What creepers are best for the garden. Amazing creeper - actinidia Fruiting creepers with edible fruits

What is monstera delicacy, description, calorie content and useful properties. Harm in use and recipes. How can you eat a tropical berry. Interesting facts about the plant and the opportunity to grow in your apartment.

The content of the article:

Monstera delicacy is a tropical liana (lat. Monstera deliciosa) from the Aroid family, an epiphyte with aerial roots. The shoots climb the trees to a height of more than 20 m. The leaves are large, heart-shaped, but dissected symmetrically on both sides into separate feathers. The pinnate structure of the leaves is explained by the lack of light - the plant "tryes" to make it fall more evenly. The roots are airy, hard. Small white fragrant flowers form a white stem. They are wrapped in a light large lettuce leaf and are most reminiscent of a corncob in shape. The fruits are considered berries: length - up to 20-40 cm, about 9 cm in diameter, the skin is dense, consists of individual scales resembling pineapple, the pulp is juicy, sweet. The taste of the pulp is a mixture of pineapple and banana, a bit like jackfruit, but much softer, does not burn the mucous membrane of the mouth like pineapple. At first, Monstera was found only in Central America, in a subtropical climate - in Costa Rica, Panama and Guatemala. Then the growth area expanded to a temperate climate. Liana can be found in Mexico and Brazil. Artificially grown in India and Australia for the sake of edible juicy fruits. Other names: monstera tasty, excellent, attractive, pinanana, oyul, pina anina, huracan, carool, arum, Japanese pineapple, philadel.

The composition and calorie content of monstera fruits

The nutritional value of vine fruits is quite high.

Calorie delicacy monstera - 73.7 kcal per 100 g, of which:

  • Proteins - 1.8 g;
  • Fats - 0.2 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 16.2 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 0.57 g;
  • Water - 77.9 g;
  • Ash - 0.85.
The composition of monstera delicacy has not been fully studied. It has been established that the pulp of a ripe fruit contains:
  1. Ascorbic acid is involved in all redox processes, stimulates the production of the body's defenses, and normalizes the process of hematopoiesis.
  2. Thiamine breaks down acids that destroy nervous system, converts carbohydrates into glucose, delivers energy to nerve fiber cells, stimulates the body's immune responses after being bitten by poisonous insects and snakes.
  3. Phosphorus is a conductor of energy to all cells of the body, together with potassium is building material skeletal system.
  4. Without calcium, bones become brittle and collapse, spasms of muscle fibers appear, and convulsions develop.
  5. Potassium normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular system, improves the functioning of blood vessels, and normalizes blood pressure.
  6. Sodium prevents dehydration, constricts blood vessels.
  7. Oxalic acid (7-8 mg per 100 g), decomposing in the body, forms calcium oxalates, needle-like structures of Trichosclereids and Raphides. Irritates receptors and oral mucosa and digestive tract, oxalates destroy joints and kidneys.
  8. Sugars are an energy resource.
  9. Starch protects the stomach from the effects of aggressive compounds, normalizes the functioning of the intestines, helps to quickly recover from intoxication, and has an adsorbing effect.

Useful properties of monstera gourmet

The properties of pinanana are used by traditional healers of Mexico and many diseases are treated with the help of fruits. They are used to eliminate the symptoms of sciatica, arthritis, arthrosis and gout. Use the pulp of ripe fruits and infusion of leaves orally, and unripe berries externally.

Monstera Benefits:

  • Increases immunity, helps prevent complications of viral and bacterial infections;
  • Increases the tone of the body, replenishes energy reserves, improves mental and stimulates physical activity;
  • Accelerates intestinal motility, eliminates constipation;
  • Prevents dehydration of the body;
  • Eliminates muscle spasms, normalizes the contraction of muscle fibers.
Lotions from aerial roots eliminate the effects of snake bites.

Contraindications and harm monstera

Liana fruits should be used with caution. If you taste the pulp of an immature monstera, you can get burns of the oral mucosa. It is unlikely that it will be possible to swallow at least a piece, but if this is done, erosion of the esophagus will appear, and in the future - ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum.

Very often one has to deal with individual intolerance to monstera fruits. Use is harmful to those who have an allergic reaction to tropical fruits- bananas, pineapples, jackfruits - because of the similarity chemical composition. It is impossible to introduce fruits into the daily menu with increased sensitivity to oxalic acid, if there is a history of rheumatism.

