How to start teaching your child English. How to teach English to a child

We adults learn English language long and painful. We are looking for a suitable way, trying to put the rules of a different linguistic system in our heads, “re-educating” our articulatory apparatus for other sounds.

It is much easier for a child to learn English from scratch: children literally absorb it! Those grammatical constructions that we diligently memorize, they instantly “absorb”. Without analysis, which they are not yet capable of, but just like that.

The child can speak both two and three languages. The main thing is to constantly deal with it. Therefore, dear adults (current and future parents), we are getting ready to raise English-speaking kids! And we will help you with this.

So, on the agenda (the table of contents of the article):

How to start learning English with a child on your own: the “immersion” technique

Recently, our whole country was conquered by a baby named Bella Devyatkina. This girl, at the age of 4, speaks 7 (besides her native) languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese and Arabic.

In fact, a child can learn and large quantity languages, because, as Masaru Ibuka wrote in the sensational book “After three it’s too late”:

“…the brain of a child can accommodate an unlimited amount of information…”

So, if in a family the mother is Russian, the father is English-speaking, and the nanny, say, is German, then the child will speak all three languages ​​​​without any difficulties. And there will be no “mixing” of languages ​​(as many skeptics say). Just a mother will have a baby for "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree" and dad for ABC songs. 🙂

But Bella's parents are Russian! How then is this possible? It turns out that her mother spoke to her only in English since childhood(that is, the conditions for bilingualism were created artificially). After her parents noticed her interest in languages, they hired native tutors for her - and that's how the little polyglot turned out.

And this example is not the only one. Masaru Ibuka also talks about such bilingual children in his work (by the way, read this book - it is amazing).

If you you speak English very well and feel confident enough to speak only it, then no theory and articles like “how to start learning English with a child from scratch” will not need. Just speak to your baby in English. That's all.

Note: in this case, you will not be able to talk to the preschooler in Russian. Other family members speak Russian to him, but you ONLY speak English.

But What should parents do who are not so confident in their English? After all, in this case, learning according to the “immersion in the language environment” method will be impossible (unless you hire a native speaker as a nanny). We will answer this question in the article.

At what age should you start learning English with a child?

Regarding this issue, a whole discussion unfolded between teachers: when is it better to start, is it worth learning English with kids or not? Our answer is yes, it is. But the main thing is to wait until the child completes the formation process mother tongue . That is, he will have a clear sound pronunciation and a properly developed coherent speech. Since each child develops differently, it is impossible to name any exact time frame. But minimum ≈ from 2.5 years(Not earlier).

How to learn English with a child on your own - where to start?

The best thing send the child to a special language nursery if possible. Then you will not have to take on such a serious responsibility, besides, the child will have the same “separation of languages” in his mind (at home - Russian, in the nursery - English). And you yourself can support the interest and progress of the child with games, cartoons, songs, etc.

If you still want to learn English with your child on your own, then you can motivate him with an “English doll”. You get a doll (you can use a glove doll) and introduce her to the baby, saying that she does not understand anything in Russian. To communicate with the “Englishwoman”, he will have to learn a new, but very interesting language. Well, then you play with this doll, watch cartoons, learn songs and poems ... all this will be discussed below.

For example, characters from Sesame Street are perfect as a doll.

What language skills can be developed in preschoolers?

Of course, no grammar, spelling, etc. child in preschool age maybe:

  • listen to speech,
  • speak myself
  • read (together with the parent, and then study / look at the book on their own if it interests them).

That is the child will learn all the same skills English as Russian at this age.

By the way, you don’t have to worry much about “speaking” and the correct pronunciation of English sounds. It is we, adults, who are rebuilding our articulatory apparatus after the Russian sounds familiar to us. BUT the child will learn the correct pronunciation much faster.

To develop this skill best to sing songs and learn Nursery Rhymes for an English-speaking announcer: children's “monkeyness” and unique children's hearing will do their job. If there are still some shortcomings, then just correct the baby, but without any complicated explanations.

