Do-it-yourself cold-smoked smokehouse from a barrel. Extremely simple and reliable: hot smoked barrel smoker Cold barrel smoker

Smoked meats are liked by a huge number of people. Even if someone is not their devoted fan, it's still very nice to invite a group of friends and treat them to something like that. The same applies to gatherings in a narrow family circle. But buying ready-made products from the store is very expensive, and there is no complete confidence in their safety for health - rather the opposite. But a simple and fairly effective smokehouse can be made with your own hands from publicly available materials.

Features and Benefits

A barrel smoker is a very popular thing, and there are many options for doing it. It is not at all necessary to be limited to one old water tank, it is often supplemented with various accessories. Moreover, even wooden barrel can be applied just as effectively as a steel structure. The essence of this does not change: smoke is supplied inside, heated to a certain value, under the influence of this smoke, the products change their properties.

In addition to the availability of raw materials (physical and price), great importance also has:

  • ease of independent work;
  • high performance of the finished structure;
  • minimum operating costs.

But there is one weakness, which must be borne in mind - such a smokehouse cannot be placed in a country or country room country house. It must be installed strictly on the street. There is, however, a reason to consider this fact even a virtue. It's so nice to gather around the hearth, where meat or fish is cooked, and enjoy a leisurely conversation in the fresh air.


The many years of experience of the "craftsmen" made it possible to create many options for barrel smokehouses. The lightest (in every sense) are even mobile, they can be brought by car to a picnic place or to fishing, to a hunting base. Beer kegs or small wooden barrels serve as the basis for such products. If you want to make a camera with a grill effect, it must have a frame.

There is a great variety of stationary products, some of them are designed for hot smoking, others for cold smoking, and still others can perform both of these functions harmoniously.

It is necessary to provide analogues of devices present in industrial smoking chambers:

  • chimney;
  • smoke generator;
  • hoods.

The specificity of hot smoking is that the smoke must come from below, overcoming the minimum distance. Technically, this is solved by two different ways. In one of the schemes, a window is cut through so that sawdust can be thrown up and ignited. In the other, they put a smoking chamber over a separate firebox. The firebox itself is performed in different ways: it can be a simple excavation in the ground, or a small brazier made of bricks.

A different approach is practiced when creating a cold-type smokehouse. Here it is already required to cool the smoke, sometimes you even have to lay a chimney several meters long. It is performed in the form of trenches, pipes buried in the ground, and so on - there are a lot of options. If suddenly there is very little space, you have to install a double chamber with artificial cooling, in which there are two compartments and a wet cloth separating them.

The most economical and practical of all is a home smokehouse, which allows you to combine hot and cold processing modes. A double horizontal chamber is made from a pair of barrels of the same size, which are connected by chimneys. When using a wet filter at the top, semi-hot smoking can be organized; the combustion chamber is always located at the bottom.

Some home craftsmen prefer the traditional type of smokehouse - the so-called cabinet. A wooden frame is made as a base, the key elements are a bar with a section of 40x40 mm. Whichever case is chosen, it is sheathed on three sides with boards, the thickness of which is 25 mm, and the maximum width is 100 mm.

Hardwood lining will be optimal:

  • aspen;
  • alder;
  • lime.

Only in extreme cases is it permissible to use coniferous parts, especially since finding a tree of the three listed species will be quite simple. Regardless of the specific type of material, it is necessary to achieve maximum tightness of the housing. This problem is solved by the use of heat-insulating materials, such as hemp rope, placed in even the most minor joints.

The door must match the dimensions of the front wall, planks of 25x100 mm are used for it. The perimeter of the opening must be sealed with food grade rubber, similar to the one that covers the doors of refrigerators. The roof of the smokehouse is made single or gable. In the first case, it should be directed back, such a product is formed from boards that are 40 - 50 mm longer than at the base. In the second, it is formed rafter system, the slope of which can be from 0.55 to 0.65 m; connections are always sealed.