The harm of monstera delicacy is expressed:

  1. With gastroenteritis, colitis and enterocolitis;
  2. With increased flatulence;
  3. With pathology of the urinary system, impaired excretory function, chronic pyelonephritis and cystitis;
  4. With a decrease in visual acuity: a violation of the sensitivity of the optic nerve, cataracts, the development of glaucoma;
  5. In violation of metabolic processes, gout, osteochondrosis and arthrosis;
  6. For arthritis and myalgia.
You can not feed this berry to small children under 5 years old, introduce it into the diet of pregnant and lactating people, the elderly.

The pulp of a mature monstera is sweet and juicy, but you should be very careful with it. After eating a small piece, you need to wait 2-3 hours to make sure that there is no allergy: irritation and redness in the oral cavity, rashes on the mucous membranes of the lips and facial skin, epigastric pain, excessive intestinal gas. It was observed that allergic reactions appeared within 3-4 hours.

In isolated cases, anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema, severe manifestations of allergies were noted.

When using monstera delicacy, moderation must be observed. The recommendations should be followed both when introducing fresh berries into the diet and desserts prepared from it.

Do monstera fruits eat delicacy

Before picking the berries, you need to make sure that they are fully ripe, since monstera fruits are edible only in this case. Ripening lasts 12-14 months from the beginning of flowering. If you eat an unripe fruit, you can get a serious burn of the mucosa.

If monstera delicacy is grown for sale, then unripe berries are harvested. Then, after purchase, they are wrapped in foil and laid out on the windowsill, under direct sunlight, so that they are fully ripe.

The maturation can be judged by the aroma: it becomes rich, sweet - the tropics in the room. Dense scales, reminiscent of pineapple, change color from greenish to golden and peel off from the ends of the fruit. Black spots on the peel also indicate the ripening of the pulp.

It is impossible to miss the moment of maturation. Monstera delicacy should be immediately removed from the window sill in the refrigerator - you can do it without unfolding. The rotting of the tender pulp begins within 3-4 hours.

A mature monstera is eaten like a pineapple, with the peeling, scaly skin removed. sharp knife. You can cut individual pieces or use a spoon.

Aborigines prefer to "prolong" pleasure. They feast on juicy pulp without picking a berry from a vine. So that numerous insects do not share the meal, after eating, the rest is wrapped in cotton cloth or covered with a plastic bag.

Monstera fruit recipes

Europeans are hesitant to try the flesh of pinanana because of its texture. It is soft and slimy, more like jelly. Therefore, they prefer to consume berries after technological cooking.

Recipes with monstera delicacy:

  1. Jelly. Ripe berries are peeled from a dense peel, removing it with a thin layer with a very sharp knife. Then cut into small pieces and boil for 12-15 minutes in a non-oxidizing dish. When the fruit is cooked, the liquid is decanted, gelatin and sugar are dissolved in it, brought to a boil. Then half of the monstera slices are poured with boiling syrup, they are interrupted in a blender until a homogeneous structure, they try and, if necessary, pour in a little citric acid. The liquid is then filtered through a sieve. The further process depends on your own idea of ​​the final form of the product. You can pour syrup into molds or put monstera pieces in them first and then pour syrup over them. At room temperature, they wait until the jelly cools down, and only then put it in the refrigerator until it solidifies completely. Proportions of ingredients: 100 g of monstera delicacy, 2 tablespoons of sugar, preferably brown, cane, 6 g of gelatin, a little less than a glass of water, a drop of citric acid, if necessary.
  2. Monstera gourmet cream. Two peeled berries are cut into small slices and covered with half a glass of white sugar. When the juice appears, interrupt the fruit puree with a blender. Grind in a water bath 3 egg yolks and half a glass of sugar. Separately whip 1.5 cups of 33% cream. Cream, monstera puree and yolks are mixed, beat well. Sprinkle the silicone mold with cinnamon, lay out a lush creamy mass and leave to harden in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. Such a cream well sets off the taste of soft coffee, lemon or orange ice cream.
  3. Tropical salad with monstera gourmet. The taste is combined with mango, bananas, kiwi. All fruits are cut into slices of the same size, seasoned with lemon juice, vanilla sugar and powdered sugar.
  4. Hearty salad "Exotica". This dish combines the fruits of the tropics and middle lane. Juice is squeezed out of 1/3 of the monstera, the rest of the pulp is cut into cubes. Combine with apricot slices (2 pieces), 1 mango, 2 kiwis, half a glass of cherries, after removing the seeds and cutting the berries into 2 parts. Spread the fruit mixture around boiled lightly salted rice, laid out in a slide. All are generously poured with a mixture of lemon juice and monstera. You can sprinkle with brown sugar.