We invite you to understand the English sounds yourself. Read articles:

How to teach English with children from the very beginning: 5 concrete ways

1. Watch cartoons in English with your child. Do you think he will not understand? You are mistaken 🙂 Children at this age have an incredible linguistic intuition. They may not understand the words, but the emotions in the voices of the characters and on their painted “faces” will help them, the music will help them, etc. You will be surprised, but after watching the cartoon, he may begin to repeat the words from it, sing songs.

Also use special Russian-language cartoons to learn the language.

2. “Learn” English words and phrases with him(the first word is not just taken in quotation marks). These are not lessons or training sessions. This is your daily communication with your child, during which you speak English vocabulary to him.

- Mom, look - a car!
Yes, it is indeed a car. Do you know how it would be in English? car! This is a car.

Main rules:

  • Words to be used in the context of the situation: during lunch we talk about food, while walking around the zoo - about animals, etc.
  • Accordingly, we master only those words that are associated with the current life of the child: family, colors, clothes, animals, fruits, etc.
  • Any word should immediately back up visually: for the word “dog” is a toy, a picture / photograph or a shaggy and barking dog next to you 🙂

Such a visual image will help you easily learn new words.

Another: so that the child immediately “masters” English grammar (again in quotation marks), tell him whole phrases. After all, if you tell him individual words, he will repeat the words, and if you tell him whole sentences, he will use sentences.

– Dog!
– This is a dog!

Also, to learn new words, you can use various games, handouts (coloring books, tasks, etc.), with which the child will get great pleasure!

3. Learn children's songs and rhymes with him. You can find them on the sites below (or search in Yandex and Google). It is best to present the verse to the child in the form of a small “staging”, because many rhymes have a certain plot under them and are easily played out (live or on puppets).

The kid can ask to translate the verse into Russian - you translate, and then again you play the “staging” in front of him. The main rule: DO NOT ask the child to repeat after you. Your the task is to interest him in this incomprehensible language. Many children can at first just listen and listen and listen, and then suddenly start “spoofing” these verses by heart 🙂

For example, the song "Old Macdonald had a farm" is played in many different cartoons. The lyrics are .

Stages of work on the verse:

  • First, you yourself study the content of a poem or song, work out your pronunciation (sounds in words, intonation, rhythm).
  • Then you train to read it expressively and think over a visual support for the child: a performance with toys, some kind of dance ... in general, turn on your imagination!
  • Now you can submit your work to the court of the baby. After that, discuss the performance with the child: what he understood, what moment he liked the most.
  • Then invite the child to “join” your production and prepare a joint act for other family members. But for this, the baby will have to learn this rhyme (so motivation will appear).
  • You can also find (or invent) a finger or gesture game based on this rhyme. Then you can periodically offer the child to play it in any suitable situations (of course, if he wants to).

4. Read books in English with your child. You can start when he already knows individual words. Simple plots will be quite clear to children, and pictures will explain the incomprehensible.

If any book really interests him, then he will take it on his own and look at it, study it (this will create motivation to learn to read). In addition, the child will “photograph” the words with his eyes and remember their appearance. It turns out, your task is to interest him in reading.

Systematic learning to read begins only at the age of 4-5 according to the principle from simple to complex:

An amazing site will help you teach your child to . For example, go to this section and learn with your baby to read words from short sound/a/ (æ). Each sound is pronounced in a cheerful children's voice and is accompanied by an explanatory animation. Just a find!

Where can I find books to read in English:

And remember that all the same electronic book does not compare to the real, which you can touch, and then flip through with enthusiasm. Therefore, be sure to buy some colorful English books for your library!

5. Play fun games with your baby! And he will not even notice that during this game you are teaching him something. When the child is very young, organize joint games. An older “student” can be offered online games to learn English. Below you will find a list of both.

Learning English words for kids - games

The classic way to learn new vocabulary is vocabulary cards(i.e. word + translation + picture). By the way, our blog has a whole .

Examples of vocabulary cards from Lingualeo. The full list is located.

But it will be even better if you create them with your child. Pick up pictures together, stick them to pieces of paper or cardboard, etc. Then, already during the preparation for the “games in English”, the child will learn something. What to do next with the cards? Here are some options:

1. Cards can be used to play mime. First you tell the kid English word(and show it on the card), and the child must depict this word with gestures. Then you can play “reverse” pantomime - the child (or you) depicts an animal, an action, an object that he pulled out, and the rest of the participants guess.