Stationary outdoor smokehouses are primed and painted on top with oil paint. Since the roof will still not heat up, you should not be afraid of delamination, it is much more important to focus on protection from water. The chimney is always supplemented with dampers and scraper mechanisms (only such a solution ensures high efficiency of the smokehouse).


A miniature smokehouse is easily made from an old beer keg. You need to bring a pipe to the container through which smoke will be supplied, and cut a hole in the keg itself, where the grate with products will be placed. It will be even easier to put an ordinary barrel on top of the grill, and not deal with additional pipes.

A larger option is the 200 liter vertical smoking chamber. Having chosen such a solution, you will have to equip the base and a special firebox at the bottom of the structure. You can load meat, fish or poultry both vertically and horizontally. When using a hydraulic shutter, the recommended dimensions of the smoker are 45x30x25 or 50x30x30 cm. The lid, in which the shutter is present, should not be thicker than 0.2 cm.

Stages of creation

A variety of step-by-step instructions for making barrel-based smokers include a few basic manipulations that you always have to do with your hands:

  • select suitable materials;
  • make plans and drawings;
  • assemble the structure;
  • install it and try it out.

And the fact that the smokehouse is homemade does not reduce the demands on either the design or the materials used.

It is quite simple to make a stationary smokehouse buried in the ground: they dig a trench connecting two remote parts in advance. The firebox in this design can be represented by a fire in the pit, and an autonomous stove. The working chamber must be buried in the ground; a hole is left in the barrel body for smoke to enter. In order for hot gases and the heat they bring to remain inside longer, the barrel is lined with bricks.

In order not to dig it in, you can use a smoke drive from an outdoor stove. To do this, a pipe is welded connecting the smokehouse and the oven box, or a flexible hose and a device that injects smoke. In the second type, the attractive thing is that the total area occupied is reduced. It is very convenient when the working chamber is equipped with a thermometer that helps to meet the prescriptions of the recipe. A viewing window and means for regulating thrust will be of great benefit.

Important: it is possible to use even barrels that previously contained lubricating oil or other chemicals. To do this, they are filled with firewood (chips, sawdust), burned, and the ashes are thrown into the trash. The resulting layer of soot is removed first with metal brushes, and then the surface is brought to a shine using any detergent composition.


In the process of working on creating a smokehouse, you will need to use:

  • barrel iron stainless or wooden (oak);
  • or stainless steel keg;
  • bricks;
  • cement mortar;
  • slate sheets;
  • rod and lattice;
  • sheet metal.

The most practical size is 200 liters, and all auxiliary materials to the barrel must correspond to the selected project. As a minimum, you can use a set of a lid or bag fabric, rods to secure products and a filter cloth.

The need to use welding machine There is not always, but you will definitely need:

  • bayonet shovel;
  • grinder machine;
  • roulette;
  • building level.

As clearly and competently as possible, a plan will help to make a smokehouse from an old barrel or even from two barrels. Usually they simply make a schematic representation of the future structure in a longitudinal projection and show the internal details. If the smoking chamber is buried in the soil, it is required to draw lines separating the chambers from each other and show the nuances of each compartment. In cases where the device will be stationary, it is recommended to show the relative position of the elements, their size and methods of fixing.

A cold-type smokehouse implies that the firebox goes into the ground by about 0.5 m, a chimney is removed from it in the direction of the working chamber. The entry of the chimney is organized either in the side part or from the bottom (if the pedestal is thought out). The total length of the chimney with natural cooling is from 300 cm, and if the smoke is forced cooled, the minimum length will be 1 m. If equipped hot smokehouse, the smallest allowable gap is 0.3 m, it avoids overheating of products and clogging them with soot. The width of the chimney is made at least 0.6 m, this is taken into account when digging a trench.

It is imperative to put a filter barrier and provide for the trapping of fat with a metal pan; both are periodically cleaned, that is, they must be removable. In addition, free access to the pallet during the smoking process should be provided. It is advisable to put the barrel not directly on the ground, but on bricks. Many craftsmen recommend making fireboxes from smaller (compared to the main ones) barrels or using welded steel boxes.

