Children's (in houses) - Interior design of children's - in houses. Design options for a children's room in a country house

Every loving parent tries to make the life of their little children as comfortable, safe and happy as possible. It is no coincidence that the children's room in the house is often furnished and renovated better than any other. It is worth noting that this is often very, very difficult to do. Therefore, if you do not want to use the services of professional designers, you should approach this matter as seriously and responsibly as possible. Where should one start in such a situation?

Children's room from the designer

One of the most difficult choices when arranging a children's room is choosing this very room. Some experts recommend allocating a not too large room on the ground floor for a children's room. This is motivated by the fact that Small child, who is not very good at standing, will not be injured if his parents are distracted for a moment, and he, in search of adventure, crawls to explore the house and falls down the stairs. However, this can cause unnecessary trouble for parents.

Indeed, in most cases, the bedrooms are located on the second floor. And running from floor to floor in the middle of the night due to the fact that the child cried in a dream is not a very comfortable experience. Therefore, it will be more practical to place the child's room in close proximity to the parents' bedroom.

An example of a parent's bedroom combined with a nursery

Injuries associated with falling down the stairs can be avoided quite easily - just put a special barrier at the exit from the children's room or on the way to. To do this, you can use a special barrier sold in children's stores, as well as an ordinary heavy box or other object that reliably blocks the child's path and ensures his safety.

It is desirable that parents have quick access from their bedroom to the children's room, that is, the doors should be located in close proximity. However, it is not at all necessary that the rooms are adjacent. Between them there may be a bathroom, storage room or another room. On the one hand, this will allow you to quickly get into desired room, and on the other hand, it will provide maximum freedom to parents, without interfering with their usual way of life.

Sample plan of an apartment with a children's room

Everyone knows how important sunlight is for the proper and healthy development of a child.

Therefore, it is best to allocate a room for the child, the windows of which overlook the sunny side of the house.

Good illumination of the room is a guarantee of the absence of a number of diseases and maintaining a healthy microclimate in the children's room.

Design for a children's room

One more difficult task, standing in front of parents, is the correctly designed design of the children's room in the house. Of course, it is best to entrust the work to specialists. They will definitely be able to develop a suitable project quickly and efficiently. But if you don’t want or can’t afford to spend a decent amount on paying for the services of professionals, it’s worth at least studying the theory of children’s room design. So, what will be useful to remember?

  1. Color spectrum. Most adults think that White color, prevailing in the design of the premises, is the most suitable: it is attractive, allows you to make the room as bright as possible and at the same time does not tire your eyes at all.
    But here it is worth considering the difference between children's and adult perceptions of the world. Often what an adult seems calm and moderate, a child is perceived as frankly boring and dull. Therefore virgin white walls are not the best choice for the children's room. It is better to give preference to moderate, pastel colors - for a girl it will be an excellent choice. pink color, and for a boy - blue or green. Of course, you should not even think about the possibility of using bright, catchy colors: they tire a person. But soft, pastel colors will really good choice in such situation.
  2. The presence of additional interior details. Don't leave the walls clean. As mentioned above, they are perceived by children as extremely boring and dull objects. They simply tire the child, whose mind strives to learn more and more new objects, exploring wonderful world around. Therefore, the more small interior objects in the room, the better. But here we should not forget that various decorations can be broken as a result of children's games. So a good choice can be called various stickers on furniture and walls. Stick to one style and you can transform a nursery into real masterpiece and the perfect playground.
  3. Wall murals can be a great choice. In this case, you do not have to puzzle over what color to paint the walls of the children's room. Of course, you should choose the photo wallpaper as carefully as possible. They should be bright and attract children's attention. That is, the classic landscapes of forests, flowering gardens and mountains cannot be called a good option. It is better to choose a wallpaper with your favorite children's cartoon characters. A good option can be called wallpaper, on which there are a large number of small details: the child studies them, getting used to concentrating and mastering the world. Of course, too bright and colorful wallpapers should be avoided.

