How to build a bridge in the country. Do-it-yourself wooden bridge to give: choose the shape, design and design of the structure

Landscaping involves the use of ponds, streams and other water bodies. All of them must be provided with their own attributes. It is usually an artificial island, a fountain, a bridge or a bench by the water.

Some of the listed objects require the work of a professional, but there are also those that can be easily and simply done by one's own hands. For example, a bridge across a strait or stream. This is not a grandiose structure across the river, it will not take much time, it will not require much skill. But having decorated their dacha, you long years build an art object that will serve as a reminder of your own enthusiasm. detailed step-by-step instruction, accompanied by detailed images, will only speed up the process of work, make it easier and provide answers to almost all questions that arise.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. It all starts with calculations, measurements and drafting. You will only have to measure the length of the future bridge. It consists of the width of a stream or strait with the addition of allowances, 50 centimeters on each side. The width of the structure is chosen based on one's own vision and understanding of its expediency.
  2. Wood is your choice. It is easy to work with coniferous trees, they are inexpensive, and it is not difficult to purchase them. Oak is an expensive tree, it will take a lot of effort to process it. However, the durability of the structure will be guaranteed, the bridge will look beautiful and original.
  3. The design of the bridge is not particularly difficult. It is based on a frame consisting of two bars. Those also contain two bars that must be glued together. The dimensions of the sections of the bars should be chosen independently, not forgetting that they must withstand the weight of an adult.
  4. To improve the appearance of the bridge, the bars should be bent. This is done quite simply, but you have to spend a day waiting. For better flexibility, the bars are left to soak in water for a day. After that, they must be glued with carpentry or other wood glue, fastened with self-tapping screws, as well as clamps, which will then be removed. Further, three pegs are hammered into the ground, taking into account the length of the bars and the required bend. If the ground is too soft, you can strengthen the pegs with props. After that, previously prepared bars are inserted between the pegs.

  5. In order for the bend to be fixed, the previously obtained structure of pegs and bars must be left alone for about a day, not forgetting to shelter from rain or dew.
  6. It's time for the floorboards. While the bars are bent, the boards must be cut according to the width and length of the bridge. Edges and ends should be processed so as not to leave sharp corners.

  7. To bring the frame of the bridge to readiness, it must be fastened with bars, the length of which is equal to the width of the structure.
  8. In the transverse elements of the frame, it is necessary to make holes along the diameter of the crutches using a drill or a rotator. Then, with crutches, fix the frame on both banks of the stream or strait. For reliable fastening, it is necessary to choose crutches with a length of at least half a meter.
  9. Almost the last stage is the construction of the flooring. Previously cut and processed boards are fastened with self-tapping screws to the frame, maintaining an equal distance between them. Actually, you need to work especially carefully here, since unevenly attached boards can completely ruin the appearance of the bridge. Self-tapping screws must be made of galvanized or stainless steel.

  10. The finished bridge must be treated with an antiseptic, after it - with a primer, and finally painted with two layers of varnish. It is also possible to use acrylic or oil paints, remembering to choose samples specially designed for outdoor use.

Necessary tools and materials

The cost of materials for the manufacture of the bridge is relatively small. You will need:

  • six bars of a certain length;
  • boards;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • joiner's glue;
  • crutches;
  • antiseptic;
  • varnish or paint;

The set of tools should also not raise any special questions. Everything that is needed for work is usually in the home kit of every amateur craftsman:

  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • a hammer;
  • file;
  • square;
  • roulette;
  • clamps;
  • brushes for painting;

Materials should be selected carefully and thoughtfully, they will determine the reliability and durability of the structure. Serious costs for the construction of the bridge are not expected in all cases, given its relatively low material consumption.

Video "We make a bridge in the country with our own hands"

DIY decorative bridge in the country

It is quite pleasant to create coziness in your summer cottage. Here there is an opportunity to create and create places for moral and physical relaxation. All flower beds and various decor at their summer cottage will definitely cheer up a person and help to create further. When the site is decorated on its own, it is doubly pleasant. One of the great opportunities to create a personality in the garden is the construction of a bridge.

To date, the functions of the bridges have become different, even changed dramatically. This is not only a connecting element of the banks, but also the division of the site into zones, a decorative addition. Thus, before choosing the style and type of the bridge, it is necessary to consider how it will serve in the country, which zones will be connected. This is important because it determines the location of the bridge.