It is not necessary to use the traditional fire method of smoking meat or fish. Simple and easy to use solutions based on hotplates. A heating element transfers heat to sawdust. They smolder, and hot smoke enters the processed products, the food is dehydrated.

The advantages of an electric smokehouse are:

  • offline work;
  • the ability to adjust the temperature using a thermostat;
  • creation from public components;
  • no need for complex culinary knowledge.

To prepare smoked meats at home, special equipment is needed, and a smokehouse copes with this task as well as possible. It can be electric or run on gas, but without this device it is impossible to smoke meat, lard, chicken or fish. It should be noted that it is not at all necessary to buy it, because, if desired, and if you have even minimal skills in using tools, such units are easy to create on your own. At the same time, spend only a few hours and a minimum of resources on it.

Today we will talk about the fact that do-it-yourself smokehouse from a barrel is not only real, but also quite simple, and the video in the article will help you make sure of this!

General information about the device

Before telling how to make a smokehouse from a barrel with your own hands, let's consider the principle of the device of such devices, which will simplify the understanding of the whole technology and design.

So, regardless of the material used for manufacturing, the unit must be equipped with two chambers:

  • food for cooking is placed in one;
  • in the second - chips or logs, which will emit smoke.

The departments themselves can be both combined and separated. In the second case, a pipe is used to supply smoke.

The combined ones are used for the preparation of hot smoked delicacies, since the products are affected not only by smoke, but also by high temperature. Cold-smoked products are prepared in the separated ones, since the smoke has time to lose its temperature, and fever go down.

For the cold way

Naturally, the structural differences are not only in this. So, when you make a cold-smoked smokehouse with your own hands from a barrel, you should definitely additionally equip a separate firewood stove. It can be done:

  • from brick;
  • from metal sheets.

Hooks or shelves should be provided in the deli chamber, on which products will be fixed.

Wood or burlap is selected for the lid, which will make it possible not only to retain smoke, but also allow moisture to evaporate. The oven and the smoking container are connected by means of the simplest pipe.

It is strictly forbidden to use any coniferous species for a wooden lid - when heated, the resins release a large amount of a carcinogen that is extremely harmful to health.

By the way, for a cold smoked smokehouse, it is enough to use a moistened cloth as a lid, which is periodically changed. And for hot, due to high temperatures, it is advisable to use a metal cover.

How to make a cold smoked smokehouse from a barrel - video

For the hot way

When a do-it-yourself smoked smokehouse is made from a barrel, then in this case the wood is placed directly on the bottom of the container, in which the products are located.

Scheme of a hot smoked smokehouse

Under the food and above the brazier with sawdust, you need to additionally install a baking sheet - it will prevent the fat released from meat or fish from getting into smoldering coals. If this happens, a flame will break out and the food will burn. In a closed smokehouse, it will not be possible to extinguish the flame, by analogy with a barbecue grill. Naturally, a gap must be provided between the walls and the baking sheet so that the smoke rises freely.

Please note that it is advisable to soak the sawdust with water before use so that they smolder, but do not burn.

cold way- longer, it can take several days to prepare delicacies. Hot - allows you to get cooked food in a few hours.

Smokehouse from a barrel in just 45 minutes - video

Step-by-step instruction

A smokehouse in the country, made with your own hands from a barrel, will make it possible to cook delicious and original delicacies without any problems, easily and, most importantly, quickly enough. Above, we have provided you with brief information about the features of the device of such furnaces, and now we will give you detailed instructions, in which all the features of production are described step by step.

Necessary tools and materials

To make a good smokehouse, you will need the following:

  • an ordinary metal barrel with a capacity of up to 200 liters - ideally one that did not contain chemical substances and oil products;
  • reinforcement - at least 6 millimeters in diameter;
  • mesh wire - steel is best;
  • metal corner - it will go on the legs (you need four cuts of equal length);
  • a pipe with a diameter of ten centimeters and a length of about a meter - for the chimney.

