One tablespoon of the mixture pour half a liter cold water and leave to infuse for eight hours. Take half a glass three times a day.

    Collection from anemia and chlorosis

    Prepare a mixture of equal parts of the root of elecampane and gentian,. Pour three teaspoons of the mixture with two cups of boiling water and boil over low heat for ten minutes. Take two glasses a day in small sips.

    Village recipe to strengthen the body

    A kind of mash is made from honey and elecampane roots. To prepare the mash in a three-liter jar, pour a large handful of chopped dried elecampane roots, add half a liter of honey and 100 g of yeast. Pour warm boiled water until the neck of the jar narrows and close the jar with a rubber glove, having previously made punctures on the fingers. Put the jar in a warm place and cover with a thick cloth. When fermentation is over, strain and refrigerate. Take half a glass in the morning and evening with honey.


    Pour one teaspoon of crushed elecampane root with a glass of water and leave for ten hours. Drink the entire mixture throughout the day in divided doses. Drink for two weeks, then two weeks off and drink again for two weeks.

    From worms

    Pour one teaspoon of crushed elecampane roots with a glass of boiled chilled water. Insist eight hours in a sealed container. Drink a quarter cup four times a day 20 minutes before meals.

    Elecampane wine

    Elecampane wine by infusion method

    Wine from elecampane (six tablespoons of elecampane pour one liter of red wine and leave for 8 days) take a quarter cup before meals as general tonic and as a means that enhances appetite.

    Elecampane wine by heating method (fast method)

    Pour one tablespoon of crushed elecampane roots with port wine (half a liter). Boil for ten minutes and take two tablespoons three times a day for 4 weeks. Such wine is good for weakened, often ill people. But wine increases the acidity of gastric juice, so it should not be taken with gastritis with high acidity and stomach ulcers.

    Ointments with elecampane against skin diseases

    Ointments lubricate the affected areas of the skin or apply compresses for several hours. Used for neurodermatitis, eczema, dermatitis, allergic reactions, with severe itching.

    Prepare a mixture of equal parts of lard, petroleum jelly and fish oil. Mix two parts of the resulting mixture with one part of elecampane root powder.

    Boil three tablespoons of crushed elecampane root for 20 minutes in half a glass of water. Mix the resulting broth with one tablespoon of lard.

    Mix one part of crushed elecampane root with ten parts of lard, boil for fifteen minutes.

    To prepare an extract of elecampane in vegetable oil, you need to take one part of the root of elecampane and ten parts vegetable oil, mix, insist in the sun for two weeks.

    Mix one tablespoon of crushed elecampane roots with five tablespoons of melted lard and boil over low heat for 15 minutes. Lubricate the affected areas with the resulting ointment once a day until the condition improves.


    The healing properties of herbs and elecampane roots are great, but there are contraindications, and they should not be forgotten. Carefully study the recipes, do not neglect the timing and doses - and you will succeed. The disease is afraid of a person who has nine whole forces to fight it!

    Be healthy!

    With love, Irina Lirnetskaya

    Elecampane is a herbaceous plant up to 1.5 meters high, belongs to the Compositae family. The inflorescence is very similar to the aster flower, yellow. The bush has a thick tall trunk and massive leaves. Many met with him, as he grows on the banks of rivers, lakes. All parts have a healing effect: flower, leaves, root. Elecampane root, medicinal properties and contraindications, which are known among healers traditional medicine, can be found today in pharmacies, in the form of dry raw materials and alcohol tinctures for treatment.

    Since ancient times, folk healers have believed that there is a huge power in the grass, and they called it “for nine forces”, which will put the most seriously ill patient on his feet. But you will learn how to brew, how to drink, how useful elecampane is by reading the information presented to you.

    The composition and medicinal properties of the root

    It is important to note that the therapeutic effect of the plant depends on the correct collection of biological raw materials. So that all medicinal properties are concentrated in the root the maximum number, you need to choose plants of two, three years growth after the seeds have matured.

    How to dry elecampane root? For drying, take only large roots that have useful properties. The roots are pre-cleaned of dirt, crushed into pieces. Dry gradually for fresh air, while making sure that the root does not absorb excess moisture during dew, rain. Readiness is determined by breaking the spine. If a crackling of dry wood is heard, then the raw material can be used.