One of the reasons for creating a bridge: the garden needs a building for decoration. The style of the bridge depends on its beginning and end.

Please note that if the bridge is located above the reservoir, then there is a need for a gazebo. This completes the garden.

When the owner decided that he would build the bridge on his own, then best material- this is a tree. A wooden bridge suits any style of site. If certain parts of a wooden bridge have deteriorated, then it is easier to replace or repair them. A metal or concrete bridge generally needs to be rebuilt or left as is.

Tools for work.

  • Drill, file, screws, nails.
  • Screwdrivers, hammer, saw, sandpaper, planer, boards.
  • Ruler, protractor, pencil, paint brush, varnish.

Every building must have a foundation. Boards are the basis. At the base, the length depends on how long the bridge will be. The base should be 50 cm longer than the bridge itself.

The bridge in the dacha has a rounded shape, because straight bridges are not considered decorative. To round the bridge, steps can be made that rise from both sides to the middle. A rounded base will be obtained as a result of attaching boards to this base, which form a semicircle.

Wood is pre-processed: boards are processed with a planer, which must be sanded with sandpaper. This is done in order to achieve the smoothness of the tree. Wooden Construction Materials needs to be protected. They are processed with means that prevent the tree from rotting or being affected by a bug.

On the flat surface a bridge is installed: the boards lie in parallel, the steps of the bridge are fixed on them. To make the view beautiful and neat, the boards should not be wide. In the form of railings, boards are used, basically, the railings are even. But if necessary, they are made curved.

We continue to be inspired by various creative ideas that can transform our dacha, make it more attractive, cozy and individual. In landscape design, special attention is paid to accents, for example, decorative bridges can attract attention, this will be a bright accent.

Wooden bridge over a dry stream

Even such a simple wooden bridge will significantly improve the perception of space in the country, it can even be thrown over a gravel path.

Decorative bridge with railings

Nice little bridge over a dry creek. The railing posts are fitted with solar-powered lamps.

The idea of ​​a bridge over a pond

You can often come across the idea of ​​a bridge, which is thrown over a pond in the narrowest place. This also logically divides the pond into two parts, and also gives you the opportunity to create an additional interesting place to which attention can be drawn.

Wooden bridge with railings

The idea of ​​a bridge with double railings, the upper part is single, and vertical slats are decorated below. To make the bridge last longer, it is recommended to treat it with protective impregnations.

A simple decking bridge

A geometric pond requires an equally modern bridge. The idea is somewhat strict, it seems to me, but there are such lovers!

Decorative bridge with rope railing

If your landscape design is close to rural country style, such a bridge may well become a decoration of your space. The railing posts are round, and the railings themselves are made of ropes.

Flip bridge in traditional style

A beautiful idea of ​​a bridge thrown over a pond, decorated with flowers in tubs. The idea of ​​​​a full-fledged country composition, there is even a fountain!

Bridge over a stream in the country

If you have a stream flowing through the site, then in a narrow place you can make a similar bridge. The design is traditional, classical, with two crossbars. However, even if there is an elongated pond on the site, the bridge will be quite appropriate.

Bridge as a transition

This bridge serves the purpose of logically connecting the patio and the rest of the garden. The design is made of decking board and will last a long time. Pay attention to the backlight, which in the evening illuminates the space under the bridge, highlighting the silhouettes of rounded stones.

Small decorative country bridge

Such bridges are common in Japanese gardens. This is a completely decorative design, the length can be only 30-50 cm. It can be put on two stone slabs and use as a decoration on a rocky flower bed - rockeries.

Humpbacked bridge for a summer residence

An element of the path in the form of a humpbacked bridge, under which a stream of pebbles “flows”. The path itself is made of stone slabs.

Long bridge with double railings

And this traditional bridge can be built even on the street, in the village, on the stream. Beautiful and stylish! A real footbridge that can support several adults.

Bridge with square posts

As you can see, the design principle of country decorative bridges is approximately the same - this is a “humpbacked” platform base, three or more support posts, railings, either single or double.

Convex bridge to give

And here is the idea of ​​a bridge, the railing of which repeats the bulge of the platform structure. An original, beautiful idea, I think.

Model of a functional bridge over a stream

Well, the last idea, modeled by the designer in the program. The idea for a real full-fledged bridge over a stream, either flowing through your territory, or to connect your site and the roadway, through a groove.