From tools:

  • Bulgarian;
  • disc for cutting metal;
  • arc welding with electrodes;
  • roulette.

If the container previously contained chemical or petroleum products, as well as machine oils, do not just wash it, but also steam it with a blowtorch or burn it - this is guaranteed to destroy chemical residues. After that, fill with water and leave for a few days.


Some barrels are completely soldered - in this case, you first need to cut off the lid. Do not throw it away - it will make an ideal baking sheet for collecting fat.

At the bottom there will be a furnace - in this part, cut a rectangular hole for loading firewood. The dimensions of the door are approximately 20 centimeters high and 30 centimeters wide. Do not throw away this piece either - it will make an excellent door:

  • weld the loops;
  • install the handle;
  • be sure to provide a locking valve.

On the opposite side - another hole, but round, under the chimney.

At the bottom, cut longitudinal holes to ensure blowing and better combustion, as well as quick removal of ash. The holes should not be too wide, otherwise the firewood will fall out before it burns out.

Now proceed to the manufacture of the chamber - a sheet of iron is fixed at the level of one third from the bottom - this will be the bottom of the smoking tank. The ideal option for him, a metal about 4 millimeters thick will become - it will not burn out, it will evenly distribute heat.

The next step is to install the legs. Their height should be at least thirty centimeters - this will provide an optimal gap for air to enter and create traction, which guarantees good smoldering of firewood.

To increase the useful volume of your man-made smoking plant, the stove can be laid out of brick, and the barrel can be placed on top. The chimney is installed at the back of the brick stove.

A baking sheet is made separately for collecting fat - as mentioned above, it should be slightly smaller than the diameter of your unit, about three to four centimeters in a circle, which guarantees a good flow of smoke. To install the pallet, two metal spacers are welded inside. The baking sheet itself does not need to be welded - if it is removable, this will simplify the process of loading sawdust.

The next step is the installation of gratings or hooks. The number of gratings depends on the height of the barrel - the distance between each level should be about 15 centimeters. The more “floors”, the more products you will cook at a time.

When creating rack supports or hooks, make sure that they will not interfere with the removal of the pan.

Use thick steel wire to make the grate.

The final stage is the lid for the barrel. The ideal material is hardwood. It needs to drill a few small holes through which excess moisture will evaporate. We remind you once again that it should not be conifers, ideal solution become deciduous and fruit trees.

As you can see, a barrel smoker is easy to make with your own hands, and the additional drawings presented in the article will help you create this device.

Terms of use

First of all, you need to pick up the chips that will be used to produce smoke. Immediately discard any coniferous wood - it releases resins and spoils the taste of delicacies.

Branches are best suited for these purposes:

  • apple trees;
  • cherries;
  • apricot
  • plums;
  • other fruit trees;
  • alder.
  • at the very bottom has a bottom with sawdust;
  • then put a baking sheet to collect fat;
  • after that, meat, fish, lard or chicken are laid out on the grate - they should be additionally tied with ordinary twine or twine;
  • when everything is laid out, a wooden lid with holes is placed on top of the barrel.

Even coniferous branches can be laid in the oven itself, because the smoke from their combustion is removed through the chimney.

Firewood is set on fire and in the process of burning the metal bottom of the smoking tank is heated, as a result of which the sawdust spread out in an even layer begins to smolder. The speed of cooking products depends on their type:

  • half an hour is enough for fish;
  • the meat will take at least an hour - depending on its type and size of the pieces;
  • on a kuru - a little over forty minutes.

Delicacies prepared in this way have a great taste, they are natural, devoid of any additives and negative impurities used for smoked meats in factories and food flavoring plants.

Three more smokehouse options

And we will briefly talk about three more options for making smokehouses. We will not describe in detail the process of creating devices - knowing the basic principles of operation of this unit, described above, you will be able to figure out the features of its formation yourself.