    An example of wallpaper for a nursery

  4. It is best to avoid complex design elements. Of course, thanks to the multilevel suspended ceilings from drywall, niches with built-in lighting and other decorative techniques, a children's room in wooden house will look very elegant and sophisticated. However, the child simply does not appreciate all this. As a result, you will spend many tens of thousands of rubles on useless parts. Therefore, it would be better to save them for decorating the living room or bedroom.
  5. Arrangement of the room in accordance with the wishes of the child. Many parents, trying to please the child, take into account all his wishes when carrying out repairs. For example, they decorate a children's room in a pirate style, space or some other. And later seriously regret it. Still, the thematic arrangement of the room takes a lot of time and effort. But the interests of children change quite rapidly. In less than six months, the theme of pirates will get tired of the child. He will switch to dinosaurs, football or pop music.
    And, feeling the weakness on the part of the parents, he will immediately demand to completely redesign the room in the style he needs. As a result, you will either have to spend a lot of money on repairs that you did not plan, or go into conflict with the child. So it is better to decorate the room with small interior details that the child likes, but at the same time keep the style of the room rather neutral.

Of course, in reality there are many more such rules. And to talk about them all, I would have to write a whole book on the design of children's rooms. But if you remember these simple rules, they will allow you to create a dream room for your child.

Children's room furniture

Of course, if you need a cozy and comfortable children's room in panel house, then do not forget about the furniture. And her choice should be approached very, very seriously. Often, parents (first of all, in order to amuse their pride and demonstrate solvency in front of their friends) buy the most expensive furniture. Italian bed, French table, Dutch wardrobe and more.

But children are simply not able to appreciate this, because they are not used to the stereotypes of the adult world. And they will appreciate an Italian bed for a thousand euros no more than one made in the nearest workshop, worth ten thousand rubles. Therefore, scandals often brew between children and parents. During them you can hear: do not jump on the bed! Don't scratch the table! Don't stain the wallpaper!

It is quite understandable that the parents want to keep the room, the repair of which cost more than one thousand dollars, in its original form. But it is worth understanding children who want to develop, and for this they need to create (and sometimes destroy), explore, remake. Without this, the child simply will not be able to turn into an accomplished adult.

So if buying expensive furniture is a significant blow to your budget, it is better to give preference to the cheapest pieces of furniture and finishing materials.

Children will also run around the room, draw with felt-tip pens on wallpaper, break cabinet doors and much more. But it will cost you ten times less.

Another mistake parents make is trying to force the entire nursery with furniture. But how? After all, a child needs a spacious bed, two or three wardrobes for things, a bookcase, computer desk, a desk, a few chairs and a small sofa where you can lie down during the day.

An example of a small sofa in a children's room

As a result, the entire children's room in country house with its spacious rooms, it turns out to be simply littered with furniture, and only a piece of free space of one square meter remains in the middle of the room.

But kids need space! They want to run, jump, crawl, fidget and not sit in one place. How can a child develop normally in a warehouse that his parents turned into a nursery? So, try to use a reasonable layout of the nursery and get by with a minimum of furniture: a small bed, one table (preferably without a computer), a couple of chairs and one closet that can easily fit both toys and clothes. But the room itself will be surprisingly spacious and perfect for a child's games.

Making a room for a child of any age is a responsible task, in which it is necessary to strike a balance between practical needs, financial capabilities and the tastes of a small resident. It is here that the child takes the first steps, begins to explore the world, learns, and also interacts with other people. How to choose safe materials, functionally organize the space or decide on the color scheme for the design of the children's room? The answers to these and other questions are in our material!

Interior styles

The first thing design planning begins with is choosing a style. The visual content of the room, decor, materials, furniture, colors, and as a result, the atmosphere in the nursery depend on this.

Children's room in a modern style

Children's room interior modern style can be issued for a child of any age, because it is he who the best way adapts to the needs of the young owner or hostess. Instead of decorating a girl's bedroom with ruffles and flowers, and picking up colorful cartoon decor for boys, think first of all about the comfort of the child.

The modern nursery looks concise and harmonious. When using bright details, they need to be balanced with a neutral background. The emphasis is on shapes, lines, surface textures, pleasant color combinations. Do not worry that such a design will seem boring: in early age numerous toys will “revive” him, and in a more mature child he himself will want a “more impressive” room and will be able to have a hand in its transformation.

Children's room in a classic style

Classics instills in children a sense of beauty, because from the very first years of life they interact with high-quality materials, exquisite wooden furniture and sophisticated decor. This style is the embodiment of girlish fantasies about princesses, and the spirit of aristocracy instills in boys.