The bridge in the garden is a design that attracts not only with its functionality, but also with the ability to decorate the landscape of the site. In order to make the site area attractive by installing bridges, it is worthwhile to consider in advance the principles of their placement, varieties and options. self-manufacturing, which will be discussed in this article.

Purpose in the landscape

For most people, the bridge is associated with the river, where the structure connects 2 banks. But, what are the rivers in the suburban area? Indeed, in most cases, there are no such vast water bodies on it where a transition would be required, with the exception of artificially created ponds.

The bridge in the landscape will look especially beautiful next to the water. But in modern areas, its location is possible without water. The bridge is a full-fledged element of the landscape, which has such a spectacular appearance that will impress the owners and guests of the house. From the bridges installed along the site, you can admire small waterfalls, ponds and even just flowers.

Bridges in the landscape are specific objects with which you can easily change the perception of the surrounding landscape. Often they are used to emphasize all the advantages of the site and its charms. From a psychological point of view, such a designed landscape complicates the spatial structure of the site and makes it visually larger.

The nuances of placement on the site

If the owner of a suburban area has decided for himself that it is necessary to build a bridge, then it is worth considering where exactly it should be located. If there is a reservoir on the site, then the bridge is installed where the channel has the smallest width. This approach will create the most compact and durable composition.

If there are no water bodies on the site, then it is worth considering whether there are places that require a bypass or stepping over. Or are there elements on the site that require highlighting against the general background.

The bridge thrown over the "dry" arteries looks organically, in places where there is a difference in relief, in those areas that have a particularly picturesque view. The bridges built over the flower beds look great. You can build a bridge anywhere on the site, but, most importantly, you need to ensure that the element fits organically into the overall landscape.

Many design projects imply the installation of decorative bridges in the immediate vicinity of the gazebo. Thus, an original and complete recreation area is obtained.

Types of structures

On the this moment there are a huge number of garden bridges, but most often they use the division into 2 categories. These are decorative and functional structures. The second option refers directly to those buildings that connect the 2 banks of the pond.

But decorative designs can be installed both above the reservoir and without it. It is possible to design such a bridge that approaches the reservoir or enters it. It all depends on the desire of the owner of the site or on the specialist who develops the landscape.

The main distinguishing feature of decorative bridges from functional ones is their size. They are much smaller and are installed as a decoration, you can not walk on them. But according to the impression of these structures, decorative bridges are not inferior to functional ones.

If a choice is made in favor of a functional bridge, then it is necessary to make it not only aesthetically attractive, but also pay attention to operational characteristics, since the safety of moving along the structure depends on them.

Design differences

Bridges installed on suburban areas, can be both high and low, have railings or be without them. The configuration may be arcuate, straight, deck, arched, suspended, zigzag, or some other. The variety of projects is simply amazing, you just need to choose the one that suits the general style of the site.

Mini-bridges, which perform the function of decorating the site, are usually created from wooden parts. Such designs, made of raw wood in a rough form, perfectly complement the country-style area.

Those structures that have the initial task of crossing a pond are built from reliable materials such as metal, stone, brick and hardwood. No less unique are those bridges that are made of a combination of materials. Artistic forging, which decorates the railing of the structure, gives a special effect.

It is very difficult sometimes among the proposed assortment to choose exactly the version of the composition that is suitable for a particular garden. It is important to be guided by the features of the landscape and the style in which the site is made.

Important! For a small garden, small bridges of neutral colors are suitable, which will not stand out too much against the background of nature.

The main attention is always riveted to the shape of the bridge. If you plan to create an element yourself, then you need to clearly assess your capabilities and choose a type of bridge that you can really build with your own hands. The simplest configurations are straight. Even a person who is far from construction can do this.

Those whose plot is made in an easterly direction will like zigzag-type bridges. Since ancient times, this form has been carried out in order to protect the site and its owners from evil spirits, which, according to legend, could not find a way out due to the zigzag design.

An arched bridge that never loses its relevance looks great in any landscape. This is one of those designs that can be originally decorated. For example, install decorative railings around the edges, hang flower pots, and mount lighting. Even a simple arched wooden bridge looks neat and is able to bring a certain charm to the landscape of the site.

For summer cottages, step-type bridges are often used, which combine two structures at once: a staircase and a crossing. If you approach the implementation of such a bridge outside the box and make it in the form of an observation platform, then the owners will have a unique opportunity to admire the beauties of the entire site.