Just an hour to work

As they say, "need for invention is cunning" - this is the simplest method, which involves the following:

  • take an old drainpipe;
  • under a slight slope, dig it into the ground, connecting the location of the fire and the food tank itself;
  • for a fire - a small hole covered with a sheet of metal is enough;
  • the intensity of combustion is regulated by this particular sheet - the more it is open, the stronger the flame blazes.

Peculiar dryer

This aggregate is mainly used to create dried fruits or dried mushrooms. There are electrical analogues for sale, while we offer to make it in an hour and almost for free.

The essence of the arrangement is as follows:

  • take two barrels or concrete blocks;
  • are installed on top of each other, forming a channel for the movement of smoke, the height of which is about three meters;
  • between them is a metal sheet or baking sheet;
  • small gravel is additionally laid on it, as well as a mesh for drying fruits;
  • with the help of this device, as a result, it is possible not only to prepare fruits for the winter, but also to accumulate meat.

wooden barrel

Another simple way to make not only a functional product, but also a kind of decoration for your garden:

  • the smoke channel, like the firebox, is located in the ground, while hiding under a layer of soil;
  • the firebox, when smoking is not carried out, is covered with a lid on which there is a layer of turf with a lawn or even a small flower bed;
  • a smokehouse is a beautiful wooden barrel;
  • you can additionally decorate it with a stone - as a result, it will become part of the landscape design.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in creating a high-quality, efficient smokehouse from an ordinary barrel. Our tips will help you make this very useful utility accessory with minimal labor. And if you also show a little imagination, then it will turn into an ideal garden design, harmoniously blending into its landscape and giving it a special charm.

How to smoke products in a homemade smokehouse - video

Artem Shavelsky


The main part of the home smokehouse is the smoking chamber. It is made from different materials, one of the options is a metal or wooden barrel. You can make a smokehouse from a barrel with your own hands in the country or in the courtyard of a private house.

Homemade smokehouse from a barrel

The best option is the manufacture of a smoking chamber from a two-hundred-liter barrel. A smokehouse made from a barrel of this size has a greater productivity and it is easier to maintain the required temperature in it in hot smoking mode.

The shape of the smokehouse from a large iron barrel allows you to place in it hooks for sausage or fish in several rows.

In addition to the advantages, this device has disadvantages. During operation, smoke is emitted from it, so the device must not be used in a closed room, such as a kitchen. For this it is necessary.

Diagram of a smokehouse from a barrel with a capacity of 200 liters

Smokehouse from a small barrel

It is not always possible to make a smokehouse from a barrel with a capacity of 200 liters. In this case, you have to use barrels of 50, 60 and even 20 liters. The design of these smokehouses does not differ from larger devices, with the exception of the number of grates with products and productivity.

An alternative to a smokehouse from a barrel is similar in design.

How to make a hot smoked smokehouse at home from a barrel

The most common device is for hot smoking. Such a device is easier to manufacture, and the processing process lasts 0.5-2 hours.

Before starting production, it needs preparation. It is enough to wash a barrel of oil with a solution of soda or dishwashing detergent, containers from under other liquids must be burned out with a gas burner.

Simple hot smoked smokehouse

The easiest way is to make a device for processing hot smoke. To do this, holes are drilled in the walls of a metal barrel, into which steel rods are inserted, with the help of which grates with products and a fat tray are attached. The lower rods are installed at a height of 5 cm from the bottom to install the pallet, the next for gratings, every 15-20 cm. Sawdust is poured into the bottom of the barrel.

A large container is used as a smoking chamber and is installed horizontally:

  1. Cut the side wall along the entire length and 1/3 of the circumference.
  2. Hinge the cut out part as a lid.
  3. At a distance of 1/3 and 1/2 of the diameter from the bottom of the smoking chamber, drill holes Ø10mm for steel bars Ø8mm.
  4. Make a pallet and gratings that will be installed on the bars.