2. The game "Show me". Put several cards in front of the child, and then name one word from this list - the child must touch the desired card.

3. Yes-No game. You show cards and say the words right or wrong (showing a hippopotamus, say "tiger"). The child answers "Yes" or "No".

Is it a tiger? – No!!!

4. The game “What’s missing”. Lay out a row of cards (4-5 pieces). Look at them with your baby and pronounce the words. The child closes his eyes, and you remove one word. Tell me what's missing?

5. The game "Jump to ...". You lay out the cards in a vertical row on the floor and give the child the task of jumping to a word (perfect if the baby is bored).

These are just a few mechanics using cards. By turning on the fantasy, you can come up with even more variations of games. And we will go further. What other games can be used?

5. The game “Is it. …?”. You gradually draw some object, and the child tries to guess it. For example, draw half a circle, and the child wonders:

– Is it a ball? Is it the Sun?
– No, (continue to draw)
Is it an apple?
– Yes!🙂

6. Another version of the game “Is it. …?” - a card with a hole. Cut a hole in a piece of fabric (or a sheet of paper) and put it on a vocabulary card. Move the hole in the picture, and the child guesses what is hidden there.

7. Magic bag. Put different objects in a bag, and the baby takes them out and names them. Even more interesting option: he dips his hand into the bag and guesses the contents by touch.

8. The game “Touch your…nose, leg, hand…” (generally body parts).

“Touch your mouth,” you say, and the baby touches his mouth.

9. Games will help children learn English colors easily. For example, you give him items different colors and ask to find and select things from them certain color(by the way, the same task may concern words that begin with some letter, etc.).

10. Another example of playing with colors– “Find something…. in the room".

“Find something red in the room!”, - and the child is looking for something of the specified color.

11. How to learn verbs. Perform some action with the baby and say what exactly you are doing:

- Fly! We are flying,” and pretend to be flying.
– “Let's sing! We are singing!” and hold an imaginary microphone in your hands.
– Jump! Jump!” and jump around the room merrily.

Don't forget about role-playing games. For example, play “shop”. The task of the child is to buy products from an English-speaking saleswoman (that's you). Before that, you remember the words and phrases that will be useful to him in the store, and then the child plays out this situation. Such a game can be cranked out with any fictitious conditions.

And be sure act out plays, fairy tales etc. For example, invite your child to make a video or film! The girls will definitely be delighted. 🙂

Useful sites. Learn English from scratch for kids: games, alphabet, videos, printables

When the child has grown up, you can invite him to play online games. Particularly when you need free time to do chores around the house.

1. Online games for kids: learn English alphabet and words

This site has already been mentioned above when it was about the game "Gallows". It has a huge number of online word games. For example, Whack a mole game helps to repeat the alphabet in a fun way: you need to hit the letters with a hammer and collect the correct sequence of the alphabet.

We aim and hit with a hammer on the desired letter

Or the game Word paths, where children must collect words from the available letters with a certain vowel sound. As you can see, the games are designed for different ages, which means the site will help your children for many years.

Another great site with online games for kids. For example, this game, where hidden behind emoticons:

  1. verb,
  2. picture for this verb.

The challenge is to match. With each attempt, the words are voiced. Playing is a pleasure.

The game Pirate Waters Board Game also deserves special attention. First, choose a topic that is already known to the child (for example, parts of the body). Then you throw the dice (to do this, click on the image of the cube) and walk along the board. You are asked a question and you choose an answer. If it is given correctly, you roll the dice again.

If you get on a pirate - start over. In this case the child will repeat the correct construction several times while the game is running. The only drawback is that there is no voice acting for the correct answer (which would develop listening skills). Therefore, advice: for the first time, play with your child in order to:

  1. help him deal with the conditions of the game (then you can’t drag him by the ears),
  2. teach him to pronounce the correct answer on his own every time (so that the constructions are deposited in memory).