    ComponentAction on the body
    inulin and inuleninHelps strengthen immune system, rapid absorption of vitamins and minerals. Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and normalizes the intestinal microflora. Reduces the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Most importantly, it lowers blood sugar levels.
    SaponinsThey remove inflammatory processes, normalize the water-salt balance in the body, improve lung function, and regulate the human hormonal background.
    resinsThey cleanse the body of harmful substances, toxins, normalize bowel function after taking medications, help reduce appetite, which leads to the fight against obesity, and also reduce cholesterol.
    SlimeIt has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory, astringent effect.
    Acetic acidAble to cope with skin problems, psoriasis, lichen. Promotes etching of lice, tuberculosis bacillus.
    alkaloidsEliminate pain syndromes, stop bleeding, have a sedative effect.
    Essential oils, geleninIt is a bactericidal and antispasmodic component.
    Vitamins ENormalize the menstrual cycle, relieve pain, regulate hormonal levels during menopause.
    Trace elements, potassium, manganese, magnesium, calcium, ironThey promote the absorption of inulin, relieve inflammation, improve heart function, brain activity, and normalize nerve endings.
    Vitamin CNormalizes the work of the adrenal glands, improves immunity, helps to strengthen the bone apparatus.

    In addition, the composition includes pectin, flavonoids, which improve the activity of many organs and organ systems.

    The use of elecampane root

    Medicinal properties of elecampane root found wide application in folk medicine. Let's take a closer look at what helps and what heals the root of elecampane. Decoctions and tinctures are made from the root of elecampane. It can be added to teas to increase strength and energy, as well as to replenish vitamin deficiency. You can also find out from herbalists a recipe for pain-relieving ointments, which are based on the root parts of the plant.

    1. take dry agent, about 10 grams, add 250 ml of vodka or pure alcohol.
    2. Everything is thoroughly mixed, tightly closed.
    3. Dishes with future tincture are placed in a dark place.
    4. Withstand tincture in a cool place for two to three weeks.
    5. Take 5 ml, three times a day.

    Elecampane is widely used in gynecology in the treatment of infertility and diseases of the female reproductive system. Physicians pay special attention to elecampane when the uterus is prolapsed, menstrual cycle failure and painful periods. The root, as well as the herb, are effective in delaying menstruation by several days.

    Important! A woman should not take this drug as a means for a mini-abortion, it is dangerous for her life in case of an overdose!

    With a delay in menstruation, a decoction recipe should be made:

    1. 30 grams of dry matter of elecampane root, pour 300 ml of boiled water.
    2. Elecampane with water is placed in a thermos and allowed to stand for about an hour. For the full effect of brewing, a thick towel is used to wrap the dishes with a drink.
    3. Drink a drink of 50 g twice a day.

    The same composition can be boiled over low heat for about 15 minutes.

    Important! A root-based remedy for inducing menstruation is taken with caution, since excessive use of the decoction can harm a person.

    Alcohol infusion for women is used as a medicine for prolapse of the uterus, inflammation of the female appendages. I also use a preparation from the root of a woman to reduce milk production during breastfeeding, a couple of days after drinking the decoction, the amount of milk decreases significantly.

    For skin diseases

    With allergies, the roots of the plant are taken together with others. medicinal herbs, such as Marshmallow officinalis, licorice. To eliminate skin rashes, use a herbal decoction of 1/3 part of a glass with a drink until the signs of allergy disappear completely.

    One of the adverse ailments of skin disease is psoriasis. How to prepare a cure for psoriasis? In this disease, ointment, tincture, decoctions are used both internally and externally.

    Ointment recipe:

    1. Pork interior fat is melted and mixed with rhizome powder.
    2. Then, applied to a piece of tissue, applied to a sore spot.
    3. To prepare the ointment, you can use pork fat or medical grease.

    If acne and acne appear on the face, you can get rid of them by rubbing the face with a decoction of the roots.

    The benefits of "elecampane" drugs are observed in the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, other joint diseases, as well as in the displacement of the vertebrae and hernia of the intervertebral disc. To do this, use the pharmacy alcohol tincture. Use applicatively, applying to a gauze bandage, and apply to sore spots.

    Elecampane for male diseases

    The cause of infertility in the family is not only the disease of women, but also men's diseases. Recipes of traditional medicine will help to cope with them.

    The use for men and the treatment of their infertility, increasing potency, as well as increasing the production of male hormones will help the following recipes:

    1. Boil 2.5 tbsp. l. dry raw materials in 2 glasses of water for about 20 minutes. Men should drink a decoction of 1 tbsp. l. every two hours.
    2. The same ratio of components must be brewed in a thermos. Drink the brewed drink for two days, then a break for two days, and so on. In this case, you can not have sexual relations with a partner.