Children grow up, their tastes develop with them, but classic design does not always keep pace with these changes and is difficult to re-register. This option cannot be called universal, therefore it is recommended that instead of strictly following the canons of style, turn to its modern, concise interpretation.

Children's room in Provence style

Provence style nursery design - perfect solution for country house, but also in urban conditions, it takes root well, contrasting with the urban character of the area. Although such a room is more suitable for girls, but with the help of colors or patterns, it can also be given a more masculine mood.

Provence is characterized by a pastel palette of shades, as if burnt out under the rays of the scorching sun, the use of wood, natural textiles, the presence of antique furniture with the effect of antiquity, as well as a lot of light and space, which will positively affect the development of the child.

Pop art children's room

This style can become the epitome of pop culture, which sooner or later your child will become addicted to. With its help, it will be possible to “settle” in the room characters of comics, cartoons or games, objects of unusual shape, as well as bright colors.

But the interior of a nursery in the style of pop art, unlike images, does not create the feeling of a collage - every detail must be balanced and fit into the space. Prints play a key role - on walls, furniture, sometimes on textiles. Such a room will delight any child, and in the future will help develop creativity.

Children's room in the style of minimalism

This may surprise someone, but even children's rooms are decorated in a minimalist style, without worrying that the interior will turn out to be overly serious or boring. On the contrary, thanks to it, interactive, multifunctional, spacious rooms appear that fully meet the needs of the inhabitants.

Since the number of objects and means of expression is reduced to a minimum, you can pay attention to the quality, environmental friendliness, durability of the elements without wasting on unnecessary trinkets. Children's room in the style of minimalism is thought out to the smallest detail, each of which is in its place. The coloring is restrained, the use of several bright accents is allowed.

Color spectrum

Colors in the nursery play not the last and not only aesthetic role. Children in the process of growth are very susceptible to surrounding shades, which have a certain effect on the psyche. Consider the best options!

White children's room

This color goes well with other shades, acting as a universal background for any design decisions. The interior, which is dominated by white, looks spacious, clean, bright, and has a calming effect on the child. But any traces of dirt are more visible on it, so it is recommended to choose coatings that can be maintained or cleaned.

Beige children's room

This option allows you to create a cozy, warm atmosphere in the nursery, even if it is rarely illuminated by the sun's rays. The effect will enhance the monochrome design, and the combination with the natural palette will diversify the interior. Fits perfectly in any style and is suitable for a child of any gender.

Green children's room

If you follow design trends, then you probably know about the shade Greenery, or “juicy green”, which is the main color of 2017 according to Pantone. But this is not just a tribute to fashion, but a rich, natural option for the interior of a children's room, which activates mental activity and inspires new feats. However, a colder palette will look relevant, especially in a boyish bedroom.

Blue children's room

Only by imagining the endless sky or the even swaying of the sea, one can understand why blue has a calming effect on the psyche. This color was once considered exclusively boyish, but the 21st century offers to do away with outdated stereotypes and expand your child's perception.

purple children's room

Violet color is suitable for non-standard personalities with bright hobbies and outlook on the world. To tone down the saturation a little, it is recommended to combine it with white, as the excessive use of color will "press" on the inhabitants of the room. Looks harmonious in modern interiors.

Materials and finishes

The modern construction market offers many colorful, practical materials for favorable price, the use of which is quite acceptable in other parts of the house, but not in the nursery. Try to buy eco-friendly and safe products for your child.


Children under 6 years old spend most of their time on the floor, which makes choosing a floor covering a real problem. Its surface should be smooth, elastic, but not slippery. Parquet will perfectly cope with these requirements. The only negative is the presence of gaps into which food residues or less aesthetic liquids can get.

Modern material marmoleum also "passes" on all counts, allowing you to embody unusual design solutions. Another salvation for the floor will be the carpet - always hypoallergenic, soft and cleanable.


When choosing a wall covering, it is necessary to take into account the fact that with the development of the child, his tastes also change, so bright wallpaper with cars, which once delighted, may become irrelevant in a year. There are two options: versatile, durable, but expensive material or less durable, cheap, which will allow you to change the design of the children's room every few years.

Wallpapers remain the ideal solution - they are environmentally friendly, beautiful, and also presented in a wide range: from affordable paper to high-quality eco-wallpapers.


The choice of ceiling covering depends on its height and condition. If meters allow, you can hide surface imperfections behind suspended structures: tension or plasterboard. This option is suitable for a minimalistic white nursery design, and can also become a real starry sky that gently illuminates the room.

Children's room furniture

In the first years of life, a small crib from a common set of furniture is enough for a baby, but over the years, his abilities and needs will develop until they grow up to a standard adult room. It is important to be sensitive to any changes, providing the child with everything necessary.

From the age of three, you can buy a small table and chair as a workspace for drawing or reading. By learning to walk, the child will begin to explore the surrounding objects, so make sure that they do not have sharp corners, as well as unsafe coverings.

In order to gradually accustom a child to independence, he must have access to the necessary things, and those that are not intended for him should be on the top shelves.

After the beginning of school life, he needs to acquire a more serious workplace: with a large surface, an ergonomic chair, shelves and drawers for storing items, the order of which he begins to manage on his own. In the children's room, elements related to hobbies may appear: a piano, an easel, a home sports corner.

A profitable purchase that saves space and provides thoughtful zoning are furniture sets. Usually they consist of a desktop on the first level, a bed on the second, but sometimes they may include additional details, depending on the age of the owner of the nursery.

Often several children live in the same room, which complicates the moment of organizing the space. bunk beds with bright design help to cope with the problem, but if the area allows, it is recommended to arrange separate zones for each child, separating them with a curtain or other half-open partition.

Decor and lighting

Often the decoration of a child's room is a child's toys that can "revive" any interior. But this does not mean that you can not worry about the decor. There are many items with which the room will only benefit!

Pay attention to the textiles of curtains, bedspreads and pillows. You can adjust not only their palette, especially in a minimalist style, but also use interesting prints.

Decorate the walls with posters, photographs, educational pictures that will expand the horizons of the baby. In the boy's room, a geographical map or images of other countries of the world will actually look.

You can decorate the interior of the nursery with the help of familiar little things, like a pencil cup in the shape of an animal or a funny alarm clock. On the other hand, try to avoid banal, too "childish" decisions by buying items that develop aesthetic tastes.

Lighting should be layered to open up every area of ​​the room during active times and provide soft, soothing light before bed. In addition to the central chandelier, use table lamps or sconces. Owners stretch ceilings can install Spotlights. The nursery with a multi-colored garland looks wonderful.

Small children's room: interior design

At an early age, a room with a limited area will be quite enough, but for an older child, you will have to try to design the interior as functionally as possible. A few tips will help with this:

1. Choose simple styles that look harmonious in any space: modern or minimalist. Provence and classics in themselves require large areas, they can only be entered here in a simplified form.

2. To leave enough room to move around, opt for complex furniture that uses the height of the walls. For savings square meters you will have to resort to non-standard solutions, such as a working area on the windowsill or transforming furniture.

3. The design of a small children's room should be dominated by light colors, and decorative elements should be kept to a minimum. The priority is smooth walls and ceilings.

4. For a nursery with high ceilings, you can build a podium with additional storage spaces, which will zoning the space.

Thus, just a few successful solutions can turn a “small” room into a “cozy” one.

Children's room design - photo

Decorating the interior design of a nursery is a complex but fascinating process that requires a rich imagination, as well as many sources of inspiration that we have collected in our selection of photos. Enjoy watching!

Create a cozy and interesting room for your baby is one of the main tasks for parents. After all, this is the place where he spends most of his free time. For this reason, parents approach the issue of arranging the premises with great trepidation and special attention, so that their child is comfortable, cozy, and most importantly, it is pleasant to be there. To choose the right design project for decorating a children's room, loving parents resort to a little trick - viewing photos with children's interiors on the Internet. And, as practice often shows, not in vain. It is photographs that help adults decide what exactly they need and how they would like to see their baby's room.

The combination of colors and the influence of colors on the condition of the child

As the saying goes, “There are no comrades for taste and color,” nevertheless, decorating a nursery is exactly the process that, when choosing a design project, requires adhering to the basic rules and basic principles when creating an interior.

When choosing a color palette, you need to rely on the age and wishes of your baby, as well as take into account his special character. Speaking of characters. Everyone knows the four main types of human character:

  1. Melancholic;
  2. Phlegmatic person;
  3. Choleric;
  4. Sanguine.

Each of them has various colors and shades. For the first, blue is acceptable, the second cannot imagine life without shades of green, the third adore red, and the last like yellow.

Given the above, it is very important for parents to choose the right wallpaper, design and range of furniture upholstery so that they all harmoniously fit into the overall interior and do not put pressure on the child's psyche.

There is still such an opinion, even experienced psychologists adhere to it, that the wallpaper or wall color should be chosen in those colors that suit your child according to the season.

  • Those born in winter like cool colors, such as blue;
  • For those born in autumn, more suitable warm shades red;
  • Those who were born in the summer will be delighted with the green and pale blue;
  • Well, those born in the spring will not remain indifferent to the shades of yellow.

Of course, you should not place a special emphasis on these assumptions, they only serve as a small hint for parents and can slightly emphasize the individuality of the interior style. After all, no one knows his child the way his own parents know him, so the last word will naturally be theirs.

Colorists strongly do not recommend painting the walls in the room in too dark colors, this can negatively affect the psyche of the growing baby. Also, they do not advise buying wallpaper with caustic, acidic shades. Soon they will simply begin to annoy him, especially if it is a teenage child.

If the baby is still a baby, then try to choose lighter and calmer colors, such as white, pink, turquoise, light green, pale blue, etc. And if the character of the child begins to change with growing up, then it is not necessary to change the wallpaper or the color of the walls. To freshen up the look of the room, you can simply hang curtains in the shade you want or something like that.

Children's room plans

To create a comfortable children's room, you should first of all find out about the preferences of your child. What he is most interested in, what he dreams about. It should be a room in style, bright and, if possible, divided into three zones: bedroom, play, study (creative).

To emphasize the special style of the room, use various decorations. They can be self-adhesive children's pictures that you can decorate walls with, bright butterflies, flowers, stars, soft toys, posters with your favorite cartoon characters and other hand-made crafts. The main thing is that your baby likes all this and he is with great pleasure being in his favorite room.

Do not clutter up the room. The nursery should be comfortable, free and practical. So that the child can rest there from the accumulated fatigue. It is also advisable for parents to refrain from buying expensive wallpapers. Small children will surely paint them, and teenagers will paste various posters of their idols on them.

The sleeping area should be calm. Above the bed, you can hang a night light depicting your child's favorite fairy-tale character. Nearby you should put a table and a chair, lay a small rug on the floor, so that when you wake up, the baby does not get up on the cold floor.

Little tricks for the little ones

Children love it when there are toys, balls and so on on the floor of the room. They are comfortable playing on the floor. Put a constructor there, plant large soft toys and dolls, leave room for cars and some other little things.

There shouldn't be too many toys. The fewer of them, the more interesting the game. You just need to periodically remove one and give another. It is better not to occupy a place near the window immediately with anything. Until the child goes to school, it is not functional. It is easier, and psychologically more correct, to leave free territory.

Experiment with the interior, do not be afraid to make a mistake, because the child does not really care where his favorite toys will be stored and where his photo shelf will hang. And such an experiment will only benefit you. You can apply the accumulated experience in the next repair, which, believe me, is just around the corner.

Children's rooms for girls

Making a nursery for a girl is associated with paying special attention to knitwear. After all, it is textiles, their cut and tailoring, that determine the main features of the style of the room, indicate the special character of the little princess and emphasize her taste. At the same time, children's furniture, if possible, should be simple and practical, and if your child is still very small, then you can completely forget about unnecessary items in the interior.

To create a special atmosphere of celebration and freshness, along with beautiful fabrics, various ruffles and lace will help. Also, experienced designers are advised to take a closer look at the new trend in interior design - velveteen, plush and drape. They will help create a truly luxurious and royal interior.

The current direction of the design of the room for a little lady is characterized by placement (preferably wooden) on a darker background. White color is unique by nature, it goes well with any shades, from light beige to chocolate wenge.

Children's room for a boy

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the age of the baby. Parents should build on this when creating the perfect room design for a boy.