But it is worth remembering that this type of execution is relevant only if there is an elevation on the site. Yes, and such a bridge is suitable only for a vast garden area. Small areas without a viewing platform are clearly visible.


Before you start building a bridge on the site with your own hands, you must definitely create a project for the structure that you want to see in the end, and also decide on the material for construction.

Material selection

For any bridge, regardless of whether it is decorative or functional, only high-quality materials are chosen. We will consider all known types of materials for the manufacture of bridges on the site.

Wooden bridges on the site look beautiful and emphasize the nature. Since now there is no shortage of materials, it will not be difficult to choose the right one. The bridge can be made from boards, windbreak or logs.

But for piles, you will have to choose the kind of wood that, after a long time, with constant exposure to the soil, will not become unusable. The same rule applies to flooring. The wooden bridge must be regularly processed to prevent the development of rot on the surface of the wood. In addition, impregnation allows you to maintain a presentable appearance of the bridge throughout the entire period of operation and emphasize the natural texture of wood. In some cases, the structures are painted in the desired shade or given color with a clear varnish of a certain color.

Important! If the bridge is intended for regular use, then the flooring must be provided with special pads to avoid slipping.

Since the tree lends itself perfectly to processing, creating a bridge of any size and configuration from it is not a problem.

If the task is to perform landscape design on a large area near private property classical style or luxurious performance, then stone bridges will come in handy. They will give a majestic look to the site. External components depend only on the type of stone used and decoration.

Often there are bridges made of metal, and this is not surprising, because such a design acts as an incredibly beautiful decoration of the site. Metal is a durable and practical material that will allow you to perform a high-quality design that will delight with its appearance for more than one year.

Direct mounting

First of all, before installing the bridge, you should take care of preparing a place for it. If you plan to place the structure above the reservoir, then you will need to strengthen the banks in advance. After that, you need to lay 2 beams so that between them you get the intended width of the bridge.

Important! That part of the beam that is in contact with the ground must be wrapped with roofing felt to protect it from external influences.

After laying the bars, they are fixed in one place with metal rods. Next, the transverse floor boards are attached. It is worth remembering that their thickness cannot be less than 3 cm. It is best to fix the flooring so that there is a small gap of a few millimeters between the boards for unhindered precipitation. Once the flooring is completed, railings are made if the project implies their presence. Their design meets the personal requirements and wishes of the owner of the site. To maintain safety, railing bars must be as strong as possible.

The finished structure is decorated depending on the desire of the owner of the site. As you can see, problems with the construction of the bridge on the site, as a rule, do not arise. This article presented the easiest installation option for this landscape element, which everyone can handle.

Bridges over the "dry reservoir"

The creation of "dry arteries" on the site is considered a unique technique that allows you to decorate the local area if it is impossible to organize a full-fledged reservoir. Such landscape elements personify water and are made using natural materials, such as pebbles, plants and other things.

If there is a desire to create a "dry reservoir", then first you need to limit its channel, remove the topsoil. After that, the place is covered with a film, covered with sand and the material that will imitate water.

Another option for a “dry pond” is a flower pond. This is a kind of long flower bed, which is covered with flowers. This design looks very impressive if planted flowering plants with blue inflorescences. Perennial representatives of the flora of the same variety are ideal for creating such flower streams.

Forged or wooden bridges in the garden, which are decorated, look amazingly fabulous. climbing plants. They become a real masterpiece and highlight of any, even a small area.

Bridges over "dry streams" are different high rates functionality. If there is no full-fledged reservoir in the garden, they are arranged in those places where there is a difference in surface height. And for greater decorativeness, all this is complemented precisely by a stream from some kind of bulk material or from flowers. It can even be just stones laid out neatly in the form of a channel.


It is difficult to overestimate the role of bridges in the landscape. For some sites, only functional structures are suitable, which help to move from one side of the reservoir to another. And for others, bridges are used as an addition and a complete decoration of the landscape. In any case, these details will not be superfluous and will give the garden a fabulous atmosphere in which it will be pleasant to relax and spend time.

A small pedestrian bridge in is a good decoration for a private area, but it can carry not only decorative functions. If necessary, you can build a bridge with a good functional load for a summer residence, which will be actively used in a garden area. In addition, this building can be decorated with various plants and flowers.