    Sperm quality will improve with alcohol tincture treatment.

    Important! Herbal decoction will help to cope with diseases of the urinary system, cystitis, gout, infections such as hepatitis and tuberculosis, as well as prostatitis.

    Elecampane for children

    For children, elecampane is used for coughs. With frequent debilitating children's coughs, children are given decoction or compresses.

    Important! It is necessary to properly brew a decoction for a child's cough, since the baby's body is very sensitive to herbal medicines, in order to maintain the correct proportions and dosage.

    The decoction should be given four times a day a few minutes before meals, ¼ cup. You can gargle with a drink. In pharmacies, you can buy elecampane in tablets, which are also effective for colds, viral diseases.


    It is important to know how to brew, how to take, a prepared medicine, since elecampane has toxic substances in its composition, large quantities capable of causing poisoning.

    Consider contraindications - the reasons why some categories of people should not use folk remedy, as well as the harm that it can bring to a person.

    1. The use of elecampane during pregnancy and breastfeeding is not recommended.
    2. In chronic diseases of the kidneys, heart, liver, so as not to aggravate the situation even more.
    3. With a scant flow of menstruation.
    4. With individual intolerance to the components of the rhizome.
    5. People suffering from stomach diseases.
    6. With low blood pressure.
    7. When treating children, doctors categorically prohibit the use of decoctions and tinctures from the root for children under three years old.

    Important! If you bought a pharmacy remedy from the roots of elecampane, then the attached instructions indicate that elecampane is contraindicated for children under the age of twelve.

    Side effects can occur with an overdose of elecampane. If a skin rash, dizziness, nausea and vomiting appear, you should stop using the plant, in case of poisoning, consult a doctor or induce vomiting forcibly at home.

    Elecampane root is undoubtedly a unique product that copes with many diseases. It will take a very long time to describe all its advantages. Thanks to his chemical composition, decoctions and tinctures are able to compensate for the deficiency of essential acids and trace elements. But be aware of the harm that can be encountered in the treatment of elecampane.

    Elecampane, whose second name Yellow- is a large number perennials(about 200 species) from the Asteraceae family, which grow in Asia, Europe and Africa.

    Only Elecampane is included in the register of medicinal raw materials, about the healing possibilities of which there are whole legends. The name of the plant consists of the phrase "nine forces" - folk herbalists believe that it can help with any disease.

    In 1804, inulin was discovered in the roots of the plant as a safe alternative to sugar and starch for diabetic patients. Inulin is otherwise called invert sugar: under conditions of acid hydration, it turns into an isomer of glucose.

    To date, the medicinal properties and contraindications of elecampane have been fully studied, the plant is used both in official and in folk medicine.

    Morphological description

    The herbaceous plant grows like a bush and can reach a height of 2 meters. The leaves are entire, the flowers are large, painted in yellow or Orange color. Rhizomes and roots are characterized by a peculiar smell, and the fruits are similar to oblong achenes with a brown crest.

    Flowering falls in the second half of summer and early autumn, fruiting - in August-October.

    Elecampane grows in meadows, in pine and deciduous forests, prefers to grow near water bodies. Widespread in Belarus, Central Asia, Crimea, the Caucasus, in the steppes and forest-steppes of Russia, in Western Siberia. Many people in the villages grow elecampane in gardens and orchards.

    Collection and preparation of elecampane

    The herb has the greatest medicinal properties at the age of 2-3 years, when the stem becomes wide and straight. Young plants do not contain the proper amount of nutrients, therefore they have less medicinal value.

    Of interest is the entire underground part of the plant, which is harvested in August-September or in early spring, when the leaves just appear. root system carefully dig in a radius of at least 20 cm from the stem and to a depth of about 30 cm. Holding the stem close to the base, they pull the rhizome out of the soil, very carefully so as not to break the thick roots.

    Raw materials are carefully cleaned from the ground, washed in water and the stems are cut. Also remove thin roots. Roots and rhizomes are cut lengthwise into identical pieces 1-2 cm thick and 10-15 cm long and dried in the air for two to three days (if the weather is damp, then under a canopy). Then the main drying takes place in warm and dry rooms or in a dryer at T 40 C - the raw material is laid out in a thin layer on clean paper or dryer grates.

    The raw material is ready when the spine breaks easily. Dried roots acquire a gray-brown color, on the cut they have a yellowish-white color with shiny dots - these dots are accumulations of essential oil. The smell of the roots is very peculiar, fragrant. The roots are spicy and bitter in taste. Store in paper bags or glass jars, in the dark and dry. Raw materials can be used for 3 years.