When preparing dishes, you need to make sure that Monstera deli is ripe. If the berries are greenish, dinner may result in hospitalization.

Interesting facts about monstera gourmet

Liana with delicate flowers and the juicy fruit was called monstera from the word "monster". This name is associated with numerous legends about the plant. Allegedly at night, with its huge leaves with fingers, the monstera strangles small animals and even small children if they fell asleep in the forest near a tree.

Under a tree with vines, the corpses of animals and even people, braided with aerial roots, were often found. Liana, growing, covers everything within its reach. The fact that the plant feeds on living organisms has not been proven.

Currently, a vine is planted in the subtropics for food purposes. As a support for it, hedges or heat-loving trees with an unformed crown are chosen, and they are also rooted in the ground, using cuttings for seedlings.

Growing conditions: stable average annual temperature +15-30°C and high humidity. The plant requires frequent watering during dry seasons. On the open field monstera delicacy ripens up to the island of Sicily, where it is called "dragon's paw".

Harvest begins when the fruits are light green in color and the scales near the bases protrude. In appearance, the berries at this moment resemble corn cobs. Monstera delicacy is cut off, leaving 2.5-4 cm of the stem.

The remaining parts of the plant are used only in Mexico and Panama. There, ropes, baskets, mats and room screens-partitions are woven from strong airy flexible roots.

Monstera delicacy is very popular with flower growers. It can decorate any apartment or winter garden. Growing a plant is easy. The cuttings are planted in a shallow (up to 30 cm) long container 40x100 cm, near the edge of the box. Expanded clay is poured in the first layer, which plays the role of drainage, loose soil is poured on top - a mixture of peat, humus, leafy soil and sand. Be sure to install a support. It is watered abundantly, the flowerpot is placed on the western or eastern window. To prevent the plant from strangling itself with its roots, they need to be trimmed regularly. At proper care 4-5 years after planting, it will be possible to enjoy the unfamiliar taste of a tropical fruit.

Watch the video about monster delicacy:

If possible, you should definitely grow a tropical vine in your apartment. It moisturizes the room, releases a large amount of oxygen. But these are not all useful properties - monstera delicacy absorbs and processes formaldehyde emitted by chipboard. Thanks to the tropical guest, you can create a healthy microclimate in your living space.

It's nice when garden plot grows a lot of useful, beautiful and edible. Creepers for the garden combine all these qualities. Moreover, these amazing plants just a godsend for connoisseurs of original garden landscape solutions. In addition, some types of garden vines can be safely classified as a cohort of garden centenarians - they can be planted once, and then, for many years, admire the work of their hands. Do you want to know more about it? Read this guide.

By and large, perennial creepers for the garden are a real lifesaver that comes to the rescue, for example, if you need:

A little secret: if you plant creepers for a garden with edible fruits, then it will please not only the eyes, but also the stomach.

Of course, not all perennials will appear in all their glory immediately after planting. Sometimes, this takes a year or two, and some creepers will come into full bloom almost a decade later. But, on the other hand, for many, many years, your garden or cottage will delight with its beauty, the care of which is practically not required. Perennial creepers are unpretentious creatures, and they do not require a particularly reverent attitude towards themselves. However, they also have their own characteristics.

Note: when choosing a vine, you need to pay attention to regional features - it should be noted that the southern beauties will not please the northerners with their luxurious flowering.

Types of garden vines

Curly perennials are divided into two types:

In turn, tree vines are:

  • Frost-resistant - wintering directly on supports and not requiring shelter (for example, honeysuckle capricole, actinidia, girlish grapes);
  • Non-hardy - requiring annual removal from the support and winter shelter (for example, some clematis, climbing roses). The roots are covered with sawdust, and the branches are wrapped with non-woven covering material.