Decorative wooden bridge in the garden

If the bridge is properly planned and constructed for suburban area or, then it can become a unique place on your site, eye-catching. Before proceeding with the planning of the structure of this structure, it is necessary to understand that ordinary pedestrian bridge structures for a river in a private area are various structures whose function is to overcome obstacles of various kinds.

There is an opinion that the installation of a bridge for giving is justified for large garden plots. But in fact, they will look good in modest areas. For example, you can make a continuation with a decorative bridge, which will help to overcome a place that is inconvenient for a pedestrian, and also help to make the garden more interesting and intriguing.

An example of a country bridge made of boards and a metal frame

In order for the decorative bridge in the design to look organic and at the same time luxurious, it is worth planning in advance the design of this structure, suitable for the general type of site and river.

If you have a small territory at your disposal, then you need to choose as many as possible simple design bridge, and its color should be neutral, not particularly distinguishable from colors throughout the territory. The next thing to pay attention to when planning a decorative bridge is the selection of a suitable design and its location.

Basically, such structures are a good addition to a garden and a house that has a river on the territory, so components and building materials must be selected just for the style of the rest of the territory.

It is also worth considering the presence of various buildings, such as, or lanterns, which will be located next to it.

Construction of a wooden bridge over a pond in the garden

If yours, especially in the presence of low-lying areas flooded with water in the spring, the presence of a forged bridge is a must. Another situation in which the bridge is a good addition is the design of the road leading to the wooden gazebo. Having made such a special structure near the recreation area, the owner will be able to give his summer cottage a look of completeness.

There are several basic requirements that must be observed when installing a forged bridge:

The main task of those who want to build a garden bridge with their own hands in their summer cottage is the choice of the type of structure, as well as the correct selection landscape design. One of the options for designing a bridge for a private area is monolithic buildings. The second option is to use natural and improvised materials, such as smooth a natural stone, plank squares or circles.

Variant of a decorative bridge made of natural stones

One of the most exotic and at the same time beautiful options for large ponds is laying out the entire structure of stones. This option will help to achieve a combination with already on the coastline, decorated in the same style.

It is worth noting that for such a decorative bridge, it is necessary to select stones of the same size and the same type. One of the main conditions for the construction of such a crossing is the depth in the reservoir, which should be no more than 45 centimeters. The minimum height to which the bridge should rise above the river is 10 centimeters.

In order for the surface on which the crossing will be made to be as convenient as possible, its width should be at least 60 centimeters. Another option for decorating a small garden bridge with your own hands from natural material is the use of non-standard stones.

Such a material will be especially relevant if it has a smooth and comfortable upper. Such a structure is well suited for areas where flowing waters form small wave oscillations at the site of a natural obstacle.

To date, there are a large number of different imitations of concrete, repeating the shape of natural boulders. Concrete material is different high level durability, and is well protected from negative impact high humidity.

If the owner of the plot with the river wishes on their own to create a cozy corner on your territory with the help of a connecting bridge, you must follow the following tips:

Building a wooden bridge with your own hands

To make a decorative garden bridge from boards and wood bars, it is not at all necessary to buy new materials. In some cases, improvised means are also well suited. Before you start building connecting bridges for a pond, you need to make sure you have the right tool. The tips below will help you install a bridge for a small area with your own hands.

If there is liquid in the reservoir, it must be drained. After draining the bottom of the water obstacle, you can proceed to the installation of pre-prepared boulders. Each of the bars must be laid on a good layer of mortar.

An example of a mounted suspension bridge across a stream on a site

After their installation, height alignment is carried out, which is done using previously installed plates. You should also monitor the presence of strict horizontal tops of all stones. After the behavior of all procedures, the structure should be allowed to dry for 1 - 2 days.

You also need to think about the path leading to the future building. One of the positive features of the bridge at their summer cottage is the ability to connect two different types tracks that differ in texture. In addition, this structure will help to decorate any stream or reservoir.

In some cases, it is considered impractical to make water barriers in your area. But this does not prevent the construction of a small decorative wooden bridge, which greatly increases the attractiveness of the garden area.

For example, the presence of a suburban area in a recreation area already serves as a reason for the construction of a bridge, which will serve as both an ornament and a guide for visitors.

Designing a bridge for a summer cottage

The main condition for the arrangement of bridge structures in the suburban area is the material from which the structure is made. For this purpose, the same building and finishing elements are selected that were used when laying out paths, mounting gazebos or other interior elements.