    The chemical composition of the roots of elecampane

    The roots and rhizomes of the plant contain a large amount of inulin polysaccharides (up to 45%) and inulenin, saponins, vitamin E, alkaloids and essential oil. Resins and gums are found. Valuable is essential oil elecampane (up to 4.3%), the main components of which are bicyclic sesquiterpenes, alpha-selinene derivatives: isoalantolactone, alantolactone and dihydroalantolactone. A mixture of sesquiterpene bicyclic lactones, which are isolated from the essential oil in crystalline form, is called gelenin. Also, elecampane oil contains proazulene.

    Elecampane grass contains essential oil (no more than 3%), vitamin C, bitterness alantopicrin, flavonoids isoquercitrin and quercitrin.

    Useful properties of the plant

    The therapeutic effect of elecampane root is multifaceted.

    In the list of "gastric plants" elecampane occupies an honorable first place. Preparations from the root of the plant stimulate appetite, normalize digestive function. Elecampane regulates the secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract (reduces the secretion of phosphatase, lipase, enterokinase) and relieves intestinal spasms. Plant preparations stimulate metabolism in the body.

    In addition, the plant has the following positive effects:

    • antibacterial and antiviral, including against Staphylococcus aureus;
    • expectorant;
    • anti-inflammatory;
    • diuretic;
    • choleretic;
    • antiseptic;
    • soothing;
    • antihelminthic (especially against roundworm, dwarf tapeworm, tapeworms);
    • antidiarrheal (if diarrhea is not caused by dysentery).

    Preparations based on the root of elecampane can help with some malignant neoplasms: leukemia, oncology of the gastrointestinal tract. Elecampane treats metabolic disorders, helps with gout, rheumatism, arthritis, lumbago, inflammation of the sciatic nerve, is indicated in the complex therapy of anemia.

    Pharmaceutical preparations from elecampane

    Allantolactone is a tablet that is made from a plant and is prescribed for ascariasis.

    Alanton - another drug from elecampane, is used for gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, which heals poorly and scars.

    Elecampane roots and rhizomes - dry raw materials of the plant, which is a herbal medicine with gastroprotective and expectorant action.

    Folk recipes with elecampane

    Infusion of elecampane

    it the best remedy for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis, ulcers and pancreatitis, as well as to improve sputum discharge, fight hypertension. Helps to purify the blood in various skin diseases (furunculosis, acne). Recommended for diarrhea and helminthiasis.

    1 tsp dry raw materials, pour 250 ml of chilled boiled water (this is very important), leave for 8 hours and strain. In all cases, take 50 ml 4 r / day 20 minutes before meals.

    Root Powder

    Recommended for hypertension, hepatitis, cholecystitis, colitis, hemorrhoids, gastritis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer. Grind the rhizomes into powder in a coffee grinder and place in a dry jar with a lid for storage. The powder is taken in small quantities, at the tip of a knife (about 1 gram) twice a day before meals.

    Elecampane ointment

    It helps with various skin diseases, in which delayed healing is noted (eczema, psoriasis), with itching, scabies, and also with joint diseases.

    Prepare the dosage form in small quantities and store in the refrigerator. 1 tbsp powder from the roots mixed with 4-5 tbsp. unsalted chopped bacon, cook for 15 minutes and strain through dense fabric while the ointment is still hot. Lubricate the affected areas once a day until visible positive dynamics, then wash these areas with a warm decoction of elecampane root for 5-6 days.

    A decoction of elecampane

    Good stomachic and expectorant. It can be added to the bath for the treatment of skin diseases. 1 tbsp crushed rhizomes, pour 200 ml of water and boil for 10-15 minutes, then leave for 4 hours, strain. Take warm, 1 tbsp. 3-4 r / day.

    Tincture of elecampane on wine

    It is an excellent tonic and tonic for conditions such as a diseased body, cachexia. 120 gr. fresh rhizomes and roots and pour 0.5 liters of red wine and cook on a small fire for 10 minutes, strain. Take 50 ml two to three times a day. before meals.

    Tincture of elecampane on vodka

    Recommended for ulcers and gastritis. 250 gr. crushed rhizomes pour 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for at least 10-14 days, shake occasionally, strain. Take 15-20 drops diluted with water 3 r / day for gastritis. For the treatment of ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, take 1 tbsp. tinctures in the morning on an empty stomach and drink 2-3 tbsp. pork fat.