And grassy vines can be simply cut off at the root for the winter - in the spring they will quite calmly grow back.

What to plant and whether to plant

It is already clear that knowing your climate, it is much easier to choose a vine that meets the tasks. And, since it is not very interesting to wait for the weather by the sea for a long time and look at the bare cuttings for half a summer, the list of fast-growing perennial vines that will please the eye with their lush vegetation very soon will be absolutely indispensable. These are the plants:

Of course, there are others - but these will not keep you waiting long, and pretty soon after planting you can admire their lovely carved foliage and luxurious flowering. What types of perennial vines are the most common in Russian gardens? From a fairly large number, the most popular and unpretentious stand out - they will be discussed further. Gastronomic digression: this article has already mentioned that creepers come with edible fruits. And it is logical, in this case, to start our review with them - after all, the motto is: “The more everything in one, the better!” pretty good, isn't it? After all, it is always nice when a tasty and healthy delicacy hangs from beautiful branches!

Fruiting creepers with edible fruits

All these creepers combine a mass useful properties: they are both beautiful and have edible fruits, many of which are also healing. It is clear that for a small area it will be easy ideal option!

Water-bearing decorative vines

Now, from beautiful vines with edible fruits, we move on to beautiful vines with decorative fruits. Although they are unsuitable for eating, they are a true decoration of any garden. The unusual filigree craftsmanship of nature never ceases to amaze!

It makes sense to plant these plants if the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour site is already sufficient. Enough to be able to grow separate plants for the delight of the stomach and for the delight of the eyes.

Beauty in its purest form

And, now, we list simply beautiful vines, valued for the charm of their leaves and flowers:

Uff! The many types, colors, fruits and aromas of these wonderful plants can make your head spin! Having rested a little and sipped a seagull, we will restore our breath, intercepted by the beauty of the vines, and talk about what, in fact, gave the name to the whole species.

Supports for garden vines

Liana is a climbing plant that requires SUPPORT. It turns out that the supports can also be different, and the composition of the material from which they are made also depends a lot. For many herbaceous vines, a simple net (if you want to weave some surface with a luxurious green carpet) or a stretched cord (if you need to let out separate rays) is suitable as a support. With tree vines, the situation is more serious. Many of them “gain weight” in the process of growth so much that the flimsy support will be broken in no time. Therefore, here we will talk about wooden or metal structures. It would seem that metal supports are the most ideal option. They are:

  • lungs;
  • durable;
  • sustainable;
  • beautiful.

I would especially like to emphasize the last point - after all, what kind of carved metal lace is obtained in the hands of craftsmen-blacksmiths, there is no need to say!

Forged lace

Important! Not all creepers tolerate the neighborhood of their metal assistants! Metal freezes in winter, and many vines simply cannot stand such a chilling neighborhood. To prevent such a nuisance, in the cold season, the shoots of climbing plants must be removed from the supports.

Accordingly, wooden supports are deprived of such a disadvantage. Warmly natural wood will brighten up the winter longing of the creeper, but of course, you will have to forget about the filigree carved lace, which can be demonstrated by forged metal supports. A support made of wood is usually called a pergola, and is a lattice of the required area, along which tender shoots will curl.

wooden pergola

Well, now, having chosen the type of liana, its purpose and providing it with support, let's move on, in fact, to the cultivation technology.

Nine and a half secrets of applied vine science

So, knowing these simple wisdoms, from ordinary-looking cuttings, orphanedly sticking out in the bare ground, you can pretty soon get a luxurious and breathtaking jungle in your own garden. And if this article helped in this, then it was not written in vain!

And here's the missing half of the secret: do everything with love.

There are quite a lot of decorative vines with which you can decorate the garden plot. Among them are honeysuckle, clematis, morning glory, girlish grapes ... Do you want to grow a vine called "actinidia" with tasty and tender fruits? Read our article on how to do this.

Liana with useful fruits

Actinidia are beautiful deciduous perennial vines belonging to the actinidia family. The leaves on the shoots are placed alternately, they are solid or with a serrate (serrated) edge. It is interesting to observe how, a few days before flowering, the leaves of Actinidia Kolomikta turn white, as if they were powdered with snow. After flowering, their color changes to crimson. Actinidia Argut also has elegant leaves: in summer they are dense, glossy, dark green. You will not find any antennae or suckers for mounting on a support in Actinidia. The flowers are white, yellowish or orange, their diameter is from 10 to 35 mm. Oblong fruitlets are yellow-green or orange in color. Some species grow in Southeast Asia. In Russia, representatives of wild species can be found in the Far East.