Since one of the cheapest, but at the same time beautiful materials for the construction of a decorative bridge is wood, it is worth thinking about increasing the service life of wooden elements. To do this, you can apply the simultaneous use of material from wood and metal.

Project and drawing with dimensions of a metal bridge over a stream

The metal parts of the bridge will be in most contact with water, which will significantly extend the life of the structure. One of the most popular stone options for the design of the bridge structure is granite or sandstone. This option is especially relevant for areas where masonry or stone compositions were actively used.

If the area where the wrought iron bridge is planned to be built is small or has a small body of water, then building a large bridge, which will take a lot of time and resources, is not justified. In such cases, it is best to use a large sandstone slab that can be laid on each of the banks of the stream, thereby connecting them. In the absence of the possibility of using large materials, forged bridges are perfect.

DIY decorative bridge

Thinking of building a bridge is a very difficult task? It is not necessary to use complex iron structures or go around solid parts.

The classic humpback structure is installed in just one day, given the following nuances:

  1. Very thick boards are chosen for the base of the bridge. You can also use a wooden beam.
  2. For a small pond, two integrated beams with a section of 50 by 200 millimeters and 2.4 meters long are suitable.
  3. The most difficult thing in such a project is to draw a straight line, along which the wooden material will then be sawn.

To begin with, we measure 120 millimeters from the length of the beam, leave a mark on one edge of the board, then find and mark the middle of the beam. At the other end of the material we measure 40 centimeters. We carry out similar work with the second beam.

Now we connect the mark in the middle of the board with the drawn mark on the sides of the tree. Thus, auxiliary lines will be obtained. Each of them has a center, and a measurement is placed in the middle between the extreme and middle marks. This task requires some skill. If the worker is not sure of the success of the markup of the structure, it is best to make a paper template.

When drawing a curve, it must be remembered that the distance between the edge of the beam and the top of the arc is only a couple of centimeters.

Having finished the drawing, we will get a drawing on the bars, which will subsequently need to be cut out. To do this, you need a special saw with a narrow blade. Also, a jigsaw will help to cope well with this task. Its advantage is that it is quite easy for them to turn. After finishing processing wooden material, the resulting curved part is laid on top of the rest of the boards.

The design of the device of the country bridge made of wood

Thanks to this, you can see how part of the material taken has taken the form of the part needed for the construction of this structure. Now the received parts must be connected. To do this, you can use four bolts with a diameter of 10 millimeters and a length of 220 mm.

You need to draw a mark where the bolts will be located. The same fastening material is best placed at a distance of up to 10 millimeters from each other. With the help of two clamps we fix parts of the future bridge. To do desired holes, you can use a large drill for a drill.

It must be remembered that when making a hole on the curved side, the drill must be held at a slight inclination, which will greatly facilitate the further fastening of all elements of the bridge. For reliable fastening of two bases for a wooden bridge, a certain procedure should be followed:

Scheme for assembling a wooden bridge

In the same way, the manufacture of the second part for the foundation of the construction of the garden bridge is carried out. Finished parts can be used as a template for the second part. By applying the bends of the finished kosour to the board, you will get two identical parts. After the manufacture of the second part, it will be possible to proceed with the installation and design of the entire structure.

The two base elements must be threaded together. The drilled holes should be 5 cm from the bottom edge and 10 cm from the sides. In order to save time, two parts of the bridge base can be drilled simultaneously with an 8 mm drill, stacking the bridge elements on top of each other.

Construction drawing of a country bridge

On one part of the base we twist the threaded pin and fasten it with a nut and washer on both sides. Now you need to measure how much distance is needed to secure the second part of the base on the other side of the pin. Thanks to this structure, the width of the structure can be easily adjusted and the distance between the foundations of this building can be changed.

After pre-fixing the fasteners, you can begin to assemble the bridge. Before finally tightening the washers and nuts, it is best to double-check the width of the sides of the building. After you need to tighten all the nuts as much as possible and check the width of the bridge again.

Final bridge assembly before installation

The protruding parts of the rods can be cut with a hacksaw. Now we proceed to stuffing transverse boards onto the bridge. They should slightly protrude beyond the edges of the base. For fastening the strips, it is best to use self-tapping screws.

In order to select a suitable fastening material, it is necessary to take all measurements in advance and, based on the data obtained, buy self-tapping screws. But before proceeding with the fastening of the boards, it is best to outline the places for installing the planks along the entire length of the base. The best distance between two boards that people will walk on is one centimeter.