The smaller barrel is mounted vertically. This is a firebox for the apparatus:

  1. The top cover is removed.
  2. The upper part is cut so that it can be connected to the smoking chamber without gaps.
  3. Two doors are cut out - a larger one at the top, for loading firewood, a smaller one above the bottom, for blowing and cleaning the stove from ash.
  4. The doors are hinged.
  5. Inside the barrel, between the doors, a grate made of metal with a thickness of at least 5 mm is fixed.
  6. A hole Ø100mm for the chimney is cut at the top at the back.

After the manufacture of the individual parts, they are assembled together and a chimney is attached to the stove.

The principle of operation of such a smokehouse is similar to other hot smoked devices:

  1. Sawdust is poured onto the bottom (lower side wall) of the upper barrel.
  2. A pan for fat and a grate with products are installed on steel bars.
  3. A fire is lit in the stove.
  4. The sawdust heats up and emits smoke.

Assembling a smokehouse from two barrels

Universal device for cold and hot smoking

A homemade barrel smokehouse can be used for all types of smoking:

  • In cold mode, a pipe with a smoke generator is connected to the tank. It connects through a hole in the bottom of the side wall.
  • In hot mode, the chimney opening is closed with a wooden or metal plug and it is installed on a brick stand. A fire is built between the bricks.

Scheme of a universal smokehouse for hot and cold smoking

Electric smoker

If you install an electric stove at the bottom of the barrel, it turns out. In this case, an old cast-iron frying pan with sawdust is installed on the tile, and the fat pan is placed 5 cm above the frying pan.

The wire from the electric stove is brought out through a special hole at the bottom of the wall of the smoking chamber. When a temperature sensor is installed in the upper part of the smokehouse, it maintains a constant processing temperature and the electric smokehouse becomes automatic.

To use the electric smokehouse indoors, it is necessary to equip the barrel with a water seal. and flue pipe is characterized by reduced smoke emission.

Scheme of an electric smokehouse from a metal barrel

How to make a cold smoked smokehouse from a barrel

From such a container, not only a hot smoked smoker is obtained, but also cold smoked.

In these devices, products are processed at a temperature of 20-40 ° C, so the smoke is not produced in the barrel, but next to it and enters through the chimney. Its length depends on the design of the smoke generator.

To improve the quality of smoke and finished products, the chimney can be equipped with a cooler, filter, condensate collector and other accessories, so such devices have a more complex design than those intended for processing products with hot smoke.

The analogue of this device is.

Smokehouse from a barrel without a bottom

These smokehouses are located on the slope of a hill or ravine, smoking smoke is produced when wood is burned in a pit or a small hearth located at the bottom of the chimney:

  1. On a hillside, dig a ditch 5-10 meters long with a section of 15x15 cm.
  2. At the bottom of the ditch, dig a hole 50x50x50cm.
  3. Cover the chimney with boards, slate or sheets of metal, leaving the upper end of the ditch uncovered for a length of 20cm.
  4. Make gratings from the bars and fix them on 4 vertical slats.
  5. Install slats with gratings over the uncovered end of the ditch.
  6. Arrange meat or fish on racks.
  7. Cover the rack with products with a barrel without a bottom.
  8. Start a small fire in the hearth.

It is necessary to heat the stove only with hardwood firewood.

Smoking apparatus from a metal barrel without a bottom

Smokehouse from a barrel and a pipe

A similar design can be made in the courtyard of a private house:

  1. The fire is kindled in a small brick or steel stove.
  2. Smoke enters the barrel through a pipe Ø100-150 mm 3-5 meters long.
  3. The chimney is connected to the barrel through a hole in the wall at a height of 10 cm from the bottom.

To ensure traction, the barrel is mounted on a stand so that the bottom is higher than the stove.

Cold smoked smoker from a barrel

Smoking with smoke generator and fan

In case of lack of space and to save sawdust for generating smoke, a smoke generator is located next to the barrel. In these devices, smoke is released when sawdust smolders. To improve traction and increase smoke generation, an ejector is installed in the upper part of the generator, to which a compressor is connected.

takes longer to process food than a hot-smoked smoker, but snacks are of higher quality.