This site also has printables (+ ability to make your own worksheets), and videos, and games. Let's focus on the games. For example, there is a great online game on vocabulary. First, we go to the Vocabulary column and listen-memorize the words. Then we go to the Question and answer section and listen to the question and answer:

- What's this?
– It's a Lion!

And then in the Question only column, where you already need to answer with the baby.

This site also has cartoons, songs and games. For example, interactive alphabet games which are suitable for beginners. Choose a set of letters and a level (Level 1 first).

Next, click on the letter (for example, “a”) and listen to the pronunciation of this letter (or rather, the sound, of course, but kids don’t need to know such difficulties) and the word that begins with it. All this action is supplied with a cheerful picture.

The voice acting and animation of the game are just great!

At the next level, you are asked to choose a letter from the word you heard. At the third level - only by sound.

Another super-useful site (it's not surprising - it's the British Council). For example, word games where you need to match the word and picture. Or Trolley Dash game, where you need to quickly buy all the products from the shopping list (verified: very exciting!)

A large number of tasks (online and for download). For example, you need watch the video and fill in the blanks the right words(for older kids)

Pavel Burtovoy

Video designer of the St. Petersburg media channel "First Popular Television". He is fond of cinematography, animation and everything connected with it.

My son has been studying English at school for the second year. Recently I found out that his knowledge in this area is simply terrible. Problems were found even with the alphabet. Something had to be done.

For some reason, the method of memorizing words using double-sided cards did not work in our situation. Probably due to poor knowledge of the alphabet. I am generally silent about various programs for a smartphone: the child’s language learning is not zero, but rather negative, so that these programs can interest him.

I had to, relying on the experience of my predecessors, develop and test my own method. Well, personally manage the learning process.

A bit of theory

Memorization can be reduced to a cyclical process of three components:

  1. Perception.
  2. Repetition.
  3. Testing.

When we want the child to remember the information, the task becomes more complicated: it is not clear how well he perceived it, how many times he repeated it, and testing the student leads to stress and negative emotions in case of a bad result.

Let's look at all three components of the memorization process and how they can be improved.


For high-quality perception, it is desirable to use as much as possible more species memory: auditory, visual, motor. You can also add such a variety as verbal memory.


When repeating the material, oddly enough, an effective method turned out to be multiple recording of the subjects being studied with their simultaneous pronunciation.

I read about this method in the memoirs of a Soviet intelligence officer. He called this technique the most effective for increasing vocabulary.

The effectiveness of the combination of multiple rewriting of words with their simultaneous pronunciation can be explained by the fact that all possible types of memory are involved in the process.

Rewriting allows you to automate the process, depersonalize it. In addition, recorded words document the fact of repetition and make it possible to find out which material is remembered better and which is worse.


When testing knowledge, it would be good to hide the very fact of testing from the child, but leave a reward for its successful completion. That is, hide the whip, but stick out the gingerbread in every possible way.

If confirmed, then the cycle "perception - repetition - testing" is interrupted. If not, we repeat. So there is an incentive to quickly learn all the material.

At the same time, knowledge is obtained in portions and tested in portions, and not like this: "Sit down, now I will check how you learned what you were asked today."

How the method works

Since the son did not know the alphabet very well, we started with him. I found the simplest recipes on the Internet, similar to these:

First, I got my son to fully associate the pronunciation of each letter with its spelling: this will be very important in the future. After the alphabet, we moved on to words. To do this, I used and continue to use an ordinary student notebook in a ruler or sheets from such a notebook. In the margins I write the Russian meanings of the words (expressions) that I have to learn.

On the appropriate lines you need to write these words. Since each word is new, I allow you to rewrite it from the textbook for the first time. Then the son writes the word as many times as it fits on the line.

At the same time, he not only writes, but every time he says the word aloud.

At the end, the sheet turns over, and there is a surprise! The same Russian words are in the margins, and you need to fill in all the lines with their English counterparts, but without peeping into the textbook.

Three important points:

  1. I'm against the child, I do not reproach him for mistakes.
  2. If he doesn't remember the spelling, then I spell it (this is where good knowledge alphabet).
  3. If the child wrote and pronounced the word without prompts the first time, then there is an agreement between us that he does not repeat it on the entire line. In the future, the word is removed from the lists. It is believed that it has been learned and the cycle of "perception - repetition - testing" is completed for it.

