The best cement brand. Which cement is better to choose: an overview of the main types and characteristics of the building material

The requirements for a binder in the preparation of concrete for pouring or assembling a foundation are high: cement must have the correct strength grade, be suitable for reinforced concrete structures, be fresh and of high quality. Much depends on the type and weight of the building; for the foundations of residential buildings, the M400 PC is considered the minimum; for temporary and lighter ones, reduced requirements are allowed. Checking the certificate and expiration date is mandatory in any case, preference is given to cement released no later than 3 months, the material is not purchased in advance. Important technology standards include the exact observance of proportions, the preparation and correct sequence of loading components into the mixer, and the compaction of concrete after pouring.

Preference is given to Portland cement, concretes with it have the necessary strength and resistance to external influences. The choice of brand for foundations directly depends on the type and purpose of the mixed building composition. For pouring the drainage base, it is allowed to use cement with a low strength grade (final concrete - from M75 to M150), in all other cases the rule applies: the grade of binder should be twice as high as the expected grade of concrete mix. Taking into account the minimum allowable M200 for foundation structures, the mortar is mixed with Portland cement with a strength of M400 (about this brand of cement).

Maximum Share foreign matter in the binder is 20%, their input reduces the cost, slightly reducing frost and water resistance. As a result, suitable types of cement for pouring the foundation include:

  • PC M400 D0 - withstanding loads up to 400 kg / cm2 at the end of curing, providing good durability, water resistance and frost resistance. Concretes based on it perfectly tolerate low temperatures, contact with ground and atmospheric moisture, and exposure to aggressive environments. Cement M400 D0 is suitable for foundations of any type, including reinforced and prefabricated ones (it is used for mixing masonry mortar).
  • PC M400 D20 - combining fairly good resistance to moisture and freezing and reasonable price. The best option for the construction of foundations for light residential buildings in the absence of serious requirements for the soil.
  • PC M500 D0 is recommended to be chosen during the construction of critical facilities, this brand consists only of their cement clinker, the proportion of extraneous additives (in this case, gypsum) does not exceed 1%. This has a positive effect on frost and moisture resistance, the variety belongs to the elite. Its use when mixing concrete for the foundation will pay off economically during construction in problem areas (in particular, flooded).
  • PC M500 D20 - similar to the previous brand of cement, slightly inferior in terms of resistance to moisture and freezing (but not in strength), it still surpasses M400 in its characteristics.

Slag-based or pozzolanic-based cements withstand the effects of sulfates dissolved in ground moisture well, but for laying monolithic or prefabricated foundations, it is better to choose a different variety. main reason- slow curing and low frost resistance. As a result, their use is permissible only on the recommendation of professionals and with the adoption of additional measures to protect foundation structures from frost heaving of soils. At the slightest doubt, it is better to choose Portland cement without impurities or specialized brands:

  • B - fast-hardening binder, which is advised for limited periods of work.
  • PL is a plasticized variety with increased frost resistance. Its input allows you to save up to 8-10% of cement, but it is important to remember that it cannot be used with any other types other than PC.
  • SS - special sulfate-resistant PCs.
  • NC - tension cement. Concretes based on it have a compacted structure after solidification, without letting moisture in. NTs recommend choosing when laying the foundation of a house with a basement or erecting a monolith on flooded soils. They are also well suited for the repair and restoration of already operated structures.

Cements below M400 are allowed to be used in the construction of baths and light panel or wooden one-story buildings on dry and stable soils. To eliminate errors, they are repelled from the brand of concrete, when choosing it, such criteria as the expected weight load (mass of supporting structures, including the foundation itself, roofing system, snow cover and objects in the house) and soil parameters (freezing level, water rise, structural composition and homogeneity of the soil), the timing of the pouring and the conditions of solidification.

Cooking proportions

The minimum acceptable brand of concrete for pouring the foundation is M200 (better - more), when concreting the foundations of residential buildings within 1-2 floors, M250 is most often chosen. The recommended proportions of the components in the preparation of the M250 solution are 1:3:5 (cement, sand, gravel or crushed granite, respectively). The W / C ratio does not exceed 0.65, it depends on the expected grade of concrete: the higher it is, the lower the volume of water introduced, at least 0.4.

Concrete brand Ratio (C:P:SCH) Volumetric composition per 10 l of cement for sand and gravel, l Output of concrete per 10 l of cement, l
HRC M400
M100 1:4,1:6,1 41:61 78
M150 1:3,2:5 32:50 54
M200 1:2,5:4,2 25:42 64
M250 1:1,9:3,4 19:34 43
M300 1:1,7:3,2 17:32 41
M400 1:1,1:2,4 11:24 31
M450 1:1:2,2 10:22 29
When using PC M500
M100 1:5,3:7,1 53:71 90
M150 1:4:5,8 40:58 73
M200 1:3,2:4,9 32:49 62
M250 1:2,4:3,9 24:39 50
M300 1:2,2:3,7 22:37 47
M400 1:1,4:2,8 14:28 36
M450 1:1,2:2,5 12:25 32

The indicated proportions are relevant when using the correct components: clean and dry quartz sand with a fraction size of at least 2 mm, washed and dried crushed stone with a strength grade of at least M1200. The activity of the binder plays an important role, the reviews in this regard are unambiguous: it is better to take cement for the foundation of the house no earlier than 1-2 weeks before the start of work, checking the release date and certificate is required. There are no lumps in the fresh powder, it is easily passed through the fingers.

When in doubt about the integrity of the supplier, it is worth checking the quality of the material in advance: the right cement sets well within 45 minutes.

In addition to the use of components of the required quality, the sequence of their loading into the concrete mixer is observed. Recommended scheme: 80% of the total share of water → crushed stone → screened cement and sand → the rest of the water in small portions. Most plasticizers or hardeners are introduced at the end with strict observance of proportions. They include liquid soap(added together with the main portion of water), factory specialized additives, fibers, inhibitors, substances that affect the setting time of concrete. Their use requires caution, exceeding their proportion worsens the structure of the artificial stone.

Material cost

Products are sold in bags, big bags and in bulk, bulk purchases are the cheapest. The rates in this case are:

Cement marking Manufacturer Price for 1 ton, rubles
With delivery within Moscow by cement truck pickup
PC M500 D0

JSC Lipetskcement

CJSC Belarusian Cement Plant

4500 4250
PC M500 D20 JSC Maltsovsky Portlandcement 4350 4100
PC M500 D0B (quick hardening)
PC M500 D0N (normalized clinker) 4650 4450
PC M400 D0 JSC Maltsovsky Portlandcement

JSC Mikhailovcement

JSC Lipetskcement

4300 4150
PC M400 D20 4200 3950

When building a foundation on your own and delivering it on your own transport, it is more convenient to use bags (it is easier to adjust the proportions to the measured weight). High-quality cement is offered by many domestic factories and manufacturers of dry building mixes: Novgorodsky CZ, Borshchevsky CZ (Lafarge), Mikhailovcement, Maltsovsky Portlandcement, OJSC Voskresenskcement, Mordovcement, Sebryakovcement, Rusean. The cost when buying it in packaged form is.

The term "cement" is commonly understood as a binder building material of inorganic origin, which, when interacting with water, forms a solution that turns into a dense monolithic formation of increased strength. It is used for the production of concrete and other compositions used at various stages of construction production.

The basis for this is limestone with an admixture of clay and additives, which after crushing becomes a friable substance consisting of fine homogeneous fractions, depending on the combination and percentage of components that have a different set of physical and technical characteristics that determine the further nature of its use.

One of the most important indicators characterizing the quality of cement is its compressive strength. This parameter is determined during laboratory tests, according to the results of which the material is divided into grades with numerical designations from 100 to 800 and indicating the degree of compression in BAR or MPa.

In addition to the standard ones, special types of cement are used in the construction industry, which have a special set of qualities and individual properties that distinguish them from their counterparts.

The abbreviation PC or M is used to indicate the brand of cement in terms of strength. For example, the marking in the form of M400 applied to the package indicates that it is able to withstand pressure up to 400 kg / cm3. In addition, it may contain information on the presence of additives in the total mass of the substance, denoted by the letter D and their number in percent.

Photo of various grades of cement in paper bags

For their marking, special letter designations are used:

  • B, indicating the rate of solidification of the material;
  • PL, indicating the presence of plasticizing additives;
  • CC confirming the presence of sulfate-resistant characteristics;
  • H, used to designate standardized cement produced on the basis of clinker.

Until recently, cements of various grades were actively used in construction, including the “weakest” version with an M100 strength index, but this variety is currently out of production.

A similar “fate” befell cements of grades 150 and 200, which, due to their insufficiently high strength, were no longer used in the construction industry, “giving way” to high-quality, progressive materials of higher grades.

On the this moment The best, most demanded and popular cements are grades 400 and 500, which best meet the needs and requirements of modern construction industry. The brand of the resulting mortar directly depends on the brand of cement used to prepare the concrete mix.

In this case, this dependency will look like this:

Concrete brand Grade of cement
M150 M300
M200 M300 and M400
M250 M400
M300 M400 and M500
M350 M400 and M500
M400 M500 and M600
M450 M550 and M600
M500 M600
M600 and above M700 and above

The scope of the M400-D0 brand is the manufacture of prefabricated structures made of concrete and reinforced concrete, in the creation of which the method of thermal and moisture treatment is used. M400 D20 brand cement also finds wide application in various industries, including the production of foundations, floor slabs and the manufacture of concrete and reinforced concrete products of varying complexity. It has good frost resistance and water resistance.

The above parameters and technical and physical standards are most consistent with the M500 D20 brand used in housing construction, as well as in the creation of industrial and agricultural facilities. Cement of this brand is also used in masonry, plastering and finishing works.

A distinctive characteristic of M500 D0 cement is its high strength, combined with increased frost and water resistance, which makes this material indispensable when carrying out works of increased complexity, with high requirements for the quality of construction.

Higher brands, such as M600, M700 and higher, are quite rare in free sale. The main area of ​​their application is the military industry, where these compositions, which have the highest degree of strength, are used to create fortifications and specialized structures.

Composition and fractions

In addition to the additives used, the quality and characteristics of cements are directly affected by such factors as the fineness of their grinding, the granulometric composition of the product, and the shape of the particles included in the powder mixture.

The bulk of the cement compositions, as a rule, are grains with sizes from 5-10 to 30-40 microns. The quality of material grinding is determined by the presence of residues on sieves with mesh sizes of 0.2, 0.08 or 0.06 mm, as well as by checking on specialized devices that determine the specific surface of the powder.

These devices also serve to determine the breathability of the material.

Modern industry produces cements of the finest possible grinding, which have increased strength and a high setting rate. For example, Portland cement normal look crushed to 5-8% of the remainder of the particles on a sieve of 0.08. Grinding of fast-hardening cements occurs to a residue of 2-4% or less.

The specific surface area in this case is 2500-3000 cm2/g of the product in the first case and 3500-4500 cm2/g of the material in the second.

After reaching a specific surface area of ​​7000-8000 cm2/g, the strength characteristics of cement begin to decrease. For this reason, excessive grinding of cement into dust is considered unsustainable.

According to the research and practical experience in the field of testing cements of various grades, it has been proven that fractions up to 20 microns in size have the main influence on the activity of the material in the short term. Grains of larger sizes (within 30-50 microns) affect the activity of cements in the later periods of their solidification.

Thus, by grinding the initial material to a finer state, it is possible to obtain cements of various strengths and grades. For example, materials marked M600, M700 and M800 are obtained from clinker crushed to a content in the total powder composition of 45, 50, 65 and 80% of fractions with sizes from 0 to 20 mm.

The video tells about the marking of cement according to the old and new GOST and their differences:

Classification by type

In addition to brands, classes, types and degrees of grinding, it is customary to distinguish cements into several main types, which differ from each other in a combination of individual components and composition.

These include:

  • Portland cement; It is obtained from the grinding of Portland cement clinker - the product of firing to a sintering state of the raw mixture, including limestone, clay and other materials such as blast-furnace slag, marl, etc., with the addition of gypsum and special additives. It can be pure, with an admixture of mineral additives, Portland slag cement, etc.
  • pozzolanic; This category includes a group of cements containing about 20% mineral additives. It is obtained by the method of joint grinding of Portland cement clinker, which makes up about 60-80% in the total mass of the finished composition, an active-type mineral component, the share of which is 20-40%, and gypsum. It has increased corrosion resistance, lower hardening rate and low frost resistance.
  • slag; It is produced by joint grinding of blast-furnace slags and additives-activators in the form of gypsum, lime, anhydrite, etc. It happens lime-slag (with 10-30% lime content and 5% gypsum content) and sulfate-slag (where gypsum or anhydrite make up 15-20% of total mass). Cements of this type are found in underground and underwater structures.
  • aluminous; It has a high hardening rate and good fire resistance, which makes it indispensable in the manufacture of high-density mortars and concretes with increased water resistance.
  • cement with fillers, romancement; A material produced by grinding fired raw materials without subjecting them to a sintering process. Used for masonry and plastering works, as well as the production of concrete of low grades.
  • phosphate cement; It is divided into two main subspecies: hardening at normal temperatures and when heated to a temperature of 373 - 573 K. It has great mechanical strength.
  • straining; It has a short setting time and good strength. Possesses high pressure during the curing process. It is used for the manufacture of pressure pipes used to create capacitive structures.
  • waterproofing; It is divided into subspecies with penetrating and coating ability. After hardening, it acquires waterproof qualities and a fortress.
  • magnesian; It is a finely dispersed powder-type composition, the basis of which is magnesium oxide. It is applied to the device of seamless floors of monolithic type.
  • backfill; It is used in the course of cementing gas and oil wells.
  • zinc phosphate; It is produced by firing a mixture, which includes oxides of zinc, magnesium and silica. It has a high compressive strength of 80-120 MPa.
  • silicophosphate; The production process consists in firing the charge until it is completely melted, after which the composition is subjected to rapid cooling in a water bath. It has high strength and durability.
  • high strength; Differs in very high setting speed, has good plasticity and durability.
  • lightweight etc.

Promising types of cements and their advantages

In addition to large-scale construction production, concrete is widely used in the private sector, for the construction and reconstruction of housing and agricultural buildings. For this reason, when buying this material, the question arises before consumers: which of the existing cements is the best in terms of quality and a set of individual characteristics?

Which cement to choose with or without slag? Many private developers are confused about cement brands and manufacturers.

This fact is not surprising, because we each specialize in our own field, go about our own business, and a person is not able to know everything.

Therefore, let's look at the main indicators of cement, for which there is misunderstanding due to lack of information. We will try to clarify all this without the use of special terms.

Which cement is best?

Often, developers are worried about the presence of slag in cement, and immediately there is a rejection that such cement is worthless. But the point in adding slag or minerals is quite simple and expedient, why use a more expensive material where there is no need for such high performance.

But the developers ask specific questions, which we will immediately answer, and below we will argue everything.

Which cement is better 400 or 500?

The answer to this question will depend on the goals and objectives of the construction. You can learn more about the use of cement grades and their scope in the reference material "Types of cement", but now we will answer what brand of cement is better.

What cement is best for pouring the foundation? If the concrete preparation can be used cement M100, then during construction foundation, where the minimum allowable concrete grade is M200, it is better to use cement brands from M300 and above. Perfect option - grade of foundation cement M500, the price of which differs slightly from the price of the M400.

Which cement is best for screed?The proportion of cement and sand in cement mortar for screed depends on the brand of cement and the brand of the required solution. Usually used for screeding in apartments cement mortar brand M150 or M200. For the preparation of such a solution, cement grades M300, M400, M500 are suitable, and depends on the thickness of the screed.

Which cement is best for plasters? It is necessary to choose a brand of cement based on the characteristics of the plaster (external, internal, light, waterproof, heat-insulating) and the purpose of a specific layer in the overall structure of the plaster mass (spray and primer, coating). The composition of the base is of decisive importance.

  • M50. Easy. When plastering, it is recommended only for grouting. The strength of the layer is not so high, but shrinkage is minimal, which is important when applying finishing plaster.
  • M100. A denser composition, which is used for interior decoration walls.
  • M150. For interior decoration in wet and damp rooms, plastering facades and plinths of buildings.

We continue to consider the percentage of mineral additives in cement (slag). And we see that the same cement m400 with the letter B has about 35% slag and is excellent for laying wall materials such as brick, foam block, cinder block. But it can also be used in a cement screed for light loads, such as topping up a floor or a garden path. And therefore, comparing the price of cement m400 - 1.700 UAH / t and the price of cement m500 - 1.940 UAH / t, it becomes clear why overpay?

Should I take cement with slag or not?

Cement manufacturers specifically use mineral additives to stir the clinker concentration, according to DSTU. Indeed, in principle, pure cement without additives (prefix d0), means that it is without additive, or they also say “zero”.

Therefore, do not be afraid of cement with the addition of slag, just choose the brand that matches your goals, and for clarity, we present a table indicating the brand and the content of% additives:

It is worth noting, in fairness, that when buying several bags or one or two tons, the developer chooses cement of a higher grade, since the price of the issue is not so high. But for industrial volumes of construction, the price of cement will play a decisive role and the construction company will be attentive to the choice of brand.

What color of cement is "correct"?

The color scheme of cement is also a small point of discussion and comparison of the public under construction. Here you can see the main thing - cement color is not a clear definition. Many believe that the darker the color of the cement, the stronger it will be and vice versa. But everything is not so simple, since manufacturing plants receive their raw materials from more than one resource base, they have many suppliers from various metallurgical plants for slag and clinker quarries, and not only on the territory of Ukraine, supplies are also imported.

Therefore, it must be borne in mind that the color shade of cement will depend on the raw materials and you should not worry about this fact. The light shade of cement is associated with the properties of the raw materials used and the mineralogical composition of the clinker. In addition, the color is affected by the fineness of the grinding of cement. The more crushed the cement, the better it is, and the lighter its shade.

Which brand of cement is best?

I want to touch on another prevailing myth about the best or worst cement producers, the answer to the question " which cement manufacturer is better?". Let's describe the real situation.

A man started to build on a backyard or garden plot an outbuilding and purchased cement either on the market or from a machine, or at another outlet. When using cement, a person had suspicions as to its quality, according to various signs, although he was assured that Kamyanets-Podilskyi cement was above all praise. Those. a person now understands that the cement of this plant is worthless ... A person goes and exchanges it for cement from the Volyn plant, and to his pleasure it turns out to be good in all respects, and a clear algorithm for choosing a manufacturer is immediately fixed, you can familiarize yourself with the list of cement plants by clicking on link.

And the problem is not in the person, but in the fraudster seller, who initially sold the “mixed” cement, i.e. with a higher content of slags, which were filled up beyond measure no longer at the factory, but already in bags during packaging, they simply filled with greed. Or the second option, instead of, for example, in a bag with m400, they poured the ShPTs brand, respectively, we will not get the expected quality of the purchased cement, but we sin against the manufacturing plant.

No, I am not a lobbyist or advocate for cement plants, I am just trying to explain to the consumer that the quality level of cement among plants is approximately the same, of course, if it adheres to DSTU. Those. it’s not worth it to sin especially on someone, but to exalt someone ... this is a big mistake. Therefore, never believe in the myths about someone's overwhelming superiority in quality, I know what I'm talking about, backed by 10 years of experience in the cement trade.

Many foremen and builders believe in such myths, they are great specialists, but they only encounter cement at their facilities, and we have to work with many factories and accept their cement, check and test, so to speak, the “database” of experience in cement quality from various factories we have a solid one. And the article was written exclusively for the readers of the site, who are not quite in the subject, and tried to make some clarifications in human language.

So don't look the best Ukrainian cement, and choose proven suppliers and traders of cement, and you should not save 20-30 UAH. per ton at the cost of cement 1.700-2.300 UAH, because they make up 1.5-2% of the total cost, and you can get 100% trouble :-)

Good luck and make the right decisions!

We remind you that cement price is always up-to-date, feel free to focus on the data from the site page. Check out the link for rates.

To fill the foundation, it is customary to buy the most quality cement with high strength grade. This is due to the frequent loads exerted on the structure: the weight of the building, the displacement of the soil, the impact of precipitation and capillary water, the freezing of the base in winter time. Portland cement from M400 and above has proven itself well, but in some cases it is allowed to use a less expensive brand. Each specific grade is selected according to the conditions of construction and operation, it is also important to observe the correct proportions and carry out concreting, taking into account the requirements of pouring technology.

The strength of cement is indicated by the letter index "M", followed by an additional abbreviation: d0 - without additives, d20 - with 20% impurities. Varieties with a specialized purpose are labeled separately, but they are rarely used when pouring bases. When determining which cement is best for the foundation, the future load, the presence of a basement and soil conditions are taken into account. It is recommended to choose:

1. M200 - when pouring the base for prefabricated panel structures.

2. M250, M300 - for the foundation of a log house.

3. M350–M400 - for brick buildings. This is the minimum allowable grade, suitable for the construction of buildings with a basement, the foundation of a bathhouse and for objects on clay soils.

4. Portland cement M400 d0 - when mixing concrete for pouring the base of a private house, regardless of the number of storeys on a site with moving soil or high level groundwater.

5. PTS M400 d20 - for the same designs, but with lower requirements for frost and water resistance. This brand of cement is recommended to choose for the preparation of foundations and the construction of small buildings.

A binder with a minimum strength of M100 is only suitable for pouring a concrete pad over a backfill of crushed stone and sand when erecting strip foundations. In turn, high-grade Portland cement (M500) is not economically viable to use in private construction, it meets the requirements of industrial and residential. But if the other components in the concrete for pouring are inferior in quality (for example, crushed stone with low strength was bought), then the use of an expensive grade becomes not only justified, but also a necessary action. The recommended grade for columnar and pile foundations is Portland cement M400.

To correctly determine the conditions of the soil and the level of groundwater, they are measured, it is best to do this in the summer. For inactive, dry and sandy soils, it is allowed to use cement for pouring the foundation with a strength of M250. For clay soils and loams, the minimum is M350. The same strength is the initial one when building houses with a basement. For masonry mortar when building foundations from blocks, it is recommended to choose M400 cement without additives; in general, this brand is considered optimal in terms of price / result ratio and meets almost any requirements of private construction.

Influence of slags and impurities

Despite the fact that it is better to use Portland cement without mineral additives for the foundation of a house (they lead to a decrease in the strength of structures), in some cases mixed varieties are also needed. Their main advantage is cost-effectiveness (with the exception of compositions with modifying and specialized additives, they, on the contrary, are more expensive), the PPTs M400 d20 brand is considered an example of a successful price / quality ratio.

The advantages of using slag and pozzolanic cements include sulfate resistance, they should be chosen with a high proportion of salts in the soil or other aggressive influences. But they are slower to reach the required strength, so the laying of foundations based on them is carried out in the spring. A significant disadvantage of cement mixed with slag is the decrease in the frost resistance of concrete; it cannot be used on moving soils.

Cooking proportions

To fill the foundation, concrete with a grade of at least M200 should be made. The quality of work directly depends on the use of the correct components, their preparation and mixing with proven proportions. Ideally, these are: fresh Portland cement without lumps, dry and sifted river sand, gravel or crushed stone from hard rocks, clean (drinking) water. Coarse-grain filler is selected with a grain size of not more than 30 mm, preferably with a square flakiness, it must be cleaned of debris and, if possible, washed. Mixing is carried out in a concrete mixer, this is required not only to reduce the complexity of the process, but also to obtain the desired structure.

The ratio of cement, sand and gravel depends on the type of foundation. Yes, for columnar foundations it is better to choose a ratio of 1:3:4 with W / C not more than 0.65, the same mixture is suitable as a masonry mortar when building it from blocks. In this case, a brand of cement not lower than M400 is used. For a strip type foundation, these proportions are 1:4:6, with the same with a W / C ratio of 0.65. Excess water is unacceptable, it leads to a violation of the hardening processes and the formation of cracks.

The method of preparing concrete for pouring the foundation showed itself well, taking into account the grade recommended by the standards. A proven proportion is selected: 1 part of cement, 3 of sand and 5 of gravel. The W / C ratio in this case depends on the required concrete parameters:

Expected brand of concreteCement strength grade
300 400 500
200 0,55 0,63 0,71
250 0,5 0,56 0,64
300 0,4 0,5 0,6
400 not preparing0,4 0,46

Humidity of sand plays a huge role, the use of undried sand or the preparation of a solution in wet weather leads to a violation of proportions. In general, the concrete should be workable, but not liquid, it is recommended to leave some water and add it in small portions to the concrete mixer in the last minutes of rotation.

What else needs to be considered?

The quality of cement is inversely proportional to its shelf life, and taking into account the fact that high-quality cement is purchased for pouring bases (that is, it quickly loses its properties), it is necessary to use the freshest powder of light gray or greenish color, waking up through your fingers. The attached certificate is checked, if the volume of work allows, then the material is purchased in plastic big bags, the packaging is opened immediately before preparing the solution.

Strengthening concrete is very simple: it is enough to add fibers or plasticizers, but this method increases costs. Strip foundations necessarily reinforced, for them it is recommended to purchase gravel or hard crushed stone with a maximum fraction size of up to 20 mm. Regardless of the type of construction, waterproofing works are provided.

Cost of materials.

Cement refers to the most popular building materials. It belongs to the group of hydraulic binders that are used in the fastening process. various surfaces. The properties of this material vary greatly depending on the required tasks. To find out which cement is best for the foundation - you need understand the types of cement, its brands and main characteristics.

Cement is a free-flowing powder of dark gray color. It is the main component of concrete. It is mixed with sand, water and gravel - resulting in a monolithic composition that can withstand significant loads.

Features of cement for the foundation

On the package of cement is marking, which helps determine the percentage composition of additives and loads that future structures can withstand.

When choosing cement for pouring the foundation, you need to knock on the bag to determine the degree of flowability of the material. If the consistency of the composition is with fossils, then such a product should not be purchased. Availability lumps in powder talking about too long term cement storage. When choosing a product, consider resistance to aggressive factors.

The cement must have the following characteristics:

The advantages of cement mixtures include:

Calculation of cement for the foundation

For many brands of cement, certain values ​​\u200b\u200bare already provided, which are taken as the main measure when building a foundation:

Certain additives have an effect on improving the quality of cement. There are special components that allow the solution to be used at very low temperature values. For the construction of foundations for buildings, a brand of cement for the foundation M300 and above is selected.

Knowing the consumption of cement for cubic meter, you can calculate how much you need building material. Simple calculation of the amount of sand and cement with the addition of crushed stone: for one part of cement, three parts of sand and five gravel are taken. In this case, water must be added to dilute the solution of medium consistency.

Deciding: what kind of cement is needed for the foundation, you need to pay attention to the quality of sand and gravel. The sand should not contain clay substances, as this reduces the binding properties of the cement. It is also worth considering that the cement fraction does not exceed 40 mm.


In the construction industry, there are more than 30 varieties of cement. The most commonly used types are:

There are a lot of types of cement, therefore, when choosing a material for the base, the grade of cement for the foundation is considered the most important parameter. Each of them has a certain class of strength and frost resistance.

Brand selection

It should be borne in mind that damage to the packaging will cause the material to absorb moisture and become unusable in a few days. It is important to know how to calculate the cement for the foundation correctly in order to accurately calculate how many packages will be needed and not buy material in reserve.

In addition to the marking of cement, the bags are written additional indexes:

  • D0 says that the cement without additives.
  • D20 means that the composition contains 20% additives.

Various abbreviations are also used. HRC stands for Portland cement, Pl- frost-resistant and plasticized. If the soil is dry, then Portland cement is used.

The quality of the prepared concrete is affected by the type of soil where construction works. For rocky and sandy soils you can use concrete M250 or M200. It should be borne in mind that the brand of cement for the M400 foundation is used to create M200 concrete. The ratio of cement, crushed stone and sand is 1 to 4.8 and 2.8. For the M250, this ratio is 1:3.9:2.1.

When building a foundation on clay soils M300 concrete is used, which has more durable properties. It is obtained from M500 cement, and the ratio of the starting material, crushed stone and sand is 1 to 3.7 and 1.9.

Before preparing the solution, you need to check the quality of the sand. Sand is poured into a tank of water and left for a day. If during this time the water has become cloudy, then the material cannot be used to prepare the foundation. You also need to check the quality of the cement. It should not contain fossils. This material begins to harden in the corners of the package. Therefore, all corners are first checked for softness.

The best option for the construction of the foundation is Portland cement without additives. You can also use pozzolanic and slag type of material.

The foundation is the foundation for every building. The durability and reliability of the structure depends on its quality. Therefore, the choice of cement must be taken with responsibility. Knowledge of brands and their characteristics will help to avoid mistakes when buying.