The taste of berries is determined by the ratio of sugars and organic acids. Vitamin C in them is much more than in lemons, oranges, currants. There are riboflavin, thiamine, rutin, flavonoids, tannins, chlorophyll, macro- and microelements in the fruits. Berries are especially useful for beriberi, anemia, hypertension, weak immunity, gastrointestinal diseases, whooping cough, tuberculosis.

As root system these vines are fibrous, they need moist soil. In addition, it should be fertile, saturated with humus, with a neutral or slightly acidic medium, preferably loamy. It should be borne in mind that actinidia cannot grow on swampy, acidic, light sandy or heavy loamy soils.

About species and varieties

Botanists number about 75 species of actinidia. GreenColor will dwell in more detail on several well-known species, the cultivated forms of which can be found in the gardens of Russians.
  • Actinidia Kolomikta - the most common, the length of the shoots is about 4 m. In the spring, they have green leaves, by the flowering period they turn a little white, and then turn crimson until the leaf fall. These creepers are dioecious, so to get a crop of berries, you will need to plant both female and male individuals in one area side by side. The fruits are small (3-5 g), green, round or oval in shape. They begin to ripen in August. The species is winter-hardy, calmly tolerates temperatures as low as -45°C. In one place it grows well and bears fruit with proper care up to 50 years.
  • Actinidia Arguta - in nature, it occupies large areas in cedar-broad-leaved forests on the Kunashir Peninsula, in the south of Sakhalin, in the Primorsky Territory. There, its shoots climb up the trunks of trees, reaching a length of 15 meters. The leaves on the shoots are elliptical, large. Flowers unisexual, odorless. The fruits are large (10-12 g), dark green in color, usually spherical or cylindrical. An adult liana good care can give in September about 15 kg of delicious fruits. This species is less winter-hardy, more thermophilic.
  • Actinidia polygama - initially chose the southwest of Primorye for its growth. The length of the shoots is approximately 6 meters. Its leaves are large (15 cm each), broadly ovate, with a pointed apex. It surprises with silver variegation of leaves and fragrant flowers. Toward the end of September, the fruits grow larger, gain a mass close to 8 grams, but their taste is bitter-burning. The bitterness disappears after frost, then the taste of the berries improves markedly. These creepers are very fond of warmth, their winter hardiness leaves much to be desired.
The first varieties of actinidia ("Clara Zetkin", "Pineapple") were obtained by I.V. Michurin. The most famous now varieties of actinidia Kolomikta are as follows: "Early Dawn", "Magpie", "Homestead", "Stranger", "Gourmet", "Abundant", "Marmalade", "Queen of the Garden", "Grape", "Sweet". Actinidia Argut has the Primorskaya variety, and Actinidia Polygam has the Apricot variety.

How actinidia is propagated

There are several ways:

Cuttings (green or woody);
root offspring (characteristic only for actinidia Kolomikta and polygamum);
division of an adult bush;
seeds (with preliminary stratification);

It is best to resort to the propagation method using green cuttings. They take root well in a greenhouse or greenhouse. Such cuttings should be cut with a sharp knife in the first fifteen days of June, 10 cm long. Within four hours, treat the cuttings with a growth and root formation stimulator, for example, Heteroauxin. Take a mixture of sand and peat, deepen the cutting into it by 3 cm.
Lignified cuttings are made from material that is cut in winter or with the advent of spring. Cutting cuttings into pieces of 10-15 cm is carried out in the spring. The soil for rooting needs light, the conditions for rooting will require greenhouse or greenhouse.

Reproduction by layering is carried out as follows. In May, make grooves next to the liana to a depth of 8 cm. Put the shoots there, fasten them to the ground with metal brackets. When small shoots begin to grow, then from time to time carry out hilling. In the second or third year, these grown layers can be transplanted to another place.

Planting actinidia

It is rational to plant actinidia along the house (on the south side) or along the fence. It is better to immediately install supports - metal pipes or rods that can withstand a massive vine in the future. Three or four-core tapestries are also suitable. Do not use wooden supports, they can rot, and it will be impossible to unravel the shoots. If it is not possible to put additional supports, then plant the actinidia next to the gazebo, veranda, fence. It is desirable that the vines are well lit, a slight penumbra is acceptable.

It should also be remembered that the plant is dioecious. To get a plentiful harvest of berries, you need to have at least two creepers with male flowers planted nearby for 5 females.

Plant in the spring, before the buds open. Leave a distance of about two meters between plants. After digging a landing hole (depth, length and width of 60 cm), place pieces on the bottom broken brick or pebble. cook fertile soil, humus, wood ash, superphosphate. When planting actinidia, keep in mind that the root neck after compacting the soil and watering should be at the level of the soil surface. Now start mulching. Humus or peat is suitable, the layer should be four centimeters. Some gardeners recommend shortening the aerial part.

The area around the plantings of actinidia should be periodically loosened (shallow), freed from weeds. In dry weather, timely watering is important. In the spring you can make ammonium nitrate, and in the fall, every three years, when digging, add 4 kilograms of humus (compost) or rotted manure, 20 grams of potassium sulfate and 30 grams of superphosphate. In order for young plants to survive the winter normally, in the first years of their life, cover your actinidia in late autumn using fallen leaves and spruce branches. One more observation. In the spring, cats can pretty much spoil the young actinidia in the first two years of its cultivation. They undermine plants, gnaw out roots and small shoots. You can protect the plantings if you cover them at this time with a cage-like structure made of metal mesh or rods. Even adult vines need pruning so that the crown is sparse. Pruning is best done in mid-summer and late autumn. In the spring, these plants are not pruned, otherwise the shoots will “cry” and die.

And no less valuable warning is given by GreenColor: actinidia vines cannot be removed from the supports, otherwise they will cease to bear fruit or die altogether.

The first fruits usually appear on those vines that are 4-5 years old. During the ripening of berries, it is better to cover the ground near the vines with a film, because some of the fruits fall off.

Eat ripened fruits fresh, so they will bring the greatest benefit. And you can use them to make wine, candied fruits, marshmallows, jelly, jam, compote. They are suitable for freezing, drying and drying.

"Bitter gourd", "Indian cucumber" or "pomegranate", "mad melon" - all these are the names of the same plant, officially referred to as momordica. The benefits and harms of this vine began to worry our fellow citizens with the appearance on the shelves of the seeds of an outlandish plant. Many began to grow it in garden plots for decorative purposes. What kind of plant is this, let's figure it out with you.

What kind of tribe

No wonder it is called the "bitter gourd" - the plant belongs to It is an evergreen liana that grows in Africa, Australia, India and other warm countries. Today it is grown in America and in the Crimea, even in the northern regions, gardeners manage to grow a heat-loving vine on a windowsill or balcony, and plant it in open ground for the summer. So, what is momordica, the benefits and harms of its bright fruits, what is their practical purpose - all this later.


The first benefit of this unusual creeper is its decorative properties. It resembles the tops of a cucumber, pumpkin, young grapes, willingly clings to a support with its antennae and quickly gains strength in the sun. small gazebo it will easily braid in a short time, and you will be able to proudly demonstrate to your friends that you are growing not just anything, but momordica. The benefits and harms of its fruits usually begin to interest a little later, when they begin to ripen and stand out brightly among the green shoots. In fact, the fruits of this vine contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals and are successfully used in cooking.


If cucumbers grew in your country house, then it will not be difficult to master the art of growing exotic creepers. She will willingly live in open ground, especially if you choose a shady place for her, without direct sunlight. She also masters greenhouses and greenhouses, and even window sills in apartments. Just imagine how you will show your fruit-bearing vine to your friends and proudly say that it is a momordica. The benefits and harms that its fruits can bear will be discussed below.

The plant propagates by seeds. Despite the presence of a hard shell, they do not require stratification and have almost 100% germination. Before planting in the soil, you need to soak them for a day in a pale pink solution of manganese. Don't wait until they hatch or the seeds will rot. Seedlings are easiest to grow in peat pots filled with light, fertile soil. Momordica is demanding and responsive to the application of organic fertilizers.

One seed is placed edgewise in each pot to a depth of 1.5 cm. From above it needs to be covered with soil and watered. The next moisturizing should be done in 2-3 days. If the temperature is maintained at 20-22 degrees, then shoots will appear in 2 weeks. With cooler content, you will have to wait longer.

When transplanting seedlings to the main "place of residence", install vertical supports, plan the location of the plants so that they have enough light, the ovary will crumble in the shade or the fruits will be small.

Beneficial features

Momordica is a special fruit. More precisely, it is a vegetable. It significantly changes its taste properties as it ripens, but its benefits remain unchanged. Not only fruits are useful, but also shoots, as well as leaves. The plant is rich in calcium, which is necessary not only for the growth and development of teeth and bones, but also contributes to the normal contraction of the heart muscle. If there are problems with the cardiovascular system, then momordica is what the doctor ordered.

In addition to calcium, it is rich in selenium, which normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland; contains silicon, which is involved in the synthesis of bone and muscle tissues, it is especially necessary during the recovery period after injuries and fractures. Being a source of phosphorus, fruits help stimulate brain activity. The rich composition of vitamins regulates the metabolic processes of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, normalizing body weight. The antioxidant properties that momordica has are known. A fruit with the same composition still needs to be looked for.


Recent studies have shown another wonderful property - momordica in diabetes can significantly improve the patient's condition. Its active components reduce cholesterol and blood sugar, in addition, Indian pumpkin activates the production of insulin and the patient rarely has to resort to injections. Modern pharmacology also uses bitter gourd extracts. Based on them, preparations are made for the treatment of psoriasis, influenza and colds.

AT traditional medicine Momordica is also widely used. The benefits of treatment are amazing. The plant has analgesic properties, helps with diseases of the heart and blood vessels, and even with leukemia. Persistent improvement in vision and eye condition was noted. Various infusions and decoctions work well in the treatment of prostatitis, urolithiasis, sclerosis. Among other things, they improve brain function and strengthen immunity.

Use in cooking

The pulp of the fruit is similar to a pumpkin, only with a noticeable bitterness. While the fruits are young and green, the bitterness is almost imperceptible, they taste like a cucumber. They can be fried in oil, added to salads. Fully ripened fruits hide red seeds inside, which taste like persimmon and pomegranate at the same time. They are quite tough, so you can boil them before use.

To remove bitterness from ripened fruits, they are pre-soaked in a saline solution. After that, they can also be fried and served as a side dish for meat. Craftsmen went even further, got the hang of pickling fruits in jars. It turns out a very original product, unlike anything else, its taste is very pleasant and refreshing. In addition, from the soaked fruits of this creeper, they cook very tasty and healthy jam, by which you can never tell that his parent is a bitter momordica. Reviews confirm its high taste qualities, albeit with a certain amount of exoticism.

For daily use, you can use fresh leaves, just a couple of pieces can be put in a teapot in the morning, pour boiling water and enjoy an invigorating and healthy drink.

We have not yet mentioned the roots of the plant. They are used for infusions and decoctions, as they are stored for a long time when dried. In addition, it is the root that has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. It is enough to cut off a fresh plate and attach, for example, to a diseased gum to relieve inflammation and achieve an analgesic effect.

Application in dietetics

If there is no individual intolerance, then you can include a small amount of a miracle vegetable in your daily diet. Due to the rich composition, these fruits normalize metabolic processes in the body, stimulate smooth weight loss and give a person a huge amount of energy. Eating the same amount of food, but feeling cheerful and full of energy, a person will do much more in a day. This means that the energy will be spent for good, and not "deposited" on the stomach and in other places.


So, today we told you about an amazingly healthy vegetable called momordica. Instructions for use (if I may say so) recommends introducing it into food for almost all people. This is a real warehouse useful substances. But we must remember that many elements in its composition are in an active state, and therefore an overdose can only harm. Treat momordica as an extremely useful additive, a condiment, the excess of which will only worsen the taste of the dish.

These exotic vegetables are contraindicated for pregnant women, as they can provoke premature birth. If you suffer from food allergies, then introduce momordica into your diet very carefully.