The process is repeated until all words from the original list are excluded. The photo below is about the fourth iteration.

In the same way, we previously taught the alphabet with our son. I wrote in Russian “hey”, “bi”, “si”, “di” and so on in the margins, and my son filled in the lines with English uppercase and lowercase letters.

Pros and cons of the method

The method has several strengths. Almost all types of memory are involved: auditory, visual, verbal and motor. Learning is stress-free, the student does not suffer.

The rules of the game are simple and fair. We can say that the method works automatically and the result appears as if by itself. A vivid demonstration of the dialectical principle of the transition of quantity into quality. The algorithm is applicable for repeating forgotten material and is easily scaled for different volumes of words.

The method gives the student objective criteria for achieving the goal. There are real incentives to quickly learn everything and go for a walk.

The disadvantages of this method of learning are also obvious: you need a lot of paper and a "supervisor".

The son learned the spelling and pronunciation of the English names of the days of the week in an evening. The next day I received an A on the test paper, the praise and surprise of the teacher. And this is not the only success.

It was also interesting to observe how the material, if not repeated. First of all, the ability to write without errors disappears, then the pronunciation begins to suffer, and last of all, the sound of the word is forgotten. But the ability to recognize it in the text remains for a long time.

I do not think that the method is ideal, but using the memorization mechanisms described, you can always come up with something of your own.


Hello everyone and everyone! My dears, I keep shaping useful information and materials on such an important direction for many as English for children. And a lot has already accumulated ... Therefore, I decided to collect everything in an organized warehouse! (Or maybe a treasure :-)) so that everyone can look there and find what they need for themselves and their children.

This page of my site is the address of the location of this warehouse. It contains (and continues to collect) all necessary materials in English, which will be useful to the smallest representatives of the human race)) (2-7 years old, and even older), their parents or teachers. Here are my materials, and there are those that I found on the Internet, chose the best and present to you here. English can be interesting, free and accessible to every child!

By the way, be sure to voice your questions or suggestions on materials in the comments. Let's improve the treasure together!


Remember that the basic principles of teaching “young students” are brightness, interest and only game form ! So here everything is exactly like this - memorable and exciting video English lessons, bright educational cartoons, game ideas, cards and pictures, songs and rhymes - everything that will allow you to plunge into the world of English with your baby!

By the way, many materials are suitable not only for those who begin to plunge into the world of the language from scratch, but also for those who are older! Such children can use the materials even on their own, listening, watching and repeating.

Always achieve emotional involvement for its part, even then the child's enthusiasm for the subject will not keep you waiting.

My advice and recommendations

Once a very serious mother asked me a question: “Tell me how to teach English to my 3-year-old son? How best to build a lesson ... and in general, where to start? I answered her: “Start with this - forget the word “teach”, “lesson” and the like! And remember the words "games, fun and colorful pictures"!

Books and textbooks

There are parents who believe that in the century modern technologies The book can be replaced by various convenient devices. And I say no! A book is something that will never go out of fashion and will always remain every child's best friend! Especially when it comes to learning a new language.

If your child is already 4 years old and you want him to learn English not only with the help of songs and cartoons, it's time to buy a good book that will become for him the best assistant and guide to the world of language . O good options books and textbooks for kids I'm talking about here:

Numbers and Numbers (1-10, 11-20)

One spoon ... two spoons ... three spoons! How it is familiar to our children! After all, they hear numbers almost from birth. Perhaps that is why this topic is especially easy for kids!

Numbers and numbers... What a vast topic! But very young students do not need to know all the numbers - they only need to learn 10 digits! It's so easy - after all, there are 10 fingers on your hands! On your feet too! And in general, you can count anything around you - toys, books, adults, and even seconds ...

But if you want more, then you can reach 20!


Some people think that teaching a child English should only start with the alphabet. This is a big misconception when it comes to children 3-4-5 years old! Children learn a foreign language without any problems, without even knowing the letters. After all, they understand Russian somehow already in 1-2 years!))