For juvenile angels, you need to divide the room in such a way that there is more free space for their pranks. Visually, a screen will help to the sleeping and play area. It should not pass through the whole room, a small space is enough and the child will understand that everything is different behind the screen.

A folding chair and a table that can be folded after the game will be convenient there. Above it, on a shelf, we put a stand with pencils, put paper, brushes and paints. The height of the shelf should be comfortable for the child. Otherwise, he will lose interest in her.

If your boys have grown up to school age, then you need to take care of allocating an educational place for them, where they can not only do their homework, but also engage in various creative activities.

In addition, it is important to remember that the periodic change of mental activity to physical activity will help your child grow up not only smart, but also healthy. Therefore, free space for physical activities, the room must also be present. Installing a folding horizontal bar or bars will be a sufficient measure to perform the basic methods of physical education.

Classic black and white combination. We can say with confidence that this tandem has been tested for years, so you can be absolutely sure that you will never get bored with such an interior.

The color scheme for the walls is best chosen from neutral shades. It will be nice to look white in combination with gray, blue, blue or purple. In addition, these colors are indispensable when creating an interior in a marine theme, which the boys love so much.

The main thing is not to worry that the room will turn out to be too cool, it will help to dilute the interior. cushioned furniture and various decorations.

Sound sleep on a comfortable bed is a guarantee good health and good health in the morning

The thematic interior of a child's room for a teenager will constantly change. Favorite characters from cartoons will gradually be replaced by invincible heroes from comics and movies. Therefore, parents should be prepared for the fact that before adulthood, the interior will have to be updated more than once.

Any parent strives to provide their offspring with a safe and comfortable life. And it's no secret that for the children's room in many families stands out best room- the lightest and most spacious. Parents consider it their duty to repair and furnish this room even better than others. But the competent organization of a useful, safe and functional space in a children's room is a rather complicated undertaking. And those who do not want to turn to the services of professionals, but want to do it with their own hands, should approach the issue with all seriousness. Our ideas and color solutions in the design of children's rooms and subsequent repairs will help you! Where to start?

A bed from France, a table from Italy, a wardrobe from Hungary, and other delights. The child is not able to evaluate the amount spent, and due to age characteristics, he still does not know how to take care of things.

Prestigious furniture in the nursery can cause frequent generational conflicts. The child wants to frolic and play, and he hears constant remarks from his parents: do not jump on the bed! Don't draw on the walls! Don't scratch the table!

Often when a child plays, it happens like this

The worries and feelings of adults are quite understandable, but try to understand the baby too. He is not interested in knowing how much money mom and dad had to spend on his room, he is interested in actively developing, and for this he must explore, create and redo.

Well, sometimes destroy. But this is a necessary stage in the natural and harmonious development of man.

Therefore, you should not climb out of your skin, trying to furnish the nursery with exclusive furniture.

It would be much better to give preference budget options finishing materials and furniture. Children will also be able to run around the room, hide in closets and jump on the bed: but it will cost their parents much less.

Another parental mistake is the abundance of furniture in the child's room. Why does a baby need a huge bed, a few for clothes, an extra sleeping sofa? And there are many more toys...

Lighting in a small children's room with wardrobes and beds

As a result, the spacious premises of a country house are practically cluttered with furniture that the child does not need, while the size of the living space is drastically reduced.

For games, the baby is left with a tiny piece of space in the center of the room. But children simply need free space. They need to jump, run, crawl, play, but not sit in one place.

Is it possible to fully develop in the pantry, into which, against his will, his parents turned the nursery?

Therefore, it is advisable to approach the planning of the nursery room more reasonably, and be guided by common sense and expediency. Here it is desirable to have only necessary minimum, without which it is impossible to do.

Children's room in a country house: a game device

Needs special attention flooring in the game room. It will be rational to use practical inexpensive linoleum as this. Perhaps the carpet looks much richer, and the laminate is more fashionable and elegant ... But paints, gouache, and even spilled ordinary water can cause irreparable damage to them.

It is not afraid of water and pollution, it is easy to wash and clean, and it will not be difficult to replace it. Yes, the creation of a full-fledged and useful in every sense of the children's room is a rather difficult process, requiring time and effort. But is health good health and the mood of your child is not worth it?