"Momordica compositum"

Not in every city today you can buy the fruits or at least the seeds of this wonderful plant. That is why pharmaceutical companies have released special preparation, which contains an extract from vegetables and called it "Momordica compositum". It is an injectable solution that has astringent, analgesic, antispasmodic, antiemetic and sedative properties. It normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland, is used in the treatment of pancreatitis. This preparation is homeopathic as it contains nothing but extracts medicinal plant. However, before using it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

Summing up

A truly wonderful gift of the rainforest - momordica - is wholesome. Its leaves, shoots, roots, fruits and berries are used. Today, research is being carried out on the ability of this plant to suppress and neutralize cancer cells. If they become successful, we will have a cure for the most terrible disease. But even today there is something to thank this unusual vegetable for. Its healing power is truly immeasurable.

Creepers for the garden are climbing plants, which are used for vertical gardening of a summer cottage or garden plot. They are able to give the garden volume and additional beauty. Creepers grow quickly, do not require any special care. With their help, you can realize any ideas of the owner of the site.

Making an arch in the garden with climbing vines

Huge selection Liana helps to solve many different tasks in the garden and on the site, and perform the following functions:

  1. , walls or , .
  2. Giving the garden a unique beauty and appeal.
  3. Maintaining an optimal climate for the growth of certain plant species, as well as for the person himself.
  4. Shelter from prying eyes.
  5. Attracting insects for pollination flowering plants in the garden.
  6. Create vertical hedges quickly with annual vine varieties.
  7. Cultivation of vines to collect edible and healthy fruits.
  8. Creation of special shady corners on the site for relaxation in the summer heat.

Creation of shade on the plot with vines

Annual varieties of lianas

All vines can be divided into two types: annual and perennial. The choice of gardeners between these two species often falls on annual varieties of vines. Among them, the following varieties are especially popular with gardeners: sweet peas, morning glory, ornamental beans, kobeya.

All annuals are distinguished by a short lifespan and rapid growth. They belong to unpretentious plants and do not require special care. But at the same time they need a lot of light.

Therefore, for planting it is better to choose well-lit sunny places. To grow an annual vine in your garden, you just need to buy and sow seeds. All, without exception, annuals need support. It can be absolutely any form. The main thing is to fix the hatched plants on it when they are still quite small, in order to avoid further confusion between the plants.

After the full prosperity of the annual, the vine is completely removed from the place allotted to it. The following year, any plant you like is planted in this place again. Often, annual vines are planted just now, to quickly give them a lively look. This is the simplest and most effective way - to put any supports and run vines over them.

Perennial creepers

If you want to transform your garden or plot for a long time, it is better to make a choice in favor of perennial varieties of vines. But not all perennial varieties of vines for the garden immediately after planting are able to properly transform the site. Sometimes you have to wait a few years. The fastest growing perennials are different kinds clematis, girlish grapes, hops, petiole hydrangea, ivy, kirkazon, bryony, Aubert mountaineer.

An example of a perennial liana on the site

Almost all perennial varieties belong to rather unpretentious and undemanding plants, but there are still distinctive features. All perennial vines are of two types:

  • Tree vines. They grow in the same way as ordinary or shrubs. In the spring, they begin to grow from where their growth ended with the onset of cold weather. They are divided into the following types:

  • Herbaceous species of vines. These creepers die off with the onset of autumn and sprout again with the onset of heat right from the roots. They are not covered for the winter, but simply cut off at the root.

Among all types of perennial vines for the garden, one can especially distinguish such as: fruit-bearing vines with edible fruits and fruit-bearing decorative vines.

Fruiting creepers with edible fruits

Fruiting vines with fruits suitable for human consumption include the following varieties of garden vines: red cucumber, actinidia, Chinese magnolia vine, honeysuckle, ornamental pumpkin, grapes.

These creepers combine two properties at once - this is the external beauty of the plant and the presence of fruits suitable for human consumption. Their fruits contain many useful vitamins and minerals, and also have a healing effect on the human body. Most best option for planting fruit-bearing vines - this is a small area.

Fruiting decorative vines

Fruiting decorative vines include: momordica, echinocystis, cardiospermum, kirkazon, bryonia, hops. Fruits from decorative vines cannot be eaten, they are simply additional.

It looks like a fruiting liana Chinese lemongrass

It is good to plant them in such a plot where absolutely all types of vines can be placed, both with fruits and decorative, and quite ordinary, pleasing to the eye only with their leaves and flowers.