But nevertheless, one day there comes a moment when to get acquainted with English letters already worth it. For example, before school - to be fully armed, as they say. Or if the baby himself shows interest in them.

My daughter knew all Russian letters (according to appearance and corresponding sound) at 2 years old. We were ready to get acquainted with English letters at 4!

And here they come to the rescue different ways approach to this insidious English alphabet)). I talk about these methods in my article:

There with the help songs, videos, cards, sounds, games and rhymes you can learn the alphabet very quickly.

Words for children by topic

It is with the words that every child begins to get acquainted with the English language! He must hear and see them! And this - the foundation at the initial stages. But to see is not to look at the written word! Each new word heard should form an image and picture in the child's head. That's how he starts to see him! And only then the child will try to pronounce the learned words himself.

I have prepared for you a selection of the most popular words for children , as well as small thematic collections . Each word is voiced, translated and has a picture. In addition, you can download cards with printable words, cut them out and work. It is very convenient and practical.

Words about family

Words about animals

Words about fruits and vegetables

Words on the theme of the house

Words about food

Words about clothes

Words on the theme of the profession

Colors in English

Pink became an even more favorite color for my daughter when she met it in the context of the English language. After that, "pink" was heard from her lips wherever she met pink objects))

Colors in English are kids favorite theme which comes very easily to them. The child is able to memorize even 10 colors within 2-3 days. To do this, you need to present these bright words "on a silver platter")). And to do that, just go here:


Needless to say, cartoons today are one of the favorite entertainments of all children and teenagers. Some kids manage to watch them all day, and some parents manage to let it!

I think this kind of entertainment for a child should be strictly limited. And of course, if you really watch cartoons, then they are useful and meaningful. Do you agree? And this is especially true when we are talking about cartoons in english . They can become completely unobtrusive but at the same time super effective English lessons that the child will perceive as fun! He may not even realize that by doing so he is learning a foreign language!

I have selected the best, in my opinion, cartoons for children. Please note that such cartoons are divided into those with Russian comments and those that are only in English! I recommend children under 4 years old watch exclusively English cartoons without a single Russian word . They will understand everything. Watch, learn and enjoy!

Video tutorials

Here you also need to understand that very young children (up to 3-4 years old) do not have to listen to explanations in Russian - just watch English-language videos with vivid pictures - they will be able to understand everything! The main thing is that the video is liked and aroused interest. Choose:

Songs and Video Songs

Beautiful combination of rhyme and melody always gives a wonderful effect in the process of learning and remembering something!

In addition to cartoons and educational videos (where there were also a lot of songs), I offer you 2 more of my notes with materials for kids. In the first - video songs, in the second - just songs with an attached translation into Russian:


play and learn in fact, two identical words, because nothing gives such results in learning as a game form of any class and any activity.

I talked about games in English for kids more than once on the pages of my blog. And this topic is far from closed. AT a large number of materials are in the process of preparation, which parents and educators will soon be able to use for their very young wards.

Now you can take a look at these.

It is quite easy to start learning English with a 5-6 year old preschooler. This is an exciting and multifaceted process, and parents will have to make considerable efforts not only to educate a preschooler, but also to develop their own language skills.

What and how to teach with a child?

Methods for teaching English to children aged 5-6 years are different from those intended for toddlers. At the age of 5, a preschooler is already fluent in Russian, knows letters and even knows how to write. Therefore, it will no longer be possible to introduce a foreign language as a second native language as organically as it happens with children of 2-3 years old.

  • Buy or draw and hang posters with the alphabets of both languages ​​in the nursery. Immediately on initial stage learning is to study the letters, learn to write them. But you should not focus on the rules for reading vowels in open and closed syllables, diphthongs, etc., as in school English lessons. It is enough to inform the child that, as in Russian, one thing is written and another is pronounced.
  • When learning new words, be sure to show how they are spelled. Thus, in parallel, learning to read in English will take place. Since there are a lot of exceptions according to the reading rules in this language, it is worth memorizing words with their visual presentation. At the beginning of training, it is worth using words with a simple spelling.
  • Use cards, or even better - stickers with which you can sign the right things. If there is no place in the kitchen to place a “still life” consisting of a plate, cup, spoon, glass and other signed items, you can place them in the nursery on a special shelf. Or create a kind of "dictionary" of thematic cards that the baby could use.