Development of interior design projects

Design project

6500 rub./m 2

Design project

7500 rub./m 2

Design project
"5 stars"


Design project "Gift"

Order a complete set in the studio of Anzhelika Prudnikova, and we will refund you 50% of the cost of the design project of the completed premises! Thus, a design project from the "Prestigious" package will cost you 2 times cheaper. As a result of the work, you will receive a completed project in the form of a complete color album with all the necessary drawings and photographs of computer visualization of the premises. Lead time 7-8 weeks. The composition of the design project:

Design project "Comfortable"

The main advantages of the "Comfortable" design project. You receive a completed project in the form of a full color album with all the necessary drawings and photographs of computer visualization of the premises. Lead time 7-8 weeks. Comfortable design project consists of:

  • 1. Scheme of the dimensions of the premises included in the object.
  • 2. Proposal of a sketch of the scheme-plan for planning and / or redevelopment of the object (1 option).
  • 3. Sketch of the scheme-plan of construction installation (dismantling) if agreed and provided in writing).
  • 4. Sketch of the ceiling design scheme.
  • 5. Sketch of the lighting layout plan.
  • 6. Sketch of the circuit-plan for the placement of switches.
  • 7. Sketch layout plan electrical sockets and electrical outlets.
  • 8. Sketch of the floor plan, layout of materials for the floor.
  • 9. Sketch of the plan for naming the walls.
  • 10. Sketch of the scheme-plan of fixtures.
  • 11. Sketch of the wall layout plan (if agreed and provided in writing).
  • 12. Sketch of the scheme-plan for laying tiles on the walls (if laying tiles is provided).
  • 13. 3-D visualization of the interior design in a given program, developed on the basis of the results of stage 1, is issued in a printed form.

Design project "Prestigious"

The main advantages of the "Prestigious" design project. You receive a completed project in the form of a full color album with all the necessary drawings and photographs of computer visualization of the premises. Lead time 7-8 weeks. The prestigious design project consists of:

  • Scheme of the dimensions of the premises included in the object;
  • Proposal of a sketch of the layout plan and / or redevelopment of the object (if agreed and provided in writing);
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan of construction installation (dismantling) if agreed and provided in writing);
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan of the design of the ceiling;
  • Sketch of the lighting layout plan;
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan for the placement of switches;
  • Sketch of the layout plan for the placement of electrical outlets and electrical outlets;
  • Sketch of the floor plan, layout of materials for the floor;
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan of sanitary and kitchen equipment;
  • Sketch layout plan doorways;
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan for naming walls;
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan for the placement of floor heating with the binding of the regulator (if necessary);
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan of fixtures;
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan of electrical equipment;
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan of furniture and its dimensions;
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan decorative materials;
  • Sketch of the wall layout plan (if agreed and provided in writing);
  • Sketch of the kitchen equipment layout plan (if necessary);
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan for laying tiles on the walls (if laying tiles is provided);
  • Specifications of recommended materials according to the sketch of the design project;
  • 3-D visualization of interior design in a given program

Design project "5 stars"

The main advantages of the design project "5 stars". You receive a completed project in the form of a full color album with all the necessary drawings and photographs of computer visualization of the premises. Lead time 7-8 weeks. 5 stars design project consists of:

  • Scheme of the dimensions of the premises included in the object;
  • Proposal of a sketch of the layout plan and / or redevelopment of the object (if agreed and provided in writing);
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan of construction installation (dismantling) if agreed and provided in writing);
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan of the design of the ceiling;
  • Sketch of the lighting layout plan;
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan for the placement of switches;
  • Sketch of the layout plan for the placement of electrical outlets and electrical outlets;
  • Sketch of the floor plan, layout of materials for the floor;
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan of sanitary and kitchen equipment;
  • Sketch of the layout plan for the placement of doorways;
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan for naming walls;
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan for the placement of floor heating with the binding of the regulator (if necessary);
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan of fixtures;
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan of electrical equipment;
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan of furniture and its dimensions;
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan of decorative materials;
  • Sketch of the wall layout plan (if agreed and provided in writing);
  • Sketch of the kitchen equipment layout plan (if necessary);
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan for laying tiles on the walls (if laying tiles is provided);
  • Specifications of recommended materials according to the sketch of the design project;
  • 3D visualization of the interior design in a given program, 3D panorama of the front area