    Good antitussive. Mix 1 liter of boiling water with 1 tsp. dry rhizomes of the plant, leave for 15 minutes. Take a glass 2-3 r / day in a warm form, with honey.


    Helps in healing bronchial asthma. Squeeze juice from fresh rhizomes with a juicer and combine it with honey in a ratio of 1:1. Take 1 tsp. 20 minutes before meals three times a day.

    Infusion of fresh rhizomes on vodka against tuberculosis

    Mix 500 ml of vodka with 2 cups of fresh rhizomes grated on a fine grater. Insist 9 days and place in the refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp. before meals for 2-3 months.

    Infusion for the treatment of sciatica

    In a 3-liter jar, put a handful of chopped dry elecampane roots, 100 gr. yeast and 500-700 gr. honey. Top up the volume to the beginning of the neck with boiled cooled water. Put on a rubber glove on top and make a few punctures in the fingers. Place this mixture in a warm place, cover the jar with a cloth and let stand for 3 weeks. The medicine will ferment - this is normal. After 3 weeks of infusion, pass the mixture through cheesecloth and refrigerate.

    Take half a glass in the morning and in the evening, with a bite of honey.

    freshly picked leaves

    They can be applied to wounds, ulcers, areas of erysipelatous and scrofulous lesions for 2-3 hours, fixed with a bandage from above.

    fresh root

    Elecampane for weight loss

    Since the plant has a diuretic effect, it is used in various weight loss recipes. The bitterness, which is present in the composition of elecampane, normalizes the function of the intestines and contributes to its speedy emptying.

    Regular use of elecampane contributes to the normalization of metabolism and acid-base balance in the body, and also reduces cravings for sweet and salty. Gum in the composition of the plant reduces appetite.

    To obtain a decoction 1 tbsp. dry roots and rhizomes pour 200 ml of water and boil for 2 minutes, leave for another 30 minutes and filter. Take 3 tbsp. four times a day before meals.

    Elecampane for women

    • various diseases of the genitourinary system;
    • stress, emotional overstrain;
    • sudden weight gain or loss;
    • avitaminosis.

    From this it is clear that the delay in menstruation has a certain reason, and one should begin with the elimination of the provoking factor. It is dangerous to constantly use elecampane for these purposes. Moreover, you should not use elecampane if there are no periods for 3 or more months - this indicates amenorrhea, indicating a hormonal failure in the body.

    If the delay in menstruation is not associated with a disease or pregnancy and lasts less than 10 days, you can try to induce menstruation with elecampane. Also, the plant helps with pain associated with uterine prolapse, and is used to stimulate ovarian function.

    To resume menstruation, restore the cycle and eliminate abdominal pain during uterine prolapse, elecampane roots are used. For the preparation of a medicinal composition 1 tsp. crushed roots pour a glass of boiling water and boil for 15 minutes over low heat. After the decoction, insist for 20 minutes. Take 1 tsp. 5-6 times a day.

    Application in cosmetology

    A unique plant helps fight aging, sagging skin, restores elasticity and tone skin. In young women aged 30-35, it can be used to prevent wrinkles.

    The second area of ​​​​application is the cleansing of the skin from acne, pimples, as well as reducing the severity of traces of them.

    Rejuvenating skin lotion

    50 gr. dried roots pour 500 ml of dry white wine, boil on the lowest heat for 10 minutes. Wipe the face with cold lotion 2 times a day (keep the product in the refrigerator).

    Skin cleanser

    50 gr. boil fresh roots in 200 ml of vegetable oil for 15 minutes, pour into a glass container with a lid and leave for 7 days. in a dark place. Apply warm, apply to the affected parts of the face for 10-15 minutes, then remove the remnants of the product with a cotton pad.

    Also, elecampane has long been used to strengthen and grow hair, and helps with dandruff.

    3 tsp roots mixed with 500 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour and strain. Rub into the hair roots and scalp for 30 minutes, rinse with warm water. You can also add 2 tsp to the composition. burdock and nettle.


    Elecampane contraindications are not very extensive, but should be taken into account when prescribing treatment:

    • intolerance;
    • severe disease of blood vessels and heart;
    • severe kidney disease;
    • gastritis with low acidity;
    • painful menstruation (for this period);
    • hypotension;
    • pregnancy;
    • chronic atonic constipation.

    As for children, treatment is carried out with caution and not earlier than 3 years (according to most folk sources). The instructions for use of elecampane rhizomes, which are sold in the pharmacy network, indicate that the plant is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age.