At the initial stage of education, in order to maintain the child's interest in a foreign language and give him the opportunity to develop communication skills, you need to learn words and phrases that:

  • often used in your home in Russian;
  • belong to the sphere of interests of the child (dolls, cars, robots, little animals, drawing, cycling);
  • will be needed in everyday life for active communication - the names of dishes, furniture, clothes, body parts. They also include the main verbs and adjectives used for communication - “sleep, walk, eat, give, show, look, go, good, tasty, hot, cold” and others.

This approach will allow the child to quickly learn to understand and actively use English speech in everyday life.

It is easy and simple to learn a foreign language in a group. If you manage to find like-minded people with children of the same age, you can organize joint walks, tea parties, themed gatherings, and cartoons. With a well-thought-out organization, the mother will no longer need to urge the child to use the language - the kids will learn to communicate with each other in English. At the same time, it will be possible to see and analyze what words the baby is missing, at what moments he switches to Russian. It is also good if the children hear the conversations of adults in English.

How to make a child concentrate?

It is not necessary to tire a preschooler with hourly pre-planned activities - he is still quickly tired, it is difficult for him to keep concentration for a long time. It is best to discuss with him some rules and stick to them. For example:

  • fulfillment of some requests made in English;
  • using the language in any situations - during lunch, walking, etc .;
  • promotion for correct execution some tasks (for example, you can make new cards with English inscriptions for new toys).

In order not to discourage the desire to learn English, in no case should you punish a child for refusing to speak English. foreign language in some situations. In this case, it is important to understand what is hindering him - constraint, fatigue, lack of the necessary baggage of vocabulary. Ideally, when English is heard in the house constantly and freely used by at least one of the parents in everyday life, the child grasps words and phrases very easily and quickly and does not have any problems with communication in a foreign language.

How to avoid possible mistakes?

If a child is not interested in learning a language, it is the parents’ inability to organize classes correctly. Although, strictly speaking, the very wording “organize classes” is already incorrect. Communication in a foreign language needs to be introduced into everyday life - and this can be quite difficult for adults themselves. On the other hand, if you can do this, you will definitely be able to teach your baby English and raise your own level.

Before you start learning a language with a preschooler, you need to talk with the rest of the family and discuss a few fundamentally important points.

  • It will be necessary, if possible, to create a language environment. These are conversations on English at home, watching TV channels, the ability to communicate with other children and adults in English. Ideally, if you manage to find English-speaking friends for your child, a nanny, a tutor. Do not force your child to watch cartoons forcibly. It is enough to turn on the TV on English-language channels more often, and it does not matter what is on there - news or talk shows. The child will get used to the melody of the sound of the language, intonations.
  • The rest of the family, more or less familiar with English, will have to take part in the child's education as much as possible: answer his questions, fulfill requests made in English.
  • Adults will have to repeat or learn a large amount of vocabulary. It will not be possible to avoid the direct question: “What is the socket in English?” When the child needs to ask his dad to connect the tablet to charge. You need to be ready for any questions and own a large vocabulary yourself, because in no case should you teach a child to be clever and build phrases differently at the initial stage of learning. This may disappoint him in his parents in general and the need to learn English in particular.

From the point of view of psychology, for the effectiveness of English classes, it will be easier and more useful to change your attitude to what is happening: not “we create a language environment for teaching a child English”, but “we create a language environment in order to improve English ourselves”. The child will simply be confronted with the fact that a second language has appeared in the house, in which he also needs to communicate. If parents wisely present this idea (for example, they explain that the language is necessary for a future trip abroad), then there will be less whims and demands on the part of the child to switch to Russian when he has no desire to speak a foreign language. Mom, dad and older sister need English - so they speak it, watch movies online and news on TV. With this approach, adults will have more opportunities to passively teach the child the language, even in those moments when he is not in the mood to study. Realizing that nothing really depends on his desire, the child will be more relaxed about the need to speak a second language, fulfill requests addressed to him, answer questions, which will ultimately increase the effectiveness of learning.