For a uniform supply of smoke to the products, the chimney is connected to the bottom of the smoking chamber.

There is no need to use a powerful compressor to operate the smoker. Allowed to use computer cooler or similar exhaust or blower fan:

  1. In the day plastic bottle a hole is cut, with a diameter corresponding to the cooler blades.
  2. With adhesive tape, the fan is tightly wound to the hole as tightly as possible.
  3. A hole is drilled in the cover, corresponding to the PVC pipe for supplying air to the ejector.
  4. The cap is screwed onto the bottle and a tube is inserted into it.
  5. The place where the hose enters the cover is wrapped with adhesive tape.

To adjust the air flow, the fan is connected through a dimmer or its inlet is covered with a piece of thick paper.

Making a fan at home

Smokehouse from a wooden barrel

For cold smoking, it is allowed to use not only a steel or stainless steel barrel, but also a wooden one. Lattices can also be made from wooden bars and slats.

There are two types of wooden barrels:

  • From individual rivets. Lattices are established on steel rods similarly to a metal barrel.
  • From thick plywood. The grates are assembled on racks into a one-piece structure and lowered into the smokehouse from above, along with the products.

There are two ways to supply smoke to a wooden barrel - through a chimney dug in the ground or with a smoke generator through a chimney. For the tightness of the connection point of the chimney pipe, it is coated with clay or a dough of flour and water.

Drawing of a smokehouse from a wooden barrel

Smoker with cartridge and blowtorch

To produce smoke, you can use a small metal container with a removable lid, preferably made of thick metal. Another name for this container is "cartridge". It is so called because of the cylindrical shape, like a gun case, and sawdust inside instead of gunpowder.

The cartridge is heated on a fire or with a blowtorch. For smoke to enter the barrel, it is connected to it at the bottom with a pipe with a 1/2-3/4″ thread. For better cooling, the pipe should be at least 1 meter long.

A barrel with a cartridge can be used as a hot smoked smokehouse. In this case, sawdust is poured to the bottom, and a fire is made under the barrel.

Hot smoked smoking apparatus from a metal barrel with a blowtorch and a cartridge

A smokehouse in the country is a very useful device. For hunters and fishermen, this device is generally priceless. What a pleasure to enjoy smoked meat, fish or game in nature. A smokehouse can be purchased at a store or built from an old barrel with your own hands. To do this, you will need to decide on the drawings and follow the step-by-step instructions with a photo.

Smokehouses of hot and cold smoking differ significantly from each other in structure.

Advice. Two smokehouses in one area is an unreasonable waste of territory. It is much easier to build one multifunctional barrel. If there is no connection between the firebox and the barrel, then it can be moved to different sources of smoke.

Necessary tools and materials

You will not need any expensive materials to create a homemade smokehouse. So, prepare everything you need:

  • a barrel (you can even use it) with a volume of 200 l;
  • fittings;
  • hard wire;

Barrel for making smokehouse
  • refractory metal that will be used for the bottom of the smokehouse (at least 0.4 cm thick);
  • metal corner for the legs of the future design;
  • loops;
  • part of a pipe or fitting;
  • Bulgarian;
  • bolts and nuts;

  • Sander;
  • gun and rivets;
  • handle for mounting on the lid;
  • welding machine.

Attention! Before you get started, prepare the drawings, check out the popular videos for making a smokehouse and follow all the steps in the step-by-step instructions with a photo.

We make a smokehouse with our own hands: step by step instructions (photo and video)

The drawing is one of the most important details of the beginning of any work or construction. To find necessary options can be easily done on the Internet. The drawings give a clear delineation of actions. Those who know how to use this information undoubtedly know how to properly organize work and build a sequence of actions.

You can make a smokehouse from a barrel in one day

There are several ways to make a smokehouse structure. It is important to note that not everyone suburban area there is a welding machine and the necessary knowledge to use it. Consider some of the most popular options for do-it-yourself smokehouse barrels.

Option number 1. Making a smokehouse without using a welding machine

The advantage of this method is that you do not need a welding machine. The initial stage of work is cleaning the surface of the barrel.

Advice. Use protective equipment to prevent dust particles from entering the eyes and respiratory tract.

  1. We make markings on the side of the barrel and cut off a part with the help of a grinder. This will be the hatch of the future smokehouse. How to cut a barrel is everyone's business. You can cut a small rectangular hatch or cut the barrel in half. It all depends on the option you choose and the drawing.

The article will talk about the types of smoking, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as how to make a smokehouse from an ordinary barrel or even two with your own hands, what tools you will need, operating recommendations and tips on choosing fuel.

Types of smoking

There are 2 types of smoking.

Hot smoking.

Hot smoking is a fast, safe method, since the smoke treatment temperature is on average 60 degrees.

Under such conditions, they smoke from several hours to two days. finished product turns out juicy, fragrant.

Cold smoking.

The process is very long, on average, small slices of the intended product, already salted, need to be processed from two to four days, depending on the desired result.

Large pieces of the product can generally be smoked for up to a week. The temperature of such smoking is on average 40 degrees.

The purpose of this method: gradual removal of moisture and saturation with smoked aroma and taste.

As a result, the product comes out dried and with a share of fat.

The advantages of this type of smoking are due to long-term storage original product.

For those who like to treat themselves to smoked products at home, a home-made smokehouse from a barrel is simply an indispensable thing in the household. In addition, making such a device will not be difficult.

Using an ordinary metal or wooden barrel, you can build a smokehouse for different types smoking.

A medium-sized smokehouse will come out of one barrel, which can accommodate food for the whole family. If desired, you can expand the fixture using two barrels.

How to make from one barrel

It is strictly forbidden to use this method of smoking indoors, it is better to install an oil lamp in the country in the open air.

After determining with the location, create a drawing taking into account the dimensions and scale.

What tools are needed:

  • metal or wooden barrel (it is more practical to take a metal barrel);
  • shovel;
  • bricks;
  • metal sheets;
  • rods for hanging products (depth);
  • cloth for covering the filter;
  • building silicone (for sealing the barrel).

The manufacturing process is reduced to the following steps:

Specialist's note: a prerequisite is the tightness of the barrel, so the beginning and end of the chimney are wrapped with a simple cloth or sealed with purchased silicone.

The cooking process begins with the burning of sawdust at the bottom of the hearth. Then lay out already prepared products (fish, meat, poultry).

From two barrels

You can build a large smokehouse from two barrels.

This design will help to significantly reduce the cooking time, and accommodates more products.

So, two barrels are connected, one is placed vertically, the second is placed horizontally on it. Between the barrels, as in the previous version, the installation of filters is mandatory.

For this, a dampened cloth or burlap is suitable. For this method, all recommendations apply as for a single barrel smoker.

The lower barrel will act as a chamber for the firebox, which is filled with sawdust and wood chips. The top barrel will serve as a food cabinet.

Advice from practice: a barrel of 200 liters is well suited for a smoker from one barrel, and when the filter is located inside, there will be the same effect as from two barrels.

So that your work on making a homemade smokehouse is not in vain, follow the rules in the future:

Sawdust and firewood

To obtain a product with excellent flavors, smoke from high-quality raw materials is needed.

The most suitable are hardwoods.

These include:

  • oak;
  • alder;
  • apple.

As mentioned above, it is important that the sawdust smolder, but do not catch fire. It is preferable to take dry wood, but in rare cases it can be used wet (for hot smoking). Chips are added gradually, in small portions, evenly distributing.

As you can see, you can make a smoking barrel with your own hands. A home-made smokehouse is no worse than a purchased one; it is not difficult to make it if you have a barrel and improvised means.

Watch the video in which the user shares his experience in making a smokehouse from a barrel with his own hands and the features of its operation: